07/17/2024 - PacketCity of Port Orchard Land Use Committee July 17, 2024 4:30 pm Remote access on Zoom Webinar Public Link (not to be used bV LLI Committee): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81034433449 Dial -in: 1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 810 3443 3449 1. Discussion: Bethel Subarea Alternatives 2. Discussion: Parks Planning for Sherman Avenue Stormwater Park 3. Discussion: 2024-2025 Planning Work Plan 4. Discussion: Multifamily Tax Exemption Amendment Port Orchard Bethel Subareas (Bethel -Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel) Urban Design Alternatives DRAFT Outline June 13, 2024 Note: This is an outline for both of the subareas (Bethel -Lund and Sedgwick Bethel). The alternatives apply to both subareas except where differences by subarea are noted. The alternatives will be translated into maps and other documentation after discussion with project team. URBAN DESIGN ALTERNATIVE 1 ALTERNATIVE 2 CONCEPTS/ISSUES (STATUS QUO) (COMPACT GROWTH) Height limits No change, current limits Adopt the "proposed base height limit" from HAP of 35-40' Strategy 2.3.2. These changes would only apply within subarea boundaries and not citywide. Commercial/mixed- use zoning Residential zoning Limited or no changes. There is a mix of CC, CMU, and CH zoning in the areas today. Consider rezoning CC to CMU in strategic locations. No change. Affordable housing No change. Parking No change. Public space/plaza No change. Public parks/green No change. Lundberg Park space and Bethel South properties remain in limbo with no development plans and are at risk of disposition. R3 — 45 feet (+10 feet) R4 — 45 feet (no change) CC — 45 feet (+10 feet) CMU — 55 feet (+15 feet) Retain CH zoning only for gas stations and the big box stores (Fred Meyer, Safeway, Walmart, and future Home Depot sites). Other CH sites get rezoned to CC or CMU. Consider rezoning CC to CMU in strategic locations. This creates some non -conforming uses. Rezone R1 and R2 zones to R3 or R4, except for residential lots which were recently developed. Adopt MFTE for the subareas. Reduce multifamily and commercial minimum parking requirements within the subarea boundaries. For example, up to 1 space for studio/one-bedroom apartment and do not require extra parking when on - street parking is not present. POMC 20.127.350(3) is amended to apply larger commercial open spaces within the subarea boundaries e.g. 3% of site area. Bethel -Lund (North): 1. Lundberg Park is developed with a connection to a trail in the Blackjack Creek ravine. 2. Future neighborhood park location identified on the corner of Bethel -Lund or on the vacant property north of Walgreens. Bethel-Sedgwick (South): ALTERNATIVE 3 _ (TRANSIT -ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT) Adopt the "proposed bonus height limit" from HAP Strategy 2.3.2 as the base height limit. These chanaes would only aDDly within subarea boundaries and not citywide R4 — 55 feet (+10 feet) CC — 65 feet (+30 feet) CMU — 75 feet (+35 feet) Rezone all CH and CC sites to CMU. This creates some non -conforming uses. Rezone all residential lots to R4. Rezone some commercial properties to R4 when such properties are some distance from an arterial street (e.g. southwest corner of Bethel-Sedgwick subarea). Same as Alternative 2. Remove all minimum parking requirements within the subareas boundaries, per HAP Strategy 4.2.4. Apply a maximum parking requirement for commercial use. o h,laza in oph Subarea POMC 20.127.350(3) is amended to apply larger commercial open spaces within the subarea boundaries, e.g. 4% of site area. Same as Alternative 2. In Bethel-Sedgwick (South) an additional future neighborhood park location is identified east of the Bethel -Blueberry intersection. URBAN DESIGN CONCEPTS/ISSUES Off-street trails Street design New street connections Transit service Capital facilities ALTERNATIVE 1 (STATUS QUO) No change. Bethel-Sedgwick improvements and other TIP projects occur as currently planned. None except for minor street extensions as part of new developments. Kitsap Transit provides enhanced bus service on Bethel Road at a undetermined future date. No change. ALTERNATIVE 2 (COMPACT GROWTH) 1. Bethel South property is leveraged to acquire adjacent properties and create a neighborhood park on the southwest corner of Bethel-Sedgwick intersection. 2. Future neighborhood park location identified north of the Sedgwick-Geiger intersection. A limited Blackjack Creek ravine trail is planned adjacent to each subarea. For Bethel-Sedgwick (South) an additional trail is planned in the Geiger Road corridor north and south of Sedgwick and in the northeast area between Sedgwick and Salmonberry. Bethel-Sedgwick improvements and other TIP projects occur as currently planned. In addition: • Midblock crossings are added on Lund and Sedgwick east and west of Bethel • Sidewalks and bike lanes are added on Lund and Sedgwick east of Bethel. • Existing commercial driveways are right -sized for pedestrian safety and comfort New planned streets as shown in the block frontage maps (POMC 20.127.130) are implemented by future development. Kitsap Transit provides bus rapid transit to Downtown, with a terminus at Bethel-Sedgwick. In a citywide facilities plan: Assess whether Bethel -Lund (North), which is more centrally located to the city, is a viable location for a civic use such as a library branch or community center. Assess whether Bethel-Sedgwick (South), which has more vacant land available, is a viable location for public works and/or public safety facilities needed to support the eastern part of the city and the adjacent urban growth area (future annexation area). ALTERNATIVE 3 '-ORIENTED DEVE Same as Alternative 2, but a longer Blackjack Creek ravine trail is planned to connect between the two subareas. A new east -west pedestrian/bike connection across the ravine is planned in the vicinity of Salmonberry Road. Same as Alternative 2. In addition, new all -ages -and - abilities walking and biking routes (such as a wider sidewalk or off-street trail and protected bike lanes) are added to connect the subareas to East Port Orchard Elementary School and Hidden Creek Elementary School. Same as Alternative 2. In addition, new through -block connection requirements are added to add more frequent vehicle and pedestrian routes. Kitsap Transit provides bus rapid transit to Downtown, with service extending west on Sedgwick (possibly to the Ruby Creek area at Sedgwick- Sydney). Same as Alternative 2. Utilities TBD. Bethel-Sedgwick TBD TBD improvements appear to include some stormwater system upgrades. Natural systems TBD. Continue preserving TBD TBD the Blackjack Creek ravine. Some existing vegetated properties could be opportunities for open space preservation and/or URBAN DESIGN ALTERNATIVE 1 CONCEPTS/ISSUES (STATUS QUO) _ City acquisition for park space. ALTERNATIVE 2 )MPACT GROWL ALTERNATIVE 3 )RIENTED DEVE Port Orchard Department of Community Development Planning Division Work Plan July 15, 2024 Comprehensive Plan/Subarea Plans • Farmers Market July 20 • Open House on Subarea Plans July 24 ■ Planning Commission Public Hearing August 2024 • City Council Work Study September 2025 • Adoption Deadline December 31, 2024 Comprehensive Plan Implementation • Critical Areas Code Adoption by December 31, 2024 (possibly December 2025 with substantial progress) • Zoning Code Updates ■ Centers Recognition through KRCC Impact Fees • Compliance with RWC 82.02.060 (1) (SSB 5258) by June 30, 2025 o School Impact Fee Schedule Adjustment o Park Impact Fee Schedule Adjustment ■ Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study target February 2025 Permit Processing • SB 5290 Changes Requirements for Permit Processing Timelines and Reporting ■ Complete by December 31, 2024 ■ Will require updates to SmartGOV software Middle Housing Compliance • HB 1110 and 2321 ■ Deadline for compliance June 30, 2025 ADU Requirements • HB 1337 includes new requirements for ADUs ■ Participate in ADU Basic Plan Project with KRCC ■ Deadline June 30, 2025 Community Event Center • Complete Federal, State, and Local Permitting ■ Bid Project in Late 2026. • Waiting for RCO response on ALEA phase 1 contract amendment. Marketing Materials 0 640 Bay Street Marketing Materials Development Agreements • Home Depot ■ Kitsap Transit ■ Salmonberry Apartments • Blueberry Apartments Givens Park Sport Court Project ■ Issue permits. ■ Bid project. New Grant Applications • RCO ALEA Grant Waterfront Plaza Phase 2 o Grant Presentation Late August 2024 • Future Stormwater Park Application February 2026 • Future Givens Park Fields Application February 2026 NPDES Implementation • Tree Canopy Mapping o December 31, 2026 • Underserved Communities Stormwater Mapping o December 31, 2028 ■ Stormwater Outfall Mapping o December 31, 2028 • Tree Canopy Code Development o December 31, 2028, Deadline ■ Development Code Review and Revision from LID integration o December 31, 2028 Shoreline Master Program • Rulemaking 2024-2026 ■ Update by June 30, 2029 Comprehensive Plan Mid -Cycle Check -in • December 31, 2029 HUD Fair Market Rent and Maximum Rents Including Utility Allowance 2024 Efficiency/Studio One -Bedroom Two -Bedroom Three -Bedroom Four -Bedroom FY2024 HUD Fair Market Rent Including Utilities $ 1,389.00 $ 1,559.00 $ 2,049.00 $ 2,698.00 $ 3,181.00 10% Below Fair Market Rent $ 1,250.10 $ 1,403.10 $ 1,844.10 $ 2,428.20 $ 2,862.90 Heating - Electric $ 18.00 $ 21.00 $ 28.00 $ 35.00 $ 42.00 Cooking - Electric $ 5.00 $ 6.00 $ 8.00 $ 11.00 $ 13.00 Other - Electric (Lights) $ 18.00 $ 21.00 $ 30.00 $ 38.00 $ 46.00 Water Heating - Electric $ 12.00 $ 14.00 $ 18.00 $ 22.00 $ 26.00 Water -WSUD $ 39.00 $ 40.00 $ 47.00 $ 54.00 $ 61.00 Sewer WSUD $ 67.00 $ 67.00 $ 67.00 $ 67.00 $ 67.00 Trash Collection $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 Electric Monthly Service Fee $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 Total Utility Allowance $ 197.00 $ 207.00 $ 236.00 $ 265.00 $ 293.00 Maximum Rent Charged After Subtracting UtiltyAllowance 1 $ 1,053.10 $ 1,196.10 $ 1,608.10 $ 29163.20 $ 2,569.90 Income Limits by Family Size and Unit Type 2024 Family Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 40% Median Income Studio/Efficiency $ 33,516.00 $ 38,304.00 $ 43,092.00 $ 47,880.00 $ 51,710.40 $ 55,540.80 $ 59,371.20 $ 63,201.60 65% Median Income 1-Bedroom $ 54,463.50 $ 62,244.00 $ 70,024.50 $ 77,805.00 $ 84,029.40 $ 90,253.80 $ 96,478.20 $ 102,702.60 75% Median Income 2-Bedroom $ 58,653.00 $ 67,032.00 $ 75,411.00 $ 83,790.00 $ 90,493.20 $ 97,196.40 $ 103,899.60 $ 110,602.80 80% Median Income 3-Bedroom $ 67,050.00 $ 76,600.00 $ 86,200.00 $ 95,750.00 $ 103,450.00 $ 111,100.00 $ 118,750.00 $ 126,400.00 Affordability Requirements for Pottery Creek Phase 2 (Pursuant to CO20-23) Unit Type Efficiency/Studio One -Bedroom Two -Bedroom Three -Bedroom Total Units Required Affordable Units by Type I ill 181 71 31 39