05/21/2024 - Work Study - Additional Docs-Training HandoutHANDOUT Mastering Motions with Robert's Rules Live Zoom Workshop April 25, 2024 Presented by Ann G. Macfarlane Professional Registered Parliamentarian © Jurassic Parliament 2024. All rights reserved. Aynber River Rocky Shores Cape Dino Bonny Dino Dino Shores • Dinodinction • Carbonopolis • Coppertown • Pad • Dinomine Dragonfly Dinodome 6"W9 Science City Dinoview Mining Gulch Mammoth Springs B Reptile p� p Coal Town CrocodileRiuer Crocodile Cree Dino Hot Springs Crocodile r� o� Springs b PW Dynali WE Dinovantage ME • Dinoville Dino Heights WE FernviIle• Reedy Dynikan Fern Grove • Fern River Delta Fort Fossil Museumtown Bonetown Fossil Lake Dinodee Key Dino DinohornBogs 000 • s - Shady Dino Lower Fossi I Dino Upper Fossil Dinobaldi Orchards Dino Little Dino Old Dinoburg Plains Big Dino North New Dinoburr • Reptile •Dino Gorge ��Reptile River r South Reptile Dinopolis • Dino Valley Twin Dinos POcky Mourm, P Dinovallis • Muddy Waters M udford 01 Q y t �Pf Marshy._ Rocky Mountain Dino Creek • Turtletown Utsadino ?Urassic Parliament Jurassic Parliament M 111i.g.1din using Ro d, Rules Mastering Motions with Robert's Rules Ann G. Macfarlane, Professional Registered Parliamentarian Jurassic Parliament Live Zoom Workshop April 25, 2024 1 Jurassic Parliament Mast ring meelg sing RobertsRuies I. Introduction Why are we here? To equip you to make and process motions correctly in order to achieve your goals. 3 Jurassic Parliament Ms 1ingmeetingsusing Robert's Rules Disclaimer The material contained in this presentation is based upon the principles and practices of parliamentary procedure. I am not an attorney and nothing in this presentation constitutes legal advice. 5 2 4 1 J u"rassic Parliament Masirgme .gs i.g R.be Rdl, Our Topics I. Introduction II. Processing a Main Motion III. Subsidiary motions IV. Precedence of motions V. Bring -back motions, Table and Postpone VI. Point of Order, Appeal, Censure VII. Using motions VIII. Conclusion J u"rassic ParliamentMae ,log meetings ueiog RnLerteRulee After taking this workshop you will be able to: 1. Make Main Motions and Amendments. 2. Consult "Precedence of Motions chart" to know when to make other motions. 3. Use bring -back motions, Table and Postpone, Point of Order, and Censure. jurrassic Parliament Mxst ringm ings using RnLertY Rules Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 121" edition Abbreviated RONR "Rules of Order Newly Revised" We recommend spiral -bound editions from National Association of Parliamentarians. Also available on Amazon in Kindle. ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER 12TH EDITION HenN N. Robert ]II, panlcl H- Hoeemann. Tbema. l Balch. nanl[I t-Srabola.... shm kC"W 7 -I �rassic Parliament Ma „gmee g, , geoeen,e r, There are other parliamentary authorities • The American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code ("Sturgis" or "Standard Code") • Mason's Manual (used in 47 state legislatures) • Reed's Rules (used in Washington State) • Rosenberg's Rules (in California) • Tortorice: Modern Rules of Order I Jurassic Parliament Ma „gmee g, , geoeen,e r, Your rules have higher authority • You may create your own rules, and they have higher authority than Robert's Rules of Order. • Many local government bodies create "Council Rules of Procedure" that incorporate both standard motions, and rules specific to the body. 11 M 10 12 ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER SE W1,V RYVfS V0 — /A/ BR/FF 0 llcnry'I Nobrei III. ➢anlnl H. J. mkh. nanb:l & 5rabeld.... SA mecl V.,b r U.S. Constitution Federal law 1 State law 1 Charter, articles of incorporation, or code Bylawsorclouncil rules i Speci a I ru les of order 1 Robert's Rules of Ord e r J u"rass i c Parliament Ma. , gmrr, g, , geohrrt,a r, II. Processing a main motion 8 2 f,assic ParliamentM.. ring mee logs osing Fubertsku es Quorum • The "quorum" is the minimum number of voting members who must be present for business to be done. • For local governments, usually it is a majority (more than half) of the fixed positions in the body. • Under Robert, it is a majority of the persons in office. • "Quorum" is different from "votes cast." • If you lose your quorum, you can't do business. 13 -I rrassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing kobertskuies Mayor Everyone will look great in that uniform. Nobody objects? Okay, let's do it! 15 Jurassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing kobertskuies ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT As you know, stress and anxiety seem to be widespread among our employees. They are all worried about the possibility of an asteroid hitting the earth and wiping us dinosaurs out. We want Council's guidance as to how to improve the situation for our employees. 17 14 16 18 J u"rass i c *Pa rliament gm Ingsul gknLertY ku e. Councilmember Jones I think that the public would have more respect for us if we created councilmember uniforms. 1 really like this uniform that 1 saw last year in Italy. J u"rass i c Parliament --e gM-mg,.slog R-1I10e1 Has the Council decided to create councilmember uniforms? • NO! Talking is not deciding. • You must have a MOTION to take action. Jurassic Parliament M.n rI gmeetings u.I gFnLertY xu e. Gingko farmer The City must take action to deal with this problem. I move that the Employee Cafeteria will serve only organic vegetarian meals. 3 f?rassic Parliament Ma. r, gmeer g, , eRoeen,a e, This is a power move! • This member has claimed the ground and defined the issue. 19 -I �rassic Parliament Ma,rr,gmeer gr, eRoeen,a e, Main Motion Tyrannosaurus rex • A Main Motion is the usual and customary way to start the action of discussion and decision making. • Often draft motions are included in the agenda. They have no standing until they are moved and seconded, and then there is discussion. 21 ,f uurassic Parliament Ma,rr,gmeer gr, eRoeen,a e, A GOOD PROCESS We suggest this process: • Discuss the topic at hand • When ready, propose a formal motion — in writing if at all possible • Discuss the motion and, if desired, amend it. • Vote on the motion. 23 22 24 ,rurasSIC Parliament Making a motion is a power move -1 f I ; tf? hereldar k—wi —lf h'" pv w A— J rr pk,ir it linndlx ami.wr Amc]uric . faiwlna,i�rirnrlwwIdr, 7A+iyd wlawlm+7uhwlJ•3nr1o, A wN ,Wred. rLr wu& �A rvmlr kirkhnwplI•Q�r�: ij! w a rgpenm.,l�us kp ro h'i -W— In. f'r�nwnW�!',:us��hM I� �hr piru�.nJ hx. kr�l m nnmbnARp mrcaixF �Rdkq m RAun'r Rnl.r rfcndn, �ru mue laic a mMim.-., Ironed furxWn--hiu� ary ilsunrslo• be®rr�. euKe yawpc dut ivn ihm menny,,'euw�6� mnobrt'io0ow ills su4, ud J u"rass i c Parliament M,rr r gmee, e, , gaoeertra .r MOTIONS • In large groups, you must have a motion before any discussion begins. • In small boards (up to about 12 people), it is fine to discuss things in a more casual way. Main Motion Tyrannosaurus rex M f?rassic Parliament Ma. „gmee g, , eRoeen,a e, When can you make a new motion? 1) If the agenda contains a draft motion in an agenda bill, move it at the proper time. 2) You can make a motion spontaneously when a subject is being discussed, if it is germane. 3) You can make a motion spontaneously under "New Business," if your board includes that heading in its agenda. 4) You can't make a motion during Director/Councilmember Comment. 25 ,f Qrassic Parliament Ma „gmee g. , eRoeen,a e, Fundamental guideline One thing at a time 27 Jurassic Parliament Ma „gmee g. , eRoeen,a e, Member must be clear • The member has the responsibility of formulating the motion. • Don't mix up your ideas about the subject with the motion itself. Save those for debate. 29 26 I 30 J u"rass i c Parliament Characteristics of Main Motion • It should be in writing. • It should be clear and unambiguous. Don't say, "I move what he just said," or "so moved." • It should be phrased in the grammatical positive. • It must comply with the bylaws and the procedural law of the land. • You can have only one main motion at a time. J u"rass i c Parliament How do you introduce a Main Motion? Three little words: 1 move that... Don't say 1 suggest, 1 recommend, I think we should... Jurassic Parliament Ma. , gmee, g, , gaoeert.a e. Our employees are really under a lot of stress right now, they're worried about an asteroid striking the earth and wiping us all out, if they had better nutrition, their performance would improve, so 1 think organic meals would be great. 5 Jurassic ParliamentMa. ring mee logs osing Fubertsku es State the exact motion clearly I move that the employee cafeteria will serve only organic vegetarian meals. 31 Jurassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing kobertskuies Second Second the motion! 33 Jurassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing kobertskuies If no second... • If there is no second, the chair says: There being no second, the motion will not be considered. • Then moves immediately to next item of business. 35 32 34 36 J u"rass i c Parliament gm Ingsul gknLertY ku e. You can request a moment to write it down • May/ have a few minutes to write this motion down? • Chair may also request that motion be written. • Chair may assist the member in formulating the motion. • Keep it clear and to -the -point. J u"rass i c Parliament --e g—mg—hgR-1, lde, Second the motion • You "second a motion" to show that you would like to talk about it. • No need to be recognized. Just give your name and call out "second." • It is OK to second a motion you disagree with, if you want to explain why it's a bad idea. Jurassic Parliament Man rl gmeetingsul gFnLertY xu e. No second required? • Robert's Rules states that no second is needed in small boards (up to about 12) or in committees. • We recommend seconds on boards, but believe they are not necessary on committees. • Nevertheless, most local governments do require a second. A f?rassic ParliamentMa. ring mee logs osing Roberts Ru es Eight steps to process a motion 1. Member makes motion. 2. Another member seconds motion. 3. Presider states motion. 4. Members debate and/or amend motion. S. Presider restates motion and calls for vote. 6. Members vote on motion. 7. Presider states results of vote, whether motion passes or fails, and what happens next as a result of the vote. 8. Presider states next item of business. 37 E _( rrassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing Roberts Rules Chair must be precise • The chair has the duty of repeating the exact words of the motion made by the board member. • If some change is made, board member should speak up and repeat exact words. • Other board members should not be speaking at this point. 39 Jurassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing Roberts Rules Gingko farmer Well, the advantages of a plant -based diet have been established for a long time. 1 believe that this change will result in substantial improvements in employee health. In the long run, our employees will thank us for it. 41 38 40 42 J u"rass i c Parliament la--gme mg, u�hg Rob —Rine. Step #3 is very important! • Presider MUST repeat the motion, or have the secretary/clerk repeat it. • WHY? — So that everyone knows what we are actually discussing. — The text of the motion as stated by chair is the official text. — After step #3, the motion belongs to the group as a whole, not to the person who made it. Ju"rassic Parliamentmast ringmeetingsusing Robert's Rules Chair It has been moved and seconded that the employee cafeteria will serve only organic vegetarian meals. The person who makes the motion has the right to speak first. Do you care to speak to your motion? Jurassic Parliament Man rlugmeetingsuslug RnLertY Rues Social worker 1 think this is a terrible idea! If we do this, it's likely that some of our employees who are CARNIVORES will start eating the other employees. 7 j491urassic Parliament Mastering meetings using Robert's Rules Eight Steps To Process A Motion Member A: I move that we hold a cruise on Dino Bay. Member B: I second the motion! Chair: It has been moved and seconded that we hold a cruise on Dino Bay. We will now debate the motion. [debate] Chair: Are you ready to vote? The motion is that we hold a cruise on Dino Bay. All those in favor say "aye." All those opposed say "no." The "ayes" have it, the motion passes, and we will hold a cruise on Dino Bay. The Social Committee will make the plans for this event. Our next item of business is... Eight steps to process a motion 1. Member makes a 2. Another 3. Chair states 4. Members 5. Chair restates 6. Members seconds motion. on motion. and/or amend motion. and calls for the vote. 7. Chair states results of vote, whether motion what happens as result of vote. 8. Chair states next item of In taking the vote, the presider must call for the legitimate. ,and or the vote is not The presider has a duty to make things clear so that members understand what they are doing. © Jurassic Parliament 2019. All rights reserved. P.O. Box 77553, Seattle, WA 98177 TEL 206.542.8422 I EMAIL info@jurassicparliament.com www. jurassicparliament.com i f?rassic ParliamentMa. ring mee logs osing Fubertsku es DISCUSSION yada yada yada... 43 ,f Qrassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing kobertskuies Step #5 is also very important! • Chair must repeat the motion before the vote is taken. • WHY? So that everyone knows what we are actually voting on. • Have you ever been at a meeting when once the vote is taken, someone says, "What did we just approve?" and no one knows exactly what it was? 45 Jurassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing kobertskuies Voice vote • The "ayes" have it, the motion passes, and we will direct the cafeteria supervisor to create an organic vegetarian menu, OR • The "noes" have it, the motion fails, and no change will be made to the cafeteria menu. 47 44 46 48 J u"rass i c Parliament gm Ingsul gknLertY kue Moving to vote • When it seems that discussion is finished, chair asks, "Is there any further discussion?" or "Are you ready to vote?" and then, if no one speaks up, takes the vote. • In a small board, these are rhetorical questions. • In a large board, this occurs either when everyone has had the chance to speak twice, or when the time limit set for discussion has been reached. ' u"rassic Parliament --e g—mg—hgR-1, lde, Voice vote • Chair repeats the motion. • Chair says, "All those in favor say 'aye,' all those opposed say 'no."' • Chair announces results of vote, whether motion passes or fails, and what will happen next as a result of the vote. • Chair announces next item of business. J u"rass i c Parliament Man rl gmeetingsul gFnLertY xue Voting options • Roll call • Voice • Raising a virtual hand • Show of physical hands • Holding up a card • Unanimous consent IN EM Jurassic Parliament Mastvingmeetings using Ro d, Rules Unanimous consent • Form of voting —a type of "fast track" • Very efficient for minor procedural matters. • Presider suggests something, and if you agree, REMAIN SILENT. Silence means consent. • If you don't want to proceed in this way, say "OBJECTION." • Presider then abandons the fast track to use the regular method. 49 Jurassic Parliament Mnst ring meetings sing Roberts Rnies Majority vote • More than half of votes cast OR • More than 50% of votes cast • Don't say "50% plus one" or "51W 51 Jurassic Parliament Ma 1ingmeetingsusing Robert's Rules Tie vote fails • If there are equal numbers in favor and against, the motion fails. • The chair announces the fact and moves immediately to the next item of business. 53 52 54 VOTING CHART MOTION ni nz Em. Aye No Absain Aye No Abstain Name Garcia Jackson Juma Lee Patel Smith Young J u`rassic Parliament mast ring meetings using Rabert'v RWev Two-thirds vote • At least two-thirds of the votes cast. • Should be taken so you can see the result — such as by show of hands. • DO NOT take by voice. • Robert often specifies a two-thirds vote when members' rights are limited or extended. ,f u�rassic Parliament Mast ringm ings using RnLertY Rules Other points • On a voice vote, the chair must call for the negative vote, even if it seems obvious that the motion is unanimous. • Robert's Rules says that "to abstain" is to do nothing, and that the chair should not call for abstentions. • However, local government bodies generally will call for abstentions, and that is fine. f,assic ParliamentMa. ring mee logs osing Fubertsku es III. Subsidiary motions 55 Amendment Dimetrodon 57 JQu assic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing kobertskuies Is this germane? Chair rules... The chair rules that the proposed amendment is not germane to the motion to serve organic vegetarian meals. 59 56 58 N J u"rass i c Parliament gm Ingsul gknLertY ku e. Amendment Dimetrodon • You amend a motion to improve it. • The amendment applies to the main motion. • The amendment must be germane (relevant). • Anyone may move to amend, even the person who made the motion. • The amendment is processing using the same 8 steps that we use for the Main Motion. ' u"rassic Parliament --e g—mg—hgR-1, lde, Pharmacist moves Amendment 1 move to amend the motion by adding the words, "and provide all employees with a monthly supply of Valium without charge" J u"rass i c Parliament Man rl gmeetingsul gFnLertY xu e. Amendment • The amendment changes the main motion. • The amendment is processed using the same eight steps that we just saw for a main motion. 10 Jurassic ParliamentMa. ring mee logs osing Fubertsku es Four ways to amend 1. Add or insert words. 2. Strike out words. 3. Strike out words and insert words in their place. 4. Substitute (not recommended) 61 Jurassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing kobertskuies Amend by inserting words • The Employee Cafeteria and all the snack bars will serve only organic vegetarian meals. 63 Jurassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing kobertskuies Amend by striking out and inserting words • The Employee Cafeteria will serve only organic vegetaFiaR vegan meals. 65 62 64 J u"rass i c Parliament gm Ingsul gknLertY ku e. Amend by adding words • The Employee Cafeteria will serve only organic vegetarian meals to be provided exclusively from local vendors. J u"rass i c Parliament M,-,—mg—hgR-1, lde, Amend by striking out words • The Employee Cafeteria will serve only eFgaRiG vegetarian meals. J u"rass i c Parliament Man rl gmeetingsul gFnLertY xu e. Amend by substitution • I move that we amend the motion by substituting this paragraph: That we will consult with a qualified nutritionist in order to upgrade the menus offered in the Employee Cafeteria and improve employee health. i f,assic Parliament Ma. „gmee g, , eRoeen,a e, The challenge is... • We vote on amendments BEFORE we vote on the main motion, in order to make the main motion as good as possible —to PERFECT the motion. 67 -1 �rassic Parliament Ma „gmee g: , eRoeen,a e, Dancer moves Amendment I move to amend the motion by adding the words "to be provided exclusively from local vendors." Jurassic Parliament Ma „gmee g: , eQoeen,w e, Fate of the Amendment • People sometimes get confused, and don't realize that after voting on the amendment, the process continues. • Once the fate of the amendment has been decided, debate continues on the main motion. 71 T 70 72 _"8801 ..a Amendment blocks Main Motion ' u"rassic Parliament If adopted, will read: • The Employee Cafeteria will serve only organic vegetarian meals, to be provided exclusively from local vendors. J u"rass i c Parliament Ma. , gmee, g, , gaoeert.a e. More amendments are possible... • Once you've dealt with one amendment, you may have others... • provided that they apply to a different aspect of the main motion. • It takes special actions (reconsideration) to go back and change something we've already amended. 12 Jurassic Parliament Mastering meHing using Ro d, Rules The process continues • After all amendments have been processed, the body still must vote on the AMENDED MAIN MOTION. 73 Jurassic Parliament Maat ring mewl gsaaiag RobertaRaiea How many amendments? • "Primary amendments" are amendments to the main motion itself. You may have as many as you have time for. • There are also "secondary amendments." 75 Primary Amendment Dimetrodon 77 74 76 7s J u"rassic Parliament Masssgme .gs iag R.be Rdl, "Friendly amendment" • People often process "friendly amendment" the wrong way. • DO NOT turn to maker and seconder to ask if they accept the amendment —this give them improper power. • Handle this the same as any other amendment. • Ask, "Is there a second?" etc. • Once a motion has been stated by the chair, the maker and seconder have same rights as any other member. • Another option: approval by unanimous consent. E ,f Urrassic ParliamentMaes slog meetinga ueiog RnLerteRulee Secondary amendment • When an amendment has been proposed, it is called a "primary amendment." • It is also possible to amend the amendment, which is called a "secondary amendment." • This is processed just like the main motion, EXCEPT that no further amendments are possible —no "tertiary" amendments. Secondary Amendment Small Dimetrodon 13 Jurassic Parliament Mastering me ing using R-d, Rules Chef amends the Amendment 1 move that we amend the amendment by striking the word "exclusively" and inserting the word "primarily." 79 Secondary amendment Secondary amendment blocks primary amendment 81 Jurassic Parliament Maat ,ingm zings using Roberts Rules No amendments in minutes! • According to Robert's Rules, amendments are not included in the minutes. • Instead, use this phrase: After discussion and amendment, the following motion was adopted... 83 80 82 84 f u�rassic Parliament Mazt-g ingausiag R-1, Rule, If adopted, amendment will read: • to be provided rely primarily from local vendors. ,f urrassic ParliamentMaet ,logmeetingaueiog RnberteRulee Sequence • Discuss and vote on the secondary amendment. • Discuss and vote on the primary amendment (as amended). • Discuss and vote on the Main Motion (as amended). ,Ju`rassic Parliament Mazt ri gm inga asiag RnbertY Rules Engineer I would like to have more information about what our employees really want to eat. I move that we refer this motion and its amendment to the Employee Welfare Committee to study the matter and report back at our next meeting. 14 85 87 � + AS. Refer to Committee Ankylosaurus Jurassic Parliament Ma, „gmee g: , eRoeen,a e, Refer to Committee Ankylosaurus Two different types: 1. Normally a motion is referred for a recommendation. 2. It is possible to refer a motion with power to decide, subject of course to the limits of your body's authority to delegate its powers. Jurassic Parliament „gmee g: , eQoeen,w e, When motion comes back • When motion comes back from committee, the group takes the motion up as it was before it was sent off. • However, during its discussion and debate, the group can choose to adopt suggestions or recommendations of the committee. o J u"rass i c Parliament Refer to Committee Ankylosaurus • Motion sends main motion off to another group. • Should specify WHICH group it's going to and WHEN it's coming back. • Any amendments go off with the main motion. J u"rass i c Parliament Process Refer to Committee • Refer to Committee is processed using the same eight steps we saw for Main Motion and Amendment. J u"rass i c Parliament Ma, , gmee, g, , gaoeert,a e, Refer to Committee • This motion and its amendment are referred to the Employee Welfare Committee to study the matter and report back at our next meeting. 15 f?rassic parliament Ma. „gmee g, , eRoeen,a e, If "Refer to Committee" passes... • We're finished with that motion for now. • It will come back at the next meeting, along with the committee's recommendation, and we'll take it up then. 91 Call the Question Triceratops T jeassic Parliament Ma „gmee g: , eQoeen,w e, IV. Precedence of motions T 92 94 F. J u"rass i c parliament Football coach Oh honestly, this is taking too long! 1 call the question! That means we have to vote RIGHT NOW! ' u"rassic Parliament Call the Question Triceratops • Motion requesting that we stop debate and vote. • This motion requires a second. • HOWEVER it cannot be debated. • It cannot be amended. • And, it takes a two-thirds vote to pass. • Another option: approval by unanimous consent. J u"rass i c Parliament Ma: , gmee, g, , gaoeert:a e: Let's go back to the menagerie... • HOW do you know which motion can be made when, and how to process them? • There is a SECRET— not to unbounded prosperity, but to continued success at meetings! 16 Jurassic Parliament Mastering meHing using Ro d, Rules The SECRET • Each motion has a number or rank. 3 - Amendment Dimetrodon 7 - Call the Question Triceratops 101 1 -Main Motion Tyrannosaurus rex Z Kr A PM.P.Moodw 4 - Refer to Committee Ankylosaurus 100 ,f urrassic Parliament Mass mgmeeting—mgR-1I Rules The SECRET • Each motion has a number or rank. • When a motion is pending (under consideration), motions with a higher rank may be made. • Motions with a lower rank are out of order. 102 17 Jurassic Parliament „gmee g, , eRoeen,a e, The SECRET continued • The "main motion" has the LOWEST rank. • There are 13 motions with ranks in all. • The "flying dinosaurs" like Point of Order do not have any rank. 103 F ssic rliament „gmee g: , eRoeen,a e, Precedence of Motions 1 MAIN MOTION Tyrannosaurus rex 105 Jurassic Parliament „gmee g: , eQoeen,w e, Precedence of Motions 4 Refer to committee Ankylosaurus 3 Amendment 1 MAIN MOTION 107 Point of Order flying dinosaur 104 J u"rass i c Parliament gmee, e, , gaoeert,a ., Precedence of Motions 3 Amendment Dimetrodon 1 MAIN MOTION 106 J u"rass i c Parliament gmee,g,,gaoeert,ae, Precedence of Motions 7 Call the question Triceratops 4 Refer to committee 3 Amendment 1 MAIN MOTION 108 18 Jurassic ParliamentMast ,ing mee logs osing RubertsRues Precedence of Motions 7 Call the question — vote now 4 Refer to committee — send to committee 3 Amendment — add "exclusively local" 1 MAIN MOTION —organic vegetarian meals 109 Jurassic ParliamentMast ,ing mee logeosing RobertsRuies Why are we skipping some motions? • The motions we're discussing today are the most common motions. 111 Jurassic ParliamentMast ,ing mee logeosing RobertsRuies Precedence of Motions 1 MAIN MOTION 113 J u"rass i c Parliament ..­gme .gs i.g R-1, Rine, Precedence of Motions 7 Call the question Triceratops 4 Refer to committee Ankylosaurus 3 Amendment Dimetrodon 1 MAIN MOTION Tyrannosaurus rex 110 J u"rass i c Parliament Ma,e, Rmee, R, , RRoeert,R e, Main motion • The Employee Cafeteria will serve only organic vegetarian meals. 112 J u"rass i c ParliamentMa,e, emee, e, , eRoeert,R e, Amendment • The Employee Cafeteria will serve only organic vegetarian meals to be provided exclusively from local vendors. 114 19 Jurassic Parliamentgmee logs osing Roberts Ru es Precedence of Motions 3 Amendment 1 MAIN MOTION 115 Jurassic Parliamentgmee loge osing Roberts Ru es Precedence of Motions 4 Refer to committee 3 Amendment 1 MAIN MOTION 117 Jurassic ParliamentMa,e„emee e., eRoeert,R e, Call the Question Oh honestly, this is taking too long! I call the question! 119 J u"rass i c Parliament ..--gme mg—mgR-1, Rues Refer to Committee • This motion and its amendment are referred to the Employee Welfare Committee to study the matter and report back at our next meeting. 116 J u"rass i c Parliament Ma,e, Rmee, R, , RRoeert,R e, Another amendment • Resolved, that the Employee Cafeteria will serve only organic vegetaFiaR vegan meals. • NOT IN ORDER! We're already discussing a #4 motion, and this is a #3 motion. 118 J u"rass i c Parliament a, rl­-mg—mgR-1I Rues Precedence of Motions 7 Call the question 4 Refer to committee 3 Amendment 1 MAIN MOTION 120 20 FThat ving.1din using R-d, Ru nother main motion stablish a mandatory exercise or all employees based on yoga. ORDER! We're voting on a #7 ion, and this is a #1 motion. 121 Jurassic Parliament Mast ring meerl gr sing Roberts Rules Precedence of Motions 7 Call the question 4 Refer to committee 3 Amendment 1 MAIN MOTION 123 Jurassic Parliament MOTIONS CHARTS ®®®® 125 f u�rassic Parliament ma,r rI gm ingsu gRnLertY Ruier EXERCISE Precedence of Motions Worksheet • Fill in the blanks on the Precedence of Motions worksheet. 122 rarsa ugmeetingsueiog RnLerteRu ee Precedence of Motions owing all 13 motions is available ebsite for download, dJz:1Il1Ud1 IId1 I ICI II.1-Ul 1 I. 124 126 Dinosaur Precedence of Motions reira of Order, Appml, Pdr.k of YJormallon RnpeM le lhefe me[IdRs N,My mmeeur x Vrcy cane �p a+vn� GtliMrgprGbn WNRa aeexW.0 4be deWkAp 1fFnx+qn �metM[.1, I�wllWsrob cax w � g„NteCdnml[tee ke�dsaannsd.ean 6e deWxd and p,��mra amended, mapnrywRe v�r¢d6 21 j491urassic Parliament Pronounced: Mastering meetings using Robert's Rules Precedence of Motions Each motion has a number or rank. When lower motions are pending, motions with a rank may be made, but motions with a rank are out of order. The motion with the lowest rank is the There are motions with ranks in all. 0 The flying dinosaurs do not have a number, but just "fly over" the heads of the other motions and are dealt with immediately. © Jurassic Parliament 2019. All rights reserved. P.O. Box 77553, Seattle, WA 98177 TEL 206.542.8422 I EMAIL info@jurassicparliament.com www. jurassicparliament.com flrassic ParliamentMastering meetings using Robert's Rules MOTIONS CHARTS Rank Second? Debatable? Amendable? Vote? PRIVILEGED MOTIONS Fix time to which to adjourn 13 Yes No Yes Majority Adjourn 12 Yes No No Majority Recess 11 Yes No Yes Majority Raise a question of privilege 10 No No No Chair decides Call for orders of the day 9 No No No At request of one member SUBSIDIARY MOTIONS Table 8 Yes No No Majority Previous question or call the question* 7 Yes No No Two-thirds Limit or extend limits of debate 6 Yes No Yes Two-thirds Postpone to a certain time 5 Yes Yes Yes Majority Refer to committee 4 Yes Yes Yes Majority Secondary amendment Yes Yes No Majority Primary amendment Yes Yes Yes Majority Amendment* 3 Yes Yes Yes Majority Postpone indefinitely 2 Yes Yes No Majority MAIN MOTION Main motion i Yes Yes Yes Majority " Amendment and previous question may be applied to motions higher than themselves. INCIDENTAL MOTIONS Second? Debatable? Amendable? Vote? Request for information No No No Chair responds Point of order No No No Chair rules Appeal Yes It depends No Negative BRING -BACK MOTIONS Now Second? Debatable? Amendable? Vote? Reconsider Yes It depends No Majority Rescind Yes Yes Yes § Amend something previously adopted Yes Yes Yes § Take from table Yes No No Majority § Majority with previous notice, two-thirds without notice, or majority of entire membership © Jurassic Parliament 2oii-15. All rights reserved. P.O. Box 77553, Seattle, WA 98177 TEL 206.542.8422 I EMAIL info@jurassicparliament.com www.jurassicparliament.com Dinosaur Precedence of Motions Point of Order, Appeal, Point of Information Flying dinosaur No rank Call the Ouestion Triceratops Rank of 7 Refer to Committee Ankylosaurus Rank of4 Amendment Dimetrodon Rank of 3 Main Motion Tyrannosaurus rex Rank of 1 © Jurassic Parliament 2019. All rights reserved. www.jurassicparliament.com Respond to these motions as they come up Needs a second, cannot be debated or amended, two-thirds vote Needs a second, can be debated and amended, majority vote Needs a second, can be debated and amended, majority vote (Amendment to the amendment cannot be further amended; amendment may also apply to motions higher than itself) Needs a second, can be debated and amended, majority vote to pass Jurassic Parliament Ma.t,igmeethg,,ieRoeen,ae, Terminology From the chart, you will see that there are different types of motions: — Main motion — Subsidiary motions — Privileged motions — Incidental motions — 'Bring -back" motions 127 Jurassic Parliament Ma,t,i gmeethg: ,i enoeen,n le, • A group can change its mind using one of the "Bring - back Motions" • These motions have no number. • They may be brought up WHEN NO OTHER BUSINESS IS PENDING. Amend something previous adopted Rescind Reconsider 129 Amend Something Previously Adopted Otlg9nai Motl¢nro ()eba9e Vote Yes Origino10.1¢91¢n P.9otlon ntnena men e A—d ¢ 1 Onglnal Motlon uncnangee 131 J u"rass i c Parliament Ma,t,l gm�i g, ,i eRoeert:a .: V. Bring -back motions, Table & Postpone 128 Ju"rassic Parliament a,hgmeeti e, ,i gnoeert:n .: Amend something previously adopted • This is motion you use to amend (change) the minutes once they have been approved. • Takes ONE of these conditions: ✓Two-thirds vote OR ✓ Previous notice and a majority vote OR ✓ A vote of the majority of the entire body 130 Ju"rassic Parliament Ma:t,l gmeeti g, ,i gnoeert:n e: 132 Rescind • A proposal to cancel out something the group has already decided. • If something has been done that cannot be undone, this motion may not be made. • Takes ONE of these conditions: -'Two-thirds vote OR ✓ Previous notice and a majority vote OR ✓ A vote of the majority of the entire body 22 Rescind RQ[Iglnal IAotron to Orglnol P.1ctl¢n Oo Z ResclnA tle6ate VOPe Ves Ne9atafi aa,ea� ro¢ owe a��¢r�a �� . 133 Jurassic Parliament Ma.,r, emeer er , eRoaen,a e, Reconsider • Can only be moved on same day or next day. • Note: Some bodies allow a motion to be reconsidered at the next meeting. • Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day." • It is possible to make the motion to reconsider and then call it up at a future meeting. 135 ?resit Parliament �.._..... Reconsider Rescind or Amend previous RE�HIHE( decision Iry bin iP Atvfnrlwr.ftefrWwsf.PArmNrn+iPwM1'ammrp:m 5a wr rL.rWdrdrmu exlrauvt W ldt wiaam"A.nwridrr: M rx-dryzmiwd�.w I'mC-1—l"M t—J..ivrwr•Ir JF11-11 Aim nlrX'iPr9+wdtlW wr waeygwA rrwu r+diar)wrrriar+'riliir�vm.M.WfMtA1r— rwW,L MdnWop. pobArrrlydanr.,,M. A r1W 1W-1A AerIT'b mrryrR•tprruarYri'Ttr.• pps nr lkr bwN dno[r lhrlrnttii�,proWr wlw+kun+wmnhing.bwrlR.mupl,�rtii dirwoWd 1� r.rde dromq. rear M1+rn rrM T•rg<rNwrkK.p.' M1lrc b.r.r.rr.+.¢vN rlui rn •Wy....ie . grrrt m•.r.{q (Kr,R tbm4llarwrtlr.awwit 137 f u�rassic parliament em�, e, , eRoaertra .r Reconsider • A proposal to reopen something already decided. • Must have voted with prevailing side to move reconsideration. • Again, cannot use this to undo something done. • Has two parts: — Vote whether to reconsider — If yes, then resume matter where it was just before the vote was taken 134 der 136 Jurrassic Parliament em�,e, „eRoaertra er 138 b Renewing a motion • If a motion is defeated, it can be introduced again at a future meeting. • This is called "renewing" the motion. • "Renewal" is different from "reconsider," which normally may be done ONLY at the same meeting. • Some bodies have rules restricting when and how this can be done. 23 Jurassic ParliamentMa. ring mee logs osing Fubertsku es Don't use Table to kill a motion • The purpose of Table (#8) is to put something aside briefly because other urgent business has come up. • If you want to delay a motion to the next meeting, use Postpone to a Certain Time (#5). • If you want to kill it, use Postpone Indefinitely (#2). This kills the motion for this meeting only. • Chair may ask why you seek to table a motion. 139 Jurassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing kobertskuies Postpone to a certain time (#5) • According to Robert, you can only postpone to within this meeting, or the next meeting. • However, Jurassic Parliament believes that it is all right to postpone something to a more distant time, for instance, if more research is needed. • Another option is to refer something to a committee, to report back at a future time. 141 Jurassic ParliamentMa, ring mee loge osing kobertskuies Point of Order flying dinosaur • When a rule is broken, a member may make a POINT OF ORDER. • Chair rules on the point. 143 J u"rass i c Parliament gm Ingsul gknLertY kue Table (#8) • Once something has been tabled, it sits "on the secretary's table" until a member moves to take it from the table. • If it is not taken from the table during this meeting or the next one, it falls to the ground (dies). • Motion to table requires a majority vote and CANNOT BE DEBATED. 140 J u"rass i c Parliament --e g—mg—hgR-1, lde, 142 144 VI. Point of Order, Appeal, Censure Point of Order flying dinosaur 24 f?rassic Parliament Ma. „gmee g, , gaoeen,a e, Process Point of Order 1. Member: Point of Order! 2. Chair: State your point. 3. Member: That comment breaks our rules of decoruom 4. Chair: The point is well taken. Members will refrain from improper comments. 145 -I rrassic Parliament Ma „gmee g: , gaoeen,w e, Point of Order • You can make this at any time, except during voting. • Do not have to be recognized. • May interrupt a speaker if necessary. • Must be timely — made at the time of the offense. 147 Juurassic Parliament Ma „gmee g: , gaoeen,w e, No further discussion • Once the chair has ruled on a Point of Order, the only allowable form of discussion is to appeal the ruling. 149 J u"rass i c Parliament gm Ingsul gknLertY kue Point of Order • A motion claiming that a procedural mistake has been made. • According to Robert, can be made only by a member. • We recommend that key staff be authorized also. • Public may not raise a Point of Order. 146 ' u"rassic Parliament --e g—mg—hgR-1, lde, The chair must issue a ruling • It is the chair's responsibility to say, "The point is well taken," or "The point is not well taken" • Be alert as to whether the member who says "Point of Order" is actually using the motion correctly. • The ruling goes into the minutes, as a precedent for the future. Use the passive voice! `A Point of Order was made that the word malarkey is insulting..." 148 150 APl'L'AI. 25 Jurassic Parliament Masteringmeetings using R-d, Rules Appeal The most important motion in all of Robert's Rules — and the least known! 151 Jurassic Parliament Mnst ring meetings sing Roberts Rules Don't get into arguments! • If you are a member, you may not argue with the chair. • If you are the chair, don't argue with a difficult member. • Simply state your ruling, and then say Does the member wish to appeal this ruling? 153 Jurassic Parliament Masteringmeetingsusing Robert's Rules Board may sanction • The power of the group extends to the power to sanction. • If you have adopted Robert's Rules, you have this power. • In addition, it is best if board rules of procedure include specific steps to be taken when the guidelines are broken. 155 f u�rassic Parliament Mast-gmemg—mgRnLert-1u, Chair's rulings can be appealed • The CHAIR enforces order and decorum. • The GROUP is the final authority. • Any two members can appeal chair's ruling (one member appeals and another member seconds). • EXCEPTION: If the ruling is a matter of fact on which there cannot be two interpretations, the ruling cannot be appealed. 152 Jurassic Parliament M.,t g g R t,Rnl• Point of Order and Appeal are the heart of democracy m ou�view, fie motions Po;m of order and nppea1 aze[he h,—f our democracy. T'h y pr..ide[he 154 ,f urrassic ParliamentMast ring meetings using Robert's Rules What actions may merit sanction? • Failing to offer courtesy and respect, using foul language. • Failing to observe the rules of discussion: interrupting others, speaking out of turn, speaking beyond established time limits. • Violating the confidentiality of executive session. • Failing to observe ethics guidelines. • Taking actions outside the meeting that attempt to undermine a board decision. 156 26 Jurassic Parliament Ma11eri,.1din using Robert's Rules Don't do this lightly! • Use sanctions only when repeated offenses make it necessary. • Consult with your attorney before proceeding. 157 Jurassic ParliamentMast ring meeslugsusing RobertsRuies Motion to censure • First, check bylaws or rules of procedure to see if there is guidance on how to censure, and follow it. • If there is no such guidance, you can move to censure a fellow board member. 159 Jurassic Parliament Masteringmeetingsusi.g Robert's Rules • This motion requires a second, and majority vote to pass (unless there is a higher requirement in your rules). • It is debatable. • The member who is the subject of the proposed censure may speak and vote. 161 f u�rassic Parliament Mass-gme mg—mgR-1, Rules Possible sanctions • Verbal admonishment. • Letter of reprimand. • Motion of censure (member may vote on own censure motion, unless under disciplinary proceedings). • Removal from external or board committees. • Ordered to leave the meeting at which behavior occurs (cannot be barred from future meetings). 158 ,f urrassic Parliament Maes bog me mg—hgR-1, Rule, Motion to censure 1 move that Councilmember Smith be censured for his continued use of offensive language towards colleagues and the public, despite repeated admonitions to cease from such behavior. 160 Jurassic Parliament aingmetlingsusinB Rob rt's Rules Sanctioning rogue " board members In general, people who serve on nonprofit boards or in Local government are peaceful and compliant gutevery once in a while, you get rogue board member. Whatcan be done? We believe that it's important for boards to be prepared to sanctlonrogue members when necessary. Tldsisanunpleasant subject However, all hunan organizations, even benign institutions Eke 162 27 f?rassic ParliamentMa.t ring meetlogs osing Fubertskues Four examples • Four real -life examples of sanctions by local government are included in your reference materials. 163 ,f Qrassic Parliament Ma,t„gmeet g: , eRoeen,a e, VII. Using motions 165 ,fu"rassic Parliament When does chair discuss and vote? Cnnfisuonabovttherde oftM chav atmeeungscmbewidespaead. Here ase same panmHers. ­.0Fa EWE •GD0ESHma•SW• whena Lvgeasaembly (group) ismeeting,fie chav servesas afatllitaror. The dvit doesvmukepmindebate(ducus8on)avddcesna vote, uvkaathe voteisby balloe Tlaisisabasic andimportantmlefmlargegrot�s. 167 J u"rass i c *Pa rliament Mat rl gm Ingsul gknLertY kue Formal disciplinary process • Robert's Rules also offers a formal disciplinary process. • It is lengthy and complicated. • Read more in Robert's Rules of Order, Chapter XX, Disciplinary Procedures. • Usually you won't need to use this process. • Talk with your attorney! 164 ' u"rassic Parliament Maa ,Iogmeetlngsuelog FnLertexWee Note on role of chair • Robert has different rules for small boards (up to about 12 people). • In a small board, chair may make motions, second, discuss, and vote, unless law, regulations or bylaws say otherwise. • We recommend chair exercise restraint by speaking and voting last, and by refraining from making motions (this is a Jurassic Parliament suggestion). 166 Jurassic Parliament Man rl gmeetingsul gFnLertY xue • Get in there first and, after being recognized, make a motion. • To change the motion, propose an amendment. • You can amend "Motion to Commend" to read "Motion to Censure." • Why? The amendment is germane (related). 168 Jurassic Parliament Ma. „gmee g, , eaoeen,a e, Using motions • If the question has been called, move to Recess (#11). • If the discussion has wandered off topic, call for the Orders of the Day (#9). • If a member makes insulting remarks, make a Point of Order (incidental motion, no number). 169 Jurassic Parliament Ma „gmee g: , eaoeen,a e, Disadvantages of this system • Once a motion has been made, it "hogs the ground" until it is disposed of. • Once an amendment has been made, no further discussion on the main motion is allowed until amendment is resolved. • Once the question has been called, no further discussion is allowed. 171 Jurassic Parliament Ma „gmee g: , eaoeen,a e, Withdrawing a motion • If you are the mover and you've changed your mind, ask permission to withdraw the motion. • Usually handled by unanimous consent. • If there is objection, then take a vote. • The maker does not "own" the motion. Not allowed to say "I'm taking my marbles and going home." • Ordinarily, withdrawn motions are not included in the minutes. 173 J u"rass i c Parliament Using motions • If you believe the chair has made an error, raise a Point of Order. • If you disagree with the chair's ruling, Appeal it (incidental motion, needs a second). • If the chair fails to recognize a properly made Point of Order after you've tried 3 times, you can stand up and put it to the body yourself. 170 Ju"rassic Parliament 172 174 Withdrawing a motion • Under Robert's Rules, the maker of a motion is not allowed to speak against their own motion. • It is OK to vote against it. ,)urrassic Parliament Suspend the Rules with extreme caution By Ann G. Macfarlane, Professional Registered Parliamentarian The motion to Svspend the Rules is a trap for the v-y. Be careful invsing this motion and avoid doing things that may get you into big trouble. 29 Jurassic Parliament Masteringmeetings using R-d, Rules Three ways to adjourn 1. During the meeting, members may move to adjourn —non -debatable motion, takes a majority vote to pass, #12 rank. 2. At the end of the meeting, the chair may say, "There being no further business, this meeting is adjourned." 3. The chair may adjourn the meeting if a riot breaks out. 175 Jurassic Parliament Mast dng meetings sing Rnbarts Races Vill. Conclusion 177 J rassic Parliament Sample Scripts for Five Motions These scripts proride sampk language top— the 60owing motions: • AmeMmmtaM FrieMlyAmeMmen[ wintofrnda Appsal • GIItluQ aWn(Pserious Quesskn) MAINMOTION Chair Does anymembezmrero makes mdlont Members (move that wenowa awsem Oma Bayrhls sprang. Member8 Seeondl tt has been movedarMsxondedtnar ore nddanulu on Dlno Baytnlz eb.lr :pdng.l:raeeanyexrusslonirnepereon wnomaeerbemono�no:me right fospeakfirA. 179 11-5 iC Parliament ...,... Minor mistakes don't �`4&-j, invalidate action n; Aae.ea.rq.edes dg db. %hpl homed, reand%rW[.nwra.a Ras "do rn. — tb vagP. -x b.ek air m menvgao —1 d m II aytlu Thl. xa.s raced tlioe. VAp•pL—f' wYN Qw rm wI-K Ww *pk at 4.s. vrnpgd.ma Maid—«• Ititmu thepmpoard utloaObvlauly Ifs Loud W. ".M a m 5uv.a4t, ad JiQ A u.ra.I it oot a fed R[aypmal m u.'imprlmafiu' t W t mutt h.lq—NI i+e ace..AP—I pr«enL.. b 1. J— • —yd-6.W4 —,b 1-11 l i..•iwn. rm� 176 ,Qu rassic Parliament mast ring meetings using R-1, lde, Keep in touch! • You are invited to subscribe to our monthly enewsletter. • Subscribe to the blog on our website for insight, tips and inspiration, including our advice column, "Dear Dinosaur." www.jurassicparliament.com 206-542-8422 178 ,eu rassic Parliament Ma,t ringm togs using RnbertY Ruks 180 Articles on our website • Agendas • Processing motions • Amendments • Precedence of motions And dozens more... 30 MASTERING COUNCIL MEETINGS A GUlDEBOON FOR ELECTED OFF4CIAL5 AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Ann G. Macfartane, PRP, CAE and Andrew L Estep, CAE rd.17 „ 181 Jurassic Parliament „gmee g,,neRoeen,ae, Disclaimer: Nothing in this presentation constitutes business or legal advice. © Jurassic Parliament 2024. All rights reserved. PO Box 77553, Seattle, WA 98177 Tel: 206-542-8422 Email: annC@iurassicoarliament.com Web: www.iurassicparliament.com 183 183 ,f urrassic Parliament gm�,ng, ,neRoeert,a ., After taking this workshop you will be able to: 1. Make Main Motions and Amendments. 2. Consult "Precedence of Motions chart" to know when to make other motions. 3. Use bring -back motions, Table and Postpone, Point of Order, and Censure. 182 31