2-FINAL Preliminary Design Report - Ruby Creek Lift Station The City of Port Orchard Ruby Creek Lift Station Preliminary Design Report May 2024 PREPARED BY: Consor Point of Contact: Erika Schuyler, PE, PMP 600 University Street, Suite #300 Seattle, WA 98101 p: 206.462.7030 e: erika.schuyler@consoreng.com PREPARED FOR: Public Works Department 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 Ruby Creek Lift Station Preliminary Design Report The City of Port Orchard May 2024 DRAFT Consor 600 University Street Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98101 May 20, 2024 C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Table of Contents | Page i Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................................... 1-1 1.1 Background .............................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Chapter 2 Existing Site Conditions ...................................... 2-1 2.1 Site Location and Topography ................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Critical Areas ............................................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.3 Cultural Resources Considerations .......................................................................................................... 2-1 2.4 Geotechnical Considerations ................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.5 Required Infrastructure Improvements ................................................................................................... 2-2 Chapter 3 Design Criteria .................................................... 3-1 3.1 Standards and Preferences ...................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Lift Station Capacity ................................................................................................................................. 3-2 Chapter 4 Recommended Project ........................................ 4-1 4.1 Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 General Site ............................................................................................................................................. 4-2 4.2.1 Ingress, Egress, and Parking ............................................................................................................. 4-2 4.2.2 Clearing and Grading ........................................................................................................................ 4-2 4.2.3 Water Service ................................................................................................................................... 4-2 4.2.4 Electrical Service ............................................................................................................................... 4-2 4.2.5 Lighting ............................................................................................................................................. 4-2 4.2.6 Fencing ............................................................................................................................................. 4-2 4.3 Wet Well .................................................................................................................................................. 4-2 4.3.1 Structure ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2 4.3.2 Pumps ............................................................................................................................................... 4-3 4.3.3 Backup Diesel Pump ......................................................................................................................... 4-4 4.3.4 Instrumentation ................................................................................................................................ 4-4 4.3.5 Piping................................................................................................................................................ 4-5 4.4 Vaults ....................................................................................................................................................... 4-5 4.4.1 Structures ......................................................................................................................................... 4-5 C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Table of Contents | Page ii 4.4.2 Valves ............................................................................................................................................... 4-5 4.4.3 Piping................................................................................................................................................ 4-5 4.4.4 Instrumentation ................................................................................................................................ 4-6 4.5 Force Main ............................................................................................................................................... 4-6 4.6 Backup Generator .................................................................................................................................... 4-6 4.7 Instrumentation and Control ................................................................................................................... 4-6 4.7.1 Control Building ................................................................................................................................ 4-6 4.7.2 Control System ................................................................................................................................. 4-6 Chapter 5 Planning and Cost Opinions ............................... 5-1 5.1 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost ................................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Permitting ................................................................................................................................................ 5-2 5.3 Schedule .................................................................................................................................................. 5-2 Tables Table 3-1 | City Standards and Preferences .................................................................................................. 3-1 Table 3-2 | Projected Flowrates .................................................................................................................... 3-2 Table 5-1 | AACE Class 3 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost.................................................................. 5-1 Figures Figure 2-1 | Ruby Creek Lift Station Site Location ......................................................................................... 2-2 Figure 4-1 | Ruby Creek Lift Station Site Layout ............................................................................................ 4-1 Figure 4-2 | Preliminary Pump and System Curves ....................................................................................... 4-3 Figure 4-3 | Preliminary Backup Diesel Pump and System Curves ................................................................ 4-4 Appendix Appendix A Plans Appendix B Basin Map Appendix C Site Survey Appendix D Stream Assessment Report Appendix E Cultural Resources Considerations Appendix F Geotechnical Study Appendix G Sidney Gravity Sewer Exhibit Appendix H Pump Comparison Memo Appendix I Specifications Table of Contents C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Introduction • 1-1 CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1.1 Background The City of Port Orchard (City) has experienced rapid growth in the past decade, a sizable portion of which has occurred near the SW Sedgewick Road interchange. Kitsap Transit intends to ease emerging congestion and parking demands in downtown Port Orchard and Bremerton through the construction of a park-and- ride facility at the northeastern corner of the intersection of Sidney Road SW and SW Sedgewick Road, just west of State Route 16 (SR 16). The proposed facility includes 250 parking stalls, three bus bays, a restroom building, bus shelters, a playground, and a public trail system east of the park-and-ride. The Ruby Creek Lift Station (RCLS) is planned to be constructed just north of the park-and-ride facility to service the parking area’s public restroom and future commercial development on the facility. In addition to the Kitsap Transit project, surrounding area growth is a key driver for the lift station’s construction. The RCLS is intended to serve all of Basin 7 and the portion of Basin 7a south of Ruby Creek at full buildout (see Appendix B for a map of the area basins). This includes diverted flows currently serviced by the Albertsons Lift Station south of SW Sedgewick Road, which is currently operating at capacity. 1.2 Purpose Consor North America, Inc. (Consor) was contracted by the City to provide preliminary design services for the RCLS. This report summarizes the progress complete to-date and documents preliminary design information for the proposed lift station, including design criteria, configuration, and preliminary plans for the recommended project. A 30% drawing set is included as Appendix A, and a specifications table of contents is included as Appendix H. C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Introduction • 1-2 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Existing Site Conditions • 2-1 CHAPTER 2 Existing Site Conditions 2.1 Site Location and Topography The RCLS site is located north of the planned Kitsap Transit park-and-ride facility along Sidney Road SW, directly across the street from 5142 Sidney Road SW. The area is undeveloped and surrounded by wetlands, with Ruby Creek located to the north and the east of the site location. Trees line the road directly west of the site. The site is relatively flat with ground elevations ranging from 192 feet to 194 feet above sea level. The parcel has a slight downward slope toward its northeastern corner. Figure 2-1 shows the site location and immediate surrounding area. A topographic survey of the area was conducted for the Kitsap Transit park-and-ride project and provided to Consor for use for the RCLS design. The topographic survey is included as Appendix C. 2.2 Critical Areas A wetland and stream assessment was conducted by Confluence Environmental Company in conjunction with the Kitsap Transit park-and-ride project and provided to Consor for use for the RCLS design. Three wetlands were identified, all located east of the proposed RCLS site. Blackjack Creek is located approximately 900 feet east of the site, and its associated floodplain encompasses the three wetlands identified in the wetlands and streams report. Ruby Creek is located directly north of the proposed site, and its associated stream buffer serves as the northernmost and easternmost constraint on the site location. Relevant portions of the wetland and stream assessment report are included as Appendix D. 2.3 Cultural Resources Considerations A cultural resources investigation is intended to be carried out before construction of the Kitsap Transit park-and-ride facility. A preliminary desktop review was conducted, and it returned no previously recorded findings of historic-age resources in or within one mile of the potentially affected area. Kitsap Transit will conduct a reconnaissance-level survey before construction activities to determine if any belowground cultural resources are present within the area. An attachment detailing the cultural resources study methodology is included as Appendix E. 2.4 Geotechnical Considerations Aspect Consulting, LLC, conducted a geotechnical engineering study in support of the Kitsap Transit park- and-ride project and found that the project was feasible from a geotechnical perspective. The findings from this study are being used for the RCLS project, though it should be noted that none of the test pit locations from the geotechnical survey are particularly close in proximity to the RCLS site, with the nearest test pit location approximately 200 feet away. An additional test should be conducted at the RCLS site to confirm soil conditions. The geotechnical study found that the soil in the area is primarily comprised of moderately compressible and impermeable silt and sand. Groundwater was found in the nearest test pit to the proposed Ruby Creek Lift Station site at a depth of 9.5 feet. The soil is described as highly moisture-sensitive, and it was noted C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Existing Site Conditions • 2-2 that reuse of native material for structural fill will require dry season construction along with careful moisture control. The geotechnical study is included as Appendix F. 2.5 Required Infrastructure Improvements Infrastructure improvements outside of the Ruby Creek Lift Station project scope are required to achieve lift station functionality. Approximately 1,700 linear feet of 15-inch diameter gravity sewer must be constructed to intercept flows and route them to the RCLS. 1,100 linear feet of this sewer piping is required to be completed by Kitsap Transit as part of the required frontage improvements for the park-and-ride project. An exhibit of the gravity sewer is included as Appendix G. A new 10-inch diameter force main must also be constructed to convey discharge flows from the RCLS to the gravity sewer system in Pottery Avenue. The City has two projects under design to construct 4,500 linear feet of this force main. The remaining force main segment will be constructed under the RCLS project scope and will serve to transition from the lift station discharge to the City-designed sewer main in the road. Figure 2-1 | Ruby Creek Lift Station Site Location C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Design Criteria • 3-1 CHAPTER 3 Design Criteria 3.1 Standards and Preferences City standards and preferences for lift station components are primarily contained within Chapter 9 of the City’s Engineering Standards and Specifications. Standards and preferences for key equipment and components are included in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 | City Standards and Preferences Component Description Pumps Flygt N-Series pumps, capable of handling maximum projected flow with full redundancy, plus one spare pump. Minimum Operating Volume Sufficient to allow for a maximum of six starts per hour under peak flow conditions, and no less than one start per hour during minimum flow conditions. Variable Frequency Drives Allen Bradley Powerflex 753 or 755 series, with analog card. Control System Allen Bradley CompactLogix Series PLCs. Programming and Integration The City’s sole source vendor, Technical Systems Incorporated, will be required to perform all integration and SCADA programming. Backup Power In order of preference: Cummins Diesel, Kohler with John Deere Diesel engine, or Cat Diesel. Generator configuration includes automatic transfer switch, manual transfer switch, and quiet package enclosure. Piping – buried, gravity Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and fittings meeting the requirements of ASTM Specification D3034 for 4”-15” SDR 35 and F679 for 18”-27”. The pipe shall be colored green for in-ground identification as sewer pipe. Piping – wet well, vaults Centrifugally cast ductile iron conforming to AWWA C151 with thickness class greater than or equal to Class 52. Ceramic epoxy lining for corrosion resistance. Piping – buried, pressure Butt-fused high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe conforming to all requirements of ASTM D 1248, Type III, Class C, Category 5, Grade P34, with PPI rating of PE 3408. Working pressure rating of 160 psi, SDR 11. Wet Well, Valve Vaults Precast reinforced concrete covered with a coating resistant to damage from sewer gases. Rectangular aluminum hatches, Bilco style or approved equal. Isolation Valves Eccentric plug resilient seat epoxy coated gate valves with full opening ports and synthetic rubber coated valve plugs with stainless steel seats and drip-tight shutoff with pressure in either direction. Check Valves Iron body; brass trimmed; swing type; balanced; external spring loaded; with a clear opening equal to or greater than the connecting pipe. Water Service 2” non-freeze post hydrant with approved backflow prevention assembly. 2” water service line and meter. Site surfacing Hot mix asphalt. Security Locks on all hatches and doors; 6-foot high black chain link fence with top and bottom rails; 16-foot-wide lockable access gate; site lighting. C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Design Criteria • 3-2 3.2 Lift Station Capacity With the intended flow diversions mentioned previously, the number of existing equivalent residential units (ERUs) planned to be serviced by the RCLS is 1,386. The City has estimated that an additional 400 ERUs may result from a potential expansion of the Urban Growth Area and the miscellaneous future developments that would result. To account for this growth, it was decided that the RCLS would be built to accommodate the flows from 1,900 ERUs. Using the City's current planning values of 2.4 people per ERU and 70 gallons per capita per day of sewer flow, the average daily flowrate was calculated. The resulting average and maximum flows are shown in Table 3-2. Table 3-2 | Projected Flowrates Pumping Capacity Avg Day Flow Peak Hour Peaking Factor Peak Hour Flow 750 gpm 222 gpm 3.27 727 gpm C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Recommended Project • 4-1 CHAPTER 4 Recommended Project 4.1 Configuration The proposed project will include the construction of a wet well, valve vault, meter vault, and control building, along with the clearing, grading, and paving work necessary to construct the access road and site surface. The wet well will be located in the southeast corner of the site, with the valve vault and meter vault located north of the wet well. To the east of the wet well a skid-mounted backup diesel pump will be fixed on a pad. A light pole will be located on the southeast side of the site near the wet-well to aid with visibility during maintenance work, and a pump disconnect panel will be located along the eastern fence. At the northern end of the site a generator with a sound attenuating enclosure will be skid-mounted and affixed to a pad. The control building will be located in the northwest corner of the site. At the west end of the site there will be a non-freeze hydrant with a hot box for freeze protection. The hotbox will have a weatherproof ground fault interrupter (GFI) outlet and heat tracing to prevent pipes from freezing. The hydrant and its associated backflow assembly will be connected to a 2-inch water meter and service line to provide washdown water to the site. The entire facility will be surrounded by a 6-foot fence that has a 16-foot-wide sliding gate, as well as a swing gate in the southwest corner of the facility for personnel access. The proposed layout can be seen in Figure 4-1. Figure 4-1 | Ruby Creek Lift Station Site Layout C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Recommended Project • 4-2 4.2 General Site 4.2.1 Ingress, Egress, and Parking To accommodate fire access, the access road will be 18 feet wide. It will run from Sidney Road SW to the southwest corner of the lift station site and will include a parking area for service vehicles, which will also double as an area to perform a three-point turn to exit the facility. 4.2.2 Clearing and Grading There are several trees along Sidney Road SW directly west of the site. An additional survey will need to be conducted to determine whether trees will need to be removed to allow construction of the RCLS access road. The construction areas will be cleared of vegetation and organic topsoil will be removed prior to constructing paved services and foundations. 4.2.3 Water Service Potable water will be provided to the facility through a 2-inch diameter service connection from the water main in Sidney Road SW. A pressure reducing valve (PRV) and reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) will be included to reduce pressures and minimize the risk of cross contamination. This potable water line is intended to be used for all process water needs on the site, which are expected to consist primarily of washdown activities. A hotbox with a weatherproof GFI receptacle for heat trace cable will house the assembly. 4.2.4 Electrical Service Preliminary design for the Ruby Creek Lift Station intends for electrical service to be provided from a Puget Sound Energy (PSE) pole-mounted transformer. Area has been reserved to the west of the parking area for a pad-mounted PSE transformer if that option is deemed preferable in later design stages. 4.2.5 Lighting The control building will have LED lighting in its interior. Additionally, a 12-foot light pole with a 120-volt LED fixture head with photocell control will be installed near the wet well to allow maintenance in low visibility conditions. A light switch will be mounted to the pole to turn the light off if necessary. 4.2.6 Fencing A 6-foot-high chain link fence will surround the entire lift station facility. A locking 16-foot-wide slide gate will be located at the entrance to the site in its southwest corner, along with a swing gate for personnel access. 4.3 Wet Well 4.3.1 Structure The wet well will be constructed from precast concrete covered with Raven 405 protective coating or an approved equivalent. The wet well will be 10 feet in interior diameter and 25 feet in depth to accommodate the influent flowrates discussed in Section 3.2 and the pump cycle conditions mentioned in Section 3.1. Hatches will be Bilco or an approved equivalent, with aluminum construction and rated for H-20 loading. C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Recommended Project • 4-3 All metal parts within the wet well are to be 316 stainless steel. A vent with integral carbon filtration will be incorporated for odor control. 4.3.2 Pumps The City has previously used both Vaughan chopper pumps and Flygt N-Series impeller pumps. Both pump types have capably handled solids and ragging, so to aid in making a selection the City requested that Consor create a memorandum comparing the two options (included as Appendix H). The City selected the Flygt N-Series pump style as the basis of design for the RCLS. Two of these pumps will be arranged in a fully redundant duplex configuration, designed to operate at the lift station capacity of 750 gallons per minute (gpm) at 112 feet of total dynamic head (TDH). A preliminary selection of the Flygt NP 3202 HT pump has been made. Motors will be 45 horsepower (hp), explosion proof, 480-volt, three phase motors, and will be non-overloading at all points of the pump curve. Per City standards, they will use Allen Bradley 753 or 755 Powerflex VFDs. The system curve and preliminary pump selection are shown in Figure 4-2. Figure 4-2 | Preliminary Pump and System Curves The pumps will have a non-sparking base, and guide rails which aid in removal and installation during maintenance procedures. A davit crane will be used to hoist the pumps out of the wet well. Three total pumps will be provided, with one serving as a spare. C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Recommended Project • 4-4 4.3.3 Backup Diesel Pump A backup diesel pump has been incorporated into the site design to account for the scenario when the site’s backup generator is not functional during a power outage. This unit will be equipped with a solar panel to retain battery charge, and the pump will turn on once a high level setpoint is detected by a pressure transmitter in the wet well. The backup diesel pump will be skid-mounted and anchored to a pad directly east of the wet well. A preliminary selection of the Godwin CD160M Dri-Prime pump has been made. This model is equipped with a sound-attenuating enclosure due to proximity to the Kitsap Transit park-and-ride facility. The system curve and preliminary backup diesel pump selection are shown in Figure 4-3. Figure 4-3 | Preliminary Backup Diesel Pump and System Curves 4.3.4 Instrumentation The wet well level will be controlled by a primary submersible pressure transmitter, with float switches included as backup control devices. The instrumentation will control for the following conditions:  Low-level alarm (float switch)  Low-level alarm (level transmitter)  All pumps off (level transmitter)  Lead pump on (level transmitter)  Lag pump on (level transmitter) C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Recommended Project • 4-5  High-level alarm (level transmitter)  Both pumps on/high level alarm (float switch) Both pumps will have hand, off, and automatic operation capability, both through manual adjustment on site and through the City’s master supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) station. 4.3.5 Piping All piping within the wet well will be ceramic epoxy coated ductile iron pipe. 6-inch diameter lines from both submersible pumps will convey water through the valve and meter vaults to the discharge force main, while a 6-inch diameter suction line to the diesel pump will be installed. 4.4 Vaults 4.4.1 Structures As with the wet well, the valve and meter vaults will be constructed from precast concrete covered with Raven 405 protective coating or an approved equivalent to prevent corrosion from sewage gases. The valve vault will have 14 feet by 8 feet interior dimensions, while the meter vault will have 9 feet by 5 feet interior dimensions. Both vaults will have an interior depth of 7 feet. Hatches will be Bilco or an approved equivalent, with aluminum construction and rated for H-20 loading. 4.4.2 Pumps To ensure adequate drainage from the vaults, the City requested that sump pumps be incorporated into the vault design. A 1-foot square sump will be located at the northeast corner of both vaults, with a common 2-inch diameter PVC discharge header routed back to the wet well. 4.4.3 Valves Two check valves will be located in the valve vault, one for each pump discharge. Both check valves will be iron bodied and brass trimmed swing check valves, with externally spring-loaded levers and extra heavy duty stainless steel shafts and keys. A total of four eccentric plug valves will be located in the valve and meter vaults. One will be placed downstream of the check valve on each submersible pump discharge line to allow for check valve maintenance during lift station operation. Additionally, a plug valve will be placed on the discharge line from the backup diesel pump, and another plug valve will be placed downstream of the flow meter in the meter vault to allow for isolation of the flow meter from the downstream force main. All check and plug valves are to be 6 inches in diameter. 4.4.4 Piping All piping through the valve vault and meter vault is to match the piping within the wet well with ceramic epoxy lined ductile iron construction. Romac Alpha couplings are to connect pipe spools between the wet well and valve vault, as well as between the valve vault and meter vault. This is to accommodate any differential settlement between the three concrete structures. C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Recommended Project • 4-6 At the discharge of the meter vault the line size will expand from 6 inches to 10 inches in diameter, and an adapter will transition the pipe material from ductile iron to HDPE for the duration of the force main. 4.4.5 Instrumentation Pressure gauges and transmitters are to be located directly downstream of the two check valves in the valve vault. The assembly will consist of an analog gauge, a 4-20 mA pressure transmitter, and a ball valve saddle tapped to the ductile iron pipe. Another pressure gauge and transmitter assembly will be located directly upstream of the flow meter in the meter vault in similar fashion. A 6-inch diameter electromagnetic flow meter will be installed in the meter vault to measure discharge flow. The display will show current flow rate as well as total gallons pumped in gpm. Flow rate and total flow values will be transmitted to the City’s master SCADA station for display. 4.5 Force Main The force main beginning at the discharge of the meter vault will be 10-inch diameter, SDR 11 HDPE pipe. The portion of the force main in this project scope will travel approximately 150 feet west from the meter vault where it will connect to the rest of the force main beginning in Sidney Road SW, which will be designed and constructed in another project. The combined force main will be approximately 4,800 feet in length and will convey lift station effluent north to eventually connect to the gravity sewer system in Pottery Avenue. 4.6 Backup Generator Standby power will be provided by a self-contained backup diesel generator on the north side of the lift station site. The generator will be sized to operate both 45 hp pumps simultaneously and will have a subbase fuel tank with 38 hours of fuel at full load. The generator will include an automatic transfer switch and a sound-attenuating enclosure. Additionally, a manual transfer switch will be installed in the feed line between the generator and the automatic transfer switch so that a portable generator can be connected should the onsite generator fail. 4.7 Instrumentation and Control 4.7.1 Control Building The control building will be located in the northwest corner of the RCLS site and will house the control station cabinet and the main electrical equipment for the facility. The building has an approximate footprint of 11 feet by 17 feet, with a continuous 18-inch-wide footing about its perimeter serving as its foundation. The building will have a peaked roof and CMU walls, with a double door on its south side. The interior will have LED lighting and at least one 120-volt, 20-amp GFI outlet. 4.7.2 Control System The RCLS will be connected to the City’s sewer SCADA system, with one spare modem provided in addition to the one installed. An alarm system will be provided, with alarms or signals for the following conditions:  High-level (float switch)  High-level (level transmitter)  Low-level (level transmitter) C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Recommended Project • 4-7  Low-level (float switch)  Utility power failure  Phase loss  Pump faults  Pump status (hand/off/automatic operation)  Pump amperage  VFD faults  Total and monthly pump hours  Total and monthly pump starts  Generator internal fuel tank leak  Generator low fuel  Generator running  Generator warning  Generator failure  ATS in utility, emergency  Loss of communication with master SCADA station  Control panel, wet well, valve vault, and meter vault intrusion  Flowrate  Flow total All alarms will be displayed locally on the control panel and will be transmitted to the City’s master SCADA station. C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Recommended Project • 4-8 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Planning and Cost Opinions • 5-1 CHAPTER 5 Planning and Cost Opinions 5.1 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost The opinion of probable construction cost (OPCC) was developed based on current market conditions and quotes from equipment and material suppliers. The OPCC is based on similar work in the area and on a 30- percent project maturity level, equating to a Class 3 cost opinion, as defined by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) International. This level of cost opinion is considered to fall within an accuracy range of -20 percent to +30 percent of the actual construction cost. This OPCC is summarized in Table 5-1. The OPCC represents opinions of cost only, acknowledging that final costs will vary depending on actual labor and market costs, site conditions, market conditions for construction, regulatory factors, final project scope, project schedule, and other factors outside the project team control. Table 5-1 | AACE Class 3 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Item Description Qty Unit Unit Cost Total 1 Mobilization and Demobilization 1 LS $130,000 $130,000 2 Traffic Control 1 LS $25,000 $25,000 3 TESC 1 LS $13,000 $13,000 4 Dewatering 1 LS $63,000 $63,000 5 Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing 1 LS $10,000 $10,000 6 Wet Well 1 EA $169,000 $169,000 7 Valve and Meter Vaults 1 LS $62,000 $62,000 8 Control Building 1 LS $78,000 $78,000 9 Equipment Slabs 1 LS $18,000 $18,000 10 Pumps 3 EA $58,000 $174,000 11 Backup Diesel Pump 1 EA $112,000 $112,000 12 Valves and Piping – Wet Well and Vaults 1 LS $70,000 $70,000 13 Yard Piping 1 LS $17,000 $17,000 14 Generator w/Sound Attenuating Enclosure 1 EA $65,000 $65,000 15 Electrical, Instrumentation, and Controls 1 LS $380,000 $380,000 16 Fencing 225 LF $40 $9,000 17 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS $10,000 $10,000 18 Site Restoration 1 LS $22,000 $22,000 19 Force Main Sewer 150 LF $350 $52,500 Subtotal $1,479,500 Engineering, Construction Management, and Administrative Costs 40% $591,800 Contingency 30% $443,850 Sales Tax 9.3% $137,594 Total Project Cost $2,653,000 AACE Class 5 OPCC Upper Limit +30% $3,449,000 AACE Class 5 OPCC Lower Limit -20% $2,122,000 C003-22 – Work Order 3 • May 2024 • Ruby Creek Lift Station • City of Port Orchard Planning and Cost Opinions • 5-2 5.2 Permitting A number of permits will need to be acquired prior to lift station construction:  SEPA Environmental Review – Per the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), this project will have to undergo a review process to analyze potential environmental impacts.  Major Development Permit – The RCLS site will have over 5,000 square feet of impermeable surfaces, which triggers this permit requirement.  Commercial Building Permits – The control building requires a building permit. Additionally, the site fence will require a permit should its height be raised above the currently planned 6 feet.  Land Disturbing Activity Permit – There are several trees which may need to be removed in order to construct the site’s access road. If these trees are 18 inches or great in diameter at breast height this will require a permit.  Right-of-Way Permit – Required work within Sidney Road SW will require a right-of-way permit. 5.3 Schedule A preliminary schedule for this project is outlined below:  February 2024 – Final design completion and advertisement for construction  April 2024 – Contractor Notice to Proceed  June 2025 – Major submittals complete  April 2026 – Long lead items received  April-May 2025 – Clearing and grading  June 2025 – Structures installed  June-July – Mechanical and electrical components installed  July 2025 – Lift station startup, testing, and commissioning  August 2025 – Construction complete APPENDIX A PLANS W FH PP PP PP N2°26'13"E 662.23'192 193 192 195 194 1 9 2 1901881861841 8 2 1 9 2 1 9 4 196SIDNEY ROAD SW12" CPE IE=189.43' 12" CPE IE=189.43' 12" CMP IE=193.70' 12" CMP (BURRIED) IE=193.08'WWWWWWWWWW 15"SS15"SS 15"SS15"SS15"SS15"SS10"HDPE 10"HDPE 30% SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Drawing Path and Name: H:\EVT_Projects\22\3450 - 2022 Wastewater On-Call\WO3 - Ruby Creek\12 CADD\12-5 Sheets\N223450WA_C-101.dwg, Plotted Date: May 1, 2024 7:48 AM By: Jared Cloud 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D 7 Engineer's Seal: This document, ideas, and designs incorporated herein, are an instrument of professional service, and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of CONSOR. Consultant:Client / Owner:Project Title: Drawing No.: 0 11/2 IF BAR DOES NOT MEASURE 1" DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE Drawing Title:Designed By: Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By: Consor Project No.: Issued On: CITY OF PORT ORCHARD RUBY CREEK LIFT STATION CIVIL SITE AND YARD PIPING PLAN - 1 DSN CAD CHK APP C-101 FEBRUARY 2024 N223450WA PLAN SCALE: 1"=20' APPROXIMATE 150' STREAM BUFFER APPROXIMATE 165' STREAM BUFFER PROPOSED FORCE MAIN APPROXIMATE WATER LINE LOCATION FUTURE SANITARY SEWER (BY OTHERS) FUTURE KITSAP TRANSIT BUILDING PAD 2 RPBA CONTROL BUILDING GENSET LIGHT POLE 10' DIA WET WELL DIESEL PUMP VALVE VAULT METER VAULT 2" WATER METER, BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY, NON FREEZE HYDRANT 16' WIDE SLIDE GATE ACCESS ROAD AND PARKING AREA 84'-3 14"18'20'35' 65' 55'50'PUMP DISCONNECT PANEL A D-301 14'-0" 11'-0"3'-0"2'-0"4'-6"1'-6"1'-0"5'-0"1'-0"8'-0"6"6'-0"2'-6" 9'-0"1'-6"3'-0"6"5'-0"4'-0"4'-0" SUBMERSIBLE SOLIDS HANDLING PUMP 10"-HDPE TO FORCE MAIN DUCTILE IRON PIPE EXITING METER VAULT TO TRANSITION TO HDPE FORCE MAIN. MJxFLG COUPLER TO FLGxHDPE COUPLER18" MIN 6" FLOW METER 6" RFCA, TYP 6" ECCENTRIC PLUG VALVE, TYP 6" ROMAC ALPHA COUPLING, TYP 6"-DI 2"-PVC 6" SWING CHECK VALVE, SPRING AND LEVER, TYP DROP BOWL ASSEMBLY 15" INFLUENT GRAVITY SEWER 4'x7' ACCESS HATCH 13'-0"6'-0"2'-0"5'-0" 6"-DI 6"-DI6"-DI4'-8"2'-9"DIESEL PUMP AND PUMP PAD 6"-DI 10"x6" RDCR 10"-DI 10' WET WELL INTERIOR DIAMETER 6'x4'DOUBLE LEAF ACCESS HATCH 10'x6' TRIPLE LEAF ACCESS HATCH 1'-0", TYP 1'-0"6"VENT PIPE 2"-PVC 2"-PVC CITY OF PORT ORCHARD RUBY CREEK LIFT STATION PROCESS LIFT STATION PLAN DSN JLC CHK APP D-101 MAY 2024 N223450WA 30% SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Drawing Path and Name: H:\EVT_Projects\22\3450 - 2022 Wastewater On-Call\WO3 - Ruby Creek\12 CADD\12-5 Sheets\N223450WA_D-101.dwg, Plotted Date: May 16, 2024 10:50 AM By: Derek Cloud 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D 7 Engineer's Seal: This document, ideas, and designs incorporated herein, are an instrument of professional service, and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of CONSOR. Consultant:Client / Owner:Project Title: Drawing No.: 0 11/2 IF BAR DOES NOT MEASURE 1" DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE Drawing Title:Designed By: Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By: Consor Project No.: Issued On: PLAN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SUBMERSIBLE SOLIDS HANDLING PUMP 10"-HDPE TO FORCE MAIN EL = 188.20' DUCTILE IRON PIPE EXITING METER VAULT TO TRANSITION TO HDPE FORCE MAIN. MJxFLG COUPLER TO FLGxHDPE COUPLER 6" FLOW METER 6" RFCA, TYP 6" ECCENTRIC PLUG VALVE, TYP SADDLE TAPPED PRESSURE TRANSMITTER ASSEMBLY, TYP 6" ROMAC ALPHA COUPLING, TYP 6"-DI 6" SWING CHECK VALVE, SPRING AND LEVER 6"-DI4"x6" ECC RDCR 6"-DI 6"-DI FROM EMERGENCY DIESEL PUMP 2"-PVC SUMP PUMP DISCHARGE HEADER WET WELL FLOOR EL = 167.7' ALL PUMPS OFF EL = 171.7' LEAD PUMP ON EL = 175.0' LEVEL TRANSMITTER HIGH LEVEL ALARM, LAG PUMP ON EL = 176.1' 15" SS INLET INV EL = 176.6' WET WELL RIM EL = 193.2' BOT EL = 185.75'BOT EL = 185.75' CL 10"x6" RDCR 10"-DI 2'-4" LEVEL TRASNMITTER LOW LEVEL EL = 171.0' FLOAT LOW LEVEL EL = 170.5' FLOAT HIGH LEVEL ALARM EL = 176.4' LAG PUMP ON EL = 176.0' FIN GR EL = 192.7' VENT PIPE W/ CARBON FILTER 2"-PVC SUMP PUMP DISCHARGE HEADER CITY OF PORT ORCHARD RUBY CREEK LIFT STATION PROCESS LIFT STATION SECTION DSN JLC CHK APP D-301 MAY 2024 N223450WA 30% SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Drawing Path and Name: H:\EVT_Projects\22\3450 - 2022 Wastewater On-Call\WO3 - Ruby Creek\12 CADD\12-5 Sheets\N223450WA_D-301.dwg, Plotted Date: May 16, 2024 10:50 AM By: Derek Cloud 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D 7 Engineer's Seal: This document, ideas, and designs incorporated herein, are an instrument of professional service, and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of CONSOR. Consultant:Client / Owner:Project Title: Drawing No.: 0 11/2 IF BAR DOES NOT MEASURE 1" DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE Drawing Title:Designed By: Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By: Consor Project No.: Issued On: A D-101 SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" NOTE: NOT ALL SYMBOLS OR ABBREVIATIONS USED. 1.ALL MATERIALS AND INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW AND LISTED BY THE UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORY INC. (UL). ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A SAFE AND FUNCTIONAL MANNER. 2.REFER TO THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT SCHEDULE FOR CIRCUIT IDENTIFICATIONS, ROUTING, CONDUCTOR SIZES, ETC. 3.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH OTHER DISCIPLINES AS REQUIRED TO MITIGATE INTERFERENCES. 4.CONDUIT MATERIAL SHOWN ON ELECTRICAL PLANS ARE SPECIFIC FOR THE LOCATION WHERE THE CONDUIT STARTS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TRANSITIONING TO APPROVED CONDUIT MATERIAL BASED ON LOCATION AND IN ACCORDANCE TO ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL NOTES: ABBREVIATIONS a A AC A/D AF AIC ALT A/M ANN AS ASD AT ATS AUTO AWG b BCG C CAP CB CC CHH CL CKT CMH CO COMM CON COND CONT CPT CP CR CS CT CWP DC DIAG DISC DISTR DP DPDT DPST EXST EF EHH ELEM EMERG EFFL EQ EQUIP ETM FACP FIN FL FLEX FLUOR FO FREQ FU FUT FVNR FVR FWD GA GEN GFI GRS H₂O₂ HMI HOA HOR HORZ HPS HTR HV HZ IND LT INCAND I/O JB KA KCMIL KV KVA KVAR KVARH KW KWH LCP LP LPS LTG LT(S) (M) Ma MCC MCP MOV MS MTD MTG MTS (N) NEC NEMA NEUT NO NTS OVHD OL OT PB PD PE PEC PF pH PH PLC PM PNL PNLBD PRI PS PSI PWR (RL) (RLD) RCPT RCT RPM RT SCR SD SDBC SEC SECT SF SHH SIG SN SPEC SPD SPDT SS SW SWBD SWGR SYNC TB TC TEMP TP TSP TVSS UH UV V VA VFD VAR VERT VH VS W WHM WHDM WP WTRT WTP CIRCUIT BREAKER AUX. CONTACT, CLOSED WHEN BREAKER IS CLOSED AMMETER, AMPERES ALTERNATING CURRENT ANALOG TO DIGITAL AMPERE FRAME AMPERES INTERRUPTING CAPACITY ALTERNATOR AUTO/MANUAL CONTROLLER ANNUNCIATOR AMMETER SWITCH ADJUSTABLE SPEED DRIVE AMPERE TRIP AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH AUTOMATIC AMERICAN WIRE GAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER AUX. CONTACT, CLOSED WHEN BREAKER IS OPEN BARE COPPER GROUND CONDUIT, CONTACTOR CAPACITOR CIRCUIT BREAKER CONTROL CABLE, CLOSING COIL COMMUNICATION HANDHOLE CHLORINE CIRCUIT COMMUNICATION MANHOLE CONDUIT ONLY COMMUNICATION CONTACTOR CONDUCTOR CONTINUED, CONTINUATION CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMER CONTROL PANEL CONTROL RELAY CONTROL SWITCH CURRENT TRANSFORMER COLD WATER PIPE DIRECT CURRENT DIAGRAM DISCONNECT DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION PANEL DOUBLE POLE, DOUBLE THROW DOUBLE POLE, SINGLE THROW EXISTING EXHAUST FAN ELECTRICAL HANDHOLE ELEMENTARY EMERGENCY EFFLUENT EQUAL EQUIPMENT ELAPSED TIME METER FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FINISHED FLOOR FLEXIBLE FLUORESCENT FIBER OPTIC FREQUENCY FUSE FUTURE FULL VOLTAGE, NON REVERSING FULL VOLTAGE, REVERSING FORWARD GAUGE GENERATOR GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL HYDROGEN PEROXIDE HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE HAND-OFF-AUTOMATIC HAND-OFF-REMOTE HORIZONTAL HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM HEATER HIGH VOLTAGE HERTZ (CYCLES PER SECOND) INDICATING LIGHT INCANDESCENT INPUT/OUTPUT JUNCTION BOX KILOAMPERES THOUSANDS OF CIRCULAR MILS KILOVOLTS KILOVOLT AMPERES KILOVOLT AMPERES REACTIVE KILOVOLT AMPERES REACTIVE HOURS KILOWATTS KILOWATT HOURS LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL LIGHTING PANEL LOW PRESSURE SODIUM LIGHTING LIGHT(S) MODIFIED MILLIAMPERES MOTOR CONTROL CENTER MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR MOTOR OPERATED VALVE MOTOR STARTER MOUNTED MOUNTING MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH NEW NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURER'S ASSOC. NEUTRAL NORMALLY OPEN, NUMBER NOT TO SCALE OVERHEAD THERMAL OVERLOAD RELAY OVER TEMPERATURE PULLBOX, PUSHBUTTON POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PHOTOELECTRIC PHOTOELECTRIC CELL POWER FACTOR MEASURE OF ACIDITY OR ALKALINITY PHASE PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER POWER MONITOR PANEL PANELBOARD PRIMARY PRESSURE SWITCH POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH POWER RELOCATE RELOCATED RECEPTACLE REPEAT CYCLE TIMER REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE RESET TIMER SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER SMOKE DETECTOR SOFT-DRAWN BARE COPPER SECONDS, SECONDARY SECTION SUPPLY FAN SIGNAL HANDHOLE SIGNAL SOLID NEUTRAL SPECIFICATIONS SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE SINGLE POLE, DOUBLE THROW STAINLESS STEEL, SOLID STATE SWITCH SWITCHBOARD SWITCHGEAR SYNCHRONIZING TERMINAL BOX, TERMINAL BOARD TELEPHONE CABINET TEMPERATURE TWISTED PAIR UNSHIELDED TWISTED SHIELDED PAIR TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSOR UNIT HEATER ULTRA VIOLET VOLTS VOLT-AMPERES VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE VOLT AMPERES REACTIVE VERTICAL VAR-HOUR VOLTMETER SWITCH WIRE, WATTS WATTHOUR METER WATTHOUR DEMAND METER WEATHERPROOF WATERTIGHT WATER TREATMENT PLANT ELECTRICAL PLAN SYMBOLS CONTROL DIAGRAM SYMBOLS GENERAL SYMBOLS GROUNDING PLAN SYMBOLS LIGHTING PLAN SYMBOLS PANEL WIRING SHIELD WIRING FIELD WIRING TWISTED SHIELDED PAIR TWISTED SHIELDED TRIAD SHIELD WIRING NON-CONNECTING LINES CONNECTING LINES THERMAL MAGNETIC CIRCUIT BREAKER MAGNETIC ONLY CIRCUIT BREAKER (MOTOR CIRCUITS ONLY) CONTINUOUS CURRENT RATING AND TRIP SETTINGS SHOWN FUSE, SIZE SHOWN 5A 30AC 150AT CONTROL PANEL TERMINAL BLOCK FUSED TERMINAL BLOCK FUSE SIZE SHOWN COMPONENT TERMINAL BLOCK XXX XXA HORN -+ RECEPTACLE BATTERY HEATER IP CAMERA (PTZ OR OTHER) 120V CONTROL RELAY, DPDT MINIMUM 24VDC CONTROL RELAY, DPDT MINIMUM RELAY CONTACT - NO, NC PUSHBUTTON OR SWITCH CONTACT BLOCK - NO, NC PUSH-TO-TEST LED PILOT LIGHT HAND OFF AUTO THREE POSITION SELECTOR SWITCH FLOAT SWITCH - NO, NC TEMPERATURE SWITCH - NO, NC LIMIT SWITCH - NO, NC TIME DELAY CONTACTS, NORMALLY OPEN TIMED CLOSED NORMALLY CLOSED TIMED OPEN PHASE MONITOR RELAY ALTERNATOR RELAY TIME DELAY RELAY TDR 1 PMR ALT CR5 CR5 FLOW SWITCH - NO, NC PRESSURE SWITCH - NO, NC INDICATOR LIGHT W - WHITE A - AMBER R - RED G - GREEN TWO POSITION SELECTOR SWITCH GROUND ROD GROUND TEST WELL GROUND CONNECTION TO EQUIPMENT DETAIL CALLOUT SHOWN ON PLAN DWG. BELOW GRADE #4/0 AWG BARE COPPER FOR MAIN PLANT GROUND ABOVE GRADE #2/0 AWG INSULATED GROUND TAP GROUND CONNECTION, DETAIL CALLOUT SHOWN ON PLAN DWG. BELOW GRADE #2/0 AWG INSULATED COPPER FOR GROUND TAP. GROUND CONNECTION TO REBAR, DETAIL CALLOUT SHOWN ON PLAN DWG. SURFACE MOUNTED LED LUMINAIRE * RECESSED MOUNTED LED LUMINAIRE * WALL MOUNTED LED LUMINAIRE DUPLEX, QUADPLEX RECEPTACLE, W/DESIGNATOR GFI = GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTING WP = WEATHERPROOF +48 = HEIGHT AFF. 3 WALL SWITCH STANDARD TOGGLE, DESIGNATOR 3 = 3-WAY D = DIMMER T = TIMER GFI KEY NOTES TO FOLLOW THIS FORMAT. DOUBLE SPACE FOR SUBSEQUENT NOTES. KEY NOTES: 1 2 METERBASE W/UTILITY METERM DISCONNECT RECEPTACLE AND PLUG MOTOR CONNECTION, HORSEPOWER INDICATEDHP DISCONNECT SWITCH, AMPERAGE RATING SHOWN J 30A FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH, SWITCH AND FUSE RATING SHOWN 60/40 = 60A SWITCH WITH 40A FUSE F JUNCTION BOX 20A 60/40 WIFI ACCESS POINT TRANSFORMERT THERMOSTATT VAULTV SPD SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE PMR PHASE MONITOR RELAY SINGLE POINT GROUND EOL - END OF LINE RESISTOR POWER POLE WITH GUY WIRE CONDUIT SEAL CONDUIT UP CONDUIT DOWN CONDUIT UP FROM UNDERGROUND RACEWAY FLEXIBLE CONDUIT OR MFR CONDUIT SURFACE RACEWAY UNDERGROUND RACEWAY CONDUIT STUB XXX HOME RUN, ELECTRICAL PANEL DESTINATION SHOWN CURRENT TRANSFORMER EXIT SIGN - WALL MOUNTED EXIT SIGN - 2 SIDED CEILING MOUNTED PHOTOCELLPC MOTION SENSORM BATTERY BACKED WALL MOUNTED LED LUMINAIRE LINE OR LOAD REACTOR, IMPEDENCE SHOWN FLOOD LIGHT LINE OR LOAD REACTOR, IMPEDENCE SHOWN CURRENT TRANSFORMER MOTOR STARTER, SIZE SHOWN GROUND CONNECTION PER NEC ARTICLE 250 2 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH GROUND ROD GROUND ROD TEST WELL ETM ELAPSED TIME METER CNT COUNTER SPD SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE DOUBLE THROW SWITCH VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE MULTIPLE ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS, SEPARATE CONDUITS MULTIPLE ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS, COMMON CONDUIT (SIZE SHOWN) 1"C CIRCUIT IDENTIFIERS: BILL OF MATERIAL ITEM NUMBER1 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT CONNECTION AS SHOWN 30% SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Drawing Path and Name: P:\Projects\23.48.01_Consor_Port_Orchard_Ruby_Creek_LS\DWG\N223450WA_E-1.dwg, Plotted Date: May 8, 2024 8:30 AM By: Avetis A. Berberyan 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D 7 Engineer's Seal: This document, ideas, and designs incorporated herein, are an instrument of professional service, and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of CONSOR. Consultant:Client / Owner:Project Title: Drawing No.: 0 11/2 IF BAR DOES NOT MEASURE 1" DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE Drawing Title:Designed By: Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By: Consor Project No.: Issued On: OR CCB #196597 WA #INDUSSI880K9 Industrial Systems INC (360) 952-8958 Vancouver, Washington 98682 Fax: Phone: 12119 NE 99th Street e-mail: is@industrialsystems-inc.com Suite #2090 (360) 718-7267 AK #1018436 PROJECT#:23.48.01 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD RUBY CREEK LIFT STATION ELECTRICAL LEGEND, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MEW AAB TBC MEW E-1 MAY 2024 N223450WA 30% SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Drawing Path and Name: P:\Projects\23.48.01_Consor_Port_Orchard_Ruby_Creek_LS\DWG\N223450WA_E-2.dwg, Plotted Date: May 8, 2024 8:30 AM By: Avetis A. Berberyan 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D 7 Engineer's Seal: This document, ideas, and designs incorporated herein, are an instrument of professional service, and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of CONSOR. Consultant:Client / Owner:Project Title: Drawing No.: 0 11/2 IF BAR DOES NOT MEASURE 1" DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE Drawing Title:Designed By: Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By: Consor Project No.: Issued On: OR CCB #196597 WA #INDUSSI880K9 Industrial Systems INC (360) 952-8958 Vancouver, Washington 98682 Fax: Phone: 12119 NE 99th Street e-mail: is@industrialsystems-inc.com Suite #2090 (360) 718-7267 AK #1018436 PROJECT#:23.48.01 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD RUBY CREEK LIFT STATION ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE DIAGRAM MEW AAB TBC MEW E-2 MAY 2024 N223450WA KEY NOTES PROVIDE WARNING SIGN READING "UTILITY SERVICE DISCONNECT DOES NOT DISCONNECT GENERATOR". REMOVE NEUTRAL/ GROUND BOND FORM GENSET. SYSTEM IS SOLIDLY GROUNDED THROUGH ATS AND IS NOT A SEPARATELY DERIVED SYSTEM. SPD TO BE PROVIDED AS PART OF PANELBOARD. CIRCUIT BREAKER TO BE SIZED BY MFR. SIZE CIRCUIT BREAKER AND FAST ACTING FUSES PER MFR. RECOMMENDATIONS. VFD'S SHALL BE IGBT BASED ACTIVE FRONT END FOR IEEE 519 COMPLIANCE. MTS SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY DOUBLE THROW SAFETY SWITCH. *LABEL MTS UP POSITION AS "ONSITE GENERATOR", *MIDDLE POSITION AS "OFF", *DOWN POSITION AS "PORTABLE GENERATOR". MTS DOCKING STATION SHALL INCLUDE 400 AMP SERIES E CAM-LOK CONNECTORS FOR PORTABLE GENERATOR CONNECTION. 1METER BASE UTILITY XFMR 480Y/277V 3 ɸ , 4W, Z% = XXX AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT = XXXX 480VAC PANELBOARD C.T. ENCLOSURE NEMA-3R, 480Y/277V, 225A, 3 ɸ , 4W, 42KAIC 15KVA, 1 ɸ 240-480V/ 120-240V XFMR SPD M PUD PRIMARY ATS 225A 3-POLE 125KW DIESEL GENSET AWG #2/0 BARE COPPER 400AF 225AT NE L GROUND RODS 10'-0" MIN. SPACING 3/4"x10' GROUND RODS NG WATER PIPE REBAR 40A 2P 100A 3P PUMP DISCONNECT PANEL 60 PUMP No.1 PUMP PLUG & RECEPTACLES MFR. PUMP CABLES 100A 3P 60 PUMP No.2 G MAIN BREAKER MTS 2 6 S/N 3 PORTABLE DOCKING STATION LIGHTING PANEL 240/120 4 5 ASD AFE 4 5 ASD AFE 2 3 4 5 6 7 GENERAL NOTES 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE NEW SERVICE REQUIREMENTS AND INSPECTIONS WITH PUGET SOUND ENERGY (PSE). 1 7 1 ONE-LINE DIAGRAM SCALE: NONE 2 LOAD SUMMARY SCALE: NONE FH PP WWW W 15"SS 15"SS 10"HDPE 10"HDPE 30% SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Drawing Path and Name: P:\Projects\23.48.01_Consor_Port_Orchard_Ruby_Creek_LS\DWG\N223450WA_E-3.dwg, Plotted Date: May 8, 2024 8:30 AM By: Avetis A. Berberyan 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D 7 Engineer's Seal: This document, ideas, and designs incorporated herein, are an instrument of professional service, and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of CONSOR. Consultant:Client / Owner:Project Title: Drawing No.: 0 11/2 IF BAR DOES NOT MEASURE 1" DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE Drawing Title:Designed By: Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By: Consor Project No.: Issued On: OR CCB #196597 WA #INDUSSI880K9 Industrial Systems INC (360) 952-8958 Vancouver, Washington 98682 Fax: Phone: 12119 NE 99th Street e-mail: is@industrialsystems-inc.com Suite #2090 (360) 718-7267 AK #1018436 PROJECT#:23.48.01 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD RUBY CREEK LIFT STATION ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN MEW AAB TBC MEW E-3 MAY 2024 N223450WA CONTROL PANEL ELECTRICAL BUILDING (SEE DETAIL 2) DIESEL GENERATOR VALVE VAULT METER VAULT PUMP DISCONNECT PANEL 2 ELECTRICAL BUILDING SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" WET WELL DIESEL PUMP 1 ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE: 1"=10' 2 E-3 POWER POLE (EXISTING) ATS VFD 2 ENCLOSURE CT & METERBASEMTS 1.CLASS 1 DIV. 1 GROUP D SPACE INSIDE OF WET WELL. 2.CLASS 1 DIV. 2 GROUP D SPACE IN AN ENVELOPE 18" ABOVE GRADE 3' LATERALLY FROM WET WELL HATCH AND TRENCH OPENINGS. 3.CLASS 1 DIV. 2 GROUP D SPACE INSIDE OF VALVE VAULT AND METER VAULT. HAZARDOUS AREA NOTES THIS PRELIMINARY DESIGN IS BASED ON NEW POLE MOUNTED 3-PHASE TRANSFORMERS. THIS IS PENDING PUGET SOUND ENERGY (PSE) DESIGN AND MAY NEED TO CHANGE TO A PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER. ALTERNATE TRANSFORMER (PAD MOUNTED) LOCATION IF POLE-MOUNTED TRANSFORMER OPTION IS NOT ACCEPTABLE BY PUGET SOUND ENERGY (PSE). THIS IS PENDING DESIGN BY PSE. KEY NOTES 1 1 2 2 MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER 480VAC PANELBOARD LIGHTING PANEL AND 15 KVA TRANSFORMER MTS DOCKING STATION VFD 1 ENCLOSURE APPENDIX B BASIN MAP N223464WA.00• August 2023 • City of Port Orchard McCormick Woods East Sewer Analysis • 3 H:\EVT_Projects\22\3464 - Port Orchard WW Concurrency On-Call\McCormick Woods East\McCormick Woods East Memorandum - 8-24-2023.docx APPENDIX C SITE SURVEY www.LDCcorp.com20210142ndAvenueNEWoodinville,WA98072F425.482.2893T425.806.1869SurveyingEngineeringPlanningWoodinvilleKentOlympiaPROJECT www.LDCcorp.com20210142ndAvenueNEWoodinville,WA98072F425.482.2893T425.806.1869SurveyingEngineeringPlanningWoodinvilleKentOlympia APPENDIX D STREAM ASSESSMENT REPORT 146 N Canal Street, Suite 111 • Seattle, WA 98103 • www.confenv.com Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride WETLAND AND STREAM REPORT Prepared for: Kitsap Transit January 2023 146 N Canal Street, Suite 111 • Seattle, WA 98103 • www.confenv.com Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride WETLAND AND STREAM REPORT Prepared for: Kitsap Transit 60 Washington Ave, Suite 200 Bremerton, WA 98337 Attn: Jeff Davidson Prepared by: Confluence Environmental Company Chris Berger, PWS Calvin Douglas Suzanne Vieira, WPIT Natalie Dietsch, WPIT Audrey Michniak January 2023 This report should be cited as: Confluence (Confluence Environmental Company). 2023. Kitsap Transit State Route 16 park and ride wetland and stream report. Prepared for Kitsap Transit, Bremerton, Washington, by Confluence, Seattle, Washington. Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 3 2.0 METHODS ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1 Desktop Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Site Investigation ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.2.1 Wetlands ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.2.2 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas ..................................................................... 7 2.2.3 Streams and Shorelines ...................................................................................................... 8 3.0 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1 General Site Description .................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Desktop Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 10 3.3 Wetlands ......................................................................................................................................... 11 3.3.1 Off-Site Wetland ................................................................................................................ 15 3.4 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas ................................................................................. 16 4.0 REGULATORY IMPLICATIONS .................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 Wetlands ......................................................................................................................................... 18 4.2 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas ................................................................................. 19 4.3 Project Impacts and Mitigation ........................................................................................................ 19 5.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 21 TABLES Table 1. Wetland overview ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Table 2. Wetland A information summary .................................................................................................................... 13 Table 3. Wetland B information summary .................................................................................................................... 14 Table 4. Wetland C information summary .................................................................................................................... 15 Table 5. Blackjack Creek information summary ........................................................................................................... 17 Table 6. Ruby Creek information summary .................................................................................................................. 18 FIGURES Figure 1. Study area ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2. Locations of test plots, soil probes, and delineated wetlands ....................................................................... 12 Figure 3. Wetlands, streams, and their standard buffers ............................................................................................. 20 Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page ii APPENDICES Appendix A—Study Area Location Information Appendix B—GIS Database Search Results Appendix C—Wetland Delineation Methods Appendix D—Wetland Delineation Data Forms Appendix E—Wetland Rating Forms Appendix F—Site Photographs Appendix G—Draft Mitigaiton Plan Appendix H—Resumes Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION Kitsap Transit proposes to construct a 250-stall park and ride facility at 5183 Sidney Road SW, Port Orchard, WA. The State Route (SR) 16 park and ride facility will serve the City of Port Orchard (the City) and the greater unincorporated Kitsap County. This proposed SR 16 Park and Ride Project (the project) is located immediately off of SR 16 at the northeastern corner of the intersection of Sidney Road SW and SW Sedgewick Road. It is located within section 11, township 23, and range 1E. The increasing populations within Kitsap County and the City near the SW Sedgwick Road and Tremont Street W interchanges have led to more traffic congestion and parking demand in downtown Port Orchard and Bremerton. Kitsap Transit plans to improve options for residents to access transit service via expanded park and ride capacity by developing this park and ride facility. In addition to the 250-parking stalls, the project will include 3 bus bays, a restroom building, bus shelters, a lift station, a playground, and a public trail system located east of the proposed park and ride. To assist with permitting the project, Confluence Environmental Company (Confluence) conducted a wetland and stream assessment on tax parcels 112301-2-052-2008, 112301-2-011- 2008, 112301-2-012-2007, 112301-2-046-2007, and 112301-2-013-2006 (Figure 1). These parcels constitute the study area. The addresses and legal descriptions for these parcels can be found in Appendix A. Although parcels 112301-2-011-2008 and 112301-2-013-2006 are shown on the current Kitsap County parcel layer (as seen in Figure 1) as being subdivided, both subdivisions are still listed as having a single parcel number. Tax parcel 112301-2-046-2007 is not a part of the project site as no development is proposed on this parcel, but this parcel was included in the wetland and stream assessment conducted for this project. This parcel is also shown as subdivided with a single parcel number by Kitsap County, per Figure 1. On May 18, 19, and 25, 2022, Confluence conducted a site investigation to determine the presence and extent of wetlands, streams, and other Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas (FWHCAs) on and adjacent to the project site. This study was conducted to simultaneously support federal, state, and local permitting under sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C §1251 et seq.), the Water Pollution Control Act (Chapter 90.48 RCW), and Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 20.162 (Critical Areas). Other critical areas regulated by the City such as erosion hazard areas, steep slopes, and landslide hazard areas were not evaluated in this study. This report presents the findings of the study and the resulting wetland and ordinary high water mark (OHWM) delineations. Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 4 Figure 1. Study area - Study Area Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 5 2.0 METHODS Confluence conducted a desktop analysis and site investigation that included wetland delineation and stream OHWM delineation within the study area. This section describes the methods used to identify the presence or absence of wetlands, identify a defined stream channel or other FWHCAs, and delineate their boundaries. 2.1 Desktop Analysis To develop a strategy for the site investigation, Confluence reviewed relevant regulations and GIS databases. Confluence reviewed Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) 20.162.052 to determine the standard buffer requirements for critical areas (wetlands and streams) in the project vicinity. Confluence reviewed the GIS databases listed below for the documented presence of wetlands, streams, lakes, or species listed under the Endangered Species Act as threatened or endangered on or within 300 feet of the study area. It was necessary to search within 300 feet for potential off-site critical areas with buffers that encroach onto the study area; 300 feet is the widest buffer identified in POMC.  Kitsap County GIS (Kitsap County 2022)  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) (USFWS 2022)  Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Survey (NRCS 2022a)  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) SalmonScape (WDFW 2022a)  WDFW Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) (WDFW 2022b),  Washington Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Water Type GIS (WDNR 2022a)  WDNR wetlands of high conservation value mapper (WDNR 2022b) Results of the GIS database searches are in Appendix B. 2.2 Site Investigation On May 18, 19, and 25, 2022, Confluence conducted a site investigation to determine the presence or absence of wetlands, streams, and FWHCAs on or near the study area. Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 6 2.2.1 Wetlands Wetland Identification and Delineation Confluence identified wetlands and delineated their boundaries using the methods described by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Corps 1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Corps 2010). The Corps typically requires that the following 3 characteristics be present for an area to be identified as a wetland: (1) hydrophytic vegetation, (2) hydric soil, and (3) wetland hydrology. For each criterion, there are several possible indicators that can be used to determine whether the criterion has been met. The indicators were established so that if a wetland were present on-site, sufficient indicators would be observed at any time of the year, including the driest months, to identify the wetland. Since “normal circumstances,” as defined by the Corps (1987), exist within the study area, all 3 criteria must be present for an area to be determined a wetland. A more detailed description of delineation methodology is provided in Appendix C. Wetland delineation data forms completed during the site investigation are provided in Appendix D. To confirm the presence or absence of a wetland, data were collected from representative test plots within and outside of potential wetlands. The locations of the test plots were based on the presence of visual wetland indicators (e.g., wetland vegetation, evidence of water or soil saturation) or were chosen to represent vegetative, topographic, or hydrologic features in the vicinity. Within these test plots, vegetation, soils, and hydrology were examined to determine whether wetland characteristics were present (see Appendix C for details). Plots that met all 3 wetland criteria were determined to be wetland plots; plots that did not meet all 3 wetland criteria were determined to be upland plots. Once the presence of a wetland was confirmed, visual wetland indicators, such as topographic and vegetative shifts, were used to delineate the remainder of the wetland boundary. In areas with a lack of visual wetland indicators (i.e., areas with monoculture vegetation and no clear topographic break), Confluence used soil probes to determine the wetland boundary between test plots. Confluence evaluated the presence or absence of hydric soil and wetland hydrology indicators at soil probe locations to determine whether the area represented by the soil probe was wetland or upland. Soil probe locations and presence or absence of hydric soil and wetland hydrology indicators were recorded using GPS. Confluence used the PLANTS Database (NRCS 2022b) to provide consistency in scientific naming and the 2020 National Wetland Plant List (Corps 2020) to determine the wetland indicator status of plants. The wetland boundary and test plot locations were flagged using orange and pink ribbon flagging. The flags were mapped by Confluence using a Trimble mapping grade GPS receiver Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 7 capable of sub-meter accuracy after post-processing. Soil probe locations were mapped using the GPS receiver but not flagged. After the initial delineation, a licensed survey team located the flags left on site and recorded the coordinates of each point. These flag location coordinates were then added to the site plans based on the property boundary and surrounding control points. Off-Site Wetland Identification To assess whether there are possible wetlands with buffers encroaching from adjacent properties, Confluence modified the methods described by the Corps (Corps 1987, 2010). The modified method identified the presence or absence of visual wetland indicators. If hydrophytic vegetation was dominant and visual indicators of wetland hydrology were observed, then hydric soils were assumed to be present. Wetland Rating Confluence determined wetland ratings using the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington (Hruby 2014) to assess the resource value of any wetland identified within the study area. This rating system is based on the wetland functions and values, sensitivity to disturbance, rarity, and irreplaceability, and is adopted by the POMC in Section 20.162.052. Wetland rating forms are in Appendix E. 2.2.2 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas The POMC defines FWHCAs broadly as habitats that are important for the conservation of sensitive plant and wildlife species or those species and habitats that are of local importance. The types of habitats protected as FWHCAs are defined in POMC 20.162.070; these include all streams (except for Type S streams), lakes less than 20 acres in surface area, and wildlife conservation areas. Confluence reviewed the definitions of FWCHA in the POMC and available online data and evaluated whether any of the observed habitats on-site met the criteria of FWHCAs defined in POMC 20.162.070. The detailed stream and shoreline delineation methods are included in Section 2.2.3. Per POMC 20.162.070, wildlife conservation areas (WCAs) are broken into 2 types: Class I and Class II. Class I WCAs include habitats recognized by federal or state agencies for federal and/or state listed endangered, threatened, and sensitive species; areas targeted for preservation by the federal, state, and/or local government which provide fish and wildlife habitat benefits; and areas that contain habitats and species of local importance. Class II WCAs include habitats for state listed candidate and monitored species and habitats which include attributes such as comparatively high wildlife density; high wildlife species richness; significant wildlife breeding habitat, seasonal ranges, or movement corridors of limited availability and/or high vulnerability. These habitats may include caves, cliffs, islands, meadows, old-growth/mature Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 8 forest, snag-rich areas, talus slopes, and urban natural open space. Confluence reviewed the regulated FWHCAs, in addition to the available online data, and evaluated whether any of the observed habitats on-site met the criteria of FWHCAs defined in POMC 20.162.070. 2.2.3 Streams and Shorelines The Revised Code of Washington defines the OHWM as follows: “On all lakes, streams, and tidal water [the OHWM] is that mark that will be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation as that condition exists on June 1, 1971, as it may naturally change thereafter, or as it may change thereafter in accordance with permits issued by a local government or the department” (RCW 90.58.030). Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) has published a guide (Anderson et al. 2016) to interpret the code and provide guidance for field OHWM determinations. Confluence used this guidance to determine the OHWM of Ruby Creek and Blackjack Creek in the vicinity of the study area. Confluence identified discrete locations on the banks of the streams to delineate the OHWM. Paired OHWM locations on both the right and left banks of Ruby Creek were used for delineation. Due to the size and location of Blackjack Creek, as well as the lack of access across this feature, only the left bank of this stream was flagged with OHWM points. Additionally, the wetted width was flagged as a surrogate for the OHWM along a portion of the left bank of Blackjack Creek where OHWM characteristics were obscured due to inundation in dense reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea). Locations were chosen based on presence of field indicators of OHWM identified in Anderson et al. (2016) and shape of the channel. The locations of the OHWMs were marked with ribbon flagging within the study area, and all OHWM locations within the study area were recorded using a differential GPS with sub-meter accuracy. 3.0 RESULTS This section describes the results of the desktop analysis and the site investigations conducted on May 18, 19, and 25, 2022. 3.1 General Site Description The study area consists of 5 parcels, totaling approximately 35 acres. All parcels are located entirely within the incorporated City in the Ruby Creek Overlay District. The study area is on the edge of the incorporated City; however, some of the parcels to the west of Sidney Road SW are under the jurisdiction of unincorporated Kitsap County. The parcels within the study area have several different zoning types, including Downtown Mixed Use (DMU), Commercial Mixed Use (CMU), Commercial Corridor (CC), and Greenbelt (GB) (City of Port Orchard 2021). Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 9 The surrounding land uses include all of these zoning types plus Commercial Heavy (CH) zoning (City of Port Orchard 2021). The adjacent unincorporated parcels are zoned by Kitsap County as Rural Protection (RP, 1 dwelling unit/10 acres) (Kitsap County 2022). The study area is mostly undeveloped, with a single-family residence and appurtenant outbuildings on the western portion of parcel 112301-2-046-2007, a single-family residence on parcel 112301-2-012-2007, and a mobile home on the western portion of parcel 112301-2-011- 2008. Parcel 112301-2-013-2006 and the eastern portions of parcels 112301-2-046-2007 and 112301-2-011-2008 are undeveloped. Parcel 112301-2-052-2008 is currently not developed, although this parcel was a historical homestead that was developed with a single-family residence and appurtenant farming outbuildings in the western portion as recently as 2019 (Netronline 2022). All buildings on this parcel were removed, and it is now undeveloped. The remaining undeveloped portions of the study area are made up of either mowed agricultural pasture or stands of predominantly native shrubs and trees. The open grass fields are dominated by orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata), tall buttercup (Ranunculus acris), red fescue (Festuca rubra), and soft rush (Juncus effusus). Along the eastern and northern boundary are forested areas dominated by Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), Sitka willow (Salix sitchensis), Indian plum (Oemleria cerasiformis), and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus). The study area generally slopes down from the western boundary to the eastern boundary, with slopes ranging from 1 to 5%. The study area is surrounded by a variety of land uses, including the following:  To the north, undeveloped open space and a multi-family residential development.  To the east, SR 16 and SW Sedgewick Road, as well as some undeveloped highway gores and a commercial development.  To the south, SW Sedgewick Road, undeveloped open space, and commercial developments (including a gas station immediately adjacent to the study area).  To the west, Sidney Road SW, single-family residences, commercial businesses, and undeveloped open space. Climatic data for the 3-month period preceding the site visit analyzed via the WETS table method show that precipitation during this period was normal (NRCS 2022c). The WETS table analysis is included in Appendix D. Photographs of the study area and project site are provided in Appendix F. Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 10 3.2 Desktop Analysis Available GIS databases were searched for the potential presence of wetlands, hydric soils, streams, lakes, or species listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as threatened or endangered (“listed species”). Results and maps from the GIS database searches are provided in Appendix B. USFWS’s NWI shows a total of 4 wetlands within the study area. They include a 2.78-acre freshwater emergent wetland on the southwest portion of the study area; a 3.54-acre freshwater forested/shrub wetland on the southeast portion of the study area, which is shown as continuing off-site to the south; an adjacent 4.02-acre freshwater emergent wetland along the eastern boundary of the study area; and a 2.94-acre freshwater forested shrub emergent wetland in the northeast corner. Additionally, a 0.62-acre riverine habitat and 0.46-acre riverine habitat are located within the study area along the eastern and northern boundaries, respectively (USFWS 2022). Kitsap County’s critical area map, provided on their Parcel Search GIS database, shows 2 wetlands within the study area; one is in the southwest corner of the study area, and the second extends along the eastern boundary of the study area (Kitsap County 2022). Both wetlands are classified as palustrine emergent and seasonally flooded. NWI identifies a 3.22-acre freshwater forested/shrub wetland just off-site in the northeastern portion of the adjacent parcel and 2 riverine habitats south of the southern boundary of the study area on the other side of SW Sedgwick Road (USFWS 2022). No wetlands of high conservation value have been identified within the vicinity of the study area (WDNR 2022b). Several sources identify 2 streams on the study area, Ruby Creek and Blackjack Creek (WDNR 2022b, WDFW 2022a, WDFW 2022b, Kitsap County 2022, USFWS 2022). Both are identified as Type F (fish-bearing) streams. Blackjack Creek is shown entering the study area from the southern boundary. The stream flows north through the study area and continues off-site to the northeast, where it is designated as a Type S (shoreline of the state) stream. The second Type F stream, Ruby Creek, is shown entering the northwest corner of the study area. Ruby Creek joins Blackjack Creek near the northeast corner of the study area (WDNR 2022b, Kitsap County 2022, WDFW 2022a,b). The soil survey indicates the study area and surrounding areas include Bellingham silty clay loam (0-3% slopes), Kitsap silt loam (2-8% slopes), Kapowsin gravelly ashy loam (0-6% slopes), and Norma fine sandy loam (0-3% slopes) (NRCS 2022a). Of the 4 soil types on and in the vicinity of the study area, Kapowsin gravelly ashy loam is the only soil type not considered hydric (NRCS 2022a). WDFW’s SalmonScape indicates the documented presence of cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) and documented spawning of chum salmon (O. keta), coho salmon (O. kisutch), and steelhead trout (O. mykiss) in the reach of Blackjack Creek within the study area (WDFW 2022a). Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 11 WDFW identifies the documented presence of chum salmon, presumed presence of cutthroat trout, and rearing of coho salmon in the reach of Ruby Creek within the study area (WDFW 2022a). WDFW’s PHS system identifies the reach of Blackjack Creek within the study area as a breeding area for steelhead trout, chum salmon, and coho salmon. Occurrence/migration of cutthroat trout is also shown (WDFW 2022b). WDFW identifies the reach of Ruby Creek within the study area as a breeding area for coho. Occurrence/migration of cutthroat trout and chum salmon is also shown (WDFW 2022b). Of these species, the Puget Sound distinct population segment (DPS) of steelhead trout is the only one with status under the ESA as a threatened species. 3.3 Wetlands Three wetlands (Wetlands A, B, and C) were identified and delineated within the study area, and 1 additional off-site wetland was identified during the desktop analysis and field investigation (Table 1). Figure 2 shows the delineated wetlands as well as the test plot and soil probe locations. The wetland delineation data forms are provided in Appendix D, and the rating forms are provided in Appendix E. Information about Wetlands A, B, and C is summarized in more detail in Tables 2 through 4. Table 1. Wetland overview Wetland Name Cowardin Classification1 Size Wetland Rating Water Quality Hydrology Habitat Total Category Wetland A PFO/PSS/PEM 12.91 acres1 8 7 7 22 II Wetland B PFO/PEM 0.63 acre1 7 7 7 21 II Wetland C PEM 0.10 acre 6 7 5 18 III Off-Site Wetland PFO/PSS 2.50 acre2 NR NR NR NR II3 NR – not rated; PFO – palustrine forested; PSS – palustrine scrub-shrub; PEM – palustrine emergent 1 Approximate size onsite. Not all boundaries were delineated and wetlands assumed to extend offsite. 2 The size of the off-site wetland is approximate based on NWI data. 3 Assumed rating. Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 12 Figure 2. Locations of test plots, soil probes, and delineated wetlands Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 13 Table 2. Wetland A information summary Wetland A Local Jurisdiction Port Orchard Waters of the U.S. Yes Function Scores (Hruby 2014) WQ-8, HYD-7, HAB-7 Ecology Rating (Hruby 2014) II Port Orchard Standard Buffer Width 220 feet Wetland Size 12.91 acres Cowardin Classification (FGDC 2013) PFO/PSS/PEM Hydrogeomorphic Classification Depressional1 Wetland Data Sheet(s) TP-2, TP-3, TP-6, TP-11 Upland Data Sheet(s) TP-1, TP-4, TP-5, TP-12 Dominant Vegetation Trees: Willow (Salix spp.), red alder (Alnus rubra), bird cherry (Prunus padus) Shrubs: Himalayan blackberry Herbaceous: soft rush, tall buttercup, birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), field horsetail (Equisetum arvense), velvet grass (Holcus lanatus), curly dock (Rumex crispus), orchard grass, red fescue, vetch (Vicia americana), reed canarygrass Soils Variable mix of silt loam, sandy silt loam, loam, and sandy loam with gravel. Redoximorphic features consisted of concentrations and depletions in the pore linings and matrix. Hydric soil indicators observed were Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11), Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2), Depleted Matrix (F3), Depleted Dark Surface (F7). Hydrology Groundwater and precipitation inputs as well as seasonal inundation from Blackjack Creek during overbank flooding events. Hydrologic indicators observed were Surface Water (A1), High Water Table (A2), and Saturation (A3). Rationale for Delineation Depressional wetland with hydric soils, supports hydrophytic vegetation, and has soil saturation present. Hydric soils helped to determine the wetland boundary. Wetland soils had matrices of chroma 2, and upland areas directly adjacent had soil matrices of chroma 3. Functions Due to Wetland A’s size, position on the landscape, and hydrologic connection to Blackjack Creek [303(d) listed waterbody], it has relatively high water quality and hydrologic functions. It provides relatively high habitat functions as a result of multiple plant structures and water regimes, as well as some special habitat features and moderate intensity surrounding land use. Wetland A has a high landscape potential and value for improving water quality based on the presence of pollution sources to the wetland and adjacent polluted water bodies, but it holds a moderate site potential for improving water quality. Wetland A has a high hydrologic landscape potential and value from the nearby creeks to help reduce flooding and erosion but holds a low function for site potential because the wetland is small in relation to the area of its basin. Habitat value is rated high for Wetland A because it has at least 3 priority habitats within 100 m. Habitat site potential is rated medium due to the total of 4 special habitat features. The habitat landscape potential is rated medium due to the high percentage of undisturbed habitat and low percentage of accessible habitat within the 1-kilometer polygon. Buffer Condition The on-site buffer of Wetland A consists of agricultural pasture in the southern and western portions, with a residential development in the southwestern portion of the on-site buffer. Dominant vegetation includes reed canarygrass, field horsetail, Himalayan blackberry, red elderberry (Sambucus racemose), willows, and ornamental apple trees. The off-site portion of the buffer consists of a mix of forested habitat, commercial development, and road prisms associated with SW Sedgwick Road and SR 16. The forested buffer provides screening and habitat functions, while the developed areas, road prisms, and pasture provide limited buffer functions. 1 Wetland A has 3 distinct hydrogeomorphic classes with over 10% cover in the wetland—depressional, slope, and riverine. Based on the guidance provided in the Wetland Rating System for Western Washington, wetlands with more than two hydrogeomorphic classes shall be classified as depressional for rating purposes (Hruby 2014). As such, Wetland A has been rated as a depressional wetland. Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 14 Table 3. Wetland B information summary Wetland B Local Jurisdiction Port Orchard Waters of the U.S. Yes Function Scores (Hruby 2014) WQ-7, HYD-7, HAB-7 Ecology Rating (Hruby 2014) II Port Orchard Standard Buffer Width 220 feet Wetland Size 0.63 acre Cowardin Classification (FGDC 2013) PFO/PEM Hydrogeomorphic Classification Depressional Wetland Data Sheet(s) TP-7, TP-14, TP-15 Upland Data Sheet(s) TP-8, TP-13, TP-16 Dominant Vegetation Trees: Willow, red alder Shrubs: Himalayan blackberry, salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), Douglas spirea (Spiraea douglasii) Herbaceous: soft rush, birdsfoot trefoil, velvet grass, orchard grass, field horsetail, red fescue, reed canarygrass, white clover (Trifolium repens), meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis), creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens) Soils Soil texture consisted of silt loam. Redoximorphic features consisted of concentrations in the pore linings and matrix. Hydric soil indicators observed were Depleted Matrix (F3) and Redox Dark Surface (F6). Hydrology Wetland B is hydrologically connected to Ruby Creek, which provides some hydrologic inputs during heavy precipitation events. The wetland also receives inputs from groundwater. Hydrologic indicators observed included High Water Table (A2), Saturation (A3), Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3), and Water-Stained Leaves (B9). Rationale for Delineation Depressional wetland with hydric soils, supports hydrophytic vegetation, and has soil saturation present. Hydric soils helped to determine the wetland boundary. Wetland soils had matrices of chroma 2, and upland areas directly adjacent had soil matrices of chroma 3. Functions Due to Wetland B’s position on the landscape and hydrologic connection to Ruby Creek (a tributary to Blackjack Creek), it has relatively high water quality and hydrologic functions. The wetland provides relatively high habitat functions as a result of limited plant structures and habitat features, 3 priority habitats within 100 meters, multiple water regimes, and moderate intensity surrounding land use. Wetland B has a high value for improving water quality based on adjacent polluted water bodies, but it holds a moderate site and landscape potential due to a lack of direct pollution sources to the wetland. Wetland B has a high hydrologic value from the nearby creeks to help reduce flooding and erosion but holds a low function for site and landscape potential because the wetland does not significantly pond water, nor is it surrounded by uses that generate runoff. Habitat value is rated high for Wetland B because it has at least 3 priority habitats within 100 m. Habitat site potential is rated medium due to the low structural diversity. The habitat landscape potential is rated medium due to the high percentage of undisturbed habitat and low percentage of accessible habitat within the 1-kilometer polygon. Buffer Condition The buffer of Wetland B consists of a mix of forested habitat and agricultural pasture. The forested buffer provides screening and habitat functions, while the pasture provides limited buffer function. Dominant vegetation consists of reed canarygrass, field horsetail, Himalayan blackberry, red elderberry, meadow foxtail, willow, and Douglas-fir. Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 15 Table 4. Wetland C information summary Wetland C Local Jurisdiction Port Orchard Waters of the U.S. Yes Function Scores (Hruby 2014) WQ-6, HYD-7, HAB-5 Ecology Rating (Hruby 2014) III Port Orchard Standard Buffer Width 140 feet Wetland Size 0.10 acre Cowardin Classification (FGDC 2013) Depressional Hydrogeomorphic Classification PEM Wetland Data Sheet(s) TP-10 Upland Data Sheet(s) TP-9 Dominant Vegetation Trees – bird cherry Shrubs – Himalayan blackberry Herbaceous – soft rush, birdsfoot trefoil, curly dock, red fescue, creeping buttercup Soils Soil texture consisted of silt loam with sand, silt loam, sandy loam. Hydric soil indicators observed were Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) and Depleted Matrix (F3). Hydrology Wetland C receives inputs primarily from groundwater and precipitation. Hydrologic indicators observed consisted of High Water Table (A2) and Saturation (A3). Rationale for Delineation Depressional wetland with hydric soils, supports hydrophytic vegetation, and has soil saturation present. Hydric soils helped to determine the wetland boundary. Wetland soils had matrices of chroma 2, and upland areas directly adjacent had soil matrices of chroma 3. Functions Given Wetland C’s isolated position on the landscape and limited plant structure, the wetland provides limited water quality and habitat function. The wetland provides high hydrologic function. Wetland C has a high value for improving water quality based on adjacent polluted water bodies but holds a moderate landscape potential due to limited opportunities for runoff in the surrounding area. The site potential for improving water quality is low due to low seasonal ponding in the wetland. Wetland C has a high hydrologic value due to flooding immediately downgradient, but it is rated medium function for site and landscape potential because the wetland does not significantly pool water. Habitat value and landscape potential are rated medium for Wetland C because it has at least 1 priority habitat within 100 m and a high percentage of undisturbed habitat within the 1-kilometer polygon. Habitat site potential is rated low due to poor habitat structure and plant diversity. Buffer Condition The buffer of Wetland C is mostly agriculture pasture with some thickets of invasive Himalayan blackberry and a residence (mobile home on parcel 112301-2-011-2008). The buffer provides little function. Dominant vegetation includes red fescue, reed canarygrass, soft rush, and Himalayan blackberry. 3.3.1 Off-Site Wetland One wetland was located off-site within 300 feet of the study area. No test plots were evaluated in the off-site wetland because Confluence did not have access to the properties on which this wetland is located. This off-site wetland was located immediately north of the study area and is mapped approximately 75 feet from the study area boundary at its closest point (USFWS 2022). It is probable that the wetland is contiguous with both Wetland A and Wetland B, which appear Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 16 to extend off-site to the north, forming a singular wetland complex; however, this could not be confirmed. The off-site wetland is approximately 2.52 acres based on NWI, site observations, aerial imagery, and a review of LiDAR/contour data (Kitsap County 2022). According to the Cowardin classification system (FGDC 2013), this wetland is a freshwater forested and scrub- shrub wetland. Based on site observations from the property line, it appears to be dominated by red alder, willows, salmonberry, lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina), spirea, and Himalayan blackberry. 3.4 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas FWHCAs include non-Type S streams, lakes under 20 acres, and WCAs. The OHWMs of 2 streams (Blackjack Creek and Ruby Creek) were identified and delineated within the study area, and the off-site portions of these streams were identified and estimated during the desktop analysis and field investigation. Figure 3 shows the delineated streams. Information about Blackjack Creek and Ruby Creek is summarized in more detail in Tables 5 and 6. No lakes were identified within the study area or within 300 feet of the study area. WCAs can generally be defined as habitats with recognized use by and benefit to ESA-listed, priority, and locally important wildlife species. The study area includes Blackjack Creek, Ruby Creek, and 3 wetlands that provide habitat to local species. Blackjack Creek and Ruby Creek specifically are Type F (fish-bearing) streams that have been identified by WDFW as containing multiple species of salmonids (WDFW 2022a, b). Of the salmonid species identified in these creeks, only steelhead trout is an ESA-listed threatened species. Per the POMC, Blackjack Creek and Ruby Creek would qualify as Class I WCAs under section 20.162.070(3)(a)(i) if the alteration of these creeks may reduce the likelihood that the species will maintain and reproduce over the long term. The project specifically does not propose an alteration of either creek below the OHWM nor any action within its regulatory buffer, except for the planting of native vegetation as proposed compensatory mitigation. For this reason, it is determined that there are no WCAs present within the study area that are not otherwise defined and regulated as streams (Blackjack Creek and Ruby Creek) and wetlands (Wetlands A, B, and C). Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 17 Table 5. Blackjack Creek information summary Blackjack Creek WRIA Name Kitsap watershed - Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 15 Local Jurisdiction Port Orchard DNR Water Type Type F Buffer Width 150 feet Documented Fish Use (WDFW 2022a; WDFW 2022b) Coho salmon, summer/fall chum, cutthroat trout, and winter steelhead trout Location of Stream Relative to Study Area Flows along eastern boundary of study area. Connectivity Blackjack Creek continues to flow northeast off-site; Ruby Creek is a tributary stream to Blackjack Creek. WDNR designates the reach of Blackjack Creek located off-site to the northeast as a Type S waterbody (shoreline of the state, 90.58.030 RCW). Blackjack Creek eventually discharges into Puget Sound. Fish Habitat All documented fish utilize Blackjack Creek for spawning and/or migration (discussed in more detail in Section 3.2). Riparian/Buffer Condition The riparian environment contains some areas with overhanging native vegetation, dominated by salmonberry, Indian plum, and red alder. The riparian environment along a substantial portion of the on- site reach is dominated by reed canarygrass and Himalayan blackberry. A portion of the buffer consists of agricultural pasture, which provides little screening or habitat function. Overall, the buffer provides moderate function. OHWM Indicators Top of bank, exposed roots/root scour, shift to non-hydrophytic vegetation (e.g., Indian plum, salmonberry). Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 18 Table 6. Ruby Creek information summary Ruby Creek WRIA Name Kitsap watershed - Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 15 Local Jurisdiction Port Orchard DNR Water Type Type F Buffer Width 150 feet Documented Fish Use (WDFW 2022a; WDFW 2022c) Coho salmon, cutthroat trout, and summer/fall chum Location of Stream Relative to Study Area Flows along northern boundary of study area. Connectivity Ruby Creek is a Type F stream and tributary to Blackjack Creek. The headwaters of Ruby Creek are Square Lake, located approximately 1.80 miles to the southwest. Ruby Creek eventually flows into Blackjack Creek near the northeast corner of the study area, and Blackjack Creek eventually discharges into Puget Sound. Fish Habitat Documented fish uses includes migration, breeding, and/or rearing (discussed in more detail in Section 3.2). Riparian/Buffer Condition The riparian environment is relatively healthy and contains significant overhanging vegetation. The buffer provides relatively high function. Vegetation is dominated by salmonberry, Indian plum, lady fern, and red alder. OHWM Indicators Top of bank, exposed roots/root scour, shift to non-hydrophytic vegetation (e.g., Indian plum, salmonberry, sword fern [Polystichum munitum]). 4.0 REGULATORY IMPLICATIONS This section discusses the regulatory implications associated with the wetlands and streams on site, including the standard buffer requirements and mitigation requirements. Wetlands and streams in the project vicinity are Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) protected at the federal level by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), which regulates discharges of fill in WOTUS. The Corps is the responsible agency for implementing permits under Section 404 of the CWA. Activities that affect wetlands and streams may also require a water quality certification (CWA Section 401) from Ecology. Ecology also regulates wetlands through the Water Pollution Control Act (Chapter 90.48 RCW). POMC Chapter 20.162 also regulates development standards and mitigation requirements in wetlands, aquatic habitats, and their buffers. On-site wetlands and streams fall under the jurisdiction of the Corps (WOTUS), Ecology, and the City. 4.1 Wetlands According to POMC 20.162.052, the following wetland standard buffers apply: Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 19  Wetland A is a Category II wetland with a habitat score of 7; thus, the standard buffer is 220 feet.  Wetland B is a Category II wetland with a habitat score of 7; thus, the standard buffer is 220 feet.  Wetland C is a Category III wetland with a habitat score of 5; thus, the standard buffer is 140 feet.  The off-site wetland, to be conservative, is assumed to be contiguous with Wetland A, a Category II wetland. While the buffer of the off-site wetland would extend into the study area, it is encompassed by the buffers of Wetland A, Wetland B, and Ruby Creek. 4.2 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas POMC 20.162.072 details the regulatory buffers for designated FWHCAs. The only FWHCAs identified within and adjacent to the study area are streams. According to this section of code, the following stream standard buffers apply:  Blackjack Creek, a Type F stream, has a standard buffer of 150 feet. The minimum building setback of 15 feet beyond buffer would apply for a total buffer and setback distance of 165 feet.  Ruby Creek, a Type F stream, has a standard buffer of 150 feet. The minimum building setback of 15 feet beyond buffer would apply for a total buffer and setback distance of 165 feet. Figure 3 shows the wetlands and streams and their standard buffers. Development within these buffers or within the wetlands and streams themselves requires compliance with POMC 20.162.052 and 20.162.072 development standards. 4.3 Project Impacts and Mitigation The proposed project will result in unavoidable impacts to Wetland C and regulated buffers. Because a wetland and wetland buffers will be impacted, a Draft Mitigation Plan has been prepared for this project and is included in Appendix G. All project impacts and proposed mitigation strategies are described in this Draft Mitigation Plan, which proposes to simultaneously satisfy all the applicable authorities on compensatory mitigation. Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 20 Figure 3. Wetlands, streams, and their standard buffers Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 21 5.0 REFERENCES Anderson, P.S., S. Meyer, P. Olson, and E. Stockdale. 2016. Determining the ordinary high water mark for Shoreline Management Act compliance in Washington State. October 2016 final review. Washington State Department of Ecology, Shorelands & Environmental Assistance Program, Lacey, Washington. Ecology Publication No. 16-06-029. City of Port Orchard. 2021. City of Port Orchard zoning map. Available at: https://storage.googleapis.com/proudcity/portorchardwa/uploads/2021/09/2022-Zoning- Map-20220321.pdf Corps (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Corps Environmental Laboratory, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Technical Report Y-87-1. Corps. 2010. Regional supplement to the Corps of Engineers wetland delineation manual: western mountains, valleys, and coast region. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi. ERDC/EL TR-08-13. Corps. 2020. National wetland plant list, version 3.5 [online document]. Corps Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire. Available at: https://wetland-plants.sec.usace.army.mil/ nwpl_static/v34/home/home.html (accessed on June 29, 2022). FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee). 2013. Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States. Second Edition. Wetlands Subcommittee, Federal Data Committee and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Publication FGDC-STD-004-2013, Washington, D.C. Hruby, T. 2014. Washington State wetland rating system for western Washington, 2014 update. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia. Publication # 14-06-029. Kitsap County. 2022. Kitsap County Parcel Search. Kitsap County Land Records, Kitsap County, Washington. Available at: https://psearch.kitsapgov.com/psearch/ (accessed on May 10, 2022). Netronline. 2022. Historic aerials [online database]. Nationwide Environmental Title Research, LLC (NETR), Tempe, Arizona. Available at: https://www.historicaerials.com/viewer/95373 (accessed November 29, 2022). Kitsap Transit State Route 16 Park and Ride Wetland and Stream Report January 2023 Page 22 NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service). 2022a. Web soil survey [online database]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, NRCS, Soil Science Division, Washington D.C. Available at: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm (accessed on May 10, 2022). NRCS. 2022b. The PLANTS database [online database]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, NRCS, National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, North Carolina. Available at: https://plants.sc.egov.usda.gov/java/ (accessed on June 29, 2022). NRCS (National Resources Conservation Service). 2022c. AgACIS climate Data [online database]. NRCS, USDA, Washington D.C. Available at: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/wcc/home/climateSupport/agAcisClimateData/ (accessed July 6, 2022). USFWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 2022. National wetlands inventory wetlands mapper [online database]. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. Available at: https://www.fws.gov/wetlands/Data/Mapper.html (accessed on May 10, 2022). WDFW (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife). 2022a. SalmonScape interactive mapping [online database]. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington. Available at: http://apps.wdfw.wa.gov/salmonscape/map.html (accessed on May 10, 2022). WDFW. 2022b. PHS on the web interactive mapping [online database]. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Program, Olympia, Washington. Available at: https://geodataservices.wdfw.wa.gov/hp/phs/ (accessed on May 10, 2022). WDNR (Washington Department of Natural Resources). 2022a. Forest practices application mapping tool. Olympia, Washington. Available at: https://fpamt.dnr.wa.gov/default.aspx# (accessed on May 10, 2022). WDNR. 2022b. Wetlands of high conservation value map viewer. Olympia, Washington. Available at: https://www.dnr.wa.gov/NHPwetlandviewer (accessed on June 27,2022). APPENDIX E CULTURAL RESOURCES CONSIDERATIONS Attachment 2 Kitsap SR 16 Park & Ride Project Cultural Resources Study Methodology January 2023 Cultural resources inventory and investigations will be used to inform National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility and effects determinations for the Kitsap SR 16 Park & Ride Project (Project). A cultural resources technical report will be prepared to support these determinations for the Project. Archaeological Resources Investigations A desktop review will be conducted for the Area of Potential Effects (APE) with particular focus on areas of ground disturbing activities that includes review of the Washing State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Predictive WISAARD Model for environmental factors with archaeological resources to assess potential for buried precontact archaeological resources; review of historic maps to assess potential for buried historic archaeological resources within the APE; and a review of available geotechnical information to evaluate subsurface conditions, including predisturbed locations. Cultural Resources Survey and NRHP Eligibility Evaluation Preliminary review of the proposed APE indicates that there are no previously recorded precontact or historic-age resources in the APE or within one mile of the APE. Five cultural resource surveys have been conducted within one mile of the APE, one of which was along the eastern edge of the APE. This survey did not encounter any cultural materials. Soils in the APE are mapped as Bellingham silty clay loam and Kitsap silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes (NRCS 2022). These soils are Holocene soils formed in Pleistocene wetland deposits, alluvium, and loess. Due to the APE’s previous use as a rural homestead and for agriculture a moderate to high level of previous disturbance is expected. The DAHP predictive model for archaeological resources classifies the APE as Moderate to High Probability: Survey Advised. A reconnaissance-level survey will be conducted to determine if any belowground cultural resources are present within the APE prior to Project activities. Cultural resources staff will carry out a subsurface cultural resources survey using shovel probes in areas planned for impact by Project activities. Up to 75 shovel probes will be excavated, with up to 10 probes augered using a hand auger to observe deeper sediments up to 200 cmbs. Shovel probes that are not augered will be excavated to a depth of 100 cm unless an impasse is encountered. Spoils will be screened through ¼” mesh. Any artifacts will be documented in the field and reburied in the probe of origin. APPENDIX F GEOTECHNICAL STUDY PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Kitsap Transit SR16 Park & Ride Prepared for: Land Development Consultants, Inc. Project No. 220118  March 2, 2023 DRAFT e a r t h w a t e r+ppeecc tt C O N S U L T I N G PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Kitsap Transit SR16 Park & Ride Prepared for: Land Development Consultants, Inc. Project No. 220118  March 2, 2023 DRAFT Aspect Consulting, LLC Erik O. Andersen, PE Principal Geotechnical Engineer eandersen@aspectconsulting.com Jane R. Gregg, PE Project Geotechnical Engineer jgregg@aspectconsulting.com V:\220118 Kitsap Transit SR 16 Park & Ride Design\Deliverables\Geotech Report\KT SR16 Park &Ride GER_DRAFT.docx PRELIMINARY earth +water Aspect Consulting, LLC 350 Madison Avenue N. Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 206.780.9370 www.aspectconsulting.com ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT i Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................... ES-1 1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Project Description ....................................................................................... 1 1.2 Scope of Services ........................................................................................ 1 2 Site Conditions ............................................................................................ 3 2.1 Surface Conditions and Topography ........................................................... 3 2.2 Critical Areas ................................................................................................ 4 2.3 Geologic Setting ........................................................................................... 4 2.4 Subsurface Conditions ................................................................................. 4 2.4.1 Subsurface Field Investigation ............................................................... 5 2.4.2 Stratigraphy ............................................................................................ 5 2.4.3 Groundwater .......................................................................................... 7 3 Seismic Design Considerations ................................................................. 8 3.1 Earthquake Engineering ............................................................................... 8 3.2 Ground Response ........................................................................................ 8 3.3 Surficial Ground Rupture .............................................................................. 9 3.4 Liquefaction .................................................................................................. 9 4 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................................................... 10 4.1 Shallow Foundation Design and Recommendations ................................. 10 4.1.1 Minimum Footing Size and Embedment .............................................. 10 4.1.2 Estimated Settlement ........................................................................... 10 4.1.3 Lateral Resistance ............................................................................... 10 4.2 Concrete Slab-On-Grade ........................................................................... 11 4.3 Stormwater Vault Recommendations ........................................................ 11 4.3.1 Design Bearing Pressure ..................................................................... 11 4.3.2 Permanent Earth Pressures ................................................................. 12 4.3.3 Buoyancy and Uplift ............................................................................. 12 4.4 Fill Retaining Walls ..................................................................................... 12 4.5 Illumination, Signals, and Sign Foundations .............................................. 13 4.6 Pavement Section Recommendations ....................................................... 13 4.7 Stormwater Infiltration ................................................................................ 14 5 Construction Recommendations ............................................................. 15 5.1 General Earthwork Considerations ............................................................ 15 5.1.1 Temporary and Permanent Erosion Control ........................................ 15 ASPECT CONSULTING ii DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 5.1.2 Temporary Slopes ................................................................................ 15 5.1.3 Permanent Slopes ............................................................................... 16 5.1.4 Wet Weather Construction ................................................................... 16 5.1.5 Construction Dewatering ...................................................................... 17 5.2 Subgrade Preparation ................................................................................ 17 5.2.1 General ................................................................................................ 17 5.2.2 Shallow Foundations, Slab on Grade, Vaults, Manholes ..................... 17 5.2.3 Pavements ........................................................................................... 18 5.2.4 Buried Piping ........................................................................................ 18 5.3 Structural Fill .............................................................................................. 18 5.3.1 Reuse of Site Soils as Structural Fill .................................................... 18 5.3.2 Imported Structural Fill ......................................................................... 19 5.3.3 Compaction Requirements .................................................................. 19 5.3.4 Compaction Procedures ...................................................................... 19 5.3.5 Pipe Bedding ........................................................................................ 20 5.4 Drainage Considerations ........................................................................... 20 6 Recommended Additional Geotechnical Services ................................. 21 6.1 Additional Design and Consultation Services ............................................ 21 6.2 Additional Construction Services ............................................................... 21 7 References ................................................................................................. 22 8 Limitations .................................................................................................. 24 List of Tables 1 Seismic Design Parameters ....................................................................... 8 2 Temporary Excavation Cut Slope Recommendations .............................. 15 List of Figures 1 Site Location Map 2 Site and Exploration Plan 3 Expanded Foundation Base Uplift Resistance Photographs 1 View of vacant Parcel 112301-2-052-2008 facing east .............................. 3 2 Test pit number ATP-05 ............................................................................. 6 List of Appendices A Exploration Logs B Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT ES-1 Executive Summary This report presents the results of a geotechnical engineering study performed by Aspect Consulting, LLC (Aspect) in support of Kitsap Transit’s new Park & Ride facility design (Project), west of State Route (SR) 16 near the intersection of Sidney Road SW and SW Sedgwick Road in Port Orchard, Washington (Site). Based on our geotechnical evaluation of the Site that included data review, a Site reconnaissance, on-site test pits, and preliminary geotechnical engineering analyses, the Project is feasible from a geotechnical perspective—provided the recommendations contained herein are properly incorporated into the Project planning, concept development, design, and construction. Our key findings and conclusions include: • The Site is underlain by moderately compressible and impermeable fine grained materials, including silt with sand and sandy silt with few roots and trace woody debris. Perched groundwater was encountered in some of the test pits. • Stormwater infiltration is infeasible at this Site. Stormwater management using traditional collection, detention, water quality treatment, and conveyance to an appropriate conveyance system of discharge will be necessary. • Small and lightweight buildings, shelters, and vaults planned with this Project may be grade-supported on spread and strip footings or slabs on grade but with low allowable bearing capacities to limit settlement. • The native soil underlying the Site is highly moisture-sensitive. Reuse of native material as structural fill will require dry season construction along with careful moisture control and conditioning. If strict material handling is undesirable and/or wet season construction could occur, structural sand and gravel should be imported. If used, we recommend that reused fine-grained native soil is placed in the lower reaches of fill areas, then subsequently covered with imported structural fill. • The Project will include construction of flexible hot mix asphalt and rigid concrete pavements. We have provided preliminary pavement sections in this report for planning purposes; however, necessary inputs for pavement design have not yet been provided to Aspect. Once a paving plan is developed, we can provide final pavement design recommendations. • Open trench excavations are feasible to support the installation of buried utilities. Trench box support may be required where trench excavations exceed 4 feet. We recommend all buried utility trenches be backfilled with imported sand and gravel. • The Project includes installation of two large buried stormwater detention vaults. Imported structural backfill for these vaults will consist of permeable sand and gravel. Over time, a perched groundwater condition may develop where infiltrated stormwater collects within the pervious structural backfill. The vault design should consider a buoyancy/uplift condition where groundwater has perched around the vault, and the water level inside the vault has been lowered for maintenance. ASPECT CONSULTING ES-2 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 • Proposed luminaires, traffic lights, and traffic signs may be supported on conventional foundations assuming use of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Plans (WSDOT, 2022a). This Executive Summary should only be used in the context of the full report. ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 1 1 Introduction This report presents the results of a geotechnical engineering study performed by Aspect Consulting, LLC (Aspect) in support of Kitsap Transit’s new Park & Ride facility design (Project). The Project is west of State Route (SR) 16 near the intersection of Sidney Road SW and SW Sedgwick Road in Port Orchard, Washington (Site; Figure 1). The data and recommendations in this report support the design of Park & Ride facilities at the Site. We performed our services in support of engineering studies and construction plans by Land Development Consultants, Inc. (LDC) on behalf of Kitsap Transit in accordance with our subconsultant agreement signed May 12, 2022. 1.1 Project Description Kitsap Transit will construct a new Park & Ride facility near SR16 and SW Sedgwick Road to alleviate traffic congestion and parking demands in downtown Port Orchard and Bremerton. The proposed Park & Ride will include: • A hot mix asphalt (HMA) paved parking lot with at least 250 stalls • Portland cement concrete pavement access drives and bus lanes • Three bus bays and three standard shelters • Luminaire and signal pole foundations • Buried stormwater management facilities, including utilities and vaults • Widening of the east side of Sidney Road SW The parking lot will provide up to four connections to future City of Port Orchard (City) walking trails and one maintenance vehicle access drive (in the northern portion of the parking lot) for a future City park. The wetland walking trails and public park development are assumed to be the City’s responsibility and part of a separate project. The City plans to install public restrooms at the park; therefore, the proposed Park & Ride improvements will not include public restrooms. The eastern portion of the Site currently slopes down to the east towards an existing wetland area, with an elevation drop of approximately 10 vertical feet. Current 60 percent plans by LDC (LDC, 2022) were updated from the conceptual design to fill this area and make the proposed parking lot relatively flat. Retaining walls up to 10 feet high will be required along the eastern side of the parking lot to avoid encroachment into adjacent wetlands. The 60 percent plans show fill walls along the eastern Site boundary and in the northeast Site corner which are roughly 740 feet long and 320 feet long, respectively. 1.2 Scope of Services Aspect’s scope of work included a subsurface exploration program consisting of eight test pits excavated to roughly 10 feet below ground surface (bgs) to characterize the ASPECT CONSULTING 2 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 subsurface soil and groundwater conditions across the Site. This report provides the baseline data for geotechnical recommendations for the Project and includes: • Project and Site description • Description of the field work completed and results of the investigation • Distribution and characteristics of subsurface soils • Recommendations for the following foundations assuming Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Plans (WSDOT, 2022a):  Luminaire foundations using Standard Plan J-28.30-03  Traffic signal foundations using Standard Plan J-26.10-03  Sign embedment assuming use of Standard Plan G-22.10-04 for timber posts and G-25.10-05 for steel sign foundations • Rigid (concrete) and flexible (asphalt) pavement design recommendations • Shallow footing foundation recommendations • Subgrade parameters for concrete slab-on-grade • Buried utility and vault recommendations • Lateral earth pressures for retaining wall design • Earthwork and grading, cut, and fill recommendations An eastern fill area and over 1,000 lineal feet of fill retaining walls were incorporated into the Park & Ride design after Aspect’s original scope of work was developed. A supplemental subsurface investigation will be necessary to support the fill retaining wall design and settlement analysis within fill areas. Aspect’s original test pit locations were selected based on the conceptual Park & Ride footprint. The Site boundary now extends roughly 150 feet further east (LDC, 2022) and is 10 vertical feet lower. Geotechnical conditions at the new eastern Site boundary may vary from our observations further west and affect our design recommendations for retaining walls and Site grading. Our subsurface investigation locations are shown on Figure 2, and boring logs are attached as Appendix A. ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 3 2 Site Conditions Aspect assessed the surface and subsurface conditions of the Site through field observations, a literature review, and a test pit program performed on May 31, 2022. Our observes are described below. Refer to the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report (Aspect, 2022) for additional information on the Site setting, historical use information, critical areas, and the recognized environmental conditions. 2.1 Surface Conditions and Topography The Site is northeast of the intersection of Sidney Road SW and SW Sedgwick Road. It is comprised of six existing lots (Kitsap County [County] parcel numbers 112301-2-052- 2008; -031-2004; -012-2007; -001-2008; -013-2006; and -046-2007) totaling approximately 34 acres, as indicated in tax assessor records (County, 2023). At the time of this report, the Site parcels were undeveloped or unoccupied, except for parcel 112301-2-046-2007, which is owned and occupied by Ronald Rice, who resides at 369 SW Sedgwick Road and operates the commercial business at 375 SW Sedgwick Road. The Site is generally grassed, with occasional groups of mature deciduous trees and shrubs (Photograph 1). Site topography is gently sloped from west to east from Elevation 190 to 170 feet NAVD88 1 (LDC, 2022) towards an existing wetland area. Photograph 1. View of vacant Parcel 112301-2-052-2008, facing east. 1 All elevations reference North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). ASPECT CONSULTING 4 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 2.2 Critical Areas An existing wetland is within the center and eastern portions of the Site (LDC, 2022; County, 2017). Kitsap County maps the area coinciding with the wetland as hydric soils (County, 2017), which are described as perennially wet soils. The proposed work is outside of these areas, as well as outside the reduced, 90-foot-wide wetland buffer. There are no landslide, erosion, flood, or seismic hazard areas mapped at the Site (County, 2017). Refer to the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report (Aspect, 2022) for information regarding recognized environmental conditions. 2.3 Geologic Setting The Site is located within the Puget Lowland, a broad area of tectonic subsidence flanked by two mountain ranges: the Cascades to the east and the Olympics to the west. The sediments within the Puget Lowland are the result of repeated cycles of glacial and nonglacial deposition and erosion. The most recent cycle, the Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation (about 13,000 to 16,000 years ago), is responsible for most of the present day geologic and topographic conditions. During the Vashon Stade, the 3,000-foot-thick Cordilleran Glacier advanced into the Puget Lowland. As the Cordilleran Glacier advanced southward, lacustrine and fluvial sediments were deposited in front of the glacier. Preglacial and proglacial sediments were overridden and consolidated by the advancing glacier, creating dense and hard soil deposits. At the interface between the advanced soils and the glacial ice, the Cordilleran Glacier sculpted and smoothed the surface, and then deposited a consolidated basal till. As the Cordilleran Glacier retreated northward from the Puget Lowland to British Columbia, it left an unconsolidated sediment veneer of recessional outwash over glacially consolidated deposits. Since the retreat, more recent deposits include fill, wetland deposits, beach deposits, alluvium, lacustrine deposits, colluvium, and recent landslide deposits. The Site is mapped as Vashon recessional outwash fines (outwash) described as mostly silt, commonly ranging from fine sand to clay; gray to brown; angular to subangular, well-sorted and loose; laminated to structureless (Polenz et al., 2009). The soil may be locally stiff, but not usually compact. This map unit was deposed in ice-dammed lakes at the end of the Fraser Glaciation. The eastern Site boundary and the wetland area are mapped as alluvium of the Holocene age, described as loose, well-rounded, well-sorted silt, sand, and gravel (Polenz et al., 2009). The sediment source for alluvium is commonly naturally reworked recessional outwash, till, advance outwash, or glaciolacustrine deposits. 2.4 Subsurface Conditions Our interpretation of the subsurface conditions at the Site was developed based on our explorations, previous geotechnical analyses completed by others, our understanding of the geologic setting, and our experience with other projects in the City with similar settings. ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 5 2.4.1 Subsurface Field Investigation On May 31, 2022, Aspect observed eight test pit excavations designated ATP-01 through ATP-08. An Aspect representative was present throughout the field exploration program to observe the explorations, assist in sampling, and prepare descriptive logs of each exploration. Samples were obtained from select soil units to aid in the determination of engineering properties of the subsurface materials. The locations of the explorations are shown on Figure 1 and were collected in the field using a hand-portable global positioning system. The test pits were excavated to roughly 10 feet bgs by High Meadows Excavating, LLC using a 35D Deere Mini Tracked Excavator. Relative density was tested using a ½-inch steel T-probe in all test pits at 2 and 4 feet bgs. The test pits were backfilled with the excavated soil in 1-foot lifts and compacted with the excavator bucket. 2.4.2 Stratigraphy The results of our subsurface investigation indicate that the Site is generally covered by a thin layer of topsoil underlain by native material that we interpreted as older alluvium, which is in relative agreement with the geologic map. Fill was encountered at ATP-02 under the topsoil, overlying alluvium. Our exploration logs are presented in Appendix A. Below, the soil conditions we observed in the subsurface explorations are described in stratigraphic order from top to bottom. Topsoil Topsoil refers to a unit that contains a high percentage of organics. Up to 0.75 feet of topsoil was encountered at the ground surface in all eight explorations. The topsoil consisted of loose 2, moist, dark brown, silt with sand (ML)3 with abundant organics. Fill In ATP-02, we observed fill material from 0.5 to 2 feet bgs. This material is described as loose, moist, brown silty sand with gravel (SM) and 3- to 8-inch subrounded cobbles. Alluvium Native material that we interpreted as alluvium was observed in all test pits between the topsoil or fill layer and the base of the explorations. The alluvium had an upper loose to medium dense layer that generally extended to 4 feet bgs. Below the upper layer, dense alluvium extended to the bottom of the test pits (Photograph 2). 2 Relative density was assessed with a 1/2-inch-diameter, pointed steel T-probe at various depth intervals. Based on this, a relative density was assigned to the unit. 3 Soils were classified per the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) in general accordance with ASTM International (ASTM) D2488, Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (ASTM, 2023). ASPECT CONSULTING 6 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 Photograph 2. Test pit number ATP-05 The upper alluvium consisted of medium dense (occasionally loose), moist, brown silt with sand (ML) or silty sand (SM) with abundant small roots and woody debris and mottled red-brown iron-oxide staining. T-probe penetration within this unit ranged from 3 to 7 inches, except in test pit ATP-05 where the T-probe extended up to 13 inches. The upper alluvium is anticipated to exhibit low to moderate compressibility, moderate shear strength, low permeability, and moderate to high moisture sensitivity due to its high percentage of fines. The lower dense alluvium consisted of medium dense to very dense, moist, gray silt (ML) or sandy silt (ML), trace woody debris, and mottled red-brown iron-oxide staining. T- probe penetration within this unit ranged from 2 to 5 inches. The dense alluvium is anticipated to exhibit low compressibility, moderate to high shear strength, very low permeability, and moderate to high moisture sensitivity. 10 feet Contact between upper medium-dense alluvium and lower dense alluvium (3 feet bgs in ATP-05) ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 7 2.4.3 Groundwater Groundwater was observed in test pit ATP-03 at 9.5 feet bgs and in test pit ATP-06 at 6 feet bgs, where sidewall caving occurred due to water infiltrating the exploration. Groundwater was not encountered in other test pits. Based on surface topography and proximity to surface water bodies, regional groundwater is anticipated to flow toward the north-northeast via Blackjack Creek, located on the eastern portion of the Site, toward Sinclair Inlet.. Groundwater levels and stormwater discharge will fluctuate seasonally with precipitation, as well as with changes in Site and near-Site usage. ASPECT CONSULTING 8 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 3 Seismic Design Considerations In this section, we describe the relevant geologic hazards to the Site and the Project. This section provides context for the City’s requirements related to the redevelopment of the Site given typical earthquake engineering considerations at the Site. 3.1 Earthquake Engineering The Site is located within the Puget Lowland physiographic province, an area of active seismicity that is subject to earthquakes on shallow crustal faults and deeper subduction zone earthquakes. The Site area lies about 4 miles south of the Seattle Fault Zone and 8 miles north of the Tacoma Fault Zone. The recurrence interval of earthquakes on these fault zones are believed to be on the order of 1,000 years or more. The most recent large earthquake on the Seattle Fault occurred about 1,100 years ago (Pratt et al., 2015). There are also several other shallow crustal faults in the region capable of producing earthquakes and strong ground shaking. The Site area also lies within the zone of strong ground shaking from earthquakes associated with the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ). Subduction zone earthquakes occur due to rupture between the subducting oceanic plate and the overlying continental plate. The CSZ can produce earthquakes up to magnitude 9.3 and the recurrence interval is thought to be on the order of about 500 years. A recent study estimates the most recent subduction zone earthquake occurred around 1700 (Atwater et al., 2015). Deep intraslab earthquakes, which occur from tensional rupture of the sinking oceanic plate, are also associated with the CSZ. An example of this type of seismicity is the 2001 Nisqually earthquake. Deep intraslab earthquakes typically are magnitude 7.5 or less and occur approximately every 10 to 30 years. 3.2 Ground Response The International Building Code (IBC) seismic design is based on the “Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE)” with a 2 percent probability of exceedance (PE) in 50 years (2,475-year return period; ICC, 2018). Seismic design for the Project should be completed with the specific ground motion parameters listed in Table 1 below and assuming that the proposed structures are Risk Category II. Table 1. Seismic Design Parameters Design Parameter Recommended Value Site Class D Site Adjusted Peak Ground Acceleration (PGAm) 0.697g(1)(2) Site Adjusted Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) 0.766g(3) Short Period Spectral Acceleration (Ss) 1.637g 1-Second Period Spectral Acceleration (S1) 0.566g ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 9 Design Parameter Recommended Value Site Coefficient (Fa) 1.000 Site Coefficient (Fv) 1.734 Design Short Period Spectral Acceleration (SDS) 1.092g Design 1-Second Period Spectral Acceleration (SD1) 0.654g Notes: 1. g = gravitational force 2. PGA as determined by methods presented in Chapter 11 of ASCE 7-16 3. Based on the latitude and longitude of the Site: 47.499238°N, -122.652045°W World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) 4. Based on the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) hazard tool (ASCE, 2021) 3.3 Surficial Ground Rupture The nearest known active fault trace is located approximately 4 miles north of the Site (Gower et al., 1985). Due to the suspected long recurrence interval and the proximity of the Site to the mapped fault trace, the potential for surficial ground rupture at the Site is considered low during the expected life of the Project. 3.4 Liquefaction Liquefaction occurs when loose, saturated, and relatively cohesionless soil deposits temporarily lose strength from seismic shaking. The primary factors controlling the onset of liquefaction include intensity and duration of strong ground motion, characteristics of subsurface soil, in situ stress conditions, and the depth to groundwater. The Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) maps the Site as having very low liquefaction susceptibility (DNR, 2004). Given the relative density, grain-size distribution, and geologic origin of the soils at the Site, we do not consider liquefaction to be a significant hazard for the Project. ASPECT CONSULTING 10 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 4 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Conclusions and Recommendations Our preliminary design recommendations for foundations, slabs-on-grade, pavements, retaining walls, and detention vaults are presented in the following sections. Additional engineering analyses and evaluations may be required to support the final Project design. 4.1 Shallow Foundation Design and Recommendations Based on the subsurface conditions encountered at the Site, buildings supported using conventional spread or continuous (strip) footing foundations should be founded on properly prepared and compacted structural fill or alluvium overlain by an 8-inch-thick structural fill leveling pad. 4.1.1 Minimum Footing Size and Embedment We recommend an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf) for structural fill or alluvium overlain by an 8-inch structural fill leveling pad. This allowable bearing pressure includes a factor of safety of 3 for design purposes. The allowable soil bearing pressures may be increased by up to one-third for temporary loading conditions such as wind or seismic loading. Generally, continuous strip footings should have a minimum width of 18 inches and individual spread footings should have a minimum width of 24 inches. Exterior footings should be embedded a minimum of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent grade. Any interior footings may be embedded a minimum of 12 inches below the top of the slab. 4.1.2 Estimated Settlement For spread footing foundations, and assuming the subgrade conditions described in the introduction to this section and prepared as described in Section 5.2 we estimate the applied loads discussed in Section 4.1.1 will result in maximum total settlement of about 1 inch and ½ inch of differential settlement over a 50-foot length. Foundation settlement is expected to occur as the loads are applied. 4.1.3 Lateral Resistance Wind, earthquakes, and unbalanced earth loads will subject the proposed structure to lateral forces. Lateral forces on a structure will be resisted by a combination of sliding resistance of its base or footing on the underlying soil and passive earth pressure against the buried portions of the structure. For use in design, an ultimate coefficient of friction of 0.6 may be assumed along the interface between the base of the footing and subgrade soils. An ultimate passive earth pressure of 450 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) may be assumed for compact structural fill or undisturbed native soils adjacent to below-grade elements. The upper 1 foot of passive resistance should be neglected in design, unless the adjacent ground is protected/surfaced by slabs or pavement. The recommended coefficient of friction and passive pressure value assume unsaturated conditions and level ground and are ultimate values that do not include a safety factor. We recommend applying a factor of safety of 1.5 in design to determine allowable values for coefficient of friction and ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 11 passive pressure (e.g., the allowable friction factor is 0.4 and the allowable passive earth pressure is 300 pcf). 4.2 Concrete Slab-On-Grade Slab-on-grade subgrade preparation should be completed in the same manner as shallow foundations described in Sections 4.1 and 5.2. Slabs should be underlain by a 6-inch-thick capillary break material to provide uniform support and moisture control. The capillary break material should consist of free- draining, clean, fine gravel and coarse sand with a maximum particle size of 1 inch and less than 3 percent material passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve by weight (fines). A crushed material is preferred to provide a subgrade surface that is not easily disturbed by workers laying steel rebar and concrete formwork. The capillary break material should be compacted to relatively firm and unyielding condition and evaluated by Aspect prior to placement of steel rebar and formwork. For slabs-on-grade designed as a beam on elastic foundations, we recommend using a vertical modulus (Kv1) of 150 pounds per cubic inch (pci) if bearing on the sequence of subgrade materials described above. Note that Kv1 is appropriate for a 1-foot by 1-foot surface and the initial subgrade modulus used for design (Ks) will need to be adjusted based on the width of the slab considered using the following equation: Ks = Kv1(B+1)2/(4B2), where B = slab width (in feet). 4.3 Stormwater Vault Recommendations Based on the subsurface conditions encountered at the Site, stormwater vaults may be founded on properly prepared and compacted structural fill or alluvium overlain by a 12- inch-thick structural fill leveling pad. 4.3.1 Design Bearing Pressure The weight of the water-filled concrete detention vaults will be less than the weight of soil that is excavated; therefore, bearing capacity is not a design limitation. For the purposes of evaluation and design, an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf may be utilized. Assuming the foundation subgrade is properly prepared and accomplished as recommended herein, we estimate total settlement of less than about 1 inch and differential settlement between two adjacent load-bearing components supported on competent soil of less than about 0.5 inches. We anticipate that the majority of the estimated settlement will occur during construction as the loads are applied. The vault structures may also exhibit some of the anticipated settlement after construction as the structure is initially loaded with water and drained. This cyclic loading may result in minor structure rebound and resettlement. ASPECT CONSULTING 12 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 4.3.2 Permanent Earth Pressures Permanent lateral earth pressure against the stormwater detention vault walls will depend upon the degree of wall restraint and magnitude and location of any surcharge loads. For the vault, we assume that the walls will be fixed, or restrained against lateral rotation, resulting in the at-rest earth pressure condition. We recommend the vault walls also be designed for an equivalent fluid weight of 55 pcf. Due to the low permeability of the alluvium and potential for perched groundwater conditions, drainage around the vault walls should be provided or the vault walls should be designed for hydrostatic pressure. To account for general traffic surcharge pressures, we also recommend including a uniform lateral pressure equal to 75 psf applied to the upper 15 feet of the structure, where applicable. Other specific surcharge loads should be accounted for in the design as needed. 4.3.3 Buoyancy and Uplift The buried stormwater vaults will be backfilled with pervious structural fill. Over time, there is a potential that infiltrated stormwater will accumulate within the pervious backfill and perch over the underlying relatively impervious fine-grained alluvium. This condition is generally not a concern when vaults are at least partially full of water; however, there may be occasions when the stormwater vaults are pumped out for cleaning and maintenance. In this condition, the vaults could be susceptible to critical buoyant uplift. To avoid the potential for a buoyancy failure, the vaults should be designed for a long-term high groundwater level on the vault exterior combined with no water on the vault interior. We recommend assuming groundwater elevations of 187.5 and 186 feet NAVD88 (roughly 1 foot bgs) for the western and eastern vaults, respectively, for design purposes. Buoyancy design calculations are provided on Figure 3. We recommend the vaults be designed with a factor of safety of at least 1.3 against buoyancy failure using the parameters provided on Figure 3. It may be necessary to design the vaults with expanded bases. 4.4 Fill Retaining Walls We understand that approximately 1,000 lineal feet of fill retaining walls, with exposed heights averaging 10 feet, will be needed along the east and northeast areas of the new Park & Ride facility. In our opinion, mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) fill walls will be appropriate. The fill walls can be constructed as the site fills are placed, utilizing structural fill for MSE wall construction. A variety of wall fascia can be considered ranging from small pre-cast concrete blocks, such as Keystone, to large modular pre-cast blocks such as Ultrablock. Other proprietary modular pre-cast concrete wall fascia such as by Lock+Load, could also be used. For a more natural look, the MSE walls could be constructed using a rockery fascia in front of a “wrapped face MSE wall.” Aspect is available to review and discuss wall types and designs with LDC and Kitsap Transit as a supplemental service. ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 13 4.5 Illumination, Signals, and Sign Foundations Illumination, signal, and sign foundations should be constructed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Plans (WSDOT, 2022a), as follows: • Luminaires: foundations should be constructed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Plan J-28.30-03. • Traffic signals: foundations should be constructed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Plan J-26.10-03. Foundations that are not within the parameters of the WSDOT Standard Plan require a special design, which we are able to assist with under a separate scope. • Traffic signs: embedment should be in accordance with WSDOT Standard Plan G- 22.10-04 for timber sign support or G-25.10-05 for steel sign foundations. Sign embedment will vary based on foundation type and post size, as depicted in the Standard Plans. Based on correlations with soil consistency in the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual (WSDOT, 2022b), it is our opinion that the existing native materials have allowable lateral bearing pressures of 2,500 psf or more. Similarly, properly compacted structural fill will have an allowable lateral bearing pressure of 2,500 psf or more. If loose soils are encountered at the ground surface, the loose soils should be removed and properly compacted. On level ground or slopes not exceeding 4H:1V (horizontal to vertical), we recommend construction of luminaires using Standard Foundation Type A, embedded at least 4.5 feet. On slopes steeper than 4H:1V but less than 2H:1V, we recommend using foundation Type B, with minimum embedment depths of 8 feet. Based on our understanding of Site subsurface conditions, existing soil can remain standing without shoring casing, and concrete can be gravity-placed. It is our opinion that luminaire foundations can be installed using Method 1 per WSDOT Standard Plan J- 28.30-03 (WSDOT, 2022a), No Subsurface Form, if groundwater is not encountered. If foundations are installed during the wet season, perched groundwater may cause soil sloughing and caving. If this is the case, foundations should be installed using Method B, Metal, Subsurface Form Required (WSDOT, 2022a). 4.6 Pavement Section Recommendations We understand the new facility will be paved with flexible hot mix asphalt in passenger vehicle drive and parking areas, and with rigid Portland cement concrete pavement in heavy bus driveway and passenger load/unloading areas. Aspect is available to perform Project-specific pavement section designs per current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO, 1993) and WSDOT flexible pavement design methodology (WSDOT, 2018) upon request. Necessary inputs to pavement design include current traffic counts and percentage of heavy (truck and bus) traffic, estimated growth over a 20-year design life, and desired roadway serviceability at the end of the 20- year design life. In lieu of quantitative pavement designs, these areas can be designed using standard pavement sections that have been successfully used elsewhere and which ASPECT CONSULTING 14 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 meet City of Port Orchard requirements. In this light, we preliminarily recommend the following. Passenger vehicle parking and drive areas may be paved using this minimum section. • 3 inches hot mix asphalt (HMA) over 6 inches crushed surfacing Hot mix asphalt areas that will receive more frequent traffic, such as primary driveway lanes, Sidney Road SW, or that will support bus traffic, should have a more robust flexible pavement section consisting of: • 6 inches HMA over 12 inches of crushed surfacing In main bus driveway and passenger pickup/drop-off areas, we recommend rigid Portland cement concrete pavement be used to provide greater resistance to rutting over time and improved reliability and serviceability. We recommend the rigid pavement section with the following minimum requirements from top to bottom: • 8 inches of concrete over 8 inches of crushed surfacing The concrete should have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,000 pounds per square inch (psi). Crushed surfacing shall meet the requirements of Section 9-03.9(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2023). The upper 2 to 3 inches of a surfacing layer should be crushed surfacing top course (CSTC) and the lower portion should be crushed surfacing base course (CSBC). Before crushed surfacing is placed, pavement subgrade should be proof rolled using a fully loaded dump truck. Any yielding areas should be overexcavated and replaced with suitable structural fill, or additional CSBC. A competent geo-inspector should observe and evaluate the proof rolling process and determine extents and depths of over- excavation and replacement (please refer to Section 5.2.3 for additional discussion). 4.7 Stormwater Infiltration The Site is underlain by relatively impermeable fine-grained alluvium. Stormwater infiltration is infeasible. We recommend stormwater management be accomplished using conventional catch basins and storm drainpipes, and detention facilities that allow a controlled discharge into an appropriate system. ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 15 5 Construction Recommendations Detailed design and construction recommendations for building foundations and slabs- on-grade, luminaire and traffic signal foundations, traffic sign embedment, pavements, drainage, retaining walls, buried utilities and vaults, and key earthwork activities anticipated for the Project are presented in the following sections. Material specifications reference the current WSDOT Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2023) unless otherwise noted. 5.1 General Earthwork Considerations Based on the explorations performed across the Site and our understanding of the Project, it is our opinion that the Contractor can complete earthwork and excavations with standard construction equipment. The soils encountered at the Site contain a significant percentage of fines (particles passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 sieve), making them moisture sensitive and subject to disturbance when wet. We recommend planning the earthwork portions of the Project to occur during the drier summer months. 5.1.1 Temporary and Permanent Erosion Control To prevent Site erosion during construction, appropriate temporary erosion and sedimentation control (TESC) measures should be used in accordance with the recommendations above and the local best management practices (BMPs). Specific TESC measures may include appropriately placed silt fencing, straw wattles, rock check dams, and plastic covering of exposed slope cuts and soil stockpiles. Outside of the proposed construction areas, the existing vegetation should be retained. Permanent erosion control within the areas of construction should be achieved through pavement surfacing or the re-establishment of vegetation. In our experience, successful erosion-related vegetation management strategies aim to maximize the root reinforcement, evapotranspiration/rain interception, and buttressing properties of low- lying vegetation and shrubs while minimizing surcharge loads, root wedging, and windthrowing typically associated with larger tree species. 5.1.2 Temporary Slopes Maintenance of safe working conditions, including temporary excavation stability, is the responsibility of the Contractor. All temporary cuts in excess of 4 feet in height that are not protected by trench boxes or otherwise shored should be sloped in accordance with Part N of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 296-155 (WSL, 2022) as shown in the table below. Table 2. Temporary Excavation Cut Slope Recommendations Soil Unit OSHA Soil Classification Maximum Temporary Slope Maximum Height (ft) Existing fill, structural fill, and upper medium-dense alluvium C 1.5H:1V 20 Lower dense alluvium B 1H:1V 20 Notes: OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration; H:V = Horizontal : Vertical ASPECT CONSULTING 16 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 The estimated maximum cut slope inclinations are provided for planning purposes only and are applicable to excavations without groundwater seepage or runoff and assume dry to moist conditions. Flatter slopes will likely be necessary in areas where groundwater seepage exists, or where construction equipment surcharges are placed in close proximity with the crest of the excavation. With time and the presence of seepage and/or precipitation, the stability of temporary unsupported cut slopes can be significantly reduced. Therefore, all temporary slopes should be protected from erosion by installing a surface water diversion ditch or berm at the top of the slope. In addition, the Contractor should monitor the stability of the temporary cut slopes and adjust the construction schedule and slope inclination accordingly. Vibrations created by traffic and construction equipment may cause caving and raveling of the temporary slopes. In such an event, lateral support for the temporary slopes should be provided by the Contractor to prevent loss of ground support. 5.1.3 Permanent Slopes In our opinion, permanent structural fill slopes up to 2H:1V are possible provided best management practices are followed. We recommend that cut and fill slopes be permanently seeded or otherwise landscaped to provide for long-term erosion prevention. Permanent seeding may include native plants and grasses (applied by hydroseed with tackifier) with a temporary biodegradable erosion control blanket to cover the hydroseed and provide temporary protection until the grasses grow through the blanket. Where possible, the native topsoil should be retained and incorporated into the slopes prior to seeding. The Washington State Department of Ecology’s Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW) recommends permanent seeding and erosion control blankets be designed and installed in accordance with its Best Management Practices C120 and C122, respectively (Ecology, 2019). 5.1.4 Wet Weather Construction The soils encountered across the Site are moisture sensitive and may be difficult to handle, prepare, or compact with construction equipment during periods of wet weather. Earthwork is typically most economical when performed under dry weather conditions. If earthwork is to be performed or fill is to be placed in wet weather or under wet conditions, the following recommendations should be incorporated into the contract specifications: • Earthwork should be performed in small areas to minimize exposure to wet weather. Excavation or removal of unsuitable soils should be followed promptly by the placement and compaction of clean structural fill. The size and type of construction equipment used may need to be limited to prevent soil disturbance. • Materials used as structural fill should consist of clean, granular soil containing less than 7 percent fines, such as Gravel Borrow, as specified in Section 9-03.14(1) of the Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2023). The fines should be nonplastic. • The ground surface within the construction area should be sealed by a smooth drum vibratory roller (or equivalent) and under no circumstances should be left uncompacted and exposed to moisture. Soils that become too wet for compaction should be removed and replaced with clean granular materials. ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 17 • Excavation and placement of structural fill should be observed by Aspect to verify that all unsuitable materials are removed, and suitable compaction is achieved. • Local BMPs for erosion protection should be strictly followed. 5.1.5 Construction Dewatering Minor groundwater seepage and surficial runoff may be encountered at shallow depths. We anticipate that strategically placed sumps and pumps will sufficiently control water inflow. Sumps are often constructed by placing a short section of perforated corrugated steel pipe (or surplus 8- to 12-inch well screen) in a small hole excavated below the subgrade elevation/excavation. The annular space around the pipe is backfilled with drain rock, with several inches placed inside the casing to help control the pumping of fines. Submersible pumps (trash pumps) are then placed inside the casing and connected to a central discharge pipe. The Contractor should be responsible for design, implementation, and any necessary permits associated with any construction dewatering system used for the Project. 5.2 Subgrade Preparation 5.2.1 General Subgrade preparation for structures including, but not limited to pavements, luminaire foundations, manholes, vaults, pavements, piping, retaining walls, and areas that will receive structural fill should include removal of all topsoil, debris, loose fill soils, roots, and any other deleterious materials. All bearing surfaces should be trimmed neat and carefully prepared. The on-Site soils contain variable amounts of fine-grained particles, which makes them moisture sensitive and subject to disturbance when wet. The Contractor must use care during Site preparation and excavation operations so that any bearing surfaces are not disturbed. If this occurs, the disturbed material should be removed to expose undisturbed material. We recommend that all bearing surfaces be observed by Aspect to verify that the recommendations of this report have been followed. 5.2.2 Shallow Foundations, Slab on Grade, Vaults, Manholes The base of shallow foundations, slabs on grade, vaults, and manholes should be founded on properly prepared and compacted structural fill or alluvium overlain by a leveling pad consisting of structural fill or controlled density fill. Structural fill leveling pads should consist of Class A Gravel Backfill for Foundations per Section 9-03.12(1)A of the WSDOT Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2023) with the following thicknesses: • 8-inch leveling pad below shallow foundations and slabs on grade • 12-inch leveling pad below vaults • 6-inch leveling pad below manholes Leveling pads should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (MDD) per test method ASTM D1557 (ASTM, 2023). A ASPECT CONSULTING 18 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 geotextile fabric should be placed at the interface between the subgrade soil and the leveling pad. The geotextile should be a woven product meeting the requirements for Soil Stabilization as described in Section 9-33.2 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. 5.2.3 Pavements The alluvium or imported select fill will provide suitable subgrade support for new pavement sections. Pavement subgrades should be proof rolled with a fully loaded 10- cubic-yard dump truck or equivalent. An Aspect geotechnical engineer or geologist should observe and evaluate the proof rolling operation. Any soft areas detected by the proof-rolling or other methods should be compacted in place or overexcavated to firm ground and backfilled with compacted structural fill to the design subgrade elevation. To provide for quality construction practices and materials, we recommend all pavement work and mix-design considerations conform to WSDOT Pavement Policy and the Standard Specifications. (WSDOT 2018; WSDOT 2023). Drainage is an essential aspect of pavement performance. We recommend providing all paved areas with positive drainage to remove surface water and water within the base course. This will be particularly important in cut sections or at low points within the paved areas, such as at catch basins. Pavement sections shall not be placed on frozen subgrades. 5.2.4 Buried Piping In areas where the trench bottom encounters very soft or organic-rich subgrade soils, unsuitable material should be overexcavated and backfilled with pipe bedding material. The depth of overexcavation shall generally be limited to 2 feet and should be confirmed by the geotechnical engineer. A soil separation-grade geotextile may be used to limit overexcavation requirements as determined by the geotechnical engineer’s representative. 5.3 Structural Fill For purposes of this report, material placed under structures, pavement, sidewalks, as wall backfill, or as utility trench backfill, should be considered structural fill. The current 60 percent plans by LDC show the Site will require a significant volume of fill to raise grades along the eastern portion of the Park & Ride facility. 5.3.1 Reuse of Site Soils as Structural Fill From a geotechnical standpoint, the existing fill and alluvium would be suitable for reuse as structural fill for Site grading, if earthwork is completed during the dry season, all excavated materials are screened from organics and other deleterious debris, and the material is strictly moisture-conditioned to meet compaction requirements. The moisture content during compaction is critical as structural fill derived from the native material cannot be compacted unless it is within +/- 2 percent of the optimum moisture content for compaction. Excavated material should be visually inspected by Aspect to determine its potential use as structural fill. Excavated material that is unsuitable as structural fill may be suitable as backfill for unimproved areas (i.e., landscaped areas) that are not sensitive to differential settlement over time. ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 19 We recommend fine-grained native soil that gets reused as structural fill should be placed in the lower reaches of the fill prism, and then subsequently covered with imported structural fill. 5.3.2 Imported Structural Fill Imported structural fill should be relatively clean, free draining, nonplastic, uniformly graded, and free from organic matter or other deleterious materials and be used in accordance with the following recommendations: • General Site Grading Fill: Imported general site grading structural fill should consist of Gravel Borrow, as specified in Section 9-03.14(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2023). This material should also be used as backfill around buried stormwater vaults. • Foundation leveling pads: Class A gravel backfill for foundations, as specified in Section 9-03.12(1)A of the Standard Specifications, is appropriate. Alternatively, crushed surfacing as specified in Section 9-03.9(3) of the Standard Specifications, may be used. • Beneath pavements: CSBC and CSTC as specified in Section 9-03.9(3) of the Standard Specifications, should be used. • Vault walls, beside manholes, and behind retaining walls: Gravel Borrow, or Gravel Backfill for Walls as specified in Section 9-03.912(2) of the Standard Specifications, may be used. • Pipe bedding: Gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding as specified in Section 9- 03.12(3) of the Standard Specifications is acceptable. • Reinforcement zone of MSE walls: Gravel borrow for structural earth walls as specified in Section 9-03.14(4) of the Standard Specifications is appropriate. 5.3.3 Compaction Requirements In general, all structural fill should be at or near optimum moisture content at the time of placement and should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD as determined by ASTM D1557 (ASTM, 2023). In some circumstances, the compaction requirement can be reduced to 90 percent of the MDD, when it is considered that overcompaction may lead to damage (i.e., in close proximity to a vault or manhole). 5.3.4 Compaction Procedures The procedure to achieve the specified minimum relative compaction depends on the size and type of compacting equipment, the number of passes, thickness of the layer being compacted, and certain soil properties. When the size of the excavation restricts the use of heavy equipment, smaller equipment can be used, but the soil must be placed in thin enough lifts to achieve the required compaction. A sufficient number of in-place density tests should be performed as the fill is placed to verify the required relative compaction is being achieved. The frequency of the in-place density testing can be determined at the time of final design, when more details of the Project grading and backfilling plans are available. ASPECT CONSULTING 20 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 Generally, loosely compacted soils are a result of poor construction technique or improper moisture content. Soils with a high percentage of silt or clay are particularly susceptible to becoming too wet, and coarse-grained materials easily become too dry, for proper compaction. Silty or clayey soils with a moisture content too high for adequate compaction should be dried as necessary, or moisture-conditioned by mixing with drier materials, or other methods. When the first fill is placed in a given area, and/or any time the fill material changes, the area should be considered a test section. The test section should be used to establish fill placement and compaction procedures required to achieve proper compaction. Aspect or qualified materials inspection personnel should observe placement and compaction of the test section to assist in establishing an appropriate compaction procedure. Once a placement and compaction procedure is established, the Contractor’s operations should be monitored, and periodic density tests performed to verify that proper compaction is being achieved. 5.3.5 Pipe Bedding Pipe bedding for stormwater piping material, placement, compaction, and shaping shall be in accordance with the Project specifications and the pipe manufacturer’s recommendations. We recommend a minimum of 4 inches of bedding material be placed beneath the pipe. The pipe bedding should extend at least 6 inches above the pipe crown or such greater thickness as may be required by the pipe manufacturer. Pipe bedding shall provide a firm, uniform cradle for the pipe. Material and/or backfill around the pipe shall be placed in layers and tamped to obtain complete contact with the pipe. 5.4 Drainage Considerations The outside edge of all perimeter footings and embedded walls should be provided with a drainage system consisting of a 4-inch-diameter (minimum), perforated, rigid pipe embedded in free-draining gravel meeting the requirements of Section 9-03.12(4) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, Gravel Backfill for Drains (WSDOT, 2023). The footing and wall drains should be a minimum of 1 foot thick, and a layer of low permeability soils should be used over the upper foot of the drain section to reduce the potential for surface water to enter the drain curtain. Prefabricated drain mats combined with relatively free-draining backfill may be used as an alternative to washed-rock footings and wall drains. The footing drainage systems and roof downspout systems (if applicable) shall be separate pipe systems up to the on-site collection system. Site grades should be sloped to discharge surface water away from slope faces and fill areas to suitable collection and disposal areas. ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 21 6 Recommended Additional Geotechnical Services At the time of this report, Site grading, utilities, civil plans, and construction methods have not been finalized, and the recommendations presented herein are based on 60 percent Project design information. If Project developments result in changes to the assumptions made herein, we should be contacted to determine if our recommendations should be revised. Throughout this report, we have provided recommendations where we consider it would be appropriate for Aspect to provide additional geotechnical input to the design and construction process. Additional recommendations are summarized in this section. 6.1 Additional Design and Consultation Services Before construction begins, we recommend that Aspect: • Continue to meet with the design team as needed to address geotechnical questions that may arise throughout the remainder of the design process. • Conduct additional geotechnical engineering investigations and analyses as needed to support the Project elements and final design, including MSE wall designs and settlement calculations below fill areas. • Review the geotechnical elements of the Project plans to see that the geotechnical engineering recommendations are properly interpreted. 6.2 Additional Construction Services We are available to provide geotechnical engineering and monitoring services during construction. The integrity of the geotechnical elements depends on proper Site preparation and construction procedures. In addition, engineering decisions may have to be made in the field in the event that variations in subsurface conditions become apparent. During the construction phase of the Project, we recommend that Aspect be retained to perform the following tasks: • Review applicable submittals • Observe and evaluate subgrade and structural fill placement for all footings, slabs- on-grade, retaining walls, and structural fill pads • Attend meetings, as needed • Address other geotechnical engineering considerations that may arise during construction The purpose of our observations is to verify compliance with design concepts and recommendations and to allow design changes or evaluation of appropriate construction methods in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. ASPECT CONSULTING 22 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 7 References American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), 1993, AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, Washington, D.C. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2021, ASCE 7 Hazard Tool, https://asce7hazardtool.online/, accessed February 23, 2023. Aspect Consulting, LLC (Aspect), 2022, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report SR 16 Properties, Project No. 220118, August 10, 2022. ASTM International (ASTM), 2023, 2023 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Atwater, B.F., S. Musumi-Rokkaku, D. Satake, Y. Tsuji, K. Ueda, and D.K. Yamaguci (Atwater et al.), 2015, The orphan tsunami of 1700—Japanese clues to a parent earthquake in North America, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1707. Gower H.D., J.C. Yount, and R.S. Crosson (Gower et al.), 1985, Seismotectonic map of the Puget Sound region, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1613, p. 15, plate 1, scale 1:250,000. International Code Council (ICC), 2018, International Building Code (IBC), Prepared by International Code Council, First Printing August 2017. Kitsap County (County), 2017, Critical Areas Kitsap County Washington Map, April 27, 2017. Kitsap County (County), 2023, Kitsap County Parcel Search Application, https://psearch.kitsapgov.com/psearch/, accessed on February 23, 2023. Land Development Consultants, Inc. (LDC), 2022, SR16 Park and Ride Design 60% Construction Plans, Drawings, December 20, 2022. Polenz, M., Alldritt, K., Heheman, N. J., and Logan, R. L., 2009, Geologic map of the Burley 7.5-minute quadrangle, Kitsap and Pierce Counties, Washington, Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources, Map Scale: 1:24,000, July 2009. Pratt, T.L., K.G. Troost, J.K. Odum, and W.J. Stephenson (Pratt et al.), 2015, Kinematics of shallow backthrusts in the Seattle fault zone, Washington State, Geosphere, v. 11, no. 6, p. 1–27, doi:10.1130/GES01179.1. Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), 2019, Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, Publication Number 19-10-021, July 2019. Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR), 2004, Liquefaction Susceptibility and Site Class Maps of Washington State, By County, Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open File Report 2004-20, by Palmer, S.P., S.L. Magsino, E.L. Bilderback, J.L. Poelstra, D.S. Folger, and R.A. Niggemann, 2004, September 2004. ASPECT CONSULTING PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT 23 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), 2018, Pavement Policy. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), 2022a, Standard Plans, M21- 01, September 2022. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), 2022b, Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03.16, February 10, 2022. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), 2023, Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, M 41-10, 2023. Washington State Legislature (WSL), 2022, Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 296-155 WAC: Safety Standards for Construction Work, July 19, 2022. ASPECT CONSULTING 24 DRAFT PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 8 Limitations Work for this project was performed for Land Development Consultants, Inc. (Client), and this report was prepared consistent with recognized standards of professionals in the same locality and involving similar conditions, at the time the work was performed. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Aspect Consulting, LLC (Aspect). Recommendations presented herein are based on our interpretation of site conditions, geotechnical engineering calculations, and judgment in accordance with our mutually agreed-upon scope of work. Our recommendations are unique and specific to the project, site, and Client. Application of this report for any purpose other than the project should be done only after consultation with Aspect. Variations may exist between the soil and groundwater conditions reported and those actually underlying the site. The nature and extent of such soil variations may change over time and may not be evident before construction begins. If any soil conditions are encountered at the site that are different from those described in this report, Aspect should be notified immediately to review the applicability of our recommendations. Risks are inherent with any site involving slopes and no recommendations, geologic analysis, or engineering design can assure slope stability. Our observations, findings, and opinions are a means to identify and reduce the inherent risks to the Client. It is the Client's responsibility to see that all parties to this project, including the designer, contractor, subcontractors, and agents, are made aware of this report in its entirety. At the time of this report, design plans and construction methods have not been finalized, and the recommendations presented herein are based on 60 percent project information. If project developments result in changes from the preliminary project information, Aspect should be contacted to determine if our recommendations contained in this report should be revised and/or expanded upon. The scope of work does not include services related to construction safety precautions. Site safety is typically the responsibility of the contractor, and our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor’s site safety methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures. The scope of our work also does not include the assessment of environmental characteristics, particularly those involving potentially hazardous substances in soil or groundwater. All reports prepared by Aspect for the Client apply only to the services described in the Agreement(s) with the Client. Any use or reuse by any party other than the Client is at the sole risk of that party, and without liability to Aspect. Aspect’s original files/reports shall govern in the event of any dispute regarding the content of electronic documents furnished to others. Please refer to Appendix B titled “Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use” for additional information governing the use of this report. We appreciate the opportunity to perform these services. If you have any questions please call Erik Andersen, Principle Geotechnical Engineer, at 360.746.8964. FIGURES ^GIS Path: Q:\_GeoTech\220118 Kitsap Transit\2022-11 SR16 Park and Ride\GIS\01 Site Location Map.mxd || Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet || Date Saved: 11/21/2022 || User: scudd || Print Date: 11/21/2022Site Location Map Geotechnical Engineering ReportKitsap Transit SR16 Park and Ride Port Orchard, Washington FIGURE NO.1NOV-2022 PROJECT NO.220118 BY:CB / SCC REVISED BY:- - - 0 2,000 4,000 Feet W A S H I N G T O N !( Bellingham Olympia Port Angeles Seattle Spokane Tacoma Wenatchee Yakima ! ! ! ! !! !! ! !( UV16Belfair Bremerton Port Orchard Purdy Seabeck Silverdale SouthworthSunnyslope Vashon Basemap Layer Credits || Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user communitySources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and theGIS User Community SITE LOCATION SITE LOCATION SITELOCATION Δ ATP-06 ATP-04 ATP-03 ATP-02 ATP-08 ATP-07 ATP-05ATP-01 CAD Path: Q:\_GeoTech\220118 Kitsap Transit\2022-11 SR16 Park and Ride\220118-02.dwg 02 Site and Exploration Plan || Date Saved: Mar 01, 2023 10:18am || User: jgreggGeotechnical Engineering Report Kitsap Transit SR16 Park and Ride Port Orchard, Washington 2 BY: CB/SCC Site and Exploration Plan Mar-2023 REVISED BY: - PROJECT NO. 220118 FIGURE NO. Feet 0 150 300 Test Pit Location Property Boundary Source: Base CAD files from LDC Surveying, Engineering, Planning. Legend PROPOSED STRUCTURE DWB BW FB SYMBOL ASSUMPTIONS FACTOR OF SAFETY AGAINST UPLIFT =W + WB + FFL FB B = WIDTH OF EXTENDED BASE IN FEET (IF REQUIRED) W = STRUCTURAL WEIGHT IN POUNDS WB = SOIL WEIGHT ABOVE EXTENDED BASE IN POUNDS = VOLUME OF SOIL ABOVE EXTENDED BASE X SOIL UNIT WEIGHT FB = BUOYANT FORCE IN POUNDS = UNIT WEIGHT OF WATER X VOLUME OF STRUCTURE BELOW DESIGN GROUNDWATER LEVEL WATER UNIT WEIGHT = 63 PCF SOIL UNIT WEIGHT = 125 PCF ABOVE DESIGN HIGH GROUNDWATER LEVEL DESIGN HIGH GROUNDWATER LEVEL FINISH GRADE B 62 PCF BELOW DESIGN HIGH GROUNDWATER LEVEL FF = SOIL FRICTION IN POUNDS PER FOOT = 9.5H + 19H H + 4.8H 2 1 1 2 2 FF L = PERIMETER AROUND BASE IN FEET CAD Path: Q:\_GeoTech\220118 Kitsap Transit\2022-11 SR16 Park and Ride\220118-03.dwg Figure 3 (8.5 x 11) || Date Saved: Mar 01, 2023 10:17am || User: jgreggGeotechnical Engineering Report Kitsap Transit SR16 Park and Ride Port Orchard, Washington 3 BY: JRG Expanded Foundation Base Uplift Resistance Mar-2023 REVISED BY: - PROJECT NO. 220118 FIGURE NO. APPENDIX A Exploration Logs PROJECT NO. 220118  MARCH 2, 2023 DRAFT A-1 A. Subsurface Explorations Methodology A field exploration program was performed on May 31, 2022, to determine the geotechnical properties of materials at the Site. High Meadows Excavating LLC, under subcontract to Aspect, completed eight test pits (designated ATP-01 to ATP-08). Excavation was conducted using a 35D Deere Mini Tracked Excavator to depths ranging between 9.5 and 10 feet bgs. The test pits were backfilled with excavated soils that was tamped into place using the excavator bucket. An Aspect representative was present throughout the program to observe the excavation procedures, assist in sampling, and prepare descriptive logs of the exploration. Soils were classified in general accordance with ASTM International (ASTM) D2488, Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure) (ASTM, 2023). The relative density/consistency of the soils was evaluated qualitatively with a 0.5-inch-diameter steel T probe and observation of digging difficulty. The exploration logs are provided within this appendix and exploration locations are shown on Figure 2. The summary exploration logs represent our interpretation of the contents of the field logs. The stratigraphic contacts shown on the individual summary logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types; actual transitions may be more gradual. The subsurface conditions depicted are only for the specific date and locations reported and are not necessarily representative of other locations and times. AI Path: Q:\_ACAD Standards\FIELD REFERENCE\MASTERS\Exploration Log Key-2018.ai // user: jinman // last saved: 12/31/2018“WITH SILT” or “WITH CLAY” means 5 to 15% silt and clay, denoted by a “-“ in the group name; e.g., SP-SM ● “SILTY” or “CLAYEY” means >15% silt and clay ● “WITH SAND” or “WITH GRAVEL” means 15 to 30% sand and gravel. ● “SANDY” or “GRAVELLY” means >30% sand and gravel. ● “Well-graded” means approximately equal amounts of fine to coarse grain sizes ● “Poorly graded” means unequal amounts of grain sizes ● Group names separated by “/” means soil contains layers of the two soil types; e.g., SM/ML. Soils were described and identified in the field in general accordance with the methods described in ASTM D2488. Where indicated in the log, soils were classified using ASTM D2487 or other laboratory tests as appropriate. Refer to the report accompanying these exploration logs for details. % by Weight Density³SPT² Blows/Foot HighlyOrganicSoilsFine-Grained Soils - 50%1 or More Passes No. 200 SieveCoarse-Grained Soils - More than 50%1 Retained on No. 200 SieveGravels - More than 50%1 of Coarse FractionRetained on No. 4 Sieve15% Fines5% FinesSands - 50%1 or More of Coarse FractionPasses No. 4 SieveSilts and ClaysLiquid Limit Less than 50%Silts and ClaysLiquid Limit 50% or More15% Fines5% FinesWell-graded GRAVEL Well-graded GRAVEL WITH SAND Poorly-graded GRAVEL Poorly-graded GRAVEL WITH SAND SILTY GRAVEL SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND CLAYEY GRAVEL CLAYEY GRAVEL WITH SAND Well-graded SAND Well-graded SAND WITH GRAVEL Poorly-graded SAND Poorly-graded SAND WITH GRAVEL SILTY SAND SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL CLAYEY SAND CLAYEY SAND WITH GRAVEL SILT SANDY or GRAVELLY SILT SILT WITH SAND SILT WITH GRAVEL LEAN CLAY SANDY or GRAVELLY LEAN CLAY LEAN CLAY WITH SAND LEAN CLAY WITH GRAVEL ORGANIC SILT SANDY or GRAVELLY ORGANIC SILT ORGANIC SILT WITH SAND ORGANIC SILT WITH GRAVEL ELASTIC SILT SANDY or GRAVELLY ELASTIC SILT ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND ELASTIC SILT WITH GRAVEL FAT CLAY SANDY or GRAVELLY FAT CLAY FAT CLAY WITH SAND FAT CLAY WITH GRAVEL ORGANIC CLAY SANDY or GRAVELLY ORGANIC CLAY ORGANIC CLAY WITH SAND ORGANIC CLAY WITH GRAVEL PEAT and other mostly organic soils GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT Modifier Organic Chemicals BTEX =Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes TPH-Dx =Diesel and Oil-Range Petroleum Hydrocarbons TPH-G =Gasoline-Range Petroleum Hydrocarbons VOCs =Volatile Organic Compounds SVOCs =Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds PAHs =Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds PCBs =Polychlorinated Biphenyls GEOTECHNICAL LAB TESTSMC=Natural Moisture Content PS =Particle Size Distribution FC =Fines Content (% < 0.075 mm)GH =Hydrometer TestAL=Atterberg Limits C =Consolidation Test Str =Strength Test OC =Organic Content (% Loss by Ignition) Comp =Proctor Test K =Hydraulic Conductivity Test SG =Specific Gravity Test RCRA8 =As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, Se, Ag, (d = dissolved, t = total) MTCA5 =As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb (d = dissolved, t = total) PP-13 =Ag, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, Zn (d=dissolved, t=total) CHEMICAL LAB TESTS PID =Photoionization Detector Sheen =Oil Sheen Test SPT 2 =Standard Penetration Test NSPT =Non-Standard Penetration Test DCPT =Dynamic Cone Penetration Test <1 =Subtrace 1 to <5 =Trace 5 to 10 =Few Dry =Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Slightly Moist =Perceptible moisture Moist =Damp but no visible water Very Moist =Water visible but not free draining Wet = Visible free water, usually from below water table COMPONENT DEFINITIONSDescriptive Term Size Range and Sieve Number Boulders = Larger than 12 inches Cobbles =3 inches to 12 inches Coarse Gravel =3 inches to 3/4 inches Fine Gravel =3/4 inches to No. 4 (4.75 mm) Coarse Sand =No. 4 (4.75 mm) to No. 10 (2.00 mm) Medium Sand =No. 10 (2.00 mm) to No. 40 (0.425 mm) Fine Sand =No. 40 (0.425 mm) to No. 200 (0.075 mm) Silt and Clay =Smaller than No. 200 (0.075 mm) Metals ESTIMATED1 PERCENTAGE MOISTURE CONTENT RELATIVE DENSITY CONSISTENCY GEOLOGIC CONTACTS Very Loose =0 to 4 ≥2' Loose =5 to 10 1' to 2' Medium Dense =11 to 30 3" to 1' Dense =31 to 50 1" to 3" Very Dense => 50 < 1" Consistency³ Very Soft =0 to 1 Penetrated >1" easily by thumb. Extrudes between thumb & fingers. Soft =2 to 4 Penetrated 1/4" to 1" easily by thumb. Easily molded. Medium Stiff =5 to 8 Penetrated >1/4" with effort by thumb. Molded with strong pressure. Stiff =9 to 15 Indented ~1/4" with effort by thumb. Very Stiff =16 to 30 Indented easily by thumbnail. Hard => 30 Indented with difficulty by thumbnail. Non-Cohesive or Coarse-Grained Soils SPT² Blows/Foot Observed and Distinct Observed and Gradual Inferred 1.Estimated or measured percentage by dry weight 2.(SPT) Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D1586) 3.Determined by SPT, DCPT (ASTM STP399) or other field methods. See report text for details. % by Weight Modifier 15 to 25 =Little 30 to 45 =Some >50 =Mostly Penetration with 1/2" Diameter Rod Manual Test FIELD TESTS Cohesive or Fine-Grained Soils Exploration Log Key Backfilled with excavated material and tamped down with excavator bucket in one foot lifts.S1S2S3S4S5TOPSOIL SILT (ML); loose, moist, dark brown; abundant 1-to-2-inch roots. ALLUVIUM SILT WITH SAND (ML); medium dense, moist, brown; fine sand SILT (ML); dense, moist, gray; low plasticity; mottled red-brown oxidation; trace 0.25-to-1-inch woody debris. Becomes with 0.25-0.5-inch fine sand lamina. Becomes very moist. Bottom of exploration at 10 ft. bgs. Note: No sidewall caving occured. T-probe =6" T-probe =5" Operator Work Start/Completion Dates Blows/foot Water Content (%) ATP-01Equipment Legend Contractor 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 ATP-01 Tests 35D Deere Mini TrackedExcavator Trackhoe High Meadows Excavating, LLC Exploration Method(s) See Exploration Log Key for explanation of symbols Sample Type/ID Depth to Water (Below GS) Description SR16 Sedgwick Park and Ride - 220118 Depth (feet) Material Type Andrew Mansaas SampleTypeElev. (feet) No Water Encountered Liquid Limit Geotechnical Exploration Log 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sidney Rd SW, Port Orchard, WA, NE portion of site, ~40' from E accessroad ExplorationLog Exploration Number WaterLevelSheet 1 of 1 Depth (ft) Sampling Method NEW STANDARD EXPLORATION LOG TEMPLATE \\BISERVER1.ASPECT.LOCAL\PROJECTS\GINTW\PROJECTS\220118 SR16 SEDGWICK PARK AND RIDE.GPJ March 1, 2023Top of Casing Elev. (NAVD88) Blows/6" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5/31/2022 Project Address & Site Specific Location 187' (est) Plastic Limit NA Grab sample No Water Encountered 47.5002, -122.6521 (est) Ground Surface Elev. (NAVD88) Exploration Notes and Completion Details Coordinates (Lat,Lon WGS84) Grab Logged by: CB Approved by: MvA 8/15/2022 10 20 30 400 50 Backfilled with excavated material and tamped down with excavator bucket in one foot lifts.S1S2S3S4S5TOPSOIL SILT WITH SAND (ML); loose, moist, dark brown; fine sand; abundant 1-to-2-inch roots. FILL SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL AND COBBLES (SM); loose, moist, brown; fine to coarse sand; fine to coarse gravel; 3-to-8-inch subrounded cobbles. ALLUVIUM SILT WITH SAND (ML); loose, moist, dark brown; fine sand; some small roots. Becomes medium dense, gray with mottled red-brown oxidation. SILT (ML); very dense, moist, gray; low plasticity; 0.25-to-0.5-inch fine sand lamina; trace fine subangular to subrounded gravel; few 0.5-to-1-inch woody debris; mottled red-brown oxidation. Becomes very moist. Bottom of exploration at 10 ft. bgs. Note: No sidewall caving occured. T-probe =7" Operator Work Start/Completion Dates Blows/foot Water Content (%) ATP-02Equipment Legend Contractor 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 ATP-02 Tests 35D Deere Mini TrackedExcavator Trackhoe High Meadows Excavating, LLC Exploration Method(s) See Exploration Log Key for explanation of symbols Sample Type/ID Depth to Water (Below GS) Description SR16 Sedgwick Park and Ride - 220118 Depth (feet) Material Type Andrew Mansaas SampleTypeElev. (feet) No Water Encountered Liquid Limit Geotechnical Exploration Log 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sidney Rd SW, Port Orchard, WA, W of site, ~20' NE of Sidney Ave SW ExplorationLog Exploration Number WaterLevelSheet 1 of 1 Depth (ft) Sampling Method NEW STANDARD EXPLORATION LOG TEMPLATE \\BISERVER1.ASPECT.LOCAL\PROJECTS\GINTW\PROJECTS\220118 SR16 SEDGWICK PARK AND RIDE.GPJ March 1, 2023Top of Casing Elev. (NAVD88) Blows/6" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5/31/2022 Project Address & Site Specific Location 187' (est) Plastic Limit NA Grab sample No Water Encountered 47.4997, -122.6527 (est) Ground Surface Elev. (NAVD88) Exploration Notes and Completion Details Coordinates (Lat,Lon WGS84) Grab Logged by: CB Approved by: MvA 8/15/2022 10 20 30 400 50 Backfilled with excavated material and tamped down with excavator bucket in one foot lifts. 5/31/2022 S1S2S3S4S5TOPSOIL SILT (ML); loose, moist, dark brown; abundant 1-to-2-inch roots. ALLUVIUM SILT WITH SAND (ML); medium dense, moist, brown; fine sand. Becomes medium dense and gray with red-brown oxidation. SILT (ML); dense, moist, gray; low plasticity; 0.25-0.5-inch fine sand lamina; trace 0.25-to-1-inch woody debris; mottled red-brown oxidation. Becomes wet. Bottom of exploration at 10 ft. bgs. Note: No sidewall caving occured. T-probe =6" T-probe =2" Operator Work Start/Completion Dates Blows/foot Water Content (%) ATP-03Equipment Legend Contractor 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 ATP-03 Tests 35D Deere Mini TrackedExcavator Trackhoe High Meadows Excavating, LLC Exploration Method(s) See Exploration Log Key for explanation of symbols Sample Type/ID Depth to Water (Below GS) Description SR16 Sedgwick Park and Ride - 220118 Depth (feet) Material Type Andrew Mansaas SampleTypeElev. (feet) Liquid Limit Geotechnical Exploration Log Water Level ATD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sidney Rd SW, Port Orchard, WA, Central portion of site, refer to Figure 2for specific location ExplorationLog 9.5' (ATD) Exploration Number WaterLevelSheet 1 of 1 Depth (ft) Sampling Method NEW STANDARD EXPLORATION LOG TEMPLATE \\BISERVER1.ASPECT.LOCAL\PROJECTS\GINTW\PROJECTS\220118 SR16 SEDGWICK PARK AND RIDE.GPJ March 1, 2023Top of Casing Elev. (NAVD88) Blows/6" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5/31/2022 Project Address & Site Specific Location 187' (est) Plastic Limit NA Grab sample 47.4997, -122.6522 (est) Ground Surface Elev. (NAVD88) Exploration Notes and Completion Details Coordinates (Lat,Lon WGS84) Grab Logged by: CB Approved by: MvA 8/15/2022 10 20 30 400 50 Backfilled with excavated material and tamped down with excavator bucket in one foot lifts.S1S2S3S4S5TOPSOIL SILT (ML); loose, moist, dark brown; abundant 1-to-2-inch roots. ALLUVIUM SILT WITH SAND (ML); medium dense, moist, gray-brown; fine sand. SILT (ML); dense, moist, gray; low plasticity; 0.25-0.5-inch fine sand lamina; trace 0.5-to-1-inch woody debris; mottled red-brown oxidation. Becomes very moist. Bottom of exploration at 10 ft. bgs. Note: No sidewall caving occured. T-probe =3" T-probe =4" Operator Work Start/Completion Dates Blows/foot Water Content (%) ATP-04Equipment Legend Contractor 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 ATP-04 Tests 35D Deere Mini TrackedExcavator Trackhoe High Meadows Excavating, LLC Exploration Method(s) See Exploration Log Key for explanation of symbols Sample Type/ID Depth to Water (Below GS) Description SR16 Sedgwick Park and Ride - 220118 Depth (feet) Material Type Andrew Mansaas SampleTypeElev. (feet) No Water Encountered Liquid Limit Geotechnical Exploration Log 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sidney Rd SW, Port Orchard, WA, Refer to Figure 2 for specific location ExplorationLog Exploration Number WaterLevelSheet 1 of 1 Depth (ft) Sampling Method NEW STANDARD EXPLORATION LOG TEMPLATE \\BISERVER1.ASPECT.LOCAL\PROJECTS\GINTW\PROJECTS\220118 SR16 SEDGWICK PARK AND RIDE.GPJ March 1, 2023Top of Casing Elev. (NAVD88) Blows/6" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5/31/2022 Project Address & Site Specific Location 187' (est) Plastic Limit NA Grab sample No Water Encountered 47.5001, -122.6514 (est) Ground Surface Elev. (NAVD88) Exploration Notes and Completion Details Coordinates (Lat,Lon WGS84) Grab Logged by: CB Approved by: MvA 8/15/2022 10 20 30 400 50 Backfilled with excavated material and tamped down with excavator bucket in one foot lifts.S1S2S3S4S5TOPSOIL SILT (ML); loose, moist, dark brown; abundant 1-to-2-inch roots. ALLUVIUM SILTY SAND (SM); loose, moist, brown; fine sand SANDY SILT (ML); dense, moist, grey-brown; low plasticity; 0.25-0.5-inch fine sand lamina; few small woody debris; mottled red-brown oxidation. Becomes very moist. Bottom of exploration at 10 ft. bgs. Note: No sidewall caving occured. T-probe =13" T-probe =2" Operator Work Start/Completion Dates Blows/foot Water Content (%) ATP-05Equipment Legend Contractor 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 ATP-05 Tests 35D Deere Mini TrackedExcavator Trackhoe High Meadows Excavating, LLC Exploration Method(s) See Exploration Log Key for explanation of symbols Sample Type/ID Depth to Water (Below GS) Description SR16 Sedgwick Park and Ride - 220118 Depth (feet) Material Type Andrew Mansaas SampleTypeElev. (feet) No Water Encountered Liquid Limit Geotechnical Exploration Log 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sidney Rd SW, Port Orchard, WA, SE corner of site, refer to Figure 2 forspecific location ExplorationLog Exploration Number WaterLevelSheet 1 of 1 Depth (ft) Sampling Method NEW STANDARD EXPLORATION LOG TEMPLATE \\BISERVER1.ASPECT.LOCAL\PROJECTS\GINTW\PROJECTS\220118 SR16 SEDGWICK PARK AND RIDE.GPJ March 1, 2023Top of Casing Elev. (NAVD88) Blows/6" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5/31/2022 Project Address & Site Specific Location 187' (est) Plastic Limit NA Grab sample No Water Encountered 47.4992, -122.6517 (est) Ground Surface Elev. (NAVD88) Exploration Notes and Completion Details Coordinates (Lat,Lon WGS84) Grab Logged by: CB Approved by: MvA 8/15/2022 10 20 30 400 50 Backfilled with excavated material and tamped down with excavator bucket in one foot lifts. 5/31/2022 S1S2S3S4S5TOPSOIL SILT WITH SAND (ML); loose, moist, dark brown; fine sand; abundant 1-to-2-inch roots. ALLUVIUM SILT WITH SAND (ML); medium dense, moist, gray-brown; fine sand; few 1-to-2-inch diameter roots. Becomes wet. With 0.25-to-0.75-inch medium sand lamina and mottled red-brown oxidation. SILTY SAND (SM); dense, wet, gray-brown; fine to medium sand with 0.25-to-0.5-inch silt lamina. Bottom of exploration at 10 ft. bgs. Note: Sidewall caving occurred due to groundwater seepage. T-probe =4" T-probe =2" Operator Work Start/Completion Dates Blows/foot Water Content (%) ATP-06Equipment Legend Contractor 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 ATP-06 Tests 35D Deere Mini TrackedExcavator Trackhoe High Meadows Excavating, LLC Exploration Method(s) See Exploration Log Key for explanation of symbols Sample Type/ID Depth to Water (Below GS) Description SR16 Sedgwick Park and Ride - 220118 Depth (feet) Material Type Andrew Mansaas SampleTypeElev. (feet) Liquid Limit Geotechnical Exploration Log Water Level ATD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sidney Rd SW, Port Orchard, WA, Refer to Figure 2 for specific location ExplorationLog 6' (ATD) Exploration Number WaterLevelSheet 1 of 1 Depth (ft) Sampling Method NEW STANDARD EXPLORATION LOG TEMPLATE \\BISERVER1.ASPECT.LOCAL\PROJECTS\GINTW\PROJECTS\220118 SR16 SEDGWICK PARK AND RIDE.GPJ March 1, 2023Top of Casing Elev. (NAVD88) Blows/6" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5/31/2022 Project Address & Site Specific Location 190' (est) Plastic Limit NA Grab sample 47.4992, -122.6517 (est) Ground Surface Elev. (NAVD88) Exploration Notes and Completion Details Coordinates (Lat,Lon WGS84) Grab Logged by: CB Approved by: MvA 8/15/2022 10 20 30 400 50 Backfilled with excavated material and tamped down with excavator bucket in one foot lifts.S1S2S3S4S5TOPSOIL SANDY SILT (ML); loose, moist, dark brown; fine sand; abundant 1-to-2-inch roots. ALLUVIUM SANDY SILT (ML); medium dense, moist, red-brown; fine sand; few 0.5-to-1-inch roots and 0.5-to-1-inch woody debris. SILTY SAND (SM); dense, moist, gray-brown; fine to medium sand. SILT (ML); dense, moist, gray; low plasticity; 0.25-to-0.5-inch fine sand lamina; mottled red-brown oxidation; some 0.5-to-1-inch woody debris. Bottom of exploration at 9.5 ft. bgs. Note: No sidewall caving occured. T-probe =5" T-probe =2" Operator Work Start/Completion Dates Blows/foot Water Content (%) ATP-07Equipment Legend Contractor 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 ATP-07 Tests 35D Deere Mini TrackedExcavator Trackhoe High Meadows Excavating, LLC Exploration Method(s) See Exploration Log Key for explanation of symbols Sample Type/ID Depth to Water (Below GS) Description SR16 Sedgwick Park and Ride - 220118 Depth (feet) Material Type Andrew Mansaas SampleTypeElev. (feet) No Water Encountered Liquid Limit Geotechnical Exploration Log 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sidney Rd SW, Port Orchard, WA, Refer to Figure 2 for specific location ExplorationLog Exploration Number WaterLevelSheet 1 of 1 Depth (ft) Sampling Method NEW STANDARD EXPLORATION LOG TEMPLATE \\BISERVER1.ASPECT.LOCAL\PROJECTS\GINTW\PROJECTS\220118 SR16 SEDGWICK PARK AND RIDE.GPJ March 1, 2023Top of Casing Elev. (NAVD88) Blows/6" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5/31/2022 Project Address & Site Specific Location 190' (est) Plastic Limit NA Grab sample No Water Encountered 47.4991, -122.6524 (est) Ground Surface Elev. (NAVD88) Exploration Notes and Completion Details Coordinates (Lat,Lon WGS84) Grab Logged by: CB Approved by: MvA 8/15/2022 10 20 30 400 50 Backfilled with excavated material and tamped down with excavator bucket in one foot lifts.S1S2S3S4S5TOPSOIL SANDY SILT (ML); loose, moist, dark brown; fine sand; abundant small roots. ALLUVIUM SANDY SILT (ML); medium dense, moist, red-brown; fine sand. SILT (ML); dense, moist, gray; low plasticity; 0.25-to-0.5-inch fine sand lamina; mottled red-brown oxidation; trace 0.5-to-1-inch woody debris. Becomes very moist. Bottom of exploration at 10 ft. bgs. Note: No sidewall caving occured. T-probe =3" T-probe =2" Operator Work Start/Completion Dates Blows/foot Water Content (%) ATP-08Equipment Legend Contractor 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 ATP-08 Tests 35D Deere Mini TrackedExcavator Trackhoe High Meadows Excavating, LLC Exploration Method(s) See Exploration Log Key for explanation of symbols Sample Type/ID Depth to Water (Below GS) Description SR16 Sedgwick Park and Ride - 220118 Depth (feet) Material Type Andrew Mansaas SampleTypeElev. (feet) No Water Encountered Liquid Limit Geotechnical Exploration Log 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sidney Rd SW, Port Orchard, WA, ~20' NE of Sidney RD SW ExplorationLog Exploration Number WaterLevelSheet 1 of 1 Depth (ft) Sampling Method NEW STANDARD EXPLORATION LOG TEMPLATE \\BISERVER1.ASPECT.LOCAL\PROJECTS\GINTW\PROJECTS\220118 SR16 SEDGWICK PARK AND RIDE.GPJ March 1, 2023Top of Casing Elev. (NAVD88) Blows/6" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5/31/2022 Project Address & Site Specific Location 190' (est) Plastic Limit NA Grab sample No Water Encountered 47.4991, -122.6529 (est) Ground Surface Elev. (NAVD88) Exploration Notes and Completion Details Coordinates (Lat,Lon WGS84) Grab Logged by: CB Approved by: MvA 8/15/2022 10 20 30 400 50 APPENDIX B Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use ASPECT CONSULTING REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE Geoscience is Not Exact The geoscience practices (geotechnical engineering, geology, and environmental science) are far less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. It is important to recognize this limitation in evaluating the content of the report. If you are unclear how these "Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use" apply to your project or property, you should contact Aspect Consulting, LLC (Aspect). This Report and Project-Specific Factors Aspect’s services are designed to meet the specific needs of our clients. Aspect has performed the services in general accordance with our agreement (the Agreement) with the Client (defined under the Limitations section of this project’s work product). This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Client. This report should not be applied for any purpose or project except the purpose described in the Agreement. Aspect considered many unique, project-specific factors when establishing the Scope of Work for this project and report. You should not rely on this report if it was: • Not prepared for you; • Not prepared for the specific purpose identified in the Agreement; • Not prepared for the specific subject property assessed; or • Completed before important changes occurred concerning the subject property, project, or governmental regulatory actions. If changes are made to the project or subject property after the date of this report, Aspect should be retained to assess the impact of the changes with respect to the conclusions contained in the report. Reliance Conditions for Third Parties This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Client. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. This is to provide our firm with reasonable protection against liability claims by third parties with whom there would otherwise be no contractual limitations. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with our Agreement with the Client and recognized geoscience practices in the same locality and involving similar conditions at the time this report was prepared Property Conditions Change Over Time This report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. The findings and conclusions of this report may be affected by the passage of time, by events such as a change in property use or occupancy, or by natural events, such as floods, ASPECT CONSULTING earthquakes, slope instability, or groundwater fluctuations. If any of the described events may have occurred following the issuance of the report, you should contact Aspect so that we may evaluate whether changed conditions affect the continued reliability or applicability of our conclusions and recommendations. Geotechnical, Geologic, and Environmental Reports Are Not Interchangeable The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geotechnical or geologic study differ significantly from those used to perform an environmental study and vice versa. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering or geologic report does not usually address any environmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations (e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants). Similarly, environmental reports are not used to address geotechnical or geologic concerns regarding the subject property. We appreciate the opportunity to perform these services. If you have any questions please contact the Aspect Project Manager for this project. APPENDIX G SIDNEY GRAVITY SEWER EXHIBIT Est. 1890CONCEPTUAL SEWER PLAN AND PROFILESOUTH SIDNEY SEWER LIFT STATION CONCEPTUAL EXHIBITDrawn By:Date:Scale:Christian Williams, PE09/21/20221"=10'SIDNEY ROAD SW15" GRAVITY SEWER MAIN295 LF AT 0.15%SIDNEY ROAD SW15" GRAVITY SEWER MAIN396 LF AT 0.15%15" GRAVITY SEWER MAIN38 LF AT 0.15%15" GRAVITY SEWER MAIN396 LF AT 0.15%15" GRAVITY SEWER MAIN396 LF AT 0.15%15" GRAVITY SEWER MAIN371 LF AT 0.15%NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS PRELIMINARY INNATURE AND IS NOT INTENDED FORCONSTRUCTION PURPOSES.EXHIBIT ONLYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Est. 1890CONCEPTUAL SEWER PLAN AND PROFILESOUTH SIDNEY SEWER LIFT STATION CONCEPTUAL EXHIBITDrawn By:Date:Scale:Christian Williams, PE09/21/20221"=10'SIDNEY ROAD SW15" GRAVITY SEWER MAIN371 LF AT 0.15%15" GRAVITY SEWER MAIN142 LF AT 0.15%15" GRAVITY SEWER MAIN5 LF AT 0.15%TRIPLEX WET WELLVALVE VAULTFLOW METER VAULTSEWER FORCE MAINDISCONNECT PANEL AND CABLETRAYSDIESEL ENGINE PUMPPREFABRICATED SHELTER WITHLIGHT TO HOUSE CONTROLS AND ATSPAD MOUNT TRANSFORMERDIESEL GENERATORWITH FUEL TANK165' STREAMBUFFERNOTE: THIS DRAWING IS PRELIMINARY INNATURE AND IS NOT INTENDED FORCONSTRUCTION PURPOSES.EXHIBIT ONLYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION S Sidney Gravity Sewer MainEst. 1890CONCEPTUAL SEWER PLAN AND PROFILESOUTH SIDNEY SEWER LIFT STATION CONCEPTUAL EXHIBITDrawn By:Date:Scale:Christian Williams, PE09/21/20221"=10'SSMHRIM = 189.30IE OUT (N) = 179.15S SIDNEY GRAVITY SEWER MAIN PROFILE38 LF, 15" GRAVITYSEWER AT 0.15%SSMHRIM = 189.98IE IN (S) = 179.10IE OUT (N) = 179.09295 LF, 15" GRAVITYSEWER AT 0.15%SSMHRIM = 195.13IE IN (S) = 178.63IE OUT (N) = 178.63396 LF, 15" GRAVITYSEWER AT 0.15%SSMHRIM = 198.29IE IN (S) = 178.02IE OUT (N) = 178.01EXISTING GROUND396 LF, 15" GRAVITYSEWER AT 0.15%NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS PRELIMINARY INNATURE AND IS NOT INTENDED FORCONSTRUCTION PURPOSES.EXHIBIT ONLYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION S Sidney Gravity Sewer MainEst. 1890CONCEPTUAL SEWER PLAN AND PROFILESOUTH SIDNEY SEWER LIFT STATION CONCEPTUAL EXHIBITDrawn By:Date:Scale:Christian Williams, PE09/21/20221"=10'S SIDNEY GRAVITY SEWER MAIN PROFILESSMHRIM = 196.12IE IN (S) = 177.40IE OUT (N) = 177.40EXISTING GROUND396 LF, 15" GRAVITYSEWER AT 0.15%371 LF, 15" GRAVITYSEWER AT 0.15%SSMHRIM = 192.67IE IN (S) = 176.79IE OUT (E) = 176.78142 LF, 15" GRAVITYSEWER AT 0.15%5 LF, 15" GRAVITYSEWER AT 0.15%SSMHRIM = 192.67IE IN (E) = 176.60IE OUT (N) = 176.60WET WELLRIM = 192.67IE IN (S) = 176.59NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS PRELIMINARY INNATURE AND IS NOT INTENDED FORCONSTRUCTION PURPOSES.EXHIBIT ONLYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION APPENDIX H PUMP COMPARISON MEMORANDUM C003-22 – Work Order 3 • April 2024 • City of Port Orchard Pump Comparison • Ruby Creek Lift Station • 1 Memorandum Date:April 25, 2024 Project:Ruby Creek Lift Station To:Jacki Brown – The City of Port Orchard From:Jake Colberg – Consor Reviewed By:Adam Schuyler, PE, PMP – Consor Re:Pump Comparison Purpose During the Ruby Creek Lift Station preliminary design review meeting between Consor and the City of Port Orchard (City) on April 10, 2024, a document comparing Flygt and Vaughan submersible pumps was requested. This memorandum outlines the two preliminary pump selections and compares the benefits and drawbacks of each. Preliminary Pump Selections Vaughan S4T-118 Submersible Chopper Pump The Vaughan S4T-118 is a chopper pump which masticates solids as they pass through. This is achieved through its sharpened and cupped impeller blades, which create a slicing effect when rotating above the pump’s cutter bar. This slicing action makes the pump effective at dealing with ragging issues and reducing maintenance instances caused by clogging. Pumptech, Vaughan’s representative in the Puget Sound area, has given a budgetary price of $60,000 per S4T-118 pump. The lead time is currently 22 weeks following submittal approval. Pumptech noted that Vaughan tries to keep parts in stock to minimize repair times, but issues with impellers or motors can extend rebuild times. A timeframe of four weeks was given for a typical rebuild assuming the required parts are in stock. Pump curves for the Vaughan S4T-118 chopper pump are shown in Figure 1, along with the Ruby Creek Lift Station system curve. Since an installation with the chopper pumps will require a VFD, reduced speed curves are shown. The pump operates most efficiently at 93% speed (56 Hz). C003-22 – Work Order 3 • April 2024 • City of Port Orchard Pump Comparison • Ruby Creek Lift Station • 2 Figure 1 | Vaughan S4T-118 Performance Curves Flygt NP 3202 HT Submersible Solids Handling Pump The Flygt NP 3202 HT is a solids handling pump which passes solids through its impeller. The impeller is shaped with backswept leading edges designed to prevent solids from sticking to the impeller. As the impeller rotates, an integral guide ring pushes solids toward the peripheral edges of the impeller, through a relief groove, and out of the volute of the pump. This impeller geometry makes the N-Series pumps very effective at dealing with ragging issues and reducing maintenance visits caused by clogging. Whitney Equipment Company (Whitney), a Flygt representative in the Puget Sound area, provided a budgetary quote of $58,130 per NP 3202 HT pump, not including accessories or startup services. The current lead time is 14 to 18 weeks, following submittal approval. A 3-week minimum lead time was given for a pump rebuild, though Whitney noted that service times can vary greatly from case to case. Pump curves for the Flygt NP 3202 HT solids handling pump are shown in Figure 2, along with the Ruby Creek Lift Station system curve. A VFD is assumed with this installation, so multiple operational speeds are shown. The pump operates most efficiently at 96% speed (57.5 Hz). C003-22 – Work Order 3 • April 2024 • City of Port Orchard Pump Comparison • Ruby Creek Lift Station • 3 Figure 2 | Flygt NP 3202 HT Performance Curves Efficiency and Energy Usage The preliminary Vaughan selection uses a 60 Hz, 60 hp motor operating at 93% speed at the 750-gpm duty point, which results in a pump efficiency of approximately 63%. This equates to a power usage of 35.9 hp (26.8 kW) when in operation. Using the 222-gpm daily flowrate average from the Ruby Creek Lift Station preliminary design report, the lift station’s total yearly volume of 117 million gallons was found, equating to 2600 total hours of runtime at the design flowrate. From these values a yearly energy usage of 69,500 kWh was calculated, resulting in a yearly energy cost of $9,200 at Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) current rates. In contrast, the Flygt selection uses a 60 Hz, 45 hp motor operating at 96% speed at the 750-gpm duty point which results in a pump efficiency of approximately 68%. This equates to a power usage of 30.6 hp (22.8 kW) when in operation. Using the 2600-hour runtime, a yearly energy usage of 59,200 kWh was calculated, resulting in a yearly energy cost of $7,900 at PSE’s current rates. C003-22 – Work Order 3 • April 2024 • City of Port Orchard Pump Comparison • Ruby Creek Lift Station • 4 Summary A comparison of the two pumps is provided as Table 1. Both pumps are well-equipped to handle the heavy ragging expected at the Ruby Creek Lift Station, and the prices for the two pumps are generally in line with each other. The main differentiator between the two is energy usage, with the Flygt NP 3202 HT performing slightly more efficiently than the Vaughan S4T-118. Figure 3 | Pump Comparison Breakdown Vaughan S4T-116 Flygt NP 3202 HT Budgetary Price $60,000 $58,130 Lead Times 22 weeks 14-18 weeks Service Times 4 weeks for a typical rebuild, with parts in stock Minimum of 3 weeks for a typical pump rebuild Solids and Ragging Handling Capability Very good Very good Projected Yearly Energy Usage 69,400 kWh per year 59,200 kWh per year Projected Yearly Energy Costs $9,200 per year $7,900 per year APPENDIX I SPECIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS City of Port Orchard – Ruby Creek Lift Station Table of Contents C003-22 – Work Order 6 00 01 10 - 1 SECTION 00 01 10 – TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR RUBY CREEK LIFT STATION FOR CITY OF PORT ORCHARD Person Section Responsible Title Page 00 01 01 XXX Fly Sheet XXX 00 01 07 XXX Seals Page XXX 00 01 10 XXX Table of Contents XXX BIDDING DOCUMENTS Advertisement for Bids XXX Notice to Prospective Bidders XXX Information and Checklist for Bidders XXX Proposal XXX Schedule of Contract Prices XXX Bidder’s Qualification Form XXX Bid Security XXX Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes XXX Supplemental Criteria Information Form XXX Subcontractor List XXX CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Contract XXX Exhibit C – 5% Retainage Investment Option XXX Savings Account Agreement XXX Escrow Agreement XXX Performance and Payment Bond XXX Acknowledgment XXX Surety Acknowledgement XXX Maintenance/Warranty Bond XXX Form P-1 / Notary Block XXX Form P-2 / Notary Block XXX Form P-2 / Notary Block XXX TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Division 01 - General Requirements 01 10 00 XXX Summary of Work XXX 01 12 16 XXX Work Sequence XXX 01 22 20 XXX Unit Price Measurement & Payment XXX 01 33 00 XXX Submittal Procedures XXX 01 45 00 XXX Quality Control XXX City of Port Orchard – Ruby Creek Lift Station Table of Contents C003-22 – Work Order 6 00 01 10 - 2 01 50 00 XXX Temporary Facilities and Controls XXX 01 56 39 XXX Temporary Tree & Plant Protection XXX 01 75 00 XXX Testing, Training, and Commissioning XXX 01 78 23 XXX Operation and Maintenance Data XXX Division 02 - Existing Conditions 02 30 00 XXX Subsurface Investigation XXX 02 41 00 XXX Demolition XXX Division 03 - Concrete 03 00 00 XXX Concrete General Requirements XXX 03 05 10 XXX Cold Weather Concreting XXX 03 05 20 XXX Hot Weather Concreting XXX 03 11 00 XXX Concrete Formwork XXX 03 15 00 XXX Concrete Accessories XXX 03 20 00 XXX Concrete Reinforcement XXX 03 30 00 XXX Cast-In-Place Concrete XXX 03 31 00 XXX Concrete Mixtures XXX 03 62 00 XXX Non-Shrink Grout XXX Division 04 - Masonry 04 10 00 XXX Mortar and Grout XXX 04 22 00 XXX Concrete Unit Masonry XXX Division 05 - Metals 05 12 00 XXX Structural Steel XXX 05 50 00 XXX Metal Fabrications XXX Division 06 - Wood and Plastics 06 05 00 XXX Water Repellents XXX 06 10 00 XXX Metal Roof Panels XXX 06 16 00 XXX Flashing and Sheet Metal XXX 06 18 00 XXX Roof Hatches XXX Division 07 - Thermal and Moisture Protections 07 19 00 XXX Water Repellents XXX 07 41 13 XXX Metal Roof Panels XXX 07 60 00 XXX Flashing and Sheet Metal XXX 07 72 33 XXX Roof Hatches XXX 07 92 00 XXX Sealants and Caulking XXX Division 08 - Doors and Windows NOT USED City of Port Orchard – Ruby Creek Lift Station Table of Contents C003-22 – Work Order 6 00 01 10 - 3 Division 09 - Finishes 09 90 00 XXX Painting and Coating XXX Division 10 - Specialties NOT USED Division 11 - Equipment 11 05 11 XXX Common Work Results for Equipment XXX Division 12 - Furnishings NOT USED Division 13 - Special Construction NOT USED Division 21 – Fire Suppression NOT USED Division 22 - Plumbing 22 40 00 XXX Plumbing Fixtures XXX Division 23 – Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) NOT USED Division 25 – Integrated Automation NOT USED Division 26 - Electrical 26 05 00 XXX General Requirements for Electrical Work XXX 26 05 19 XXX Low Voltage Conductors, Wires and Cables XXX 26 05 26 XXX Grounding System XXX 26 05 29 XXX Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems XXX 26 05 33 XXX Raceway, Boxes and Fittings XXX 26 05 43 XXX Underground Ducts and Raceways for Electrical Systems XXX 26 05 85 XXX Utility Coordination XXX 26 08 00 XXX Commissioning of Electrical Systems XXX 26 22 13 XXX Low Voltage Distribution Transformers XXX 26 24 16 XXX Panelboards XXX 26 24 19 XXX Motor Control Centers XXX 26 27 00 XXX Service and Distribution XXX 26 27 26 XXX Wiring Devices XXX 26 29 24 XXX Active Front End Variable-Frequency Controllers XXX 26 32 13 XXX Diesel-Engine Generators XXX 26 36 13 XXX Manual Transfer Switches XXX 26 36 23 XXX Automatic Transfer Switches XXX City of Port Orchard – Ruby Creek Lift Station Table of Contents C003-22 – Work Order 6 00 01 10 - 4 26 43 13 XXX Surge Protective Devices for Low-Voltage Electrical XXX Power Circuits 26 50 00 XXX Luminaire XXX Division 27 - Communications NOT USED Division 28 – Electronic Safety and Security NOT USED Division 31 - Earthwork 31 05 13 XXX Soils for Earthwork XXX 31 05 16 XXX Aggregates for Earthwork XXX 31 10 00 XXX Site Clearing XXX 31 22 13 XXX Rough Grading XXX 31 23 16 XXX Excavation XXX 31 23 17 XXX Trenching XXX 31 23 19 XXX Dewatering XXX 31 23 23 XXX Fill XXX 31 23 24 XXX Flowable Fill XXX 31 25 00 XXX Erosion and Sediment Controls XXX 31 50 00 XXX Excavation Support and Protection XXX Division 32 - Exterior Improvements 32 11 23 XXX Aggregate Base Courses XXX 32 12 16 XXX Asphaltic Concrete Pavement XXX 32 91 13 XXX Soil Preparation XXX 32 91 21 XXX Finish Grading and Seeding XXX 32 93 00 XXX Plants XXX Division 33 - Utilities 33 05 13 XXX Manholes XXX 33 05 17 XXX Precast Concrete Valve Vaults and Meter Boxes XXX 33 13 00 XXX Testing and Disinfection of Water Utility Piping XXX 33 30 10.13 XXX Sewer and Manhole Testing XXX 33 31 10 XXX Sanitary Utility Sewerage Piping XXX 33 41 10 XXX Storm Utility Drainage Piping XXX Division 34 - Transportation NOT USED Division 40 - Process Integration 40 05 13 XXX Common Work Results for Process Piping XXX 40 05 51 XXX Common Work Results for Process Valves XXX 40 05 51.15 XXX Gate Valves XXX City of Port Orchard – Ruby Creek Lift Station Table of Contents C003-22 – Work Order 6 00 01 10 - 5 40 05 51.24 XXX Check Valves XXX 40 05 67.39 XXX Pressure-Relief Valves XXX 40 05 78 XXX Miscellaneous Valves XXX 40 06 70 XXX Schedule of Instrumentation for Process Systems XXX 40 61 13 XXX Process Control System General Provisions – sole source XXX 40 61 96.19 XXX Process Control Descriptions – Pumping XXX 40 63 43 XXX Programmable Logic Controllers XXX 40 63 43.13 XXX PLC Input/Output Modules XXX 40 67 16 XXX Free-Standing Panels XXX 40 67 33 XXX Panel Wiring XXX 40 71 13 XXX Magnetic Flow Meters XXX 40 72 43 XXX Pressure Level Measurement Devices XXX 40 73 13 XXX Pressure Gauges XXX 40 80 00 XXX Commissioning of Process Systems XXX Division 41 – Material Processing and Handling Equipment NOT USED Division 43 – Process Gas & Liquid Handling 43 21 00 XXX Liquid Pumps XXX 43 21 39 XXX Submersible Sewage Pumps XXX DRAWINGS See Sheet G-1 for Drawing Index SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION END OF SECTION