06/10/2024 - AgendaCity of Port Orchard Economic Development and Tourism Committee June 10, 2024 9:30 am Remote access only Zoom Webinar Link (this is for public access only - EDT Committee and Panelists use your individual links): https:Hus02web.zoom.us/i/83306625864 Telephone: +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 833 0662 5864 AGENDA 1. Committee Member Introductions 2. Stakeholder Discussion a. KEDA Q1 2024 Economic Development Report (Attachment) ITSAP(ALLIANCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Companies assisted (BRE) 56 183 Recruitment follow-up 2 13 Start-up assistance 13 30 Export Assistance 0 0 Kitsap Businesses Trained 15 96 Trainings / Support Events 15 34 Major Initiatives Events • APEX Accelerator • Apex Accelerator Classes x 5 • WAV-C * Letters to the Government * WEDA Project of the Getting Paid with DoD's Wide Year — Illahee Tire Area Workflow (WAWF) System Cleanup Socio-Economic Certifications • UW Tacoma Capstone (Federal and State) Collaboration Understanding Capabilities • Emery Riddle — Open Statements Ocean Robotics * Multiple Award Construction Collaboration on Contracts (MACC) Intercoastal Foot Ferries Longshore & Harbor Worker's • Microbusiness Accelerator Compensation Act — Insurance * 14 Microbusinesses in * Request for Equitable Cohort 2.0 Adjustment (REAs) * Lightening Talks • Contractor Coffee Hour x 3 * Microbusiness Support • Prime Connect x 3 • One Kitsap * Blue Trident / Newton JV • Kitsap Economic Profile Nova Group * NAVFAC NW MACC * Hensel Phelps • Evergreen Manufacturing Cornerstone General Growth Grant Contractors Inventech Marine Absher Solutions Awarded * Hoffman Construction $200,000 • Annual Meeting and Economic • Business Retention, Forecast Recruitment, and • Workforce Roundtable Expansion (BRER) For more information, contact James Davis at 360.377.0180 or davis@kitsapeda.org 183 % 100 43% 30 167% 18 0% 320% 6 30 Outreach Social Media (Q1) ✓ Linkedln: 47 Stories ✓ Facebook: 57 Posts ✓ Blog content: 17 Posts Newsletters x11 Monthly Featured Content ✓ Onekitsap 5 Year Strategy ✓ WSMA Microbusiness Accelerator ✓ OC / KEDA Work Force Round Table ✓ Large Naval MACC Opportunities Print ads ✓ West Sound Home Magazine News Columns: Kitsap Sun "Kitsap economic agency focused on impact over the coming five years" -South Sound Business