Appendix F - Bethel Lund Subarea Plan FINAL 20241218Bethel Lund Subarea Plan December 2024 Acknowledgements The Sedgwick-Bethel Plan would not be possible without the enthusiasm and support of community stakeholders, including the businesses neighbors, and agency partners in and around the Sedgwick-Bethel area. A special thanks to everyone who contributed their time and effort to the development of this plan. Mayor Rob Putaansuu City Council Members: Mark Trenary Jay Rosapepe Scott Diener Eric Worden Heidi Fenton Fred Chang John Morrissey Planning Commission: Annette Stewart Stephanie Bailey Tyler McKlosky Wayne Wright Louis Ta Paul Fontenot Joe Morrison City Staff: Nicholas Bond, AICP, Community Development Director Jim Fisk AICP, Principal Planner Stephanie Andrews, Senior Planner Shaun Raja, Associate Planner Connor Dahlquist, Assistant Planner Consultant Team: MAKERS AHBL Leland Consulting Group Port Orchard Sedgwick-Bethel Subarea Plan December 2024 Contents Acknowledgements............................................................................................................................ i 1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Plan Background and Context................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Study Area...................................................................................................................................2 1.3 PSRC Regional Centers Framework..........................................................................................3 2. Existing Conditions.........................................................................................................................6 2.1 Existing Land Use and Zoning.................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Transportation............................................................................................................................17 Previous Transportation Planning Efforts......................................................................................... 17 Vehicular Circulation and Access..................................................................................................20 Pedestrian Circulation and Access................................................................................................23 BicycleFacilities................................................................................................................................24 Transit.................................................................................................................................................. 25 2.3 Parks, Open Space, and Critical Areas.................................................................................27 Parksand Open Space....................................................................................................................27 CriticalAreas..................................................................................................................................... 27 2.4 Market Conditions Assessment................................................................................................29 EconomicProfile............................................................................................................................... 29 DevelopmentPipeline......................................................................................................................32 Buildable Lands & Future Capacity................................................................................................33 3. Goals and Vision..........................................................................................................................34 3.1 Opportunities, Assets, and Challenges.................................................................................. 34 3.2 Alternatives...............................................................................................................................36 3.3 Preferred Alternative: Planning Framework...........................................................................37 Values................................................................................................................................................. 37 PlanConcept....................................................................................................................................38 3.4 Subarea Goals & Policies.........................................................................................................41 LandUse............................................................................................................................................41 Transportation.................................................................................................................................... 43 CommunityDesign...........................................................................................................................45 Parks, Open Space, and Critical Areas.........................................................................................47 4. Action Plan...................................................................................................................................48 5. Notes.............................................................................................................................................51 Note 1: Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan - Centers Goals and Policies....................................52 Note 2: Bethel Subareas Plans Engagement Summary..................................................................54 Note 3: Bethel -Lund Land Use Alternatives.......................................................................................64 gemK01 a.a=0 0IMiTaeWir&MSI -. am December 2024 Exhibit EXHIBIT 1-1 Bethel -Lund Study Area..................................................................................................2 EXHIBIT 2-1 Bethel Junction................................................................................................................6 EXHIBIT 2-2 Existing Land Use.............................................................................................................7 EXHIBIT 2-3 Existing Zoning.................................................................................................................9 EXHIBIT 2-4 Block Frontage Map #7 and Map #8........................................................................ 14 EXHIBIT 2-5 Looking west from Lund Avenue................................................................................. 16 EXHIBIT 2-6 Bethel Sedgwick Corridor Plan Conceptual Rendering..........................................17 EXHIBIT 2-7 Bethel Sedgwick Corridor Plan.................................................................................... 18 EXHIBIT 2-8 Bethel Sedgwick Corridor Cross Sections................................................................... 19 EXHIBIT 2-9 Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Map..............................22 EXHIBIT 2-10 Planned Non -Motorized Routes..................................................................................25 EXHIBIT 2-1 1 Kitsap Transit Existing and Planned Facilities..............................................................26 EXHIBIT 2-12 Parks, Open Space, and Critical Areas......................................................................28 EXHIBIT 2-13 Age in Bethel -Lund Subarea and Port Orchard, 2023..............................................29 EXHIBIT 2-14 Household Incomes in the Bethel -Lund Subarea and Port Orchard, 2023............30 EXHIBIT 2-15 Top Job Sectors in Bethel -Lund Subarea, 2012 and 2021........................................31 EXHIBIT 2-16 Commuting Patterns in the Bethel -Lund Subarea, 2021..........................................31 EXHIBIT 2-17 Existing and Pipeline Units and Commercial Development in the Bethel -Lund Subarea.......................................................................................................................... 32 EXHIBIT 2-18 Vacant and Redevelopable Parcels in Bethel -Lund Subarea................................33 EXHIBIT 3-1 Bethel -Lund Opportunities, Assets, and Challenges.................................................35 EXHIBIT 3-2 Bethel -Lund Subarea Framework Map......................................................................39 EXHIBIT 3-3 Bethel -Lund Height Overlay Districts...........................................................................40 EXHIBIT 3-4 Bethel -Lund Concept..................................................................................................46 • • A TABLE 1-1 Designation Criteria for Countywide Growth Centers...................................................3 TABLE 1-2 Bethel -Lund Subarea Capacity Summary.......................................................................5 TABLE 2-1 Permitted Building Types.................................................................................................... 9 TABLE 2-2 Permitted Land Uses......................................................................................................... 10 TABLE 2-3 Port Orchard 6/20-Year Transportation Improvement Program (2025-2030/2030- 2043)...................................................................................................................................21 TABLE 2-4 Kitsap County 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (2024-2029) ................23 TABLE 2-5 Planned Nonmotorized Routes.......................................................................................24 TABLE 4-1 Bethel -Lund Action Plan...................................................................................................49 Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan December 2024 1. Introduction 1.1 Plan Background and Context The centers approach to planning was first introduced in the 2016 Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. This approach fosters a sustainable future by accommodating growth through concentrated development patterns and preserves the community's valued traits through collaborative planning efforts. This centers approach is also reflected in Vision 2050, the regional plan adopted by the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), and in the Countywide Planning Policies managed by Kitsap County. According to Vision 2050, centers are hubs that serve as important focal points for jobs, housing, shopping, and recreation, and are supported by multimodal transportation including transit. Centers create spaces where people can gather, live, and thrive. In alignment with PSRC's criteria outlined in Vision 2050, the 2024 Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan designates six "countywide centers" and three "local centers." Bethel -Lund is a countywide center. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan Introduction • December 2024 The City of Port Orchard gathered community input to inform this Subarea plan. Input was collected through a an in -person workshop and an online survey to evaluate alternative concepts. This feedback informed the locally preferred land use and urban design vision in the plan. The plan presents a vision for Bethel -Lund to be a walkable, mixed -use urban neighborhood by updating development regulations, encouraging transit -oriented development and redevelopment, and increasing open space and recreational opportunities in the area. 1.2 Study Area The Bethel -Lund Subarea is centrally located at the intersection of Bethel Road and Lund Avenue. It is bounded on the west by Blackjack Creek and on the east by Port Orchard's unincorporated area. The Subarea covers a total of 211.2 acres. Following a thorough evaluation, the Bethel -Lund Subarea is larger than initially mapped in the 2016 Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. The larger area includes more areas of potential development along Bethel Road and recently constructed residential subdivisions. This updated boundary better aligns with PSRC guidance for countywide growth centers. EXHIBIT 1-1 Bethel -Lund Study Area r _ Proposed New Subarea Boundary UMI.g Subarea Boundary Q Port Orchard Port Orchard UGA ry I i Maier Eerthsiar Geogrephl-, and the Gi5 User G--niry SOURCE: City of Port Orchard, 2024 Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 2 Introduction - December 2024 1.3 PSRC Reaional Centers Framework PSRC 2018 Regional Centers Framework establishes eligibility requirements for Countywide Growth Centers, for which designation criteria is listed below: TABLE 1-1 Designation Criteria for Countywide Growth Centers Identified as a countywide center in the countywide The Kitsap Countywide Planning Policies planning policies Appedix D: List of Centers identifies Sedgwick/Bethel Center as a countywide center candidiate. Located within a city or unincorporated urban area Bethel -Lund is located within the Port Orchard city limits. Demonstration that the center is a local planning and investment priority: ■ Identified as a countywide center in a local comprehensive plan; subarea plan recommended ■ Clear evidence that the area is a local priority for investment, such as planning efforts or infrastructure The center is a location for compact, mixed -use development; including: ■ A minimum existing activity unit density of 10 activity units per acre ■ Planning and zoning for a minimum mix of uses of 20 percent residential and 20 percent employment unless unique circumstances make these percentages not possible to achieve. ■ Capacity and planning for additional growth This area is identified as a countywide center in the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Centers Strategy as found in the Land Use Element Section 2.8. In addition to the development of this plan, various transportation investments are planned within Bethel -Lund, detailed in Section 2.2. These include: ■ Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road Corridor Plan ■ Kitsap Transit Long -Range Transit Plan 2022-2042 ■ Port Orchard 2025-2030/2031-2044 - 6 Year/20 Year Transportation Improvement Program ■ 2024-2029 Kitsap Couny Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program TABLE 1-2 Bethel -Lund Subarea Capacity Summary indicates that Bethel -Lund meets the minimim existing activity unit density, and has capacity to accommodate 13.6 activity units per acre. Existing mix of residential (53%) and employment (47%) use surpass the minimum mix requirement. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 3 Introduction • December 2024 The center supports multi -modal transportation, including: Transit service Pedestrian infrastructure and amenities Street pattern that supports walkability Bicycle infrastructure and amenities There is existing transit service in the Subarea and some limited pedestrian infrastructure. The Subarea plan identifies multi -modal transportation investments that are in various stages of planning and design (see the `priority' checklist item above), including projects for enhanced bus service, new sidewalks and crossings, potential off-street trails, and bike facilities. The Subarea plan also identifies conceptual locations for multiple new streets to create a more compact street pattern. Development regulations will incrementally result in higher -quality private develoment with walkable frontages and pedestrian - oriented site and building design. Compact, walkable size of one -quarter mile squared The Bethel -Lund Subarea is 211.2 acres. (160 acres), up to half -mile transit walkshed (500 acres) Capacity In addition to the PSRC Countywide Growth Centers framework above, Kitsap County's Countywide Planning Policies establish that Countywide Centers must show a minimum of 10 activity units per acre. An activity unit is one person or one job. TABLE 1-2 below summarizes the existing, pipeline, and additional land capacity for housing and jobs in the Subarea. The additional land capacity is based on the development pattern outlined in this plan (see Planning Framework). As shown, the Subarea's existing and pipeline development meets the Countywide Centers Designation Criteria and, with additional land capacity, can accommodate up to 13.1 activity units per acre. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 4 Introduction - December 2024 TABLE 1-2 Bethel -Lund Subarea Capacity Summary Bethel -Lund Existing Pipeline (as of Sept. 2024) Acres Vacant/Redevelopable Residential Acres Existing + Pipeline 211.2 Additional Land Capacity 16.9 Total 211.2 Vacant/Redevelopable Commercial Acres 0.1 Housing Units 259 213 472 301 773 Single Family 174 39 213 34 247 Condo 0 0 0 0 Multifamily 85 174 259 267 526 People per Household Single Family 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 Condo 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 Multifamily 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Population 665 460 1,124 632 1,756 Jobs 988 0 988 21 1,009 Activity Units 1,653 460 2,112 653 2,765 AUs / Acre 10.0 13.1 Requirements Required Acres 160-500 160-500 Actual Acres 211.2 211.2 Surplus /Shortfall 51.2 51.2 Required Use Mix 20% Res. / Emp. 20% Res. / Emp. Actual Res. Mix 53% 64% Actual Emp. Mix 47% 36% Required AUs/Acre 10 10 Actual AUs/Acre 10.0 13.1 Surplus /Shortfall 0.0 SOURCE: City of Port Orchard, LCG Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 5 Existing Conditions - December 2024 2, Existing Conditions 2.1 Existing Land Use and Zoning Bethel -Lund is a commercial hub that is surrounded by residential neighborhoods. It contains a mix of land uses including detached single-family homes, mobile/manufactured homes, grocery stores, restaurants, and a variety of retail and service businesses (see EXHIBIT 2-2). At the heart of Bethel -Lund lies a commercial cluster that includes big box store shopping centers with anchors like Safeway and Walmart, alongside smaller retail and restaurant establishments. EXHIBIT 2-1 Bethel Junction SOURCE: Google Earth, 2024 Additionally, civic uses and religious institutions, such as East Port Orchard Elementary School and Christian Life Center, are located just beyond the Subarea extent to the north. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 6 Existing Conditions • December 2024 Clusters of residential uses are located to the east and west, including Orchard Bluff Mobile Home Park, an 88-lot low-income affordable senior living community owned and managed by Housing Kitsap, and two multifamily residential complexes, Lund Pointe and Lund Village. Along Harold Drive, pockets of detached -single family homes are expected to expand with new subdivision development. Several multifamily projects are in the pipeline (see 2.4 Development Pipeline). EXHIBIT 2-2 Existing Land Use Retail r , Community Shopping Center j Grocery/Markel Restaurant/Eateries Bank Auto Service/Convenience Store Office / Church j _ School _ Veterinary Hospital j _ Storage Warehouse Single Family Housing _ Duplex,Townhouse _ Multifamily Housing (5+ Units) _ Manufactured home Parks and Recreation / Undesignaled Mi Bethel Lund Q Port Orchard / Port Orchard UGA SE1/" .SAL"N' 0 �4000 800 Feet SOURCE: City of Port Orchard, MAKERS, 2024 Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 7 Existing Conditions • December 2024 The Subarea is currently zoned Commercial Mixed Use (CMU), Commercial Heavy (CH), Commercial Corridor (CC), and Residential 1 (RI), Residential 2 (R2), and Residential 3 (R3). (EXHIBIT 2-3). TABLE 2-1 and TABLE 2-2 list the building types and land uses permitted in these zoning districts. Generally, the maximum building height allowed within Sedgwick-Bethel is three stories or 35 feet. Port Orchard's subarea policies (established in the Land Use element of the City's Comprehensive Plan) describe a need to support focused growth with compact development forms. Low height limits can be a barrier to achieving the added dwelling units and vertical mixed -use buildings necessary to concentrate growth in the Subarea, as envisioned by the City's land use and centers policies. The increased cost and risk of developing mixed -use structures and leasing ground -floor commercial space (compared to a single -use, low-rise apartment building) can be offset by a higher amount of residential floor area. This is because allowing additional dwelling units which can help spread out of the cost of construction across more units. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, developers are indicating increased risk associated with commercial development due to continued uncertainty about retail and office markets (this is a nationwide trend but was also confirmed in local stakeholder interviews for the Port Orchard Housing Action Plan). This further increases the attractiveness of developments with a higher share of residential floor area. Port Orchard allows height increases through the use of a transfer -of -development - rights (TDR) ordinance adopted in 2019 in partnership with Kitsap County (Chapter 20.41 POMC). TDR programs are complex and require savvy and willing participants. To date, no project has used Port Orchard's TDR program and other Washington jurisdictions have found it difficult to attract participants to TDR programs outside of the highest - priced markets. Increased height limits and potentially larger buildings will be mitigated by a broad set of multifamily and commercial design standards that Port Orchard already has in place (Chapter 20.127 POMC). These include but are not limited to standards for building massing, light and air access, useable open space, building materials, and windows and entries. According to the Port Orchard Housing Action Plan (HAP), the economic benefits of light wood frame construction are maximized with height limits in the 65-85 feet range. The HAP makes specific recommendations for height limits in several zones that exist in the Subarea. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 8 Existing Conditions - December 2024 EXHIBIT 2-3 Existing Zoning 5� Aye 3rd Iry \UO U z � w j ¢ East Q a Port Orchard o o - O SE BASTE C7 z Zoningh _ Greenbelt (GB) Residential I (R1) Residentlo3 2 (R2) Residential 3 (R3) _ Commercial Corridor (CC) - Commercial Heavy (CH) Business Prof. Mixed Use (BPMU) S Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) tN _ Civic and Institutional (CI) Public Facilities (PF) Parks and Recreation (PR) Bethel Lund Port Orchard Pori Orchard UGA SF ' 0 400 800 Feet Kar. Earthstar Geographics, and the GfS UserCommunily SOURCE: City of Port Orchard 2023 Zoning TABLE 2-1 Permitted Building Types Building Type Residential Zones Commercial Zones R1 ** R2** R3 CMU CC CH Townhouse -- P* P P -- -- Fourplex (and Triplex) -- -- P -- -- -- Apartment -- -- P P -- -- Mixed Use Shopfront -- -- -- P P -- Single-Story Shopfront -- -- -- P P P Detached House P P P -- -- -- Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 9 Existing Conditions - December 2024 Building Type Backyard Cottage Cottage Court Duplex: Side -by -Side Duplex: Back -to -Back Residential Zones Commercial Zones R1** R2** R3 CMU CC CH Attached House -- P P -- -- -- Live-Work -- -- -- P P -- General Building -- -- -- P P P Shopfront House -- -- -- P P -- Key: P= Permitted Use C=Conditional Use -- = Use Note Permitted SOURCE: Port Orchard Municipal Code 20.32.015 Building type zoning matrix *Note: In the R2 zone townhouses are limited to three or four units (POMC **Note: Permitted building types in the R1 and R2 zone may change to comply with RCW 36.70A.635. See next section on middle housing. TABLE 2-2 Permitted Land Uses Land Uses Residential Zones Commercial Zones R1 ** R2** R3 CMU CC CH Residential Single-family detached P P P -- -- -- Two-family -- P P -- -- -- Single-family attached -- P P -- -- -- (2 units) Single-family attached -- P P P P -- (3-4 units) Single-family attached -- -- P P P -- (5-6 units) Multifamily (3 or more units) -- -- P P P -- Permanent supportive C C C C C C housing Commercial Group day care (7 to 12) C C C P P -- Day care center (13 or more) -- -- -- C P P Indoor recreation* -- -- -- P P P Outdoor recreation* -- -- -- C P P Hotel -- -- -- P P P Medical* -- -- -- C P P Office* -- -- -- P P P Personal service* -- -- -- P P P Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 10 Existing Conditions • December 2024 Land Uses Residential Zones R1 ** R2** R3 Restaurants -- -- -- Retail sales: Up to 5,000 SF GFA -- -- -- Commercial Zones CMU CC P P P P CH P P 5,001 - 15,000 SF GFA -- -- -- P P P 15,001 - 50,000 SF GFA -- -- -- -- P P Over 50,000 SF GFA -- -- -- -- C P Convenience store w/ fuel -- -- -- -- -- C Convenience store w/o fuel -- -- -- C P P Drive -through facilities -- -- -- C P P Industrial Light manufacturing -- -- -- -- -- -- Brewery, distillery: Up 5,000 square feet -- -- -- -- -- P 5,001 - 15,000 square feet -- -- -- -- C P Over 15,000 square feet -- -- -- -- -- Food processing, boutique -- -- -- P P P Self-service storage -- -- -- C C C Key: P= Permitted Use C=Conditional Use -- = Use Note Permitted SOURCE: Port Orchard Municipal Code 20.30.040 Use Table *Note: Some specific types of uses within these categories have further restrictions per POMC 20.39.040 **Note: Permitted land uses in the R1 and R2 zone may change to comply with RCW 36.70A.635. See next section on middle housing. Commercial zoning represents a large share of the Subarea. The CMU zone offers the most flexibility for residential uses because it allows single -purpose apartment buildings, townhouses, and mixed -use buildings. The CC zone allows apartments only in mixed -use buildings and residential use is mostly prohibited in the CH zone. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 11 Existing Conditions • December 2024 Middle Housing The City is taking proactive measures to ensure compliance with Washington State's new middle housing bills, HB 1110 and HB 2321, adopted during the 2023 and 2024 legislative sessions respectively. HB 1 1 10 mandates cities of specific sizes and locations to permit multiple dwelling units per lot in areas that are traditionally exclusive to single- family detached homes. HB 2321 modified the requirements created under HB 1 1 10. The law is codified primarily under RCW 36.70A.635. What is Middle Housing? "Middle housing" includes duplexes, townhouses, cottages, courtyard apartments, and other building types that fall between the scale of single-family detached houses and larger apartment buildings. Middle housing units tend to be more affordable to build than single-family homes and offer greater varieties of layout and sizes that are suited for a wider range of households. Expanding the areas where middle housing is allowed offer greater opportunities for "starter homes", or homeownership, to all residents of a community. ADUs Duplexes/ Triplexes Fourplexes Cottage Clusters Townhouses Courtyard apartments Small apartments (5-10 units) Source: MAKERS, 2023 Currently, Port Orchard is a Tier 3 city as described by the Department of Commerce Middle Housing Model Ordinance User Guide. Tier 3 cities must allow at least two units per lot. Port Orchard is anticipated to cross the 25,000-person population threshold and become a Tier 2 city. Tier 2 cities are required to allow at least two units per lot and also at least four units per lot when a lot provides one affordable housing unit or a lot is near a major transit stop. Should Kitsap Transit implement bus rapid transit in the Bethel corridor, stops for that service will be considered major transit stops. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 12 Existing Conditions • December 2024 To implement middle housing effectively, Port Orchard proposes the redesignation of properties currently within the R1 zone to R2, effectively repealing existing R1 zoning standards and implementing middle housing building types mandated by HB 1 110 in the R2 zoning district. The Port Orchard HAP provides guidance to promote middle housing while the middle housing compliance strategy is part of the broader update and adoption of the Citywide Comprehensive Plan. Block Frontage Standards Chapter 20.127 POMC provides citywide multifamily and commercial design standards. Article II provides block frontage design standards that emphasize compatible development and creating a comfortable walking environment. Many of Port Orchard's streets are designated on block frontage maps for which specific standards apply to different frontage designations. In this Subarea, Bethel Road and Lund Avenue are both designated as "varied" in the community design framework maps (POMC 20.127.130) meaning developments fronting these streets are subject to either "storefront" or "landscaped" block frontage standards. Storefront frontages feature traditional ground -floor commercial spaces at the edge of the public sidewalk. Landscape frontages feature landscaped setbacks between the sidewalk and building. In some cases, parking is restricted from being located and visible adjacent to public sidewalks. The large commercial site hosting Safeway and other stores on the southeast corner of the Bethel Road and Lund Avenue intersection is designated as subject to "optional community design framework master plan approval." This designation allows such recently rezoned sites the option to propose alternative and/or additional block frontages. It is intended to promote the arrangement of streets, buildings, open space, parking, and service areas that enhance the pedestrian experience and reinforce Port Orchard's community character. In addition to the existing streets, EXHIBIT 2-4 Block Frontage Map #7 and Map #8 use black dashed lines to indicate planned locations for new streets. Such streets can be created through a public capital project or as a condition of approval for private development occurring on applicable lots. Planned streets are subject to the "other block frontage standards" under POMC 20.127.210. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 13 Existing Conditions • December 2024 EXHIBIT 2-4 Block Frontage Map #7 and Map #8 SOURCE: POMC 20.127.130 Community design framework maps Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 14 Existing Conditions • December 2024 Existing Aesthetics and Design Standards The Subarea aesthetic is typical of low -density, auto -oriented commercial and residential development in the Puget Sound region. Most commercial properties contain one-story buildings set back from the street by expansive parking lots. There are multiple drive -through businesses. Commercial signage is typical for the region and mostly consists of monument and wall -mounted signs. Larger commercial buildings typically have service access in rear -facing areas, while smaller commercial buildings have screened trash collection located in in parking areas. Travel in the area is primarily by automobile and likely related to the long distances between residential and commercial land uses and the incomplete nature of the sidewalk and bicycling infrastructure network. See more information in 2.2 Transportation. Residential development mostly consists of detached single-family homes. Older subdivisions are typically isolated on dead-end side streets while newer subdivisions in the northwest portion of the Subarea include street networks that provide multiple external connections. There are a few single-family properties on larger lots fronting Bethel Road and Lund Avenue. Orchard Bluff Mobile Home Park, owned by Housing Kitsap, is located behind a wide landscape buffer along Lund Avenue. Multifamily residences include three small apartment complexes located on the eastern and southern fringes of the Subarea, all of which consist of two-story buildings. Landscaping is inconsistent across the Subarea. Some properties have landscaped perimeters and parking lots, while other developed areas, including segments of Bethel Road and Lund Avenue, are void of any plantings. Several vacant and/or undeveloped properties are densely vegetated and contain stands of mature trees, particularly to the west. The Subarea is mostly flat with the exception of the Blackjack Creek ravine. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 15 Existing Conditions - December 2024 EXHIBIT 2-5 Looking west from Lund Avenue memo 1'� i�lll �■ � Subarea aesthetic and pedestrian experience are expected to improve with the implementation of the Bethel and Sedgwick Corridor Plan, which calls for continuous sidewalks and landscape strips along the length of Bethel Road. Aesthetics will also improve over time through redevelopment and required compliance with the Port Orchard multifamily and commercial design standards under Chapter 20.127 POMC, which ensure that new development is high quality and positively contributes to Port Orchard's community character These design standards consist of: • Article II - Block Frontage Standards (described above). Most importantly, new buildings must be located adjacent to Bethel Road and Lund Avenue rather than set back behind parking. • Article III - Site Planning Standards o Standards for light and air access to residential dwelling units o Nonmotorized circulation standards, including minimum connectivity o Vehicular circulation standards for internal roadways o Open space standards o Standards for the design of service areas and mechanical equipment • Article IV - Building Design Standards o Prohibition on corporate architecture o Building massing and articulation standards that reduce the perceived scale of large buildings o Building detail requirements for commercial ground floors o Exterior material standards o Requirements for treating blank walls Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 16 Existing Conditions • December 2024 2.2 Transportation Previous Transportation Planning Efforts Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road Corridor Plan The objective of this study was to develop a comprehensive plan and conceptual design for two major corridors in Port Orchard: Sedgwick Road (State Route 160) and Bethel Road. These are major arterials that serve the Bethel -Lund Subarea and provide connections to State Route 16, Downtown Port Orchard, and the Southworth Ferry Terminal. Elements of the study were centered on: Ensuring safe mobility for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders Supporting existing businesses and future commercial growth in the area Guiding future development of the corridors through design considerations and funding tools The proposed conceptual design introduces roundabouts on key segments of both roadways. Additionally, the study recommends enhancing sidewalk connectivity, bicycle facilities, and implementing green stormwater infrastructure. The multi -phase reconstruction of Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road offers a unique opportunity to transform these corridors into attractive, pedestrian -friendly streets, while strengthening connections among the area neighborhoods. Phase I of the Bethel Road corridor improvements includes roundabouts at the intersections of Bethel Road with Blueberry Road and Salmonberry Road. EXHIBIT 2-6 Bethel Sedgwick Corridor Plan Conceptual Rendering SOURCE: Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road Corridor Plan, City of Port Orchard, 2018 Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 17 Existing Conditions - December 2024 EXHIBIT 2-7 Bethel Sedgwick Corridor Plan LEGEND Bethel Road- Typical Section A — Beihel Road - Typical Section 0 — Sedgwiek Road - Typical Section Eidming Single -lane Roundabout Proposed Single -lane RDundabaur Prnncsec� Multi -lane Roundabout Tremont ALIIEGL12 We Hill Drive SR 1 S r SOURCE: Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road Corridor Plan, City of Port Orchard, 2018 Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan I Existing Conditions - December 2024 EXHIBIT 2-8 Bethel Sedgwick Corridor Cross Sections Bethel Road - Typical Section A �-IN i 1 6' 6A ir,'.eIane Bike lane Bioswa'e Sidev:ah. Bethel Road - Typical Section B @ 6' 6' 12' @' 12' 6' 6 @' Sedgwick Road - Typical Section T SOURCE: Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road Corridor Plan, City of Port Orchard, 2018 Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 19 Existing Conditions • December 2024 Vehicular Circulation and Access Bethel Road and Lund Avenue are crucial streets providing access and mobility through Bethel -Lund. Salmonberry Road is a residential street that connects the outlying neighborhood within the Port Orchard Urban Growth Area to the Bethel Road commercial corridor. Bethel Road is a key north -south connection that provides access to transit centers, ferry terminals, and other major commercial centers, such as Downtown Port Orchard. Bethel Road also links State Route 160 and State Route 166, connecting the City to other parts of the County. Bethel Road is generally a three -lane street with a center turn lane, and carries 11,500 to 16,900 Average Weekly Daily Traffic (AWDT), depending on the segment. The Bethel and Sedgwick Corridor Plan analyzed the crash frequency along the study segments from 2013-2017. Intersections with the most crashes were at Lund Avenue, Salmonberry Road, and Mitchell Road. Crashes related to turning movements s were more common on Bethel Road than Sedgwick Road, due to Bethel Road having more driveways and intersections which increases the likelihood of crashes occurring. The study recommends access management strategies along Bethel Road to address these issues and preserve safety, function, and capacity of the corridor. Lund Avenue is a minor arterial street connecting neighborhoods between Tremont Center and East Port Orchard. Lund Avenue is primarily a three -lane street with a center turn lane and serves 16,000 AWDT. West of Bethel Road, Lund Avenue transitions to a four -lane street and changes names to Tremont Street. Salmonberry Road is a two-lane east -west connector that runs through unincorporated residential neighborhoods in the urban growth area connecting Jackson Avenue to Bethel Road, serving an estimated 2,300 AWDT. The subarea does not have a conventional grid system. Vehicular traffic is limited to a few streets, leading to increased congestion, safety concerns, and road deterioration associated with those streets. Side streets primarily function as low -volume, local residential streets and connectors to East Port Orchard Elementary School. This plan envisions a few new streets, particularly between Walmart and Salmonberry Road, to allow greater options for vehicular access and circulation. See EXHIBIT 2-9. The City's Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) identifies planned transportation projects and enhancements including intersection improvements, street extensions, pedestrian and bicycle facilities upgrades, and installation of stormwater infrastructure. TABLE 2-3 lists the planned transportation projects related to Bethel -Lund, and EXHIBIT 2-9 illustrate these projects. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 20 Existing Conditions - December 2024 TABLE 2-3 Planned Transportation Improvements in Bethel -Lund Bethel/Lincoln Bethel/Lincoln/ Safety and capacity improvements to intersection 2021 roundabout Lunberg/Mitchel 2 Lund roundabout New intersection New roundabout at Bethel and Lund intersection 2027 Vallair Ct Bethel Road / Road extension and intersection improvements 3 Walmart Drive previously included in the Bethel Road Corridor 2027 Connector Intersection right-of-way & construction project Salmonberry Bethel Road: Phase 1 b. Bethel/ Salmonberry RAB Round and 4 roundabout Salmonberry roadway segment design from Blueberry to 2023 intersection Salmonberry Right-of-way and Bethel Road: Lund to Design, right-of-way acquisition and construction of 5 construction Salmonberry the fourth phase of the street improvements per the 2034 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan Right-of-way and Bethel Road: Mile Hill Design, right-of-way acquisition and construction of 6 construction Drive to Lund the fifth phase of the street improvements per the 2036 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan Salmonberry Road Ramsey Road to Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, 2028 Widening Bethel Road sidewalks and stormwater system improvements Walmart to 8 Salmonberry Salmonberry Complete roadway connector 2040 Connector SOURCE: City of Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Tier 1 2025-2030 and Tier 2 2031-2044. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 21 Existing Conditions • December 2024 EXHIBIT 2-9 Planned Transportation Improvements in Bethel -Lund Map Lundberg _ w P, Park � * tiVzl_�, Port OrchardElementary O J� �o School F �_ s� , +�•+•+� SE LUNDBER .Rp CO[1 / MCKINLEY PL SE GAO Daffodil Christian F N s v� sG Storage Life a 6 Center r Monstar Car a m O Wash �, o < 1 V Q r'� = Kitsap Veterinory U w > East Hospital 1 Q Port Orchard 1 w O _ Orchard Bluff -•+•+•—•+•+• O w Mobile Home Puerto Wdl reens 0 v' SE BASIL CT Vallarta g Rite 2 Safeway BETHEL Fuel �- - Aid > Lund JUNCTION Q Poinfe Transportation 1 f_ ■Kitsap Improvements Program (TIP) �•+.+.�.+.�.y ■ Bank Safeway Lund 5 4�1A Planned intersection �' SE VALLAIR CT Viffa e �� improvement 1 � F � ■ H ' ■ Planned street a ■ Wendy's ■ F�u� improvement N; 1 ^�� ■ 3t; ■ Walmart Planned street 1 - ■ sETIBURONO connection ! ■ +�, ■ 1 ■ Transportation Projects Dutch Bros ■ SE SERENADE � Bethel/Sedgwick LN coffee ■ Corridor Plan ,�� 5 ■ Other street �� ti ■ • improvements �.+._.L w Bethel a �.� Bethel Lund Saloon o �•— �•~'+'� 1 3 Port Orchard _ z O'- ■ j Port Orchard UGA ----F -� r�p� • SE SALMONBFRRY Rb p 400 800 Feet N I i I SOURCE: City of Port Orchard Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Tier 1 2025-2030 and Tier 2 2031-2044. Note: Additional transportation improvements are planned for Lund Avenue as part of the County capital projects, see Table 2-4. As shown on TABLE 2-4, the Kitsap County Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (2024 - 2029) also includes planned transportation enhancements for Lund Avenue. Planned transportation projects include roundabouts and pedestrian and bicycle facility enhancements. These transportation improvements will create safer, more accessible routes for all road users in the area and improve connectivity between Bethel -Lund and East Port Orchard. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 22 Existing Conditions - December 2024 TABLE 2-4 Kitsap County 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (2024-2029) ... Segment Description Median, sidewalk, and bike lane from Harris to Chase. Roundabout - Harris to Chase 2024 at Harris Median, sidewalk, and bike lane from Harris to Chase. Roundabout Lund & Hoover 2024 at Hoover Lund & Chase Roundabout 2027 Lund - Chase to Median, sidewalk, and bike lane, and u-turn 2023 Jackson SOURCE: Kitsap County Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Pedestrian Circulation and Access The majority of existing Subarea sidewalks are located along Bethel Road and Lund Avenue. Sidewalks are being installed in concert with new development, such as residential subdivisions Many older sidewalks have substandard widths and curb cuts. Sidewalks along arterial streets are fragmented and usually not present on both sides of a street. Most streets outside of the commercial areas have paved or gravel shoulders, which forces pedestrians to share high -volume roadways with vehicles and bicyclists. Safe pedestrian crossings are limited to the two signalized intersections on Bethel Road. Side street intersections and private driveways often have wide turning radii, which increases pedestrian crossing distances and allows vehicles to turn at higher speeds. Street lighting is limited, which can reduce the safety and comfort of walking at night. The fragmented active transportation network has resulted in a lack of safe and attractive connections to neighboring destinations and car dependency. Notably, there is no attractive active transportation option for travelling east -west between Bethel Road and Harris Road for a distance of one-half mile although Harris Road has numerous residential developments that are physically close to the shopping and job opportunities in the Bethel -Lund Subarea. A similar challenge exists for the Hoover Avenue/Green Dale Drive neighborhood northeast of the subarea. Overall, the environment in the Subarea is unpleasant for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other wheeled device users, such as wheelchairs, strollers, and scooters. Continuous active transportation infrastructure would improve the functionality of the existing network and quality of the pedestrian environment, providing a convenient, safe, and attractive option alternative to driving. The City has planned nonmotorized routes that are intended to improve bicycle and pedestrian access throughout the City. Those within the Bethel -Lund Subarea are listed in TABLE 2-5. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 23 Existing Conditions - December 2024 Bicycle Facilities There are no existing bicycle facilities within Bethel -Lund. However, the City's planned nonmotorized routes will improve pedestrian and bicycle access and connection from residential neighborhoods to commercial centers, recreation areas, and other nonmotorized routes outside of the city limits. These routes include Bethel Road (Bay Street to Sedgwick Road), Tremont Lund (State Route 16 to Jackson Avenue), and Salmonberry Road West (Bethel Road to Jackson Avenue). Both Bethel Road and Tremont Lund connect to Kitsap County nonmotorized routes and are included the Kitsap County Non -Motorized Facilities Plan. The Bethel and Sedgwick Corridor Plan includes street improvements on Bethel Road. The Tremont Street Improvement project is partially constructed, and other phases of development are ongoing. The Kitsap County TIP identifies four improvement projects along Lund Avenue including sidewalks and bicycle lanes and three new roundabouts from the Port Orchard city limits to Jackson Avenue. The eastern end route to Jackson Avenue extends beyond the city limits requiring collaboration with Kitsap County. Continued design improvements for Salmonberry Road West are part of the Bethel Phase 1 project. TABLE 2-5 Planned Nonmotorized Routes Bethel Road (Bay Street to Sedgwick Arterial Street - Bike Lane/Sidewalk 2.62 Planned Art Road) Tremont Lund On -Street - Bike Lane/Sidewalk 2.63 Partialy Built (SR 16 to Jackson Avenue) Arterial Salmonberry West (Bethel Avenue to Jackson On -Street - Residential Bike Lane/Sidewalk 0.98 Planned Avenue) SOURCE: City of Port Orchard Non -Motorized Transportation Plan, 2024 Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 24 Existing Conditions • December 2024 EXHIBIT 2-10 Planned Non -Motorized Routes �j Lundberg Park r r O IGyO Daffodil C Storage Christian Life F` w v sG F o Center a 0 Monstar Car ; — Q o Wash o Q = Kitsap Veterinary w �B Hospital C it! . PJ East � Port Orchard UO� Elementary 11 School MCKINLEY PL SE LF. S� Orchard Bluff -, Q----.—.— Mobile Home % Puerto g ®gjalA Vallarfa �Wreens �•i®ililiiiln I�i�1_i1111f_Illl�III ISafeway Rite BETHEL Aid Fuel JUNCTION Kitsap ........... Bank Safeway = Q 1 SE VALLAIR C1 — V i �Wendy's 1 Walmart 1 - �� ®Dutch Bros Coffee ., 1 u, 1 c 1 r.� 1 w 1 SOURCE: City of Port Orchard Non -Motorized Transportation Plan, 2024 Transit East Port Orchard SE BASIL CT Ii11il U11 111111111i1 q lN' O 1 SE TIBURON C Non -Motorized Routes SE SERENADE' 11111 Arterial Planned LN- 11111 Residential Planned No Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan r Parks Bethel Lund Port Orchard Port Orchard UGA 111i1---- �1 0 400 800 Feet�il N I . I Kitsap Transit currently provides bus service in the Bethel -Lund Subarea six days a week with half-hour headways via Routes 8 and 9. Route 8 serves the Bethel Corridor operating between the Port Orchard Ferry Dock and the Fred Meyer at Sedgwick Road. Route 9 serves East Port Orchard with stops at Town Square, Annapolis Ferry Dock, and the Port Orchard Ferry Dock. Projects outlined in the Kitsap Transit 2022-2042 Long -Range Transit Plan are expected to bring significant improvements to the transit service in Bethel -Lund. In the near -term, frequency upgrades for Route 9 will reduce transit service headways to fifteen minutes. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 25 Existing Conditions - December 2024 In the long-term, Bethel Road has been identified as a potential location for high - capacity transit options, such as bus rapid transit (BRT) (See EXHIBIT 2-1 1). Additionally, a new fixed -route bus route is planned on Lund Avenue, connecting to McCormick Woods. These projects and expanded services are expected to enhance accessibility and convenience while providing more travel options for people living and working in the Subarea. EXHIBIT 2-11 Kitsap Transit Existing and Planned Facilities - t-- - -� ILA 4 Lundberg Park East Port Orchard Elementary '------ sF�� School �c � Daffod'il � Christian F N u Storage - Life Center o cMonstar Car Q O Wash o Y W <I tL Kitsap Veteririary 0 Hospital 11 IfOrchard Bluff Mobile Home ` Puerto - ` Vollarta / Rite (w.1 Aid 1 Kitsap L--•+-------7 Bank ii SE VA�LAIR Cl .y,J E j 1 .N 1 1 Bethel 1 Saloon " C 0, 41 O V SOURCE: City of Port Orchard, Kitsap Transit ralgreens Safew, 7NN Fuel Wendy's utch Bros Coffee MCKINLEY PL SE W N 1 W o Q East o Port Orchard o � SE BASIL CT Village Kitsap Transit — Existing Route 8 Walmart Q Existing Route 8 stops SE TIBURO — Existing Route 9 O Existing Route 9 stops SE SERENA — — Planned Port Orchard - McCormick Woods Route Planned BRT Route Forks Bethel Lund 1 Port Orchard Port Orchard UGA 1 DNBERRY Rb 0 400 800 Feet N I i I I Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 26 Existing Conditions • December 2024 2.3 Parks, Open Space, and Critical Areas Parks and Open Space The Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space Plan (PROS) identifies Lundberg Park, South Kitsap Regional Park, and East Port Orchard Elementary School as the nearest existing parks and recreation spaces to the Bethel -Lund Subarea. Lundberg Park is an undeveloped, forested city -owned property located just outside the northwest Subarea boundary. It currently has no public access or amenities, but its proximity to Blackjack Creek and a steadily growing residential area makes it suitable to become a neighborhood park. South Kitsap Regional Park, also known as Jackson Park, is on 209 acres one mile east of the Subarea and provides a range of amenities including sport fields, a playground, skate park, and walking and biking trails. Additionally, East Port Orchard Elementary School includes a playground and large playfield open for use by residents. There are opportunities to promote local neighborhood parks or park plaza spaces within the subarea through mixed -use and residential developments, particularly near the planned commercial development in the south and pending multifamily homes on Salmonberry Road. A large park could be sited on the undeveloped parcels south of Vallair Connector, which, due to its size, has the potential to include a mix of recreation facilities and/or programming (playground, picnic shelters, nature trail, etc.) (see EXHIBIT 2-12). Critical Areas Wetlands are vital to the local hydrologic cycle and offer a range of beneficial functions, such as wildlife habitat, improving water quality, reducing flood risks, and retaining stormwater. The City aims to preserve and protect wetlands and their buffers, but when impacts are unavoidable, wetland replacement or wetland mitigation banks must be utilized to mitigate impacts in accordance with Chapter 20.162 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code. Blackjack Creek is the largest stream system in Port Orchard, spanning a length of approximately three miles within the city limits (not including tributaries) and is considered one of the largest and most productive fish producing streams in South Kitsap. In recent years, the City has taken steps to protect the Blackjack Creek corridor and preserve and/or restore ecological function. Blackjack Terrace Open Space, located west of Vallair Connector, acts as a dedicated natural wooded buffer and much of the area surrounding Blackjack Creek is zoned Greenbelt. There is no public access to Blackjack Creek near Bethel -Lund, presenting an opportunity for a potential new trail connecting Blackjack Creek to adjacent Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 27 Existing Conditions • December 2024 subdivisions. The creation of such a trail would promote outdoor recreation and cultivate environmental stewardship within the Subarea. The 2023 the Port Orchard Stormwater and Watersheds Comprehensive Plan assessed stormwater system impacts on local receiving waters based partly on impervious surface land coverage. Lower Blackjack Creek was ranked Moderate/High, indicating a greater level of water quality degradation. Impacts to water resources could increase due to new and upcoming development in the area. Surface water and stormwater capital improvement projects were developed to address the problems identified in the plan. Among the ten prioritized projects is the Salmonberry Road Lower Blackjack Creek Culvert Retrofit, which will remove and replace an existing culvert with a new storm conveyance system (see EXHIBIT 2-12). The Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan also programs stormwater infrastructure along Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road to protect critical downstream creeks and waterways (i.e. Blackjack Creek). EXHIBIT 2-12 Parks, Open Space, and Critical Areas Lundberg v �•� 4P,ark wEast Port Orchard _ Elementary J� % .'.'.•� SF�T O� School SELUNDBERG�RJ C�lti �y, IAMrLEY°LSE South Kifsap Regional Park Daffodil Christian"?, Storage o Life Center o s o Monstar Car w a C Wash i < Q z Kifsap Veterl ary - - Hospital -,FOrchard Sluff L,—,—,—,---- Mobile Home Puerto Walgreens Vallarta Safeway Rite Fuel Aid > Kltsap q---JBank � ldRf I a SE-V¢LLAJR, U ejac-k Terrace tr Wendy's Walmart F V `��:� Dutch Bros Lower Blackjack - `` ` Coffee Creek \ \'\ ' Bethel �Saloon \, z •1 v` hWbgLower rd 6 ,•-Creek Cul SOURCE: City of Port Orchard, MAKERS 2024 W a a - w O , _., SE 3ASIL CT Lund Pointe 1. Lund Village East Port Orchard w u _ Greenbelt �T1B(1PON Open Space SF CT Parks Park Opporlunities iN- SE�SFRENADE WAY Blackjack Creek Wetlands - Hydric Soil Slopes C y Bethel Lund Q Port to L Port Orchard UGA 0 41 Boa r"t { . N I Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 28 Existing Conditions • December 2024 2.4 Market Conditions Assessment Economic Profile Demographics Port Orchard is a rapidly growing city with population growth rates in recent decades exceeding those of the county and state due to annexation, in -migration, and natural population growth. This has driven a rapid increase in housing unit demand and production, including in the Bethel -Lund Subarea. Overall, Port Orchard's population is younger and more diverse than regional averages, with smaller household sizes than the county and the state, and somewhat lower incomes than county and statewide averages. The Bethel -Lund area has very similar age breakdown to the City as a whole with a relatively large share of young residents, as shown below in EXHIBIT 2-13. EXHIBIT 2-13 Age in Bethel -Lund Subarea and Port Orchard, 2023 R 23% 24% 15% 15% 14% 14% Lund Port Orchard SOURCE: ESRI ■ 65+ ■ 45-64 ■ 35-44 25-34 ■ 15-24 ■ 0-14 Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 29 Existing Conditions - December 2024 Incomes in the Subarea are somewhat higher than in Port Orchard as a whole, based on American Community Survey data, however, estimates for smaller geographies can be subject to significant margins of error. EXHIBIT 2-14 Household Incomes in the Bethel -Lund Subarea and Port Orchard, 2023 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Lund Port Orchard SOURCE: ESRI Employment ■ $200,000+ ■ $150,000 - $199,999 ■ $100,000 - $149,999 ■ $75,000 - $99,999 $50,000 - $74,999 ■ $35,000 - $49,999 ■ $25,000 - $34,999 ■ $15,000 - $24,999 ■ <$15,000 According to 2023 data received from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), there are 988 jobs in the Bethel -Lund Subarea. PSRC does not provide a detailed breakdown of these jobs by sector, but the U.S. Census's OnTheMap tool does provide estimates for job sectors in the Subarea, shown below. Retail jobs comprise the majority of employment in the subarea, with food and other service jobs also present in smaller quantities. The employment mix has shifted in the past decade towards retail, and, with the forthcoming Home Depot, this shift is likely to continue. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 30 Existing Conditions • December 2024 EXHIBIT 2-15 Top Job Sectors in Bethel -Lund Subarea, 2012 and 2021 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Retail Trade Food / Lodging Other Services Wholesale SOURCE: LEHD via Census OnTheMap ■ 2021 ■2012 Health Care / Arts, Social Entertainment, Assistance and Recreation Commuting The map below shows estimated commuting patterns in the Subarea. As shown, essentially no residents of the Subarea also work in the Subarea. Given the commercial activity in the area, there is a significant net inflow of commuters into the Subarea. EXHIBIT 2-16 Commuting Patterns in the Bethel -Lund Subarea, 2021 �heh�n Lahe�rrrgeau &Pe Na.b,�9 rae re sourheas� � h bej'9 ?a„H BglhVreq S'reer `/ n 'r Port Orchar� rcc 108 71 e ¢ 5p Yqb _ �1 �r ' '- aiheaprn I / tOUM /� 5`lhyge od hVi[rayraM f°arheasr uf>n� �brheaw J z 8lac q a a berr � c horr C. SOURCE: LEHD via Census OnTheMap Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 31 Existing Conditions - December 2024 Development Pipeline The map below, EXHIBIT 2-17, shows the current housing unit counts as well as pipeline development in the Subarea. There are currently 174 single-family units and 85 multifamily units, for a total of 259 existing units. There are an additional 39 single-family units and 174 multifamily units currently under construction or in the development pipeline (as of September 2024). Once completed, this will total 472 units in the Subarea. EXHIBIT 2-17 Existing and Pipeline Units and Commercial Development in the Bethel - Lund Subarea Port Orchard Lund Existing and Pipeli Legend Port Orchard City Limits Port Orchard UGA Water Bodies Roads State Highway Collector / Arterial Local Road Existing Units by Parcel �a ripr 0 z 3-S - 5+ Pipeline Units by Parcel 0 z 0 3-5 - 5+ Commercial Pipeline a 3 i - LL d_ 1 F ir2vrt•f.C�S` -. SOURCE: Kitsap County, City of Port Orchard, LCG Note: Pipeline data is as of September 2024. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 32 Existing Conditions • December 2024 Buildable Lands & Future Capacity The map below in EXHIBIT 2-18 shows parcels classified as Vacant, Underutilized, or Partially Utilized in the Subarea. These classifications were based on the 2019 Kitsap County Buildable Lands Report and updated to reflect recent development in the Subarea. After deducting critical areas, future infrastructure, right-of-way, and market factor considerations, there are a total of 16.9 acres available for residential development and 0.1 acres available for commercial development in the Subarea. This equates to a capacity for 301 housing units (34 single-family and 267 multifamily), and 21 jobs, given the assumptions used in the Land Capacity Analysis for Port Orchard's 2023 Comprehensive Plan (see TABLE 1-2 Bethel -Lund Subarea Capacity Summary). EXHIBIT 2-18 Vacant and Redevelopable Parcels in Bethel -Lund Subarea Jr Port OrCFiard ` Lund Parcel Classifications Legend L ��•r r r sr,r:�� 0 Port Orchard City Limits �,=� - J 1 Port Qrchard UGA Water Bodies tr Roads State Highway Collector / Arterial Local Road Parcel Status PARTIALLY UTILIZED - UNDERUTILIZED VACANT Is _eor�Phs, SOURCE: Kitsap County, City of Port Orchard, LCG 1,060 kA sap Counry, cay o/ Porc Orchard, LCG Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 33 Goals and Vision • December 2024 I Goals and Vision 3.1 Opportunities, Assets, and Challenges Bethel -Lund is rich with economic opportunities and community assets, but faces challenges from a disconnected, auto -oriented environment. EXHIBIT 3-1 summarizes the assets and challenges this plan addresses. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 34 Goals and Vision • December 2024 EXHIBIT 3-1 Bethel -Lund Opportunities, Assets, and Challenges J Kitsap Transit is planning bus i r rapid transit along Bethel Road 'e between Downtown and Ag Sedgwick Road west of the subarea rya Golf Cov%, Opportunity for a frail along Blackjack Creek with connections to/from subdivisions Several older one-story commercial lots at the heart of the subarea could be redeveloped with mixed -use when they reach end of life, Opportunity for central park/plaza at one of these corners Two grocery and home goods stores provides daily needs and supports jobs Walmort site is a maicr use that Is unlikely to change Cl 0,1 �— — — — —— - Y - l Consider this area for annexation '.. - to create a more continuous ! planning area and streamline transportation improvements for safe routes to school 1 r a ' Some indirect routes for Students to walk and bike _ from the subarea to the ndee i Elementary School, but f streets are not up to current -, safety standards East Port orchard South Kitsap Elementary I Regional Park i I r Less than one mile to major regional park, , but Lund Avenue 14 lacks safe walking and biking routes tunnuuuuurn...SE9rlJr1'!-AVE- _�elrls rn COmmEr1Glal d 7 Center Active commercial center that serves as a hub for the neighborhood and citywide =� J East ` I East Port Orchard Neighborhood Established subdivisions a are diconnected and 10 inward -facing from the commerical uses i} r I r010 u $alrf—fiberry i U p`I O Large infill opportunity but there I p are uncertain plans for o Home a Depot development which would f mostly serve people living outside ,w r Cr of the subarea i' GeneralOPP ortunities/Qbservptions' Opportunities Challenges Existing Conditions H Major connections run Fast moving traffic/ * Assets Bethel/Sedgwick E - Street extension barrier Pending Corridor Plan Infill development Pedestrian -challenged development M Natural areas Park opportunities intersection 0 Bus stops Parks e - a Nature trail VW Land use development barrier Commercial —Streams Centers _; Bethel Lund Potential annexation area • Neighborhoods I__t Port orchard • Schools PI r I iraa SOURCE: City of Port Orchard, MAKERS • Kitsap Transit planned BRT route on Bethel Road could facilitate more compact development • The Bethel/Sedgwick corridor planned pedestrian/bicycle infrastructure will create safer routes for all travelers • Need/opportunity for parks and/or gathering spaces to serve the subarea • Property ownership and public street grid is highly fragmented • Extend street grid as development occurs to enhance connectivity Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 35 Goals and Vision • December 2024 3.2 Alternatives The Bethel -Lund land use alternatives presented potential development scenarios tailored to the unique characteristics of the Subarea, informed by a thorough analysis of existing assets, challenges, and opportunities. These alternatives provided a framework for evaluating different development pathways. The chart below described the key features considered in the alternatives. For greater detail about the distinction between each alternative, see Note 3: Bethel -Lund Land Use Alternatives. Alternative 1 No Action Utilize current zoning and move forward with existing policies and planned public improvements. A notable exception will be zoning changes necessary to comply with the State's middle housing legislation. Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Light Touch Mixed Use/Transit-Oriented Development Create flexible regulations and implement strategic zoning changes to accommodate growth and promote an efficient mix of uses. Improve pedestrian mobility and access to parks and open space. Leverage planned transportation improvements and expand growth through mixed use opportunities to support walkable neighborhoods and economic vitality. Advance regional trail and safe routes to school to support multimodal network. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 36 Goals and Vision • December 2024 3.3 Preferred Alternative: Planning Framework Values The following values were developed from the plan's purpose and context and shaped by community engagement. • Safe, efficient, and comfortable multimodal mobility. Prioritize the development of a transportation system that ensures safety, efficiency, and comfort for all users — whether they are walking, biking, driving, or using public transit. This value underscores the importance of creating a well-connected and accessible neighborhood where residents and visitors can easily navigate using various modes of transportation, fostering greater mobility and reducing reliance on single - occupancy vehicles. • Thriving center with diverse uses. Foster the growth of vibrant community center that offers a harmonious blend of residential, commercial, and recreational spaces. This center will act a hub where people can work, live, and play. The neighborhood is economically resilient and has a lively, multifaceted environment that meets many needs of the community. • Access to recreation. Provide convenient access to high -quality recreational facilities, parks, and open spaces. These amenities are essential for fostering physical health, mental well-being, and social connections, significantly enhancing the overall quality of life within the community and creating inviting spaces for leisure and interaction. Open spaces support important ecological functions such as wildlife habitat and stormwater management. ■ Resilient and sustainable community. Build a community that is resilient to environmental, economic, and social challenges. Sustainable practices are used in development, including the implementation of green infrastructure and the preservation of critical areas. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 37 Goals and Vision • December 2024 Plan Concept The plan concept is informed by the community engagement, an analysis of existing assets, and a review of challenges and opportunities. The concept consists of a set of actions to transform Bethel -Lund into a more active urban center. The vision is to create a vibrant, sustainable, and well-connected neighborhood. Plan recommendations include: Invest in public spaces, such as streetscapes, parks, and plazas. This will foster a sense of community and improve the overall urban experience for residents, workers, and visitors alike. Enhance walking, biking, and rolling connections to make it easier and more comfortable for people to navigate the neighborhood and access neighborhood amenities such as grocery stores schools, transit stops, and future BRT stations without needing a car. Update zoning, design standards, and regulations strategically to encourage private investment in new homes and workplaces. This approach aims to create a balanced community that meets the evolving needs of residents and supports economic growth. EXHIBIT 3-2 illustrates the key features recommended in the subarea plan that align with and support the neighborhood vision for Sedgwick-Bethel, highlighting areas for transit investment, public space enhancements, and potential development zones. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 38 Goals and Vision • December 2024 EXHIBIT 3-2 Bethel -Lund Subarea Framework Map Support efforts to activate Lundberg Park Zoning. Create more Flexible development regulations, including height overlay zones, and parking requirements to allow for more housing and a mix of land uses Create a trail network to connect parks and open spaces between Sedgwick-Bethel and Bethel -Lund SALMONBERRY PARK. (NAME TBD) Create a central park to buffer the ravine and support recreational needs in the area _—r+,Park Rr ----------- / It 1 t•�'r� SE LUNDBER.G.R r � tt R3> 22 �,q Monstar( T` I sF a wash i Gtio. R3 > R2 Kitsap veteri i Hospital �I CC CMU Puerto Vallarto Rite Aid r i sE YALLAIR CT t � } 1 r j i I r i i CC +PF r � ethel r ; Saloon �.' Connect to z 5edgwick-Bethel hail O U 7 1 a 400 800 Feet 4 N I r s� w ye East s` Port Orchard *5O Elementary �Flii,C 1�R School \� MCKINLEY PL SE Chrisiian Life w �`` South Kitsap Center Regional Park a w w > o o SE BASIL CT East SE TIBURON CT SE SE SERENADE WAY 0 Q O O SE SALMONBERRY R❑ Improve connectivity and explore other active transportation improvements, such as midblock crossing and sidewalk buffer enhancements, along key routes to schools and other destinations Bethel/5edgwick Improvements and other street projects will occur as planned Support Kitsap Transit bus service enhancements Hub Features Transportation Ideas Zoning Existing Conditions flotation Flexible) Mobility »MoSafe routes r Residential I (RI) =Commercial Corridor (CC] Blackjack Creek Park/plaza Improvements to school Residential 2 (R2) = Commerical Heavy (CH) GreenbelParks ` street �� Support BRT Residential 3 (R3) W. Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) andRecreationPotential �- - • Ravine trail connection Public Facilities (PF) %/. Business Prof. Mixed Use (BPMU) ` 2 Bethel -Lund Planned " 0, Potential new p Port Orchard "ity Roundabout bus routes OZoning change n Port Orchard UGA SOURCE: City of Port Orchard, MAKERS, 2024 Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 39 Goals and Vision - December 2024 EXHIBIT 3-3 Bethel -Lund Height Overlay Districts a ti Lundberg yoS Park {? East '"—""—'� 4�4 1 Pori Orchard AGO s (D Elementary 1 I&411 � school SE LUNDBER_G.RD a(^, y MCKINLEY L FL SE m I Christian s� ti 1 w Life South Kitsap j Center � Regional Park g aMonstar Car Q 1 sF� p wash n G•(, Q Kitsap Veterinary w w vwi > / Hospital ! a o L.—.r.----- w ti Puerto Vallarta Walgreens Oz SE 3ASJL CT / Rite N Safeway ►,�.� Aid BEiHEL i Fuel J N-1• w SE VAUAIR CT Bethel Saloon w z O O U 0 400 800 Feet N I I East Port Orchard SE TTBURC)N CT SE 3ERGER LN SE SERENADE WAY h a a L] r z o a � a 0 m 0 a it 4 z SE SALMONBERRY RD Maxar. Microsoft Bethel -Lund Height Overlay District (BLHOD) Existing Conditions BLHOD 5: 55 feet - five stories — Blackjack Creek BLHOD 4: 45 feet - four stories Bethel Lund BLHOD 3: 35 feet - three stories r-1 Port Orchard Port Orchard UGA SOURCE: City of Port Orchard, MAKERS, 2024 Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 40 Goals and Vision - December 2024 3.4 Subarea Goals & Policies Land Use Goal LU-1 Develop a compact land use pattern to accommodate additional housing and businesses. LU-1 Allowed uses, building types, and height limits should accommodate at least 1,873 residents in the Bethel -Lund Countywide Center. LU-2 Adopt the Bethel -Lund Height Overlay Districts (BLHOD) as shown on EXHIBIT 3-3. BLHOD height limits are established as follows: • SBHOD 3: 35 feet - three stories • SBHOD 4: 45 feet - four stories ■ SBHOD 5: 55 feet - five stories LU-3 Promote incentives to encourage the development of affordable housing within the Subarea, including multifamily tax exemption (MFTE) and other development standards bonuses that prioritize a wide range of housing affordability. LU-4 Right -size minimum off-street parking requirements in the Subarea to incentivize economical housing construction and housing prices, reduce impervious surfaces and stormwater runoff, reduce the urban heat island effect, and improve the aesthetic appeal of development. LU-5 Provide opportunities for a variety of housing types to be developed, with a focus on attached and compact housing. Support the citywide middle housing strategy to expand middle housing options for individuals and families at all stages of live and income levels living in Bethel -Lund. LU-6 Encourage growth of retail businesses and services in clusters at key locations to create economic relationships and places for people to mix and mingle, like Bethel Junction. LU-7 Ensure adequate utility systems are available to support the development and buildout of the Bethel -Lund center. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 41 Goals and Vision - December 2024 Goal LU-2 Support growth of neighborhood -serving retail, dining, services, and amenities. LU-8 Encourage ground floor shopfront development along Bethel Road and Lund Avenue through either single -story shopfront or mixed -use shopfront building types. LU-9 Allow residential uses above shopfront development where shopfront development is required. LU-10 Invest in public realm improvements such as streetscape updates, sidewalk improvements, and public plazas to strengthen retail clusters and encourage multifamily residential development. Goal LU-3 Ensure that development in Bethel -Lund is attractive and provides variety and visual interest. LU-11 Apply Port Orchard's Design Standards, as set forth in POMC Chapter 20.127 to enhance the layout and design of subarea sites and buildings. LU-12 Apply block frontage standards that emphasize pedestrian -friendly development frontages in mixed -use areas while providing strategic flexibility to integrate off-street parking areas and landscaped setbacks where necessary. LU-13 Amend POMC. 20.127.350(3) to require at least 3% usable open space for new non-residential development. LU-14 Designate high visibility street corners as defined in POMC 20.127.250 in strategic locations. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 42 Goals and Vision - December 2024 Transportation Goal T-1 Design streets to complement desired future land uses and ensure safe, comfortable mobility for all. T-1 Ensure new streets carry forwards streetscape themes found in other parts of the Subarea. Key streetscape elements include landscape, lighting, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and other hardscape elements. T-2 Plan a transportation network that reflects future land use goals. T-3 Support the Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road Corridor Plan to transform Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road as a pedestrian and bicycle - friendly complete streets and promote safer mobility for all users throughout these corridors. T-4 Where appropriate, integrate urban low impact development (LID) stormwater management features in roadway design, including bioswales and raingardens. T-5 Support Kitsap County planned improvements on Lund Avenue, including roundabouts at Hoover Road, Harris Road, and Chase Road, and medians, sidewalks and bike lanes from the city limits to Jackson Avenue. Complete streets are designed to ensure safe, convenient mobility options for all users, which vary based on community context. These may include a wide range of elements, including sidewalks, bicycle lanes, bus lanes, transit stops, crossing opportunities, medians, and landscape treatments. Source: Washington State Department of Transportation T-6 Where feasible, design bike lanes to be protected from automobile traffic with curbs, horizontal separation, or other techniques that improve safety and comfort. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 43 Goals and Vision - December 2024 Goal T-2 Provide a robust multi -modal transportation network that serves all users. T-7 Support Kitsap Transit planned transit frequency and service upgrades. T-8 Adjust transit stop locations to maximize convenience as Bethel Road and Lund Avenue develop, accommodating future road improvements and transit services, including bus rapid transit T-9 Plan for safe and convenient access to transit services for all modes of travel, including wayfinding and signage. Urban low impact development (LID) refers to systems and strategies that mimic natural processes to manage and mitigate stormwater runoff. Examples of LID practices include bioretention facilities, rain gardens, vegetated rooftops, rain barrels, and permeable pavements. These practices can be applied at both site and regional scales. T-10 Support bicycle infrastructure and Source: U.S Environmental provide bicycle amenities, include Protection Agency secure bicycle parking. Goal T-3 Plan a well-connected and efficient road network. T-11 Plan a street pattern that improves internal street connectivity and provides multiple travel route options within the Subarea to access neighborhood destinations. T-12 Require the integration of through -block connections in the CMU, R4 and R5 zones where block -lengths are greater than 500 feet. This could come in the form of private streets with sidewalks, woonerfs (low volume street where vehicles share space with pedestrians), landscaped pathways or urban passageways, and alleys. Examples of through -block connections, from left, a woonerf, or shared street, a landscaped passageway, and an urban passageway. Source: MAKERS Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 44 Goals and Vision - December 2024 Goal T-4 Provide safe multimodal access to schools. T-13 Evaluate options for pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements at key routes to East Port Orchard Elementary School. Community Design Goal CD-1 Transform Bethel -Lund to a vibrant walkable neighborhood. CD-1 In conjunction with transportation improvements along Bethel Road and Lund Avenue, integrate placemaking strategies such as plantings, lighting, public art, or other techniques to create a more engaging and human - scaled walking environment. CD-2 Leverage redevelopment to obtain wider sidewalks and pedestrian - friendly building design. CD-3 Promote planting of street trees to improve livability, reduce urban heat islands, and reduce stormwater runoff. CD-4 Work with property owners and existing business to integrate murals and public artworks that promote neighborhood identity. Goal CD-2 Encourage the development of public plaza and other gathering spaces. CD-5 Work with property owners, Urban heat island effect can cause higher temperatures in urban areas compared to their rural surroundings, primarily due to the concentration of buildings, paving, and human activities that absorb and retain heat. Source: U.S Environmental Protection Agency developers, nonprofit organizations and other agencies to invest in indoor/outdoor community spaces, such as a YMCA, event spaces, and community gardens. CD-6 Explore public -private partnerships to create public open spaces integrated with surrounding development - ranging from large neighborhood parks, high visibility street corner public plazas, to neighborhood gateway features. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 45 Goals and Vision - December 2024 Illustrative Conceptual Site Plan Given the envisioned transformation of the subarea from a low -density suburban node to more of a compact pedestrian -oriented mixed -use neighborhood center, the planning team crafted a site plan to illustrate how key sites within the subarea could be developed or redeveloped over 20 years consistent with the goals and policies of this plan. This is an example only and illustrates just one of many ways that the area could be transformed consistent with the plan's goals and policies. The site plan is particularly useful to illustrate how future development can be coordinated. Specifically note: New through -block connection. Sites where property consolidation would help facilitate coordinated development. Examples of mixed -use development. The integration of usable open space for residential uses. EXHIBIT 3-4 Bethel -Lund Concept a 0 0 Cosandra a Loop Through -block connection (partly pedestrian -only) 4 -story apartment/ mixed -use buildings Valloir Court Bethel Valley r� 0 50 200feet N Sr VAL_,, R e Live/work units Puerto Walgreens 4allarta O �a ❑ ) p e® v 7Ald BETHEL Redevelopmenfexample w JUNCTION with townhomes Retail Will building with small plaza and s1reet,cope improvements linked to future bus stops Safeway Planned Smal commercial roundabout infill development a OWalmort fl Commercial // Live -Work Apartments Mixed -Use with Townhomes Aparments over Commercial !';:) Bethel -Lund ® Port Orchard UGA Note: This concept is an example only and illustrates just one of many ways that portions of the subarea could be developed consistent with the plan's goals and policies. Source: MAKERS. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 46 Goals and Vision - December 2024 Parks, Open Space, and Critical Areas Goal POC-1 Expand park and recreational assets within Bethel -Lund. POC-1 Use open space and recreation uses to buffer Blackjack Creek Greenbelt from new commercial and residential development. Encourage neighborhood parks to incorporate natural or environmental features. POC-2 Provide trail connections to parks and open space that are accessible and designed for both walking and biking. POC-3 Explore options for developing a new "Salmonberry Park" as a community park with walking and biking trails, playgrounds, and nature observation, while conserving Ruby Creek Greenbelt. POC-4 Support opportunities to activate Lundberg Park to serve the growing neighborhood on Harold Drive. Goal POC-2 Create a well-connected low impact trail system that capitalizes view opportunities of Blackjack Creek and connects open spaces. POC-5 Explore opportunities to provide a multi -use trail along Blackjack Creek that provides viewpoint and linkages to parks and open space areas between Sedwick-Bethel and Bethel -Lund, provided that habitat mitigation is implemented in accordance with the critical areas code. POC-6 Foster relationships with surrounding property owners to facilitate trail development. POC-7 Incorporate wayfinding, orientation, educational historic/cultural interpretive signage or kiosks into the trail design. Goal POC-3 Ensure critical areas and wildlife habitats are protected consistent with critical areas regulations. POC-8 Partner with other government entities and non-profit organizations to manage natural areas and ensure healthy ecosystem functions that contribute to site and community resilience. POC-9 Promote extensive use of low impact development in project and street design. POC-10 Plan for active and passive recreational opportunities within parks adjacent to sensitive areas and greenbelts. POC-11 Support efforts to acquire property for conservation and mitigation around the Blackjack Creek tributaries. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 47 Action Plan • December 2024 4, Action Plan This chapter describes the key steps to achieve the vision for Bethel -Lund. Although this is a long-term plan that includes actions to take place over the next 20 years, several priority actions should be accomplished over the next few years. For this plan to be realized, public and private investment will be required. Trends over the past 20 years show that, without change, private investment alone will not achieve the Subarea vision, goals, and policies. The following steps lay the groundwork for attracting private investment and shaping the built environment. Port Orchard will need to dedicate staff resources for code updates and secure additional funding sources for capital investments. The following table of actions summarizes the recommended steps with ideal timing, priority, and potential costs (represented generally from low to high as $, $$, and $$$). Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 48 Action Plan - December 2024 TABLE 4-1 Bethel -Lund Action Plan Action Timing Priority Cost Land Use and Zoning Residential zoning: Expand middle housing options with 1 year High $ the adoption of the citywide middle housing zoning strategy. Commercial and mixed -use zoning: Increase 1 year High $ commercial capacity and flexibility. Rezone along Bethel Road, west of Walmart and the northwest intersection of Bethel Road and Lund Avenue, to promote a more pedestrian friendly mix of uses. Adopt height overlay districts: Reference EXHIBIT 3.3 of 1-2 years High $ this plan. This will provide more opportunities for housing supply, compact growth, and vertical mixed -use buildings. Decrease parking requirements. This will provide more 1-2 years High $ opportunities for housing supply, compact growth, and reduced environmental impacts of development. Expand and adjust the community design framework 1-2 years Medium $ maps (POMC 20.127.130). The maps should reflect existing conditions from recent/near-term developments, and add desired new streets that reduce block sizes to promote connectivity. Designate high visibility street corners in strategic locations (POMC 20.127.250) . Increase non-residential open space requirements. 1-2 years Low $ Within the subarea boundaries, require at least 3% open space for new non-residential development (POMC 20.127.350(3) ). Transportation Construct the Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan to build a 2-5 years High $$$ complete transportation network along Bethel Road. Improve pedestrian and bike connectivity to access 2-5 years High $$ key neighborhood destinations, such as East Port Orchard Elementary School and South Kitsap Regional Park. Some improvements may go beyond what is identified/designed in the Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan. Potential improvements could include new or rebuilt sidewalks, midblock crossings, protected or buffered bike facilities, street trees, traffic diverters, and other features that enhance mobility and comfort. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 49 Action Plan • December 2024 Specific enhancements will be determined through further study. Support the Kitsap Transit bus service enhancements, 5-10 Medium $$ including the planned BRT route and new fixed -route years bus routes on Lund Avenue with service to McCormick Woods. Coordinate on placement of bus stops, pedestrian improvements (including sidewalks and crosswalks), and BRT bus -priority features (such as queue jumps and signal priority). Blackjack Creek trail: Study design options and 5-15 Low $$ construct a trail that offers more transportation options, years access to nature, habitat protection, and healthy recreational activities. Capital Facilities and Parks Lundberg Park: Design and operate a park on this City- 2-5 years Medium $$ owned site to improve access to recreation and open space for residents. The park design should incorporate protective features for Blackjack Creek. "Salmonberry Park": Study the potential development 5-10 Medium $$ of park near the intersection of Bethel Road and years Salmonberry Road to improve access to recreation and open space for residents. Identify a location, funding, and partnerships for a 5-15 Low $$$ community facility, such as a recreation/athletics years center, culture and arts center, library branch, senior or teen center, event venue, or similar gathering space. This could be a publicly -operated facility or created and operated by a private or non-profit partner. The facility should be located with good transit access and sized to serve all Port Orchard residents. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 50 Notes • December 2024 So Notes Note 1: Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan - Centers Goals and Policies Note 2: Bethel Subarea Plans Engagement Summary Note 3: Bethel -Lund Land Use Alternatives Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 51 Notes • December 2024 Note 1: Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan - Centers Goals and Policies The Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan contains the following centers policies. These policies are not tailored this Subarea but should be implemented across all centers. For specific policies related to Bethel -Lund, see 3.4 Subarea Goals & Policies. Policy CN-1. Prioritize the City's residential, commercial and light industrial growth and infrastructure investments within designated Centers, in accordance with VISION 2050 and the Countywide Planning Policies. Policy CN-2. Focus future growth in designated, higher intensity areas in an effort to encourage the preservation of open space and maintain surrounding neighborhood character. Policy CN-3. Shorten commutes by concentrating housing and employment in strategic locations, which provides residents opportunities to live and work in the same neighborhood. Policy CN-4. Provide commercial services that serve the population of the Center, surrounding neighborhoods, the city, and the region (dependent on the suitability of the scale of each Center). Policy CN-5. Support pedestrian and transit uses by promoting compact, mixed -use areas with appropriate infrastructure that provide a variety of activities. Policy CN-6. Balance objectives for accommodating growth, encouraging compatibility, promoting housing affordability, and offering a wide range of housing types. Policy CN-7. Provide access to parks and public pedestrian spaces by creating them within each Center or by creating connections to existing public and open spaces. Policy CN-8. During subarea planning for Centers, develop an implementation plan that addresses how the City will meet Center goals through appropriate land use designations, annexation, development of capital facilities and utilities, and related measures. Policy CN-9. The City shall direct growth to Centers of all types through focused regulations and directed capital projects. Policy CN-10. The City should support employment growth, the increased use of non - automobile transportation options, and the preservation of the character of existing built-up areas by encouraging residential and mixed -use development at increased densities in designated Centers. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 52 Notes • December 2024 Policy CN-1 1. The City shall ensure that higher density development in Centers is either within walking or biking distance of jobs, schools, and parks and is well - served by public transit. Policy CN-12. The City shall create and designate zoning that allows a mix of uses to accommodate concentrations of employment and housing. Policy CN-13. The City shall encourage abroad range of housing types and commercial uses within designated Centers, through zoning and development regulations that serve a local, Citywide, or regional market. Policy CN-14. The City shall encourage the creation of public open space, private open space, and parks within and serving designated centers Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 53 Notes • December 2024 Note 2: Bethel Subarea Plans Engagement Summary FROM: Makers Architecture and Urban Design DATE: August 15, 2024 Subarea Workshop Summary On July 29, 2024, the project team, which included the City, AHBL, and MAKERS, organized an in -person open house at the Kitsap Regional Library Port Orchard branch. An online survey ran concurrently with the open house and remained active until August 12, 2024, allowing those unable to attend the in -person workshop to share their feedback. The purpose of these events is to share project information and invite the community to provide feedback on the following key topics: Bethel -Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel Existing_ Conditions Report. Confirm preliminary findings of neighborhood assets and challenges and gather additional input on community priorities Bethel -Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel Land Use Alternatives. Community members voted for their preferred land use alternative or shared feedback on specific elements to be included in the preferred concept. Ensuring the preferred land use alternative aligns with the community's vision for the Subareas. Consultants and City Staff address questions from attendees during the presentation and open house portion of the workshop. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 54 Notes • December 2024 Main Takeaways Themes that arose from the open house and online survey include the following: Safe, efficient, and comfortable multimodal mobility. Many respondents desire improvements to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructures to improve walkability, reduce reliance on cars, and boost access to neighborhood amenities (i.e., parks, neighborhood shopping centers, schools, etc.) Protect people on foot, wheel, or bicycle by physically separating them from fast-moving vehicles (e.g., enhanced, buffered, or protected bike facilities and sidewalks). Encourage a network of trails, bike facilities, and crossing that safely connect grocery stores, bus stops, schools, and parks to and within the Subareas. Develop connectivity between Bethel -Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel. Fill gaps and maintain sidewalks to improve walkability Safety enhancements and traffic calming measure at key intersections and destinations Public supportive statements: "It is lacking safe biking corridors. Safe means separation from cars. Paint is not protection. Bike paths need to be protected from cars by a barrier or planting strip." "I want to see a healthier community with alternative and safe options to commute without the need for cars." "Wider roads and side walks to improve walkability along with bike lanes would be amazing." "How do residents west of Bethel cross safely to catch a bus downtown?" "Pedestrian crossings across major streets such as Bethel and Sedgwick; we live across Bethel but cannot safely cross to get to the bus stop. As mentioned above, sidewalks need to connect - I live a short distance from Fred Meyer but cannot walk there safely given the lack of sidewalks along Bethel. As older residents we would like to increase our bus ridership and walk to various errands - but we all require sidewalk connectivity and crosswalks to do so safely." Efficient transportation system and traffic management. Residents have expressed concerns about the strain on existing road infrastructure due to ongoing and future development and call for enhancements to increase capacity, safety, and improve traffic flow. Residents living in the northwest subdivision of Sedgwick-Bethel (ex. Ridge Village) describe the challenges they face to turn onto Sedgwick Road and Bethel Road Mixed views about the Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor improvements, particularly the addition of roundabouts. Some residents believe that a signalized intersection would enhance traffic flow more effectively. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 55 Notes • December 2024 Overall support for the installations of sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and green stormwater infrastructures Public supportive statements: "Less traffic hold up. It's wild in the afternoon. But I think owing forward with significant expansion is fantastic. We just need the roads and safety to support it." "Vastly improved traffic flow and sufficient infrastructure to accommodate the expected influx of residents and housing." "We live in Magnolia Ridge. Off Geiger, you can't turn left on Sedgwick. From Blueberry, turning left on Bethel is very difficult. Heavy traffic on Sedgwick and Bethel in the afternoon more than double my drive to work (SKHS 2.2 miles)." "One of the main concerns I have heard since living here, on all sides of the political spectrum, is that people are concerned about the new housing developments and the traffic load that they will bring. If we prioritize cars over people, then this will not help with the traffic problem that everyone complains about....Also, many people in this area drive cars that must be way over the decibel levels according to the laws and drive at extreme speeds through the neighborhood streets that are only 30 mph, like Salmonberry Rd. Speed bumps or rain gardens need to be put in place to slow down traffic to safe speeds since more enforcement is not working. I have been told Salmonberry is an arterial vein and therefore cannot have speed bumps put in based on the amount of traffic flow, but I would question the statistics on traffic there to believe this is true." Thriving centers with diverse uses for people to work, live, and play. Many residents expressed interest in an attractive, walkable neighborhood that has a mix of activities and diverse commercial and retail use Retain and attract businesses in the Subareas with focus on restaurants, shops, fitness, entertainment, and other services. (i.e., farm -to -table -style restaurants, local brewery, independent movie theater, etc.) Encourage mixed use developments with shared parking. Promote green/plaza spaces as central features of shopping centers (i.e., courtyard shopping centers) Reduce parking ratios to promote land use that make use of transit and active transportation Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 56 Notes • December 2024 Public supportive statements: "I wish to see it become a little area on its own with shops, food, accessibility, and adequate infrastructure that families can bike around together and have a community park. " "It would be nice for this area to feel similar to Gig Harbor North with walkability, public parks and plazas. It will give the residents the feel of community." "I wish I could see harmony and beauty. Less strip malls, parking lots, and congestion, more pedestrian courtyards and safe bike routes." "We need more sidewalks for safe running and walking. Also more public parks for kids and families. Fewer housing developments- keep the green!" - Access to recreational facilities, parks, and open space. Promote recreational and park opportunities that celebrate the beauty of Port Orchard and support play and gathering, especially for youth and teens. The community brought forth ideas such as athletic fields, disc golf courses, mid -size parks with playgrounds, and walking and biking trails. Improve park security and regulate access Some residents are supportive of the Blackjack Creek nature trail. Others were concerned it would pose safety concerns if not maintained. Public supportive statements: "The parks are really nice here, but sometimes go unmonitored or protected at night and become vandalized. It would be nice if there was better patrol or times when the park gates could be closed at night. Additionally, it would be nice to see more community gardens and disc golf courses, and if possible, I would like to see nature trails added to view wildlife around the creeks." "By ten years' time we'd hope that additional parks, ten nis/pickleball/basketball courts, baseball and soccer fields would be available within Port Orchard - not specific to Sedgwick-Bethel however." "Parks and hiking trails that maintain the overall feel] and beauty of Port Orchard" "Please don't make a trail along Blackjack Creek. It will only encourage traffic through quiet neighborhoods and create more encampments." Resilient and sustainable community. Residents encourage to preserve greenery and encourage sustainable features (considering climate change and heat risk) such as using green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) in transportation improvements or other developments. Seek opportunities to promote community amenities such as health facilities and community gardens Protect greenery and open space and promote planting of native trees and vegetation Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 57 Notes • December 2024 Public supportive statements: "Pea patches or community gardens would be an awesome addition to any park added. A native plant or medicinal plant garden would be cool. Disc golf is always fun." "More bus routes & stops, sidewalks. More health and human services" "Please preserve as much greenbelt as possible" "Would love to see increased maintenance of vacant spaces - possibly to include wildflowers or other plantings instead of weeds." "Please preserve as much of the greenbelt as possible. Also, keeping it family and pet friendly/safe is very important." Some residents want to make limited changes within the subareas and expect the development to occur with a density similar to existing conditions, but with improved infrastructure Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 58 Notes - December 2024 Reactions to the Land Use Alternatives About 60% of online survey respondents supported Alternative 3 in both Subareas. The reaction amongst workshop attendees were generally split, vocal comments following the presentation geared toward Alternative 1. Attendees expressed concerns about the increase in height and density changes and related transportation impacts, as well as limited internal connectivity with the assumed developments. Comments by other participants during the open house favored components of Alternative 2 and 3 Based on the general feedback received during the workshop and online survey, community members were receptive to elements that support mixed -use developments with plaza spaces, improve commercial opportunities near arterial corridors, enhance access to parks and trails, and advance multimodal transportation. General Overview of Bethel -Lund Alternative 1 No Action and Sedgwick -Bethel Land Alternative 2 Light Touch Use Alternatives Alternative 3 � Mixed Use/Transit-Oriented Development Utilize current zoning and Create flexible regulations Leverage planned moves forward with and implement strategic transportation existing policies and zoning changes to improvements and planned public accommodate growth expand growth through improvements. A notable and promote efficient mix mixed use opportunities to exception will be zoning of uses. Improve support walkable changes necessary to pedestrian mobility and neighborhoods and comply with the State's access to parks and open economic vitality. middle housing legislation. space. Advance regional trail and safe routes to school to support multimodal network. For more information on the Bethel -Lund land use alternatives, see Note 3: Bethel -Lund Land Use Alternatives. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 59 Notes - December 2024 Bethel -Lund Alternative 1 received the most votes in support of no changes in zoning or land use regulations. Alternative 3 received the second most votes. Comments by workshop attendees favored Alternative 1, while online respondents preferred Alternative 3. Alternative 2 14% The chart represents the combined votes for each proposed alternative from the open house and online survey. There are 14 total votes, with 7 from the open house and 7 from the online survey. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 60 Notes • December 2024 ALTERNATIVE 3 - mrXEI) USE. ALTERNATIVE i NO ACION ALTEMATiVE 2 - UGHT TOUCH TFLANSIT-GRIENTEDDEVELOPMEwr Milk Above is the poster of the Bethel -Lund alternatives displayed at the workshop. Each dot stickers represent a vote. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 61 Notes - December 2024 Sedgwick-Bethel The results showed that Alternative 3 received the most votes, assuming an increase in mixed -use residential and commercial retail along arterials. Alternative 2 received the second -highest number of votes. Workshop attendees preferred Alternative 2, with limited increase in building height and densities and online survey respondents favored Alternative 3. The chart represents the combined votes for each proposed alternative from the open house and online survey. There are 33 total votes, with 17 from the open house and 16 from the online survey. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 62 Notes - December 2024 104 �nnnsid-UIMNIEDDEVELOAMENT 17 I - ' r 1 Ile 7. �i Hltltla�,visek y Hemcnrary 4,:Fr 01 too HUD Fenlusgp TFm$ Qftllcm Moog -- i7v=3CLxni'r:c9;g,� 45uhii Ng ContlHLorm Sl yur rF p, T ik7Uy7_`k k C.-O Nixed:.5e• In1Fv1wyn,gn?5 �_*'0lerik�pl'P_N! �usr+'.ickEel�, l hu*: ir11�aw1 us .erli P glen blshee brc lr.; {ri Oryhk:rj I rcx 3 area C"jh-• ,,� cn ort Ork:hn�d U k{ i r'clr,ICIN Plwned r SR 1�. r7x',ni• + �_rd�txf:� Cerrf6r Above is a photo of a poster of the Sedgwick-Bethel alternatives displayed at the workshop, including public comments posted at the meeting. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan Notes • December 2024 Note 3: Bethel -Lund Land Use Alternatives FROM: Makers Architecture and Urban Design DATE: August 28, 2024 Bethe-Lund Land Use Alternatives The Bethel -Lund land use alternatives present potential development scenarios tailored to the unique characteristics of the Subarea, informed by a thorough analysis of existing assets, challenges, and opportunities. These alternatives serve as a framework for evaluating different development pathways and engage the public in the decision - making process. Through a combination of an in -person workshop and an online survey, residents had the opportunity to choose the most desirable components and design elements from these alternatives, ultimately leading to the development of a locally - preferred land use alternative. The chart below describes the key features recommended in each of the land use alternatives. -.. Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 1 No Action Light Touch Mixed Use/Transit-Oriented Development Utilize current zoning and Create flexible regulations Leverage planned moves forward with and implement strategic transportation existing policies and zoning changes to improvements and planned public accommodate growth expand growth through improvements. A notable and promote efficient mix mixed use opportunities to exception will be zoning of uses. Improve support walkable changes necessary to pedestrian mobility and neighborhoods and comply with the State's access to parks and open economic vitality. middle housing legislation. space. Advance regional trail and safe routes to school to support multimodal network. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 64 Notes - December 2024 The table below present the distinctions between each alternative, focusing on whether the assumed future development will prioritize greater vertical mixed -use development or retain the current configuration while strategically redesignating zones to encourage more commercial and residential capacity within Bethel -Lund. Height limits No change, current limits of 35-40' Commercial/ mixed -use zoning Limited or no changes. There is a mix of CC, CMU, and CH zoning in the areas today. Residential No change zoning Adopt the "proposed base height limit" from HAP Strategy 2.3.2. These changes would only apply within subarea boundaries and not citywide. R3 - 45 feet (+10 feet) R4 - 45 feet (no change) CC - 45 feet (+10 feet) CMU - 55 feet (+15 feet) Retain CH zoning only for gas stations and the big box stores ( Safeway, Walmart, and future Home Depot sites). Other CH sites get rezoned to CC or CMU. Consider rezoning CC to CMU in strategic locations. This creates some non -conforming uses. Rezone R1 and R2 zones to R3 or R4, except for residential lots which were recently developed. Affordable No change. Explore MFTE opportunities housing for the subareas. Parking No change Reduce multifamily and commercial minimum parking requirements within the subarea boundaries. For example, up to 1 space for studio/one-bedroom apartment and do not require extra parking when on -street parking is not present. Adopt the "proposed bonus height limit" from HAP Strategy 2.3.2 as the base height limit. These changes would only apply within subarea boundaries and not citywide. R4 - 55 feet (+10 feet) CMU - 75 feet (+35 feet) Rezone all CH and CC sites to CMU. This creates some non- conforming uses. Rezone all residential lots to R4. Rezone some commercial properties to R4 when such properties are some distance from an arterial street. Same as Alternative 2. Remove all minimum parking requirements within the subareas boundaries, per HAP Strategy 4.2.4. Apply a maximum parking requirement for commercial use. Public No change. POMC 20.127.350(3) is POMC 20.127.350(3) is space/plaza amended to apply larger amended to apply commercial open spaces larger commercial open Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan Notes • December 2024 Public parks/green space Off-street trails Street design New street connections No change. Lundberg Park and Sedgwick- Bethel properties remain in limbo with no development plans and are at risk of disposition. No change. Bethel/Sedgwick improvements and other TIP projects occur as currently planned. None except for minor street extensions as part of new developments. within the subarea boundaries, e.g. 3% of site area. 1. Lundberg Park is developed with a connection to a trail in the Blackjack Creek ravine. A central plaza at the Bethel Junction area. Neighborhood park within future residential development in Sedgwick Road A limited Blackjack Creek ravine trail is planned adjacent to the Subarea. Bethel/Sedgwick improvements and other TIP projects occur as currently planned. In addition: Midblock crossings are added on Lund and Sedgwick east and west of Bethel Sidewalks and bike lanes are added on Lund and Sedgwick east of Bethel. • Existing commercial driveways are right - sized for pedestrian safety and comfort New planned streets as shown in the block frontage maps (POMC 20.127.130) are implemented by future development. spaces within the subarea boundaries, e.g. 4% of site area. Same as Alternative 2 with addition of: 1. Large iconic park south of Vallair 2. Restore and developed a wetland park north of Walgreens Same as Alternative 2, but a longer Blackjack Creek ravine trail is planned to connect between the two subareas. A new east - west pedestrian/bike connection across the ravine is planned in the vicinity of Salmonberry Road. Same as Alternative 2. In addition, new all - ages -and -abilities walking and biking routes (such as a wider sidewalk or off-street trail and protected bike lanes) are added to connect the subareas to East Port Orchard Elementary School. Same as Alternative 2. In addition, new through -block connection requirements are added to add more Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 66 Notes • December 2024 frequent vehicle and pedestrian routes. Transit service Kitsap Transit Kitsap Transit provides bus Kitsap Transit provides provides enhanced rapid transit to Downtown, bus rapid transit to bus service on Bethel with a terminus at Downtown, with service Road at an Sedgwick-Bethel. extending west on undetermined future Sedgwick (possibly to date. the Ruby Creek area at Sedgwick-Sydney). Capital facilities No change. In a citywide facilities plan, Same as Alternative 2. assess whether Bethel - Lund, which is more centrally located to the city, is a viable location for a civic use such as a library branch or community center. TBD. Utilities TBD TBD Bethel/Sedgwick improvements appear to include some stormwater system upgrades. Natural systems TBD. Continue TBD TBD preserving the Blackjack Creek ravine. Some existing vegetated properties could be opportunities for open space preservation and/or City acquisition for park space. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 67 Notes ' December 2024 Bethel -Lund Land Use Alternatives Alternative ' - No Action No action would assume no change to zoning or other land use regulations. This alternative assumes that development will still occur, but at a density similar to the existing conditions. Lundberg Park remains in limbo with no development plans and at risk of disposition Adopt proposed zoning changes to promote middle housing (This citywide effort is separate from the subarea planning process) Support Kitsap Transit bus service enhancements 0 Lundberg � ,�5 rk v East?P R "'�'—'�•� Port Orchard �Go i 0' `5p Elementary F4 .aL� \ T•�•�� SE LUNDBERG,Rp School q4 MCKINLEY PL SE Christian Life F South KlYsap 1 Center Regional Park MonCar Q GAO•, z r.� '9G � Kil ter,, (S a H spdal.- ¢ o 4 o Pu rto uallart0 walgreens 0 SE BASIL CT Rtt if Fuel •�•y LJUNCTION BETHEL i w '— •—'+--•1 i Saleway SE VALLAIR O 1 _ - CT East 1 — - Port Orchard 1 1 � ..... Walmart SE TIBURON CT 1 SE BER SE SERENADE WAY n 1 w Bethel�s � Soloon w 1 r �.1 0 400 800 Feet SE SALMONBERRY RD N I Zoning. No change in zoning and code regulations Bethel/Sedgwick improvements and other street projects occur as currently planned Minor street extensions as part of new developments Transportation Ideas Zoning/ Height Limits Existing Conditlons »Mobility Support BRT Residential 1 (R1)/35 feet — Blackjack Creek Improvements t _ Potential new Residential 2 (R2)/35 feet � Greenbelt t—� Potential street bus routes Residential 3 (R3)/35 feet E� Bethel Lund connection Commercial Corridor (CC)/ Port Orchard 41110, Planned 35 feet IWO Roundabout 11111110 Commerical Heavy {CH)/ C Port Orchard UGA 35 feet V-4, Business Prof. Mixed Use (BPMU)/ 40 feet Commercial Mixed Use (CMU)/ 40 feet Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 68 Notes • December 2024 Alternative 2 - Light Touch This alternative focus on increasing residential and commercial capacity with zoning changes to accommodate multifamily residential options and commercial and mixed - use development along arterials. The maximum building height and densities would see increases. Support efforts to activate Lundberg Park Zoning. Create more Flexible development regulations within the subarea to allow more housing and an efficient mix of land uses Include additional multimodal improvements, and consider midblock crossing and Complete streets features including green stormwater infrastructure Create a limited trail along the Blackjack Creek ravine I -7+,Park Ilk I / r \ r T•+•+ SE 1 R3 R4 11+ U I\ 1 r , ❑ s� r 'o � 1 ° I P� ti0 z K. I � . I - I I r rr?� L.+.+.--+. s` SE_V,ATL'A Ri -R2 z 0 0 0 400 800 Feet N I ` I East �P / Port Orchard AGO y0 ++�► Elementary •'�� +►VS,,-, ik, school JNDBERG.RD Ulf, �•�� MCWNLEY Christion ��� PL SE a` 1 Life „ South Kitsap 1 Center Regional Park Monster Oar Wash ❑ y w J ap r eterinary 0 t > Ho at < ❑ o" o - fVdlarta Walgreens SE T _ CC+CMU 1?3 > R4 RR afeway — — Ai Fuel BETHEL JHNC-TI • N z% olewoy < � IT U East Port Orchard ` C Walmart - 5E TIBUIl CT SE SE SERENADE WAY z 0• Bethel Saloon u - p SE SALMONBERRY RD Mahar, Hub Features Transportation Ideas Zoning/ Height Limits irocation 0e 1,el Mobility Support BPI Residential (R2)/35 feet (no change) =Zoning change Mixed use improvements F _ Potential new Residential 3 (R3)/45 feet (+10 feet) hub; investment Potential street bus routes Residential 4 (R4)/45 feet (no change) focus area connection M Commercial Corridor ICC)/ Park/plaza ��► Planned 45 feet (+10 feet) 1 �►� Roundabout M Commerical Heavy (CH)/ F - . Ravine trail 35 feet (no change) Business Prof. Mixed Use (BPMUi/ 40feet (no change) �., Commercial Mixed Use (CMU)/ 55 feet (+15 feet) BETHEL JUNCTION PLAZA. (NAME TBD) Support the development of an accessible open/plaza space in conjunction with new developments Encourage park/ open space with any new development Existing Conditions Blackjack Creek Greenbelt Bethel Lund Q Port Orchard Port Orchard UGA Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 69 Notes • December 2024 Alternative 3 - Mixed use/ Transit Oriented Development This alternative assumes an increase in mixed -use residential and commercial retail development. Potential zoning changes focus on increasing residential capacity in both existing commercial and residential zones. The maximum building height and densities increase within the Subarea to encourage more vertical mix use buildings. Support efforts to activate Lundberg Park Zoning. Create more flexible development regulations within the subarea to allow more housing and an efficient mix of land uses Create a trail network to connect parks and open spaces between Bethel -Lund and 5edgwick-Bethel SOUTH VALLAIR. (NAME TBD). Create a large iconic park to buffer the ravine and support recreational needs in the area Lundberg �. Park U East PortOrchardi�10 ZSE Elementary 4 F6 School 1 . - R3;R4 SE LllNDB€RGRD OCR9MCKINLEY x rLJ � .a�1/ �a Monster Car Christian Life " sF South Kitsap Center Regional Park s? , E �"'< ati p wash o � 1 a J Kitsap Veterinary w w ti W w Hospital l/ 1 \ ¢ n / oo - Puerto `^ SE BA511. CT VaIIpHp Walgreens MU R3+R4 R2>R4 R ` � Safeway — — — — — -� P5d BE ,,,Fuel SE VALLAIR cr a`: .1 R1;R4 East Pod Orchard r I' W Imarf 1 } 1 SE TIBURON CT 1 , SE BER SE SERENADE i Connect to Beth r Sedgwlck-Bethel Salo ePw - Trail z Y 0 o R3 R4 .� 0 400 800 Feet SE SALMONBERRY RD I N Hub Features Transportation Ideas Zoning/ Height Limits Mobility Safe routes Residential 2 (R2)/35 feet (no change) =Zoning change Mixed use Improvements t to school Residential 3 (R3)/45 feet (+to feet) hub; Investment Potential street F1 3RT fesidential 4 (R4)/55 feet (+10 feet) focus area connection Support il Commercial Corridor (CC)/ Park/plaza 41, Planned ►Potential new 45 feet (+10 feet) 1► Roundabout bus routes = Commerical Heavy (CH)/ - Ravine trail 35 feet (no change) r®i Business Prof. Mixed Use (BPMU)1 40 feet (no change) �/y. Commercial Mixed Use (CMU)! 75 feet (+35 feet( Improve active transportation routes to school, and better buffering for people walking, biking, and rolling Restore wetland and create a gathering space Encourage park/ open space with any new development Existing Conditions -- Blackjack Creek Greenbelt Bethel Lund Ill Port Orchard Port Orchard UGA Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 70 Notes • December 2024 Bethel -Lund Preferred Alternative Based on feedback gathered from community engagement activities, including workshops and an online survey, community members expressed strong support for specific design elements within the land use alternatives. These elements emphasize the importance of mixed -use developments featuring neighborhood parks, enhancing commercial opportunities along arterial corridors, improving access to parks and trails, and expanding multimodal transportation options. Many online survey respondents favored Alternative 3, while opinions were split among workshop attendees. Some workshop attendees raised concerns about the increase in height and density and impact of these changes on transportation infrastructure and the overall character of the neighborhoods. The community outreach process highlighted several core values that align with the desired elements of the Subarea land use alternatives Safe, efficient, and comfortable multimodal mobility Thriving centers with diverse uses for people to work, live, and play Access to recreational facilities, parks, and open space Resilient and sustainable community For more detailed information on the engagement effort and feedback regarding the subarea, refer to the Note 2: Bethel Subarea Plans Engagement Summary The community engagement results guide the preferred alternatives to realize the vision of creating a walkable, vibrant community. These alternatives leverage planned transportation improvements, increase commercial and residential capacity through flexible development options, and expand community assets where residents can gather. With these goals in mind, the Bethel -Lund preferred alternative aim to revitalize the community and improve the well-being of residents Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 71 Notes • December 2024 Bethel -Lund Preferred Alternative The map below illustrates the key features that support a cohesive, connected neighborhood aligning with the community's vision for Bethel -Lund. Support efforts to activate Lundberg Park Zoning. Create more Flexible development regulations, including height overlay Zones, and parking requirements to allow for more housing and a mix of land uses Create a trail network to connect parks and open spaces between Sedgwick-Bethel and Bethel -Lund SALMONBERRY PARK. (NAME TBD) Create a central park to buffer the ravine and support recreational needs in the area q Lundberg w r Park �`<,5� East �P 1 Port Orchard GO `fp r ti•�•r 1 1 F<iN Elementary hoc f ` r; •�'�� SE Ll1NDBER aRD School y� MCKINLEV PLSE r Christian y 1 Life sF South Kitsap Regional Park Center o R3 R2 o MonstanCar 1 sm� —'p �Wasfi Gtio a oz 'rrr•� L R3+fit Kitsap Veterinry cj w r ; Hospital < o . I cc CMU Puerto • • (D - r � \ VaVailWalgreens ns i SE 9ASII Ci rj r j RHe w Safeway BETHEL a Fuel i 1 JUNCTION u, r.—.—.--.—.—. a eway I I ' ��T�sv�nnlRc� x a j East 1 J Port Orc � `L 1 1 t SE fleuRON CT r 1, SE BER r ` y' SE SEItFanoR wny J r n z o et e r �✓ Connect to z �•� z Sedgwick-Bethef traU a 400 800 Feet SE SAIMONBERRy RD IN I I Maxar, Micro Improve connectivity and explore other active transportation improvements, such as midblock crossing and sidewalk buffer enhancements, along key routes to schools and other destinations Bethel/Sedgwick improvements and other street projects will occur as planned Support Kitsap Transit bus service enhancements Hub Features Transportation Ideas Zoning Existing Conditions (IccoNon newblet Mobility Safe mates Residential I (Rl) = Commercial Corridor (CC) — Blackjack Creek Porklplozo improvements to school Residential 2 (R2) = Commerical Heavy (CH( Greenbelt Potential street 4--)� Support BRT Residential 3 (R3) %W, Commercial Mixed Use ICMU] Parks and Recreation f - > Ravine trail connection Public Facilities IPF( Business Prof. Mixed Use (BPMU( =2 Bethel -Lund 411 Planned t ' Potential new � Port Orchard 11l Roundabout bus routes =Zoning change Port Orchard UGA See 3.3 Preferred Alternative: Planning Framework for more details on the urban design vision and investments priorities. Capacity In addition to the PSRC Countywide Growth Centers eligibility requirements, Kitsap County's Countywide Planning Policies establish that Countywide Centers must show a minimum of 10 Activity Units per acre. An Activity Unit is one person or one job. For more information about the PSRC Countywide Growth Centers criteria see 1.3 PSRC Regional Centers Framework. Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 72 Notes • December 2024 As shown on the table below, the Subarea's existing and pipeline development meets the Countywide Centers Designation Criteria and, with additional land capacity based on the development pattern outlined in this preferred alternative, can accommodate up to 13.1 Activity Units per acre. Existing Pipeline (as Existing + Additional Total of Sept. Pipeline Land 2024) Capacity Acres 211.2 211.2 Vacant/Redevelopable Residential Acres 16.9 Vacant/Redevelopable Commercial Acres 0.1 Housing Units 259 213 472 301 773 Single Family 174 39 213 34 247 Condo 0 0 0 0 Multifamily 85 174 259 267 526 People per Household Single Family 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 Condo 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 Multifamily 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Population 665 460 1,124 632 1,756 Jobs 988 0 988 21 1,009 Activity Units 1,653 460 2,112 653 2,765 AUs / Acre 10.0 13.1 Requirements Required Acres 160-500 160-500 Actual Acres 211.2 211.2 Surplus /Shortfall 51.2 51.2 Required Use Mix 20% Res. / 20% Res. / Emp. Emp. Actual Res. Mix 53% 64% Actual Emp. Mix 47% 36% Required AUs/Acre 10 10 Actual AUs/Acre 10.0 13.1 Surplus /Shortfall 0.0 Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 73 Notes • December 2024 Height Overlays Generally, the maximum building height allowed within Bethel -Lund is three stories or 35 feet. The Bethel -Lund height overlay districts (BLHOD) intent is to support focused growth with compact development form to achieve added dwelling units and vertical mixed - use buildings necessary to concentrate growth in the Subarea. As shown on the map below, the three different BLHOD height zones are as follows: a) BLHOD 5: 55 feet - five stories b) BLHOD 4: 45 feet - four stories c) BLHOD 3: 35 feet - three stories H Lundberg Park East r'P '" —•—•—•- Port Orchard AGO j 9..•....� SF Elementary •�'�� liNc `� School SE LUNpBERG RD O!tiy i MCKWLEY PL SE Christian 1 v N Lite South Kitsap 1 1 Center Regional Park 1 o Monstar car 1 sF� Wash a 1 �2 Q N Kitsap Veterinary > F Hospital a o 1 > ������•�• O � Puerto Vallarta Walgreens SE BASIL CT % Rite N Safeway l Aid w Fuel BETHEL 1 J N�I• w_ &'—•—"—•—•—•t Safeway j se vAualR cr East 1 Port Orchard a j - � 1 j almarf' SE TIBURON CT e`er SE BERGER LN SE SERENADE WAY y c Bethel N Saloon� d � ra = Z 2 1 O ---------- 0 400 800 Feet SE SALMONSERRY RD N i i Maxar, Microsoft Bethel -Lund Height Overlay District (BLHOD) BLHOD 5: 55 feet - five stories BLHOD 4: 45 feet - four stories BLHOD 3: 35 feet - three stories Existing Conditions — Blackjack Creek Bethel Lund j= Port Orchard Port Orchard UGA Port Orchard Bethel -Lund Subarea Plan 74 Notes • December 2024 ORCHARD December 2024