08/18/2020 - Regular - Packet Please turn off cell phones during meeting and hold your questions for staff until the meeting has been adjourned Meeting materials are available on the City’s website: www.cityofportorchard.us or by contacting the City Clerk’s Office, 360.876.4407 The City of Port Orchard does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Contact the City Clerk’s office should you need special accommodations. City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Agenda August 18, 2020 6:30 p.m. Pursuant to the Governor’s “Stay Home - Stay Safe” Order, the City will take actions on necessary and routine business items. The City is prohibited from conducting meetings unless the meeting is NOT conducted in-person and instead provides options for the public to attend through telephone, internet or other means of remote access, and also provides the ability for persons attending the meeting (not in-person) to hear each other at the same time. Therefore; Remote access only Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86041923962 Zoom Meeting ID: 860 4192 3962 Zoom Call-In: 1 253 215 8782 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS (Please limit your comments to 3 minutes for items listed on the Agenda and that are not for a Public Hearing. When recognized by the Mayor, please state your name for the official record) 4. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items listed below, which have been distributed to each Councilmember for reading and study. Consent Agenda items are not considered separately unless a Councilmember so requests. In the event of such a request, the item is returned to Business Items.) A. Approval of Vouchers and Electronic Payments B. Approval of Payroll and Direct Deposits 5. PRESENTATION 6. PUBLIC HEARING A. Update to the City’s Development Fees Resolution (Bond) Page 3 7. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Adoption of an Ordinance Accepting Three Benches Donated from Rotary Club of South Kitsap for Additional Seating Along the Waterfront (Crocker) Page 5 B. Adoption of an Ordinance Adopting a New Section 2.02.070 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) Authorizing Adoption and Updates to Certain Fees by Resolution (Bond) Page 9 Mayor: Rob Putaansuu Administrative Official Councilmembers: Bek Ashby Finance Committee Economic Development & Tourism Committee Transportation Committee, Chair KRCC/KRCC PlanPol-alt /KRCC TransPol PSRC-alt/PSRC TransPOL-Alt/PRTPO Shawn Cucciardi Finance Committee E/D & Tourism Committee, Chair Kitsap Economic Development Alliance Fred Chang Economic Development & Tourism Committee Land Use Committee Jay Rosapepe (Mayor Pro-Tempore) Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Land Use Committee Transportation Committee Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, Chair KRCC-alt John Clauson Finance Committee, Chair Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Kitsap Public Health District-alt Cindy Lucarelli Festival of Chimes & Lights Committee, Chair Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee, Chair Kitsap Economic Development Alliance Scott Diener Land Use Committee, Chair Transportation Committee Department Directors: Nicholas Bond, AICP Development Director Mark Dorsey, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Tim Drury Municipal Court Judge Noah Crocker, M.B.A. Finance Director Matt Brown Police Chief Brandy Rinearson, MMC, CPRO City Clerk Meeting Location: Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 Contact us: (360) 876-4407 cityhall@cityofportorchard.us Please turn off cell phones during meeting and hold your questions for staff until the meeting has been adjourned. The Council may consider other ordinances and matters not listed on the Agenda, unless specific notification period is required. Meeting materials are available on the City’s website at: www.cityofportorchard.us or by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (360) 876-4407. The City of Port Orchard does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Contact the City Clerk’s office should you need special accommodations August 18, 2020, Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 C.Adoption of a Resolution Updating the Fee Schedules for the Departments of Community Development and Public Works (Bond) Page 12 D.Adoption of a Resolution Approving a Contract with Pape and Sons Construction for the Maple Avenue Water Main Project (Dorsey) Page 72 E.Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 039-18, with BHC Consultants, LLC for the Well No. 13 Project (Dorsey) Page 100 F.Approval of Change Order No. 3 to Contract No. 077-18, with Schneider Equipment, Inc. for the Well No. 13 Drilling Project (Dorsey) Page 154 8.DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action to be Taken) A.Sewer Facility Charge Cashflow (Crocker) B.Lodging Tax Funding Allocations for 2021 (Rinearson) Page 156 9.REPORTS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES 10.REPORT OF MAYOR 11.REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS 12.CITIZEN COMMENTS (Please limit your comments to 3 minutes for any items not up for Public Hearing. When recognized by the Mayor, please state your name for the official record) 13.EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110, the City Council may hold an executive session. The topic(s) and the session duration will be announced prior to the executive session. 14.ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Location Finance Remote Access Economic Development and Tourism Remote Access Utilities Remote Access Sewer Advisory TBD Land Use Remote Access Transportation Remote Access Lodging Tax Advisory TBD Festival of Chimes & Lights Remote Access Outside Agency Committees Date & Time September 8, 2020; 5:00pm - 2nd Tuesday of each month September 14, 2020; 9:30am - 2nd Monday of each month September 15, 2020; 5:00pm - 3rd Tuesday of each month September 16, 2020; 6:30pm August 31, 2020; 9:30am August 17, 2020; 9:30am October, 2020 August 24, 2020; 3:30pm - 3rd Monday of each month Varies Varies CITY COUNCIL GOOD OF THE ORDER City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Public Hearing 6A Meeting Date: August 18, 2020 Subject: Update to the City’s Development Fees Prepared by: Nicholas Bond, AICP Resolution DCD Director Atty Routing No.: N/A Atty Review Date: N/A Issue: The Departments of Community Development and Public Works have been working on an update to the City’s fee resolution. The draft fee resolution makes several changes to fees and fee policies from the current fee resolution, 046-18. The major revisions are as follows: • Repeals Res. No. 019-08 Hearing Examiner Fees, and moves the relevant sections of the repealed resolution to a new Section G., Hearing Examiner Fees and Table 25. • Adopts the most recent building valuation table. The City’s building permit fees are based on project valuation as determined by the ICC building valuation tables. The City is currently relying on the February 2018 building valuation table and proposes to adopt the February 2020 building valuation table. This change has the effect of increasing per square foot building value which is used to calculate building permit fees. For instance, the per square footage construction value for category VB R-3 residential one and two-family construction will change from $118.45 to $122.46 per square foot. This means that a 2,000 square foot SFR that had a valuation of $236,900 will now have a valuation of $244,920. This valuation is plugged into the fee calculation formula found in Exhibit A Table 1 to determine building permit and plan review fees. • Clarifies fees and language related to plan review fees, estimating construction value, applying reinspection fees, charging for a stop work order, and minimum fee for work without a permit. • Adds fees for new processes adopted by code and removes fees no longer used. • Changes fees for work in the right of way to static fees, and establishes two fee tiers depending on the type of use. • Establishes fee for inspections by Public Works when conducted outside of normal business hours. • Minor edits to match wording in the resolution with wording in code. • Renumbers tables. • Moves Table 14 Books/Maps/Optical Discs/Other from Section C., Planning and Land Use to a new Section H., Table 26 Other (fees apply to more than just Planning and Land Use). • Consolidates all appeal fees in Section F., Appeal Fees Table 24. • Addresses rounding of area calculations and valuations throughout the fee resolution. • Adds a fee for Notary services. Page 3 of 157 Public Hearing 6A Page 2 of 2 On August 11, 2020, this topic was discussed at City Council Finance Committee meeting. The Finance Committee reviewed the updated draft fee resolution and recommended that the City Council hold a public hearing on the draft at the August 18, 2020 regular Council meeting. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Mayor open the public hearing to take public testimony on the updated fee resolution. Attachments: Documents attached to Business Item 7C Page 4 of 157 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7A Meeting Date: August 18, 2020 Subject: Adoption of an Ordinance Accepting Three Prepared by: Noah Crocker Benches Donated from Rotary Club of South Finance Director Kitsap for Additional Seating Along the Atty Routing No.: N/A Waterfront Atty Review Date: N/A Summary: Per RCW 35.21.100, the City Council may accept donations of money or property by ordinance, and to acquiesce to any lawful terms or conditions imposed by the donor for the use of the money or property in the ordinance. Similarly, per Port Orchard Municipal Code 3.90.030, all monetary and nonmonetary donations with a current value greater than $5,000 must be approved by the city council prior to acceptance. The Rotary Club of South Kitsap desires to donate three benches valued at approximately $9,336 to the City for the purposes of adding seating along the waterfront pathway. The City desires to receive the benches and will be using staff time to install. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Council adopt the ordinance accepting the donation of the three benches valued at an estimated amount of $9,336 from the Rotary Club of South Kitsap for the purposes of adding seating along the waterfront pathway. Additionally, staff acknowledges and supports the use of City staff to install the benches as appropriate. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: N/A Motion for consideration: I move to adopt an Ordinance accepting a donation of the three benches valued at an estimated amount of $9,336 from the Rotary Club of South Kitsap and the use of City Staff resources to install the donation for the purposes of adding seating along the waterfront pathway. Fiscal Impact: N/A Alternatives: Do not approve ordinance and provide alternative guidance. Attachments: Ordinance. Page 5 of 157 ORDINANCE NO. ___ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, ACCEPTING A DONATION OF VALUE $9,336 FROM ROTARY CLUB OF SOUTH KITSAP FOR THREE BENCHES; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, RCW 35.21.100 authorizes the City Council to accept donations by ordinance and to execute any lawful terms or conditions associated therewith; and WHEREAS, Rotary Club of South Kitsap desires to donate three benches worth and estimated value of $9,336 to the City for the purposes of providing additional seating along the waterfront pathway; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to accept the donation, and accepts the terms and conditions he has placed on the City’s use of the donation; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findings and Recitals. The recitals set forth above are hereby adopted and incorporated as findings in support of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. Acceptance of Donation. The City Council hereby accepts the donation of the three benches valued at an estimated amount of $9,336 from the Rotary Club of South Kitsap for the purpose of adding seating along the waterfront pathway. The Mayor is instructed to take all necessary actions consistent with this acceptance. SECTION 3. Corrections. Upon the approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and/or code publisher is authorized to make any necessary technical corrections to this ordinance, including but not limited to the correction of scrivener’s/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any reference thereto. SECTION 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this ordinance. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be published in the official newspaper of the city and shall take full force and effect five (5) days after the date of publication. A summary of this ordinance in the form of the ordinance title may be published in lieu of publishing the ordinance in its entirety. Page 6 of 157 Ordinance No. _______ Page 2 of 2 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk in authentication of such passage this 18th day of August 2020. Robert Putaansuu, Mayor ATTEST: Brandy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: SPONSORED BY: Charlotte A. Archer, City Attorney John Clauson, Councilmember PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: Page 7 of 157 Rotary Club of South Kitsap “Service Above Self” Club Est. 1996 August 11, 2020 To whom it may concern. The Rotary Club of South Kitsap is donating 3 park benches to be placed onto the Port Orchard waterfront pathway by the City. The cost of these park benches is $ 9,336.22 including taxes. Respectfully, Mark Trenary Lead of this project Past President South Kitsap Rotary Club. Page 8 of 157 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7B Meeting Date: August 18, 2020 Subject: Adoption of an Ordinance Adopting a New Prepared by: Nicholas Bond, AICP Section 2.02.070 POMC Authorizing DCD Director Adoption and Updates to Certain Fees by Atty Routing No.: N/A Resolution Atty Review Date: N/A Issue: The Departments of Community Development and Public Works have presented an update to the City’s existing fee resolution, to be adopted at the August 18, 2020 City Council meeting. Historically, this fee resolution has been periodically updated by City Council under its general powers and authorities granted by statute. However, the City Attorney has recently advised that the authority for City Council to adopt and update fees by resolution for Community Development and Public Works land use and development services and permits should be codified in the Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC). Therefore, staff has worked with the City Attorney to prepare a new section in Chapter 20.02 (Administration and Enforcement) of Title 20 (Unified Development Code) POMC to provide this authority. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: N/A Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council vote to adopt a new Section 20.02.070 POMC, authorizing the City Council to adopt and update fees by resolution relating to the administration of Title 20 POMC regarding applications, permits, appeals, and other land use and development services. Motion for consideration: ”I move to adopt an ordinance adopting a new Section 20.02.070 POMC, authorizing the City Council to adopt and update fees by resolution relating to the administration of Title 20 POMC regarding applications, permits, appeals, and other land use and development services.” Fiscal Impact: N/A Alternatives: N/A. This ordinance should be adopted prior to approval of Resolution 034-20 (Update to the City’s Development Fees Resolution), which is also on the City Council’s August 18 business agenda. Attachments: Ordinance. Page 9 of 157 ORDINANCE NO. ____ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 20.70 (ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT) OF THE PORT ORCHARD MUNICIPAL CODE TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT AND UPDATE CERTAIN FEES BY RESOLUTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND CORRECTIONS; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Title 20 (Unified Development Code) of the Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) was adopted on June 13, 2017 (Ordinance 019-17); and WHEREAS, Chapter 20.02 POMC sets forth the administrative and enforcement authority of the City of Port Orchard regarding land use and development regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Council periodically adopts and updates fees by resolution to cover the administrative costs incurred by the Departments of Community Development and Public Works for certain services and permits; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to add a new section to Chapter 20.70 POMC to codify its authority to adopt and update such fees by resolution; now, therefore THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findings and Recitals. The recitals set forth above are hereby adopted and incorporated as findings in support of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. A new Section 20.02.070 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code is hereby adopted to read as follows: 20.02.070 Fees. Application fees, appeal fees, permit fees, other fees, and fee policies related to the administration of this title may be adopted by resolution of the City Council and should be periodically updated. SECTION 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. SECTION 4. Corrections. Upon the approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and/or code publisher is authorized to make any necessary technical corrections to this ordinance, including but not limited to the correction of scrivener’s/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any reference thereto. Page 10 of 157 Ordinance No. ___ Page 2 of 2 SECTION 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be published in the official newspaper of the city and shall take full force and effect five (5) days after the date of publication. A summary of this ordinance in the form of the ordinance title may be published in lieu of publishing the ordinance in its entirety. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk in authentication of such passage this 18th day of August 2020. Robert Putaansuu, Mayor ATTEST: _______ Brandy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sponsored by: Charlotte A. Archer, City Attorney John Clauson, Council Member PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: Page 11 of 157 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7C Meeting Date: August 18, 2020 Subject: Adoption of a Resolution Updating the Prepared by: Nicholas Bond, AICP Fee Schedules for the Departments of DCD Director Community Development and Public Atty Routing No.: N/A Works Atty Review Date: N/A Summary: Earlier this evening, a Public Hearing was held to take testimony on whether the City Council should adopt updates to the current fee resolution for the Departments of Community Development and Public Works. Staff has determined that the update is needed as it has been almost two years since the last fee resolution was adopted. Various code references have changed, and a newer version of the ICC building valuation data table is available. Additionally, the separate Hearing Examiner fees resolution is repealed ,and the moves Hearing Examiner fees to this resolution. Staff from Community Development and Public Works have worked to take these and other changes into consideration for the update to the City’s fee resolution. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: N/A Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council vote to adopt an updated City Fee Resolution. Motion for consideration: “I move to adopt a Resolution repealing Resolution 019-08 and Resolution 046-18 and establishing fee schedules for the departments of Community Development and Public Works as presented.” Fiscal Impact: Adopting a new fee resolution will increase building department revenues and ensure that the City has enough revenue to hire building plan review and inspection consultants for projects with valuations more than $1,000,000. Alternatives: N/A Attachments: Draft Fee Resolution, Exhibit A (redline), existing Fee Resolution No. 046-18, existing Hearing Examiner Fees Resolution No. 019-08. Page 12 of 157 RESOLUTION NO. ____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON REPEALING AND REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 046-18 AND RESOLUTION NO. 019-08 AND ESTABLISHING NEW FEE SCHEDULES FOR THE DEPARTMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS. WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard is responsible for implementing land use regulations, planning and public works requirements, administering the building code, and other administrative duties; and WHEREAS, the City incurs administrative costs associated with the implementation of city regulations and policies; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted, through ordinance, regulations calling for the establishment of administrative fees to be set by resolution of the Council; and WHEREAS, the City’s current Community Development and Public Works Departments administrative fees were adopted in September 2018, with an effective date of October 15, 2018, as set forth in Resolution No. 046-18; and WHEREAS, the City’s current Hearing Examiner fees were adopted in March 2008 as set forth in Resolution No. 019-08; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it in the best interest of the City of Port Orchard to periodically review and update the City’s administrative fees to ensure the fees are consistent with the services provided and cover the public cost of providing these services so that the public is not subsidizing individual benefits derived from public services; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: Resolution No. 046-18 and Resolution No. 019-08 are hereby repealed in their entirety effective as of 11:59 pm on September 30, 2020. THAT: The rates, fees and charges charged by the Community Development and Public Works Departments for the specified services are here by adopted as set forth on Exhibit “A” hereto, which is adopted by this reference. THAT: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage, but the fees set forth on Exhibit “A” shall be levied beginning at midnight, 12:00 a.m., October 1, 2020. THAT: Upon the approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to make any necessary corrections to this resolution including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener’s/clerical errors, references, numbering, section/subsection numbers and any reference thereto. Page 13 of 157 Resolution No. ___ Page 2 of 2 THAT: Provisions of this Resolution are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this Resolution or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Resolution, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 18th day of August 2020. _______ Robert Putaansuu, Mayor ATTEST: ___ Brandy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk Page 14 of 157 1 Exhibit A to Resolution 034-20 FEE SCHEDULES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS A. General 1. No permit shall be issued, application accepted, service provided, or appeal filed without payment of the applicable fee set forth below. 2. References to the director refer to the director of the Department of Community Development or his/her designee. 3. When an application includes the submittal of special reports and/or plans such as habitat management plans, geotechnical reports, or traffic impact analyses requiring review beyond the capabilities of city staff, the applicant shall be required to pay the actual cost of 3rd party review by qualified consultants under contract with the city. Upon determining that 3rd party review of special reports or plans is required, the city will obtain a fee estimate from its consultant and provide that estimate to the applicant and request payment to the city. 4. Some projects require more than one permit. In some cases aA project will may require the payment of numerous fees from the tables below. 5. Each building, plumbing, mechanical, planning and land use, and public works permit/department review fee shall be assessed a technology fee surcharge of $10.00 to cover the cost of the purchase and ongoing maintenance of the City’s SMARTGov permitting system which was put into use in November of 2014. No technology fee refund shall be issued once the permit/review has been entered into the system. 6.5. No inspections, including final inspections, will be scheduled or performed until all outstanding fees are paid. 7.6. Refunds: Refunds may be requested using the Permit Center’s refund request form. The hourly rate used to calculate a deduction to a refund shall be $75 per hour. a. Building Permit fees: Refunds shall be issued at an amount equal to the permit fee less actual time and materials spent on the project; provided no refund shall exceed 80% of the initial permit fee for a permit that was issued by the City. If the permit fee was paid and a refund was requested prior to permit issuance, 100% of the permit fee may be refunded. b. Plan Review Fees: If an application is withdrawn, cancelled or returned prior to issuing a building permit, a refund shall be issued to at an amount equal to the plan review fee less actual time and materials spent on the project, provided no refund shall exceed 80% of the plan review fee. Plan review fees are non-refundable once the plan review has been completed or if the permit has been issued. c. Other Land Use Permit/Application fees: Refunds for Land Use permits and other permit application types may be authorized by the director. Refunds shall be issued at an amount equal to the permit fee less actual time and materials spent on the project; provided no refund shall exceed 80% of the initial permit fee. 8. All recording fees for approvals issued by the city shall be paid by the applicant. B. Building, Plumbing, and Mechanical Fee Policies 1. Failure to pay established fees may result in one or more of the following:No temporary or final certificate of occupancy will be approved or issued for a project with any outstanding fees on any permit associated with the project. Commented [EF1]: Fee moved to Table 26. Other Fees. Commented [EF2]: Moved to Table 26. Other Fees. Commented [EF3]: Moved to Table 26. Other Fees Page 15 of 157 2 2.1. Per Section 109.4 of the IBC, any person who commences any work on a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to an additional fee equal to the required permit cost in addition to the underlying permit costs. • No temporary or final certificate of occupancy will be approved or issued for a project with any outstanding fees on any permit associated with the project. 3.2. Some signs require a building permit in addition to a land use (sign) permit. In these instances, the permit fees are additive. When meaning that an applicant may beis required to obtain a sign permit and a building permit, separate fees are required for each permit. 4. Minor revisions to plans which were previously reviewed and approved by the city shall be reviewed at a cost of $75 per hour with a minimum of 1 hour billed. 5. Valuation for Table 1 shall be determined using the IBC Building Valuation Data Table (BVD) (currently the February 2018 table as attached hereto) except as noted in the BVD Table and when otherwise noted in Tables 2 and 3. 6.3. Per 2015 IBC 109.3, the applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated construction value at the time of application. The amount shall be rounded up to the next whole dollar. The amount shall be the contractor’s bid price. For work not done by a contractor, the construction value shall include the price of materials, plus the fair market value of any donated, contributed or found labor and/or materials, multiplied by two (2). Construction value calculated on 100 square feet shall be rounded up to the next 100 square feet for any portion thereof. 4. Single family home builders who wish to reuse a plan set to construct more than one home using the same plan set may do so by utilizing a “basic plan” review process. When an applicant wishes to establish a basic plan set for reuse, the plans shall initially be reviewed upon payment of the city’s standard plan review fee. Once plan review is complete and if the City finds that the plans conform to the requirements of the Building Code, the plans shall be approved as a basic plan set and marked as such for reuse. For each use of the plan, the applicant shall pay a reduced plan review fee as established in Table 3 in lieu of the full plan review fee. The use of an approved basic plan set shall have no effect on the building permit fee (only the building permit plan review fee). Plans may not be reused if the city’s building code has been updated unless the plans have been re-reviewed (upon payment of the full plan review fee) and approved for conformance with the updated building code. 7. TABLE 1: Fee Calculations. Permit fees and Plan Review fees shall be determined by using the calculations found in Table 1. Valuations shall be determined using the IBC Building Valuation Data Table (BVD) (currently the February 2020 table as attached hereto) except as noted in the BVD Table and as otherwise set in Tables 2 and 3. Total Valuation FEES (Permit Fee = 100% Plan Review Fee = 65%) $1 to $500 $36.00 $501 to $2,000 $36.00 for the first $500 plus $4.00 for each additional $100, or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $2,001 to $25,000 $96.00 for the first $2,000 plus $17.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $487.00 for the first $25,000 plus $12.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 Commented [EF4]: Moved to Table 12. Commented [EF5]: Moved to Table 3. Commented [EF6]: Moved to Commented [EF7]: Moved to Table 1. Fee Calculations Page 16 of 157 3 $50,001 to $100,000 $787.00 for the first $50,000 plus $9.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $1,237.00 for the first $100,000 plus $7.00 for each additional $1000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $4,037.00 for the first $500,000 plus $6.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 $1,000,001 and up $7,037.00 for the first $1,000,000 plus $5.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof TABLE 2: Residential Single Family Building Permit Type Amount Unit of Measure Finish an existing basement $82.95 square foot Conversion of an existing garage to residential space $59.79 square foot New, repair, or alteration or addition to deck, uncovered $13.04 square foot New Foundation only or under existing structure $13.04 square foot New garage, shed, barn, or pole building (attached or detached) $38.16 square foot Covered porch, covered deck; new, alteration, repair, or cover added $21.07 square foot New, remodel, or repairs to freestanding roof structures and carports, other than porch or deck $21.07 square foot Residential Interior Remodel $19.67 square foot TABLE 3: Miscellaneous: Building Permit Code Amount Unit of Measure Shoreline bulkhead walls $118 Per Linear Foot Demolition $65 Each Fences over 6 feet in height $11.74 Per Linear Foot Retaining walls $19.67 Per Linear Foot Re-inspection (charged for the 2nd reinspection and subsequent re-inspections of the same inspection). $65 Each Fire Alarm, new or alterations to existing Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Fire Sprinkler, new or alterations to existing Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price Page 17 of 157 4 or materials x 2) Fire Suppression System Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Tank: Underground or Above Ground, Installation or Removal Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Temporary Tent & Membrane Structures $65 Each Pyrotechnics Special Effects $65 Each Roof : Hot Mop/Cold Mop (flat roof) Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $90 per 100 SQ FT Roof: Composition, Metal Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $70 per 100 SQ FT Roof: Wood Shake Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $140 per 100 SQ FT Roof: Concrete, Tile, Slate Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $140 per 100 SQ FT Roof: Torch Down Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $90 per 100 SQ FT Residential Misc. Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Commercial Tenant Improvement and Misc. Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Tenant Certificate of Occupancy for new business; All other C of O included in building permit fee. $65 Each Revised Certificate of Occupancy for business name or ownership change, or property ownership change. $50 Each Manufactured or mobile home placed on lot or first time placement in MH park $130 Each Page 18 of 157 5 Manufactured or mobile home replacement in MH park $65 Each Expired Permit Reactivation, no plan changes 50% of original fee Posted Stop Work $65 Each occurrence Work without a permit – penalty; Violator must obtain the necessary permit. Permit fee is doubled, $65 minimum. Sign (when a building permit is required) Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract or materials x 2) Carport or Canopy, pre-fab kit installation $100 Each Siding or Re-siding Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $70 per 100 SQ FT Solar energy/photovoltaic panel system roof mounted install per WAC 51-51-2300 Sec. M2302 $135 Each Single Family Residential plan review using a basic plan on a site specific lot $225 Each Windows or Doors Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Plan review fee, minor revisions to plans which were previously reviewed and approved. $75 Per hour, minimum 1 hour. Plan review fee, substantial revisions to plans which were previously reviewed and approved Full plan review fee Plumbing Permit Fees Plumbing permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 4 and 5 below. TABLE 4: Commercial Plumbing Permit Fees Commercial Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee Applied to All Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Backflow protective device 2 inches or less $9.80 Each Backflow protective device larger than 2 inches $15.00 Each Clothes Washing Machine $9.80 Each Dish Washer $9.80 Each Drainage Pipe or Vent Pipe Repair or Alteration $9.80 Each Drinking Fountain $9.80 Each Floor Drain $9.80 Each Hose Bibbs, each $1.00 Each Industrial/Sand Oil Interceptor $9.80 Each Commented [EF8]: Moved to Table 26. Page 19 of 157 6 Grease Interceptor $9.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler System with Backflow Device $9.80 Each Medical Equipment / Kidney Machine $9.80 Each Medical Gas, each additional outlet in excess of first 5 $5.00 Each Medical gas system up to 5 outlets $50.00 Each Misc. Plumbing fixtures on one trap $9.80 Each Roof Drain $9.80 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop, or Bar Sink) $9.80 Each Floor Sink and /or Indirect Waste $9.80 Each Multi - Compartment Sink $9.80 Each Shampoo Sink w/interceptor $9.80 Each Toilet, Water Closet, Bidet, or Urinal $9.80 Each Tub and/orwith or without Shower, or Shower $9.80 Each Water Heater $9.80 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Repair and/or AlterationChange, Interior $9.80 Each Other $9.80 Each TABLE 5: Residential Plumbing Permit Fees Residential Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee applied to all Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Clothes Washer $7.00 Each Dishwasher $7.00 Each Floor Drain $7.00 Each Hose Bibb $1.00 Each Hot Tub $14.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler with backflow preventer $7.00 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop) $7.00 Each Tub with or without shower, or shower $7.00 Each Toilet, Bidet or Urinal $7.00 Each Water Heater $7.00 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Change, Interior $7.00 Each Other $7.00 Each Mechanical Permit Fees Mechanical permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 6 and 7 below. TABLE 6: Commercial Mechanical Permit Fees Commercial Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Mechanical Permit Base Fee $23.50 Flat Fee Air-Handling Unit < 10,000 CFM $14.80 Each Commented [EF9]: Moved fee from Public Works table. This is a Plumbing Pemit not LDAP permit. Commented [EF10]: Moved fee from Public Works table. This is a Plumbing Pemit not LDAP permit. Commented [EF11]: Moved fee from Public Works table. This is a Plumbing Pemit not LDAP permit. Commented [EF12]: Moved fee from Public Works table. This is a Plumbing Pemit not LDAP permit. Page 20 of 157 7 Air-Handling Unit > 10,000 CFM $18.10 Each Class 1 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Class 2 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Clothes Dryer with exhaust $10.65 Each Compressors $14.70 Each Cook stove with exhaust $10.65 Each Ducting Change without New Furnace $13.70 Each Evaporative Coolers, permanently installed $10.65 Each Fan for Bath and/or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting < 100,000 btu $14.80 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting > 100,000 btu $18.20 Each Combo Gas pipe / Water Heater / Furnace $35.45 Each Fuel System Outlets in excess of the first 4 $2.00 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, OIL (first 4 outlets) $10.65 Each Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Mechanical System Pumps (Misc.) $10.65 Each Radiant Heat Units (wall, ceiling, floor, recessed, etc.) $10.65 Each Unit Heater Suspended or Floor Mount $14.80 Each Gas Water Heater Vent & Combustion Air $10.65 Each Propane tank over 2000 gallons $10.65 Each TABLE 7: Residential Mechanical Permit Fees Residential Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee applied to all Mechanical Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Bath Fan and or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Clothes Dryer w/exhaust $10.65 Each Cook Stove w/exhaust $10.65 Each Furnace Electric / Heat Pump/AC +/- ducting $14.80 Each Fireplace - Gas or Gas log inserts $12.00 Each Fireplace - Wood or Wood Stove $12.00 Each Furnace Propane +/-Ducting $14.80 Each Gas WH Vent and Combustion Air $10.65 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, Oil $10.00 Each Heater, Wall or Baseboard $10.65 Each Misc. Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Furnace Natural Gas +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Propane Furnace +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Propane Fuel Tank Under 2000 Gallons $10.65 Each Generator $10.65 Each C. Planning and Land Use Fees The planning and land use permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. Fees are based on an hourly rate of $75.00. Page 21 of 157 8 TABLE 8: Subdivision POMC Title 26 Short Subdivision, Preliminary $1,100 Short Subdivision, Final $600 Short Subdivision, Preliminary, Amendment or Alteration $500 Short Subdivision, Final, Vacation or Alteration $500 Preliminary Subdivision Plats 5-20 lots $2,000 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Preliminary Subdivisions Plats 21+ Lots $2,000 + $50 Per Lot plus Hearing Examiner Fee Planned Residential Development Review per POMC 20.34.200 $500 plus associated Preliminary Subdivision Plat Fee Minor Modifications to a Preliminary Plat $500 Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 5- 20 lots $2,000 plus Hearing Examiner fees Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 21+ lots $2,000 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Boundary Line Adjustment $200 Final Plat $1,000 + 50 Per Lot Final Plat, vacation or alteration $1,000 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Preliminary Binding Site Plan, Preliminary $1,100 Preliminary Binding Site Plan, Preliminary, Alteration $500 Final Binding Site Plan, Final $600 Final Binding Site Plan, Final, Alteration or Vacation $500 TABLE 9: SEPA Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Non-Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. Environmental Impact Statement Review Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. SEPA Appeal Fee* $450 TABLE 10: Shoreline Permits Page 22 of 157 9 Administrative Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $600 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $900 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Shoreline Exemption (Letter) $150 Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $600 Shoreline Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Variance $600 TABLE 11: Land Use Permits Administrative Conditional Use Permit $600 Conditional Use Permit $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Critical Areas Exemption Request $75 Rezone (without Comp Plan Amendment) $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner fee Temporary Use Permit $150 Temporary Use Permit Extension $150 Variance, Administrative $600300 Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Variance, View Protection Overlay District $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner fee View Protection Overlay District Exemption $100 TABLE 12: Other Review Request for a statement of restrictions per RCW 35.21.475 $75 Accessory Dwelling Units $75 Administrative Interpretation (POMC 23.40.030)(POMC Chapter 20.10) $75 minimum, an additional deposit may be required if city attorney review is required, any city attorney expenses related to an application for an administrative application shall be paid by the applicant prior to issuance of a decision Nonconforming Use $150 Pre-Application Meeting $150 (100% is credited to a subsequent related land use application if filed within 12 months) Development Agreements $1,000 Deposit, which will be applied to the city’s costs including city attorney fees Page 23 of 157 10 regardless of whether a development agreement is approved Comp Plan Amendment (Text) $500 Comp Plan Amendment (Map) $1,875 Forest Practices Application (Local Approval) $300 Landscape Plan Review Minor $225 Landscape Plan Review Major (Subdivisions with more than 20 lots, Developments larger than 20,000 square feet in area) $600 Other Appeal Fee* $450 Pre-Submittal Design Review $150 (up to 100% credited to a subsequent related permit application if filed within 12 months) Tax Abatement Exemption Application $1,500.00 Zoning Verification Letter $75 * Any appeal statement must be filed on the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal, together with a certified check in the amount of the appeal fee (which shall include the fee set forth in the fee Resolution, plus the hearing examiner's fees charged to the City on the appeal), which appeal fee shall be returned to the appellant if the decision of the City is not sustained by the hearing examiner. If the hearing examiner sustains the decision, the appeal fee will be applied to any fees charged by the hearing examiner on the decision or appeal. If the City Council is the decision- maker on the appeal, only the appeal fee shall be charged. If any appellant believes that the payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship, it shall submit a request for an appeal waiver with the appeal statement on or before the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal. This request for an appeal waiver shall describe the appellant's financial situation and why payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship. As an example, the appellant may provide evidence that the appellant resides in a low-income household, which would include a single person, family or unrelated persons living together, whose adjusted income is less than eighty percent of the median family income, adjusted for household size, for Kitsap County. Signs Permits Signs may also require a building permit. See B.4 and Table 3. TABLE 13: Sign Permits A-Board Sign $25 Permanent Sign $50 Comprehensive Sign Plan (Sign Program) $500 Master Sign Plan Permit $300 Placement of WSDOT directional sign $75 Sign Variance $300 Books/Maps/Optical Discs/Other TABLE 14: Commented [EF13]: This text moved to F. Appeals Commented [EF14]: Moved to Section H,Table 26 Page 24 of 157 11 Books/Maps/Optical Discs/Other Copies of Codes and Standards on Disc $5 Photocopies 11x17 and smaller (in house copying); Refer to POMC 1.18.070 for public records requests $0.15 per page black and white or $1 per page color Map Scanning if above 11x17 $3 Print Jobs on Plotter $3 per linear foot or portion thereof (36" width) In house binding of documents (plastic spine) (which are also printed in house) $15 In house binding of documents (3 ring binder) (which are also printed in house) $10 GIS Data and Custom Maps $75 per hour to produce, minimum 1 hour Public Notice signs Actual cost + 25% Mailing fee for Developer’s issued permit package USPS Priority Flat Rate + 25% D. Public Works Department Fees The Public Works Department permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. Fees are based on an hourly rate of $100.00. TABLE 1514: Public Works Department Permits and Fees Public Works Cost Note Minor Land Disturbing Activity Review and Permit (disturbances of less than 1,000 square feet) $50 No more than one minor LDAP may be issued for the same property (parcel and/or address) in any 365 day period. Land Disturbing Activity Permit Plan Review $100 for the first acre of disturbance + $25 for each additional acre of Disturbance above 1 acre. Area to be rounded up to the next higher acre. $100 minimum fee. (Paid at the time of application submittal – covers Land Disturbing Activity plan review costs). Acres of disturbance should be rounded to the nearest acre. Land Disturbing Activity Permit $100 for the first acre of disturbance + $50 for each additional acre of Disturbance above 1 acre. Area to be rounded up to the next higher acre. $100 minimum fee. (Paid at time of permit issuance – covers Land Disturbing inspection costs). Acres of disturbance rounded to the nearest acre. Stormwater Drainage Permit Plan Review $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be (Paid at the time of application submittal – covers hard surface Page 25 of 157 12 constructed + $25 for each additional 3,000 square feet or fraction thereof of hard surface to be constructed. $100 minimum fee. and stormwater improvement plan review costs). Stormwater Drainage Permit $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be constructed + $50 for each additional 3,000 square feet or fraction thereof of hard surface to be constructed. $100 minimum fee. Stormwater Drainage Permit (Paid at time of permit issuance – covers hard surface and stormwater inspection costs) Street Use Permit Application Fee $50 Street Signs (provided by the city) Actual Cost +25% Tree cutting permit $50 Plan Revision Review to Approved Permit Drawings $100 Per hour of required plan review. Latecomer Agreement Review Fee $500 Deposit The applicant shall pay the actual fee, including city attorney costs, for preparing the latecomer agreement ROW Permit, Tier 1 $50 For uses which do not include the physical disturbance of the right-of-way. ROW Permit, Tier 2 (Includes the first 100 Linear Feet of excavation / trenching) $230$50 For activities which alter the appearance, or disturb the surface or sub-surface, or allow long term use of the right-of-way. ROW excavation / trenching, for every 300 Linear Feet or portion thereof after the first 100 Lin. Ft. $10 ROW Utility Pole, new or replace $5 each In addition to ROW Permit fee Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge – 2 hours) Hourly Rate x 1.5 ($300 minimum) Work without a Permit - Penalty Permit fee is doubled; $65 minimum. Violator must obtain the required permit and pay twice the normal permit fee TABLE 1615: Street Vacations Commented [IS15]: Updated to match Kitsap County. Bremerton’s minimum is $307, Bainbridge is $250, Poulsbo’s is $165 w/o pavement disturbance and $495 w/ pavement disturbance. Page 26 of 157 13 Street Vacation Petition Fee $120 Street Vacation Appraisal Fee (Refundable Deposit) $500 Deposit, Petitioner shall pay the actual cost of the appraisal. TABLE 1716: Impact Fee Deferrals (POMC 20.182.110(4)) Application for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum Lien release for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum TABLE 1817: Residential Parking Permits Residential Parking Permit $10 Replacement Parking Permit $5 Temporary Residential Parking Permit $10 Bed and Breakfast Parking Permit $10 TABLE 1918: Concurrency Review (POMC 20.180) 1. Concurrency (Capacity Reservation Certificate) applications fees shall be based on the following table. Each type of application (Transportation, Water, or Sewer) shall include payment of an application fee (A) plus any consultant fees charged to the city (B or C) for concurrency review as applicable. Type of Review A Application Fee (also the total review fee for applications reviewed in house by the City) B Review Performed by Consultant – Application submitted after a scope and fee has been obtained C Review Performed by Consultant – Application submitted prior to obtaining scope and fee (Deposit) Transportation $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City’s Consultant. $1000 Deposit, the actual fee for concurrency review to be paid by the applicant Water $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City’s Consultant. $1000 Deposit, the actual fee for concurrency review to be paid by the applicant Sewer $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City’s Consultant. $1000 Deposit, the actual fee for concurrency review to be paid by the applicant 2. The Director of Public Works shall make all determinations as to whether an application be reviewed by the city or be sent to the consultant for review. 3. When a deposit is required pursuant to the above table, the deposit shall be applied to the actual fee incurred by the city. Any balance owed shall be paid prior to the issuance of a concurrency certificate. Page 27 of 157 14 E. Fire District Review and Inspection Fees. A surcharge on the permit types identified in Tables 20 19 - 24 23 shall be collected if Fire District review and/or inspections take place. The minimum fee shall be $100 except where specified in the tables. The fee shall be paid at the time the permit is issued unless otherwise specified. TABLE 2019: BUILDING PERMITS Type Amount Commercial Addition $150 New Commercial Building $400 Tenant Certificate of Occupancy $75 New Cell Tower $150 Commercial or Government Miscellaneous $150 Minor Tenant Improvement: for projects with a construction value under $6,000 $75 Major Tenant Improvement: for projects with a construction value of $6,000 or higher $250 Demolition $75 Commercial Waterfront $150 New Residential: Single family, ADU, Duplex $100 New Multi-family: Triplex and above $250 Residential Certificate of Occupancy $75 Other Permit Types with Flat Fees $100 TABLE 2120: FIRE CODE PERMITS Type Amount Fire Alarm $400 Fire Sprinkler $400 Fire Suppression System $400 Temporary Tent or Membrane Structure $400 Tank Install $400 Tank Decommission $400 High Pile Storage $400 Fire Code permit projects which are identified as highly complex shall be reviewed by a consultant under contract services. In addition to the fee listed above, the consultant fee shall be paid by the applicant and is due when the permit is issued. Page 28 of 157 15 TABLE 2221: LAND USE PERMITS Type Amount Boundary Line Adjustment $250 Conditional Use Permit $250 Preliminary Plat, Preliminary, or alteration Modifications to of $250 Final Plat, Final or alteration or vacation of $250 Final Binding Site Plan, Preliminary or Final or alteration of $250 Shoreline: Substantial Development, Conditional Use, Variance $250 Short Plat: Preliminary, Alteration or Final $250 Variance $250 Comprehensive Plan Amendment $250 Zone Reclassification (Rezone) (This fee shall not be charged if paid on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment submitted concurrently) $250 TABLE 2322: PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS Type Amount Land Disturbance Activity Permit and/or Stormwater Drainage Permit (This fee shall not be charged more than once per project if the permits are issued simultaneously) $250 Right-of-Way $75 Other Permit Types with flat fees $100 TABLE 2423: OTHER Type Amount Formal Pre-Application Conference (not credited towards a future application fee) $150 Cabaret License $100 Carnival License $100 Event Permit $100 Liquor or Marijuana License $100 Page 29 of 157 16 Pawn Broker $100 Street Use Permit Application fee $50 F. Appeal Fees. Fees are collected when the appeal is filed. Any appeal statement must be filed on the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal, together with a certified check in the amount of the appeal fee. Appeals heard by the Hearing Examiner shall include a deposit for the Hearing Examiner’s fees charged to the City on the appeal. The deposit shall be returned to the Appellant if the decision by the City is not sustained by the Hearing Examiner. If the hearing examiner sustains the decision, the deposit will be applied to any fees charged by the hearing examiner on the decision or appeal. If the appellant is the project applicant, the hearing examiner fees will be billed to the appellant, and preliminary approval of the project will be conditioned subject to payment of outstanding Hearing Examiner fees. If the City Council is the decision-maker on the appeal, only the appeal fee shall be charged. If any appellant believes that the payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship, it shall submit a request for an appeal waiver with the appeal statement on or before the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal. This request for an appeal waiver shall describe the appellant's financial situation and why payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship. As an example, the appellant may provide evidence that the appellant resides in a low-income household, which would include a single person, family or unrelated persons living together, whose adjusted income is less than eighty percent of the median family income, adjusted for household size, for Kitsap County. TABLE 24: Appeal Type Appeal Body Amount Abatement Hearing Officer $100 Building Code Building Board of Appeals (BBOA) $450 Concurrency Denial Public Works Director $100 Development Agreement Same as underlying permit or associated legislative approval Depends on underlying permit. Director’s Code Interpretation Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. Fire Authority’s Decision Building Board of Appeals (BBOA) $450 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Notice and Order, revocation of permit, or assessment of costs of abatement City Council $450 IDDE Appeal, independent consultant services City Council $500 - $1,500 deposit for consultant services, actual costs to be paid. Impact Fee Amount Reconsideration Director $100 Page 30 of 157 17 Impact Fee Amount Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director Hearing Examiner $450 Impact Fee Credit Reconsideration Director $100 Impact Fee Credit Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director Hearing Examiner $450 SEPA Appeal Same as underlying permit $450 Street Use Permit Hearing Examiner $100 Type I, Director’s Decision Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. Type II Permit Hearing Examiner $450. Type II Permit, Deposit for a certified transcription of hearing for appeal from Hearing Examiner’s decision Hearing Examiner Deposit is based on fee estimate from transcription service. After the final invoice, any remainder of the deposit shall be refunded. Any fees in excess of the deposit shall be paid by the applicant. Type II Permit, appeal of Hearing Examiner’s appeal decision Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. Type III permit, appeal of Hearing Examiner’s decision Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. G. Hearing Examiner Fees. Hearing Examiner fees (excluding appeals to the Hearing Examiner) shall be the Hearing Examiner’s actual costs, plus an administrative fee. Fees and deposits are required to be paid when the application is submitted. Hearing examiner fees will be secured from the deposited amount and any remainder shall be refunded to the applicant at the end of the appeal period. Hearing Examiner fees in excess of the deposit amount will be billed to the applicant, and preliminary approval of the project will be conditioned subject to payment of outstanding Hearing Examiner fees. TABLE 25: Type Amount TYPE III Hearing, Administrative fee $250 (non-refundable) Type III Hearing, deposit $2,5003,000 deposit Appeal fee, for appeal of Hearing Examiner decision See Table 24. Appeal Fees Appeal fee, for appeals to the Hearing Examiner See Table 24. Appeal Fees. Commented [EF16]: Currently in Res. No. 019 08 Commented [EF17]: Currently in Res. No. 019-08 Page 31 of 157 18 H. Other Fees. TABLE 26: Other Fees Electronic documents on digital storage media or devices Actual cost Photocopies, 8 ½ x 11 $0.15 per page Community Development Maps, 24” x 36”, color $9 each Public Notice signs Actual cost + 25% Mailing fee for Developer’s issued permit package USPS Priority Flat Rate + 25% Technology Fee, for each permit application entered in the electronic permitting system. $10 (non-refundable) Refund, deduction calculation $75 per hour, staff time Recording fees for permit-related documents recorded with the Kitsap County Auditor Actual Cost Posted Stop Work $65 for each occurrence (not charged when a Work Without a Permit penalty is required at the same time) Notary Service $10 per stamp Page 32 of 157 19 Building Valuation Data – February 2018February 2020 Important Points • The BVD is not intended to apply to alterations or repairs to existing buildings. Because the scope of alterations or repairs to an existing building varies so greatly, the Square Foot Construction Costs table does not reflect accurate values for that purpose. However, the Square Foot Construction Costs table can be used to determine the cost of an addition that is basically a stand-alone building which happens to be attached to an existing building. In the case of such additions, the only alterations to the existing building would involve the attachment of the addition to the existing building and the openings between the addition and the existing building. • The Square Foot Construction Cost does not include the price of the land on which the building is built. The Square Foot Construction Cost takes into account everything from foundation work to the roof structure and coverings but does not include the price of the land. The cost of the land does not affect the cost of related code enforcement activities and is not included in the Square Foot Construction Cost. Square Foot Construction Costs a, b, c, d Group (2015 International Building Code) IA IB IIA IIB IIIA IIIB IV VA VB A-1 Assembly, theaters, with stage 239.41 247.86 231.54 239.47 226.03 233.25 216.67 223.81 203.74 210.17 197.86 204.10 209.82 216.62 186.11 195.46 179.13 188.40 A-1 Assembly, theaters, without stage 219.07 227.10 211.20 218.71 205.68 212.49 196.33 203.05 183.65 189.41 177.76 183.34 189.48 195.86 166.01 174.70 159.03 167.65 A-2 Assembly, nightclubs 188.23 191.96 182.77 186.56 178.14 182.12 170.93 174.70 161.13 164.94 156.68 160.39 164.92 168.64 145.88 149.29 140.94 144.33 A-2 Assembly, restaurants, bars, banquet halls 187.23 190.96 181.77 185.56 176.14 180.12 169.93 173.70 159.13 169.94 155.68 159.39 163.92 167.64 143.88 147.29 139.94 143.33 A-3 Assembly, churches 220.05 229.69 212.18 221.30 206.66 215.08 197.31 205.64 185.99 192.37 180.11 187.27 190.46 198.45 168.36 177.66 161.38 170.60 A-3 Assembly, general, community halls, libraries, museums 185.05 192.20 177.18 183.81 170.67 176.59 162.31 168.15 148.58 153.51 143.75 148.44 155.46 160.96 131.00 138.80 125.02 132.75 A-4 Assembly, arenas 218.07 226.10 210.20 217.71 203.68 210.49 195.33 202.05 181.65 187.41 176.76 182.34 188.48 194.86 164.01 172.70 158.03 166.65 B Business 192.02 200.26 185.04 192.96 179.30 186.54 170.56 177.38 155.93 161.90 150.11 155.84 164.01 170.40 137.00 142.43 131.05 136.08 E Educational 197.52 209.90 190.73 202.64 185.77 196.82 177.32 188.34 165.32 175.49 156.97 166.60 171.23 181.86 144.39 153.45 140.26 148.75 F-1 Factory and industrial, moderate hazard 114.08 117.60 108.82 112.19 102.59 105.97 98.59 101.84 88.51 91.54 84.45 87.26 94.44 97.61 74.21 75.29 69.43 70.95 F-2 Factory and industrial, low hazard 113.08 116.60 107.82 111.19 102.59 105.97 97.59 100.84 88.51 91.54 83.45 86.26 93.44 96.61 74.21 75.29 68.43 69.95 H-1 High Hazard, explosives 106.73 109.99 101.48 104.58 96.25 99.35 91.25 94.22 82.38 85.14 77.32 79.87 87.10 89.99 68.08 68.89 0.00 0.00 H234 High Hazard 106.73 109.99 101.48 104.58 96.25 99.35 91.25 94.22 82.38 85.14 77.32 79.87 87.10 89.99 68.08 68.89 62.30 63.56 H-5 HPM 192.02 200.26 185.04 192.96 179.30 186.54 170.56 177.38 155.93 161.90 150.11 155.84 164.01 170.40 137.00 142.43 131.05 136.08 I-1 Institutional, supervised environment 191.30 197.83 184.81 191.05 179.46 185.12 171.90 177.91 158.36 163.28 154.06 158.81 171.99 178.06 141.86 146.98 137.45 142.33 I-2 Institutional, hospitals 321.25 335.53 314.27 328.23 308.52 321.81 299.78 312.65 284.17 296.45 0.00 0.00 293.24 305.67 265.24 276.99 0.00 0.00 I-2 Institutional, nursing homes 222.99 233.12 216.01 225.82 210.27 219.40 201.52 210.24 187.89 195.51 0.00 0.00 194.98 203.26 168.96 176.05 0.00 0.00 I-3 Institutional, restrained 218.28 227.71 211.30 220.41 205.55 213.99 196.81 204.83 183.43 190.84 176.62 183.78 190.27 197.85 164.50 171.63 156.55 163.02 I-4 Institutional, day care facilities 191.30 197.83 184.81 191.05 179.46 185.12 171.90 177.91 158.36 163.28 154.06 158.81 171.99 178.06 141.86 146.98 137.45 142.33 M Mercantile 140.27 142.95 134.81 137.54 129.18 132.11 122.96 125.68 112.68 115.38 109.23 111.83 116.95 119.62 97.44 99.73 93.50 95.77 R-1 Residential, hotels 193.08 199.70 186.60 192.92 181.24 186.99 173.68 179.78 159.89 164.90 155.58 160.43 173.77 179.93 143.39 148.60 138.97 143.96 Formatted Table ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Page 33 of 157 20 R-2 Residential, multiple family 161.95 167.27 155.46 160.48 150.10 154,56 142.54 147.35 129.52 133.71 125.22 129.23 142.64 147.50 113.02 117.40 108.61 112.76 R-3 Residential, one- and two-family 151.10 155.84 146.99 151.61 143.20 147.83 139.61 144.09 134.50 138.94 130.95 135.27 137.27 141.72 125.85 130.04 118.45 122.46 R-4 Residential, care/assisted living facilities 191.30 197.83 184.81 191.05 179.46 185.12 171.90 177.91 158.36 163.28 154.06 158.81 171.99 178.06 141.86 146.98 137.45 142.33 S-1 Storage, moderate hazard 105.73 108.99 100.48 103.58 94.25 97.35 90.25 93.22 80.38 83.14 76.32 78.87 86.10 88.99 66.08 66.89 61.30 62.56 S-2 Storage, low hazard 104.73 107.99 99.48 102.58 94.25 97.35 89.25 92.22 80.38 83.14 75.32 77.87 85.10 87.99 66.08 66.89 60.30 61.56 U Utility, miscellaneous 83.66 84.66 79.00 79.81 74.06 74.65 70.37 71.30 63.47 64.01 59.32 59.80 67.24 68.04 50.19 50.69 47.80 48.30 a. Private Garages use Utility, miscellaneous b. Unfinished basements (all use group) = $15.00 per sq. ft. c. For shell only buildings deduct 20 percent d. N.P. = not permitted Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Formatted ... Page 34 of 157 1 Exhibit A to Resolution 034-20 FEE SCHEDULES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS A. General 1. No permit shall be issued, application accepted, service provided, or appeal filed without payment of the applicable fee set forth below. 2. References to the director refer to the director of the Department of Community Development or his/her designee. 3. When an application includes the submittal of special reports and/or plans such as habitat management plans, geotechnical reports, or traffic impact analyses requiring review beyond the capabilities of city staff, the applicant shall be required to pay the actual cost of 3rd party review by qualified consultants under contract with the city. Upon determining that 3rd party review of special reports or plans is required, the city will obtain a fee estimate from its consultant and provide that estimate to the applicant and request payment to the city. 4. Some projects require more than one permit. A project may require the payment of numerous fees from the tables below. 5. No inspections, including final inspections, will be scheduled or performed until all outstanding fees are paid. 6. Refunds: Refunds may be requested using the Permit Center’s refund request form. a. Building Permit fees: Refunds shall be issued at an amount equal to the permit fee less actual time and materials spent on the project; provided no refund shall exceed 80% of the initial permit fee for a permit that was issued by the City. If the permit fee was paid and a refund was requested prior to permit issuance, 100% of the permit fee may be refunded. b. Plan Review Fees: If an application is withdrawn, cancelled or returned prior to issuing a permit, a refund shall be issued at an amount equal to the plan review fee less actual time and materials spent on the project, provided no refund shall exceed 80% of the plan review fee. Plan review fees are non-refundable once the plan review has been completed or if the permit has been issued. c. Land Use Permit/Application fees: Refunds for Land Use permits may be authorized by the director. Refunds shall be issued at an amount equal to the permit fee less actual time and materials spent on the project; provided no refund shall exceed 80% of the initial permit fee. B. Building, Plumbing, and Mechanical Fee Policies 1. No temporary or final certificate of occupancy will be approved or issued for a project with any outstanding fees on any permit associated with the project. 2. Some signs require a building permit in addition to a land use (sign) permit. In these instances, the permit fees are additive. When an applicant is required to obtain a sign permit and a building permit, separate fees are required for each permit. 3. Per 2015 IBC 109.3, the applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated construction value at the time of application. The amount shall be rounded up to the next whole dollar. The amount shall be the contractor’s bid price. For work not done by a contractor, the construction value shall include the price of materials, plus the fair market value of any donated, contributed or found materials, multiplied by two (2). Construction value calculated on 100 square feet shall be rounded up to the next 100 square feet for any portion thereof. Page 35 of 157 2 4. Single family home builders who wish to reuse a plan set to construct more than one home using the same plan set may do so by utilizing a “basic plan” review process. When an applicant wishes to establish a basic plan set for reuse, the plans shall initially be reviewed upon payment of the city’s standard plan review fee. Once plan review is complete and if the City finds that the plans conform to the requirements of the Building Code, the plans shall be approved as a basic plan set and marked as such for reuse. For each use of the plan, the applicant shall pay a reduced plan review fee as established in Table 3 in lieu of the full plan review fee. The use of an approved basic plan set shall have no effect on the building permit fee (only the building permit plan review fee). Plans may not be reused if the city’s building code has been updated unless the plans have been re-reviewed (upon payment of the full plan review fee) and approved for conformance with the updated building code. TABLE 1: Fee Calculations. Permit fees and Plan Review fees shall be determined by using the calculations found in Table 1. Valuations shall be determined using the IBC Building Valuation Data Table (BVD) (currently the February 2020 table as attached hereto) except as noted in the BVD Table and as otherwise set in Tables 2 and 3. Total Valuation FEES (Permit Fee = 100% Plan Review Fee = 65%) $1 to $500 $36.00 $501 to $2,000 $36.00 for the first $500 plus $4.00 for each additional $100, or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $2,001 to $25,000 $96.00 for the first $2,000 plus $17.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $487.00 for the first $25,000 plus $12.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $787.00 for the first $50,000 plus $9.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $1,237.00 for the first $100,000 plus $7.00 for each additional $1000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $4,037.00 for the first $500,000 plus $6.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 $1,000,001 and up $7,037.00 for the first $1,000,000 plus $5.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof TABLE 2: Residential Single Family Building Permit Type Amount Unit of Measure Finish an existing basement $82.95 square foot Conversion of an existing garage to residential space $59.79 square foot New, repair, or alteration or addition to deck, uncovered $13.04 square foot New Foundation only or under existing structure $13.04 square foot New garage, shed, barn, or pole building (attached or detached) $38.16 square foot Page 36 of 157 3 Covered porch, covered deck; new, alteration, repair, or cover added $21.07 square foot New, remodel, or repairs to freestanding roof structures and carports, other than porch or deck $21.07 square foot Residential Interior Remodel $19.67 square foot TABLE 3: Miscellaneous: Building Permit Code Amount Unit of Measure Shoreline bulkhead walls $118 Per Linear Foot Demolition $65 Each Fences over 6 feet in height $11.74 Per Linear Foot Retaining walls $19.67 Per Linear Foot Re-inspection (charged for the 2nd reinspection and subsequent re-inspections of the same inspection). $65 Each Fire Alarm, new or alterations to existing Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Fire Sprinkler, new or alterations to existing Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Fire Suppression System Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Tank: Underground or Above Ground, Installation or Removal Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Pyrotechnics Special Effects $65 Each Roof : Hot Mop/Cold Mop (flat roof) Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $90 per 100 SQ FT Roof: Composition, Metal Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $70 per 100 SQ FT Page 37 of 157 4 Roof: Wood Shake Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $140 per 100 SQ FT Roof: Concrete, Tile, Slate Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $140 per 100 SQ FT Roof: Torch Down Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $90 per 100 SQ FT Residential Misc. Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Commercial Tenant Improvement and Misc. Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Tenant Certificate of Occupancy for new business; All other C of O included in building permit fee. $65 Each Revised Certificate of Occupancy for business name or ownership change, or property ownership change. $50 Each Manufactured or mobile home placed on lot or first time placement in MH park $130 Each Manufactured or mobile home replacement in MH park $65 Each Expired Permit Reactivation, no plan changes 50% of original fee Work without a permit – penalty; Violator must obtain the necessary permit. Permit fee is doubled, $65 minimum. Sign (when a building permit is required) Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract or materials x 2) Carport or Canopy, pre-fab kit installation $100 Each Siding or Re-siding Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $70 per 100 SQ FT Solar energy/photovoltaic panel system roof mounted install per WAC 51-51-2300 Sec. M2302 $135 Each Single Family Residential plan review using a basic plan on a site specific lot $225 Each Windows or Doors Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value Page 38 of 157 5 (contract price or materials x 2) Plan review fee, minor revisions to plans which were previously reviewed and approved. $75 Per hour, minimum 1 hour. Plan review fee, substantial revisions to plans which were previously reviewed and approved Full plan review fee Plumbing Permit Fees Plumbing permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 4 and 5 below. TABLE 4: Commercial Plumbing Permit Fees Commercial Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee Applied to All Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Backflow protective device 2 inches or less $9.80 Each Backflow protective device larger than 2 inches $15.00 Each Clothes Washing Machine $9.80 Each Dish Washer $9.80 Each Drainage Pipe or Vent Pipe Repair or Alteration $9.80 Each Drinking Fountain $9.80 Each Floor Drain $9.80 Each Hose Bibbs, each $1.00 Each Industrial/Sand Oil Interceptor $9.80 Each Grease Interceptor $9.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler System with Backflow Device $9.80 Each Medical Equipment / Kidney Machine $9.80 Each Medical Gas, each additional outlet in excess of first 5 $5.00 Each Medical gas system up to 5 outlets $50.00 Each Misc. Plumbing fixtures on one trap $9.80 Each Roof Drain $9.80 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop, or Bar Sink) $9.80 Each Floor Sink and /or Indirect Waste $9.80 Each Multi - Compartment Sink $9.80 Each Shampoo Sink w/interceptor $9.80 Each Toilet, Water Closet, Bidet, or Urinal $9.80 Each Tub with or without Shower, or Shower $9.80 Each Water Heater $9.80 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Change, Interior $9.80 Each Other $9.80 Each TABLE 5: Residential Plumbing Permit Fees Residential Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Page 39 of 157 6 Base Fee applied to all Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Clothes Washer $7.00 Each Dishwasher $7.00 Each Floor Drain $7.00 Each Hose Bibb $1.00 Each Hot Tub $14.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler with backflow preventer $7.00 Each Sewer Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop) $7.00 Each Tub with or without shower, or shower $7.00 Each Toilet, Bidet or Urinal $7.00 Each Water Heater $7.00 Each Water Line Repair and/or Replace, Exterior $50.00 Each Water Pipe Change, Interior $7.00 Each Other $7.00 Each Mechanical Permit Fees Mechanical permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 6 and 7 below. TABLE 6: Commercial Mechanical Permit Fees Commercial Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Mechanical Permit Base Fee $23.50 Flat Fee Air-Handling Unit < 10,000 CFM $14.80 Each Air-Handling Unit > 10,000 CFM $18.10 Each Class 1 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Class 2 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Clothes Dryer with exhaust $10.65 Each Compressors $14.70 Each Cook stove with exhaust $10.65 Each Ducting Change without New Furnace $13.70 Each Evaporative Coolers, permanently installed $10.65 Each Fan for Bath and/or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting < 100,000 btu $14.80 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting > 100,000 btu $18.20 Each Combo Gas pipe / Water Heater / Furnace $35.45 Each Fuel System Outlets in excess of the first 4 $2.00 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, OIL (first 4 outlets) $10.65 Each Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Mechanical System Pumps (Misc.) $10.65 Each Radiant Heat Units (wall, ceiling, floor, recessed, etc.) $10.65 Each Unit Heater Suspended or Floor Mount $14.80 Each Gas Water Heater Vent & Combustion Air $10.65 Each Propane tank over 2000 gallons $10.65 Each TABLE 7: Page 40 of 157 7 Residential Mechanical Permit Fees Residential Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee applied to all Mechanical Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Bath Fan and or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Clothes Dryer w/exhaust $10.65 Each Cook Stove w/exhaust $10.65 Each Furnace Electric / Heat Pump/AC +/- ducting $14.80 Each Fireplace - Gas or Gas log inserts $12.00 Each Fireplace - Wood or Wood Stove $12.00 Each Furnace Propane +/-Ducting $14.80 Each Gas WH Vent and Combustion Air $10.65 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, Oil $10.00 Each Heater, Wall or Baseboard $10.65 Each Misc. Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Furnace Natural Gas +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Propane Furnace +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Propane Fuel Tank Under 2000 Gallons $10.65 Each Generator $10.65 Each C. Planning and Land Use Fees The planning and land use permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. Fees are based on an hourly rate of $75.00. TABLE 8: Subdivision POMC Title 26 Short Subdivision, Preliminary $1,100 Short Subdivision, Final $600 Short Subdivision, Preliminary, or Alteration $500 Short Subdivision, Final, Vacation or Alteration $500 Preliminary Subdivision Plats 5-20 lots $2,000 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Preliminary Subdivisions Plats 21+ Lots $2,000 + $50 Per Lot plus Hearing Examiner Fee Planned Residential Development Review per POMC 20.34.200 $500 plus associated Preliminary Subdivision Plat Fee Minor Modifications to a Preliminary Plat $500 Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 5- 20 lots $2,000 plus Hearing Examiner fees Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 21+ lots $2,000 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Boundary Line Adjustment $200 Final Plat $1,000 + 50 Per Lot Final Plat, vacation or alteration $1,000 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Binding Site Plan, Preliminary $1,100 Binding Site Plan, Preliminary, Alteration $500 Page 41 of 157 8 Binding Site Plan, Final $600 Binding Site Plan, Final, Alteration or Vacation $500 TABLE 9: SEPA Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Non-Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. Environmental Impact Statement Review Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. TABLE 10: Shoreline Permits Administrative Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $600 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $900 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Shoreline Exemption (Letter) $150 Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $600 Shoreline Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Variance $600 TABLE 11: Land Use Permits Conditional Use Permit $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Critical Areas Exemption Request $75 Rezone (without Comp Plan Amendment) $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner fee Temporary Use Permit $150 Temporary Use Permit Extension $150 Variance, Administrative $300 Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Variance, View Protection Overlay District $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner fee TABLE 12: Page 42 of 157 9 Other Review Request for a statement of restrictions per RCW 35.21.475 $75 Accessory Dwelling Units $75 Administrative Interpretation (POMC Chapter 20.10) $75 minimum, an additional deposit may be required if city attorney review is required, any city attorney expenses related to an application for an administrative application shall be paid by the applicant prior to issuance of a decision Nonconforming Use $150 Pre-Application Meeting $150 (100% is credited to a subsequent related land use application if filed within 12 months) Development Agreements $1,000 Deposit, which will be applied to the city’s costs including city attorney fees regardless of whether a development agreement is approved Comp Plan Amendment (Text) $500 Comp Plan Amendment (Map) $1,875 Forest Practices Application (Local Approval) $300 Pre-Submittal Design Review $150 (up to 100% credited to a subsequent related permit application if filed within 12 months) Tax Abatement Exemption Application $1,500.00 Zoning Verification Letter $75 Signs Permits Signs may also require a building permit. See B.4 and Table 3. TABLE 13: Sign Permits A-Board Sign $25 Permanent Sign $50 Master Sign Plan Permit $300 Placement of WSDOT directional sign $75 Sign Variance $300 Page 43 of 157 10 D. Public Works Department Fees The Public Works Department permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. Fees are based on an hourly rate of $100.00. TABLE 14: Public Works Department Permits and Fees Public Works Cost Note Minor Land Disturbing Activity Review and Permit (disturbances of less than 1,000 square feet) $50 No more than one minor LDAP may be issued for the same property (parcel and/or address) in any 365 day period. Land Disturbing Activity Permit Plan Review $100 for the first acre of disturbance + $25 for each additional acre of Disturbance above 1 acre. Area to be rounded up to the next higher acre. $100 minimum fee. (Paid at the time of application submittal – covers Land Disturbing Activity plan review costs). Acres of disturbance should be rounded to the nearest acre. Land Disturbing Activity Permit $100 for the first acre of disturbance + $50 for each additional acre of Disturbance above 1 acre. Area to be rounded up to the next higher acre. $100 minimum fee. (Paid at time of permit issuance – covers Land Disturbing inspection costs). Acres of disturbance rounded to the nearest acre. Stormwater Drainage Permit Plan Review $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be constructed + $25 for each additional 3,000 square feet or fraction thereof of hard surface to be constructed. $100 minimum fee. (Paid at the time of application submittal – covers hard surface and stormwater improvement plan review costs). Stormwater Drainage Permit $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be constructed + $50 for each additional 3,000 square feet or fraction thereof of hard surface to be constructed. $100 minimum fee. Stormwater Drainage Permit (Paid at time of permit issuance – covers hard surface and stormwater inspection costs) Street Use Permit Application Fee $50 Tree cutting permit $50 Page 44 of 157 11 Plan Revision Review to Approved Permit Drawings $100 Per hour of required plan review. Latecomer Agreement Review Fee $500 Deposit The applicant shall pay the actual fee, including city attorney costs, for preparing the latecomer agreement ROW Permit, Tier 1 $50 For uses which do not include the physical disturbance of the right-of-way. ROW Permit, Tier 2 $230 For activities which alter the appearance, or disturb the surface or sub-surface, or allow long term use of the right-of-way. Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge – 2 hours) Hourly Rate x 1.5 ($300 minimum) Work without a Permit - Penalty Permit fee is doubled; $65 minimum. Violator must obtain the required permit and pay twice the normal permit fee TABLE 15: Street Vacations Street Vacation Petition Fee $120 Street Vacation Appraisal Fee (Refundable Deposit) $500 Deposit, Petitioner shall pay the actual cost of the appraisal. TABLE 16: Impact Fee Deferrals (POMC 20.182.110(4)) Application for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum Lien release for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum TABLE 17: Residential Parking Permits Residential Parking Permit $10 Replacement Parking Permit $5 Temporary Residential Parking Permit $10 Bed and Breakfast Parking Permit $10 TABLE 18: Concurrency Review (POMC 20.180) 1. Concurrency (Capacity Reservation Certificate) applications fees shall be based on the following table. Each type of application (Transportation, Water, or Sewer) shall include payment of an application fee (A) plus any consultant fees charged to the city (B or C) for concurrency review as applicable. Type of Review A B C Page 45 of 157 12 Application Fee (also the total review fee for applications reviewed in house by the City) Review Performed by Consultant – Application submitted after a scope and fee has been obtained Review Performed by Consultant – Application submitted prior to obtaining scope and fee (Deposit) Transportation $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City’s Consultant. $1000 Deposit, the actual fee for concurrency review to be paid by the applicant Water $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City’s Consultant. $1000 Deposit, the actual fee for concurrency review to be paid by the applicant Sewer $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City’s Consultant. $1000 Deposit, the actual fee for concurrency review to be paid by the applicant 2. The Director of Public Works shall make all determinations as to whether an application be reviewed by the city or be sent to the consultant for review. 3. When a deposit is required pursuant to the above table, the deposit shall be applied to the actual fee incurred by the city. Any balance owed shall be paid prior to the issuance of a concurrency certificate. E. Fire District Review and Inspection Fees. A surcharge on the permit types identified in Tables 19 - 23 shall be collected if Fire District review and/or inspections take place. The minimum fee shall be $100 except where specified in the tables. TABLE 19: BUILDING PERMITS Type Amount Commercial Addition $150 New Commercial Building $400 Tenant Certificate of Occupancy $75 New Cell Tower $150 Commercial or Government Miscellaneous $150 Minor Tenant Improvement: for projects with a construction value under $6,000 $75 Major Tenant Improvement: for projects with a construction value of $6,000 or higher $250 Demolition $75 Commercial Waterfront $150 New Residential: Single family, ADU, Duplex $100 Page 46 of 157 13 New Multi-family: Triplex and above $250 Residential Certificate of Occupancy $75 Other Permit Types with Flat Fees $100 TABLE 20: FIRE CODE PERMITS Type Amount Fire Alarm $400 Fire Sprinkler $400 Fire Suppression System $400 Temporary Tent or Membrane Structure $400 Tank Install $400 Tank Decommission $400 High Pile Storage $400 Fire Code permit projects which are identified as highly complex shall be reviewed by a consultant under contract services. In addition to the fee listed above, the consultant fee shall be paid by the applicant and is due when the permit is issued. TABLE 21: LAND USE PERMITS Type Amount Boundary Line Adjustment $250 Conditional Use Permit $250 Plat, Preliminary, or Modifications to $250 Plat, Final or alteration or vacation $250 Binding Site Plan, Preliminary or Final $250 Shoreline: Substantial Development, Conditional Use, Variance $250 Short Plat: Preliminary, Alteration or Final $250 Variance $250 Comprehensive Plan Amendment $250 Zone Reclassification (Rezone) (This fee shall not be charged if paid on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment submitted concurrently) $250 TABLE 22: Page 47 of 157 14 PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS Type Amount Land Disturbance Activity Permit and/or Stormwater Drainage Permit (This fee shall not be charged more than once per project if the permits are issued simultaneously) $250 Right-of-Way $75 Other Permit Types with flat fees $100 TABLE 23: OTHER Type Amount Formal Pre-Application Conference (not credited towards a future application fee) $150 Cabaret License $100 Carnival License $100 Event Permit $100 Liquor or Marijuana License $100 Pawn Broker $100 Street Use Permit Application fee $50 F. Appeal Fees. Fees are collected when the appeal is filed. Any appeal statement must be filed on the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal, together with a certified check in the amount of the appeal fee. Appeals heard by the Hearing Examiner shall include a deposit for the Hearing Examiner’s fees charged to the City on the appeal. The deposit shall be returned to the Appellant if the decision by the City is not sustained by the Hearing Examiner. If the hearing examiner sustains the decision, the deposit will be applied to any fees charged by the hearing examiner on the decision or appeal. If the appellant is the project applicant, the hearing examiner fees will be billed to the appellant, and preliminary approval of the project will be conditioned subject to payment of outstanding Hearing Examiner fees. If the City Council is the decision-maker on the appeal, only the appeal fee shall be charged. If any appellant believes that the payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship, it shall submit a request for an appeal waiver with the appeal statement on or before the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal. This request for an appeal waiver shall describe the appellant's financial situation and why payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship. As an example, the appellant may provide evidence that the appellant resides in a low-income household, which would include a single person, family or unrelated persons living together, whose adjusted income is less than eighty percent of the median family income, adjusted for household size, for Kitsap County. Page 48 of 157 15 TABLE 24: Appeal Type Appeal Body Amount Abatement Hearing Officer $100 Building Code Building Board of Appeals (BBOA) $450 Concurrency Denial Public Works Director $100 Development Agreement Same as underlying permit or associated legislative approval Depends on underlying permit. Director’s Code Interpretation Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. Fire Authority’s Decision Building Board of Appeals (BBOA) $450 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Notice and Order, revocation of permit, or assessment of costs of abatement City Council $450 IDDE Appeal, independent consultant services City Council $500 - $1,500 deposit for consultant services, actual costs to be paid. Impact Fee Amount Reconsideration Director $100 Impact Fee Amount Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director Hearing Examiner $450 Impact Fee Credit Reconsideration Director $100 Impact Fee Credit Established Upon Reconsideration by the Director Hearing Examiner $450 SEPA Appeal Same as underlying permit $450 Street Use Permit Hearing Examiner $100 Type I, Director’s Decision Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. Type II Permit Hearing Examiner $450. Type II Permit, Deposit for a certified transcription of hearing for appeal from Hearing Examiner’s decision Hearing Examiner Deposit is based on fee estimate from transcription service. After the final invoice, any remainder of the deposit shall be refunded. Any fees in excess of the deposit shall be paid by the applicant. Type II Permit, appeal of Hearing Examiner’s appeal decision Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. Type III permit, appeal of Hearing Examiner’s decision Superior Court Appeals and any associated fees go directly to Superior Court. Page 49 of 157 16 G. Hearing Examiner Fees. Hearing Examiner fees (excluding appeals to the Hearing Examiner) shall be the Hearing Examiner’s actual costs, plus an administrative fee. Fees and deposits are required to be paid when the application is submitted. Hearing examiner fees will be secured from the deposited amount and any remainder shall be refunded to the applicant at the end of the appeal period. Hearing Examiner fees in excess of the deposit amount will be billed to the applicant, and preliminary approval of the project will be conditioned subject to payment of outstanding Hearing Examiner fees. TABLE 25: Type Amount TYPE III Hearing, Administrative fee $250 (non-refundable) Type III Hearing, deposit $3,000 deposit Appeal fee, for appeal of Hearing Examiner decision See Table 24. Appeal Fees Appeal fee, for appeals to the Hearing Examiner See Table 24. Appeal Fees. H. Other Fees. TABLE 26: Other Fees Electronic documents on digital storage media or devices Actual cost Photocopies, 8 ½ x 11 $0.15 per page Community Development Maps, 24” x 36”, color $9 each Public Notice signs Actual cost + 25% Mailing fee for Developer’s issued permit package USPS Priority Flat Rate + 25% Technology Fee, for each permit application entered in the electronic permitting system. $10 (non-refundable) Refund, deduction calculation $75 per hour, staff time Recording fees for permit-related documents recorded with the Kitsap County Auditor Actual Cost Posted Stop Work $65 for each occurrence (not charged when a Work Without a Permit penalty is required at the same time) Notary Service $10 per stamp Page 50 of 157 17 Building Valuation Data – February 2020 Important Points • The BVD is not intended to apply to alterations or repairs to existing buildings. Because the scope of alterations or repairs to an existing building varies so greatly, the Square Foot Construction Costs table does not reflect accurate values for that purpose. However, the Square Foot Construction Costs table can be used to determine the cost of an addition that is basically a stand-alone building which happens to be attached to an existing building. In the case of such additions, the only alterations to the existing building would involve the attachment of the addition to the existing building and the openings between the addition and the existing building. • The Square Foot Construction Cost does not include the price of the land on which the building is built. The Square Foot Construction Cost takes into account everything from foundation work to the roof structure and coverings but does not include the price of the land. The cost of the land does not affect the cost of related code enforcement activities and is not included in the Square Foot Construction Cost. Square Foot Construction Costs a, b, c, d Group (2015 International Building Code) IA IB IIA IIB IIIA IIIB IV VA VB A-1 Assembly, theaters, with stage 247.86 239.47 233.25 223.81 210.17 204.10 216.62 195.46 188.40 A-1 Assembly, theaters, without stage 227.10 218.71 212.49 203.05 189.41 183.34 195.86 174.70 167.65 A-2 Assembly, nightclubs 191.96 186.56 182.12 174.70 164.94 160.39 168.64 149.29 144.33 A-2 Assembly, restaurants, bars, banquet halls 190.96 185.56 180.12 173.70 169.94 159.39 167.64 147.29 143.33 A-3 Assembly, churches 229.69 221.30 215.08 205.64 192.37 187.27 198.45 177.66 170.60 A-3 Assembly, general, community halls, libraries, museums 192.20 183.81 176.59 168.15 153.51 148.44 160.96 138.80 132.75 A-4 Assembly, arenas 226.10 217.71 210.49 202.05 187.41 182.34 194.86 172.70 166.65 B Business 200.26 192.96 186.54 177.38 161.90 155.84 170.40 142.43 136.08 E Educational 209.90 202.64 196.82 188.34 175.49 166.60 181.86 153.45 148.75 F-1 Factory and industrial, moderate hazard 117.60 112.19 105.97 101.84 91.54 87.26 97.61 75.29 70.95 F-2 Factory and industrial, low hazard 116.60 111.19 105.97 100.84 91.54 86.26 96.61 75.29 69.95 H-1 High Hazard, explosives 109.99 104.58 99.35 94.22 85.14 79.87 89.99 68.89 0.00 H234 High Hazard 109.99 104.58 99.35 94.22 85.14 79.87 89.99 68.89 63.56 H-5 HPM 200.26 192.96 186.54 177.38 161.90 155.84 170.40 142.43 136.08 I-1 Institutional, supervised environment 197.83 191.05 185.12 177.91 163.28 158.81 178.06 146.98 142.33 I-2 Institutional, hospitals 335.53 328.23 321.81 312.65 296.45 0.00 305.67 276.99 0.00 I-2 Institutional, nursing homes 233.12 225.82 219.40 210.24 195.51 0.00 203.26 176.05 0.00 I-3 Institutional, restrained 227.71 220.41 213.99 204.83 190.84 183.78 197.85 171.63 163.02 I-4 Institutional, day care facilities 197.83 191.05 185.12 177.91 163.28 158.81 178.06 146.98 142.33 M Mercantile 142.95 137.54 132.11 125.68 115.38 111.83 119.62 99.73 95.77 R-1 Residential, hotels 199.70 192.92 186.99 179.78 164.90 160.43 179.93 148.60 143.96 Page 51 of 157 18 R-2 Residential, multiple family 167.27 160.48 154,56 147.35 133.71 129.23 147.50 117.40 112.76 R-3 Residential, one- and two-family 155.84 151.61 147.83 144.09 138.94 135.27 141.72 130.04 122.46 R-4 Residential, care/assisted living facilities 197.83 191.05 185.12 177.91 163.28 158.81 178.06 146.98 142.33 S-1 Storage, moderate hazard 108.99 103.58 97.35 93.22 83.14 78.87 88.99 66.89 62.56 S-2 Storage, low hazard 107.99 102.58 97.35 92.22 83.14 77.87 87.99 66.89 61.56 U Utility, miscellaneous 84.66 79.81 74.65 71.30 64.01 59.80 68.04 50.69 48.30 a. Private Garages use Utility, miscellaneous b. Unfinished basements (all use group) = $15.00 per sq. ft. c. For shell only buildings deduct 20 percent d. N.P. = not permitted Page 52 of 157 RESOLUTION NO. 045.18 A RESOLUT ON OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 030.17 AND ESTABLISHING FEE SCHEDULES FOR THE DEPARTMENTS OF COMMUN TY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard is responsible for implementing land use regulations, planning and public works requirements, administering the building code, and other administrative duties; and WHEREAS, there are costs associated with the implementation of city regulations and policies; and WHEREAS, the City's current Community Development and Public Works Departments administrative fees were adopted in May 2OL7 as set forth in Resolution No. 030-17; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it in the best interest of the City of Port Orchard to periodically review and update the City's administrative fees, now, therefore; THE CITY COUNC L OF THE C TY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASH NGTON HEREBY RESOTVES AS FOLLOWS: 1. Resolution No. 030-17 is hereby repealed in its entirety. 2. The fees that will be charged by the Community Development and Public Works Departments for the specified services are listed in Exhibit"A". 3. Fees not listed in Exhibit "A" will be determined by the City Council. 4. The fees listed in Exhibit "A" shall take effect on October 15, 2018. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 25th day of September 2018. Robert nsuu, Mayor ATTEST: Brandy Rinearsofl, MMC, City Clerk Page 53 of 157 1 Exhibit A to Resolution 046-18 A. General 1. No permit shall be issued, application accepted, service provided, or appeal filed without payment of the applicable fee set forth below. 2. References to the director refer to the director of the Department of Community Development or his/her designee. 3. When an application includes the submittal of special reports and/or plans such as habitat management plans, geotechnical reports, or traffic impact analyses requiring review beyond the capabilities of city staff, the applicant shall be required to pay the actual cost of 3rd party review by qualified consultants under contract with the city. Upon determining that 3rd party review of special reports or plans is required, the city will obtain a fee estimate from its consultant and provide that estimate to the applicant and request payment to the city. 4. Some projects require more than one permit. In some cases a project will require the payment of numerous fees from the tables below. 5. Each building, plumbing, mechanical, planning and land use, and public works permit/department review fee shall be assessed a technology fee surcharge of $10.00 to cover the cost of the purchase and ongoing maintenance of the City’s SMARTGov permitting system which was put into use in November of 2014. No technology fee refund shall be issued once the permit/review has been entered into the system. 6. No inspections, including final inspections, will be scheduled or performed until all outstanding fees are paid. 7. Refunds: The hourly rate used to calculate a deduction to a refund shall be $75 per hour. a. Building Permit fees: Refunds shall be issued at an amount equal to the permit fee less actual time and materials spent on the project; provided no refund shall exceed 80% of the initial permit fee for a permit that was issued by the City. If the permit fee was paid and a refund was requested prior to permit issuance, 100% of the permit fee may be refunded. b. Plan Review Fees: If an application is withdrawn, cancelled or returned prior to issuing a building permit, a refund shall be issued to an amount equal to the plan review fee less actual time and materials spent on the project, provided no refund shall exceed 80% of the plan review fee. Plan review fees are non-refundable once the plan review has been completed or if the permit has been issued. c. Other Permit/Application fees: Refunds for Land Use permits and other permit application types may be authorized by the director. Refunds shall be issued at an amount equal to the permit fee less actual time and materials spent on the project; provided no refund shall exceed 80% of the initial permit fee. 8. All recording fees for approvals issued by the city shall be paid by the applicant. B. Building, Plumbing, and Mechanical Fee Policies 1. Failure to pay established fees may result in one or more of the following: • Per Section 109.4 of the IBC, any person who commences any work on a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to an additional fee equal to the required permit cost in addition to the underlying permit costs. Page 54 of 157 2 • No temporary or final certificate of occupancy will be approved or issued for a project with any outstanding fees on any permit associated with the project. 2. Some signs require a building permit in addition to a land use (sign) permit. In these instances, the permit fees are additive meaning that an applicant may be required to obtain a sign permit and a building permit. 3. Minor revisions to plans which were previously reviewed and approved by the city shall be reviewed at a cost of $75 per hour with a minimum of 1 hour billed. 4. Valuation for Table 1 shall be determined using the IBC Building Valuation Data Table (BVD) (currently the August 2016 table as attached hereto) except as noted in the BVD Table and when otherwise noted in Tables 2 and 3. 5. Per 2015 IBC 109.3, the applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated construction value at the time of application. The amount shall be rounded up to the next whole dollar. The amount shall include the fair market value of any donated, contributed or found labor and/or materials. Construction value calculated on 100 square feet shall be rounded up to the next 100 square feet for any portion thereof. 6. Single family home builders who wish to reuse a plan set to construct more than one home using the same plan set may do so by utilizing a “basic plan” review process. When an applicant wishes to establish a basic plan set for reuse, the plans shall initially be reviewed upon payment of the city’s standard plan review fee. Once plan review is complete and if the City finds that the plans conform to the requirements of the Building Code, the plans shall be approved as a basic plan set and marked as such for reuse. For each use of the plan, the applicant shall pay a reduced plan review fee as established in Table 3 in lieu of the full plan review fee. The use of an approved basic plan set shall have no effect on the building permit fee (only the building permit plan review fee). Plans may not be reused if the city’s building code has been updated unless the plans have been re-reviewed (upon payment of the full plan review fee) and approved for conformance with the updated building code. TABLE 1: Total Valuation FEES (Permit Fee = 100% Plan Review Fee = 65%) $1 to $500 $36.00 $501 to $2,000 $36.00 for the first $500 plus $4.00 for each additional $100, or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $2,001 to $25,000 $96.00 for the first $2,000 plus $17.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $487.00 for the first $25,000 plus $12.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $787.00 for the first $50,000 plus $9.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $1,237.00 for the first $100,000 plus $7.00 for each additional $1000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $4,037.00 for the first $500,000 plus $6.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 $1,000,001 and up $7,037.00 for the first $1,000,000 plus $5.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof TABLE 2: Page 55 of 157 3 Residential Single Family Building Permit Type Amount Unit of Measure Finish an existing basement $82.95 square foot Conversion of an existing garage to residential space $59.79 square foot New, repair, or alteration or addition to deck, uncovered $13.04 square foot New Foundation only or under existing structure $13.04 square foot New garage, shed, barn, or pole building (attached or detached) $38.16 square foot Covered porch, covered deck; new, alteration, repair, or cover added $21.07 square foot New, remodel, or repairs to freestanding roof structures and carports, other than porch or deck $21.07 square foot Residential Interior Remodel $19.67 square foot TABLE 3: Miscellaneous: Building Permit Code Amount Unit of Measure Shoreline bulkhead walls $118 Per Linear Foot Demolition $65 Each Fences over 6 feet in height $11.74 Per Linear Foot Retaining walls $19.67 Per Linear Foot Re-inspection $65 Each Fire Alarm, new or alterations to existing Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Fire Sprinkler, new or alterations to existing Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Fire Suppression System Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Tank: Underground or Above Ground, Installation or Removal Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Temporary Tent & Membrane Structures $65 Each Pyrotechnics Special Effects $65 Each Page 56 of 157 4 Roof : Hot Mop/Cold Mop (flat roof) Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $90 per 100 SQ FT Roof: Composition, Metal Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $70 per 100 SQ FT Roof: Wood Shake Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $140 per 100 SQ FT Roof: Concrete, Tile, Slate Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $140 per 100 SQ FT Roof: Torch Down Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Calculate construction value at $90 per 100 SQ FT Residential Misc. Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Commercial Tenant Improvement and Misc. Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Tenant Certificate of Occupancy for new business; All other C of O included in building permit fee. $65 Each Revised Certificate of Occupancy for business name or ownership change, or property ownership change. $50 Each Manufactured or mobile home placed on lot or first time placement in MH park $130 Each Manufactured or mobile home replacement in MH park $65 Each Expired Permit Reactivation, no plan changes 50% of original fee Posted Stop Work $65 Each occurrence Sign (when a building permit is required) Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Carport or Canopy, pre-fab kit installation $100 Each Siding or Re-siding Apply Construction Calculate construction Page 57 of 157 5 Value to Table 1 value at $70 per 100 SQ FT Solar energy/photovoltaic panel system roof mounted install per WAC 51- 51-2300 Sec. M2302 $135 Each Single Family Residential plan review using a basic plan on a site specific lot $225 Each Windows or Doors Apply Construction Value to Table 1 Construction value (contract price or materials x 2) Plumbing Permit Fees Plumbing permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 4 and 5 below. TABLE 4: Commercial Plumbing Permit Fees Commercial Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee Applied to All Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Backflow protective device 2 inches or less $9.80 Each Backflow protective device larger than 2 inches $15.00 Each Clothes Washing Machine $9.80 Each Dish Washer $9.80 Each Drainage Pipe or Vent Pipe Repair or Alteration $9.80 Each Drinking Fountain $9.80 Each Floor Drain $9.80 Each Hose Bibbs, each $1.00 Each Industrial/Sand Oil Interceptor $9.80 Each Grease Interceptor $9.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler System with Backflow Device $9.80 Each Medical Equipment / Kidney Machine $9.80 Each Medical Gas, each additional outlet in excess of first 5 $5.00 Each Medical gas system up to 5 outlets $50.00 Each Misc. Plumbing fixtures on one trap $9.80 Each Roof Drain $9.80 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop, or Bar Sink) $9.80 Each Floor Sink and /or Indirect Waste $9.80 Each Multi - Compartment Sink $9.80 Each Shampoo Sink w/interceptor $9.80 Each Toilet, Water Closet, Bidet, or Urinal $9.80 Each Tub and/or Shower $9.80 Each Water Heater $9.80 Each Water Pipe Repair and/or Alteration $9.80 Each Other $9.80 Each Exterior underground water line, repair or replace $50.00 Each Exterior underground sewer line, repair or replace $50.00 Each Page 58 of 157 6 TABLE 5: Residential Plumbing Permit Fees Residential Plumbing Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee applied to all Plumbing Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Clothes Washer $7.00 Each Dishwasher $7.00 Each Floor Drain $7.00 Each Hose Bibb $1.00 Each Hot Tub $14.80 Each Lawn Sprinkler with backflow preventer $7.00 Each Sink (Lavatory, Kitchen, Mop) $7.00 Each Tub with or without shower, or shower $7.00 Each Toilet, Bidet or Urinal $7.00 Each Water Heater $7.00 Each Other $7.00 Each Exterior underground water line, repair or replace $50.00 Each Exterior underground sewer line, repair or replace $50.00 Each Mechanical Permit Fees Mechanical permit fees shall be calculated using the commercial and residential schedules in Tables 6 and 7 below. TABLE 6: Commercial Mechanical Permit Fees Commercial Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Mechanical Permit Base Fee $23.50 Flat Fee Air-Handling Unit < 10,000 CFM $14.80 Each Air-Handling Unit > 10,000 CFM $18.10 Each Class 1 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Class 2 Hood & Duct Systems $10.65 Each Clothes Dryer with exhaust $10.65 Each Compressors $14.70 Each Cook stove with exhaust $10.65 Each Ducting Change without New Furnace $13.70 Each Evaporative Coolers, permanently installed $10.65 Each Fan for Bath and/or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting < 100,000 btu $14.80 Each Commercial Furnace & Ducting > 100,000 btu $18.20 Each Combo Gas pipe / Water Heater / Furnace $35.45 Each Fuel System Outlets in excess of the first 4 $2.00 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, OIL (first 4 outlets) $10.65 Each Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Mechanical System Pumps (Misc.) $10.65 Each Radiant Heat Units (wall, ceiling, floor, recessed, etc.) $10.65 Each Unit Heater Suspended or Floor Mount $14.80 Each Gas Water Heater Vent & Combustion Air $10.65 Each Page 59 of 157 7 Propane tank over 2000 gallons $10.65 Each TABLE 7: Residential Mechanical Permit Fees Residential Mechanical Fixtures Fee Per Base Fee applied to all Mechanical Permits $23.50 Flat Fee Bath Fan and or Exhaust Fan $7.25 Each Clothes Dryer w/exhaust $10.65 Each Cook Stove w/exhaust $10.65 Each Furnace Electric / Heat Pump/AC +/- ducting $14.80 Each Fireplace - Gas or Gas log inserts $12.00 Each Fireplace - Wood or Wood Stove $12.00 Each Furnace Propane +/-Ducting $14.80 Each Gas WH Vent and Combustion Air $10.65 Each Fuel Pipe System LPG, Natural Gas, Oil $10.00 Each Heater, Wall or Baseboard $10.65 Each Misc. Mechanical Equipment $10.65 Each Furnace Natural Gas +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Propane Furnace +/- Ducting $14.80 Each Propane Fuel Tank Under 2000 Gallons $10.65 Each Generator $10.65 Each C. Planning and Land Use Fees The planning and land use permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. Fees are based on an hourly rate of $75.00. TABLE 8: Subdivision Short Subdivision, Preliminary $1,100 Short Subdivision, Final $600 Short Subdivision, Preliminary Amendment or Alteration $500 Short Subdivision, Final, Vacation or Alteration $500 Preliminary Subdivision Plats 5-20 lots $2,000 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Preliminary Subdivisions Plats 21+ Lots $2,000 + $50 Per Lot plus Hearing Examiner Fee Planned Residential Development Review per POMC 20.34.200 $500 plus associated Preliminary Subdivision Plat Fee Minor Modifications to a Preliminary Plat $500 Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 5- 20 lots $2,000 plus Hearing Examiner fees Major Modifications to a Preliminary Plat, 21+ lots $2,000 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Boundary Line Adjustment $200 Final Plat $1,000 + 50 Per Lot Page 60 of 157 8 Final Plat, vacation or alteration $1,000 + $50 per lot plus Hearing Examiner fees Preliminary Binding Site Plan $1,100 Preliminary Binding Site Plan, Alteration $500 Final Binding Site Plan $600 Final Binding Site Plan, Alteration or Vacation $500 TABLE 9: SEPA Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Non-Project Checklist Review and Threshold Determination $300 Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. Environmental Impact Statement Review Actual Cost, See SEPA Ord. SEPA Appeal Fee* $450 TABLE 10: Shoreline Permits Administrative Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $600 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $900 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Shoreline Exemption (Letter) $150 Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $600 Shoreline Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Administrative Shoreline Variance $600 TABLE 11: Land Use Permits Administrative Conditional Use Permit $600 Conditional Use Permit $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Critical Areas Exemption Request $75 Rezone (without Comp Plan Amendment) $1,275plus Hearing Examiner fee Temporary Use Permit $150 Temporary Use Permit Extension $150 Variance Administrative $600 Page 61 of 157 9 Variance $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner Fee Variance, View Protection Overlay District $1,275 plus Hearing Examiner fee View Protection Overlay District Exemption $100 TABLE 12: Other Review Request for a statement of restrictions per RCW 35.21.475 $75 Administrative Interpretation (POMC 23.40.030) $75 minimum, an additional deposit may be required if city attorney review is required, any city attorney expenses related to an application for an administrative application shall be paid by the applicant prior to issuance of a decision Pre-Application Meeting $150 (100% is credited to a land use application if filed within 12 months) Development Agreements $1,000 Deposit, which will be applied to the city’s costs including city attorney fees regardless of whether a development agreement is approved Comp Plan Amendment (Text) $500 Comp Plan Amendment (Map) $1,875 Forest Practices Application (Local Approval) $300 Landscape Plan Review Minor $225 Landscape Plan Review Major (Subdivisions with more than 20 lots, Developments larger than 20,000 square feet in area) $600 Other Appeal Fee* $450 Tax Abatement Exemption Application $1,500.00 Zoning Verification Letter $75 * Any appeal statement must be filed on the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal, together with a certified check in the amount of the appeal fee (which shall include the fee set forth in the fee Resolution, plus the hearing examiner's fees charged to the City on the appeal), which appeal fee shall be returned to the appellant if the decision of the City is not sustained by the hearing examiner. If the hearing examiner sustains the decision, the appeal fee will be applied to any fees charged by the hearing examiner on the decision or appeal. If the City Council is the decision- maker on the appeal, only the appeal fee shall be charged. If any appellant believes that the payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship, it shall submit a request for an appeal waiver with the appeal statement on or before the deadline established in the City's code relating to the specific appeal. This request for an appeal waiver shall describe the appellant's financial situation and why payment of the appeal fee creates a financial hardship. As an example, the appellant may provide evidence that the appellant resides in a low-income household, which would include a single person, family or unrelated persons living together, whose adjusted income is less than eighty percent of the median family income, adjusted for household size, for Kitsap County. Signs Permits Page 62 of 157 10 Signs may also require a building permit. See B.4 and Table 3. TABLE 13: Sign Permits A-Board Sign $25 Permanent Sign $50 Comprehensive Sign Plan (Sign Program) $500 Placement of WSDOT directional sign $75 Books/Maps/Optical Discs/Other TABLE 14: Books/Maps/Optical Discs/Other Copies of Codes and Standards on Disc $5 Photocopies 11x17 and smaller (in house copying); Refer to POMC 1.18.070 for public records requests $0.15 per page black and white or $1 per page color Map Scanning if above 11x17 $3 Print Jobs on Plotter $3 per linear foot or portion thereof (36" width) In house binding of documents (plastic spine) (which are also printed in house) $15 In house binding of documents (3 ring binder) (which are also printed in house) $10 GIS Data and Custom Maps $75 per hour to produce, minimum 1 hour Public Notice signs Actual cost + 25% Mailing fee for Developer’s issued permit package USPS Priority Flat Rate + 25% D. Public Works Department Fees The Public Works Department permit fees listed in the tables below shall be paid at the time an application is submitted to the city unless otherwise specified. TABLE 15: Public Works Department Permits and Fees Public Works Cost Note Minor Land Disturbing Activity Review and Permit (disturbances of less than 1,000 square feet) $50 No more than one minor LDAP may be issued for the same property (parcel and/or address) in any 365 day period. Land Disturbing Activity Permit Plan Review $100 for the first acre of disturbance + $25 for each additional acre of Disturbance above 1 acre. Area to be rounded up to (Paid at the time of application submittal – covers Land Disturbing Activity plan review costs). Acres of Page 63 of 157 11 the next higher acre. $100 minimum fee. disturbance should be rounded to the nearest acre. Land Disturbing Activity Permit $100 for the first acre of disturbance + $50 for each additional acre of Disturbance above 1 acre. Area to be rounded up to the next higher acre. $100 minimum fee. (Paid at time of permit issuance – covers Land Disturbing inspection costs). Acres of disturbance rounded to the nearest acre. Stormwater Drainage Permit Plan Review $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be constructed + $25 for each additional 3,000 square feet or fraction thereof of hard surface to be constructed. $100 minimum fee. (Paid at the time of application submittal – covers hard surface and stormwater improvement plan review costs). Stormwater Drainage Permit $100 for the first 3,000 square feet of new and replaced hard surface to be constructed + $50 for each additional 3,000 square feet or fraction thereof of hard surface to be constructed. $100 minimum fee. Stormwater Drainage Permit (Paid at time of permit issuance – covers hard surface and stormwater inspection costs) Street Use Permit Application Fee $50 Street Signs (provided by the city) Actual Cost +25% Plan Revision Review to Approved Permit Drawings $100 Per hour of required plan review. Latecomer Agreement Review Fee $500 Deposit The applicant shall pay the actual fee, including city attorney costs, for preparing the latecomer agreement ROW Permit (Includes the first 100 Linear Feet of excavation / trenching) $50 ROW excavation / trenching, for every 300 Linear Feet or portion thereof after the first 100 Lin. Ft. $10 Work without a Permit - Penalty Permit fee is doubled Violator must obtain the required permit and pay twice the normal permit fee TABLE 16: Street Vacations Street Vacation Petition Fee $120 Page 64 of 157 12 Street Vacation Appraisal Fee (Refundable Deposit) $500 Deposit, Petitioner shall pay the actual cost of the appraisal. TABLE 17: Impact Fee Deferrals (POMC 20.182.110(4)) Application for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum Lien release for Impact Fee Deferral $300 minimum TABLE 18: Residential Parking Permits Residential Parking Permit $10 Replacement Parking Permit $5 Temporary Residential Parking Permit $10 Bed and Breakfast Parking Permit $10 TABLE 19: Concurrency Review (POMC 20.180) 1. Concurrency (Capacity Reservation Certificate) applications fees shall be based on the following table. Each type of application (Transportation, Water, or Sewer) shall include payment of an application fee (A) plus any consultant fees charged to the city (B or C) for concurrency review as applicable. Type of Review A Application Fee (also the total review fee for applications reviewed in house by the City) B Review Performed by Consultant – Application submitted after a scope and fee has been obtained C Review Performed by Consultant – Application submitted prior to obtaining scope and fee (Deposit) Transportation $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City’s Consultant. $1000 Deposit, the actual fee for concurrency review to be paid by the applicant Water $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City’s Consultant. $1000 Deposit, the actual fee for concurrency review to be paid by the applicant Sewer $150 The applicant shall pay the amount shown in the scope and fee provided by the City’s Consultant. $1000 Deposit, the actual fee for concurrency review to be paid by the applicant 2. The Director of Public Works shall make all determinations as to whether an application be reviewed by the city or be sent to the consultant for review. 3. When a deposit is required pursuant to the above table, the deposit shall be applied to the actual fee incurred by the city. Any balance owed shall be paid prior to the issuance of a concurrency certificate. E. Fire District Review and Inspection Fees. Page 65 of 157 13 A surcharge on the permit types identified in Tables 20 - 24 shall be collected if Fire District review and/or inspections take place. The minimum fee shall be $100 except where specified in the tables. The fee shall be paid at the time the permit is issued unless otherwise specified. TABLE 20: BUILDING PERMITS Type Amount Commercial Addition $150 New Commercial Building $400 Tenant Certificate of Occupancy $75 New Cell Tower $150 Commercial or Government Miscellaneous $150 Minor Tenant Improvement: for projects with a construction value under $6,000 $75 Major Tenant Improvement: for projects with a construction value of $6,000 or higher $250 Demolition $75 Commercial Waterfront $150 New Residential: Single family, ADU, Duplex $100 New Multi-family: Triplex and above $250 Residential Certificate of Occupancy $75 Other Permit Types with Flat Fees $100 TABLE 21: FIRE CODE PERMITS Type Amount Fire Alarm $400 Fire Sprinkler $400 Fire Suppression System $400 Temporary Tent or Membrane Structure $400 Tank Install $400 Tank Decommission $400 High Pile Storage $400 Fire Code permit projects which are identified as highly complex shall be reviewed by a consultant under contract services. In addition to the fee listed above, the consultant fee shall be paid by the applicant and is due when the permit is issued. TABLE 22: Page 66 of 157 14 LAND USE PERMITS Type Amount Boundary Line Adjustment $250 Conditional Use Permit $250 Preliminary Plat or alteration of $250 Final Plat or alteration of $250 Final Binding Site Plan or alteration of $250 Shoreline: Substantial Development, Conditional Use, Variance $250 Short Plat: Preliminary or Final $250 Variance $250 Comprehensive Plan Amendment $250 Zone Reclassification (Rezone) $250 TABLE 23: PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS Type Amount Land Disturbance Activity Permit and/or Stormwater Drainage Permit (This fee shall not be charged more than once per project if the permits are issued simultaneously) $250 Right-of-Way $75 Other Permit Types with flat fees $100 TABLE 24: OTHER Type Amount Formal Pre-Application Conference (not credited towards a future application fee) $150 Cabaret License $100 Carnival License $100 Event Permit $100 Liquor or Marijuana License $100 Pawn Broker $100 Street Use Permit Application fee $50 Page 67 of 157 15 Building Valuation Data – February 2018 Important Points • The BVD is not intended to apply to alterations or repairs to existing buildings. Because the scope of alterations or repairs to an existing building varies so greatly, the Square Foot Construction Costs table does not reflect accurate values for that purpose. However, the Square Foot Construction Costs table can be used to determine the cost of an addition that is basically a stand-alone building which happens to be attached to an existing building. In the case of such additions, the only alterations to the existing building would involve the attachment of the addition to the existing building and the openings between the addition and the existing building. • The Square Foot Construction Cost does not include the price of the land on which the building is built. The Square Foot Construction Cost takes into account everything from foundation work to the roof structure and coverings but does not include the price of the land. The cost of the land does not affect the cost of related code enforcement activities and is not included in the Square Foot Construction Cost. Square Foot Construction Costs a, b, c, d Group (2015 International Building Code) IA IB IIA IIB IIIA IIIB IV VA VB A-1 Assembly, theaters, with stage 239.41 231.54 226.03 216.67 203.74 197.86 209.82 186.11 179.13 A-1 Assembly, theaters, without stage 219.07 211.20 205.68 196.33 183.65 177.76 189.48 166.01 159.03 A-2 Assembly, nightclubs 188.23 182.77 178.14 170.93 161.13 156.68 164.92 145.88 140.94 A-2 Assembly, restaurants, bars, banquet halls 187.23 181.77 176.14 169.93 159.13 155.68 163.92 143.88 139.94 A-3 Assembly, churches 220.05 212.18 206.66 197.31 185.99 180.11 190.46 168.36 161.38 A-3 Assembly, general, community halls, libraries, 185.05 177.18 170.67 162.31 148.58 143.75 155.46 131.00 125.02 A-4 Assembly, arenas 218.07 210.20 203.68 195.33 181.65 176.76 188.48 164.01 158.03 B Business 192.02 185.04 179.30 170.56 155.93 150.11 164.01 137.00 131.05 E Educational 197.52 190.73 185.77 177.32 165.32 156.97 171.23 144.39 140.26 F-1 Factory and industrial, moderate hazard 114.08 108.82 102.59 98.59 88.51 84.45 94.44 74.21 69.43 F-2 Factory and industrial, low hazard 113.08 107.82 102.59 97.59 88.51 83.45 93.44 74.21 68.43 H-1 High Hazard, explosives 106.73 101.48 96.25 91.25 82.38 77.32 87.10 68.08 0.00 H234 High Hazard 106.73 101.48 96.25 91.25 82.38 77.32 87.10 68.08 62.30 H-5 HPM 192.02 185.04 179.30 170.56 155.93 150.11 164.01 137.00 131.05 I-1 Institutional, supervised environment 191.30 184.81 179.46 171.90 158.36 154.06 171.99 141.86 137.45 I-2 Institutional, hospitals 321.25 314.27 308.52 299.78 284.17 0.00 293.24 265.24 0.00 I-2 Institutional, nursing homes 222.99 216.01 210.27 201.52 187.89 0.00 194.98 168.96 0.00 I-3 Institutional, restrained 218.28 211.30 205.55 196.81 183.43 176.62 190.27 164.50 156.55 I-4 Institutional, day care facilities 191.30 184.81 179.46 171.90 158.36 154.06 171.99 141.86 137.45 M Mercantile 140.27 134.81 129.18 122.96 112.68 109.23 116.95 97.44 93.50 R-1 Residential, hotels 193.08 186.60 181.24 173.68 159.89 155.58 173.77 143.39 138.97 R-2 Residential, multiple family 161.95 155.46 150.10 142.54 129.52 125.22 142.64 113.02 108.61 R-3 Residential, one- and two-family 151.10 146.99 143.20 139.61 134.50 130.95 137.27 125.85 118.45 R-4 Residential, care/assisted living facilities 191.30 184.81 179.46 171.90 158.36 154.06 171.99 141.86 137.45 S-1 Storage, moderate hazard 105.73 100.48 94.25 90.25 80.38 76.32 86.10 66.08 61.30 S-2 Storage, low hazard 104.73 99.48 94.25 89.25 80.38 75.32 85.10 66.08 60.30 U Utility, miscellaneous 83.66 79.00 74.06 70.37 63.47 59.32 67.24 50.19 47.80 a. Private Garages use Utility, miscellaneous b. Unfinished basements (all use group) = $15.00 per sq. ft. Page 68 of 157 16 c. For shell only buildings deduct 20 percent d. N.P. = not permitted Page 69 of 157 Page 70 of 157 Page 71 of 157 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7D Meeting Date: August 18, 2020 Subject: Adoption of a Resolution Approving Prepared by: K. Chris Hammer, P.E. a Contract with Pape and Sons Assistant City Engineer Construction for the Maple Avenue Atty Routing No.: Public Works – Matter 9 Water Main Project Atty Review Date: August 12, 2020 Summary: The City identified the need to replace an existing 6 inch AC water main with a new 14” HDPE water main on Maple Avenue to provide for the transmission of water from the Well #13 site to lower zones of the water system (the “Maple Avenue Project”). Staff prepared a request for bids, and on July 10 and July 17, 2020, the City’s Public Works Department advertised for bids in the Port Orchard Independent, the Kitsap Sun, the Daily Journal of Commerce, and on the City’s Webpage. The request for bid package was also uploaded to the Washington Builder’s Exchange. Between July 29 and August 5, 2020, two (2) Addenda were issued and published in the Washington Builder’s Exchange. On the August 6, 2020 Bid Due Date, at 11:30 AM, the City opened the six (6) Sealed Bids timely submitted for the Maple Avenue Project. In general summary, the Sealed Bids received (applicable tax included) ranged from the apparent low of $1,272,629.50 to the apparent high of $1,709,166.87, with the Engineers Estimate at $1,257,655.08. After reviewing the Bid Proposals, Staff determined that Pape and Sons Construction provided the lowest responsive and qualified Bid Proposal of $1,272,629.50 for the Maple Avenue Water Main Project. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: Consistent with Chapter 7 - Utilities. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 025-20, thereby approving Contract No. C058-20 with Pape and Sons Construction, Inc in an amount not to exceed $1,272,629.50 (applicable taxes included) for the Maple Avenue Water Main Project. Motion for Consideration: I move to adopt Resolution No. 025-20, thereby approving and authorizing the Mayor to sign Contract No. C058-20 with Pape and Sons Construction, Inc in an amount not to exceed $1,272,629.50 (applicable taxes included) for the Maple Avenue Water Main Project. Fiscal Impact: Funding provided from Water Capital Fund 413. Alternatives: Do not approve; reject all bids and re-bid. Attachments: Resolution and Contract. Page 72 of 157 RESOLUTION NO. 025-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, APPROVING CONTRACT NO. 058-20 WITH PAPE AND SONS CONTRUCTION FOR THE MAPLE AVENUE WATER MAIN PROJECT AND DOCUMENTING THE PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES. WHEREAS, the City desires to replace an existing 6 inch AC water main with a new 14” HDPE water main on Maple Avenue to provide for the transmission of water from the Well #13 site to lower zones of the water system (the “Maple Avenue Project”); and WHEREAS, Staff prepared a request for Bids and on July 10 2020 and July 17, 2020, the City’s Public Works Department advertised for bids in the Port Orchard Independent, the Kitsap Sun, the Daily Journal of Commerce, and on the City’s Webpage, and uploaded the Bid Documents to the Washington Builder’s Exchange, with an August 6, 2020 Bid Due Date; and WHEREAS, between July 29, 2020 and August 5, 2020, the City issued two (2) Addendum and published them in the Washington Builders Exchange; and WHEREAS, by the August 6, 2020, 11:00 AM Bid deadline, the City Clerk received six (6) sealed Bids, and Bids were opened live at 11:30 AM at a zoom meeting, noticed to all plan holders and the public was invited to attend on the City’s website, with Pape and Sons Construction declared the apparent responsive low Bid at the Bid opening; and WHEREAS, after review of the Bids, the City determined that Pape and Sons Construction provided the lowest responsive and qualified Bid Proposal for the Maple Avenue Project; and WHEREAS, the Port Orchard City Council, at the 2015 recommendation of the State Auditor’s Office, wishes to document their selection/procurement process as described above for this particular contract by Resolution; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: It is the intent of the Port Orchard City Council that the recitals set forth above are hereby adopted and incorporated as findings in support of this Resolution. THAT: The City Council approves and authorizes the Mayor to execute Contract No. 025-20 with Pape and Sons Construction, Inc. for the Maple Avenue Water Main Project. THAT: This Resolution shall be take full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. Page 73 of 157 Resolution No. 025-20 Page 2 of 2 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk in authentication of such passage on this 18th day of August 2020. ____________________________________ Robert Putaansuu, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________ Brandy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk Page 74 of 157 Page 75 of 157 Page 76 of 157 Page 77 of 157 Page 78 of 157 Page 79 of 157 Page 80 of 157 Page 81 of 157 Page 82 of 157 Page 83 of 157 Page 84 of 157 Page 85 of 157 Page 86 of 157 Page 87 of 157 Page 88 of 157 Page 89 of 157 Page 90 of 157 Page 91 of 157 Page 92 of 157 Page 93 of 157 Page 94 of 157 Page 95 of 157 Page 96 of 157 Page 97 of 157 Page 98 of 157 Page 99 of 157 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7E Meeting Date: August 18, 2020 Subject Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Prepared by: K. Chris Hammer, P.E. Contract No. 039-18, with BHC Assistant City Engineer Consultants, LLC for the Well No. 13 Atty Routing No: Public Works – Matter 9 Project Atty Review Date: August 12, 2020 Summary: In June 2018, the City Council authorized and the Mayor executed Contract No. C039-18 with BHC Consultants for Well #13 design, permitting, bidding support and contract administration services (the “Well #13 Project”). As a result of that work, the City selected and contracted with Schneider Water Services for a portion of the project. On July 8, 2019, by Change Order No. 1 (for $4,034.70) the Public Works Director directed Schneider Water Services to perform additional drilling from 1700 feet to 2010 feet. On August 5, 2019, by Change Order No. 2 ($42,308.19), the City Council directed Schneider Water Services to increase the well casing by approximately 500 feet. These necessary changes increased the Schneider Water Services construction contract from $1,395,091.00 to $1,976,424.22, and delayed the completion of the drilling work by approximately six (6) months. These changes also necessitated additional consulting services by BHC Consultants and their subconsultants to address design changes and additional construction support services. This additional work was originally included in the call for proposals for the design work of the Well #13 project, but was excluded from the original contract due to the City electing to utilize a phased approach for this Project. For example, to address schedule delays, the City requested BHC Consultants to prepare separate bid packages for the Water transmission main at Maple Avenue, and the building, pump, and treatment at the Well #13 site. The scope was also expanded (consistent with the original call for proposals) to add PRV stations and a seismic alert system. Additional design changes for the work at Maple Avenue (part of the Well #13 Project) were needed for re-routing the water main and archeological monitoring services will be needed during construction. The proposed Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. C039-18 with BHC Consulting reflects the additional costs remaining for the project, after the original contract amount has been utilized. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. C039-18 with BHC Consulting, for the Well #13 Project (Design, Permitting, Bidding Support, and Construction Administration) in an amount not to exceed $337,200.00 (for a total amended contract amount of $1,255,110.00). Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: Chapter 7 – Utilities (Sewer) Page 100 of 157 Staff Report 7E Page 2 of 2 Motion for Consideration: I move to authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 039-18 with BHC Consulting, LLC, for the for the Well #13 Project in an amount not to exceed $337,200.00 (for a total amended contract amount of $1,255,110.00).. Fiscal Impact: The Well#13 Project is estimated to cost approximately $8.2 million. Of this amount 75% is expected to be paid from Water CFC and 25% from Water Rate Revenue: Based on the proportionate share above, the City will the fund the project as follows: ~$6.150 million from Water CFC revenue ~ 2.050 million from Water Rate Revenue The project is funded with a combination of loan proceeds, Water Capital Facility Charges, and Water Rate Revenues. A future budget amendment will be required to fund. Alternatives: Do not approve. Attachments: Amendment No. 1, Contract No. C039-18, and BHC Consulting Change Request (dated 8/4/2020). Page 101 of 157 Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 039-18 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD AGREEMENT WITH BHC CONSULTANTS THIS FIRST AMENDMENT to Contract No. 039-18 (“Amendment”) is made effective as of the 18th day of August, 2020, by and between the City of Port Orchard (“City”), a municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Washington, and BHC Consultants (“Consultant”), a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Washington, located and doing business at 1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98101. WHEREAS, on June 26th, 2018 the City executed Contract No. 039-18for Well #13 design, permitting, bidding support, and construction administration services with BHC Consultants (“Underlying Agreement”); and WHEREAS, additional work was needed during the construction for drilling a new well due to unforeseen underground conditions and the City directed the Consultant to perform these additional services; and WHEREAS, additional services are necessary to deliver the project not addressed in the Underlying Agreement, but within the scope of BHC’s original proposal for the Well #13 Project; and WHEREAS, the Consultant and the City have conferred and agreed to a revised scope of services and negotiated a fee increase and time extension that the City considers to be appropriate; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to memorialize their agreement and so extend the Underlying Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual benefits accruing, it is agreed by and between the parties thereto as follows: 1. The Underlying Agreement between the parties, incorporated by this reference as if herein set forth, is amended in, but only in, the following respect: A. Paragraph 1.A. and Paragraph 2.A. of the Underlying Agreement are modified to add the work described in the attached August 4, 2020 letter from BHC Consultants, which is Attachment 1 to this First Amendment and incorporated herein by this reference. B. Paragraph 4 of the Underlying Agreement is modified as follows: the “time and materials not to exceed” amount is increased by $337,200.00 from $917,910.00 in the underlying agreement to a revised total of $1,255,110.00. C. Paragraph 3 of the Underlying Agreement is modified as follows: This agreement shall terminate on December 31, 2021 unless extended or terminated in writing as provided herein. 2. In all other respects, the Underlying Agreement between the parties shall remain in full force and effect, amended as set forth herein, but only as set forth herein. Page 102 of 157 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this First Amendment on the day and year set forth above. CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON _______________________________ Robert Putaansuu, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: _______________________________ Brandy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________ Charlotte A. Archer, City Attorney BHC CONSULTING, LLC _______________________________ Ron Dorn P.E., President Page 103 of 157 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS Agreement is made effective as of the 26th day of June 2018. by and between the City of Port Orchard, a municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Washington, whose address is: CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON (hereinafter the “CITY”) 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Contact: Mayor Robert Putaansuu Phone: 360.876.4407 Fax: 360.895.9029 And BHC Consultants LLC, a Corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Washington, doing business at: (hereinafter the “CONSULTANT”)BHC Consultants LLC 1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98101 Contact: Charlie Dougherty, P.E.Phone: 206.505.3400 Fax: 206.505.3406 for professional services in connection with the following Project: 2018-2020 Well No. 13 Final Ad Ready Design, Permitting, Bid Support and Construction Administration Services TERMS AND CONDITIONS Services by Consultant.1. Consultant shall perform the services described in the Scope of Work attached to this Agreement as Exhibits "A, A-l, A-2, A-3, B and C." The services performed by the Consultant shall not exceed the Scope of Work without prior written authorization from the City. A. The City may from time to time require changes or modifications in the Scope of Work. Such changes, including any decrease or increase in the amount of compensation, shall be agreed to by the parties and incorporated in written amendments to the Agreement. B. 2.Schedule of Work. Consultant shall perform the services described in the Scope of Work in accordance with the Tasks identified within Exhibits “A, A-l, A-2, A-3, B and C” and the Terms of this Agreement. If delays beyond Consultant's reasonable control occur, the parties will negotiate in good faith to determine whether an extension is appropriate. A. Consultant is authorized to proceed with services upon receipt of a written Notice toB. Proceed. City of Port Orchard and BHC Consultants LLC Public Works Project No. PW2018-0I l Professional Service Agreement Contract No. C039-18 Lighthouse Rev 3/16/20161 of 8 Page 104 of 157 Terms. This Agreement shall commence on June 26. 2018 (“Commencement Date”) and shall terminate July 31.2020 unless extended or terminated in writing as provided herein. 3. 4.Compensation. LUMP SUM. Compensation for these services shall be a Lump Sum of $. TIME AND MATERIALS NOT TO EXCEED. Compensation for these services shall not exceed $917,910.00 without written authorization and will be based on the list of billing rates and reimbursable expenses attached hereto as Exhibit “C.” TIME AND MATERIALS. Compensation for these services shall be on a time and material basis according to the list of billing rates and reimbursable expenses attached hereto as Exhibit □X □ □OTHER. 5.Payment. Consultant shall maintain time and expense records and provide them to the City monthly after services have been performed, along with monthly invoices in a format acceptable to the City for work performed to the date of the invoice. A. All invoices shall be paid by City warrant within sixty (60) days of receipt of a proper invoice. If the City objects to all or any portion of any invoice, it shall so notify the Consultant of the same within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt and shall pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute, and the parties shall immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. B. Consultant shall keep cost records and accounts pertaining to this Agreement available for inspection by City representatives for three (3) years after final payment unless a longer period is required by a third-party agreement. Copies shall be made available on request. C. On the effective date of this Agreement (or shortly thereafter), the Consultant shall comply with all federal and state laws applicable to independent contractors, including, but not limited to, the maintenance of a separate set of books and records that reflect all items of income and expenses of the Consultant’s business, pursuant to Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 51.08.195, as required by law, to show that the services performed by the Consultant under this Agreement shall not give rise to an employer-employee relationship between the parties, which is subject to Title 51 RCW, Industrial Insurance. D. If the services rendered do not meet the requirements of the Agreement, Consultant will correct or modify the work to comply with the Agreement. City may withhold payment for such work until the work meets the requirements of the Agreement. E. Discrimination and Compliance with Laws6. Consultant agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or any other person in the performance of this Agreement because of race, creed, color, national origin,A. City of Port Orchard and BHC Consultants LLC Public Works Project No. PW2018-011 Professional Service Agreement Contract No. CO39-18 Lighthouse Rev 3/16/20162 of 8 Page 105 of 157 marital status, sex, age, disability, or other circumstance prohibited by federal, state, or local law or ordinance, except for a bona fide occupational qualification. Even though the Consultant is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance and details of the work authorized under this Agreement, the work must meet the approval of the City and shall be subject to the City’s general right inspection to secure the satisfactory completion thereof. The Consultant agrees to comply with all federal, state and municipal laws, rules and regulations that are now effective or become applicable within the terms of this Agreement to the Consultant’s business, equipment and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of such operations. B. Consultant shall obtain a City of Port Orchard business license prior to receipt of writtenC. Notice to Proceed. Violation of this Paragraph 6 shall be a material breach of this Agreement and grounds for cancellation, termination, or suspension of the Agreement by City, in whole or in part, and may result in ineligibility for further work for City. D. Relationship of Parties. The parties intend that an independent contractor-client relationship will be created by this Agreement. As the Consultant is customarily engaged in an independently established trade which encompasses the specific service provided to the City hereunder, no agent, employee, representative or sub-consultant of the Consultant shall be or shall be deemed to be the employee, agent, representative or sub-consultant of the City. In the performance of the work, the Consultant is an independent contractor with the ability to control and direct the performance and details of the work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. None of the benefits provided by the City to its employees including, but not limited to, compensation, insurance, and unemployment insurance are available from the City to the employees, agents, representatives or sub­ consultants of the Consultant. The Consultant will be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and for the acts of its agents, employees, representatives and sub-consultants during the performance of this Agreement. The City may, during the term of this Agreement, engage other independent contractors to perform the same or similar work that the Consultant performs hereunder. 7. 8.Suspension and Termination of Agreement Termination without cause. This Agreement may be terminated by the City at any time for public convenience, for the Consultant’s insolvency or bankruptcy, or the Consultant’s assignment for the benefit of creditors. A. Termination with cause. The Agreement may be terminated upon the default of the Consultant and the failure of the Consultant to cure such default within a reasonable time after receiving written notice of the default. B. Rights Upon Termination. With or Without Cause. Upon termination for any reason, all finished or unfinished documents, reports, or other material or work of Consultant pursuant to this Agreement shall be submitted to City, and Consultant shall be entitled to just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed prior to the date of termination, not to exceed the total compensation set forth herein. Consultant shall not be entitled to any reallocation of C. 1. City of Port Orchard and BHC Consultants LLC Public Works Project No. PW2018-011 Professional Service Agreement Contract No. C039-I8 Lighthouse Rev 3/16/20163 of 8 Page 106 of 157 cost, profit or overhead. Consultant shall not in any event be entitled to anticipated profit on work not performed because of such termination. Consultant shall use its best efforts to minimize the compensation payable under this Agreement in the event of such termination. Upon termination, the City may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion, by contract or otherwise. Default. If the Agreement is terminated for default, the Consultant shall not be entitled to receive any further payments under the Agreement until all work called for has been fully performed. Any extra cost or damage to the City resulting from such defaults) shall be deducted from any money due or coming due to the Consultant. The Consultant shall bear any extra expenses incurred by the City in completing the work, including all increased costs for completing the work, and all damage sustained, or which may be sustained by the City by reason of such default. 2. Suspension. The City may suspend this Agreement, at its sole discretion. Any reimbursement for expenses incurred due to the suspension shall be limited to the Consultant's reasonable expenses, and shall be subject to verification. The Consultant shall resume performance of services under this Agreement without delay when the suspension period ends. D. Notice of Termination or Suspension. If delivered to the Consultant in person, termination shall be effective immediately upon the Consultant’s receipt of the City’s written notice or such date as stated in the City’s notice of termination, whichever is later. Notice of suspension shall be given to the Consultant in writing upon one week's advance notice to Consultant. Such notice shall indicate the anticipated period of suspension. Notice may also be delivered to the Consultant at the address set forth in Section 15 herein. E. Standard of Care. Consultant represents and warrants that it has the requisite training, skill and experience necessary to provide the services under this agreement and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities. Services provided by Consultant under this agreement will be performed in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing in similar circumstances. 9. 10. Ownership of Work Product. All data, materials, reports, memoranda, and other documents developed under this Agreement whether finished or not shall become the property of City, shall be forwarded to City at its request and may be used by City as it sees fit. Upon termination of this agreement pursuant to paragraph 8 above, all finished or unfinished documents, reports, or other material or work of the Consultant pursuant to this Agreement shall be submitted to City. Any reuse or modification of such documents, reports or other material or work of the Consultant for purposes other than those intended by the Consultant in its scope of services shall be at the City’s risk and without liability to the Consultant. A. All written information submitted by the City to the Consultant in connection with the services performed by the Consultant under this Agreement will be safeguarded by the Consultant to at least the same extent as the Consultant safeguards like information relating to its own business. If such information is publicly available or is already in Consultant’s possession or known to it, or is rightfully obtained by the Consultant from third parties, the Consultant shall bear no responsibility for its disclosure, inadvertent or otherwise. The Consultant is permitted to disclose any such information to the extent required by law, subpoena or other court order. B. City of Port Orchard and BHC Consultants LLC Public Works Project No. PW2018-011 Professional Service Agreement Contract No. C039-18 Lighthouse Rev 3/16/20164 of 8 Page 107 of 157 Work Performed at the Consultant’s Risk. The Consultant shall take all precautions necessary and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents and sub-consultants in the performance of the work hereunder, and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. All work shall be done at the Consultant’s own risk, and the Consultant shall be responsible for any loss or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held by the Consultant for use in connection with the work. 11. Indemnification. The Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Consultant in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries or damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. 12. This Agreement is Subject to RCW 4.24.115. In the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and Volunteers, the Consultant's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Consultant's negligence. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONSULTANT'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. Insurance. The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, or employees. 13. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. The City shall be named by endorsement as an additional insured under the Consultant’s Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. 2. Workers’ Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington.3. City of Port Orchard and BHC Consultants LLC Public Works Project No. PW2018-0II ProJ'essional Service Agreement Contract No. C039-I8 Lighthouse Rev 3/16/20165 of 8 Page 108 of 157 4. Professional Liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant’s profession. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. 3. Professional Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 policy aggregate limit. 4. Employer’s Liability each accident $1,000,000, Employer’s Liability Disease each employee $1,000,000, and Employer’s Liability Disease - Policy Limit $1,000,000. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability, Professional Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: The Consultant’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Consultant’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. 1. The Consultant’s insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 2. The City will not waive its right to subrogation against the Consultant. The Consultant’s insurance shall be endorsed acknowledging that the City will not waive their right to subrogation. The Consultant’s insurance shall be endorse to waive the right of subrogation against the City, or any self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City. 3. 4.If any coverage is written on a “claims made” basis, then a minimum of a three (3) year extended reporting period shall be included with the claims made policy, and proof of this extended reporting period provided to the City. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Consultant before commencement of the work. City of Port Orchard and BHC Consultants LLC Public Works Project No. PW2018-011 Professional Service Agreement Contract No. C039-18 Lighthouse Rev 3/16/20166 of 8 Page 109 of 157 Assigning or Subcontracting. Consultant shall not assign, transfer, subcontract or encumber any rights, duties, or interests accruing from this Agreement without the express prior written consent of the City, which consent may be withheld in the sole discretion of the City. 14. 15. Notice. Any notices required to be given by the City to Consultant or by Consultant to the City shall be in writing and delivered to the parties at the following addresses: Robert Putaansuu Mayor 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 CONSULTANT BHC Consultants LLC Ron Dorn, P.E. 1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98101 Phone: 360.876.4407 Fax: 360.895.9029 Phone: 206.505.3400 Fax: 206.505.3406 16. Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law. Should any dispute, misunderstanding or conflict arise as to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, the matter shall first be referred to the Mayor, who shall determine the term or provision’s true intent or meaning. The Mayor shall also decide all questions which may arise between the parties relative to the actual services provided or to the sufficiency of the performance hereunder. A. If any dispute arises between the City and the Consultant under any of the provisions of this Agreement which cannot be resolved by the Mayor’s determination in a reasonable time, or if the Consultant does not agree with the Mayor’s decision on a disputed matter, jurisdiction of any resulting litigation shall be filed in Kitsap County Superior Court, Kitsap County, Washington. B. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. In any suit or action instituted to enforce any right granted in this Agreement, the substantially prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorney’s fees from the other party. C. 17. General Provisions. Non-waiver of Breach. The failure of either party to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained herein, or to exercise any option herein contained in one or more instances, shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of said covenants, agreements, or options, and the same shall be in full force and effect. A. Modification. No waiver, alteration, modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and the Consultant. B. Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. If any provision of this Agreement is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or C. City of Port Orchard and BHC Consultants LLC Public Works Project No. PW20I8-011 Professional Service Agreement Contract No. C039-18 Lighthouse Rev 3/16/20167 of 8 Page 110 of 157 unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other provision. Entire Agreement. The written provisions of this Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner whatsoever, the Agreement or the Agreement documents. The entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereunder is contained in this Agreement and the Exhibits attached hereto, which may or may not have been dated prior to the execution of this Agreement. All of the above documents are hereby made a part of this Agreement and form the Agreement document as fully as if the same were set forth herein. Should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, then this Agreement shall prevail. D. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year set forth above. CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON CONSULTANT ftBy: By:Robert Putaarfsuu Mayor Name: Ron Dorn. P.E. Title: President Date:<■Moj'LOlfeDate: Attest: By:Brandy llinearson, CMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 f SEAL^ IUK^tiir City Attorney City of Port Orchard and BHC Consultants LLC Public Works Project No. PW2018-011 Professional Service Agreement Contract No. C039-18 Lighthouse Rev 3/16/2016 8 of 8 Page 111 of 157 EXHIBIT A Exhibit A Scope of Work City of Port Orchard Well 13 Design and Construction Management Services Statement of Understanding This Scope of Work is based on BHC Consultants' (Consultant) understanding of the City of Port Orchard’s (City) needs and requirements for the Well 13 Design and Construction Management Services project (Project). The completed Project will consist of the following elements: • Well 13 Drilling, Water Treatment and Site Improvements. • Transmission Main/PRV Stations. • Maple Avenue Improvements, • PRV Stations. • Construction Management Services. Well No. 13 will serve as a major source of water supply for the City's future. Locating the well adjacent to the Sedgwick Reservoir will allow the City to directly fill the 390 Zone reservoirs, while gravity feeding the 260 Zone through a series of new pressure reducing valve (PRV) stations that will interconnect the adjacent pressure zones. The water transmission main will be constructed above the ravine along the east side of Blackjack Creek, paralleling an existing pipeline, from the south end of the Knights of Pythias Cemetery to a connection point at the Bethel Avenue/Maple Avenue intersection. The transmission main is required to provide additional water conveyance capacity. Due to the unstable nature of sections of the pipeline route, both ravine stabilization and relocation of Maple Avenue near Well No. 6 will be required. The new well will be drilled into the deep aquifer, nominally 1,000 ft. below sea level. In parallel with this Project, the City is also working with the Department of Ecology (DOE) to obtain water rights for the new well by including Well No. 13 as an additional point of withdrawal for Well Nos. 6,7 and 10, allowing these existing wells to be converted to observation and emergency backup wells. Removal of these shallow aquifer wells from service is anticipated to improve base flow recharge to area streams. In addition, the City has also submitted an application to DOE to transfer a pending water right request from Well No. 10 to Well No. 13 to secure additional quantity of water supply, During the previous phase of the project, much of the cultural resource investigations, surveying, and geotechnical investigations were conducted. Preliminary stormwater management design and SEPA documents for the Well 13 site were completed. Draft technical specifications and modified City front end documents for drilling Well 13 were previously prepared by Robinson Noble under an independent contract. This Scope of Work includes finalization of Well 13 drilling technical specifications; permitting, including completion of environmental studies, stormwater management design, and SEPA documents for the transmission main and Maple Avenue improvements; and overall Project preliminary design, final design, and construction administration/construction management services, The facilities will be designed in accordance with the requirements of the Washington State Department of Health (DOH), City standards, applicable noise ordinances, and the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). The Project design will include the following elements: - Well 13 Site o Pump, wellhouse, and site design, with assumed well capacity of 1,000 gpm, o Well 13 water treatment facility, assumed to include hydrogen sulfide and/or metals removal, fluoridation and chlorination. o All structures shall be designed to conform to the 2015IBC including City Amendments. June 19,2018 Pagel of 10 Page 112 of 157 o Instrumentation and Controls. New equipment shall be consistent with similar City equipment. o New fencing around site.o New standby power generator-set and sound attenuating enclosure, in conformance with applicable noise requirements. New generator-set shall be Cummins, pre-selected by City. Enclosure shall be manufacturer standard, and shall provide access to areas of typical maintenance without requiring removal of enclosure. o Pigtail for portable standby power generator-set.o New magnetic flow meter, Manufacturer to be Siemens, Krohne, or City-approved equivalent. o Site lighting. All lights shall be LED. ■ Maple Avenue Relocationo Anticipated stormwater collection system to include ditches and storm drain pipe, system(s) for basic water quality treatment, flow control facility for discharging stormwater into existing downstream system(s), and potential dispersion of stormwater in the fire truck turnaround area. o Stormwater facilities may be located on the former Well No. 6 site or within the right-of-way. The storm drainage system is assumed to connect in one of two places: (1) the existing outlet to Blackjack Creek, located near Kentucky Fried Chicken at the intersection of Bay Street and Maple Avenue; or (2) the existing 24-inch storm drain pipe in Bay Street/Bethel Road. In-depth review and stormwater modeling analysis of the stormwater system in Bay Street/Bethel Road is not included in this scope of work. ■ Water T ransmission Maino 12" ductile iron pipeline, approximately 3,200-feet in length. ■ Ravine Stabilizationo 260-foot long soldier pile wall is proposed to address observed sloughing into Blackjack Creek ravine. - PRV Stationso A total of 3 PRV stations are anticipated. Final location to be determined in consultation with the City using hydraulic model. Work scope and products are detailed in the following section, and include: ■ Well 13 drilling specifications and well driller procurement assistance. ■ Well 13 Well Construction and Testing Report. ■ Topographic survey for two PRV stations (all other survey complete).■ Wetland/waterway Critical Areas and Biological Assessment Reports (transmission main corridor). ■ Final Geotechnical Report (draft report previously submitted). ■ Preliminary Design Memorandum,■ SEPA Checklist and supporting documentation for Water Transmission Main and Maple Avenue Relocation. ■ 60% Design and Final Design Plans and Specifications for City review. ■ Construction Period Services, Scope of Services The work tasks include five components, as applicable: 1) Receivables: elements that will be provided by the City. 2) Work Tasks: tasks that will be completed by the Consultant. 3) Deliverables: the finished product that will be delivered to the City via electronic copy and hard copy. 4) Assumptions: assumptions used to develop each Work Task. 5) Meetings: Consultant team will work to minimize attendees at meetings. Meetings with City staff will be conducted at the City's offices. Task 1 - Project Management Receivables: ■ Comments on Scope of Work and Project Schedule. ■ Invoice format. Page 2 of 10June 19, 2018 Page 113 of 157 Work Tasks: 1.1 Coordination with City: Coordinate with City staff by phone at least every two (2) weeks. 1.2 Status Reports: Provide monthly status reports, monthly schedule updates and invoices. 1.3 Project Team Coordination: Coordinate with project team on weekly basis to review current and upcoming tasks, deliverables and coordination efforts. Deliverables: ■ Monthly status reports with invoices and updated monthly schedule (Adobe pdf format). Assumptions: ■ Project duration of 24 months. Meetings: ■ One (1) scoping meeting. Task 2 - Well 13 Drilling Receivables: ■ Written review comments of site plan and Technical Specifications for drilling of Well 13. Front end documents to be provided by City. ■ Written review comments of drilling plan and well design. ■ Written review comments of Well 13 Construction and Testing Report. Work Tasks: Hydrogeological Services are described in greater detail in Exhibit A-1, Robinson Noble Inc's scope of work for the Well 13 Project. 2.1 Preparation of Bid Documents for Site Clearing and Well Driller (R&N Task A-1) ■ Consultant to provide site plan drawing for City's use in procuring Contractor for site clearing and site preparation, ■ Consultant to review and finalize technical specification for 20-inch well completion, for City's use in procuring well driller services, ■ Consultant to prepare Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) for the well driller contract. ■ Consultant to assist the City in well driller selection, ■ Consultant to attend post-bid kickoff meeting with selected well driller. 2.2 Hydrogeologic Support During Drilling (R&N Task A-2) ■ Phase 1: Well driller to drill a small-bore test/pilot hole to 1,500 feet, with drilling assumed to occur on a 24 hours/day schedule. Hydrogeologist to provide observation, sample collection, coordination and geophysical logging. ■ Phase 2: Well driller to ream pilot hole, install 20-inch casing and well completion. Hydrogeologist to observe reaming, casing placement and sealing, and well completion.2.3 Analysis of Findings; Design of Well 13 (R&N Task A-3) ■ Perform geophysical logging, and define the drilling plan and well and screen design for the production well drilling. 2.4 Completion and Development of Well 13 (R&N Task A-4) ■ Inspect the screen assembly, and provide observation during installation. Limited onsite observation will be performed during well development.2.5 Testing and Analysis of Well 13 (R&N Task A-5) ■ Develop the test design for the step test and constant rate test, provide onsite direction and observation, conduct water quality testing and water-level information (Well 13 and observation wells), and establish reasonable well production capacity. June 19,2018 Page 3 of 10 Page 114 of 157 2.6 Report for Drilling and Testing of Well 13 (R&N Task A-6) ■ Prepare the Well 13 Construction and Testing Report for use in WDOH and WDOE review. 2.7 Water Rights Processing (R&N Task B-1) ■ Provide assistance to the City in presentation of Well 13 results to WDOE, including coordination meetings, technical discussions and support as required. 2.8 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC): ■ Perform QA/QC review of work products generated during the well drilling and development process. Deliverables: Well 13 site plan, for City bidding. Well driller technical specifications, final (PDF), for City bidding. OPCC for well driller contract. Drilling plan and well design. Well 13 Construction and Testing Report, draft and final. One (1) electronic copy (Adobe pdf format) of agenda and draft and final minutes for all Meetings. Up to five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (Adobe pdf format) of each Draft and Final Preliminary Engineering Report, ii! i Assumptions:■ Consultant shall provide Technical Specification for well driller procurement.* City will be responsible for the process to incorporate Technical Specification into a City-developed Request For Bidders to procure a well driller for Well 13, using City front end documents.i Meetings:■ Two (2) Meetings at City offices for technical specification review and well driller kick-off meeting; description of Meetings is included in individual Work Tasks above. Task 3 - Preliminary Design Receivables: ■ Written review comments to Draft reports and 30 percent design. Work Tasks:3.1 Kickoff Meeting, Site Visit, and Data Collection: ■ Submit list of Data Collection Needs prior to initial meeting. ■ Prepare agenda for Kickoff Meeting and Site Visit (both occur on the same day). ■ Attend Kickoff Meeting and Site Visit. * Collect, review, and discuss data provided by the City. ■ Prepare and submit Draft and Final Kickoff Meeting minutes. 3.2 Environmental Services: ■ Coord inate with Landau Associates to prepare report for previously performed Wetland/Waterway Critical Areas and Biological Assessment fieldwork included in Exhibit A-2. 3.3 Geotechnical Services ■ Coordinate with N.L. Olson & Associates to perform geotechnical services included in Exhibit A-3. 3.4 Preliminary Engineering Report: ■ Develop a Preliminary Engineering Report that will provide Basis of Design details for the Project and include the following:i. Brief summary of work performed to date for the previous project. ii. Review and confirmation of preliminary Well 13 site layout prepared for July 2017 permit submittals.iii. Hydraulic analysis, based on best estimate of Well 13 capacity. Final Well 13 operating characteristics will not be known until the well has been drilled and pump tested. June 19,2018 Page 4 of 10 Page 115 of 157 iv. Water treatment layout including hydrogen sulfide and/or metals removal, fluoridation and chlorination. v. Generator set sizing and selection, vi. Transmission Main alignment plans through existing City easement along the east edge of Blackjack Creek. vii. Revised alignment of Maple Avenue south of the Well 6 site, away from the edge of Blackjack Creek ravine. viii. Identification and preliminary design of up to three (3) PRV stations, with one PRV station occurring at the Melcher Pump Station. ix. Well 6 Decommissioning strategy. x. Environmental and permitting requirements summary. xi. Preliminary 30 percent level design drawings including: 1, Well 13 site plans identifying location and layout of facilities, 2, Transmission Main alignment plans, 3. Maple Avenue Improvements 4. PRV Stations xii. Preliminary construction sequence, xiii. Preliminary specifications table of contents. xiv. Preliminary project schedule for design and construction, xv. Opinion of probable construction cost for the project, based on 30 percent level design. xvi. City comments on the Draft Report will be addressed and the Final Report submitted for record. xvii. One (1) Meeting with City to discuss Draft Preliminary Engineering Report. ■ Perform a QA/QC review of the Preliminary Engineering Report and 30 percent design level drawings. QA/QC reviews will be performed by the project manager and a senior or principal level engineer not directly involved in the design efforts. Deliverables: Base maps, in AutoCAD Release 2016 format. Geotechnical Engineering Report, final (PDF). Wetland and Waterway Delineation Report, Transmission Main corridor, draft and final (PDF). One (1) electronic copy (Adobe pdf format) of agenda and draft and final minutes for all Meetings. Up to five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (Adobe pdf format) of Draft and Final Preliminary Engineering Report. Assumptions: ■ None. Meetings: ■ Four (4) Meetings/Site Visits, including up to two (2) Consultants, are allocated to support Work Tasks identified in Task 3, inclusive of Meetings identified in individual Work Tasks above, Task 4 - Permitting Assistance/Stormwater Management Receivables: ■ Written review comments on draft permit documents (JARPA, SEPA, LDAP) prepared by the Consultant. * Written review comments on preliminary site plan drawings. ■ Written review comments on draft, Issued For Permit, and final Stormwater Site Plan (Drainage Report). June 19,2018 Page 5 of 10 Page 116 of 157 Work Tasks: 4.1 Permitting;■ Coordinate with Landau Associates to perform permitting services included in Exhibit A-2. ■ Prepare Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) for construction activity that will occur for the Transmission Main pipeline and Maple Avenue Relocation. Forms suitable for JARPA will be suitable for submittal to City for critical areas and Shoreline Master Program permitting. ■ SEPA Checklist(s): Prepare the SEPA checklist(s) for the Transmission Main/Maple Avenue Relocation and submit to City for review. 4.2 Stormwater Management, Maple Avenue Realignment: ■ Prepare brief technical memorandum outlining development requirements, including stormwater modeling to conceptually size stormwater features. Prepare preliminary site plan drawings for the Maple Avenue Realignment, showing proposed stormwater improvements and stormwater management features. Submit to City for review and comment, followed by pre-application meeting with City. ■ Perform hydrologic and hydraulic modeling on proposed site conditions to establish, size and design stormwater flow control, water quality treatment, and LID BMPs (where appropriate). * Prepare Stormwater Site Plan (Drainage Report) for the Maple Avenue Realignment in draft, Issued For Permit, and final form following City review. ■ Prepare Land Disturbing Activity Permit (LDAP) for the Maple Avenue Realignment in draft, Issued For Permit, and final form following City review. I !II! Deliverables: ■ JARPA permit, ■ SEPA Checklist documents. ■ Stormwater Site Plan (Drainage Report), ■ LDAP permit. Assumptions:■ Permits and supporting documentation required for the Well 13 site were completed by the Consultant in July 2017. It is assumed that no further permitting activity will be required for the Well 13 site. ■ Permit services for the transmission main pipeline will be required, as described in this section. * It is assumed that no public outreach services will be needed. Meetings:■ Four meetings with City staff are assumed, Additional coordination with City staff is assumed to be email and/or teleconference. Task 5-Final Design Receivables: ■ Written review comments for 60 Percent Design Submittal and Final Construction Bid documents. Work Tasks: The anticipated List of Drawings required for the Project are attached as Exhibit B. 5,1 60 Percent Design Submittal: ■ Prepare 60 percent design level plans and specifications. ■ Prepare 60 percent design level opinion of probable construction cost. ■ Prepare updated project schedule for the design and construction. » Submit 60 Percent Design Submittal including plans, specifications, opinion of probable construction costs estimate, and schedule to City for review. ■ One (1) Site Visit assumed for preparation of 60 Percent Design Submittal. ■ One (1) Meeting with City to review 60 Percent Design Submittal review comments. Page 6 of 10June 19,2018 Page 117 of 157 5.3 Final Construction Bid Documents: * Address 60 Percent Design Submittal City review comments. ■ Prepare and submit a Record of Comment to clearly address the resolution to each City review comment. ■ Prepare construction bid level plans and specifications. * Prepare final opinion of probable construction cost. ■ Prepare updated project schedule for the design and construction. ■ Submit electronic copy of the Final Construction Bid Documents prior to engineer’s signature to the City for final review, comment and/or acceptance. * Submit Final Construction Bid Documents (stamped and signed) including plans, specifications, opinion of probable construction costs estimate, and schedule to City. 5.4 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC): ■ Perform a QA/QC review of the 60 percent and final design submittals, ■ QA/QC reviews will be performed by the project manager and a senior or principal level engineer not directly involved in the design efforts. 5.5 Assistance During Bidding: ■ Prebid meeting. ■ Respond to up to four (4) requests for information (RFIs). ■ Assist City in preparing up to two (2) addenda. Deliverables: * Up to five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (Adobe pdf format) of 60 Percent Design Submittal. ■ One (1) electronic copy (Adobe pdf format) of 60 Percent Design Submittal Record of Comment. ■ Up to five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (Adobe pdf format) of Final Construction Bid Documents, ■ One (1) electronic copy (Adobe pdf format) of minutes for Meetings as necessary. • One (1) electronic copy (Adobe pdf format) of Legal Description, if needed. ■ One (1) electronic copy (Adobe pdf format) of all RFIs and addenda. Assumptions: ■ Project specifications will be Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) format. ■ Drawings will be prepared full size (22” x 34”) using AutoCAD Release 2016. ■ Hard copy drawings for the 60 percent submittal will be provided in half size (11"x17"). ■ Hard copy drawings for the final bid level submittal will be provided in full size (22”x34"). ■ Site plans for the project will be based on a full size scale of 1'-10'. * Plan and profile drawings for transmission main will use a full size scale of 1 ”=20'. ■ Plan and details generated for the Well 13 site, PRV stations and transmission main improvements may use other scales as needed. ■ Meeting with City to review 60 percent submittal comments will occur within three (3) weeks of City submittal receipt. ■ Contractor copies of Final Construction Bid Documents are not included. Meetings: ■ Three (3) Meeting/Site Visits including two (2) Consultant is allocated to support Work Tasks identified in Task 5; description of Meetings is included in individual Work Tasks above. June 19,2018 Page 7 of 10 Page 118 of 157 Task 6 - Engineering Services During Construction Receivables:■ Contractor submittals, requests for information (RFIs), and change order requests. Work Tasks:6.1 Consultant shall attend pre-construction meeting. 6.2 Consultant shall provide technical review and response: ■ Address RFIs. Respond in writing to up to 30 RFIs, ■ Review Technical Submittals: Review and respond to up to 30 submittals. ■ Change Orders: i. Assist the City in reviewing and preparing change orders. ii. As the day-to-day construction manager, the City will have the primary role of preparing and reviewing change orders. BHC will provide technical assistance to the City for the preparation of change orders and will review change order requests prepared by the Contractor 6.3 Observation, site visits and Construction Meetings, including travel time, are estimated by team members broken out per the following: ■ Periodic Observation/Construction Meetings: A total of up to twenty (20) days of observation and Construction Meetings to be pooled between the Project Manager, Project Engineer and Construction Engineer, assuming 8 hours per day, including travel time, as requested by the City. * Structural Observation: Up to four (4) 8-hour site visits including travel time. ■ Electrical Observation: Up to four (4) 8-hour site visits, including travel time. 6.4 Archaeological Monitoring. ■ ASM Affiliates will provide archaeological monitoring services for the project as On-Call Services, to be billed on a time-and-materials basis at ASM's standard rates. 6.5 Construction meetings. ■ Included in Task 6.3. ; 6,6 Well 13 and WTP Startup and Testing. ■ Develop startup and testing checklist. ■ On-site consultation for start-up and testing to verify and document that the systems are functioning as intended, check input/output signals, check normal, automatic, and manual operation of all equipment and alarm systems. It is assumed that City’s programmer and Contractor's controls system integrator will be on-site for start-up and testing. On-site consultation includes 16 hours for mechanical engineer, 16 hours for electrical/controls engineer, and 8 hours for a senior engineer, including travel time. 6.7 Punch List. ■ Mechanical and electrical engineers to attend 8-hour site visit, including travel time for punch list preparation. Draft punch list will be delivered to City for final review and submission to the Contractor. 6.8 Record Drawings. ■ Prepare Record Drawings based on Contractors field mark ups. 6.9 Operations and Maintenance Manual. ■ Prepare Operations and Maintenance manual summarizing all major components and operation modes. Deliverables: Responses to RFIs and submittals. Documents pertaining to Change Orders. Digital files with field reports, photos, and other pertinent field documentation. Start-up and testing checklist. Draft punch list. One (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy (Adobe PDF format) of Record Drawings. One (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy (Adobe PDF format) of operations and maintenance manual. Page 8 of 10June 19,2018 Page 119 of 157 Assumptions: ■ Total construction period, including startup and testing, assumed to be 10 months. ■ The City will perform the Project Manager/Construction Manager role for this project. The City will be responsible for administering the contract and ensuring the contractor is providing the correct and timely documentation required by the contract documents. ■ The Archaeological Monitoring Plan (ASM Affiliates, June 2015) recommended an archaeological monitor be present during all ground-disturbing activity for the Transmission Main and Maple Avenue Realignment. The City has elected to utilize archaeological monitoring on an as-needed basis. ■ Startup and testing will occur in 1 -day increments to minimize travel time. ■ Inspection services not specifically defined in the Scope of Work are excluded. ■ Daily observation services are excluded. ■ Materials testing is excluded. ■ This scope of work describes areas of support commonly associated with construction management, observation and administration support. The budgets presented in the fee estimate are averages for similar projects and are based on the construction and administration times noted in these Contract Documents. The contractor's experience and level of performance can substantially impact the effort required for these tasks, and the required effort may exceed the estimated budget amount. BHC will monitor the budget and immediately notify the City if added budget will be needed, Meetings: ■ Thirty (30) meetings/observation site visits including one (1) Consultant are allocated to support Work Tasks identified in Task 6; description of Meetings are included in individual Work Tasks above. BUDGET The Project Budget is $917,910, and is attached as Exhibit C. This budget is based on, and in accordance with, the Consultant's 2018 rate schedule, including a 5 percent mark-up on subconsultant costs and other direct costs. The City agrees to allow the Consultant (and sub-consultants) to adjust rates annually in January of each year. PROJECT SCHEDULE The preliminary project milestones are listed below; a detailed schedule will be developed after notice to proceed and before the kickoff meeting. The Project budget assumes that design and construction can be completed within 24 months from Notice To Proceed. The 24 months is contingent on well driller availability and performance, and agency permit application durations that are outside of BHC's control. This schedule shall be equitably adjusted as the project progresses, allowing for changes in scope or for delays beyond BHC's control. June 19, 2018 Page 9 of 10 Page 120 of 157 July 6,2018 September 10,2018 September 10,2018 December 14,2018 March 29,2019 May 30,2019 Well 13 WTP, Pipeline Bid, Award & NTP August 1,2019 May 1,2020 Project Commissioning and Close-Out June 30,2020 Kickoff MeetingWell 13 Drilling Specs, Bid & Award Preliminary Engineering Report 60 Percent Design Deliverable Well 13 Completion Final Design Deliverable Preliminary Project Milestones: (based on July 1,2018 NTP) Construction Completion AttachmentsiExhibit A-1 - Robinson Noble Hydrogeologic Scope of Services Exhibit A-2 - Landau Associates Environmental Scope of Services Exhibit A-3 - Olson Associates Survey and Geotechnical Scope of Services Exhibit B - Preliminary List of Drawings Exhibit C - Project Budget :: Page 10 of 10June 19,2018 Page 121 of 157 -Si£s! ROBINSON NOBLE May 14, 2018 II Charles Dougherty, Senior Project Manager BHC Consultants, LLC 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98101II Scope of work and cost estimate for hydrogeologic services in support of the May 2018 BHC contract with the City of Port Orchard Subject:iI ! j Dear Charlie, In response to the awakening of the project of 2017 interrupted by the lack of a Capital Budget, you have asked for a scope of work and cost estimate for the hydrogeologic services support necessary for the City to: 1) continue pursuit of the new water source known as Well 13 and 2) achieving the necessary water rights to allow use of both Well 12 (being accomplished by McCormick Communities) and Well 13.1 The work elements fall into two categories: work related to the drilling and testing of Well 13, and work related to the processing of the City's pending water right applications beyond that covered in the ESSB 6091 Pilot Project (if any). Though these two tasks are related, the work elements are sufficiently distinct that they are discussed separately within the scope of work presented below. Work Element A - Hydrogeologic Services Related to Drilling of Well 13 The remaining work for the drilling project can be described as seven tasks: pre-drilling services, hydrogeologic services related to the drilling processes themselves (this involves a pilot hole and if appropriate reaming of the hole to receive 20-inch casing), analysis of findings and design of the production well (including geophysical logging/interpretation), completion and development of the production well, testing and analysis, well construction and testing report preparation, and project management. Each of these components is discussed in more detail below: ! TaskA-1: Pre-drilling Hydrogeologic Services The bidding documents, including the technical specifications for Well 13, were amended in July 2017 to define a 20-inch well completion. Though this activity resulted in a draft 1 The water-rights related activities are complicated by the passage of ESSB 6091 which establishes the processing of the City's two pending water rights and multiple related water right change applications as a qualified "Pilot Project" as defined in that legislation. Though work on the Pilot Project aspects of the water right process are ongoing, you have indicated that those efforts are not to be part of this proposed scope of work. 2106 South C Street Tacoma, Washington 98402 P: 263.476.7711 | F: 263.472.5846 17B25 130th Avenue NE, Suite 102 Woodinvllle, Washington 98072 P: 426.488.0699 f F: 425.488.2330 www.robinaon-noble.com Page 122 of 157 Charlie Dougherty BHC Consultants, LLC May 14, 2018 Page 2 specification that is nearly ready for distribution to prospective bidders, the document(s) need to be finalized and receive final review before moving to the bidding phase. In addition, once a final bidding package exists, Robinson Noble will be responsible for generating an "Engineer's" estimate for the drilling contract. We will also support the drilling contractor selection and assist as requested in generating contract documents. Our estimate for the pre-drilling hydrogeologic services is $2,570. Task A-2: Hydrogeologic Support during Drilling The drilling phase of the project involves two separate phases: the drilling of a small-bore test/pilot hole to 1,500 feet, and the reaming of that hole to receive 20-inch casing and an appropriate screen assembly. Since the execution of the large-diameter production well is dependent upon the findings of the pilot-hole drilling effort, these elements have to be considered separately. We are presuming herein that both drilling phases will be accomplished on a 24-hour per day drilling schedule Hvdroaeoloqic Services Related to Pilot Hole Drilling The mobilization of fluid-rotary drilling equipment can be quite complicated. We will observe key elements of the mobilization and assist the City in resolving issues that arise during the mobilization. We have estimated two days for this effort. Once the driller is ready to begin the actual drilling, we propose to be on site intermittently until a depth of 400 feet is reached. Thereafter, we will have a hydrogeologist on site to observe the drilling from 400 to 1,500 feet We assume that a penetration rate of 600 feet per day will be accomplished (on average over a 24-hour drilling day). However, our experience with such drilling equipment is that there is always unexpected short-duration down times that can change the daily drilling tally. In total, we expect to be on site for four to five days during this phase of drilling. The services will include observation of the drilling, sampling of cuttings returns, coordination with the drilling contractor and the City to accommodate changes in conditions or problems with the operation, and providing geophysical logging of the finished borehole (which should require one day). Our estimate for the pilot hole related hydrogeologic services is $21,560. Hvdrogeoloqic Services Related to the Production Well Drilling Phase Since the geology and hydrostratigraphy of the site will have been described during the pilot hole phase, there is less need for a hydrogeologist to be present at all times during the drilling for and installation of the 20-inch casing. We propose that a visit to the site will be accomplished every other day during this process unless drilling conditions require more attention to maintain quality control. Drilling large-diameter wells results in a much larger Page 123 of 157 Charlie Dougherty BHC Consultants, LLC May 14,2018 Page 3 volume of cuttings and more care in stabilizing the borehole. The reaming to place the 20-inch casing is likely to require two weeks. Robinson Noble is anticipating six days on site with each requiring four hours (for travel and inspection time) during the drilling. We will also maintain phone and email communication with the drilling contractor. Since the sealing of the 20-inch casing is critical to the resultant well, we will be on site to observe the placement of grout outside the 20-inch casing once the casing is in place. This is presumed to be accomplished as a 24-hour operation and may take two days. Once the 20-inch casing is installed and grouted, we will be on site during the remainder of the reverse-circulation drilling of the aquifer and the well completion work. This is estimated to require a hydrogeologist’s presence for two 24-hour field days. Our estimate for field hydrogeologic services related to the production well phase is $19,660. Task A-3: Analysis of Findings and Design of Production Well 13 Upon completion of the drilling of the pilot hole, Robinson Noble will perform geophysical logging of the bottomed hole (part of Task A-2). The information gained from the drilling will be used in conjunction with the geophysical logs to ascertain the water resource potential of the materials drilled. Based on this resource evaluation, Robinson Noble, in conjunction with BHC and the City, will define the drilling plan and well design for the production well drilling phase. This will include discussion of the design with the contractor and facilitation of any changes to the contract necessary to accomplish the production well phase as designed. We expect this effort to require as much as six days of work. This also will require at least one meeting between the City, BHC, Robinson Noble, and the drilling contractor. If there are complications that make it prudent to discuss the design with Ecology, an additional meeting may be necessary to obtain Ecology concurrence with the production well plan (this meeting is not included in the cost estimate). We estimate this work element will cost $8,110. Task A-4: Completion and development of the Production Well 13 Upon bottoming the reverse-circulation portion of the production well (below the installed 20- inch casing), Robinson Noble will discuss the procedures for fabricating and installing the screen assembly, making any changes necessary to accommodate the conditions encountered during drilling. We will be on site to inspect the components of the assembly prior to their being welded together and lowered into the hole. Robinson Noble will be present when the assembly is lowered to the bottom of the hole and during the process of its installation (gravel- pack placement, interim development during pack placement, etc.). Page 124 of 157 Charlie Dougherty BHC Consultants, LLC May 14, 2018 Page 4 We will be present as we think appropriate during the development of the completed well. We will observe the well response to guide the development process and determine when sufficient development has been accomplished. We assume development will take ten days. We estimate our costs will be $11,930 for the completion and development phase. TaskA-5: Testing and Analysis of the Production Well 13 \Ne will work with the drilling contractor to determine the appropriate equipment for the testing of the well and to assure that the necessary information can be acquired during both the step test and the constant-rate test. A test design will be developed, and all parties will have a chance to respond to that plan before it is implemented. Once the pumping and monitoring equipment is in place, Robinson Noble will direct and observe the performance of a step-rate test to determine the well characteristics that will dictate a practical rate for the 24-hour constant-rate test required by Ecology and WDOH. The results of the step test will be analyzed, and a plan for the constant-rate test will be developed. It is expected that the constant-rate test will begin the day after the step test is accomplished. For the sake of this scope, it is presumed that the constant-rate test will consists of a full day of pumping, two days of recovery (minimum), and likely an additional week of observation to provide a background record. At the conclusion of the pumping phase of the constant-rate test, water quality samples will be drawn and submitted to WML of Tacoma to be analyzed for inorganic, volatile organic, bacteriologic, and radionuclide constituents. Laboratory costs for these analyses are estimated to be $1,080 (and included in the total estimate for Task A-5). Water-level and barometric information will be gathered on site using transducers and data­ logging equipment. To the extent practical, similar equipment will be used for observation wells. We presume, herein, that two observation wells will be available and that one of them will require manual measurement of water levels during the drawdown and recovery periods. That means a second Robinson Noble hydrogeologist will be needed on site during the first six hours of each of these two testing phases. Test data will be downloaded and plotted as semi-log and, where appropriate, log-log graphs standard to the industry. The plotted data will be used to define aquifer characteristics and to establish the reasonable production capacity of the new well. Our services related to testing and analyses are expected to cost $12,500 including laboratory costs for water quality analyses. Page 125 of 157 Charlie Dougherty BHC Consultants, LLC May 14.2018 Page 5 Task A-6: Report for the Drilling and Testing of Well 13 The information gained through the drilling and interpretation elements will be used to generate a Well 13 Construction and Testing Report. The report will be formatted to serve as support for the WDOH source qualification and to support the WDOE water-right process. We will deliver seven hard copies of the report as well as an electronic version to facilitate communication of project findings to interested agencies and stakeholders. Report preparation is expected to cost $10,990. General Discussion of Work Element A The drilling of the pilot well is anticipated to take two weeks once the selected drilling contractor has mobilized to the site. Geophysical logging and interpretation, along with the subsequent design of the intended 20-inch Well 13, is expected to require an additional two weeks including review by team members. Once the design and completion approach have been established to the satisfaction of the City, BHC, Robinson Noble, and the Contractor, the process of reaming the pilot hole to receive 20-inch casing and completion of the well will commence. With the screen assembly properly placed (and likely sand-packed), the well will be developed to increase well efficiency. The completion and development process is expected to take eight weeks, but this is somewhat speculative dependent upon availability of materials and the contractor. Testing is likely to take three weeks, including reduction and analysis of test data. Water quality analysis at WML may take as long as four weeks (longer for radionuclide analyses). The preparation of a Well 13 construction and testing report is expected to take three weeks (this could vary if review of the document by BHC and the City is expanded to include Ecology and perhaps even key stakeholders). The entire drilling project is, therefore, likely to take five to six months to accomplish. Work Element B - Hydrogeologic Services in Support of Water Right Processing It has been indicated in your request for the scope of work that hydrogeologic support work related to the Pilot Project is not to be included in the scope. The current understanding is that the result of the Pilot Project is expected to result in the full processing of all pending water right applications held by the City. By implication, all water-right related efforts would fall under the Pilot Project effort and there would be no water right element for this scope. However, the work related to incorporating the findings of the drilling project in support of water right processing is somewhat speculative at this time since the nature of the process within the Statutorily-defined Pilot Projects is not yet clarified as Ecology policy, it may be that some required hydrogeologic support will fall outside the Pilot Project efforts. Further, the nature of the use of the USGS Kitsap Numerical Groundwater Model is still in flux and may Page 126 of 157 Charlie Dougherty BHC Consultants, LLC May 14, 2018 PageG change in the near future. The level of involvement by stakeholders and the nature of related review of preliminary and final findings is another factor that may influence the timing and level of effort required through the various elements of the water right process. Some of the work is necessarily (or at least prudently) ieft until the drilling phase has been accomplished, while other aspects are driven by deadlines set in the language of ESSB 6091. The level of effort to incorporate the findings of the drilling effort to facilitate the processing of the water rights is discussed below Task B-1: Water Rights Processing Once the Well 13 Construction and Testing Report has been completed, Robinson Noble will assist the City in the presentation of results to Washington Department of Ecology. This will include coordination meetings and technical discussions to facilitate use of the findings in support of the water right processing as required. The cost of such efforts cannot be clearly known at this time. We are proposing that a budget of $5,000 be set for these efforts with an understanding that work for this task will be tracked separately for BHC and the City review and the scope adjusted as necessary. The estimated costs for each of the tasks described above are summarized in Table 1 below: ! ■i TABLE 1: Estimated Work Element A Hydrogeologic Services Cost Task Work description Task cost estimateA-1 Pre-drilling hydrogeologic services $2,570 A-2a Hydrogeologic support during pilot hole drilling $21,560A-2b Hydrogeologic support during production well drilling Analysis if findings and design of Production Well 13 $19,660 $8,110A-4 Completion and development of Well 13 $11,930 A-5 Testing and analysis $12,500A-6 Completion and testing report Water Right processing support $10,990B-1 $5,000 $92,320TOTAL If there are questions regarding the scope presented or if discussion of the underlying assumptions is needed, please contact us. Robinson Noble, Inc. F. Michael Krautkramer, LHG Principal Hydrogeologist Page 127 of 157 ROBINSON NOBLE General Fee Schedule January 1, 2018 Professional Positions Fee per Hour Principal Engineer, Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist Associate Engineer, Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist Senior Engineer, Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist Senior Project Engineer, Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist Project Engineer, Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist Staff Engineer, Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist Senior Field Staff $182 $166 $141 $122 $110 $99 $87 Field Staff $70 Legal Support/Expert Witness Services/Testimony 150% of above rates Support Positions Senior GIS/CAD Specialist $92 Senior Technician $92 Senior Administrator $81 GIS/CAD Specialist $81 $81Technician Administrator $70 Clerical Support $70 Other Fees and Costs Professional services Outside laboratory services Construction subcontracts 15%Subcontracts/ Management Fee 15% 15% Other Costs Travel (auto) Travel (other) Per diem Other direct expenses $0.62/mile Cost +10% Prevailing State rate +10% Cost +10% See following pagesField and laboratory testing/equipment rental This fee schedule is subject to change according to contract or Professional Services Agreement conditions. Robinson Noble, Inc.rates effective January 1, 2018 Page 128 of 157 Hydrogeologic Equipment Rental Schedule ___________January 1, 2018___________ Unit RateEquipment $25Per dayWater Level Transducer and Data Logger $40Per dayField Laptop Computer $30Flat fee per project Flat fee per project Electric Water Level Sounder(s) 0 to 300 ft over 300 ft $60iI!List price + 10%DC Submersible Purge Pump (Single Stage)Per pump List price + 10%Per pumpDC Submersible Purge Pump (Dual Stage) $50Per dayDouble-Ring Infiltrometer! $75Per daySchonstedt Gradient Magnetometer $500Per dayGeonics EM-61 Metal DetectorS Downhole Gamma/Resistivity/Temperature Logging Equipment $500Per day $350Per dayDownhole Caliper Logging Equipment $600Per dayDraw Works $50Flat fee per well| Mechanical Sieve Sample Equipment 2-inch Gasoline-powered Centrifugal Pump (includes hoses)$55Per day $180Per day2-inch Submersible Pump + Controller $70Per dayGenerator $85Per daySurvey Gear (laser level & rod)i FlowTracker Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter Stream Gaging Equipment $200Per day $22.50Per dayGPS s NegotiatedNegotiatedOther Equipment $10Per dayDigital Camera This fee schedule is subject to change according to contract or Professional Services Agreement conditions. rates effective January 1, 2018Robinson Noble, Inc. Page 129 of 157 Environmental Equipment Rental and Consumable Schedule __________________January 1, 2018__________________ Uni RateEquipment Water Level Transducer and Data Logger $100Per day Per day $50Field Laptop Computer $30Per dayElectronic Water Level Sounder $75Per dayElectronic Interface Probe $45Per dayDC Operated Peristaltic Pump $100Per day2-inch Gasoline-powered Centrifugal Pump $350Per day2-inch Submersible Pump + Controller $100Per dayGenerator $175Per dayLow-Flow Bladder Pump $75Per dayPhotoionization Detector $65Per dayCombustible Gas Indicator $200Per dayWater Quality Meter $30Per dayTeflon Water Bailer $25Soil Sampling Equipment (manual)Per day Flat fee per project $25Mechanical Sieve Sample Equipment $85Survey Gear (laser level & rod)Per day $750Per monthSoil Vapor Extraction System $10Per dayDigital Camera NegotiatedOther Equipment Negotiated Consumable Items: $2.50Polyethylene Purge/Sampling Tubing Each 10 feet List price + 10%DC Submersible Purge Pump (Single stage)Per pump List price + 10%DC Submersible Purge Pump (Dual Stage)Per pump $4.00Silicone Peristaltic Pump Head Tubing Each foot $5.00Bladders for Low-Flow Bladder Pump Each $10Water Sample Bailer Each $1.00Bailer Rope/String Each 10 feet $50Personal Protection Equipment Per day per person This fee schedule is subject to change according to contract or Professional Services Agreement conditions. rates effective January 1, 2018Robinson Noble, Inc. Page 130 of 157 Geotechnical Field and Laboratory Testing Schedule ______________January 1, 2018______________ FeeTest Portable Nuclear Density Gauge $5.00Per Hour $250Slope Inclinometer Per day $200Direct Shear Point 1 pt $120 Multiple pts $200 EachMoisture-Density Relationship Curves:Each Sieve Analyses (Gradations-Wet Sieve)$150Each! $175EachHydrometer Analysis $165Falling Head Permeability Each $100EachAtterberg Limits (Liquid Limit or Plastic Limit) $10EachMoisture Content $225DayDynamic Cone Penetrometer Points $20Each $300Resistivity 4-point Gauge Day $550 $50/each additional load Consolidation Test Incremental Loading (9 loads, 0.125 TSF to 32 TSF, 4 unloads) $40Shelby Tube Extrusion/Sample Description $50Per daySingle-Ring Infiltrometer This fee schedule is subject to change according to contract or Professional Services Agreement conditions. rates effective January 1, 2018Robinson Noble, Inc.Page 131 of 157 LANDAU Associates May 4, 2018 BHC Consultants, LLC 1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98101 Attn: Charlie Doherty, PE Transmitted via e-mail to: Charlie.DouahertvtfPbhcconsultcmts.com Re: Proposed Scope of Services and Cost Estimate Environmental Permitting Support Services 2018-2020 Well No. 13 Water Supply and Treatment Project Port Orchard, Washington Dear Charlie: Landau Associates, Inc. (LAI) is pleased to present this proposed scope of services and cost estimate for environmental permitting support services for the Well No. 13 Water Supply and Treatment Project in the City of Port Orchard (the City). The proposed scope of services presented in this letter is based on discussions with and information provided by BHC Consultants (BHC). Presented below is a summary of our project understanding, a description of our proposed scope of services, and an estimated cost. Project Understanding The City received approval to design and construct water system improvements in 2014 under Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Loan DM 13-952-185. The primary elements of the project include: 1. Well 13 Water Campus Improvements: a. Well 13: Drill a new Well 13 on City-owned property (Kitsap County Parcel No. 112301-1-011-2000; 5.3 acres) adjacent to the existing Sedgwick Reservoir in the southeast section of the City's water supply area. b. Conveyance: Well 13 discharge will be treated on site and discharged into the existing Sedgwick Reservoir. c. Water Treatment Facility: Construct a new water treatment facility at the Well 13 site, including a new building with pressure filters, fluoridation, and disinfection. d. Additional project elements include telemetry and instrumentation, controls, a standby electrical generator, landscaping, parking, fencing, security improvements, site work, and site restoration. 130 2nd Avenue South • Edmonds, Washington 98020 • (425) 778-0907 • www.landauinc.com Page 132 of 157 BHC Consultants: City of Port Orchard Well 13 Environmental Permitting Support Services Landau Associates 2. Conveyance: a. Water will be conveyed from the Sedgwick Reservoir through existing pipelines to an intertie with a new pipeline on the east edge of Blackjack Creek ravine, generally located north of SE Lund Street. b. Approximately 3,200 linear feet of 12-inch-diameter pipeline will be installed to convey water south to a connection point with existing piping at the existing Well 6 site (generally located south of the intersection of Maple Avenue and Bay Street). Road and slope stabilization along the pipeline route will be included. Slope stabilization will occur on the ravine associated with Blackjack Creek, which is a waterway included in the City's Shoreline Master Program, and Maple Avenue will be realigned. The DWSRF program is funded through federal and state money, and is subject to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). As part of the DWSRF program, the State Environmental Review Process (SERP) is the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved environmental review process implemented to satisfy the requirements of NEPA. LAI provided wetland/waterway delineation services in 2017 at both the Well 13 campus and conveyance project areas. Following completion of the delineation, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) notified the City that the project had to be re-advertised to satisfy funding requirements. A critical areas report for the Well 13 campus was completed; however, a similar report for the conveyance project area was not completed prior to the City's requirement for project re-advertisement. We understand that the realignment of Maple Avenue may extend beyond the limits of the wetland/waterway delineation completed in 2017. Proposed Scope of Services The following tasks define LAI's proposed environmental permitting scope of services to support design of the proposed project. Task 1: Wetland/Waterway Delineation If necessary, LAI will conduct a wetland delineation in accordance with the 1987 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetlands Delineation Manual (USACE 1987) and the 2010 USACE Regional Supplement to the Wetland Delineation Manual (USACE 2010). The ordinary high water mark of waterways will be delineated using guidance provided in Ecology's Determining the Ordinary High Water Mark for Shoreline Management Act Compliance in Washington State (Ecology 2016). The field investigation will include an examination of vegetation, soils, and hydrology within the project area boundary as defined in the assumptions below. Flagging will be placed along the wetland/waterway boundaries and will be confined to the project area. Any wetland/waterway habitat that extends beyond the project area to within 300 feet (as required by the City Critical Areas requirements), will be estimated both visually and using public domain resources to assess wetland/waterway and associated buffer extents. Included in this task is time to provide the project May 4, 2017 2 Page 133 of 157 BHC Consultants: City of Port Orchard Well 13 Environmental Permitting Support Services Landau Associates surveyors with a hand-sketch of wetland/waterway boundaries to assist the surveyors to locate project flagging. We also have included time to review the survey map and request any necessary changes to accurately represent existing wetland/waterway conditions. Wetlands within the study area will be rated in accordance with Ecology's Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington (Hruby 2014), and buffer widths will be determined in compliance with the City's Critical Areas regulations. Waterway typing and buffer widths are based on Title 20 of the City of Port Orchard Code, and the water typing system promulgated in Chapter 222-15-130 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). Assumptions: Pre-field investigation efforts are not included, and were completed in 2017. The additional project area boundary will not exceed 0.5 acres. The ordinary high water line of Blackjack Creek is outside of the project area, and will not be delineated. The boundary of the creek will be estimated based on project topographic survey information as provided to LAI. Flagging will be placed only within the project boundaries where accessible. If necessary, access permission to private properties within the project area will be provided by the City. BHC will provide survey information in AutoCAD® and Adobe PDF format to LAI pertaining to project plans. Deliverables: * An electronic (PDF) copy of the draft wetland and waterway delineation report. • An electronic (PDF) copy of the final wetland and waterway delineation report. Task 2: Conveyance Alignment Wetland/Water way Critical Areas Report LAI will prepare a critical areas report describing impacts and compensatory mitigation to unavoidable wetland/waterway critical areas. LAI will support BHC in the calculation of the area of waterway buffers, based on the 30 percent project plans. Areas of impact will be calculated in AutoCAD and will be summarized in the critical areas report, as described below. LAI will support BHC in determining mitigation sequencing including adequate impact avoidance measures. A conceptual compensatory mitigation plan will be developed by LAI for unavoidable impacts to waterways buffers. The conceptual compensatory mitigation will include a planting plan, as necessary. LAI will prepare a draft critical areas report to meet standards of the City and other regulatory agencies. The report will include: May 4, 2017 3 Page 134 of 157 BHC Consultants: City of Port Orchard Well 13 Environmental Permitting Support Services Landau Associates • A summary of the methodology used • A description of wetlands, waterways, and associated buffers • A description of mitigation sequencing related to wetland/waterways and associated buffers • A conceptual compensatory mitigation planting plan (equivalent to 30 percent level) including: mitigation goals, objectives, and performance standards; a timeline for mitigation monitoring and reporting; and contingency plans, as necessary. The draft report will be provided to BHC and the City/agencies for review. Comments will be reviewed and incorporated into a final critical areas report, as appropriate. Assumptions: Formal specifications will not be required as part of the report and/or conceptual design. Mitigation can be accommodated on site (within the project limits). If offsite mitigation is required, Kitsap County will identify a suitable site to accommodate the required mitigation. Thirty percent design plans will be suitable for impact calculation and development of conceptual mitigation plans. Impacts will be limited to buffers associated with Blackjack Creek, and mitigation will be limited to restoration of areas disturbed during construction or enhancement of buffer areas within the project area. A critical areas report for the Well 13 campus was completed in 2017. A single report addressing both the Well 13 campus and conveyance route is not required. Deliverables: • An electronic (PDF) copy of the draft conveyance alignment critical areas report. • An electronic (PDF) of the final conveyance alignment critical areas report. Task 3: Agency Pre-Application Meetings LAI will request pre-application meetings with representatives from the City and the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) for purposes of describing the proposed project, impacts, and mitigation, and to determine project-specific application/permitting requirements. This task includes attendance at no more than two meetings. After the pre-application meetings, LAI will provide a documented meeting summary to attendees. Assumptions: » Representatives from BHC will be available to attend the pre-application meetings to address technical/engineering elements of the project. ♦ Project activities are outside the jurisdiction of the USACE and meetings with this agency are not included in this scope of services. May 4, 2017 4 Page 135 of 157 BHC Consultants: City of Port Orchard Well 13 Environmental Permitting Support Services Landau Associates Deliverables: • An electronic (Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, or e-mail) copy of draft and final meeting notes summary. Task 4: Forest Practices Act Permitting Determination As part of the proposed project, some existing trees will need to be removed. In order to maintain compliance with the Washington State Forest Practices Act, LAI will work with a forestry subconsultant (S.A. Newman Forest Engineers, Inc.), who will quantify timber to be removed, prepare a Forest Practices permit application including forms and associated maps, exhibits, narratives, and meet with agency staff if needed. Alternatively, if after review of project-specific designs, it is determined that a Forest Practices permit is not required under Forest Practices rules (Title 222 WAC), S.A. Newman will prepare a brief affidavit or memorandum providing a statement justifying why timber removal can occur without an application or notification to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), and will request corroboration from WDNR. Assumptions: • The forestry subconsultant will make one site visit to support calculation of timber to be removed. • Application fees for the Forest Practices permit will be provided by the City. • This scope of services does not include locating/survey of individual trees for incorporation into project plans or valuation of timber proposed to be removed. Deliverables: • Forest Practices permit documentation prepared by S.A. Newman. Task 5: Permit Applications LAI will prepare the necessary Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) for submittal to regulatory agencies to address project impacts associated with the project. The JARPA forms will be suitable for submittal to the City for critical areas and Shoreline Master Program permitting. The JARPA form will include project-specific information including a listing of adjacent property owners. This task includes time for coordination and revisions with BHC and/or agencies, as needed, to provide accurate information on the JARPA form. The contents of the JARPA will be used to apply for Hydraulic Project Approval, if required, through WDFW's online APPS website. LAI will compile a shoreline application for submittal to the City, which includes the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist (to be prepared by BHC), City project application form, project Narrative and statement addressing decision criteria, City Submittal Checklist, site plans, property owners list/mailing labels, and legal property description. This task includes preparation of May 4, 2017 5 Page 136 of 157 BHC Consultants: City of Port Orchard Well 13 Environmental Permitting Support Services Landau Associates up to seven paper copies of the application materials for submittal to the City. This task includes participation in a Hearing Examiner meeting associated with the Shoreline permit. For compliance with the federal Coastal Zone Management Act, LAI will compile and submit to Ecology the Federal Consistency Certification Form for Activities Which Use Federal Funding. Assumptions: SEPA checklist, site plans, and legal property description will be provided to LAI for compilation into the Shoreline application. The proposed construction will occur above the ordinary high water mark of area waterways. The project will be processed as a Shoreline Substantial Development or Conditional Use. Efforts required for preparation of a Shoreline Variance are not included in this scope of services. Plans and cross sections will be provided by BHC in AutoCad and PDF format. Final design alternatives at the 60 percent completion are suitable to complete the JARPA. Permit application fees will be paid by the City. BHC will prepare the project SEPA Checklist. Deliverables: • An electronic (Microsoft Word) copy of the draft JARPA and Shoreline applications. • An electronic (PDF) copy of the final JARPA and seven paper copies of the Shoreline application. Task 6: Biological Assessment LAI will prepare a Biological Assessment (BA) for selected species listed as threatened or endangered in the action area under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) evaluation pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Act for the project. We will obtain updated species lists from agency websites, request site-specific species and habitat information from WDFW Priority Habitats and Species on the Web, and review information from the Washington Natural Heritage Program. Evaluation of specific project details such as construction techniques and equipment used, timing of construction, temporary sediment and erosion control measures, and best management practices will be based on information provided by BHC. Information on the amount of new impervious surfaces, stormwater detention, and stormwater quality treatment will be based on information provided by BHC. The report will establish the project action area, which incorporates the furthest extent of both aquatic and terrestrial impacts. Appropriate environmental baseline information and species history 6May 4, 2017 Page 137 of 157 BHC Consultants: City of Port Orchard Well 13 Environmental Permitting Support Services Landau Associates will be summarized in the BA. A determination of "no effect" (NE) or "may affect, not likely to adversely affect" (NLAA) is anticipated. The project is not expected to impact EFH. We will prepare a draft BA and EFH evaluation for review and comment by BHC and the City, and then a final document. Assumptions: • The BA and EFH evaluation will assess potential impacts at both the Well 13 campus and conveyance alignment project areas. • The project will have NE or NLAA on listed species or their designated critical habitat and a formal Biological Opinion will not be required. The project will have no impact on EFH. • Design and construction details required for permit applications that are not directly related to critical areas determination will be provided to LAI. Such elements include, but are not limited to, grading plans and details, limits of clearing and grading, sediment and erosion control plan and features, proposed construction timing, sequencing and duration, and primary types of construction equipment to be used. • This task does not include efforts to conduct a 6-month update of species listings, if necessary. • Pursuant to the State Environmental Review Process, EPA is the lead federal agency required to comply with Section 7 of the ESA, and requires preparation of a BA as described in this task. Deliverables: • An electronic (PDF) copy of the draft BA and EFH. • An electronic (PDF) copy of the final BA and EFH. Task 7: Permit Application Agency Coordination and Team Meetings LAI will provide support to BHC and the City in responding to agency comments on the JARPA and Shoreline applications. This support is limited to telephone and e-mail correspondence clarifying further data requests regarding project impacts/mitigation. LAI will prepare for and participate in up to three meetings that may include team meetings and public meetings. Meeting preparation includes coordination with BHC regarding agendas and technical/regulatory background information anticipated for discussion. We will review/comment on meeting summaries provided by BHC. This task assumes attendance at three meetings each by senior associate staff. Assumptions: • Onsite meetings are not included in this task; agency coordination will be limited to e-mail/teleconference. • Agency coordination support efforts are limited to 8 hours for an Associate Ecologist. • LAI will not be required to prepare figures or other meeting handouts. May 4, 2017 7 Page 138 of 157 Landau AssociatesBHC Consultants: City of Port Orchard Well 13 Environmental Permitting Support Services Deliverables: • E-mail correspondence. Task 8: SEPA/SERP Support LAI will assist BHC, as requested, during preparation of the SEPA and/or SERP checklists for the project. Our budget for this task assumes a relatively limited level of effort to support BHC to review/comment on the project's effects on elements of the environment in the SEPA and/or SERP checklists. Assumptions: • BHC will provide SEPA and/or SERP checklists to LAI in Microsoft Word format. Deliverables: • SEPA and/or SERP checklists in Microsoft Word format with comments/edits in track changes. Cost Estimate We estimate the cost for our proposed scope of services will be approximately $50,100 in accordance with the following approximate breakdown by task. Task Cost Estimate $6,300Task 1: Wetland/Waterway Delineation $9,400Task 2: Critical Areas Report $4,600Task 3: Agency Pre-Application Meetings $5,100Task 4: Forest Practices Act Permitting Determination $9,600Task 5: Permit Applications $7,300Task 6: Biological Assessment $5,900Task 7: Agency Coordination and Team Meetings $1,900Task 8: SEPA/SERP Support $50,100Total We propose to provide the above-described services on a time-and-expenses basis according to the budget set forth above, our 2018 Compensation Schedule, and the detailed budget form (attached). In the event project requirements change, or unexpected conditions are disclosed that appear to require further field effort, study, or analysis, we will bring these to your attention and seek your written approval for an addendum to the scope of services and costs prior to performing additional services. 8May 4, 2017 Page 139 of 157 Landau AssociatesBHC Consultants: City of Port Orchard Well 13 Environmental Permitting Support Services Authorization We anticipate that you will develop a subconsultant agreement consistent with other agreements between BHC and LAI to formalize our working relationship on this project. Please let us know how we can assist you in that process. * * * * * We appreciate the opportunity to work with the BHC and the City of Port Orchard on this project. Please contact us if you have any questions about our proposed scope of services and budget for this project. LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. Steven Quarterman Senior Associate SJQ/ccy 2018-5995 References Ecology. 2016. Final Review: Determining the Ordinary High Water Mark for Shoreline Management Act Compliance in Washington State. Publication No. 16-06-029. Washington State Department of Ecology. October. Hruby, Thomas. 2014. Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington: 2014 Update. Publication No. 14-06-029. Washington State Department of Ecology. October. USACE. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. US Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station. January. USACE. 2010. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region. Publication No. ERDC/ELTR-10-3. Version 2.0. Research and Development Center Environmental Laboratory, US Army Corps of Engineer. May. Attachments 2018 Compensation Schedule Table 1: Detailed Budget Form May 4, 2017 9 Page 140 of 157 Landau AssociatesCOMPENSATION SCHEDULE - 2018 Personnel Labor Hourly Rate Senior Principal Principal Senior Associate Associate Senior Senior Project Project GIS Analyst Senior Staff / CAD Designer Staff/Senior Technician II Data Specialist CAD/GIS Technician Project Coordinator Assistant/Senior Technician I Technician Support Staff 260 240 220 200 180 165 150 ISO 135 120 120 120 110 100 81 69 Expert professional testimony in court, deposition, declaration, arbitration, or public testimony is charged at 1.5 times the hourly rate. Rates apply to all labor, including overtime. Equipment Field, laboratory, and office equipment used in the direct performance of authorized work is charged at unit rates. A rate schedule will be provided on request. Subcontractor Services and Other Expenses Subcontractor billing and other project expenses incurred in the direct performance of authorized routine services will normally be charged at a rate of cost plus a twelve percent (12%) handling charge. A higher handling charge for technical subconsultants and for high-risk field operations may be negotiated on an individual project basis; similarly, a lower handling charge may be negotiated on projects requiring disproportionally high subconsultant involvement. Invoices Invoices for Landau Associates' services will be issued monthly. Interest of VA percent per month (but not exceeding the maximum rate allowable by law) will be payable on any amounts not paid within 30 days. Term Unless otherwise agreed, Landau Associates reserves the right to make reasonable adjustments to our compensation rates over time (e.g., long-term continuing projects). Landau AssociatesT: Templates\Contracts\2018 Compensation Schedule Page 141 of 157 N.L. OLSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERING, PLANNING AND SURVEYING June 07, 2018 Charlie Dougherty, PE Senior Project Manager BHC Consultants, LLC 1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle WA 98101 Direct (206) 357.9914 Direct Email: http://wwiv.bhcconsultants.com Attention Proposal - Scope of Work & Budget Geotechnical Engineering Services City of Port Orchard “Well 13” Port Orchard, WA 98366 RE: Mr. Dougherty: Per your email on May 8, 2018, we understand that the previously prepared draft geotechnical engineering reports for Well 10 and Well 13 have been requested to be finalized. The associated wall plan set for the cemetery section has also been requested to be finalized. However, we understand minor modifications will be required to the original wall alignment and the wall will need to be shifted to the east in order to stay within the 20 feet easement. N.L. Olson has provided further discussion of finalizing the wall plan in Task 2 of this proposal. TASK 1 FINALIZE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORTS: The two (2) geotechnical engineering reports for well 10 and well 13 will be finalized per your request. TASK 2 FINALIZE WALL PLAN “PIPELINE SECTION ALONG CEMERTERY” N.L. Olson will provide the requested shift of the wall alignment and provide specifications deemed appropriate as part of finalization of this plan set. However, based on our review of wall alignment shift eastward, N.L. Olson has observed construction issues that have been bulleted below: • The wall alignment shift eastward will require modifications to the plan set to reflect elevation changes. • In order to operate construction equipment within the 20 feet easement area, the wall shift will necessitate temporary slope modifications along the east side of the proposed wall alignment and the construction of a temporary access road. Geotechnical Engineering Services Page 142 of 157 COP (Well 13) Proposal - Scope of Work & Budget May 14.2018 ____________________Page 2 The temporary road and slope modifications will require a temporary & permanent erosion plan as a result of the wall offset. After our phone conversation with BHC Consultants, LLC (BHC), we understand BHC will provide the temporary grading and erosion control plans for the temporary access road.i The proposed grading operations along the pipe line will introduce top of pile changes in elevation along the proposed wall alignment. N.L. Olson is recommending that the plans for the temporary access drive along the proposed pipeline section adjacent to the cemetery will need to be completed prior to our finalization of the requested wall design. Of interest to the contractor will be staging areas at each end of the proposed pile wall alignment for storage, construction equipment access, and stock piles for necessary gear and materials. The wall access and storage points should be reflected on the plan set. • As discussed during our phone conversation, given the revised 20 feet easement and new restrictions, and subsequent wall shift, it may be prudent to evaluate other options for water line placement such as directional drilling. TASK 3: SURVEY • Construction Staking • Parcel Boundary and Easement Calculations • Parcel Boundary and Easement Staking • As-builts • Wall Monitoring (weekly) - $1,260 each occurrence • PRV Station Topographic Survey - $1,850.00 each occurrence Proposed Budget for PS&E Services: The following is the breakdown of the Tasks with the associated estimated fees: Task 1 - Finalize Reports Task 2 - Finalize Wall Plan Set Task 3-Survey $ 1,000.00 $ 5,200.00 $10,640.00 $16,840.00Total Fee: N.L. Olson&Associates, INC. • 2453 Bethel Avenue, ■ Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone (360) 876-2284 • Fax (360) 876 1487 Page 143 of 157 COP (Well 13) Proposal - Scope of Work & Budget May 14. 2016 ___________________Page 3 If you should have any questions or comments regarding this proposed scope of work and budget please do not hesitate to contact me at (360) 876-2284. We look forward to working with your firm and the City of Port Orchard on this project. Thank you. James Dempsey, PLS Survey Department Director N.L. Olson & Associates, Inc. N,L. OlBon&Associates, INC. « 2453 Bethel Avenue, • Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone (360) 876-2284 » Fax (360) 876 1487Page 144 of 157 EXHIBIT B Preliminary List of Drawings Well 13 Design and Construction Management Services Preliminary List of Drawings June 8,2018 SHEET NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DRAWING NAME GENERAL Cover Sheet1G1 Index of Drawings2G2 General Notes, Survey Notes, and Project Key Map3G3 Legends & AbbreviationsG44 Site Plan5G5 CIVIL Well 13 Existing Site Condition, Survey & TESC6Cl [Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Details7C2 [Well 13 Grading, Paving and Drainage Plan8C3 Well 13 Site & Yard Piping Plan -19C4 Well 13 Site & Yard Piping Plan - 210C5 Well 13 Site Stormwater Pond, Plan and Sections11C6 12 Well 13 Site Stormwater Details -1C7 Well 13 Site Stormwater Details - 213C8 iWell 13 Site Restoration/Landscaping Plan14C9 Well 13 Site Restoration/Landscaping Details -115 CIO 16 Well 13 Civil Details -1Cll Well 13 Civil Details -217C12 Well 6 Existing Site Conditions & Survey and Demolition Plan18C13 Well 6 Grading and Drainage Plan19C14 Well 6 Site Restoration/Landscaping Plan20C15 Pipeline Along Cemeteries -1 of 521C16 Pipeline Along Cemeteries - 2 of 522C17 Pipeline Along Cemeteries - 3 of 523C18 Pipeline Along Cemeteries - 4 of 524C19 Pipeline Along Cemeteries - 5 of 525C20 26 Pipe Connection DetailsC21 27 Pipe Connection DetailsC22 Maple Avenue Road Realignment Plan &. Profile -128C23 Maple Avenue Road Realignment Plan & Profile - 229C24 30 Maple Avenue Road Realignment Sections & Details -1 Maple Avenue Road Realignment Sections & Details - 2 Maple Avenue Road Realignment Sections & Details - 3 C25 31 C26 32 C27 33 C28 PRV Stations - General Location Plan 34 PRV Station 1 PlanC29 35 C30 PRV Station 1 Profiles 36 C31 PRV Station 1 Sections 37 C32 PRV Station 2 Plan 38 PRV Station 2 ProfilesC33 39 C34 PRV Station 2 Sections 40 PRV Station 3 Plan - Melcher PSC35 41 C36 PRV Station 3 Sections and Details 42 C37 PRV Station Typical Details -1 Exhibit B, Well 13 Design and Construction Management Services, Page 1 of 3Page 145 of 157 EXHIBIT B C38 |PRV Station Typical Details - 243 MECHANICAL [SYMBOLS/ABBREVIATIONS/GENERAL NOTES44Ml EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE45M2 Well 13 Wellhouse Plan, Section and DetailsM346 WTP Building Plan and Section47M4 WTP Building Sections and Details48M5 WTP Building - Chlorine/Fluoride Feed System DetailsM649 WTP Building - Filtration System Plan and Section50M7 WTP Building - Filtration System Sections and Details51M8 WTP Building - Details52M9 WTP Building - Details53M10 WTP Building - HVACHI54 | WTP Building-HVAC55H2 WTP Building - Fire Protection56H3 [WTP Building - Plumbing -157H4 |WTP Building - Plumbing - 258PI WTP Building - Mechanical Details -1P259 |WTP Building - Mechanical Details - 260P3 [STRUCTURAL SI61 STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES S262 STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES 63 S3 STRUCTURAL ABBREVIATIONS AND DETAILS 64 S4 TYPICAL CONCRETE DETAILS S565 TYPICAL CONCRETE DETAILS S666 TYPICAL MASONRY DETAILS 67 S7 TYPICAL MASONRY DETAILS S868 [TYPICAL STAIR, LADDER, AND GRATING DETAILS 69 S9 WTP BUILDING - FOUNDATION/FLOOR PLAN S1070 WTP BUILDING - ROOF FRAMING PLAN Sll71 WTP BUILDING - BUILDING ELEVATIONS S1272 WTP BUILDING - BUILDING ELEVATIONS 73 S13 WTP BUILDING - BUILDING SECTIONS S1474 'WTP BUILDING - SECTIONS AND DETAILS 75 S15 Cemetery Retaining Wall - Plan S1676 Cemetery Retaining Wall - Sections 77 S17 Cemetery Retaining Wall - Sections and Details S1878 Cemetery Retaining Wall - Details 79 S19 Cemetery Retaining Wall - Details ARCHITECTURAL 80 GENERAL ARCH NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS AND DETAILSA1 81 A2 TYPICAL SECTIONS AND DETAILS 82 WINDOW,DOOR, AND WALL SCHEDULES AND DETAILSA3 83 A4 WTP BUILDING - FLOOR AND PARTIAL PLANS 84 WTP BUILDING - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA5 85 A6 WTP BUILDING - BUILDING SECTION 86 SECTIONS AND DETAILSA7 87 A8 SECTIONS AND DETAILS Exhibit B, Well 13 Design and Construction Management Services, Page 2 of 3Page 146 of 157 EXHIBIT B ELECTRICAL ISYMBOLS& LEGEND88El 89 E2 DETAILS 90 E3 DETAILS DETAILS91E4 WELL 13 - OVERALL SITE PLAN92E5 WELL 13 WELLHOUSE - POWER/LIGHTING PLAN93E6 94 WELL 13 WELLHOUSE - ELECTRICAL PLANE7 95 E8 WELL 13 WELLHOUSE - ELECTRICAL ELEVATIONS i WTP BUILDING PLAN - POWER/LIGHTING PLAN96E9 97 WTP BUILDING PLAN - ELECTRICAL PLANE10 98 Ell WTP - ONELINE DIAGRAM -1 99 WTP - ONELINE DIAGRAM - 2E12 100 E13 WTP - ELECTRICAL ELEVATIONS 101 E14 WTP - ELECTRICAL ELEVATIONS 102 E15 WTP - LOAD CALCS & SCHEDULES CONTROL PANEL ELEV & DETAILS103E16 104 CONTROL PANEL ELEV & DETAILSE17 NETWORK / COMMUNICATIONS DIAGRAM105E18 106 E19 CONTROL WIRE SCHEMATICS SHT1 107 E20 CONTROL WIRE DIAGRAMS SHT 2 108 E21 CONTROL WIRE DIAGRAMS SHT 3 109 E22 CONTROL WIRE DIAGRAMS SHT 4 110 CONTROL WIRE DIAGRAMS SHT 5E23 111 E24 CONTROL WIRE DIAGRAMS SHT 6 112 SITE SURVEILLANCE & ACCESS CONTROLE25 Exhibit B, Well 13 Design and Construction Management Services, Page 3 of 3Page 147 of 157 Page 148 of 157 BHC Consultants, LLC 1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98101 206 . 505.3400 206 . 505.3406 (fax) Engineers Planners www.bhcconsultants.com August 4, 2020 Mark Dorsey, P.E. Public Works Director and City Engineer City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect St. Port Orchard, WA 98366 Re: Request for Contract Change Order Well 13 Project (Port Orchard Contract No. 039-18, BHC #18-10586 Dear Mark, At this point in the overall Well 13 project, BHC is requesting additional fees through this change order. Our original contract funding is nearly exhausted. Our funding was impacted by: • Payment for sub-consultant change orders. • Well 13 drilling project extending for an additional 6 months. • Dividing the Well 13 project into four (4) separate projects (Site Preparation, Well Drilling, Maple Avenue Improvements and Water Main Replacement, and Well 13 Site Improvements with installation of four (4) PRV stations). In the original scope, the Well 13 components were to be included under one design and construction project . • Out of scope items, such as an additional PRV station and installation of the Varius Seismic Alert System. The additional costs associated with this change order are detailed below. Sub-Consultant Change Orders All City approved sub-consultant change orders were paid via the original BHC project budget. The sub-consultant change orders are listed below: • Well 13 Site Preparation Project – N.L. Olson geotechnical services during construction $4,000. Per the project specifications, the City would hire a third-party geotechnical service to conduct density and compaction testing on the import and native soil materials used for backfill. Olson was selected by the City since they were the design geotechnical engineer. Page 149 of 157 City of Port Orchard Request for Contract Change Order August 4, 2020 Page 2 • Well 13 Well Drilling Project – ATEC Water Treatment pilot testing $4,500 . This activity was not included in the original scope of work. It was recommended by BHC and agreed upon by the City to conduct the pilot testing. • Well 13 Well Drilling Project – Robinson-Noble change order for additional work due to extended drilling schedule $39,048.70 . The change order was reviewed and approved by the City. • Well 13 Maple Avenue Project – N.L. Olson geotechnical analysis and surveying along unstable slope for new HDD section at cemetery property - $12,500. In the original scope of work, the unstable slope was to be reinforced by a retaining wall. The geotechnical work to support the wall was conducted under the Well 10 project. Due to cost benefits, it was decided to eliminate the retaining wall and use Horizontal Directional Drill to install the water main. Additional geotechnical and survey work was required to determine the location of the slope slide plane in order to install the water main below it. • Well 13 Maple Avenue Project – PBS Engineering and Environmental, Inc. hazardous materials survey at COPO property $3,118 . This was required to demolish the City’s owned house. • Well 13 Maple Avenue Project – N.L. Olson survey for water main reroute section $3,950. The City requested that the water main be routed around a section of cemetery property. Survey was required for the reroute section. • Well 13 Maple Avenue Project – N.L. Olson geotechnical work, including borings, along cemetery property for HDD construction $19,600 . The water main section to be installed via HDD was originally set for the shorter slope section, with the remaining main installed by open trench in the easement across cemetery property. The City decided to increase the HDD section to include the entire cemetery property. This required additional geotechnical work along the longer HDD section. • PRVs – N.L. Olson survey of 4 PRV sites $7,800 (note, this change order to be submitted to the City for approval). • Archaeological Services – ASM Affiliates for on site observation during excavation activities on the Maple Avenue project. It is estimated that excavation activities will last for 30 working days. The daily cost for the archaeologist is $800/day and $3,500 for a final report. Total approximated cost = $27,500. • Seismic Early Warning System – Varius Corporation will install a seismic early warning system to well 13 and supply valve to Sedgwick Reservoir under the Well 13 Site Improvements project. The design, materials/equipment, and installation cost is $35,000. Additional Cost = $157,000 Page 150 of 157 City of Port Orchard Request for Contract Change Order August 4, 2020 Page 3 Processing and Management of Sub-Consultant Change Orders Total Sub-Consultant C.O.’s = 8. For coordinating with the contractor and the City before issuing the change order, writing and processing the change order, and managing the work performed by the sub-consultant under the change order, the time spent per change order is estimated at 3 hours. Additional Cost = 3hrs/C.O. x 8 C.O.’s x $200 = $4,800 Construction Document Packages Originally, one construction document package (plans, specifications, and OPCC) was budgeted. Although many of the drawings, specifications, and OPCC for the one original project are applicable to all four projects, additional drawings and/or efforts to compile bid drawing sets, prepare specifications, develop OPCCs, and coordinat e with BHC and City staff for QA/QC reviews and responses are required. This includes 60% and final deliverables for each package. Below outlines an estimated effort for the three additional projects. • Drawings – For each bid drawing set, assumed 3 additional drawings per project. Estimated cost per drawings, including CAD and engineering time and coordination time, is $4,000 per drawing. Additional cost = 3 drawings x $4,000 pe r drawing x 3 projects = $36,000 • Specifications – For each bid specification, assume an additional 20 hours to revise the front-end specifications and special provisions and to provide coordination. Additional cost = 20 hours x $200/hr x 3 projects= $12,000 • OPCCs – For development of three separate OPCCs and coordination, assume an additional 4 hours per project. Additional cost = 4 hours x $200 /hr x 3 projects = $2,400. • Plans, Specifications, and OPCC Reviews – Assume an additional 6 hours per project for BHC internal review, responses to City review comments, and coordination. Additional cost = 6 hours x $200 /hr x 3 projects = $3,600 Total Cost for Three Additional Construction Projects = $54,000 Assistance During Bid Original fee for this bid item was $5,000. The fee covered all work under one bid process. Now, four bid processes will have occurred (site preparation, well drilling, Maple Avenue Improvements and Water Main, and Well 13 Site Improvements). Four separate bid processes require finalization of four separate bid documents, coordination of four separate bid advertisements, responses to fo ur rounds of bidder questions, and preparation of addenda for four bid packages. Assume $5,000 per bid process. Additional Cost = $5,000 x 3 = $15,000 Page 151 of 157 City of Port Orchard Request for Contract Change Order August 4, 2020 Page 4 Construction Assistance Original fee for this item was $112,000 and this covered all construction work under one construction contract. Now, four construction contracts with different contractors will have occurred. The original fee covers many of the items that are or would be included in the additional three construction contracts. However, additional activities, such as site meetings, RFIs, submittals, possible change orders, processing of contractor invoices, and coordination with the contractor and the City would be incurred for the three additional construction projects. The additional cost for th is activity was based on the following: • Site Construction Meetings – Assume 5 additional meetings per project at 5 mtgs/project x 3 projects x $200/hr x 4 hours per meeting (includes travel and distributing meeting minutes) = $12,000 • RFIs, Submittals, and Change Orders – From the Site Preparation project, there were 10 submittals, 2 RFIs, and 4 change orders. These amounts will be assumed for the three additional projects. For each submittal, RFI, and change order, assume 3 hours to coordinate with the contractor and Cit y, review, and respond in writing. Additional cost = 16 submittals/RFIs/C.O.’s x 3 hours x 3 projects x $200/hr = $28,800 • Coordination (day to day coordination with such things as phone calls, emails, informal questions, etc.) with Contractor and City – Assume 8 hrs per project = 8 hrs/project x 3 projects x $200/hr = $4,800 • Reviewing and Processing Contractor Invoices – Assume an additional 6 invoices per projects at 3 hrs to review, update City’s cost tracking spreadsheet, and coordinate with contractor to sign City’s invoice sheet = 6 invoices/project x 3 hrs/invoice x 3 projects x $200/hr = $10,800. Total Cost for Additional Construction Assistance = $56,400 Additional Construction Time for Well 13 Drilling The original well completion schedule was November 2019. Due to additional drilling depths, the well was completed at the end of May 2020. The extended drilling schedule required additional BHC work and time. The additional time or hours came directly from BHC invoices during this period. Additional cost = $15,300 Permitting Majority of the permitting effort was conducted by a sub -consultant. However, BHC was tasked to compile the permit documents, coordinate, and submit permit information to DOH, DOE, and the City of Port Orchard, and respond to agency comments. The origina l scope fee for this item was $4,900. Assume this effort for all four projects. Additional Cost = $4,900 x 3 = $14,700 Page 152 of 157 City of Port Orchard Request for Contract Change Order August 4, 2020 Page 5 Additional PRV Design The design for the initial three PRV’s was included in the original fee. From the rezoning modeling effort, a fourth PRV was needed. To develop a design cost for the additional PRV, assume development of 3 drawings at $5,000 per drawing for CAD and engineering. Additional Cost = $5,000 x 3 = $15,000 Varius Seismic Warning System for Well 13 Site Improvements The City has requested that the Varius Seismic Warning System be installed at Well 13. Coordination with Varius, incorporation of their equipment, and installation of a shut off valve at the existing reservoir will be required. At this time, it is estimated that this work will cost $5,000. TOTAL BHC CHANGE ORDER = $337,200 Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the items listed above. My direct number is (206) 59 6-5297. Respectfully Submitted BHC Consultants John Gillespie, P.E. BHC Project Manager Page 153 of 157 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Business Item 7F Meeting Date: August 18, 2020 Subject: Approval of Change Order No. 3 to Prepared by: K. Chris Hammer, P.E. Contract No. C077-18, with Schneider Assistant City Engineer Equipment, Inc. for the Well No. 13 Atty Routing No.: Public Works – Matter 9 Drilling Project Atty Review Date: August 12, 2020 Summary: On December 11, 2018, the Port Orchard City Council authorized Contract No. C077-18 with Schneider Equipment, Inc for the Well 13 Drilling Project. On July 8, 2019, by Change Order No. 1 (for $4,034.70) the City Public Works Director directed Schneider Water Services to perform additional drilling from 1700 feet to 2010 feet. On August 5, 2019, by Change Order No. 2 ($42,308.19), the City Council directed Schneider Water Services to increase the well casing by approximately 500 feet. The City and contractor have prepared Change Order #3, which provides for additional work related to water testing and final adjustments increasing and decreasing the amount for the various unit priced items of work to reflect the actual quantities measured. This change order is for the total amount of $20,609.33, and would bring the total Contract amount to $1,976,424.22 (a 42% increase over the initial, awarded contract). Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: Consistent with Chapter 7 - Utilities. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute Change Order #3, with Schneider Equipment, Inc in the amount of $20,609.33. Motion for Consideration: I move to authorize the Mayor to execute Change Order #3 with Schneider Equipment, Inc in the amount of $20,609.33. Fiscal Impact: The Well#13 Project is estimated to cost approximately $8.2 million. Of this amount 75% is expected to be paid from Water CFC and 25% from Water Rate Revenue: Based on the proportionate share above, the City will the fund the project as follows: ~$6.150 million from Water CFC revenue ~ 2.050 million from Water Rate Revenue The project is funded with a combination of loan proceeds, Water Capital Facility Charges, and Water Rate Revenues. A future budget amendment will be required to fund. Alternatives: None Attachments: Schneider Change Order #3/ Final. Page 154 of 157 Page 155 of 157 City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Agenda Staff Report Agenda Item No.: Discussion Item 8B Meeting Date: August 18, 2020 Subject: Lodging Tax Funding Allocations for 2021 Prepared by: Brandy Rinearson City Clerk Atty Routing No.: N/A Atty Review Date: N/A Summary: Around this time each year, staff solicits applicants to apply for Lodging Tax funds that are used for tourism and marketing of the City to attract tourists. At the August 10, 2020, Economic Development/Tourism committee meeting, committee members and staff discussed options on how the City should proceed in the funding allocation process for 2021, due to the amount of estimated revenue coming in lower than anticipated and with a significant amount of funds for 2020 not being expended. Some of the comments were to: 1) Roll over the 2020 ($100,000) awarded amounts for each organization to 2021 and solicit applicants to award new projected revenue for 2021. i. When soliciting for 2021 allocations, will the same applicants using 2020 “roll over” funds be able to apply for 2021 funds? 2) Take the awarded amount not expended in 2020 (approximately $80,000) and split it between the 2021/2022 Biennial Budget and solicit applicants to award new projected revenue for 2021. The thought is to help spread the award amount over the two years, rather than having a smaller amount in the future. 3) Review funds available and provided a new allocation amount for 2021-2022. 4) Delay the soliciting of applicants to better determine fund balance and allocation. Should the City move forward with soliciting applicants for 2021 disbursements are there limitations the council wishes to set. Committee discussed the following options: 1) Seek applications for applicants putting on events during certain months, rather than all year. 2) Require Kitsap County be in phase 4 before expending funds. 3) Set guidelines on additional personal protection requirements. Below are what other jurisdictions are doing: Bremerton: Still reviewing how they will proceed in allocating 2021 funds. Page 156 of 157 Discussion Item 8B Page 2 of 2 Poulsbo: Applications states that due to economic downturn in 2020, revenues available in 2021 will be reduced by 30% Kitsap County: Nothing indicated on their RFP stating they are taking any steps different than previously. Recommendation: N/A Relationship to Comprehensive Plan: N/A Fiscal Impact: 2020 allocations were set at $100,000; currently it is estimated that $80,000 of those funds won’t be expended and will be available to reallocate for 2021 disbursement. Alternatives: N/A Attachments: None. Page 157 of 157