2024.10.15 Civil Service Rules final w appendicesCITY OF PORT ORCHARD POLICE CIVIL SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS Approved and re -adopted June 24, 2002 Revised: June 21, 2005 December 17, 2019 January 24, 2020 November 23, 2020 January 19, 2021 January 18, 2022 January 25, 2022 January 17, 2023 January 16, 2024 April 16, 2024 October 15, 2024 RULE 1 - AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE..................................................................... 1 RULESPRESCRIBED........................................................................................... 1 PURPOSE................................................................................................................ 1 EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES................................................................................ 1 SEVERABILITY..................................................................................................... 1 RULE 2 - DEFINITIONS................................................................................................ 2 RULE 3 - ADMINISTRATION....................................................................................... 6 ELECTIONOF CHAIR.......................................................................................... 6 DUTIES OF CHAIRPERSON................................................................................ 6 CHAIRPERSONPRO TEM.................................................................................... 6 SECRETARY /CHIEF EXAMINER....................................................................... 6 SECRETARY PRO TEM......................................................................................... 7 AMENDMENTS OF RULES.................................................................................. 7 EFFECTIVE DATE OF RULES............................................................................. 8 COPIES OF RULES................................................................................................ 8 CODIFICATION AND PUBLICATION OF REGULATIONS .............................. 8 RULE 4 - MEETINGS OF THE COMMISSION.......................................................... 9 REGULARMEETINGS.......................................................................................... 9 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETINGS................................................................. 9 SPECIAL MEETINGS............................................................................................ 9 PLACE OF MEETING............................................................................................ 9 EMERGENCY MEETINGS.................................................................................... 9 PUBLIC MEETINGS.............................................................................................. 9 EXECUTIVE SESSIONS...................................................................................... 10 RULES OF ORDER.............................................................................................. 10 QUORUM.............................................................................................................. 10 COMMISSIONERS - CHALLENGE................................................................. 10 COMMISSIONERS - CHALLENGE -NECESSITY ........................................... 10 COMMUNICATIONS........................................................................................... 10 MINUTES.............................................................................................................. 11 RULE5 - HEARINGS................................................................................................... 12 RIGHT TO A HEARING....................................................................................... 12 PETITION FOR HEARING................................................................................. 12 TIME WITHIN WHICH PETITIONS MUST BE FILED ................................... 12 HEARING BOARD OR OFFICER....................................................................... 13 NOTICE................................................................................................................. 13 RIGHTS OF PETITIONER.................................................................................. 13 FAILURE OF PETITIONER TO APPEAR.......................................................... 13 EVIDENCE........................................................................................................... 14 EXCLUSION OF WITNESSES............................................................................ 14 TESTIMONY OF PETITIONER.......................................................................... 14 BURDEN OF PROOF........................................................................................... 14 FINDINGS AND DECISION............................................................................... 14 REPORT OF HEARINGS..................................................................................... 15 TRANSCRIPTS OF HEARINGS.......................................................................... 15 RULE 6 - CLASSIFICATION...................................................................................... 16 CLASSIFICATION PLAN.................................................................................... 16 REVIEW AND APPEALS..................................................................................... 16 EFFECT OF CLASSIFICATION CHANGES ON INCUMBENT ...................... 16 RULE 7 - APPLICATIONS AND APPLICANTS...................................................... 18 QUALIFICATIONS OF APPLICANTS............................................................... 18 FILING TIME FOR APPLICATION.................................................................... 18 NON -ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICANT............................................................... 19 NOTICE OF NON-ACCEPTANCE...................................................................... 22 APPEALS.............................................................................................................. 22 ADMISSION TO EXAMINATION PENDING APPEAL .................................... 22 AMENDMENT OF APPLICATIONS................................................................... 22 APPLICATIONS NOT RETURNED.................................................................... 22 RULE 8 - COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS............................................................ 23 ORDERING EXAMINATIONS............................................................................ 23 POLICE OFFICER EMPLOYMENT................................................................... 23 PERIODIC EXAMINING PROGRAMS............................................................... 23 NOTICE OF EXAMINATION.............................................................................. 24 TIME AND PLACE OF EXAMINATIONS.......................................................... 24 POSTPONEMENT OR CANCELLATION OF EXAMINATIONS ..................... 24 LATE APPLICANTS............................................................................................. 24 PARTS AND WEIGHTS....................................................................................... 24 PASSING GRADES.............................................................................................. 25 ADDITIONAL CREDIT........................................................................................ 25 PROMULGATION AND NOTIFICATION OF TEST RESULTS ....................... 26 INSPECTION OF RATING STANDARDS AND SCORING KEY ..................... 26 REPORT OF EXAMINATION............................................................................. 26 APPEAL TO COMMISSION................................................................................ 26 CORRECTION OF CLERICAL ERRORS............................................................ 27 RETENTION OF RECORD OF EXAMINATION ............................................... 27 EXAMINATIONS TO BE IMPARTIAL............................................................... 27 TEST SECURITY NOTICE.................................................................................. 27 REPEAT APPLICATIONS................................................................................... 28 RULE 9 - MEDICAL STANDARDS FOR EMPLOYMENT ..................................... 29 MEETING THE MEDICAL STANDARDS.......................................................... 29 FAILURE TO MEET MEDICAL STANDARDS .................................................. 29 RULE 10 - ELIGIBILITY LISTS................................................................................. 30 ELIGIBILITY........................................................................................................ 30 ORDER OF NAMES ON ELIGIBILITY LISTS .................................................. 30 TIESCORES......................................................................................................... 30 DISCLOSURES OF NAMES OF PERSONS ON ELIGIBILITY LISTS ............ 30 DURATION OF ELIGIBILITY LISTS................................................................. 30 CANVASS OF ELIGIBILITY LISTS................................................................... 31 REJECTION OF CANDIDATE - DROPPED FROM LIST .............................. 31 EFFECTS OF APPEALS...................................................................................... 31 RULE 11 - CERTIFICATION AND APPOINTMENT ............................................. 32 CERTIFICATION FROM ELIGIBILITY LIST ................................................... 32 PRIORITY OF LISTS........................................................................................... 32 WITHHOLDING NAMES FROM CERTIFICATION OR REMOVING NAMES FROM ELIGIBILITY LISTS................................................................................ 32 RESTORATION TO CERTIFICATION............................................................... 32 EFFECT OF REMOVAL, WITHHOLDING, OR RESTORATION ..................... 33 APPOINTMENT OF CANDIDATES................................................................... 33 RULE 12 - PROBATION.............................................................................................. 34 PROBATIONARY PERIOD.................................................................................. 34 LENGTH OF PROBATIONARY PERIOD........................................................... 34 INTERRUPTION OF PROBATIONARY PERIOD ............................................. 34 FAILURE OF PROBATION................................................................................. 35 REMOVAL OF PROBATIONER.......................................................................... 35 RULE 13 - TEMPORARY AND PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENTS ..................... 36 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS........................................................................ 36 PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENTS...................................................................... 36 RULE 14 - ASSIGNMENTS, TRANSFERS, AND REASSIGNMENTS ................. 37 ASSIGNMENTS.................................................................................................... 37 RULE 15 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE............................................................................ 38 LEAVES OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY........................................................... 38 EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION OF LEAVES OF ABSENCE ...................... 38 REPORTS OF LEAVES OF ABSENCE............................................................... 38 RULE 16 - DISCHARGE, DEMOTION, SUSPENSION, ......................................... 39 CAUSES FOR DISCHARGE, DEMOTION, SUSPENSION AND OTHER DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS.................................................................................. 39 CONDITIONS OF DISCHARGE, DEMOTION, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS.................................................................................. 39 HEARING ON REASONS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION ............................... 40 CRIMINALACTS................................................................................................. 40 DECISION............................................................................................................. 40 PROBATIONARY PERIOD FOLLOWING FIRST APPOINTMENT ................ 40 PROBATIONARY PERIOD FOLLOWING PROMOTIONAL APPOINTMENT41 TIME FOR DISCHARGE OF PROBATIONER................................................... 41 RESIGNATIONS.................................................................................................. 41 RULE 17 - PRE -DISCIPLINARY HEARING............................................................ 42 PRE -DISCIPLINARY HEARING........................................................................ 42 PRE -DISCIPLINARY HEARING - STANDARDS/NOTICE OF DISCIPLINE42 RULE 18 - LAYOFFS AND REINSTATEMENT REGISTER ................................. 43 LAYOFFS.............................................................................................................. 43 EMPLOYMENT STATUS AND ORDER OF LAYOFF ....................................... 43 LAYOFFOUT OF ORDER................................................................................... 43 REDUCTION IN LIEU OF LAYOFF................................................................... 43 TRANSFER IN LIEU OF LAYOFF..................................................................... 44 REINSTATEMENT LIST..................................................................................... 44 NAME DROPPED................................................................................................. 44 RESTORATION TO REINSTATEMENT LIST ................................................... 44 DISABILITY.......................................................................................................... 44 RULE 19 - CERTIFYING SALARY ACCOUNTS ..................................................... 45 CERTIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS..................................................................... 45 RULE 20 - REPORTS REQUIRED............................................................................. 46 REPORTS FROM THE APPOINTING AUTHORITY/CHIEF ........................... 46 OTHERREPORTS................................................................................................ 46 RULE 21 - CLASS SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................... 47 CIVIL SERVICE CLASS SPECIFICATIONS..................................................... 47 Appendix A: Entry Level Police Officer Examination Process Appendix B: Lateral Police Officer Examination Process Appendix C: Police Sergeant Promotional Examination Process Appendix D: Community Health Navigator Examination Process Appendix E: Police Records/Evidence Specialist Examination Process Appendix F: Certified Peace Officer Examination Process PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 1 RULE 1 - AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE 1.01 RULES PRESCRIBED In accordance with the provisions of RCW 41.12 of the laws of the State of Washington, Ordinance Number 1829 of the City of Port Orchard, (Chapter 2.30 Port Orchard Municipal Code), the Police Civil Service Commission of the City of Port Orchard, a code city of said state, hereby adopts the following rules and regulations for carrying out the purposes of RCW 41.12 and city ordinances, these rules shall have the force and effect of law. 1.02 PURPOSE These Rules are prescribed for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the law, assuring the continuance of the civil service system, promoting efficiency in the dispatch of public business, selecting and promoting employees on the basis of merit, and assuring fair and impartial treatment for all classified civil service employees. 1.03 EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES No person in the classified civil service or seeking admission thereto shall be appointed, reduced, or removed, or in any way favored or discriminated against in employment or opportunity for employment because of race, national origin, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation (including gender identity and gender expression), genetic information, marital status, military or veteran status, or political opinions or affiliations, or because of physical or sensory disabilities as prescribed in RCW 49.60, federal or local law. 1.04 SEVERABILITY If any rule, section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of these Rules is declared unconstitutional, illegal or void for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of these Rules. The Commission hereby declares that it would have prescribed and adopted these Rules and each rule, section, paragraph, sentence, clause, and phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more rules, sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional, illegal, or void. Authority and Purpose PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 2 RULE 2 - DEFINITIONS Unless otherwise required by the context, words used in these Rules shall be understood to have the following special meanings: 2.01 ACTUAL SERVICE means time under civil service appointment engaged in the performance of the duties of a position or positions including absences with pay and successfully completed probationary time. 2.02 ALLOCATE means to locate or place a position in the appropriate class on the basis of similarity of duties and responsibilities or required qualifications. 2.03 APPLICANT means a person who has filed an application to take a civil service examination. 2.04 APPLICANTS FOR PROMOTION from within the Port Orchard Police Department shall be those individuals certified by the secretary/chief examiner to the Chief (or designee) as having the required minimum qualifications necessary to take a promotional examination. 2.05 APPOINTING AUTHORITY means the person, board, or commission having authority to appoint, discipline, remove, or terminate subordinates. 2.06 APPOINTMENT - PROVISIONAL means the appointment of a person to a position in the absence of an appropriate eligibility list for the class. 2.07 APPOINTMENT - REGULAR means the tendering of an offer and acceptance of same by a person on an eligibility list, either on a permanent or temporary basis. 2.08 BREAK IN SERVICE means any interruption in continuous service, except for absences on approved leave or absences to serve in the armed forces of the United States. Re-employment does not make the service continuous. 2.09 BUSINESS DAYS OR DAYS means calendar days exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. 2.10 CANDIDATE means a person who had completed a civil service examination or is in the process of doing so. 2.11 CERTIFIED PEACE OFFICER means the employment of a police officer who has (1) has a current and valid Peace Officer Certification from the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission; (2) been employed as a full-time sworn police officer within the last 24 months prior to date of hire; and (3) does not otherwise qualify to apply as a Lateral Entry applicant. Definitions 2 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 2 2.12 CIVIL LAW ENFORCEMENT means law enforcement experience with a non- federal, non-military law enforcement agency charged with the enforcement of state, county, city, and/or local ordinances. 2.13 CLASS means a group of positions sufficiently similar in respect to duties and responsibilities so that the same title may be applied to each position, the same qualifications may be required, and approximately the same salary range may be applied with equity. 2.14 CLASSIFIED CIVIL SERVICE means all offices and full-time paid positions in the service of the city police under civil service as authorized by state law as identified in Rule 21 of these rules. 2.15 COMMISSION means the Port Orchard Police Civil Service Commission. 2.16 CONTINUOUS SERVICE means employment without interruption except for absences on approved leave or absences to serve in the armed forces of the United States. 2.17 CONTINUOUS TESTING. means a written examination, and/or a standardized physical fitness/agility test conducted pursuant to set and commonly applied standards whose results shall be valid for a period of one calendar year from the date of certification to a Continuous testing Initial Eligibility List. Continuous testing may be offered through the secretary/chief examiner or pursuant to a subscription testing agreement 2.18 CITY means the City of Port Orchard. 2.19 DEMOTION means the reassignment of an employee from a higher to a lower class for cause. 2.20 DEPARTMENT means the Police Department of the City of Port Orchard. 2.21 DISCHARGE means separation from service for cause. 2.22 EDUCATIONAL CREDIT means preference in examinations, based on the furnishing of proof that the individual requesting such credit possesses a degree from a state accredited college or university. 2.23 ELIGIBILITY LIST means a list of names of persons who have passed a civil service examination of a specific class. Definitions PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 2 2.24 EXAMINATION means the process of testing the fitness and qualification of applicants for positions in a specific class. 2.25 FULL-TIME means being scheduled to work 40 or more hours per week on an ongoing basis. 2.26 LATERAL ENTRY means the employment of a uniformed police officer who has (1) successfully completed an approved basic law enforcement academy and be eligible for lateral certification by the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission without attending the state's full basic law enforcement academy; (2) successfully completed a field training program with a previous law enforcement agency; (3) been employed as a full-time sworn police officer for a minimum of eighteen (18) continuous months with a single agency; and (4) not been out of full-time law enforcement service for longer than three (3) years at date of hire. 2.27 LAYOFF means separation from a permanent position due to lack of funds, lack of work, or abolishment of the position. 2.28 LEOFF means Law Enforcement Officers' and Fire Fighters' Retirement System. 2.29 OPEN EXAMINATION means an examination open to the public and not limited to applicants from among regular employees in the Port Orchard Police Department 2.30 PERMANENT means an employee who has successfully completed a probationary period in a specific class. 2.31 POSITION means any group of duties and responsibilities in the classified civil service of the department requiring the full or part-time employment of one person. 2.32 PROBATION OR PROBATIONARY means the status of an employee during a trial period following an appointment. This trial period is a working test during which and employee is required to demonstrate by performance of the duty fitness for the position to which the person has been certified and appointed. 2.33 PROBATIONER means an employee who has probationary status. 2.34 QUALIFIED FEDERAL, STATE OR MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY shall include the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States Treasury Department, Washington State Highway Patrol, a law enforcement agency of a county or a law enforcement agency of a second-class city or larger. Definitions 4 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 2 2.35 REDUCTION means the reassignment of an employee from a higher to a lower class in lieu of layoff or for other reasons not associated with demotion. Such reduction may be at the employee's request with the concurrence of the appointing authority and the Commission. 2.36 REINSTATEMENT means reappointment after a break in service. 2.37 REINSTATEMENT REGISTER means a list of names of persons laid off from permanent positions arranged in order of their right to reinstatement. 2.38 SENIORITY means the total amount of continuous service within the department in a position or positions of a specific class. For purposes of layoff in a lower class, seniority in such class shall include any service in a higher class. 2.39 SEPARATION means leaving a position and includes resignation, discharge, and layoff. 2.40 SHALL AND MAY shall is mandatory; may is permissive. 2.41 SUBSCRIPTION TESTING SERVICE means a person or organization offering a service that tests and maintains lists of candidates for employment who have successfully completed the Subscription Testing process. 2.42 TEMPORARY means employment on a basis other than permanent or probationary. 2.43 TRANSFER refers to the change of an employee from one position to a similar position in the same class within the department, without examination. 2.44 VETERANS' POINTS means preference in an entry-level examination based on military service, as provided and defined by Laws of the State of Washington and the Federal Government. Definitions 5 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 3 RULE 3 - ADMINISTRATION 3.01 ELECTION OF CHAIR At the first regular meeting in January of each year, the Commission shall elect one of its members as chairperson to serve for a term of one year or until their successor is duly elected and qualified. 3.02 DUTIES OF CHAIRPERSON The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Commission and act as spokesperson for the Commission. 3.03 CHAIRPERSON PRO TEM The chairperson shall designate one of the Commissioners to act as chairperson pro tem during the absence of the chairperson. If no such designation has been made, the two Commissioners present shall agree who shall act as chairperson pro tem. 3.04 SECRETARY /CHIEF EXAMINER The Secretary/Chief Examiner appointed by the Commission from a civil service eligibility list shall carry out the following responsibilities in addition to acting as secretary of the Commission: a. Be responsible to the Commission; b. Keep the minutes and other records of the Commission and certify to the same when required; C. Administer the provisions of these Rules; d. Make recommendations to the Commission relative to matters of policy and for necessary amendments to these Rules; e. Report to the Commission from time to time as directed concerning the details of the work to be performed; f. See that the Commission is budgeted yearly, approve the Commission's accounts, and generally administer the expenditure of funds appropriate for the operation of the commission; g. Prepare for testing in an orderly fashion, including the following duties: Administration 6 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 3 1. Recommend to the Commission the examinations to be conducted. 2. Order appropriate tests from independent firms. 3. Prepare bulletins announcing examinations. 4. Make arrangements for the examinations, making recommendations for the appointment of such experts, special examiners and other persons as may be deemed necessary to be selected by the Civil Service Commission. 5. Review all questions relating to the eligibility of applicants, except the minimum requirements for those who have served in the Port Orchard Police Department as certified by the Commission. 6. Grade, or have graded, all written examination papers and establish a list of successful candidates. 7. Prepare a complete report of each examination for submittal to the Commission together with a report on all appeals from the Secretary/Chief Examiner's rulings or appeals from any part of the examination. h. Perform all other functions necessary for the proper implementation of these Rules and the provisions of the state law and city laws and ordinances relating to the civil service and such additional duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Commission. 3.05 SECRETARY PRO TEM In the absence of the Secretary/Chief Examiner, the Commission shall appoint a secretary pro tem to act as secretary to the Commission until the return of the Secretary/Chief Examiner. 3.06 AMENDMENTS OF RULES The Commission may amend these Rules or adopt new Rules by majority vote of the Commission at any regular or special meeting of the Commission. Unless upon emergency declared by all Commissioners present, amendment to these rules shall be first discussed in an open regular or special meeting at least one meeting prior to adoption. Upon declaration of emergency, a rule amendment may be adopted at the meeting at which the amendment is first proposed. Administration 7 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 3 3.07 EFFECTIVE DATE OF RULES All Rules and Amendments shall become effective immediately upon their adoption by the Commission unless some later date is specified therein. 3.08 COPIES OF RULES A copy of these Rules and a copy of all subsequent Rules or Amendments shall be sent as soon as practicable after adoption to each affected department of the city. A copy shall be maintained in the office of the Commission for public inspection, and copies shall be available at a nominal fee for public distribution. 3.09 CODIFICATION AND PUBLICATION OF REGULATIONS The Secretary/Chief Examiner shall have the power and authority to codify, organize, and classify all rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission in a logical, orderly and systematic manner, which shall be properly indexed and shall cause the same to be printed and published together with all amendments thereto. Administration 8 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 4 RULE 4 - MEETINGS OF THE COMMISSION 4.01 REGULAR MEETINGS Regular meetings shall be held at 9:00 AM, on the third Tuesday of the first month of each calendar quarter, unless same shall be a holiday, and then meetings shall be held the next business day or on a date designated by the Commission. All activities of the Commission shall be conducted in a manner which is in total compliance with what is commonly referred to as the "Open Public Meeting Act of 1971", as amended, of the State of Washington (CH 42.30 RCW). 4.02 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETINGS The Commission may adjourn any regular or adjourned meeting to a time and place specified in the order of adjournment. When so adjourned, the adjourned meeting is a regular meeting for all purposes. 4.03 SPECIAL MEETINGS A special meeting may be ordered at any time by the chairperson or by any two Commissioners by delivering personally or by mail written notice to each member of the Commission and all departments affected. Notification of said meeting, shall be posted in accordance with City practices for such meetings not less than twenty-four hours prior to the meeting. 4.04 PLACE OF MEETING All meetings shall be held virtually or at the physical location noted on the meeting agenda. 4.05 EMERGENCY MEETINGS If, by reason of fire, flood, earthquake, or other emergency, it shall be unsafe to meet in the place designated, the meetings may be held for the duration of the emergency at such place as is designated by the chairperson of the Commission. 4.06 PUBLIC MEETINGS All meetings of the Commission shall be open and public, and all persons shall be permitted to attend any meetings of the Commission except as provided in Rule 4.07. Meetings of the Commission 9 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 4 4.07 EXECUTIVE SESSIONS The Commission may hold executive sessions to consider the employment or dismissal or disciplinary action of a police officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges brought against such officer or employee by another police officer, person, or employee, unless such officer or employee requests a public hearing. The Commission also may exclude witnesses and others as provided in Rule 5.09. 4.08 RULES OF ORDER Except as otherwise provided herein, Robert's Rules of Order -- Newly Revised shall guide the Commission in its proceedings. 4.09 QUORUM Two members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum, and the concurrence of two members shall be required for any action. 4.10 COMMISSIONERS — CHALLENGE Any challenge to a commissioner sitting at a hearing shall be made by an interested party prior to the commencement of a hearing. The Commission shall review and rule on the challenge prior to proceeding with the hearing. Upon the Commission's finding of cause for disqualification, the commissioner shall take no part in the hearing. Failure to timely raise a challenge shall constitute a waiver of the challenge by the party unless, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, a basis for challenge is unknown to a party prior to commencement of a hearing. 4.11 COMMISSIONERS — CHALLENGE -NECESSITY If, as a result of disqualification(s) pursuant to Rule 4.10, there is no longer a lawfully constituted quorum available, then by reason of necessity the disqualified commissioner(s) shall return and proceed with the hearing. 4.12 COMMUNICATIONS Communications and requests to the Commission, insofar as practicable, shall be in writing. The substance of each request and the action of the Commission thereon shall be noted in the minutes. Meetings of the Commission 10 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 4 4.13 MINUTES The Secretary/Chief Examiner or the secretary pro tem shall record in the minutes the time and place of each meeting, the name of the Commissioners present, all official acts of the Commission, and the votes of the Commissioners, except when the action is unanimous. When requested, a Commissioner's dissent or approval with reasons shall be recorded. The minutes shall be written and presented for correction and approval at the next regular meeting. The minutes, or a true copy thereof, certified by the secretary or the secretary pro tem, shall be open to public inspection. Meetings of the Commission 11 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 5 RULE 5 - HEARINGS 5.01 RIGHT TO A HEARING Any person entitled to a hearing before the Commission under state law or these Rules, or adversely affected by an action or decision of the Secretary/Chief Examiner or of the Commission, made without notice to an opportunity for such person to be heard, may petition for a hearing before the Commission. 5.02 PETITION FOR HEARING Such petition shall be in writing, signed by the petitioner, giving the mailing address, the ruling from which the petitioner appeals, and, in plain language and in detail, the facts and the reasons upon which the petition is based. A hearing on the merits may be denied if the petition fails to state specific facts and reasons or if, in the opinion of the Commission, the facts or the reasons stated, if true, would not entitle the petitioner to any relief; but such denial shall be without prejudice to the filing of an amended petition within ten days of posting of the Commission's decision. 5.03 TIME WITHIN WHICH PETITIONS MUST BE FILED a. Unless otherwise provided in these Rules, a petition for hearing before the Commission must be filed within the following time limits: 1. In a discharge or reduction matter, ten days after mailing or receipt of notice of discharge or reduction. 2. In an appeal concerning any aspect of an examination, five business days after the administration of that step (i.e. written exam, assessment center exercise) of the exam process. 3. In all other matters, not later than ten days after the ruling or order complained of. b. The Secretary/Chief Examiner or the Commission may extend the time for filing a petition where good cause for the delay is shown and it is shown that other parties are not likely to suffer substantial hardship from such delay. Hearings 12 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 5 5.04 HEARING BOARD OR OFFICER On receiving a petition that complies with the foregoing Rule, the Commission shall determine whether the matter will be heard before the entire Commission or one or more named members of the Commission. 5.05 NOTICE If the Commission determines to hear the petition, the Commission or the hearing board shall set the matter for hearing and shall give the petitioner at least ten days notice in writing of the date and place of such hearing. In discharge or reduction hearings, similar notice shall be given to the appointing authority/Chief. 5.06 RIGHTS OF PETITIONER a. When a hearing is granted, the petitioner shall attend, unless excused by the Commission at the petitioner's request, and shall be entitled to: 1. Be represented by counsel at such hearings; 2. Testify under oath; 3. Subpoena witnesses to testify; 4. Cross-examine all witnesses appearing against the petitioner; 5. Impeach any witness before the Commission or hearing board; 6 Present such affidavits, exhibits, and other evidence, as the Commission deems pertinent to the inquiry; 7. Argue the case. b. The appointing authority/Chief, the Secretary/Chief Examiner, and any other person whom the Commission or hearing board finds to be interested in the matter shall be entitled to the same privileges. 5.07 FAILURE OF PETITIONER TO APPEAR In all hearings on the petition of an employee, the failure of the petitioning employee to appear in person or by counsel, at the time and place set for hearing, without good cause therefore being given to the Commission in advance, shall be deemed a withdrawal of the petition and consent to the action or ruling from which the appeal was taken. Hearings 13 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 5 5.08 EVIDENCE Hearings shall be informal and need not be conducted according to technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses. Any relevant evidence on which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law or statutory rule which might make improper the admission of such evidence over objection in civil actions. The rules of privilege and of official or judicial notice shall be effective to the same extent as in civil actions. Irrelevant and repetitious evidence shall be excluded. Oral evidence shall be taken only under oath or affirmation. 5.09 EXCLUSION OF WITNESSES The commission or the hearing board may, at its discretion, exclude witnesses not under examination except the Secretary/Chief Examiner, the petitioner or person to be discharged or reduced, the appointing authority/Chief, and counsel. When hearing testimony of scandalous or indecent conduct, all persons not having a direct interest in the hearing shall be excluded. 5.10 TESTIMONY OF PETITIONER In all hearings, the petitioning employee may be allowed to testify and may be cross- examined as to any matter relevant to the hearing. 5.11 BURDEN OF PROOF In discharge or reduction hearings, the burden of proof shall be on the appointing authority/Chief. In all other types of hearings, unless in conflict with state or federal law, the burden of proof shall be on the petitioner. 5.12 FINDINGS AND DECISION Formal findings of fact are not required. If such hearing is not before the full Commission, written findings shall be submitted to the Commission for its approval. If the Commission declines to accept the findings, it must hold a hearing de novo, after which it may adopt the findings made by the hearing board or make its own findings. The Commission shall announce its decision within ten days after the hearing and enter the same in its minutes. Unless the decision provides otherwise, it shall be effective immediately. Notice of the decision shall be mailed promptly to the petitioner and to the appointing authority/Chief. Except for the correction of clerical errors, such decision shall be final and conclusive. Hearings 14 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 5 5.13 REPORT OF HEARINGS Hearings may be conducted without a stenographic reporter or phonographic recording machine unless some person interested in the hearing requests, at least one full business day before the day set for the hearing, that such hearing be reported or recorded and pays the cost or fee for such reporting or recording. 5.14 TRANSCRIPTS OF HEARINGS When hearings are reported or recorded by employees of the Commission, a transcript of the testimony shall be furnished to any person requesting the same on the payment of costs for preparation of each copy of such transcript. When hearings are reported or recorded by independent contractors, transcript shall be available to any person paying to the contractor the usual and reasonable charge for such service. Hearings 15 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 6 RULE 6 - CLASSIFICATION 6.01 CLASSIFICATION PLAN Recommendation for new class specifications and revisions of existing class specifications shall be considered by the Commission at a regular or special Commission meeting, and, if approved, shall be as set forth in Rule 21. Class specification documents shall be prepared and maintained by the Chief all classes in city police service. Such specifications, or true copies thereof, shall be open to public inspection and available for free public distribution. Each such specification shall describe the class generally, distinguishing it from other classes. It shall also contain a statement of those minimum requirements not otherwise provided in these Rules for applicants for positions in the class. Any changes in classification shall be sent to the Mayor, City Council, and to the incumbent of that position, if any. 6.02 REVIEW AND APPEALS a. If the appointing authority/Chief or any employee is affected by any classification action, they may request the Commission and Secretary/Chief Examiner to review such action. Such request shall be made in writing within ten days of notification of such action. b. After notification of the results of such review, the employee or appointing authority/Chief so affected may appeal therefrom to the Commission. Such appeal shall be made not later than ten days after date of notification of results of review and shall be made in accordance with Rule 5. 6.03 EFFECT OF CLASSIFICATION CHANGES ON INCUMBENT a. Whenever a position is reclassified from one class to a higher class, the incumbent shall not continue in the position, except for a reasonable adjustment period approved by the Commission unless the incumbent gains eligibility for the new class and receives an appointment thereto in accordance with these Rules. b. Whenever a position is reclassified from one class to a lower class, the incumbent may elect to retain the position in the lower class. If the incumbent declines to retain the position in the lower class, a layoff list shall be created, and the position filled by reduction in lieu of layoff in accordance with the provisions of the Rule for layoff. Any person reduced involuntarily to fill a position reclassified downward shall be placed on a re-employment list in accordance with the provisions of the Rule for re- employment. If the position cannot be filled by reduction in lieu of layoff, Classification 16 PORT ORCHARD POLICE CIVIL SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS RULE 7 it shall be filled by certification from an appropriate eligibility list for the lower class. Whenever the title of a class is changed without a change in duties or responsibilities, the incumbent shall have the same status in the re -titled class as held in the former class. Hearings 17 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 7 RULE 7 - APPLICATIONS AND APPLICANTS 7.01 QUALIFICATIONS OF APPLICANTS In order to apply for examination, at the time of filing application: a. An applicant must be a citizen of the United States of America, a lawful permanent resident, or a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipient, and able to speak, read and write the English language. b. Unless otherwise provided in these Rules, no person will be admitted to an entrance examination for police officer who is less than twenty-one (21) years of age. C. An applicant must file a completed application form prescribed by the Commission giving fully, truthfully, and accurately all information required. A certification as to the truth and completeness of the information contained in the application, shall be required on each application. d. An applicant must provide proof to the Secretary/Chief Examiner or designee of education (high school diploma/GED certificate, college diploma or transcript), service discharge document (if claiming veteran's points), and proof of citizenship or lawful permanent residence. e. An applicant for Lateral Entry police officer employment must meet the criteria for lateral as defined in 2.26 of these rules; an applicant for Certified Peace Officer employment must meet the criteria as defined in 2.11 of these rules. 7.02 FILING TIME FOR APPLICATION a. Entry Level Application: Application to participate in the entry level police officer written and physical agility examination process is direct through the city's contract public safety testing provider (publicsafetytesting.com). A Certification of Scores for applicants that achieve a passing score is forwarded to the Port Orchard Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner. Upon receipt of certification of scores, the Secretary/Chief Examiner or designee will place each candidate on a waiting list to be invited to the next phase of the examination process. Entry level police officer applications are accepted on a continuous basis as provided in Rule 8.01. b. Certified Peace Officer and Lateral Police Officer Application: Applications for Certified Peace Officer and Lateral Police Officer may be accepted on a continuous basis as provided in Rule 8.01. Application must be made on Applications and Applicants 18 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 7 City of Port Orchard application form provided by the Secretary/Chief Examiner. C. Applications must be received at the office of the Secretary/Chief Examiner not later than 4:30 p.m. on the last day for filing as posted in the official bulletin for all other competitive examinations outlined in Rule S. Applications submitted after such last day for filing shall be considered late and ineligible for continuation in the process. d. Application amendments must be received not later than 4:30 p.m. on the last day for filing. Burden of proof of meeting requirements shall lie with the applicant. e. In case of any dispute as to the time of filing, the Commission's official time recorded on the application shall be conclusive. f. The time for filing applications may be extended or reopened by the Secretary/Chief Examiner as ordered by the Commission and as the needs of the service require, provided notice is immediately posted in accordance with the City's regular position posting procedures. 7.03 NON -ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICANT OR CANDIDATE The Secretary/Chief Examiner, subject to the right of any person aggrieved to appeal to the Commission as provided in Rule 5, may refuse to accept an application or to examine an applicant or may withhold the name of any person from the eligibility list who: a. does not meet the requirements set forth in these Rules or in the bulletin announcing the examination; b. is deemed by competent medical authority to be physically or mentally unfit to perform the duties of the position; C. has a history of domestic violence or child abuse allegations or has been subject to a protective order as defined in RCW; d. has been convicted of a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude or violence; e. has made any materially false statement or has attempted any deception or fraud in connection with this or any other civil service examination including false statements by others with the candidate's collusion, in connection with any application, examination for, or securing of an appointment; Applications and Applicants 19 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 7 f. refuses to furnish all information required to complete the application, does not submit the application or background investigation package by the established deadline or fails to execute any oath as prescribed by law; g. has unacceptable personal references; h. has poor credit practices; i. is prohibited by Federal or State law from purchasing or possessing a firearm; j. who is knowingly a member of any organization which, to their knowledge, now advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this state by force or violence or other unlawful means, or who now advocates the support of a foreign government against the United States in the event of hostilities; k. is, at the time of application an unlawful user of drugs including the use of narcotics or drugs not prescribed for the individual by a licensed medical practitioner, or addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors or narcotics or habit-forming drugs; 1. declines for a second time an invite to participate in an examination, or fails to appear at or pass a scheduled examination, any scheduled test or part thereof, Chiefs interview or investigation as requested; M. requests, in writing, to be removed; n. with or without accommodation, cannot participate in the examination process without posing a safety and health threat to the applicant or to others or who requires an accommodation that creates an undue hardship in administering the examination; o. is addicted to gambling or immoral practices or habits; P. is guilty of conduct not compatible with City employment, whether or not it amounts to a crime; q. has been dismissed or has resigned in lieu of discharge from any position, public or private, for any cause which would be a cause for dismissal from City service; or whose record of employment has not been satisfactory with any other employer; Applications and Applicants 20 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 7 r. has abandoned any position in the City service or has been absent from duty without leave of absence duly granted; S. has assisted in preparing, conducting or scoring the examination applied for, or who has in any other manner secured confidential information concerning such examination which might provide unfair advantage over other applicants in the examination; t. has been discharged from the armed forces under conditions other than honorable; U. expresses unwillingness or inability to accept appointment, or refuses offer of an appointment without adequate explanation; V. fails to respond within ten days next succeeding the mailing of written inquiry regarding availability for regular employment or fails to respond within five business days of request to appear for interview or test for such employment; W. fails to present themself for duty at any time agreed upon after having accepted an appointment; X. fails to maintain a record of current address with the Secretary/Chief Examiner as evidenced by the return of a properly addressed unclaimed letter, or other evidence; y. willfully violates any of the provisions of these rules or any applicable law; Z. resigns from the service and was on a promotional list; aa. is appointed to a regular position from a certified list; ab. is not selected after having been on the eligibility list for a position three (3) times in the same job class and department if removal is requested by the appointing authority/Chief; ac. cannot be reached in time for appointment when immediate temporary employment is required, but this shall apply to only such immediate temporary employment; ad. is not qualified to perform the duties of the class based upon a finding by the Commission; or ae. has derogatorily used a slur about a protected group. Applications and Applicants 21 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 7 7.04 NOTICE OF NON -ACCEPTANCE The person against whom action is taken under rule 7.03 shall be notified promptly of the reasons therefore. Oral notice at the time of filing the application shall be sufficient except where written notice is requested. Written notice mailed postage prepaid to the address shown on the application shall be effective on mailing. Notification to the person's email address shown on the application is effective upon sending. 7.05 APPEALS Any person aggrieved by any ruling of the Secretary/Chief Examiner concerning an examination or the eligibility or disqualification of applicants, or the withholding of name from certification, may appeal to the Commission in writing within five business days after notice of such ruling as provided in Rule 5. 7.06 ADMISSION TO EXAMINATION PENDING APPEAL The Secretary/Chief Examiner shall admit to the examination any person whose application was not accepted, pending final disposition of the appeal, such admission to be without prejudice. 7.07 AMENDMENT OF APPLICATIONS The secretary -chief examination shall permit any applicant, whether or not the application has been accepted, to amend the application or to file an amended application prior to closing date and time for acceptance of applications. 7.08 APPLICATIONS NOT RETURNED All applications, when completed and filed, become the property of the Commission and thereafter may not be returned to the applicant. Applications and Applicants 22 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 8 RULE 8 - COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS 8.01 ORDERING EXAMINATIONS The Secretary/Chief Examiner shall order an examination as necessary to maintain the following eligibility list(s) for positions listed in Section 21 of these rules. Such order shall specify the class for which the examination is ordered. The order shall be reported to the Commission and be subject to its review. a. Continuous Testing Eligibility List. The Secretary/Chief Examiner may establish any eligibility list for use by applicants tested through and certified for eligibility through a continuous testing process. b. Subscription testing service authorized. The Secretary/Chief Examiner is authorized to use a subscription testing service when an agreement with one or more subscription testing service organizations is approved and executed by the Mayor and, if required, the City Council. C. Additional Testing. Applicants certified by a subscription testing services will be subject to such other testing processes, including but not limited to oral boards or any other testing process conducted by the Commission or by a subscriber pursuant to Rule 8.01(b). d. Certification. Candidates certified pursuant to a continuous testing process shall be placed on the applicable Eligibility List. Certification shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations of this Commission. As each applicant is placed in accordance with their score and additional credits (if applicable) the placement of all others on the list shall be adjusted. 8.02 POLICE OFFICER EMPLOYMENT In addition to the examinations outlined in the applicable Appendix to these rules, applicants for police officer employment must successfully pass (1) Oral Board Examination; (2) Department/Chiefs interview; (3) Truth Verification Testing; (4) Psychological Examination; (5) Medical Examination; (6) Background investigation prior to appointment; and (7) other tests as deemed appropriate. 8.03 PERIODIC EXAMINING PROGRAMS Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these rules, a periodic examining program may be ordered and administered by the Secretary/Chief Examiner with the approval of the Commission for both entrance and promotional examinations to establish eligibility lists. Competitive Examinations 23 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 8 8.04 NOTICE OF EXAMINATION Public announcement of examinations shall be posted in the same manner as other job postings of the City for positions open to the public. Public notice of continuous examinations shall state that the period for filing applications and taking examinations shall remain open until further order and notice. The secretary/chief examiner may amend any published announcement with appropriate public notice. Promotional examination announcements shall be made through communication with all eligible employees at least ten (10) calendar days before the application due date. 8.05 TIME AND PLACE OF EXAMINATIONS Whenever applicants are required to appear for an examination, the time and place shall be designated in the official bulletin, or the applicants shall be notified in person by e- mail, mail or by telephone a minimum of one (1) week prior to the scheduled examination. The Secretary/Chief Examiner, with the approval of the Commission, may have an examination given in more than one session and/or at more than one place, either within or outside the City of Port Orchard. 8.06 POSTPONEMENT OR CANCELLATION OF EXAMINATIONS The administration of an examination or any part thereof may be postponed or canceled at any time. Notice of such postponement or cancellation shall be posted on the City's website and mailed or telephoned to the applicants. In an emergency, where time does not permit such notice, an examination may be postponed or canceled or the place of examination changed by posting a notice on the City's website as soon as possible and in a conspicuous location at the place and time originally set for the examination. 8.07 LATE APPLICANTS Whenever applicants are required to assemble for a test and the examination has started, no applicant will be admitted after the designated time. 8.08 PARTS AND WEIGHTS a. Each examination shall embrace one or more parts to which a raw score, rank order, or percentage weight shall be assigned. The Commission will establish the parts and weights of an examination by approving an examination plan prior to the conducting of any examinations. b. Examination parts may include one or more of the following: 1. Written tests 2. Oral tests of knowledge or ability Competitive Examinations 24 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 8 3. Interviews covering general qualifications, education, training and/or experience 4. Performance/assessment center examinations (working tests) 5. Physical tests of strength, stamina, agility or dexterity 6. Evaluation of education, training, experience, previous job performance or other qualifications as shown by the application, or by other information submitted, or by the record 7. Any other appropriate measure of fitness 8.09 PASSING GRADES a. A minimum score shall be set for each factor of the composite score and must be met before qualifying to proceed to the next test, unless provided for otherwise in the Appendix to these rules applicable to the position for which the examination(s) are administered. b. The final minimum passing composite score required shall be determined by the Commission prior to any examination. Such score shall include the factors listed in this section for examinations and be weighted at such time as the testing standards are set for the examination. The maximum composite score will be 100. For entry-level position examinations, the final composite score shall be made up of the written test score and oral examination score. C. The final composite score, before the application of additional credit as provided for in Rule 8.10, shall be no more than 100. 8.10 ADDITIONAL CREDIT a. Veteran. Veterans who have passed an entry examination shall be entitled to points pursuant to RCW 41.04.010 which provides for: (1) ten percent (10%) to a veteran who served during a period of war or in an armed conflict as defined in RCW 41.04.005 and does not receive military retirement. The percentage shall be added to the passing mark, grade, or rating of competitive examinations until the veteran's first appointment. The percentage shall not be utilized in promotional examinations; or (2) five percent (5%) to a veteran who did not serve during a period of war or in an armed conflict as defined in RCW 41.04.005 or is receiving military retirement. The percentage shall be added to the passing mark, grade, or rating of competitive examinations until the veteran's first appointment. The percentage shall not be utilized in promotional examinations; or Competitive Examinations 25 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 8 (3) five percent (5%) to a veteran who was called to active military service from employment with the state or any of its political subdivisions or municipal corporations. The percentage shall be added to promotional examinations until the first promotion only. Proof of such service filed with the Secretary/Chief Examiner prior to promulgation of the eligibility list will be used in calculating the final score. If proof is filed with the Secretary -Chief Examiner after the final score is calculated, the score will be recalculated and the eligibility list order readjusted to reflect the recalculated score. b. In accordance with RCW 41.04.012, the Chief may ask the Secretary/Chief Examiner to recalculate the scores of the applicants on the eligibility list after applying additional points for proficiency in two or more languages other than English, native language speaker in a language other than English, qualifying volunteer experience, and attainment of an associate or arts or science degree or higher. 8.11 PROMULGATION AND NOTIFICATION OF TEST RESULTS After all the parts of an examination have been completed and scored, the Secretary/Chief Examiner shall promulgate an eligibility list within ten (10) working days from the date of examination. 8.12 INSPECTION OF RATING STANDARDS AND SCORING KEY Inspection of the rating standards, scoring key for purchased or leased tests shall be based upon the testing company's, or, if a City administered test, the City's policy governing inspection. 8.13 REPORT OF EXAMINATION The Secretary/Chief Examiner shall submit a report on each examination to the Commission as soon as practicable but no less frequently than quarterly. The report shall include the number of applicants at each stage of the examination process, the number of names on the eligibility list, and all protests in connection with the examination and the disposition of such protests. 8.14 APPEAL TO COMMISSION Any person aggrieved may appeal to the Commission pursuant to Rule 5 within ten days after notice of such ruling. No appointment shall be made prior to the completion of the appeal process. Competitive Examinations 26 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 8 8.15 CORRECTION OF CLERICAL ERRORS The Secretary/Chief Examiner upon discovery may correct any clerical error in these rules or at any time during the life of an eligibility list, but no such correction shall affect an appointment made from a certification made prior to the correction. 8.16 RETENTION OF RECORD OF EXAMINATION The Commission shall preserve records of each examination in accordance with the State of Washington's records retention laws as they apply to civil service examinations. 8.17 EXAMINATIONS TO BE IMPARTIAL All examinations shall be fair and impartial. So far as practicable, written examinations shall be so conducted that the identity of applicants will not be known to the examiners or other persons scoring the answers. So far as practicable, different parts of an examination shall be scored separately without the examiners or other persons scoring a part of the examination knowing the applicants' scores in other parts of the examination. No person shall reveal before the completion of an examination any information about such examination except in the official bulletin or by announcement to all applicants or candidates equally. 8.18 TEST SECURITY NOTICE The Civil Service Commission recognizes that traditions of camaraderie and partnership within the uniformed service extend to testing for civil service promotions. Uniformed personnel regularly share their testing experience and job knowledge by assisting other employees as they prepare for promotional examinations. This tradition is generally appropriate and beneficial to the City. However, to prevent the appearance or the fact of an unfair advantage, the Commission has adopted the following guidelines for testing. These guidelines apply to entry level examinations as well. Employees with knowledge of entry level test content may not share that information with entry level candidates prior to an examination: a. Access to test questions and content shall be on a limited, "need to know" basis. b. All employees who have knowledge of test content are to keep the information confidential. Employees who have direct knowledge of test content shall refrain from coaching, advising, or otherwise assisting candidates or staff prior to the examination. Competitive Examinations 27 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 8 8.19 REPEAT APPLICATIONS a. An applicant for a continuous recruitment may take the written test and physical agility test through the third -party provider as often as allowed by the provider. b. Candidates who chose to apply and repeat an examination given as part of the continuous recruitment process will be subject to their more recent score. C. An applicant on a current eligibility for hire list may not retake any examination other than the written and physical agility exam(s) until their name expires or is removed under Rule 7.03 from the current eligibility list. Competitive Examinations 28 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 9 RULE 9 - MEDICAL STANDARDS FOR EMPLOYMENT 9.01 MEETING THE MEDICAL STANDARDS The appointing authority/Chief shall establish minimum medical standards which must be met by Candidates. 9.02 FAILURE TO MEET MEDICAL STANDARDS Candidates who fail to meet the applicable medical standards shall not be employed. A candidate who has failed to meet the applicable medical standards may present new or additional medical evidence related to the case in order to be reconsidered for appointment within the duration of the eligibility list. The appointing authority/Chief may, for good cause, require any employee to be re- examined at any time during the probationary period, or at the time of re-employment. Medical Standards for Employment 29 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 10 RULE 10 - ELIGIBILITY LISTS 10.01 ELIGIBILITY LISTS CREATED The Secretary/Chief Examiner shall promulgate eligibility lists resulting from examinations as provided for in Rule 8. When requests for names are made pursuant to Rule 11, the appointing authority/Chief shall specify the eligibility list from which the names are requested. 10.02 ORDER OF NAMES ON ELIGIBILITY LISTS The names of applicants who pass an examination shall be entered upon the eligibility list for the class in order of their grades, including veterans' points or other applicable credits, and without preference as to priority of time of examination. 10.03 TIE SCORES Whenever two or more applicants in an examination have the same final grade, priority shall be determined by highest grade on the most heavily weighted part of the examination. If the scores still remain the same, applicants will be listed on the eligibility list within numerical rank, and noted as "a", "b", "c", etc. All names with the same numerical ranking shall be considered equal and eligible for consideration for hire if the numerical ranking makes them eligible. Candidates on the eligibility list following the tie will be numbered as if the tie did not exist and the names were listed in numerical order. (i.e. a tie at position number 2 yielding 2(a) and 2(b) would mean the next applicant on the list would be number 4). 10.04 DISCLOSURES OF NAMES OF PERSONS ON ELIGIBILITY LISTS The eligibility list, including the names of all those who passed the examination shall be open to public inspection. 10.05 DURATION OF ELIGIBILITY LISTS Except as provided below, each eligibility register is in effect for one (1) year from its date of certification: a) Upon request of the appointing authority/Chief, the Secretary/Chief Examiner may extend the eligibility register for two (2) terms of six (6) months each. b) Any eligibility list may be determined to have expired when, in the opinion of the Secretary/Chief Examiner and with the concurrence of the Commission, the number of candidate's is insufficient to ensure the City will benefit from the best pool of applicants possible. Eligibility Lists 30 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 10 c) When, in the opinion of the secretary/chief examiner and with concurrence of the Commission, an eligibility register does not meet the demands of the service, but has not expired, the appointing authority/Chief may order examinations to provide additional candidates. d) Should a new list be established, any candidates remaining on the old list may be automatically transferred to the new list. Where the exam has not changed, the transferring candidate will be ranked according to the score from the previous exam. Where the exam has changed, the transferring candidate must take the new exam in order to be ranked on the new list. e) Any eligibility register shall be terminated automatically upon certification of an eligibility list from a new examination for the class. 10.06 CANVASS OF ELIGIBILITY LISTS Whenever the Secretary/Chief Examiner believes the needs of the service require, the Secretary/Chief Examiner shall ascertain the availability for employment under certain specified employment conditions of persons whose names appear on an eligibility list. 10.07 REJECTION OF CANDIDATE — DROPPED FROM LIST The name of any person may be removed from the eligibility list for any of the reasons in Rule 7.03. 10.08 EFFECTS OF APPEALS No appeal shall affect the eligibility list or an appointment made from a certification during the tendency of the appeal. When the appeal is terminated, the Secretary/Chief Examiner shall add the name of the appellant to the eligibility list at the appropriate place if it has been determined the appellant is entitled to be on the eligibility list. Eligibility Lists 31 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 11 RULE 11 - CERTIFICATION AND APPOINTMENT 11.01 CERTIFICATION FROM ELIGIBILITY LIST When a vacancy occurs within a classified position, the appointing authority/Chief may request the top five names of candidates from the applicable Eligibility List. If two (2) or more vacancies are to be filled, the Secretary/Chief Examiner presents to the appointing authority/Chief or designee for the for vacancy the names of the top five (5) available candidates and an additional three (3) names for each concurrent vacancy thereafter (i.e. for two (2) vacancies, the top eight names of available candidates would be presented to the appointing authority; for three (3) vacancies, eleven (11), and so on). The Secretary/Chief Examiner will provide the names to the appointing authority/Chief in alphabetical order without regard to position on the Eligibility List. 11.03 PRIORITY OF LISTS When a reinstatement list exists for the class in which a vacancy exists, it shall be exhausted before any certification can be made from an eligibility list. 11.04 WITHHOLDING NAMES FROM CERTIFICATION OR REMOVING NAMES FROM ELIGIBILITY LISTS The name of a candidate may be withheld from certification or removed from an eligibility list for any of the reasons listed in Rule 7.03. 11.05 RESTORATION TO CERTIFICATION When the name of a person has been withheld from an eligibility list or from certification or has been removed from the list, it may be restored to its original position by the Secretary/Chief Examiner or by the Commission on successful appeal by the appellant taken within ten days after notice of the decision, but only under the following circumstances: a. where the withholding or removal was because the person accepted a permanent appointment with the city and where the person is still in city service or where the person has been separated therefrom without fault or delinquency on the employee's part and the good of the city and justice to the employee requires that the employee be restored to the eligibility list to be eligible for certification; b. where the withholding or removal was because of the unwillingness or inability of the employee to accept an appointment, or failure to respond to inquiry as to availability to appear for interview, or to present a good Certification and Appointment 32 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 11 and valid reason for such unwillingness, inability, or failure, and where the employee now certifies to the Secretary/Chief Examiner a willingness to accept appointment; or C. where the withholding or removal was for a reason stated in Rules 7.03 and such reason no longer exists. 11.06 EFFECT OF REMOVAL. WITHHOLDING. OR RESTORATION The removal or withholding of a name shall automatically advance all of the names below it on the eligibility list. Should any person whose name is removed or withheld file an appeal of this removal or withholding within the stipulated time allowed for filing of such appeals, no permanent appointment shall be made from those names under the name removed pending the disposition of the appeal, unless said appeal cannot be concluded within sixty days. The acceptance or refusal by a candidate of temporary employment shall not affect the candidate's certification from the eligibility list for permanent employment. 11.07 APPOINTMENT OF CANDIDATES In filling position vacancies, the appointing authority/Chief may hire from any of the names provided to the Chief under Rule 11.01. Certification and Appointment 33 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 12 RULE 12 - PROBATION 12.01 PROBATIONARY PERIOD After each permanent appointment from an eligibility list, an employee shall serve a complete period of probation before appointment or promotion is complete. The probationary period provides a trial period during which the department may observe the performance of the probationary employee before the employee acquires Civil Service status. Probationary employees are at -will employees and may be terminated from the City of Port Orchard's employment at any time, with or without cause, subject to applicable law. Employees on probation as a result of a promotion may have rights in accordance with Rule 12.04 or their collective bargaining agreement, if applicable. No new probationary period results from a reduction of an employee who previously completed a probationary period. 12.02 LENGTH OF PROBATIONARY PERIOD The period of probation shall be one (1) year from completion of the basic academy, or date of hire if completion of an academy does not apply to the position for which the candidate was hired. For Certified Peace Officers and in -state Lateral Officers, the period of probation shall be equivalent to one (1) year of Full -Time service. Minor absences due to vacations, annual military leave, illnesses, etc., do not interrupt the probationary period unless the absence is so excessive that the Secretary/Chief Examiner approves a departmental request for an extension of the probationary period. At the request of the appointing authority/Chief the Secretary/Chief Examiner may approve an extension of a probationary period for performance related reasons. 12.03 INTERRUPTION OF PROBATIONARY PERIOD Whenever the probationary period of an employee in a position in one class is interrupted due to their appointment to a position in another class and the employee subsequently returns to a position in the first class during the second probationary period, their probationary period for the first appointment shall continue until completed. A probationer who engages in active military service of an extended basis interrupts the probationary period. The employee may resume the probationary period from the time it was interrupted following return from military leave within the provisions of RCW 73.16. Probation 34 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 12 12.04 FAILURE OF PROBATION Any employee failing to satisfactorily complete any promotional probationary period shall be restored to the most recent previous class for which they qualify. In the event of such reversion to a previous class and if no vacancy exists in the class and department in which they served the first appointment, a vacancy may be created by layoff or reduction in accordance with Rule 18. 12.05 REMOVAL OF PROBATIONER a. WITHOUT CAUSE: The appointing authority/Chief may discharge any probationer with or without cause. The Commission will not review the reasons for the discharge and no appeal shall be heard. b. PROCEDURE: The appointing authority/Chief will notify the Commission of the removal of the probationer. Notice must be mailed to or personally served on the employee, and proof of notice must be filed with the Secretary/Chief Examiner. C. RIGHTS RETAINED: A promotional probationer, unless terminated for cause, retains all civil service rights to the position from which appointed. Probation 35 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 13 RULE 13 - TEMPORARY AND PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENTS 13.01 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS A person may be employed in a temporary position only for the duration of the temporary work. If the position is made permanent, it must be filled by appointment on a permanent basis in accordance with Rule 11. A person given a temporary appointment may not be transferred or changed to any other position except on a temporary basis and shall never attain permanent status from such appointment. Such temporary employment may continue only so long as the facts exist justifying a temporary appointment. 13.02 PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENTS A provisional appointment without examination may be made when there is no appropriate eligibility list or persons on the list are not available or cannot be contacted and when the appointing authority/Chief certifies and supports with adequate facts that an emergency exists. Such provisional appointment must meet the requirements and file application for examination for the class. Such appointment may continue only until such time as the position can be filled from an eligibility list. No person shall receive more than one provisional appointment or serve more than six months as a provisional appointee in any one fiscal year. An emergency exists when: a. life, health, or property is in jeopardy; or b. the immediate employment of a currently available applicant is imperative because of extreme recruitment difficulties; C. the work program of the department will be impaired if the position is left vacant and the work cannot be deferred or reassigned; or d. a vacancy will result in failure to perform legally required functions or to meet deadlines imposed by law. Appointments 36 PORT ORCHARD POLICE CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 14 RULE 14 - ASSIGNMENTS, TRANSFERS, AND REASSIGNMENTS 14.01 ASSIGNMENTS The assignment of a candidate to a position, or of an employee from one position to another position within the class and department for which they have been certified by the Secretary/Chief Examiner pursuant to these Rules, is a matter of departmental administration, except as provided in Rule 16. Assignments, Transfers and Reassignments 37 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 15 RULE 15 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE 15.01 LEAVES OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY Leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the appointing authority/Chief in conformance with applicable State or Federal statues and City policy. 15.02 EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION OF LEAVES OF ABSENCE The appointing authority/Chief may terminate a leave of absence by written notice to the employee concerned whenever the conditions or reasons justifying the leave no longer exist, unless, upon appeal of the employee to the Commission, it is found that the termination is not justified. Upon termination or expiration of leave, the employee shall return to duty forthwith. The employee shall be returned to the same class as occupied when the leave of absence was granted. An employee who fails to return to duty upon termination or expiration of leave shall be considered as absent without leave and subject to disciplinary action. No such disciplinary action may be taken by the appointing authority/Chief prior to a Commission decision if an appeal has been filed. 15.03 REPORTS OF LEAVES OF ABSENCE All leaves of absence granted shall be reported to the Commission promptly and in writing. Leaves of Absence 38 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 16 RULE 16 - DISCHARGE, DEMOTION, SUSPENSION, OTHER DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS, AND RESIGNATIONS 16.01 CAUSES FOR DISCHARGE, DEMOTION, SUSPENSION AND OTHER DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS An employee may be discharged or suspended without pay for a period not to exceed thirty days from city service or demoted or deprived of vacation or other privileges for any of the following reasons: a. Incompetence, inefficiency, or inattention to or dereliction of duty. b. Dishonesty, intemperance, immoral conduct, insubordination, discourteous treatment of the public, or a fellow employee, or any other act of omission or commission tending to injure the public service, or any other willful failure on the part of the employee to properly conduct themself, or any willful violation of the provisions of this chapter or the rules and regulations to be adopted hereunder. C. Mental or physical unfitness for the position which the employee holds. d. Dishonest, disgraceful, immoral, or prejudicial conduct. e. Drunkenness or use of intoxicating liquors, narcotics, or any other habit forming drug, liquid, or preparation to such extent that the use thereof, interferes with the efficiency or mental or physical fitness of the employee, or which precludes the employee from properly performing the function and duties of any position under civil service. f. Conviction of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. g. Any other act or failure to act which, in the judgment of the civil service commissioners is sufficient to show the offender to be an unsuitable and unfit person to be employed in the public service. 16.02 CONDITIONS OF DISCHARGE, DEMOTION, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS A permanent employee may be discharged from city service or demoted, or suspended without pay, or deprived of vacation or other privileges only after notification in writing of the reasons for such action. Such notice shall state the specific grounds and the particular facts upon which the disciplinary action is based, and the employee shall be allowed ten days from the date of service of such notice in which to reply thereto in writing and request a hearing before the Commission. Such notice of disciplinary action Discharge, Demotion, Suspension, Other Disciplinary Actions, and Resignations 39 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 16 shall state the time allowed for answer and for requesting a hearing before the Commission. A copy of such notice and a copy of the reply, if any, must be filed with the Commission. The appointing authority/Chief shall submit to the Commission an affidavit showing the employee has been served with the notice of disciplinary action, either personally or by certified or registered mail addressed to their last known address and the date of such service. 16.03 HEARING ON REASONS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION If the permanent employee to be discharged, demoted, suspended, or otherwise disciplined pursuant to Rule 16.02 so requests, the Commission shall proceed in accordance with Rule 5. A public hearing pursuant to Rule 5 shall be held by the Commission or by the Hearing Board whenever a timely request for a hearing has been filed. 16.04 CRIMINAL ACTS Where the facts alleged in the notice of disciplinary action constitute a crime and the employee has requested a hearing under Rule 16.03 within the time allowed in Rule 5, the employee may at any time up to one day before the date of hearing request a continuance of the civil service hearing for a reasonable period to determine whether a criminal charge will be filed or until after termination of the criminal case. 16.05 DECISION After receiving evidence presented in hearings on disciplinary actions: a. the Commission may affirm the disciplinary action; b. if the Commission finds the disciplinary action was made for political, religious or racial reasons, or not in good faith for cause, the Commission shall order immediate reinstatement of the employee without any loss of pay; C. the Commission, in lieu of affirming the disciplinary action, may modify the disciplinary action by directing a suspension without pay for a given period and a subsequent restoration to duty or a demotion in classification or pay. The finding of the Commission shall be certified in writing to the appointing authority/Chief and shall be forthwith enforced by said official(s). 16.06 PROBATIONARY PERIOD FOLLOWING FIRST APPOINTMENT Discharge, Demotion, Suspension, Other Disciplinary Actions, and Resignations 40 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 16 An employee who has not completed their probationary period may be discharged without cause by the appointing authority/Chief by written notice served on the employee. 16.07 PROBATIONARY PERIOD FOLLOWING PROMOTIONAL APPOINTMENT Nothing in Rule 16.06 or elsewhere in these rules shall be construed to permit the discharge from the Police Department without a hearing of an employee during the probationary period in a promotional appointment where, before such appointment, the employee completed the probationary period in another class. "Promotional" refers to any appointment of a permanent employee that starts a new period of probation under Rule 12. Such employee shall be considered a permanent employee for such purposes and under such circumstances may be discharged from city service only pursuant to preceding applicable sections of this rule with the right to a hearing if requested. During the probationary period in the promotional appointment, such an employee may be demoted pursuant to Rule 16.02 to a position in the class in which the employee was last employed before such promotional appointment. In the event of such demotion and if no vacancy exists in the class and department in which the employee served the first appointment, a vacancy may be created by layoff or reduction in accordance with Rule 17. 16.08 TIME FOR DISCHARGE OF PROBATIONER To be effective, the written notice of discharge or demotion of a probationary employee must be served and becomes effective before midnight of the last day of the probationary period. 16.09 RESIGNATIONS Resignations shall be in writing and shall be directed to the appointing authority/Chief. A resignation shall be effective on the date designated therein; and if no date is designated, it shall be effective immediately. A resignation, once it has become effective or has been accepted by the appointing authority/Chief, may be withdrawn only with the consent of the appointing authority/Chief and the Commission. A resignation claimed to have been obtained by duress or fraud may be treated by the Commission as a notice of discharge, provided the employee notified the Commission that such resignation was not voluntary and demands a hearing within ten days after the filing, with the Secretary/Chief Examiner, of a report showing such resignation. Discharge, Demotion, Suspension, Other Disciplinary Actions, and Resignations 41 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 17 RULE 17 - PRE -DISCIPLINARY HEARING 17.01 PRE -DISCIPLINARY HEARING The appointing authority/Chief shall provide and arrange for a pre -disciplinary hearing prior to demotion, suspension, or discharge of a subordinate. 17.02 PRE -DISCIPLINARY HEARING — STANDARDS/NOTICE OF DISCIPLINE a. An employee shall be provided, in writing, with a notice of the charge and an explanation of the department's evidence. The employee shall be given an opportunity to respond to the charges, orally or in writing, as to why the department's proposed action should not be taken. b. The employee may have legal counsel or union representation present at a pre -disciplinary hearing. C. The department's explanation of the department's evidence at the pre - disciplinary hearing shall be sufficient to apprise the employee of the basis for the proposed action. This rule, however, shall not be construed to limit the employer at the subsequent hearing from presenting a more detailed and complete case, including presentation of witnesses and documents not available at the pre -disciplinary hearing. d. Should the appointing authority/Chief determine to discipline following the pre -disciplinary procedure, written notice of discipline shall be given to the employee. Such notice shall include the charges against the employee and a general statement of the evidence supporting the charges. e. The Commission shall not consider, on appeal, any basis for disciplinary action not previously presented to the employee. Pre -Disciplinary Hearing 42 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 18 RULE 18 - LAYOFFS AND REINSTATEMENT REGISTER 18.01 LAYOFFS The appointing authority/Chief may layoff or reduce an employee when necessary due to lack of funds, lack of work, abolishment of position or for related reasons which are outside the employer's control and which do not reflect discredit upon the service of the employee. The appointing authority/Chief shall give two -week notice to the affected employee and shall submit written reasons therefore to the employee, and to the Commission. 18.02 EMPLOYMENT STATUS AND ORDER OF LAYOFF Whenever it becomes absolutely necessary, through lack of finances or for any other reasonable and just cause, to reduce the number of employees of this unit, such reductions shall be carried out in the following order: 1. Provisional Appointees. 2. Temporary Appointees. 3. Probationers (first appointment). 4. Permanent employees in the order of rank and length of service; the one with the least service being laid off first and the one with most rank being laid off last. 18.03 LAYOFF OUT OF ORDER The appointing authority/Chief may lay-off out of the regular order, upon showing of necessity therefore, in the interest of efficient operation of the department, after giving any employee or employees affected an opportunity to be heard by the Commission. 18.04 REDUCTION IN LIEU OF LAYOFF At the time of any layoff, certified employees shall be given an opportunity to accept reduction to the next lower class in the department, provided that any employee so reduced shall be entitled to credit for any previous regular service in the lower class and to any other service credit. Layoffs and Reinstatement Register 43 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 18 18.05 TRANSFER IN LIEU OF LAYOFF Transfers in lieu of layoff may be made to a different position within the department upon showing that the transferee is capable of satisfactorily performing the duties of the position and that a certified employee or probationer is not displaced. 18.06 REINSTATEMENT LIST The names of persons laid off or reduced in accordance with these Rules shall be entered upon reinstatement list in inverse order of layoff. Lists from different times for the same class of position shall be combined into a single list. Such list shall be used by the appointing authority/Chief when vacancy arises in the same or lower class of position before certification is made from an eligibility list. When a vacancy occurs, the appointing authority/Chief shall appoint the person highest on the reinstatement list who is available who was laid off from a position in the department. After 6 months in a laid -off status a physical examination is a pre -requisite for re-employment if the re-employment is for a position in which a physical examination was a requirement for appointment to the position or the appointing authority/Chief otherwise requires. 18.07 NAME DROPPED Names of persons laid off or reduced in lieu of layoff shall be carried on a reinstatement list for two years, except that the names of persons appointed to permanent positions of the same level as that from which laid off shall, upon such appointment, be dropped from the list. Persons reduced or reinstated in a lower class or reinstated on a temporary basis shall be continued on the list for the higher class for two years. 18.08 RESTORATION TO REINSTATEMENT LIST The name of any person who has been appointed to a permanent position from a reinstatement list and subsequently is separated from the service without delinquency or fault on their part shall be restored to the reinstatement list. This restoration shall have the effect of extending the time the employee's name is carried on the reinstatement list. 18.09 DISABILITY An employee may be separated for disability when they cannot perform the required duties because of a physical or mental impairment as determined by appointing authority/Chief. Layoffs and Reinstatement Register 44 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 19 RULE 19 - CERTIFYING SALARY ACCOUNTS 19.01 CERTIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS The Commission authorizes the appointing authority/Chief to certify the salary account for each employee in the Police Department of the city when it is satisfied that the employee has been appointed and is performing service in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 41 of the state law and of these Rules. Certifying Salary Accounts 45 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 20 RULE 20 - REPORTS REQUIRED 20.01 REPORTS FROM THE APPOINTING AUTHORITY/CHIEF The appointing authority/Chief shall file a report immediately to the Secretary/Chief Examiner of every appointment, suspension, separation, reinstatement, layoff, transfer, demotion, reduction, reassignment, refusal or failure to accept an appointment on the part of a candidate certified for appointment, and changes of duties or of compensation. 20.02 OTHER REPORTS The Secretary/Chief Examiner may require such other information as necessary for the proper administration of the Civil Service system. Reports Required 46 PORT ORCHARD CIVIL SERVICE RULES RULE 22 RULE 21 - CLASS SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE UNIFORMED AND NON - UNIFORMED POLICE SERVICE 21.01 CIVIL SERVICE CLASS SPECIFICATIONS As prescribed basically in RULE 6 - CLASSIFICATIONS, the positions of all fully -paid employees of the Port Orchard Police Department shall be allocated to the classes established herein on the basis of duties performed, level of responsibility, authority assigned, and qualifications required. The Class Specifications for the Police Department may include the following if the position is Full -Time: a. Police Officer b. Police Sergeant C. Police Services Coordinator d. Police Records/Evidence Specialist e. Community Health Navigator Class Specifications 47 Port Orchard Civil Service Rules Appendix A Entry Level Police Officer Examination Process 1. Applicant takes written test and physical agility test through PublicSafetyTe sting. The position is open continuously with the number of vacancies reflected on the PublicSafetyTesting website. 2. Names of those achieving passing score of 70% or higher on the written and passing the physical agility (a pass/fail test) are sent to the Secretary/Chief Examiner. 3. Secretary/Chief Examiner contacts applicants passing the written and physical agility test within 30 days of notification and asks them to complete additional supplemental questions related to the City of Port Orchard entry level police officer position. 4. The Secretary/Chief Examiner keeps list of those who have completed the supplemental questions asked in rank order based on the candidate's written test score. 5. When oral boards are needed/desired, Secretary/Chief Examiner begins inviting candidates to the oral board by starting with the highest written test score and working down the list until the day(s) of oral board examinations is filled. 6. A minimum 70% score is required on the oral board examination in order to be placed on the eligibility list. 7. The oral board examination (assuming 70% or higher) is weighted as 60% of the final score. The written test from PublicSafetyTe sting is weighted at 40% of the final score. Those two weighted scores are combined and can total no more than 100. S. Additional Credit provided for in Civil Service Rule 5.10 is added, if applicable, to the score from Step 6 above. This could result in a score greater than 100. 9. Names are ranked on the eligibility list in order of the final calculated score and certified by the Secretary/Chief Examiner. 10. When requested by the Police Chief, the Secretary/Chief Examiner will provide an alphabetical list of applicants to the Chief in accordance with civil service rule 11.01. Adopted 12/ 17/ 19 Port Orchard Civil Service Rules Appendix B Lateral Police Officer Examination Process 1. City advertises continuous recruitment for Lateral Police Officer through job posting website and other advertising locations as determined appropriate by the Chief Examiner. 2. The Secretary/Chief Examiner will receive and review applications for minimum qualifications, and within 30 days of receipt notify candidates of receipt of application and outlining current hiring status and anticipated timeline. 3. When oral boards are needed/desired, Secretary/Chief Examiner begins inviting candidates based on date of application, working from the oldest to the newest until the day(s) of oral board examinations is filled. 4. A minimum 70% score is required on the oral board examination in order to be placed on the eligibility list. 5. The oral board examination (assuming 70% or higher) is weighted as 100% of the final score. The maximum score on the oral board exam can total no more than 100. 6. Additional Credit provided for in Civil Service Rule 8.10 is added, if applicable, to the score from Step 5 above. This could result in a score greater than 100. 7. Names are ranked on the eligibility list in order of the final calculated score and certified by the Secretary/Chief Examiner. 8. When requested by the Police Chief, the Secretary/Chief Examiner will provide an alphabetical list of applicants to the Chief in accordance with civil service rule 11.01. Adopted 12/ 17/ 19 Port Orchard Civil Service Rules Appendix C Police Sergeant Promotional Examination Process 1. When the City has or anticipates a vacancy for the rank of Police Sergeant, the Secretary/Chief Examiner will prepare a recruitment announcement in accordance with Civil Service Rule 8. 2. The recruitment announcement will include a list of the minimum qualifications for the promotion as listed on the job description and a preliminary schedule of the examination date(s). 3. As provided for in Civil Service Rule 8.08, the Sergeant's Exam will include a combination of the following examinations: a. Written Test (represents 20% of the final score) b. Work Product Review (represents 20% of the final score) c. Assessment Center (represents 60% of the final score) The order of the components will be determined by the Secretary/Chief Examiner based on needs of the department, scheduling timelines and availability of proctors and examiners. 4. Each of the above components of the Sergeant's exam, listed in Step 3 above, will be administered to each applicant. The weights of the components are as noted above and will be combined for a maximum of 100%, with a minimum of 70% required to pass and be placed on the eligibility list. 5. Additional Credit provided for in Civil Service Rule 8.10 is added, if applicable, to any passing composite score of 70% or above from Step 4. This could result in a score greater than 100. 6. Names are ranked on the eligibility list in order of the final calculated score and certified by the Secretary/Chief Examiner. 7. When requested by the Police Chief, the Secretary/Chief Examiner will provide an alphabetical list of applicants to the Chief in accordance with civil service rule 11.01. Adopted January 24, 2020 Port Orchard Civil Service Rules Appendix D Community Health Navigator Examination Process 1. When the City has or anticipates a vacancy for Community Health Navigator, the Secretary/Chief Examiner will prepare a recruitment announcement in accordance with Civil Service Rule 8. 2. The recruitment announcement will include a list of the minimum qualifications for the promotion as listed on the job description and a preliminary schedule of the examination date(s). 3. As provided for in Civil Service Rule 8.08, the examination process will include a combination of the following examinations: a. Evaluation of education, training, experience through a written self - assessment (represents 25% of the final score) b. Oral board examination (represents 75% of the final score) 4. A minimum of 70% is required at each stage of the examination process to advance to the next step. 5. The Secretary/Chief Examiner may limit the number of candidates advancing to the oral board examination when necessary for efficiency of the examination process and scheduling. Candidates will be invited to the oral board by starting with the highest written test score and working down the list until the day(s) of oral board examinations is filled. 6. The weights of the components are as noted above and will be combined for a maximum of 100%, with a minimum of 70% required to pass and be placed on the eligibility list. 7. Additional Credit provided for in Civil Service Rule 8.10 is added, if applicable, to any passing composite score of 70% or above from Step 6. This could result in a score greater than 100. 8. Names are ranked on the eligibility list in order of the final calculated score and certified by the Secretary/Chief Examiner. 9. When requested by the Police Chief, the Secretary/Chief Examiner will provide an alphabetical list of applicants to the Chief in accordance with civil service rule 11.01. Adopted 11/23/2020 Port Orchard Civil Service Rules Appendix E Police Records/Evidence Specialist Examination Process 1. When the City has or anticipates a vacancy for Police Records/Evidence Specialist, the Secretary/Chief Examiner will prepare a recruitment announcement in accordance with Civil Service Rule 8. 2. The recruitment announcement will include a list of the minimum qualifications for the promotion as listed on the job description and a preliminary schedule of the examination date(s). 3. As provided for in Civil Service Rule 8.08, the examination process will include a combination of the following examinations: a. Evaluation of education, training, experience through a written self - assessment (represents 25% of the final score) b. Oral board examination (represents 75% of the final score) 4. A minimum of 70% is required at each stage of the examination process to advance to the next step. 5. The Secretary/Chief Examiner may limit the number of candidates advancing to the oral board examination when necessary for efficiency of the examination process and scheduling. Candidates will be invited to the oral board by starting with the highest written test score and working down the list until the day(s) of oral board examinations is filled. 6. The weights of the components are as noted above and will be combined for a maximum of 100%, with a minimum of 70% required to pass and be placed on the eligibility list. 7. Additional Credit provided for in Civil Service Rule 8.10 is added, if applicable, to any passing composite score of 70% or above from Step 6. This could result in a score greater than 100. 8. Names are ranked on the eligibility list in order of the final calculated score and certified by the Secretary/Chief Examiner. 9. When requested by the Police Chief, the Secretary/Chief Examiner will provide an alphabetical list of applicants to the Chief in accordance with civil service rule 11.01. Adopted 01/19/2021 Port Orchard Civil Service Rules Appendix F Certified Peace Officer Examination Process 1. City advertises continuous recruitment for Certified Police Officer through job posting website and other advertising locations as determined appropriate by the Chief Examiner. 2. The Secretary/Chief Examiner will receive and review applications for minimum qualifications, and within 30 days of receipt notify candidates of receipt of application and outlining current hiring status and anticipated timeline. 3. When oral boards are needed/desired, Secretary/Chief Examiner begins inviting candidates based on date of application, working from the oldest to the newest until the day(s) of oral board examinations is filled. 4. A minimum 70% score is required on the oral board examination in order to be placed on the eligibility list. 5. The oral board examination (assuming 70% or higher) is weighted as 100% of the final score. The maximum score on the oral board exam can total no more than 100. 6. Additional Credit provided for in Civil Service Rule 8.10 is added, if applicable, to the score from Step 5 above. This could result in a score greater than 100. 7. Names are ranked on the eligibility list in order of the final calculated score and certified by the Secretary/Chief Examiner. 8. When requested by the Police Chief, the Secretary/Chief Examiner will provide an alphabetical list of applicants to the Chief in accordance with civil service rule 11.01. Adopted 1/25/2022