04/12/2024 - Retreat - Agenda1284 ORCHARD City of Port Orchard: City Council Retreat Agenda April 12, 2024 1 9:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. Port Orchard City Hall, 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/.*/89402470463 Webinar ID: 894 0247 0463 Telephone: 253.215.8 782 Purpose: The 2024 City Council retreat will focus on prioritizing items for the 2025-2026 City of Port Orchard budget. . . . i 9:00 a.m. Welcome (Sophie Glass — Triangle Associates Facilitator) (10 min) • Overview of retreat agenda and purpose 9:10 a.m. Status of Existing Projects (Mayor Putaansuu) (60 min) • Overview of the status of existing projects • Questions, answers, and discussion 10:10 a.m. Timing of Budget Priorities (Sophie Glass) (90 min) • Collectively organize budget priorities into (1) Now; (2) 2025-2026 budget; and (3) Future initiatives 11:40 a.m. Lunch (60 min) 1:40 p.m. 2025-2026 Budget Ranking (Sophie Glass) (30 min) • Councilmembers to individually rank top priorities for 2025-2026 budget 2:10 p.m. Short Break (10 min) Facilitator to tabulate budget ranking 2:20 p.m. Review 2025-2026 Top Priorities (Sophie Glass) (30 min) • Review results of ranking exercise • Discussion 2:50 p.m. Wrap Up (MayorPutaansuu) (10 min) • Commitment to goals moving forward • Wrap up 3:00 p.m. Adjourn ORCHARD Attachment A: Policy Directives and Budget Proposals Below are policy directives and budget -related proposals for discussion during the annual Port Orchard retreat. • Election requirements • Public comment at City Council meetings • Staffing shortages global— mid level management positions • Police staffing analysis of needs— Puyallup Report • Body worn cameras — 5-year contract $66K per year, $330K over 5-years. Start the process now to implement in 2023. • 60% Design for Bay Street — Fredrick to Geiger (Schedule 74, Sewer, Water & Storm) $1 M (25% enterprise funds) • Orchard Public Plaza $2M (50% RCO Grant) Park Impact Fees for local match 2025-2026 Budget Process • Street paving and maintenance • Utility taxes discussion • The Transfer of Veterans Parkto the City —Amend Parks Plan? • Transportation Benefit District sales tax for Bethel and/or the creation of a Parks District (1 /10" sales $1.6M per year $32M over 20 years) • Annexation via ILA • Costs related to special events • Communications • Homeless discussion • Homeless encampments clean up funding $100K in abatement funds available in current budget (Daily operations & cleanup efforts) —Additional staff member in 2023 • Growth • In person and Zoom meetings 2