11/13/1928 - Regular - minutesr-----~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-~-~
-91 I
November 13, 1928
Council met this evening at 7:30 P. Mq instead of on November 12, 1928
which was a legal holiday. Present: :Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Radey,
Stevenson. Fiedler and Davidson.
li/Iinutes of meeting of October 22nd, 1928 were read and approved.
The improvement at the foot of Rocbvell Ave. was reported as progressing,
and the cover of the catch basin at Division and Sidney had been replaced. The
Marshal was directed to bury a. 3 x 12 to protect this cover.
The Marshal reported that the. drain across Kendall St. had been installed
by Mr. Bradley with lumber furnished b.y t.he Town.
Councilman Stevenson reported that Ted Driver had removed the sidewalk in
front of his premises on Pottery Hill and cleaned the same up.
The .r. L. Breed crossing was placed on the continued calendar.
The Clerk reported in re the law on sidewalk gas pumps, but the Council
decided not to pass any ordinance at this time.
The Mayor reported that the samples of water taken from each well and from
the Po·rt Orchard Pharmacy tap had been analyzed and that the water was reported
as all right, and reports would be filed with the Clerk.
It was reported that the Town had acquired at the Tax Sale of County l,ands
the north half of Lot 2, Block 8, Sidney, for the sum of $25.00.
The M:arshal reported that the water tanks on the hill and the pumping
plant tank had been tho:~wughly cleaned.
Councilman Radey brought up the matter of logging trucks injuring Sidney
St. south from Division to the City Limits and, after discussion, the Marshal
was authoriz.ed to confer with the loggers using this road, informing them that
the Council either desired an agreement on their part to make good the damage
either in money ox work, or else that they give a bond in the sum of $200.00
to restore the road to a good condit.ion, ancii in default of arriving at a.
satisfactory arrangement, to notify .them not to use the road for heavy hauling.
The Marshal was authorized to clean the leaves off the sidewalk on
East Bay St~
The Street and Alley Committee reported that the plans of E. s. Howe to
alter the entrance to his garage building had been approved by the Comm.i ttee.
The Street and Alley Committee was authorized to have constructed a
drain from De Kal.b St. down Sidney, to connect with a drain proposed to be
installed by ;r, .A. Holmberg, and to construct the necessary catch basin to
carry out the drainage plan, the drain connection itsel.f not to cost to exceed
$50.00-. The Street and Alley Committee was also authorized to install two
catch bas ins at the top of Po·t tery Hill and two catch bas ins at Rodcwell & Ki tsap.
The matter of the annual town election was considered, and the Council
set 'l'uesday, :tTov. 20, 1928 as the dat-e for a caucus to nominate officers to be
voted on a t the annual town election to be. held December 4, 1928, and authorized
the Clerk to publish the necessary notices of the Caucus and Annual Election.
The Council appointed the following as election officers! W. 0. Breed, Inspector,
N. G. Rose, Clerk, and lc:rs. _P. 13. Mcintyre, J"udge.
The :lKarshal was authorized to have printed Turn On and Turn Off notices
in respect to the use of ~ater.
The Street and Alley Cor11ni ttee was authorized to investigate sidewalk
conditions in front of the Langer and Holmberg properties and to make report
to the Council, and also street conditions at Kitsap and Sidney, and was
empowered to act in its discretion.
The 1~ollowing bills were presented:
C. E. Lansdorf, 5~ day$ 1 street work at $4.00 per day -
.Tomes Stout, 8 days, street work, at $4. per day,
Duke Electric C0 ., lamps
Port Or·chard Independent, sundry advertising,
Howe's Hardware, sundry supplies
Port Orchard Transfer Co., hauling
Howe's Garage, gasoline
I'ort Orchard :Lumber Yard, lumber
Holmberg & Norman, steam shovel, Kitsap St.,
Port Orchard Independent, printing,
Howe's Hardware, sundry supplies
Port Orchard rransfer Co., hauling dirt,pumping
plant lots
.J. E. Wilkinson, 1~-days cleaning <vater tanks
Standard Oil Co., dyna.'llo motor oil
Lowman & Hanford Co., cover r:~eter book, etc.,
and warrants were oroered drawn therefor.
The following matters were continued:
Overhanging branches, E&st. Lay -lirs. Nor·dby -l:Irs. Kemp
Water extension, vicinity of fair grounds
Wheeler Dock
Stan ton Right of way
lC:cGill -Callahan right of way
Crossing, east side, Sidney, at :'Citsap
Dr. Ealdwints parking strip
Or: motion the meeting adjourned.
Clerk 1~ayor