PAT Agency Agreement - TrespassingAGENCYAGREEMENT
Authorization to Remove Trespassers/Unauthorized Vehicles
I, the undersigned, hereby inform the Port Orchard Police Department that the premise
known as
Located at
, Port Orchard,
Washington, is for the exclusive use of my employees/customers/residents.
I hereby grant the Port Orchard Police Department authority to enter upon my property for the
purpose of advising and, if necessary, removing any and all trespassing persons and their vehicles
from the above referenced property. I further authorize the Port Orchard Police Department to
request impoundment of any unauthorized parked or abandoned vehicles on the above referenced
property. I agree to cooperate with the Port Orchard Police Department and the City of Port Orchard
in the prosecution of any violations occurring on the above referenced property stemming from
trespassing orvehicle impoundment. I understand thatthis agreement does not place any duty upon
the Port Orchard Police Department to enter the above referenced property or to remove any
trespassers or vehicles.
Pursuant to this agreement, I agree to indemnify the Port Orchard Police Department, along with any
individuals acting in their capacity as employees of the Port Orchard Police Department, for any loss
or liability resulting from the permissions granted above. This indemnity shall apply regardless of any
negligent or contributory conduct by the Port Orchard Police Department
I also agree to allow the Port Orchard Police Department to make any and all amendments to this
agreement it so chooses. Any changes the Port Orchard Police Department makes will become
effective immediately upon my receipt of notification about the changes. I understand that if I do not
want to be subject to any changes made to this agreement, I may revoke the agreement at any time.
This license and authorization shall stay in effect until I revoke it. In the event of revocation, I or my
representatives will deliver notice to the Port Orchard Police Department.
Printed Name of Premise Owner or Agent Date and Time
Mailing Address
City, State, Zip Code
Officer Securing Authority/Unit #
Telephone Number