13 - Bethel Subareas AppendicesAppendix • DRAFT September 2024 Appendix Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 1 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Appendix A: Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan - Centers Goals and Policies The Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan contains the following centers policies. These policies are not tailored this Subarea but should be implemented across all centers. For policies specific to Bethel -Lund, see Section 3.4 Policy CN-1. Prioritize the City's residential, commercial and light industrial growth and infrastructure investments within designated Centers, in accordance with VISION 2050 and the Countywide Planning Policies. Policy CN-2. Focus future growth in designated, higher intensity areas in an effort to encourage the preservation of open space and maintain surrounding neighborhood character. Policy CN-3. Shorten commutes by concentrating housing and employment in strategic locations, which provides residents opportunities to live and work in the same neighborhood. Policy CN-4. Provide commercial services that serve the population of the Center, surrounding neighborhoods, the city, and the region (dependent on the suitability of the scale of each Center). Policy CN-5. Support pedestrian and transit uses by promoting compact, mixed -use areas with appropriate infrastructure that provide a variety of activities. Policy CN-6. Balance objectives for accommodating growth, encouraging compatibility, promoting housing affordability, and offering a wide range of housing types. Policy CN-7. Provide access to parks and public pedestrian spaces by creating them within each Center or by creating connections to existing public and open spaces. Policy CN-8. During subarea planning for Centers, develop an implementation plan that addresses how the City will meet Center goals through appropriate land use designations, annexation, development of capital facilities and utilities, and related measures. Policy CN-9. The City shall direct growth to Centers of all types through focused regulations and directed capital projects. Policy CN-10. The City should support employment growth, the increased use of non - automobile transportation options, and the preservation of the character of existing built-up areas by encouraging residential and mixed -use development at increased densities in designated Centers. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 2 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Policy CN-1 1. The City shall ensure that higher density development in Centers is either within walking or biking distance of jobs, schools, and parks and is well - served by public transit. Policy CN-12. The City shall create and designate zoning that allows a mix of uses to accommodate concentrations of employment and housing. Policy CN-13. The City shall encourage abroad range of housing types and commercial uses within designated Centers, through zoning and development regulations that serve a local, Citywide, or regional market. Policy CN-14. The City shall encourage the creation of public open space, private open space, and parks within and serving designated centers Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 3 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Appendix B: Bethel Subarea Plans Engagement Summary FROM: Makers Architecture and Urban Design DATE: August 15, 2024 Subarea Workshop Summary On July 29, 2024, the project team, which included the City, AHBL, and MAKERS, organized an in -person open house at the Kitsap Regional Library Port Orchard branch. An online survey ran concurrently with the open house and remained active until August 12, 2024, allowing those unable to attend the in -person workshop to share their feedback. The purpose of these events is to share project information and invite the community to provide feedback on the following key topics: Bethel -Lund and Sedawick-Bethel Existin Conditions Report. Confirm preliminary findings of neighborhood assets and challenges and gather additional input on community priorities 300 page views (user visits on the Subareas project website including the main landing page and subarea subpages) 123 unique visitors; 61 unique visitors to the Sedgwick-Bethel subpage and 24 unique visitors to the Bethel -Lund subpage. All other unique visitors were to the main landing page. Bethel -Lund and Sedawick-Bethel Land Use Alternatives. Community members voted for their preferred land use alternative or shared — — feedback on specific elements to be included in the preferred concept. Ensuring the preferred land use alternative aligns with the community's vision for the Subareas. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 4 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Consultants and City Staff address questions from attendees during the presentation and open house portion of the workshop. Main Takeaways Themes that arose from the open house and online survey include the following: Safe, efficient, and comfortable multimodal mobility. Many respondents desire improvements to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructures to improve walkability, reduce reliance on cars, and boost access to neighborhood amenities (i.e., parks, neighborhood shopping centers, schools, etc.) Protect people on foot, wheel, or bicycle by physically separating them from fast-moving vehicles (e.g., enhanced, buffered, or protected bike facilities and sidewalks). Encourage a network of trails, bike facilities, and crossing that safely connect grocery stores, bus stops, schools, and parks to and within the Subareas. Develop connectivity between Bethel -Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel. Fill gaps and maintain sidewalks to improve walkability Safety enhancements and traffic calming measure at key intersections and destinations Public supportive statements: "It is lacking safe biking corridors. Safe means separation from cars. Paint is not protection. Bike paths need to be protected from cars by a barrier or planting strip." "I want to see a healthier community with alternative and safe options to commute without the need for cars." "Wider roads and side walks to improve walkability along with bike lanes would be amazing." "How do residents west of Bethel cross safely to catch a bus downtown?" "Pedestrian crossings across major streets such as Bethel and Sedgwick; we live across Bethel but cannot safely cross to get to the bus stop. As mentioned above, sidewalks need to connect - I live a short distance from Fred Meyer but cannot walk there safely given the lack of sidewalks along Bethel. As older residents we would like to increase our bus ridership and walk to various errands - but we all require sidewalk connectivity and crosswalks to do so safely." Efficient transportation system and traffic management. Residents have expressed concerns about the strain on existing road infrastructure due to ongoing and future development and call for enhancements to increase capacity, safety, and improve traffic flow. Residents living in the northwest subdivision of Sedgwick-Bethel (ex. Ridge Village) describe the challenges they face to turn onto Sedgwick Road and Bethel Road Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 5 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Mixed views about the Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor improvements, particularly the addition of roundabouts. Some residents believe that a signalized intersection would enhance traffic flow more effectively. Overall support for the installations of sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and green stormwater infrastructures Public supportive statements: "Less traffic hold up. It's wild in the afternoon. But I think owing forward with significant expansion is fantastic. We just need the roads and safety to support it." "Vastly improved traffic flow and sufficient infrastructure to accommodate the expected influx of residents and housing." "We live in Magnolia Ridge. Off Geiger, you can't turn left on Sedgwick. From Blueberry, turning left on Bethel is very difficult. Heavy traffic on Sedgwick and Bethel in the afternoon more than double my drive to work (SKHS 2.2 miles)." "One of the main concerns I have heard since living here, on all sides of the political spectrum, is that people are concerned about the new housing developments and the traffic load that they will bring. If we prioritize cars over people, then this will not help with the traffic problem that everyone complains about....Also, many people in this area drive cars that must be way over the decibel levels according to the laws and drive at extreme speeds through the neighborhood streets that are only 30 mph, like Salmonberry Rd. Speed bumps or rain gardens need to be put in place to slow down traffic to safe speeds since more enforcement is not working. I have been told Salmonberry is an arterial vein and therefore cannot have speed bumps put in based on the amount of traffic flow, but I would question the statistics on traffic there to believe this is true." Thriving centers with diverse uses for people to work, live, and play. Many residents expressed interest in an attractive, walkable neighborhood that has a mix of activities and diverse commercial and retail use Retain and attract businesses in the Subareas with focus on restaurants, shops, fitness, entertainment, and other services. (i.e., farm -to -table -style restaurants, local brewery, independent movie theater, etc.) Encourage mixed use developments with shared parking. Promote green/plaza spaces as central features of shopping centers (i.e., courtyard shopping centers) Reduce parking ratios to promote land use that make use of transit and active transportation Public supportive statements: "I wish to see it become a little area on its own with shops, food, accessibility, and adequate infrastructure that families can bike around together and have a community park. " Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 6 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 "It would be nice for this area to feel similar to Gig Harbor North with walkability, public parks and plazas. It will give the residents the feel of community." "I wish I could see harmony and beauty. Less strip malls, parking lots, and congestion, more pedestrian courtyards and safe bike routes." "We need more sidewalks for safe running and walking. Also more public parks for kids and families. Fewer housing developments- keep the green!" Access to recreational facilities, parks, and open space. Promote recreational and park opportunities that celebrate the beauty of Port Orchard and support play and gathering, especially for youth and teens. The community brought forth ideas such as athletic fields, disc golf courses, mid -size parks with playgrounds, and walking and biking trails. Improve park security and regulate access Some residents are supportive of the Blackjack Creek nature trail. Others were concerned it would pose safety concerns if not maintained. Public supportive statements: "The parks are really nice here, but sometimes go unmonitored or protected at night and become vandalized. It would be nice if there was better patrol or times when the park gates could be closed at night. Additionally, it would be nice to see more community gardens and disc golf courses, and if possible, I would like to see nature trails added to view wildlife around the creeks." "By ten years' time we'd hope that additional parks, tennis/pickleball/basketball courts, baseball and soccer fields would be available within Port Orchard - not specific to Sedgwick-Bethel however." "Parks and hiking trails that maintain the overall feel] and beauty of Port Orchard" "Please don't make a trail along Blackjack Creek. It will only encourage traffic through quiet neighborhoods and create more encampments." Resilient and sustainable community. Residents encourage to preserve greenery and encourage sustainable features (considering climate change and heat risk) such as using green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) in transportation improvements or other developments. Seek opportunities to promote community amenities such as health facilities and community gardens Protect greenery and open space and promote planting of native trees and vegetation Public supportive statements: Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 "Pea patches or community gardens would be an awesome addition to any park added. A native plant or medicinal plant garden would be cool. Disc golf is always fun." "More bus routes & stops, sidewalks. More health and human services" "Please preserve as much greenbelt as possible" "Would love to see increased maintenance of vacant spaces - possibly to include wildflowers or other plantings instead of weeds." "Please preserve as much of the greenbelt as possible. Also, keeping it family and pet friendly/safe is very important." Some residents want to make limited changes within the subareas and expect the development to occur with a density similar to existing conditions, but with improved infrastructure Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 8 Appendix - DRAFT September 2024 Reactions to the Land Use Alternatives About 60% of online survey respondents supported Alternative 3 in both Subareas. The reaction amongst workshop attendees were generally split, vocal comments following the presentation geared toward Alternative 1. Attendees expressed concerns about the increase in height and density changes and related transportation impacts, as well as limited internal connectivity with the assumed developments. Comments by other participants during the open house favored components of Alternative 2 and 3 Based on the general feedback received during the workshop and online survey, community members were receptive to elements that support mixed -use developments with plaza spaces, improve commercial opportunities near arterial corridors, enhance access to parks and trails, and advance multimodal transportation. Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 1 No Action Light Touch Mixed Use/Transit-Oriented Development Utilize current zoning and Create flexible regulations Leverage planned moves forward with and implement strategic transportation existing policies and zoning changes to improvements and planned public accommodate growth expand growth through improvements. A notable and promote efficient mix mixed use opportunities to exception will be zoning of uses. Improve support walkable changes necessary to pedestrian mobility and neighborhoods and comply with the State's access to parks and open economic vitality. middle housing legislation. space. Advance regional trail and safe routes to school to support multimodal network. For more information on Bethel -Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel land use alternative, see Section 3.2 Alternatives of Bethel -Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel Subarea Plans. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 9 Appendix - DRAFT September 2024 Bethel -Lund Alternative 1 received the most votes in support of no changes in zoning or land use regulations. Alternative 3 received the second most votes. Comments by workshop attendees favored Alternative 1, while online respondents preferred Alternative 3. Alternative 1 50% The chart represents the combined votes for each proposed alternative from the open house and online survey. There are 14 total votes, with 7 from the open house and 7 from the online survey. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 10 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 PLACE YOUR VOTES! 7 ALTERNATIVE 3 - MIXED US El ALTERNATIVE 1 - NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE 2 - LIGHT TOUCH TRANSIT -ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT .,.. oy+w.�w:.p.Ke.»-.a»-,. ...... •gym•„eaena•: ax �. �•� ,. ukm;�M�r�.,.��,.r..�.•�•,Irchn�,amv:n�:�r:rc :rr�..:.�e..,•a...�� urw.�..,��.�„....::���.,���rcrcmTo-..M-��..a., ..: r.:d,� ,...s a�.wnn, m,�x:a-�w ��. �.. ,....�.. -aa, h�rc .armrce��,•�n �-.5«��.�� ,..,�.,«..,mca„emx.v:.,.e._ �.� �...�.,�r. �mw,. .ti�w4r.+��.. �.�r� ..w.,�i -u . . Ywvrp•cr`rotc :kJ-.-oq-gent rea��btir: na.161-vesela[ment m311URan� . �i llie sukrsam ...e l�r:lm ���•n �rcr�ei[ alAi. iii.,rc rcssrA and a, clfickn[ ' imdr rcau�ucns ec[ mnr.�k�: ��r .Js��u[crt:he »iarvm '+Acote9a nsrc�[vnty d..:y..i�.:����mv ,tdd'e x�srz f[Rx cr;.nx mci:.. d-s.lc[merrt: t- vi �: ana:rcedery.�v.,au ,[ rum'...Ibde-Ah[anvod-nrcJ! •abnn nt dart µ cnN+x nxbprrnt n.� eh�p c - o......��.�.� .I ..i ..""' •. "•I - a.-.nt .... - ,i r-x.�• r�k-a .c srd su[wkrecrc.[kna s✓�x�vna.c,yn ws........nmamc.n. 'u.•. ••••••» u[-. aa+w a!hea rr. kn•urcs i v[i�cai�.k.r��zn•IX.:�w s:hr� nV�! .. Above is the poster of the Bethel -Lund alternatives displayed at the workshop. Each dot stickers represent a vo te. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan Appendix - DRAFT September 2024 Sedgwick-Bethel The results showed that Alternative 3 received the most votes, assuming an increase in mixed -use residential and commercial retail along arterials. Alternative 2 received the second -highest number of votes. Workshop attendees preferred Alternative 2, with limited increase in building height and densities and online survey respondents favored Alternative 3. Alternative 3 43% The chart represents the combined votes for each proposed alternative from the open house and online survey. There are 33 total votes, with 77 from the open house and 76 from the online survey. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 12 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 PLACE YOUR VOTES! i 1 ALTERNATIVE? -NO ACTION ALTEHNATIVE2-LIGHT TOUCH NATfVJE DEu .. � TRANSIT-pfifENTEO EVELOPMEN7 ......-�..... � ..r,-..e. .�..�umis.Y..x ne mrv.. i m*..in..wm�nm xv�ne.•..n•e.hi..-:.iry«.,or�......nso�o a.,:.•*'i,��.:..'V a�v i: '+.+.vet.:.��...�.vn:..�w...•.r�.wi. ii...;.-.s•:.� -71F. ;, �• . I r �I � �I i�•` - k. r ... - I i�� •WEE", l, I I ., IJI �LIi`, 111-11MI, :� 1 � I /ddddL 15L � .SSE OOAYIR', �j�y.:. .. eas ' r; �Gce- I ✓ J I 1e I SE I'J[..r rll I PL� i I ] 0 400 BW Feet (�( ,yna.TlW '7 - Hidden Creek I N L— t r Lr9�f zucL Car Elementary School I SE MLINE Rp CJ uIGj'" i �iY� N ax,:r, 'A r rnso I Hub Features Transportaflon Ideas f fbcatfon exebfej ng Conditions �Mabi ity f Mixed use Improvements t� Support gRT Potential new Nackjack Creek edgwick Bethel hub; invesfinenf *-* Polential street I bus routes art Orchard focus area connection t Par4Jplaxa � ►i Planned SR Transit i Center on Orchard UGA: Roundabouf Above is a photo of a poster of the Sedgwick-Bethel alternatives displayed at the workshop, including public comments posted at the meeting. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan Appendix - DRAFT September 2024 Appendix C: Bethel Subareas Alternatives FROM: Makers Architecture and Urban Design DATE: August 28, 2024 Subareas Land Use Alternatives The Bethel -Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel Land Use alternatives present potential development scenarios tailored to the unique characteristics of the Subareas, informed by a thorough analysis of existing assets, challenges, and opportunities. These alternatives serve as a framework for evaluating different development pathways and engage the public in the decision -making process. Through a combination of an in - person workshop and an online survey, residents had the opportunity to choose the most desirable components and design elements from these alternatives, ultimately leading to the development of a locally -preferred land use alternative. The chart below describes the key features recommended in each of the land use alternatives. Itw,—eneral Overview of Bethel -Lund Alternative 1 No Action and Sedgwick -Bethel Land Alternative 2 Light Touch Use Alternatives Alternative 3 Mixed Use/Transit-Oriented Development Utilize current zoning and Create flexible regulations Leverage planned moves forward with and implement strategic transportation existing policies and zoning changes to improvements and planned public accommodate growth expand growth through improvements. A notable and promote efficient mix mixed use opportunities to exception will be zoning of uses. Improve support walkable changes necessary to pedestrian mobility and neighborhoods and comply with the State's access to parks and open economic vitality. middle housing legislation. space. Advance regional trail and safe routes to school to support multimodal network. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 14 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 The table below present the distinctions between each alternative, focusing on whether the assumed future development will prioritize greater vertical mixed -use development or retain the current configuration while strategically redesignating zones to encourage more commercial and residential capacity within the Bethel Subareas. Height limits Commercial/ mixed -use zoning No change, current limits of 35-40' Limited or no changes. There is a mix of CC, CMU, and CH zoning in the areas today. Residential No change zoning Adopt the "proposed base height limit" from HAP Strategy 2.3.2. These changes would only apply within subarea boundaries and not citywide. R3 - 45 feet (+10 feet) R4 - 45 feet (no change) CC - 45 feet (+10 feet) CMU - 55 feet (+15 feet) Retain CH zoning only for gas stations and the big box stores (Fred Meyer, Safeway, Walmart, and future Home Depot sites). Other CH sites get rezoned to CC or CMU. Consider rezoning CC to CMU in strategic locations. This creates some non- conforming uses. Rezone R1 and R2 zones to R3 or R4, except for residential lots which were recently developed. Affordable No change. Explore MFTE opportunities housing for the subareas. Parking No change Reduce multifamily and commercial minimum parking requirements within the subarea boundaries. For example, up to 1 space for studio/one-bedroom apartment and do not require extra parking when on -street parking is not present. Adopt the "proposed bonus height limit" from HAP Strategy 2.3.2 as the base height limit. These changes would only apply within subarea boundaries and not citywide. R4 - 55 feet (+10 feet) CMU - 75 feet (+35 feet) Rezone all CH and CC sites to CMU. This creates some non- conforming uses. Rezone all residential lots to R4. Rezone some commercial properties to R4 when such properties are some distance from an arterial street (e.g. southwest corner of Bethel- Sedgwick subarea). Same as Alternative 2. Remove all minimum parking requirements within the subareas boundaries, per HAP Strategy 4.2.4. Apply a maximum parking requirement for commercial use. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 15 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Public space/plaza Public parks/green space Off-street trails No change No change. Lundberg Park and Bethel South properties remain in limbo with no development plans and are at risk of disposition. No change POMC 20.127.350(3) is amended to apply larger commercial open spaces within the subarea boundaries, e.g. 3% of site area. Bethel -Lund: 1. Lundberg Park is developed with a connection to a trail in the Blackjack Creek ravine. A central plaza at the Bethel Junction area. Neighborhood park within future residential development in Sedgwick Road Sedgwick-Bethel: 1. Develop PROS identified potential park north of the Sedgwick-Geiger intersection. 2. Bethel South property is leveraged to acquire adjacent properties and create a neighborhood park on the southwest corner of Bethel-Sedgwick intersection. 3. An additional future neighborhood park location is identified east of the Bethel - Blueberry intersection. A limited Blackjack Creek ravine trail is planned adjacent to each subarea. For Bethel- Sedgwick (South) an additional trail is planned in the Geiger Road corridor north and south of Sedgwick and in the northeast area between POMC 20.127.350(3) is amended to apply larger commercial open spaces within the subarea boundaries, e.g. 4% of site area. Bethel -Lund: Same as Alternative 2 with addition of: 1. Large iconic park south of Vallair 2. Restore and developed a wetland park north of Walgreens Sedgwick-Bethel: Same as Alternative 2; focus investments on Geiger Park Same as Alternative 2, but a longer Blackjack Creek ravine trail is planned to connect between the two subareas. A new east - west pedestrian/bike connection across the ravine is planned in the vicinity of Salmonberry Road. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 16 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Street design New street connections Transit service Capital facilities Bethel-Sedgwick improvements and other TIP projects occur as currently planned. None except for minor street extensions as part of new developments. Kitsap Transit provides enhanced bus service on Bethel Road at a undetermined future date. Sedgwick and Salmonberry. Bethel-Sedgwick improvements and other TIP projects occur as currently planned. In addition: Midblock crossings are added on Lund and Sedgwick east and west of Bethel Sidewalks and bike lanes are added on Lund and Sedgwick east of Bethel. Existing commercial driveways are right -sized for pedestrian safety and comfort New planned streets as shown in the block frontage maps (POMC 20.127.130) are implemented by future development. Kitsap Transit provides bus rapid transit to Downtown, with a terminus at Bethel- Sedgwick. No change. In a citywide facilities plan • Assess whether Bethel - Lund (North), which is more centrally located to the city, is a viable location for a civic use such as a library branch or community center. Assess whether Bethel- Sedgwick (South), which has more vacant land available, is a viable location for public works and/or public safety facilities needed to support the eastern part Same as Alternative 2. In addition, new all -ages - and -abilities walking and biking routes (such as a wider sidewalk or off-street trail and protected bike lanes) are added to connect the subareas to East Port Orchard Elementary School and Hidden Creek Elementary School. Same as Alternative 2. In addition, new through - block connection requirements are added to add more frequent vehicle and pedestrian routes. Kitsap Transit provides bus rapid transit to Downtown, with service extending west on Sedgwick (possibly to the Ruby Creek area at Sedgwick-Sydney). Same as Alternative 2. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 17 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Utilities Natural systems TBD. Bethel- Sedgwick improvements appear to include some stormwater system upgrades. TBD. Continue preserving the Blackjack Creek ravine. Some existing vegetated properties could be opportunities for open space preservation and/or City acquisition for park space. of the city and the adjacent urban growth area (future annexation area). TBD TBD TBD TBD Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 18 Appendix ' DRAFT September 2024 Bethel -Lund Land Use Alternatives Alternative 1 - No Action No action would assume no change to zoning or other land use regulations. This alternative assumes that development will still occur, but at a density similar to the existing conditions. Lundborg Park remains in limbo with no development plans and at risk of disposition Adcpt proposed zoning changes to promote middle housi,)g {This citywide effort is separate from the subarea planning process] Support Kitsap Transit bus service enhancements 511 Lundgerg rl[ East R '�'�'��•� Part Orchard r"y i • 4y �,. �cw, Elemenfary J School Christian E South Kihop I r 1 Center Regional Pork Monstar x 1 .1k' Wash z 1 � F. Kitsop Vetenno ry , HOSpltol • \ Puerto Walgreens ` 3P.$�! V• L:I Vallarla ._ RHe •1 .Aid, BET El -rl ■ •�•�• l w i $E VALLAtR cT East I _ Port ❑rChord 1 1 i ;� is [Sl, r(:•�d ::: i E 9_R SE SEN.FVr.Lf WRY a n 1 1.� ty r D 430 BCD Feet ^!.':OhBFaks ar !N ! I Transportation Ideas Mobility [—► support BRr improvements t _ 0, Potential new Potential street bus routes connectlon 4141 Planned •/i* Roundabout Zoning/ Heigh! Limits Residential I (R 11/35 feet Residential 2 (R2)/35 feet Residential 3 (R3)/35 Feet = Commercial Corridor ICC) I 35feet Commerical Heavy (CH]J 35 feet Business Prot. Mixed Use (BPMU) 40 feet 01j C:ommerciol Mixed Use ICMU] / 40feet Zoning. No change, In Toning and code regulations Beihel/Sedgwick improvements and other street projects Occur as Currently planned Minor street extensions as part of new developments Existing CondlHans BlockjdCk Creek fi Greenbelt Bethel Lund 0 Part Orchard Part Orchard UGA Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 19 Appendix - DRAFT September 2024 Alternative 2 - Light Touch This alternative focus on increasing residential and commercial capacity with zoning changes to accommodate multifamily residential options and commercial and mixed - use development along arterials. The maximum building height and densities would see increases. Support efforts to activate Lundberg Park Zoning, Create more flexible development regulations within the subarea to allow more housing and on efficient mix of land uses Include addilional multimodal Improvements, and consider midblock crossing and complete streets Features including green stormwater Infrastructure Creole a limited frail along the Blackjack Creek ravine Lundberg yti 'Park East f+ i`� 1C + Pori Orchard I400.Elementary Schaaf r r'�•� SE LLI ^ R� I, 1 R3+R4 � CmsfianY° IF MC KIN, EY =: S= - Life south Kitsep K Center Mon51ar Cor �• Regfonal Park + ` wash W ��� I y W ,• g� Kirwp Veterin ry ;D � asptfal 4 � a a R3 - R4 — ..Pr + WPy — •� — �� 1 U -n - �s East Port Orchard � Im rt sc R7 yR2 InuRo;, r. cC 9�R �E S:RENAJE �I A7 `z i Bethel ic saloon r a 1 ❑ 4170 800 Feet NI I I r.1-M" s Huh Peatures Transportation Ideas Zoning/ Height Limits tb—rlor,+LxlbLel Mobility 4@-� Support BRT kesidential 2 iR2113S feet fnn r:horig el =Zoning change Mixed use hub: investment improvements _ Potential new Residential 3 iR311 -y Potential street bus routes MM 2rSld(=rrl : 4 r...... 11 •:, :.!:::; :I•.:; focus area Connection Commercial Corridor ICCII Park/plaza ��% Planned 45lee l (1!0 feel) �I► Roundabout M Commenccol Heavy fCH)1 �- - Ravine hail 35 Feet (no change) Business Prof. Mixed Use (BPMU)f 40 feet {no change) Commercial Mixed Use (CMU)I BETHEL JUNCTION PLAZA. (NAME TBD) Support the development of an accessible open/oloza space in conjunction with new developments Encourage park/ open space with any new development Existing Candlllons — Blackjack Creek iiiiiiiii Greenbelt Bethel Lund Port Orchard Port orchard UGA Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 20 Appendix - DRAFT September 2024 Alternative 3 - Mixed use/ Transit Oriented Development This alternative assumes an increase in mixed -use residential and commercial retail development. Potential zoning changes focus on increasing residential capacity in both existing commercial and residential zones. The maximum building height and densities increase within the Subarea to encourage more vertical mix use buildings. Support efforts to activate Lundberg Park Zoning. Create more flexible development regulations within the subarea to allow more housing and an efficient mix of land uses Create a trail network to connect parks and open spaces between Bethel -Lund and Sedgwick- Bethel SOUTH VALLAIR. (NAME TBD). Create a large iconic park to buffer the ravine and support recreational needs in the area Lundberg + Pork East Part 9rchard + + r Elementary �•� rfF:rr�- School . + I R7R4 L' .,, O:, .-KYJLE SE ChnStlan.5 1 ` Life F South Kitsop I - 1 Regional Park CCnipr w n�Mvnstor C or Kitsop Veleri ry i] d � + o Puerta � p- r ► WOlgreens SE AA51L C- Vollor}o ���Mu '` R2+R4 _ R3+R4 'Safeway — — -� ;�•' � �� Fuel '1 r n 16----.--- .. Jt'>�� 01W Sr `d.•..I : r.,h. _, � s� � East R P + R4 Part Orchard I r - sE i?B1Ror, Cr r r + SE SERENADIF N' n z a r � + + Can nectto a + Sedgwick-Selhrj z n '. R3 R4 L; + FW. �.r. . 1 0 Ono 800 Feet SE SA LMONBERRY RC Hub Features Transportation Ideas toning/ r+ergnt LRnrf5 jlocaflan frexible7 �� Mobility tirfrt� Safe routes Residerticl 2 (R21135 feet (no changel ®Zoning change Mixed use . Improvements to school Residerfi;;l 3 (R3J145 feet (+10 IPc1: 0 hub; investment +-i Potential street Fl• Support BRi kPstri� ,� �FFI 'Ili] I-:�ry Focus area connection fi Commercial Corridor {CQ/ Parklptara �1fr Planned � Potential new 4,5 tPr= r+Roundabout bus mutes iCorn rrKic:crl Heavy [CHIT - + Ravine trail 35 Feet (no change) W BVsiness Prof- Mixed Use (BPMUJ! 40feet (no change) Commercial Mixed Use (CMU)f ,5 tart (-.3,5 tact; Improve active transportation routes to school. and better buffering for people walking, biking, and rolling Restore wetland and create a gathering space Encourage park/ open space with any new development ExlsHrlfl Canditlons Blackjack Creek fi Greenbelt Bethel Lund O Port Orchard Port Orchard UGA Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 21 Appendix ' DRAFT September 2024 Sedgwick-Bethel Land Use Alternatives Alternative 1 - No Action No action would assume no change to zoning or other land use regulations. This alternative assumes that development will still occur, but at a density similar to the existing conditions. Adopl proposed zoning changes to promote middle housing (This citywide effort is separate From the subarea planning process) Minor sfreel extensions as oar of new developments Support Kitsop Transit bus service enhancements 1 � r Sun SE: RUEBER RY R E: ! I - 1,- � YL 4.N SETHEL SF to: r. CENTRE' SR 16 TronsiF Center '( / Weslcoost: East E • Port Orchard st of Skiney Rd y SlJ�nJess Siorbuc RD 18 317. , r 0 Hidden Creek Eremenlary Schoo A 0 400 800 feet IN I Zoning. No change in zoning and code regulations Bethel/Sedgwick Improvements and other s-reet projects occur as Curren-ly planned Transportofion Ideas Zoning/Height Limits Eidsting Cvndtflvns Mobility *—,0- Support BRT tat Greenbelt (uB)135 feet — Blackjack Creek Improvements F ► potential new Residential 1 (R1)/35 feet r,—�j Sedgwick Bethel r—� Potential street {pus routes Residenlial 2 (R2)135 feet Q Port Orchard connection n SR 16 Frans€f Residential 3 (R3)135 feet Port Orchard UGA 49 Planned + (D cenfe Residential 4 (R4J145 feet *IiRoundabout =CommercialCorridorICC)/ 35 Feet Commerical Heavy ICH}/ 35 feet ezl.. Commercial Mixed Use (CMU)/ 40 feet Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 22 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Alternative 2 - Light Touch This alternative focus on increasing residential and commercial capacity with zoning changes to accommodate multifamily residential options and commercial and mixed - use development along arterials. The maximum building height and densities would see increases. Create a limited trail along the Blackjack Creek ravine Encourage park/ open space with any new development Zoning. Create more flexible development regulations within the subarea to allow more housiia and an efficient mix of land uses V - 1 r r�► ��, �i 72+R3 �y- a► I 1 � f• �Jly1 r 1 0 � � 1 'Chino{$un ^ � y el,Har•—•—'� I� i SC 7L1EE"Y kl: r R1R2_.' C -C� "L.: IS •. 6EiHEL •e E. + r 5 R 1 � � 9ER Y:W,-;r ' "�WQStC SR 16 % � � - J _ _ f f� OPs}, - � 'Filness S� cl E I • [ chard rrnnsl7 Cen#er C�CC evsi of Sidn his n K„Ky u? it 1 �a) P.:. 0 4k 80p Feet Hidden Creek Elemen�Sch hlzxa Hub FeUtUFB5 Potation rembfel TronsportptiCn Ideas Mobifty N; F1 Support BET --••••'�' ••-'�••' �•"••" = Greenbelt {GB)135 fact (no changol =Zonin change 9 9 Mixed use mpro�ements 4• - ■ Potential ne Residential 2 ]R2)135 lee} (no Change) Residential3iR3]la; �F:I [II{:•Ire!] hub; investment F-i Potential sheet bus routes = Residential 4 iR41/45 feet [no change) focus area Park/plaza connection r Planned � SR 16 Transit D Center M Commercial Corridor [CC)/ `eet +,+10 reel) ■► Roundabout 45 rr t Cornetiaal Heavy [CH)/ t - Ravine trall 35 feel (no change) //. Commercial mixed Use (CMU)1 Puhlir_ Fn^i Mes [PFI/85 feet (no change) BETHEL BLUEBERRY (NAME TBD) Create open plaza space to support commercial centers and public life SEDGWICK CENTER (NAME TBDj Encourage a central gateway plaza through public private development Include additional multimadol improvements, and consider midbIock crossing and complete streets features including green stormwater Infrastructure Existing Conditions — Block -jack Creek V= Sedgwicl: Bethel p Fart Orchard 'art Orchard UGA Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 23 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Alternative 3 - Mixed use/ Transit Oriented Development This alternative assumes an increase in mixed -use residential and commercial retail development. Potential zoning changes focus on increasing residential capacity in both existing commercial and residential zones. The maximum building height and densities increase within the Subarea to encourage more vertical mix use buildings. Create a limited trail along the Blackjack Creek ravine Encourage park/ open space with any new development Zoning. Create more flexible development regulations within the subarea to allow more housing and an efficient mix of land uses r .iSI F: it RF'i kli� r i I 1 - hi W@t t L rl I� ^ SE 6LIJCE=k4Y RI; r _ HE t lf-, 0 R►+i�i t 1 East SR 165- W E I .g chard _!//!/• St Tronsl7 Ce7r#er /• w�,s drduck L'rcC — evsfoi3idn ��'� w{; — — f �es r 1 T { L.—y._. Fr r 1 0 � ll �a) Hidden Creek r, 0 400 8U0 Feet Elernentory Sch N �J Mzxar, Micn�seh Hub features ilacvtion ne><ifrel Transportation Ideas �'fN ob ifty �Yuppor St BET M Greenbelt jG3)135 Feet (no change] =zoning change Mixed use . mpFovements potential ne Residential 2 (R2)135 feet (no ehange) Residential 3 (R3]/4; eet [Ili:• Ihon hub; Investment r -+ Potential street bus routes Residential 4 1R41145 feet {n❑ change) focus area Park/plaza connection Planned ^ SR 16 Transit Center M Commereipl Corridor [CC)/ `eet reel) �► Roundabout 45 {+1C ttttt8 Commerical Heavy (CH)/ t - + Ravine trall 35 feel (no change) '//. CommeFciol Mixed Use (CMU)/ a5 feel -15 feel Public Facilities (PFI/85 feet [no change] BETHEL BLUEBERRY (NAME TBD) Creote open plaza space to support commercial centers and public life SEDGWICK CENTER (NAME TBDI Encourage a central gateway plaza through public private development Include additional multimodol improvements, and consider midbIock crossing and complete streets features including green stormwater Infrastructure Existing Concritions — Blackjack Creek 1.7 Sedgwick Bethel p Port Orchard I Port Orchard UGA Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 24 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Subareas Preferred Alternative Based on feedback gathered from community engagement activities, including workshops and an online survey, community members expressed strong support for specific design elements within the land use alternatives. These elements emphasize the importance of mixed -use developments featuring neighborhood parks, enhancing commercial opportunities along arterial corridors, improving access to parks and trails, and expanding multimodal transportation options. Many online survey respondents favored Alternative 3 in both Subareas, while opinions were split among workshop attendees. Some workshop attendees raised concerns about the increase in height and density and impact of these changes on transportation infrastructure and the overall character of the neighborhoods. The community outreach process highlighted several core values that align with the desired elements of the Subareas' land use alternatives Safe, efficient, and comfortable multimodal mobility Thriving centers with diverse uses for people to work, live, and play Access to recreational facilities, parks, and open space Resilient and sustainable community For more detailed information on the engagement effort and feedback regarding the subarea, refer to the Subarea Engagement Summary Memo. The community engagement results guide the preferred alternatives to realize the vision of creating a walkable, vibrant community. These alternatives leverage planned transportation improvements, increase commercial and residential capacity through flexible development options, and expand community assets where residents can gather. With these goals in mind, the Bethel -Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel preferred alternatives aim to revitalize the community and improve the well-being of residents Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 25 Appendix - DRAFT September 2024 Bethel -Lund Preferred Alternative The map below illustrates the key features that support a cohesive, connected neighborhood aligning with the community's vision for Bethel -Lund. Support efforts to activate Lundberg Pork Zoning. Create more flexible development regulations, including height overlay zones, and parking requirements to allow For more housing and a mix of land uses Create a trail network to connect parks and open spaces between Sedgwick-Bethel and Bethel -Lund SALMONBERRY PARK, (NAME TBDJ Create a central park to buffer the ravine and support recreational needs in the area Lundberg Park East R rr r ;------ '-'t Pat Orchard r y,� at►.. Elementary r 11School r Christian _ Lite south Klfsap File r 1 s Regional Park r Ce nSlar Cor _x � i �k R3+R2,J Mowash a LL! .� R3 -fit '" N Kitsop Vefed ry r � F, HospHal ¢ o r \ CC CMUPuerto 0 vallarto Wal9 reens _ sEna Jl_CT , _ ~ ► � 3■ Rite r ■�.1 Aid ETHEL -,_,_,_._,_.i i V V.ALLA.IR C- East Port ore k i wol rF r i SE ++euaa+j Cr t 1 ' r SE sEF.ErvAOF WA" r r � z r CC -PF a 0 + T , G'Conneclto T ` Sedgwicick Bethel had p 0 400 800 Feet SE SAI A/ ON 3Ef.'RY R � IN' I r M1 r, Misr Improve connectivity and explore other active transportation improvements, such as mid block crossing and sidewalk buffer enhancements, along key routes to schools and ❑ther destinations Bethel/Sedgwick improvements and other street projects will occur as planned Support Kitsop Transit bus service enhancements Hub Features tronsportatlon Ideas Zoning Existing Conditions M -Y Safe routes Residential I IR1} �CommerciolComdor(CC) — Blackjack Creek Pprkiploxo Improvements to school Residential 2 IR2} = Commerical hleavy (CH) Greenbelt r -* Potential street FT Suppo t BRT Residential 3 IR3} ///. Camrnercral Mix®d Use ICnnu} !� PorkS and Recreolion ^ 3 Bethel -Lund + Ravine'r;:il connection Public Facilities (PF) P/'. Business Prof. Mixed Use {BPMUj •/I Planned ~ - - Potential new Port Orchard 040 Roundabout has routes Zoning change I Port Orchard UGA See Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 3.3 Preferred Alternative: Planning Framework for more details on the urban design vision and investments priorities. Capacity In addition to the PSRC Countywide Growth Centers eligibility requirements, Kitsap County's Countywide Planning Policies establish that Countywide Centers must show a minimum of 10 Activity Units per acre. An Activity Unit is one person or one job. For more information about the PSRC Countywide Growth Centers criteria see Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 1.3 PSRC Regional Centers Framework. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 26 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 As shown on the table below, the Subarea's existing and pipeline development meets the Countywide Centers Designation Criteria and, with additional land capacity based on the development pattern outlined in this preferred alternative, can accommodate up to 13.6 Activity Units per acre. Bethel -Lund Existing Pipeline Existing + Additional Total Pipeline Land Capacity Acres 211.2 211.2 Vacant/Redevelopable Residential Acres 19.5 Vacant/Redevelopable Commercial Acres 0.1 Housing Units 259 213 472 358 830 Single Family 174 39 213 37 250 Condo 0 0 0 0 Multifamily 85 174 259 321 580 People per Household Single Family 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 Condo 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 Multifamily 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Population 665 460 1,124 749 1,873 Jobs 988 0 988 21 1,009 Activity Units 1,653 460 2,112 770 2,882 AUs / Acre 10.0 13.6 Requirements Required Acres 160-500 160-500 Actual Acres 211.2 211.2 Surplus /Shortfall 51.2 51.2 Required Use Mix 20% Res. / Emp. 20% Res. / Emp. Actual Res. Mix 53% 65% Actual Emp. Mix 47% 35% Required AUs/Acre 10 10 Actual AUs/Acre 10.0 13.6 Surplus /Shortfall 0.0 Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 27 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Height Overlays Generally, the maximum building height allowed within Bethel -Lund is three stories or 35 feet. The Bethel -Lund height overlay districts (BLHOD) intent is to support focused growth with compact development form to achieve added dwelling units and vertical mixed - use buildings necessary to concentrate growth in the Subarea. As shown on the map below, the three different BLHOD height zones are as follows: a) BLHOD 5: 55 feet - five stories b) BLHOD 4: 45 feet - four stories c) BLHOD 3: 35 feet - three stories 4 Lundberg 4� '.'.'.•.•••): Park V East 1 Part Orchard �aG� Elementary �'••�'�� SE LLINp6FRG.RQ Cy� School aC,�,A _ MCKINLEY PL SE jChristian South kihop Life � a• 1 Center Regional Park g aMonster Ar � a 1r--, Wash a z •� �y: Usap Veterinary Lj 7 Hospital ; n • E._.—...._.—Puerto o 0 Va€la o Wa€greens CT SE BASIL I Rite •. Safeway Aid Fuel BFfHiL JUNCTION w �'�'�•�•�•�•� Safeway - q SE 'VKIAiR,=T Q East Port Orchard i i Wa€maH 1 — se rlBurzoN er 1 SE RERGER LN 5E SERENA6E WAY af 0 9 1 4 m A I.�.�.,.y y q 1 Bethel Saloon 1 t r z (i . ............ 0 0 Feet 4IXJ 8 0 SE SALMONBERRY Rp I Maxar, Microsoft Bethel -Lund Height Overlciy District (BLHOD) It• BLHOD 5: 55 fect- five stories BLHOD 4: 45 feel - four stories BLHOD 3: 35 feel - Ihree Stories Existing Conditions — Blackjack Creek Bethel € and 0 Part Orchard Part Or2�hord UGA Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 28 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Sedgwick-Bethel Preferred Alternative The map below illustrates the key features that support a thriving, well-connected neighborhood. Create a trail network to connect parks and open spaces between Sedgwick-Bethel and Bethel -Lund Bethel/Sedgwick Improvements and ❑ther street projects will occur as planned GEIGER SEDGWICK. (NAMETBD) Create a large iconic park and public gatheringspacc within mixed -use developments that make use of active transit corridors Support Kitsop Transit's planned bus service enhancements and propose extending the planned BRT route to the SR 16 Transit Center to link Sedgwick-Bethel and Ruby Creek � Cvnnec}fv Refrrer-fund hair ` _ + 1 A r 1 5i hinotSun SL I -RR. F:.. I r� �I. I. _ s •. _ -'B EL 5 — - ■ 1b sr nC�ngclR p E•RPER9ER . .. J SR76 �_Sy_,• Ymnslr Cenfer - Cost i c bry Port Orchard east of Sidney Rd 16 *. c 16 '� ► E ■.... a. SF 'VFS -ILL RC 0 400 8W Feet r Hidden Cre Elementary 54 N I Maxar, h4icr;s 5ALMON6ERRY PARK. (NAMETBD) Create a central park to buffer the ravine and support recreational needs in the area Zoning. Create more fexible development regulations within the subarea to allow more housing and an efficient mix of land uses Improve connectivity and explore other active transportation improvements, such as midblock crossing and sidewalk buffer enhancements. along key routes to schools and other destinations Encourage the development of a gateway plaza through public - private partnerships Hub Features Tronsportafion Ideas Zoning Existing Conditions {lacahan lrexiue) mobility H Supporf RRT Resldential 1 {R1 j Commercial Corridor (CC) — Blackjack Creek Mixed use Improvements f _ Potential new Residential {R2l fi Commerical Heavy {CHI r Greenbelt hub; investment Potential street bus mutes Residential {R31 W. Commercial Mixed use (CMIJ) M Parks and Recreation Sedgwick-Bethel focus area conneCfion n Public Facilities [PFl Business Prof. Mixed Use (BPMU) +�► Planned V SR 16 Transit `2 O Part Orchard Porklplaw Center �+ roundobaut Part Orchard UGA w - + Ravine trail See Sedgwick-Bethel Subarea Plan 3.3 Preferred Alternative: Planning Framework for more details on the urban design vision and investments priorities. Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 29 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Capacity The table below shows the Sedgwick-Bethel existing and pipeline development meets the Countywide Centers Designation Criteria and, with additional land capacity based on the development pattern outlined in this preferred alternative, can accommodate up to 20.8 Activity Units per acre. S _ Existing Pipeline Existing + Additional Total Pipeline Land Capacity Acres 235.7 235.7 Vacant/Redevelopable Residential Acres 26.8 Vacant/Redevelopable _Commercial Acres 5.2 Housing Units 292 457 749 1,064 1,813 Single Family 156 151 307 1 308 Condo 0 0 0 0 Multifamily 136 306 442 1,063 1,505 People per Household Single Family 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 Condo 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 Multifamily 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Population 716 1,042 1,758 2,134 3,892 Jobs 619 10 629 388 1,017 Activity Units 1,335 1,052 2,387 2,522 4,909 AUs / Acre 10.1 20.8 Requirements Required Acres 160-500 160-500 Actual Acres 235.7 235.7 Surplus / Shortfall 75.7 75.7 Required Use Mix 20% Res. / Emp. 20% Res. / Emp. Actual Res. Mix 74% 79% Actual Emp. Mix 26% 21 Required AUs/Acre 10 Actual AUs/Acre 10.1 20.8 Surplus / Shortfall 0.1 Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 30 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Height Overlays In the Sedgwick-Bethel, the general maximum building height allowed is three stories or 35 feet. The purpose of the Sedgwick-Bethel height overlay districts (SBHOD) is to provide more opportunities for housing supply, compact growth, and vertical mixed -use buildings. As shown on the map below, the three different SBHOD height zones are as follows: a) SBHOD 5: 55 feet - five stories b) SBHOD 4: 45 feet - four stories c) SBHOD 3: 35 feet - three stories d 1•�� E LMONME RY RD z C] � � p t •�•�• •r• SF Al IJEEERRY f L. LN U ' Z PiR6ERli Y � ,,, O V East E Port Orchard to uc SESEDGWICK RD — ,6 D. [7 z 0m �•r• A �6 :_ F.. RD Hidden Creek ;� A 0 4?0 800 Feet I Elementary school I N h9axar, Mirrasnff SE MELINE RD $adgwick•Bethel Height Overlay District (SBHOD) M SBHOD 5: 55 feet five stories SBHOD 4- 45 feet - four stories SBHOD 3: 35 feet - three stories Existing Conditions Blackjack Creek Sedgwlck Bethel [=3 Port Orchard I Port Orchard uGA Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 31 Appendix • DRAFT September 2024 Port Orchard Bethel Subareas Plan 32