04/12/2024 - Retreat - Minutes1284 LO.RCHARD City of Port Orchard: City Council Retreat Summary April 12, 2024 1 9:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. I Port Orchard City Hall Draft v. 4-15-24 Purpose: The 2024 City Council retreat focused on prioritizing items for the 2025-2026 City of Port Orchard budget. Welcome Sophie Glass, facilitator, welcomed the City Council and Mayor Putaansuu to their 2024 retreat. Below is a list of City Council members in attendance (listed alphabetically by first name): • Eric Worden • John Morrissey • Fred Chang, Mayor Pro-Tem • Mark Trenary • Heidi Fenton • Scott Diener • Jay Rosapepe Councilmembers made the following process recommendations for next year's retreat: • Send agenda and all meeting materials in advance of the retreat. • Send the 2024 retreat summary in advance of the 2025 retreat. • Bring the 2024 "future/planning efforts" to the 2025 retreat. • Conduct initial prioritization and preparation ahead of the 2025 retreat, perhaps during study sessions. Presentation by the Mayor Mayor Rob Putaansuu provided updates on the status of existing projects. See Attachment A for information about Comprehensive Planning, Parks/Facilities/Master Planning, water and capital projects, sewer capital projects, transportation capital projects, street lighting projects, development agreements, and other miscellaneous planning efforts. As a result of this presentation, councilmembers made the following requests: • Hear an update from Kitsap County on the Fee of in Lieu of Construction effort for Hidden Hills. • Receive information about the cost of the Public Works charging stations. • Provide a list of city -owned properties to City Councilmembers. Timing of Priorities Sophie Glass facilitated a discussion about the timing of the various topics recommended by City Councilmembers, Mayor Putaansuu, and department directors. Councilmembers and the ORCHARD Mayor had the opportunity to elaborate on the various topics. Mayor Putaansuu provided the following reference documents to accompany this discussion: • Asset Management Specialist Job Description (Attachment B) • Debt Capacity Table (Attachment C) • Memo re: Flock Safety (Attachment D) • Quote re: Flock Safety (Attachment E) • Public Works Assistant Job Description (Attachment F) • Sound Cities Associate Guiding Principles (Attachment G) Then councilmembers divided the topics into the following timing buckets: "Now," "2025-2026 Budget", and "Future/Planning." Now: • Hold an online parliamentary training and roles and responsibilities training. • Increase summer hire staff from 4 to 6 and explore increasing the salary for competitiveness. • Hire an Asset Management Specialist. • Promote Office Assistant II to an Office Assistant III to perform the administrative side of stormwater, sewer & water permits. • Change stormwater FTE into an entry level engineer. • Update the City's Traffic Impact Study. • When the City Attorney has capacity, focus on the following: o Update processes re: ordinance and resolution sponsors. o Explore adding ground rules to City Council members. o Change the public comment process to include one public comment period at the beginning of the meeting. o Add ground rules for public participation during council meetings. • Hold a work study session on the City's Guiding Principles. • Have the City Attorney draft a white paper on options for the Myhre's building. • Discuss 1406 funds — Non -Profit Partners needed. • Create a road clean-up program (see existing work with Kitsap County). • Discuss the plans and vision for the public library property. 2025-2026 Budget: • Hire additional police officers (one in 2025, and another in 2026). • $1 M or more in funding for street preservation work. • Hire one new FTE parks personnel. • Hire a right of way agent. • Complete the Anderson Hill Roundabout Design — Construction 2026-2027 2 ORCHARD • Hire a part-time Public Information Officer to focus on the City's website, social media, and signage/reader board for City activities. • Construct a Public Works Building for equipment storage. Future/Planning Efforts: • Create an Arts Commission focused on public art. Start conversation with Bremerton and Poulsbo and then send the topic to a committee. • Explore a Parks and Recreation Levy. • Complete 60% design and right of way for the remaining segments of Bethel. • Explore obtaining Public Safety Cameras. • Pursue a stormwater grant for the Downtown Basin or Sidny South. • Discuss future space needs including a new police station, potentially moving Council meetings to the Community Center, and a Public Works building. • Fund a staff member for a downtown main street organization if there is support from the downtown merchants. • Plat industrial land in the City's business park. — Grant Pending • Hire a City Administrator. • Explore creating city dashboards to display data analytics and expose areas for greater efficiency. • Explore plaza funding with debt. • Develop a Master Plan for Givens Park. • Hire a Safety Officer. • Explore annexation via an interlocal agreement(s). The only topic that was removed from consideration was a Citywide Facilities Condition Assessment. See Attachment H for expanded list including cost estimates and the Councilmember who recommended the topic. Mayor Putaansuu committed to bring the items listed under "Now" and "Future/Planning" to the department directors to develop a timeline for implementation. 2025-2026 Budget Process Prioritization Each Councilmember ranked the items slated for the 2025-2026 budget on a 1-7 point scale, with 7 points being the highest priority. Sophie Glass collected all the individual rankings and compiled the scores for each budget item, as shown below. Street Paving + Preservation - $1 M or more for internal and contracted work 40 (adjusted) (Gas Tax & General Fund) Scott & Mark 3 �Ofit ORCHARD Additional Police Officers -1 plus 1 (General Fund) Chief Brown -Mark J37 One new parks personnel (full time employee). (General Fund) Eric/Scott/Mark PIO (part time FTE) + website + signage reader board - Scott/Fred 34 Staff right of way agent. $120K (General Fund but largely offset from 18 consultant costs) Anderson Hill Roundabout Construction ($2M project mostly impact 17 fees w/$2001( from general fund or REET) 2025 100% design / 2026 construction. Public Works Shop Space ($500K) - Equipment Storage 14 Councilmembers reviewed the outcome of this collective ranking exercise. No major questions or concerns were raised. Wrap Up and Adjourn Mayor Putaansuu thanked the City Council for their excellent work. Councilmembers expressed appreciation for the collaboration throughout the retreat. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:45 PM. M 1284 ORCHARD r Attachment A: Status of Current City Projects Comprehensive Planning: Water System Comprehensive Plan- • Approval through November 30, 2023 for McCormick -OVERDUE • Need to update capacity and hydraulic analysis to seek approval till 2029 • Council will need to adopt updated WSP plan • Plan to go to State by Q2 2024 Sewer Rates • Consultant Procured —Work to commence Q1 2024 Storm Drainage Comprehensive Plan • Downtown Basin underway & Uplands study • Storm Comp Plan- o Finance and DCD need to coordinate CFC implementation o Outreach needed for rate increase ■ Content for webpage, Utility bills, Facebook post • OTHER STORM DRAINAGE o Regional Storm Facilities ■ Pursuing grant opportunities for regional storm water facilities (2024) ■ Design Storm facility for Sidney Avenue South — pursuing grants ■ Awarded $130,000 SW capacity grant (council approval needed) Parks, Facilities, and Master Planning • Regional Storm Drainage Park -Sidney Avenue South o Future Park Project? 2027 o RCO Grant Funding? 2026 application 0 30% concept design —2025 in-house design • 640 Bay Street / Master Planned Project o Working on marketing materials (Nick & Rob) • Community Events Center o AMD 12 DNR lease support -Nick will follow up with Charli o AMD 13 100% Plaza design —award January 2024 o Orchard St Plaza Project: (Not eligible for PFD funding) 5 1284 ORCHARD ■ Schematic Design @ $140k--Underway ■ Final Bid Docs — $600k-Underway o Construction 2027 • Givens Park Pickleball Court and Basketball Rehabilitation o Project cost $310,000 o Design Q2 2024-Consultant o Construction June 2024 o RCO grant approved $186,000 — grant agreement in place o Local match $124,000—Rec Reserve & Rotary o Rotary-MOU (Nick/Charli) January 2024 • Old Clifton Multi -Modal Pathway o Parks plan and TIP o Project Cost $1.6 million o Internal Design Q3 2024, Construction TBD o Review McCormick credit Agreement and Contract for Bayside SEPA funding o Potentially swapping Anderson Hill RAB for McCormick RAB Sewer Comprehensive Plan • GSP Scheduled to be updated in Q2 2024 o Under Contract with Consor • Sewer Rates to be update late Q2 2024 • May have UGA and legislative changes could impact Facilities/Buildings Comprehensive Plan Update • Comprehensive Plans Updates o Expand Public Outreach o Broad language for Office Space expansion and parking o Complete by Dec. 2024 • City Hall Reskin-Construction Underway • South Shed (TBD - Lead) o Bid removal of water tank Q2 2024 • 730 Prospect building purchase o Negotiation to continue 0 1284 ORCHARD Miscellaneous Planning Water Capital/Projects: Well 13- will cover Final design, mitigation, and construction to complete this treatment, pumping and PRV's • Looking into proceeding with the 90 to 100% design o On hold until Foster is resolved • Pressure Reducing Valves (PRV) o Evaluating 260 and 390 (12 inch from Melcher station) meet requirements o Requesting clarification of which pipes are in each area Well #11 • Under construction — estimated completion Q3 2024 Well #12 • McCormick Communities pilot hole is done at (1500 feet) • McCormick Contracted with Robinson Noble o Well #12 has less of an impact on surrounding streams than Well #11 • Needs to get water rights but cannot guarantee until Foster is complete • McCormick Agreement- to construct pending foster approval Foster Pilot Program • ECY issued a position paper on the Foster Decision and the work involved, trying to open the municipal water law • Estimated to be done with RN & Pors by the end of Q4 2024 • Report of Examination (ROE) is anticipated to be submitted by Q4 2023 for ECY review • Potentially buy a water service from Bremerton to augment Gorst Creek • Pursuing Adaptive management plan (Issue water rights, and as water demand increases the City will increase Stream augmentation • Squaxin Island Tribe preliminary agreement in principles • Still negotiating with Suquamish 7 �Ofit ORCHARD Water Intertie- (Port Orchard McCormick Intertie)-Old Clifton • Design estimated at $1 mil • On hold McCormick 660 Reservoir • Under construction estimated completion Q4 2024 SR166/Bay Street Water Main replacement • Maintenance Project (M&O) Fund 411 • Design awarded to KPFF, waiting on WSDOT for approval • Design budgeted for 2024 • Construction Q2 2025 Melcher Pump Station • Design 100% complete — PWB to review • Out to bid Q2 2024 Sewer Capital/Protects: Marina Pump Station • Estimated cost for project is $17.6 million o Including Design, Construction, and Construction Administration o $13 million loan approved by ECY — ARPA for balance ■ Project Complete 09.30.2025 ■ Operational by 2026 MW Pump Station #1— Construction Report • Water intrusion and main movement issues are still problematic — Original Performance Bond released and Maintenance Bond in place for accepted work • City will need to update our Capital Assets after acceptance Ruby Creek Lift Station (Sidney South) • Negotiate development agreement and • Negotiate latecomer with Kitsap Transit • Procure consultant for 100% design April 2024 Bay St Lift Station �Ofit ORCHARD • $1M grant/loan agreement to council for acceptance Q1 2024 • Procure design Q1 2024 Lift Station Controls Upgrade • Ordering generator as separate item • Plans are 100% complete — PWB need to reviewed • Out to bid Q1 2024 Stormwater Capital/Projects: • No Update, No Projects Budgeted • Pursuing grants for Annapolis Creek Design & Ruby Creek • SR166/Bay Street engineering with Storm water comp plan • Johnson Creek estuary restoration -$5 million State grant partnership joint grant application with WSDOT Facilities Capital/Protects: Security Improvements • 720 -$11k (Sean found solutions) Q2 2024 o Funded and evaluating scope of project Transportation Capital/Projects: TIB $680k complete Street Award — TIP 1.15 Pottery Ave (Complete Street) • Construction Q2 2024-council need to approve • $2.2 million —total project TIP 1.8/TIP 1.9 Blueberry & Salmon RAB Bethel Corridor Phase 1-Design • SCJ Alliance-Design-60% • Design-100% contract to council Q2 2024 • ROW Acquisition Q3 2024 • Construction by Q1 2027 • 2025 including developer funding, future TBD funds, and TIB grant Bethel Corridor Phase 5 -Bethel-Lincoln-Mitchel Round About TIP 2.04 • Skilling is working to break into two different projects • Coordinating Utilities — Utility Construction Q2 2024 • Bethel Lincoln -Project to be funded from $1.5 federal grant for construction �9 ORCHARD • Project Local portion to be provided from $1.3 TIF • TIB-awarded 38.8575% up to $1.170 max for Bethel/Mitchel Construction • Includes the Bethel -Mitchel RAB rather than (Mitchel Y and Mitchel -Lincoln) three-way • TIB board has reinstated funding- $1.17M • Advertise Phase I in Q1 2024 • Local TIF funding available up to $2.67 million • Engineer estimate for 15t roundabout - $950k -$1.2 million Anderson Hill Roundabout 0 Developer SEPA Funding eligible uses —$300K 0 Evaluating Developer proposal Bay Street Path- West Situational Study (Federal grant) • Final plan Q1 2024 -will need council approval • Transportation committee — February 2024 • City council approval — March 2024 TIP 1.Sa Old Clifton Rd -Design (Non -motorized Improvements) • Segment 1— 60% between McCormick Woods Drive and McCormick Village Park • Survey work —expected soon • Design delayed until Q2 2024 Bay Street Path — ROW & Design (Chris on Point) • TIP 1.1—ROW Acquisition --Tierra o Offers for property acquisitions to start Q2 2024 • TIP 1.2—Design o Under Contract for 90 to 100% design-Skillings o Public Works to Design Concepts/Renderings (under $5k) o NEPA revision to be completed and new shoreline permit o Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application (DARPA) McCormick Woods Drive Round About -ROW • ROW consultant procured — On Hold • Need to work with the HOA for the ROW purchase • ROW needs to be purchased by 2024 • Transportation Credit needs to be updated as project is completed • Evaluating Developer proposal 10 1284 ORCHARD McCormick Village Drive Round About • Working on punch list SR166/BAY STREET- TIP 2.23 (Ord. 067-21) • Need grant agreements for 2 federal sources of money • $ 1 million -Confirm-design contract award March 2024 • $2.2 million-PSRC TIP No. 1.14 Sidney Road Sidewalk • Safe Routes to School (grant)- 06.27.2023 • Match + Local • ROW annexation Kitsap County • Development Agreement Fee in Lieu- On Hold TIP No. 2.xx Tremont Phase 2-3 • Design WSDOT Ped Bike Program (grant)- 06.27.2023 • 100% grant funded • Procurement Q2 2024 Downtown Street Tree and Sidewalk Project • Remove and plant trees Q2 2024 Sedgwick Hwy 160 ROW • ROW acquisition — Multicare (On Hold) • 60% design — procure Q3 2024 Miscellaneous Capital/Projects: • Asset Management o Sewer module live March 2024 • Smart Meters o Installing Iperl meters and radios o Waiting for proposal for antennas • Public Works Charging stations 11 1284 ORCHARD o Waiting for transformer and trucks Capital Assets Franchise Agreement Street Lighting Projects • HSIP street lighting o $220k Budget for 2024 o Construction in 2024 • TIB Conversion to LED- waiting for PSE o TIB agreement term end of 2023-Extend agreement?? o TIB & PSE Under contract—TIB reimbursement est. $200k o City to Pay PSE and seek reimbursement from TIB —Finance research • City properties — On Hold (ROW agent) o Who has the list of City Property- (Arnold Ave) o What properties do we own? o How do we surplus property? Development Agreements • Blueberry Apartments Development Agreement o tracking • Fee of in Lieu of Construction -Hidden Hills o Pay a fee est. $150k rather than build frontage improvements - waiting for payment o tracking • Kitsap Transit Agreement o Federal Funding, Park, Transportation, Sewer Fees o tracking • Salmonberry Apartments o ROW for Traffic Impact Fee Credit o Fee in -lieu for construction • Home Depot Agreement o Bethel phase 4 construction-TIF Credit • Haven Town Homes o Fee in lieu of sidewalks 12 1284 ORCHARD o TIF credits • Haven Apartments o Resolve Park impact fees o TIF credits o Sewer agreement — done o tracking • Diaz Meadows — Council Approved o Water CFC credit 0 580-390 zone o tracking • Kitsap County Courthouse Agreement o Frontage improvements o Vesting to land use codes • Kitsap Helpline Agreement o Stormwater fee in lieu of construction 13 IF-W ORCHARD Attachment B: Asset Management Specialist job description 1. Asset Management Specialist The Asset Management Specialist reports to the GIS Coordinator/Asset Management Coordinator. The primary functions of this position are to verify record accuracy between GIS, record drawings, and field verification, investigating system discrepancies. Review and provide feedback to GIS /Asset Management Coordinator and Public Works Operations work groups. Create Cartegraph work orders and tasks for field verification of assets through investigation from record drawings, field data, and other verifiable sources. Update inaccuracies in systems for the purpose of maintaining and ensuring the City's utility map quality. Provides support to the GIS /Asset Management Coordinator and Public Works Operations. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Verify and correct record accuracy between Cartegraph and field installation of Port Orchard infrastructure. • Research and investigate discrepancies discovered during operational activities. • Review and provide feedback for CIP and Developmental Services. • Coordinates with CIP, Developmental Services, and other work groups involving contracted services on Gilbert Infrastructure during design. • Coordinate asset management workflow. • Manage video inspection schedules and integrate inspection data into workflow. • Integrate historical as-builts drawings into Cartegraph. • Verify historical easements through investigation and record review. • Other duties as assigned. 14 1284 ORCHARD Attachment C: Debt Capacity Table Table 141. Computation of Debt Capacity (as of August 1, 2023) 2023 Collection Year Assessed Valuer'} S 3,042,683,290 {general Purposes Non -Voted Debt Capacity (I.5%) ' 45,640,24 Less: Outstanding ikon -Voted Debt 3,740,000 Less: The Bonds 10,715,000 R,cmaining Non-VoIrd Debt Capacity $ 31,185,249 Percentage of Non -Voted Debt Capacity Used 31.7% Total (Voter -Approved and Non -Voted) DeE t Capacity (15%) S 76,067,092 Less: OuWanding Voter -Approved Debt 0 Less: Outstanding Non -bated Debt 3,740,000 Less: The Bonds 10,715.000 Total Remaining (Voter -Approved and Ikon -Voted) Debt Capacity S 61,612,092 Percentage of Tow Debt Capacity Used 19.(r/a Utility Purposes Voter -Approved Debt Capacity (2,3 ) S 76,067,082 Less: Outstanding Voter -Approved Debt 0 Remaining Voter -Approved Debt Capacity 5 76,067,082 Percentage of Voter-Appmved Debt Capacity Used ()%u Parks, Open Space and Economic Development Purposes Voter -Approved Debt Capacity (15%) S 76,067,092 Lc.%s: Outstanding Voter -Approved Dcbt 0 Remaining Voter -Approved Debt Capacity S 76,067,082 Percentage of doter -Approved Debt Capacity Used 0% (1) See "GENERAL AND GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS REVENUE SOURCES —Property Tax Assessment and Collection Pr xvJurrs—A.usesaed Value Del -+macron." Sarrrev: City -of Pori Orchard Debt Service Requirements The following table provides the debt service schedule for the City's outstanding limited tax general obligation bonds and the Sands_ 15 1284 ORCHARD Attachment D: Memo re: Flock Safety 16 1284 ORCHARD Attachment E: Quote re: Flock Safety 17 1284 ORCHARD Attachment F: Public Works Assistant Job Description 1284 ORCHARD Attachment G: Sound Cities Associate Guiding Principles • Assume that others are acting with good intent • No surprises! • Have each other's backs • Think about who is not at the table • Be candid, but kind • once a decision is made, work together to make it work • Show up to meetings prepared • Be fully present and engaged during meetings • Extend grace to others — cut them some slack • Remain open-minded • Respect differing views 19 R 0 CHARD Attachment H: List of Retreat Topics Retreat Topics 1. Parliamentary Training - May 21,t. 2. Arts Commission - Public Art (New Fee or Tax) John 3. Additional Police Officers - 1 plus 1 (General Fund) Chief Brown - Mark 4. Street Paving - $1M (Gas Tax & General Fund) Scott & Mark 5. One new parks personnel. (General Fund) Eric/Scott/Mark 6. Increase summer hire staff from 4 to 6. (Mostly General Fund) Eric/Scott/Mark 7. Asset Management Specialist - $75K Enterprise Funds - Denis 8. Promote Office Assistant II to an Office Assistant III - to perform the administrative side of stormwater, sewer & water permits. PW Crew to perform field work. Use Stormwater FTE to hire an entry level Engineer. We continue to try and recruit an Assistant City Engineer. We're going to relook at the salary range. Should these difficult to recruit positions be an average of our comps. 9. Staff right of way agent. $120K (General Fund but largely offset from consultant costs) 10. 60% Design and ROW for the remaining segments of Bethel. (TIF) 11. Anderson Hill Roundabout Construction ($2M project mostly impact fees w/$200K from general fund or REET) 2025 100% design / 2026 construction. 12. Public Safety Cameras 22 Cameras $150K for two years (General Fund) Chief Brown 13. Pursue a stormwater grant for the Downtown Basin or Sidny South (Match from Stormwater Funds) 14. Future space needs - New police station - Moving Council meetings to the Community Center - Public Works building (Short & Long term planning) 15. Fund a staff member for a downtown main street organization. (General Fund but needs the support of the downtown merchants) John 16. Plat industrial land in our business park. (General Fund) Grant Pending 17. Update Traffic Impact Study - 2024 ($35K General Fund) Bond 18. Ordinance & Resolution Sponsors and other outdated code (Process improvement) Bond 19. City Administrator - $180K - $220K - Scott/Eric 20. PIO - $150K - Scott 21. Plans for downtown - Myhre's discussion - Scott 22. Discussion of 1406 Funds & current year funding - Fred 23. Governance Etiquette -Show Example 24. Guiding Principles - Heidi 25. Create a road clean-up program - Mark. (In the works with Kitsap County) 26. Improve public information process & improved public perception - Mark. 27. Public Comment - Mayor 28. City Dash Boards -John 29. Bonding Capacity & Debt - Fred 30. Website - Fred 20 1284 ORCHARD 31. Plazza funding with debt — $2M Park Impact Fees — REET - Nick 32. Library Property Plans— Fred 33. Citywide Facilities Condition Assessment $150K General Fund — Denis 34. Master Plan Givens Park $150K Parks? Denis & Nick 35. Public Works Shop Space — Equipment Storage 36. Roles & Responsibilities Training — City Attorney 21