December 3, 2024 PC_Minutes_Oct29_2024CITY OF PORT ORCHARD
Planning Commission Minutes
216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366
Phone: (36o) 874-5533 • Fax: (36o) 876-498o
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
October 29', 2024
Hybrid Meeting - Zoom Teleconference
Present: Tyler McKlosky (Chair), Annette Stewart (Vice Chair), Louis Ta, Stephanie Bailey, Paul
Fontenot. Joe Morrison, Wayne Wright
Community Development Director Nick Bond, Principal Planner Jim Fisk, Associate Planner Shaun
Raja, Assistant Planner Connor Dahlquist
1. CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner McKlosky called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. and led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
3. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were three members of the public present in the chamber and three
attending remotely. There were no comments regarding issues not on the agenda.
4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 1, 2024: Commissioner McKlosky asked if the other
commissioners had reviewed the minutes from the October 1 st, 2024 meeting and if anyone had any
issues or proposed amendments. Seeing none, a motion was entertained to approve the minutes.
Commissioner Bailey moved to approve the minutes with Commissioner Stewart as a second.
Commissioners Wright and Morrison abstained. The motion passed unanimously.
Community Development Director Bond introduced the Comprehensive Plan Update as presented
and gave recommendation for approval to move forward to City Council for adoption. Bond
thanked all those who have worked over the last two years in the update process and introduced
consultant Alex Campbell from AHBL.
Campbell gave a presentation on an overview of the Comprehensive Plan Update policy
framework and element summaries.
Director Bond reviewed the schedule from now until the end of the year and recommended the
Commissioners forward a recommendation of approval to City Council. By doing so, the
Commission would ensure the remaining time necessary for adoption of the Comprehensive Plan
would result in adoption by the end of the year. Bond explained that adoption and certification by
year's end allows the City s to remain eligible receive federal and state grant funding for city
projects. Without the passing of the Comprehensive Plan Update according to schedule, the city
may lose out on funding opportunities to complete planned projects as they would not have Puget
Sound Regional Council's certification of the plan.
Commissioner McKlosky reopened the public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan Periodic
No public comment was given in the Council Chambers or online. Commissioner McKlosky
closed the public hearing.
Principal Planner Fisk shared that Commissioner Morrison had provided comments and feedback
on the Plan's Economic Development element. Physical copies were provided to those in the
Chamber and offered to in -person audience members. Digital copies were also e-mailed to all
Commissioners prior to the meeting.
Commissioner Wright provided comment that the Plan could use formatting revisions.. Wright
also shared concern with the complexity of the plan in relation to the size of Port Orchard. Wright
recommended the plan be simplified by reducing the number of Goals and Policies and through
combination of goals and policies.
Commissioner Wright also shared concern that the Transportation Element was too vague in some
aspects as well as too detailed in others.
Commissioner Wright provided feedback on the Climate Change Element that it should not be
included in the Plan. Wright explained that it could be implemented in a softer way and allow the
topic to evolve before making considerations.
Commissioner Fontenot provided comments that he has seen an improvement of clarity in the
Plan's revisions due to feedback, but the policy structure has stayed consistent throughout the
process. Fontenot also shared that Commissioners should be cognizant of the near deadline, so the
City does not miss out on potential funding.
Commissioner Fontenot responded to Commissioner Wright's comments related to the complexity
of the plan by explaining that Port Orchard has experienced exponential growth during his time as
a resident. He emphasized the importance of planning for future growth.
Commissioner Morrison provided a comment congratulating city staff, the consultants, and all
those involved in their work. Morrison also emphasized the importance of moving the plan
forward to City Council. Morrison gave support to the inclusion of the Climate Change element
but understands Commissioner Wright's concerns..
Commissioner Wright thanked the city staff and consultants for implementing public feedback into
the latest draft of the Plan brought up in previous public comments.
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Director Bond thanks the Commissioners for their comment and provided feedback on their
comments, providing explanations and additional context.
Commissioner Morrison provided a summary of notes given on the Economic Development
element and the addition of the downtown redevelopment policy.
Commissioner Morrison moved to recommend the City Council to approve the Comprehensive
Plan as presented, inclusive of his comments. Commissioner Morrison Further recommended that
the City Council review Puget Sound Regional Council comments, and any provided by the
Department of Commerce and any further letters submitted by those entities related to the plan.
Commission Fontenot seconded the motion.
The vote passed 6-1. Commissioner Wright dissented.
B. SB 5290 Permit Processing
Principal Planner Fisk presented the draft ordinance to amend Title 20 of the Port Orchard
Municipal Code to align with requirements of Senate Bill 5290 which becomes effective at the
start of the new year. The new ordinance updates project and permitting deadlines for city staff
which categorizes project size and implements shorter decision deadlines.
Commissioner McKlosky opened a public hearing. No comments were given in -person or online.
Commissioner Wright shared we had discussed the ordinance prior to the Commission meeting to
get his questions answered.
Commission Bailey asked for clarity on how this impacts the City.
Director Bond provided explanation on the Senate's reasoning for passing this bill and the affects
on City's timeline and project lengths.
Commissioner Ta asked why the City delayed alignment with the Senate Bill as it was passed in
Director Bond shared that the City was given several new state mandates at the same time and with
the extensive work on the Comprehensive Plan Update and meeting that deadline, capacity to
prioritize this was limited. Also, working with the City's legal consultants adds additional time to
ensure all requirements are met. There was additional work that had to be done with the Permit
Center on creating new timelines and reviewing their feedback.
Commissioner Stewart moved to recommend to City Council the Port Orchard Municipal Code
20.20, 20.22, 20.24, 20.25, 20.50, 20.86, 20.88, 20.96, 20.127, 20.132, and 20.200 for consistency
with Chapter 36.70B RCW, as amended by SSSB 5290. Commissioner Wright Seconded. The
motion passed unanimously.
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Director Bond thanked everyone for their work on the Comprehensive Plan Update and meeting
the City's deadlines.
Director Bond indicated there would not be a November Planning Commission meeting. The next
scheduled Planning Commission meeting will be December 3, 2024.
Assistant Planner Dahlquist presented the new community engagement project for the Sherman
Avenue Stormwater Park. The city has a website for project details and a link to a survey for
community members to provide their feedback on what they'd like to see in this park. The City
will be posting posters, doorhangers, and sending mailers to nearby residents of the proposed park.
ADJOURN: Commissioner McKlosky adjourned the meeting at 7:10 pm.
Tyler McKlosky, Chair
Nick Bond, Community Development Director
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