Saints Car Club- 2025ORCHARD
2025 Lodging Tax Application
Organization Name: Sef91 J 1, C A(� cL-U
Month/Timeframe of Event or Operations 711e)
Event/Activity (check/complete all that apply)
❑ Tourism Promotion
Operations (Event/Festival Title)
❑ Operations (Facility, Staffing, Other)
Amount of Request $ Z6; ad
OCT 22 2024
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Presenter & Title 611 L cL( (� ILVz 1 )r/weC 1 ru
Phone 31�0 - ��0 - 9LI�9
Email Af11017T35341 F(T I A(-4a . Cd
3. Overall Event or Project Detail (please attach additional paperwork if needed)
Title The Cruz Car Show
Amount of funding requested $ 10 , 000
Total Overall Event or Project Amount $ 19000.00
A. Describe your overall event or project.
A one day car show event with various vendors. We are asking for a bit more funds this year
based on added costs by the city for traffic control and that costs have increased to produce
the show
B. Describe how your overall event or project will provide a community economic benefit.
By attracting people from other communities, counties, states, and countries to Port Orchard
C. Please describe how you will measure the impact your overall event or project will have on tourism or
projected increase in tourism. Please be specific and provide examples.
our information comes from talking with participants and visitors to The Cruz. They love the
event and the city of Port Orchard. They enjoy coming to visit and plan for more visits and
will spread the word about our event and our community.
4. Overall Event or Project Budget Summary
A. Describe, and be specific, on what you would spend the requested lodging tax funds on.
Advertising/marketing and operating costs for The Cruz Car Show
B. Income Other Than Lodging Tax (from sponsorships, grants, donation and admission fees)
If you anticipate receiving partial funding for this activity from another source, please list the source(s) approximate
amount, and status of funding. Indicate the entry or admission fee if one will be charged.
Confirmed or Projected?
If projected, what is the anticipated
receipt date?
Trophy sales
30 days before show
Legacy sponsors
30 days before show
entry fees
day of show
t-shirt sales
day of show
City of Port Orchard, 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 Page 2 of 4
C. Other Expenses of Overall Event or Project (only complete below boxes that are applicable to your overall event or project that you are
seeking funds for.)
Proposed City
Other Committed
LTAC Funds
Operations (postage, fuel,
$ $00.00
$ 500.00
permit, etc.
Event Marketing
$ 5000.00
$ 4800.00
Tourism Marketing
Other Activities
$* 5800.00
$ 1800.00
$ 7600.00
*City Lodging Tax funds would represent what percentage of your overall budget?
Can you operate this project with reduced funding?zYes Flo If yes, explain below:
increase entry fees, sponsorship etc. to offset costs witch would require more out of pocket from participants and sponsors.
This would impact the amount of money that could be given to local charities
D. Other Financial Information
Does your overall event or project have provisions (or plans) for becoming less dependent on Lodging Tax funding?
(Meaning does the overall event or project have the ability to increase revenue by charging admission, increasing fees,
If not, what are your challenges of generating new revenues-
. Estimated Numbers of Increased Tourism
*If you received lodging tax funds last year, you must attach last year's reporting*
Applicants applying for use of LTAC funds must provide estimates of how it will result in increases in the number of people
traveling for business or pleasure on a trip as required by RCW 67.28.1816:
Projected I Actual' iMethodologyl
Overall Attendance: 120,000 i
Attendees who traveled 50 miles or more to attend:
Of total, attendees who traveled from
another state or country:
Attendees who stayed overnight:
Paid accommodations:
Unpaid accommodations:
Paid Lodging nights:
' Actual numbers will be required to be reported to the City in 2024.
City of Port Orchard, 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 Page 3 of 4
2025 Lodging Tax Application
Applicant Acknowledgement
Applicants accept the following conditions:
Application Deadline - October 24, 2024, by 2PM
Applications will be accepted by e-mail at
Late applications will not be accepted
• Responses to be limited to 3 pages, plus required attachments
o Successful, eligible applicants may be contacted to schedule an interview with the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee - Please note date scheduled is Wednesday, October 30, 2024.
If funded, the individual who has the authority to sign contracts and provide documents to the City of
Port Orchard is requested to sign below; and to also acknowledge your responsibility to notify (enter who
to notify and how) of any changes to your organization's contact information.
Point of Contact ,F1 L G /-/() �G
Title C'2-L'e- 'of /Zcc