Resilience Awareness Month - October 2024City of Port Orchard
216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366
cityhalh& ortorchardwa.goy I (360) 876-4407
WHEREAS, there is compelling scientific evidence of a correlation between negative childhood
experiences known as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) or "toxic stress", and
WHEREAS, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) include such experiences as physical, sexual, or
verbal abuse, physical and emotional neglect, witnessing domestic violence, losing a parent to separation
or divorce or having a family member who is: experiencing mental health issues, struggling with substance
abuse, and/or incarcerated, and
WHEREAS, there is significant scientific evidence that sources of "toxic stress" may also include
poverty, experiences of homelessness, and historical, structural, or community experiences of trauma such
as racism, sexism, homophobia, slavery, colonization, community violence, natural disasters, and
WHEREAS, in Kitsap County 62% of residents report having experienced at least 1 ACE, and over
37% of residents report having 3 or more ACEs, and research indicates the more "toxic stress" a person
has experienced, the greater his/her risk of social, emotional, behavioral, and physical health challenges,
leading to school suspension, increased dropout rates, expulsion, tardiness and absenteeism, bullying,
unemployment, decreased functional work days, homelessness, incarceration, domestic violence, chronic
disease, and substance abuse, and
WHEREAS, ACEs are at the root of our most costly community issues, associated with 78% of IV
drug use, 69% of mental illness, 67% of suicide attempts, 65% of alcoholism, 62% of domestic violence &
homelessness, 61% of adult incarceration, 54% of prescription drug abuse, 26% of cardiovascular disease,
24% of cancer, 17% of asthma, and 15% of diabetes, and
WHEREAS, resiliency is the antidote and there is compelling scientific evidence that, being able to
rely on relationships to access resources and support in the moment of need, can transform a potentially
toxic experience into a tolerable one, and
WHEREAS, resiliency needs to be nurtured throughout the life -span and is built through
supportive relationships with caring adults and experiences that strengthen our core adaptive skills,
including regulating emotions, managing stress, planning, mental flexibility, decision making,
creating/sustaining relationships, and
WHEREAS, Kitsap Strong has a vision of a community where each person flourishes and all parents
raise their children with consistency and nurturance to develop resilience, with the goal to mobilize our
community through dialogue and action to prevent ACEs in the next generation through building individual
and community resilience.
NOW, THEREFORE I, Rob Putaansuu, Mayor of Port Orchard, do hereby proclaim October of 2024
to be the annual
And urge all our residents to become informed about ACES and their impact on development and
long-term health outcomes, to integrate these principles into our everyday work and practice, and to
otherwise support the work of Kitsap Strong as a community of hope and healing.
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Signed the 24th day of September 2024
Robert Putaansuu, Mayor