10/15/2024 - Work Study - MinutesDocusign Envelope ID: 81DE22C2-3450-4ACE-A4EE-72127E383385 ORCHARD Meeting Location: Council Chambers 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 City Council Minutes Contact us: Phone (360) 876-4407 cityhall@portorchardwa.gov www.portorchardwa.gov Work Study Session of Tuesday, October 15, 2024 Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: John Morrissey, Councilmember, Position At -Large Heidi Fenton, Councilmember, Position No. 5 Robert Putaansuu, Mayor Eric Worden, Councilmember, Position No. 4 Fred Chang, Mayor Pro-Tempore, Position No. 6 Scott Diener, Councilmember, Position No. 3 Jay Rosapepe, Councilmember, Position No. 2 Mark Trenary, Councilmember, Position No. 1 Absent: None Staff present: Finance Director Crocker, DCD Director Bond, Public Works Director Ryan, Chief of Police Brown, HR Manger Lund, and City Clerk Wallace. Staff present via Zoom: City Attorney Archer, and Deputy City Clerk Floyd. The meeting live streamed to YouTube and audio/visual was successful. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. A. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. BUSINESS ITEM A. Adoption of a Resolution Pertaining to the Kroger Merger City Attorney Archer provided background on the Kroger/Albertsons merger and explained a number of cities are working on this. Albertsons owns the majority of grocery stores in Washington and Kroger is a close second. The merger will result in all the stores coming under Docusign Envelope ID: 81DE22C2-3450-4ACE-A4EE-72127E383385 Minutes of October 15, 2024, Page 2 of 3 the Kroger name. In order to appease federal regulators, part of the deal is for Kroger and Albertsons to sell off a number of stores. The stores are currently proposed for sale to CS Wholesale Grocers, also known as Piggly Wiggly, an entity out of New Hampshire, and this would be the first time they have a presence in the Northwest. The proposed resolution is to show the Council's opposition to the Kroger merger. This merger has triggered a few litigations from Oregon and Washington. One of the arguments is the merger violates our Consumer Protection Act. In 2015, a similar merger failed when Albertsons merged with Safeway. Additional discussion was held regarding concerns over the merger, union representation of the employees of the stores, the Council's role to support, or not support the merger, amicus brief, and closure of stores in Port Orchard and the effects on local communities. Moved by Jay Rosapepe; seconded by Scott Diener to adopt a resolution Opposing the Kroger - Albertsons Merger. Motion Failed: 3- 4 Voting For: Fred Chang, Jay Rosapepe, Scott Diener Voting Against: Mark Trenary, Eric Worden, Heidi Fenton, John Morrissey 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Revenue Sources and Property Tax Levy for 2025 Mayor Putaansuu and Finance Director Crocker spoke about the biennial budget timeline and process. Finance Director Crocker provided a presentation '2025 Revenue Sources' which included requirement of RCW 84.55.120, General Fund 2025-2026 Biennial Budget -Tax Revenue, General Fund 2025-2026 Biennial Budgeted Revenue -All Sources, General Fund Biennial Budget vs Prior Biennial Budget Revenue Comparison, Property Tax History, Property Tax Collection History, Property Tax Comparison 2024 to 2025, Retail Sales & Use Tax Revenue, Sales Tax Collection, Sales Tax Revenue Received by Month, and Sales Tax Collection 2022 to 2024. B. 2025-2026 Biennial Budget Mayor Putaansuu spoke to the Mayor's budget which included the Operating Budget, Department Highlights, Transportation Maintenance and Operations, Capital Budget, Equipment Rental and Revolving Fund, Mayor Budget Adjustments (New Department Requests), and Mid - Biennial Review and Personnel Requests. The discussion also included contracts, personnel, elections, infrastructure, derelict vessels, community center, prisoner care, maintenance, and equipment and vehicles. Docusign Envelope ID: 81DE22C2-3450-4ACE-A4EE-72127E383385 Minutes of October 15, 2024, Page 3 of 3 Additional discussion was held regarding the City's income statement, fund balances, department and expenses preliminary budget, and the City's involvement during the Farmer's Market. Finance Director Crocker on behalf of the Finance/IT department, City Clerk Wallace on behalf of the City Clerk's office, HR Manager Lund on behalf of Human Resources, DCD Director on behalf of Community Development, Chief of Police Brown on behalf of the Police Department, and Public Works Director Ryan on behalf of Public Works provided their departments 2025- 2026 biennial budget and roles and responsibilities. Council briefly discussed extending the meeting and Councilmember Rosapepe suggested an additional 30-minutes. Moved by John Morrissey; seconded by Eric Worden to extend the meeting for an additional 10-minutes. Motion Carried: 6- 1 Voting For: Fred Chang, Mark Trenary, Eric Worden, Scott Diener, Heidi Fenton, John Morrissey Voting Against: Jay Rosapepe A brief discussion was held regarding the overall budget and Council's expectations. 4. GOOD OF THE ORDER Not held. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. No other action was taken. Signed by: Signed by: �I'ain o�j UJA.U.Att 96b �u cu sttiu Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor Iq