07/16/2024 - PacketPort Orchard Council Finance Committee July 16, 2024 4:00 pm-5:00 Zoom Link Council Conference Room https://us02web.zoom. us/j/82820258472 US: +12532050468„82820258472# US +12532158782„82820258472# US (Tacoma) 1) Finance Department (15 mins) Finance Director, Noah Crocker a. Sales Tax & REET Revenue Report b. Preliminary Treasurers Report — Funds, accounts c. Monthly budget Report 2) Budget Amendment 2025-2026 (20 mins) Finance Director, Noah Crocker a. 2025-2026 Budget Schedule Review b. Sales Tax Revenue Assumptions 3) Utility Programs (20 mins) Finance Director, Noah Crocker a. Low Income Utility Program b. Water Leak Policy c. Monthly Billing Other Items to come before the Committee. Schedule Next Meeting Date Role of the Finance Committee The finance committee provides oversight of city budgeting, financial planning, and financial reporting. The committee recommends long-range financial goals along with funding strategies for the operating and capital budgets. Human resource issues requiring policy direction are brought before the committee. The committee serves as the advisory forum for transportation and street maintenance funding, and funding relating to the transportation benefit district. Sales Tax Collections Population Summary of Budget to Actuals 2022 2023 2024 Biennial Budget Actual 5,340,000 7,402,000 6,895,000 14,297,000 7,783,763 7,719,461 3,905,424 11,624,885 Over/Under $ 2,443,763 $ 317,461 $ (2,989,576) $ (2,672,115) Actuals 2022 2023 2024 Biennial January February March April May June July August September October November December $ 543,145 626,678 524,545 548,118 665,944 682,922 668,890 742,304 707,709 693,521 730,655 649,332 $ 656,711 684,990 572,419 539,880 606,994 616,122 689,627 725,037 663,517 653,847 684,362 1 625,956 $ 631,079 723,810 609,403 574,283 681,038 685,812 $ 1,287,789 $ 1,408,800 $ 1,181,822 $ 1,114,163 $ 1,288,032 $ 1,301,933 $ 689,627 $ 725,037 $ 663,517 $ 653,847 $ 684,362 $ 625,956 Total $ 7,783,763 $ 7,719,461 $ 3,905,424 $ 11,624,885 Percentage of Biennial Budget Received 81% Actuals Year over Year % Change Change $ (25,632) -3.90% $ 38,820 5.67% $ 36,985 6.46% $ 34,402 6.37% $ 74,044 12.20% $ 69,690 11.31 % $ 228,309 Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) Collections Summary of Budget to Actuals 2022 2023 2024 Biennial Budget Actual $ 1,808,000 1,945,903 $ 1,800,000 2,112,110 $ 1,600,000 847,839 $ 3,400,000 $ 2,959,949 Over/Under $ 137,903 $ 312,110 1 $ (752,161) $ (440,051) 108% Actuals 2022 2023 2024 Biennial January February March April May June July August September October November December $ 82,213 166,226 204,469 126,410 151,824 190,761 249,922 172,743 181,406 151,035 121,635 147,258 $ 81,265 $ 137,211 158,612 150,287 189,577 237,539 233,708 172,573 280,056 154,352 140,293 1 176,638 107,320 104,091 139,296 152,272 171,062 173,797 $ 188,585 $ 241,302 $ 297,908 $ 302,559 $ 360,639 $ 411,336 $ 233,708 $ 172,573 $ 280,056 $ 154,352 $ 140,293 $ 176,638 Total $ 1,945,903 $ 2,112,110 $ 847,839 $ 2,959,949 Percentage of Biennial Budget Received 87% Actuals Year over Year Change % Change $ 26,055 32.06% $ (33,120) -24.14% $ (19,316) -12.18% $ 1,985 1.32% $ (18,515) -9.77% $ (63,742) -26.83% $ (106,652) -11.17% Budget 2024 estimated Budget vs Actual % based on Syr avg (Over/Under) Over/Under $ 516,190 $ 114,889 22.3% $ 620,872 $ 102,938 16.6% $ 479,509 $ 129,895 27.1% $ 461,296 $ 112,986 24.5% $ 570,567 $ 110,471 19.4% $ 566,524 $ 119,288 21.1% $ 611,506 #VALUE! $ 642,161 #VALUE! $ 617,092 #VALUE! $ 606,655 #VALUE! $ 630,537 #VALUE! $ 572,093 #VALUE! $ 6,895,000 $ 690,468 21.48% Budget 2024 estimated Budget vs Actual % based on Syr avg (Over/Under) Over/Under $ 80,407 $ 26,913 33.5% $ 122,603 $ (18,512) -15.1 % $ 134,793 $ 4,503 3.3% $ 118,291 $ 33,981 28.7% $ 108,281 $ 62,781 58.0% $ 139,665 $ 34,132 24.4% $ 231,669 #VALUE! $ 133,480 #VALUE! $ 155,823 #VALUE! $ 128,521 #VALUE! $ 94,003 #VALUE! $ 152,465 #VALUE! $ 1,600,000 $ 143,799 20% BUDGET CALENDAR 2024 CALENDAR FOR PREPARATION AND ADOPTION OF 2025-2026 .DUNE -DULY AUGUST BIENNIAL BUDGET • Develop Budget Schedule • Update City Comprehensive Plan • Review Priorities and Policy direction from Council Biennial Budget Study Session • Mayor discusses 2025-2026 fiscal year goals with Department Heads • Personnel Salary and Benefits projections for 2025-2026 • Budget instructions provided to Dept for their proposed 2025-2026 budget • Finance Director prepare estimates for revenue and ending fund balance • Finance Director set schedule for Sept meeting with Dept Heads SEPTEMBER • Dept Heads submit budget and supplemental requests to the Finance Department • Finance Department reviews Dept Budget Worksheet Report/Requests • Mayor and Finance Dept review Budget Worksheet Report/Requests • Finance Director and Mayor meet with Dept Heads to review budget requests • Finance Department prepares Preliminary Budget Publication OCTOBER • Publication of notice of availability of the 2025-2026 Preliminary Budget for public review and public hearing notice for the proposed final budget to be published • Oct. 1- Preliminary Budget delivered to the City Council and available to the public • Oct. 22- Finance Committee Meeting to Review Preliminary Budget • Oct. 22-Council Study Session —Presentation on Revenue Sources Oct. 22-Council Study Session- Preliminary 2025-2026 Budget • Oct. 25- (TBD) All day Council Special meeting: Department budget review • Oct. 29- Council Meeting -1st Public Hearing on 2025 Property Tax Levy as part of the 2025-2026 Biennial Budget • Oct. 25- Council Meeting -Adopting an Ordinance for the 2023 Property Tax Levy NOVEMBER • Nov. 12- Council Meeting Budget Discussion (Optional) • Nov. 19-Finance Committee meeting to review the Proposed Final budget • Nov. 19-Copies of Proposed Final budget made available to the public • Nov. 19- Council Study Session on Proposed Final budget • Nov. 26- Council Meeting: 2nd Public hearing of the Final 2025-2026 Budget Ordinance • Nov. 26- Council meeting Adopting the 2025-2026 final budget � ORCHARD Finance Co itte 2025-2026 Budge Sales Tax Discussio 07*16.20 Note: This is intended to illustrate the project estimates and potential fundin ;;3 Fiscal Year Growth Rate 2019 2020 8% 2021 18% 2022 14% 2023 -1 % 2024 -2 Sales Tax Scenarios for 2025-2026 Biennial Budget Scenarios Requested: FY 2025 FY2026 ► 5-Year Average+ 5% Growth ► 3-Year Average+ 5% Growth ► 2-Year Average+ 5% Growth ► Flat + 5% Growth $ 7,13 0, 615 $7,696,231 $7,292,550 $7,783,763 $7,487,14 $ 8.9081, Oq $7.9657.91 i $8,172)9! In Sales Tax History and 2023-2024 Biennial Budget Assumptions $9,000,000 $ 8, 000, 000 $7,000,000 $ 6, 000, 000 $ 5, 000, 000 $ 4, 000, 000 $ 3, 000, 000 $ 2, 000, 000 $1, 000, 000 Sales Tax History + Budget Assumption 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 ■ Actual 0 5-yr Avg 0 3-yr Avg ■ 2-yr Avg 0 Flat 2026 Recommendation • Finance Department prefers using the 5-year avg for 2023 and 5+% growth for 2024 as a conservative base to start the budget � ORCHARD Finance Co itte Low Income Discounte Utility Rate Prograr 07*16.20 Note: This is intended to illustrate the project estimates and potential fundin Low Income Discounted Utility Rate Program WHAT IS THE PROGRAM The City of Port Orchard offers reduced base rates for citizens with low income. Base rates for water, sewer, and storm utility services are designated in POMC 13.04 &13.06. DEFINITIONS FOR THE PROGRAM Low Income — A citizen(s) whose total household annual income does not exceed 125% of the U Census Department's poverty threshold. Household Income — Includes all salary, wages, interest, dividends, and other earnings which ar( reportable for federal income tax purposes, and cash payments such as reimbursement receivec from pensions, annuities, social security, and public assistance programs. Also, included in incor are any contributions received from any family member or other person who is living in the sam residence as the applicant applying for reduced utility rates and who is helping defray such applicants living costs. Low Income Discounted Utility Rate Program 2023 Residential Utility Rate for Low Income Citizen Related children under 18 years Size of family unit 125% Non&125% 125% mb 125%Three One person (unrelated individual): - - - - Under age 65 17,621 - - - 125% Aged 65 and older 16,245 - - - Tw o people: - - - - Householder under age 65 Householder aged 65 and over Three people Four people Five people Six people Seven people Fight people Nine or more people 22,681 23,346 - - 20,474 23,258 - - 26,495 27,264 27,289 - 34,936 35,508 34,349 34,469 42,131 42,744 41,435 40,442 3 48,459 48,651 47,649 46,688 4 55,758 56,106 54,906 54,069 5 62,360 62,911 61,779 60,787 5 75,015 75,379 74,376 73,535 7 Source: U.S. Census Bureau. PovertvThresholds: 2021 1<1.0M13 Low Income Discounted Utility Rate Program 2023 WHAT ARE THE DISCOUNTED RATES: Residential Utility Rate for Low Income Citizen ,III utilities rate with discount Reduction 25 Current rate Reduction from base New low income base rate water base rate $ 53.50 5 13.3E .13 sewer base rate $ 163.00 5 40.75 $122.25 storm base rate $ 2B.00 5 7.00 $ 21.OD 1* Water base rate + water consumption will be on billing statements Low Income Discounted Utility Rate Program Estimated Impact for 2023 ESTIMATED FINANCIAL IMPACT (REDUCED REVENUE): (25% DISCOUNT) Utility Billing Cycle Annual Water Base: $13.38 $80.28 Sewer Base: $40.75 $244.50 Storm Base: $7.00 $42 Total Impact: $61.13 $366.78 TARGET GOAL: 25 Accounts Example: If 25 citizens are approved for program annual impact would have been $9,169.50 2023 Results • Program Started in March 2023 • 12 accounts approved for the program throughout the year of 2023 • Total Financial Impact to the City $1,755 Note: • One person was denied in 2023 due to income over threshold. • When we reviewed renewals for 2024 one person was over threshold this year. Low Income Discounted Utility Rate Program 2024 Residential Utility Rate for Low Income Citizen Poverty Thresholds for 2023 by Size of Family and Number of Related Children Under 18 Years (In dollars) multiplied by 125% Size of family unit None One Two One person unrelated individual): Under 65 years ........................... $ 19,815 65 vears and over ...................... $ 18.268 Householder under 65 years...... $ 25,505 $ 26,253 Householder 65 years and over...... $ 23,023 $ 26,154 Related children under 18 y Three Four Five Three people ................................ $ 29,793 $ 30,658 $ 30,686 Four people .................................. $ 39,285 $ 39,928 $ 38,625 $ 38,760 Five people .................................. $ 47.376 $ 48,065 $ 46.594 $ 45,454 $ 44.759 Six I Seven IEiaht or Seven people ............................... $ 62,699 $ 63,090 $ 61,741 $ 60,800 $ 59,048 $ 57,003 $ 54,760 Eight people ................................. $ 70,124 $ 70,743 $ 69,469 $ 68,354 $ 66,770 $ 64,761 $ 62,670 $ 62,1 Nine people or more .................... $ 84,354 $ 84,763 $ 83,635 $ 82,689 $ 81,135 $ 78,998 $ 77,064 $ F Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2024. eshoi. Note: The source of the weighted average thresholds is the 2023 Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC). Low Income Discounted Utility Rate Program Current Discount for 2024 WHAT ARE THE DISCOUNTED RATES: Residential Utility Rate for Low Income Citizen All utilities rate with discount amount of reduction 25% regular rate reduction lower rate Water base rate $57.50 $14.38 $43.13 sewer base rate $163.00 $40.75 $122.25 storm base rate $36.68 $9.17 $27.51 *Water base rate + water consumption will be on billing statements What is next? We currently have 12 Citizens that have qualified for the program. How do we grow the program? ► 2 tools available to potentially expand the program 1) Change the Poverty Income threshold Factor Determines Eligibility Change the Discount Rate Calculates Benefit of program Poverty Income threshold Factor • Used to establish Eligibility • The Poverty threshold factor is used to establish the maximum annual household income of the federal poverty guidelines applicable at the time the applicant applies for the rate reduction to the City. Current Example Example Example Example Exampl Poverty Threshold Factor 125% 130% 135% 140% 145% 150% One person under 65 Three person household Four person household Five person household $19, 815 $ 20, 608 $ 21, 400 $ 22,193 $ 22, 985 $ 23, 778 $ 29, 793 $ 30, 984 $ 32,176 $ 33, 368 $ 34, 559 $ 35, 751 $ 39, 285 $ 40, 856 $ 42, 428 $ 43, 999 $ 45, 571 $ 47,124 $ 47, 376 $ 49, 271 $ 51,166 $ 53, 061 $ 54, 956 $ 56, 852 Discount Rate • Used to determine the benefit for the applicant - The low income discount rate provides the reduced cost for residents whom have qualified. Current (per account): Rates Bi-monthly Bill Discount 25% - $65 Alternatives (per account): Rates Bi-monthly Bill Discount 30% - $75 45 % - $85 Annual Impact $385 Annual Impact $447 $521 Discussion Choices: 1) Maintain current 2024 threshold and Discount 1) 125% Threshold factor and 25% discount 2) Adjust 2024 threshold 1) Threshold factor ranges from 125-150% 3) Adjust 2024 discount 1) Discounts ranging from 25%-35% 4) Adjust 2024 threshold and discount 1) Threshold factor range from 125-150% 2) Discounts ranging from 25%-35% Questions