Chapter 7 - Utilities - FINAL 20141218Chapter 7. Utilities This Utilities Element of the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update provides direction and guidance, based on consultant research and analysis of the City's Water System Plan', General Sewer Plant, and Stormwater and Watersheds Comprehensive Plan', in collaboration with City staff, to improve and maintain the City's existing utility system and develop additional utility infrastructure and capacity to meet the City's growth needs. The Element also draws from the system plans prepared by outside agencies such as West Sount Utility District, Bremerton Water, and Puget Sound Energy (PSE). This Element is based on 2023 data, facilities, population and Utilities Vision projected growth patterns, with a planning horizon projected to 2044. Develop and maintain public and private utilities to meet the needs of a growing population and a 21s' century economy. Services are efficiently provided and available to the entire community. Utilities are sited, designed, and operated in a manner that is consistent with surrounding land uses and maintains community character. The state Growth Management Act (GMA) requires that comprehensive plans include a utilities element that indicates the general location of existing facilities, the proposed location of future facilities, and capacity of all existing and proposed utilities. The GMA also requires that public utilities shall be adequate to serve development at the time the development is available for occupancy and use, without decreasing current service levels below locally established minimum standards. Over the next 20 years, the City expects that utilities will need to be provided to approximately 26,087 residents of the incorporated City and urban growth area (UGA). Public and private utility providers must plan for the necessary infrastructure to rehabilitate aging systems, respond to growth, and adapt the changing technology and consumer behavior. Although the City does not control non -City managed utilities, such as water within the City of Bremerton's water services area, water and sewer in West Sound Utility District's service area, telecommunications, natural gas, and electrical service, it does regulate how non -City owned utilities are developed and managed within Port Orchard. The Utilities Element, in conjunction with the City's functional plans for water, sewer, and storm water management, is the guiding or strategy document that the City will use to achieve its goals of providing utilities at the appropriate levels of service to the City's existing and future residents and businesses. The Utilities Element serves as a policy guide for general maintenance and improvement of the utility system while the City's functional plans include more detailed inventory, analysis, and specific recommendations for utility maintenance, improvement, and future development. The City's regulatory and non -regulatory decisions and programs, as well as budget decisions related to utilities, should be consistent with this Element and with the City's functional plans. Additionally, this Element works in tandem with the Land Use Element and the Capital Facilities Element to ensure that Port Orchard will have adequate utilities available for projected growth concurrent with the impacts of growth and development. Policies in this Element also address environmental impacts, 1 https://Portorchardwa.sov/documents/2020-water-system-plan/ Z https://storage.googleapis.com/proudcity/portorchardwa/uploads/2017/10/General-Sewer-Plan-Update- FINAL1.pdf s https://Portorchardwa.gov/documents/2023-port-orchard-stormwater-and-watersheds-comprehensive-plan/ Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan I December 2024 facilities siting and construction, economics, and design aesthetics. 7.1 City -Managed Utilities Sewer The City of Port Orchard owns, operates, and maintains wastewater collection and conveyance facilities serving portions of the City that collects and delivers wastewater to the South Kitsap Water Reclamation Facility (SKWRF). The City has an interlocal agreement for wastewater treatment with the West Sound Utility District (WSUD), which operates the SKWRF. WSUD also provides sewer collection and conveyance to the eastern portion of the City and the City's UGA. There are approximately 70 miles of sewer lines within Port Orchard's sewer utility ranging from 2 to 24 inches in diameter. These lines include approximately 49 miles of gravity sewers, 8 miles of force mains, and 14 miles of septic tank effluent pumping (STEP) mains. There are 17 pump stations within the system. The City also maintains a telemetry system to monitor the operating conditions of system components. The City's current service area is approximately 2,100 acres, with a population of about 17,480. Over the next 20 years, the City's sewer service area is expected to grow to approximately 5,700 acres to serve the estimated population of about 26,087. Water The City provides drinking water within portions of the city limits and selected adjacent areas within its retail service area, supplied primarily by six active wells. There are two interties with the City of Bremerton's water system and an emergency intertie with the WSUD. Eight reservoirs provide 4.8 million gallons of storage. There are three booster pump stations, and over 300,000 feet of pipe ranging from 4 to 18 inches in diameter. Other water suppliers within Port Orchard include Berry Lake Manors, which serves a 30-unit mobile home park, the City of Bremerton serves areas north of Old Clifton Road in the western parts of Port Orchard, and the WSUD, which serves selected areas on the eastern boundary of the City outside the City water service area. Stormwater The City manages stormwater conveyance facilities that collect runoff and provides treatment and discharge in accordance with federal and state requirements for water quality protection. As detailed in the City's 2023 Stormwater and Watersheds Comprehensive Plan, much of the City's stormwater system discharges to Sinclair Inlet through a system of more than 50 outfalls alongthe waterfront that vary from 5 to 24 inches in diameter. The piped and ditched portions of the system are primarily within the older, more commercial areas of Port Orchard, while the outlying, more residential areas are largely composed of the remaining elements of the region's original natural drainage system (i.e., lakes, streams and wetlands) and are supported by a widely distributed system of culverts, ditches, pipes, and ponds. 7.2 Non -City Managed Utilities The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) regulates the services and defines the costs that a utility can recover, to ensure that the utility acts prudently and responsibly. Under the GMA, both the WUTC and the City of Port Orchard have jurisdiction over the activities of electric, gas, and telephone utilities within the City. The City has the authority to regulate land use and, under the GMA, the requirement to consider the locations of existing and proposed utilities and potential utility Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan I December 2024 corridors in land use planning and permit decisions. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 established the role and responsibilities of the Federal Communications Commission in licensing wireless communication providers. The licenses allow the right to use a block or blocks of the radio frequency spectrum to provide wireless services. The Act recognizes the authority of state and local governments over decisions regarding siting of wireless communication facilities, subject to certain limitations. Sewer Residents within the City that are outside of the City's sewer service area are served by the West Sound Utility District (WSUD). Water A small portion of the City is served by the West Sound Utility District (formerly known as Annapolis Water District), whose service area lies east of Port Orchard and includes portions of the City's eastern potential annexation, or urban growth area. An interlocal agreement is in place to ensure coordination and compatibility with the City's water service. The City's 260 Pressure Zone water supply is augmented during high demand or emergency conditions through an intertie with the City of Bremerton. Solid Waste and Recycling Solid waste and recyclable materials collection is contracted to Waste Management Northwest. Electrical Service Puget Sound Energy (PSE) builds, operates and maintains the electrical system serving Port Orchard. Natural Gas Service Cascade Natural Gas builds, operates and maintains the natural gas distribution system that serves Port Orchard. Cascade Natural Gas has indicated that their service area covers all of Port Orchard and its UGA. Telecommunications Telecommunications is the transmission of information in the form of electronic signals or similar means. Telecommunications services generally include the following categories: • Landline telephone. CenturyLink and Astound provide landline telephone service to Port Orchard. • Wireless communications (cell towers or antennae). A variety of cellular communication and wireless data services are available in Port Orchard (Verizon, Sprint, etc). Currently, these services rely on ground -based antennae located on towers or buildings. • Cable television and broadband internet. There are several providers that serve Port Orchard, such as Astound, CenturyLink, KPUD and DIRECTV. 7.3 Existing Conditions Asset Management In 2024, the City of Port Orchard will begin the initial implementation of a comprehensive Asset Management Program (AMP) to enhance utility infrastructure longevity. Through rigorous assessments, the City will develop a strategic plan prioritizing preventive maintenance, capital improvements, and replacements. Asset management software and staff training will improve predictive maintenance. This program implementation will assist in providing a resilient and sustainable future, ensuring utility infrastructure would endure and efficiently serve the growing community. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan I December 2024 Sewer The condition and capacity of the City's wastewater collection system, including gravity sewer lines, force mains, and lift stations, was analyzed by the City's consultant in association with the General Sewer Plan's September 2020 Amendment. The conveyance system was analyzed using the InfoSWMM computer modeling platform. This hydraulic model simulated the performance of the major collection system components, including all pump stations and the major sewer mains within the City's collection system. The General Sewer Plan' identifies minor capacity issues under existing flow conditions in areas throughout the City which will be addressed through implementation of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The General Sewer Plan identifies some necessary upgrades to the Bay Street Lift Station Replacement, Marina Pump Station, Tremont Place Diversion, and Golden Pond Lift Station. Additional new facilities, including South Sidney Lift Station and Sidney Second Force Main, have been identified to provide adequate capacity in the City's wastewater system as future development occurs. These improvements are included in the General Sewer Plan's 6-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and are described in more detail in the adopted General Sewer Plan Update. Water The City's water supply and distribution system is examined on a regular basis, as required by State and Federal requirements. The City's adopted Water System Plans, indicates that the water system meets the City's domestic drinking water requirements, although capacity analysis will remain an ongoing effort as the City continues to see additional development activities. Water supply needs are met through utilizing City wells, and an intertie with the City of Bremerton water supply. There is an emergency intertie with the City of Bremerton to the 260 pressure zone that can be activated in the event that additional fire flow is needed. The City has drilled additional wells and is pursuing water rights through the Foster Pilot Project6 for future demand. The analysis also determined that continued treatment of current and future well supplies will be required, primarily for disinfection and removal of naturally occurring compounds. Larger size pipelines will be needed both to replace existing and aging water mains, primarily in older sections of the City, and to improve the flow of water during projected fire events. Port Orchard purchases water from Bremerton through a 16-inch transmission main. A recent Interlocal Agreement (November 2019) includes selling assets like the 580 Zone tank to Bremerton. Bremerton will supply 750 gpm until Port Orchard meets specified conditions, allowing both systems to operate independently. Port Orchard, part of a pilot project under Section 301 of ESSB 6091, is demonstrating water resource mitigation sequencing per RCW 90.94.090. To update aging wells, the City has applied for water right changes and new water rights for Wells 12 and 13, targeting a deep sub -sea level aquifer to minimize impacts on local streams. The Foster Pilot Mitigation projects aim to mitigate water resource impacts within the City's service area. More information on this project can be found by following the link referenced in footnote 6. Stormwater The City is required to comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II 4 https://storage.googleapis.com/proudcity/portorchardwa/uploads/2017/10/General-Sewer-Plan-Update- FINAL1.0 s https://Portorchardwa.gov/documents/2020-water-system-plan/ 6 https://ecology.wa.gov/water-shorelines/water-supply/water-rights/case-law/foster-decision Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan I December 2024 Municipal Permit, which is a federal Environmental Protection Agency permit program administered by the State Department of Ecology (Ecology). As part of compliance measures, the City is required to develop and administer a stormwater management program that reduces discharge of both point source and nonpoint source pollution carried by stormwater. One requirement of this program is the adoption of the minimum stormwater design standards outlined by the Washington State Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW) and apply these standards to all new permit applications. The SWMMWW maintains the required use of Best Management Practices to reduce pollutant discharges and encourage low -impact development measures that minimize creation of impervious surfaces and disturbance of native vegetation and soils. Additionally, the SWMMWW provides guidance for development project review to ensure that water quality standards are maintained during construction and operation phases of development proposals, and that receiving waters are protected from adverse impacts of stormwater. In order to comply with the NPDES Phase II Municipal Permit requirements and implement stormwater quality goals, the City has developed and adopted the 2023 Stormwater Management Program Plan and the 2023 Port Orchard Stormwater and Watersheds Comprehensive Plan. In addition to NPDES Phase II Municipal Permit compliance, these policy documents address the City's goals for flooding and water quality concerns, infrastructure maintenance and management, resources needed to implement the goals of each Plan, and capital improvement list identifying major infrastructure upgrades and necessary funding. Historically, the Sinclair/Dyes Inlet water bodies have had reduced water quality, partially due to longstanding discharges of industrial, agricultural, and septic system discharges within the contributing watersheds. The City is required to monitor water quality for fecal coliform bacteria and respond to any illicit discharges, including accidental spills, illegal connections, and illegal dumping into the storm sewer system, with the long-term goal of complying with the NPDES and eliminating these discharges to prevent further degradation of these Puget Sound Inlets. 7.4 Relationship to Centers In accordance with VISION 2050 and the Countywide Planning Policies, several centers have been established within the City. Centers serve important roles as sub -regional hubs and secondary concentrations of development, with a dense mix of housing and services such as stores, medical offices, and libraries. Additional information regarding centers locations throughout the City, and specific goals and policies for those centers, are contained in Chapter 2: Land Use of this Comprehensive Plan. One purpose of centers is to enable the City to deliver services more cost -efficiently and equitably within a development pattern that is environmentally and economically sound. Through subarea planning, the City will designate desired development types, locations, and patterns within each Center. Provision of utilities and improvements to utility services within Centers should be a City priority. 7.5 Future Needs Sewer Future needs for the City's sewer collection system primarily arise from a need to address deficiencies that have been identified in the City's existing wastewater system, generally due to aging and insufficient capacity. If not corrected, these deficiencies will be exacerbated as the City continues to grow. In addition, future needs include the provision of the needed infrastructure to accommodate future growth. In the near -term future (0-6 years), the focus of the CIP for the sewer collection system is the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan I December 2024 replacement and/or retrofitting of key components for several pump stations. Long-term improvements (7-20 years) will be required for conveyance pipelines throughout the City, including the McCormick Woods Drive SW, Bay Street, and Port Orchard Boulevard gravity sewer lines. These issues are discussed in the City's Sewer Plan in greater detail. Table 7-1provides an overview of the near -term future improvements. Water The primary challenge for future water service in the City of Port Orchard is meeting the needs of future development while maintaining sufficient yield from its permitted ground water supply. Both short and long term needs of the City regarding water utility services are primarily oriented around the ability to withdraw, treat, and supply water to the increasing development pressures the City faces. The initial planning and analysis efforts have identified a series of projects that will be required to maintain and strengthen the performance of the City's water supply system. To improve the water supply system reliability, the City intends to develop additional well supply(ies) to provide sufficient capacity for the City to become self-sufficient, thus using the Bremerton intertie as a standby/emergency source of drinking water rather than a continuous source of water supply. New pipelines will also be installed to improve the system's capability to move water throughout the system. In addition, new storage reservoir(s)will be needed to optimize system performance and provide water to meet operational and firefighting capacity requirements. Providing an intertie between the City's existing upper water pressure zone (660pz/580pz) and the existing lower water pressure zone (390pz/260pz) will also enhance system redundancy, improving overall service and reliability. Beyond 2025, additional water rights may be required, however, the City will want to keep detailed water use records and monitor peaking rates. With reductions in water use due to conservation, type of development changes, or lifestyle changes, it is possible that the existing system could support future development without additional improvements. However, there are multiple projects programmed in the near -term future, as detailed in the Capital Facilities Element. Stormwater The City's CIP identifies five capital projects for stormwater that are intended to address localized flooding, stabilize stream bank erosion, protect habitat and water quality, resolve conveyance capacity issues, and protect public and private roads and other infrastructure from flood damage These planned improvements and priority rankings are accurate at the time of issuance of this Plan but may be revised as facility conditions and other situations change. Non -city utility providers will experience increased demand for services as the City grows and will need to plan for new or improved facilities. As new technologies for Internet, wireless telephone, and other telecommunications systems are implemented, these improvements will further the City's goal of economic growth and competitiveness. Through its land use regulation and permitting authority, the City should ensure that these utilities are broadly available to residents and businesses throughout the City, and that there are not excessive visual impacts within existing neighborhoods and local centers. 7.6 Goals and Policies Goal 1. Ensure utilities are provided in a timely manner to meet the needs of Port Orchard's future population. Policy UT-1 Facilitate planning for utility improvements by providing utility purveyors with population and employment projections on a regular basis. Policy UT-2 Improvements and additions to utility facilities shall be planned and Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan I December 2024 constructed so that utility services are sufficient to serve anticipated growth. Policy UT-3 Encourage the designation and development of utility corridors and facilities in a manner consistent with the needs and resources of the City. Policy UT-4 Coordinate provision of utilities with future development by designating appropriate sites for utility facilities and ensuring their availability and consider future annexations in developing coordinated strategies for supplying future utilities to the City. Policy UT-5 Coordinate provision of utility services with planned development by improving mechanisms to process development permits and approvals in a fair and timely manner. Policy UT-6 Consider impacts and timing of future phases of development when permitting large utility projects. Policy UT-7 Ensure that development regulations allow timely development of utility facility additions and improvements. Policy UT-8 Establish capacity and levels of service for City managed utilities. Policy UT-9 The City shall not allow for the extension of municipal utilities outside City limits, except extensions in specific circumstances that are necessary to protect public health and safety, the environment, and when they are financially supportable at rural densities that do not permit urban development. Policy UT-10 Prioritize the provision of utilities and improvements to existing utilities within designated centers importance. Ensure utility services are provided in an efficient, coordinated, and comprehensive manner. Policy UT-11 City decisions regarding utility corridors and facilities should consider regional utility needs as well as City interests. Policy UT-12 Enhance efficiency of planning for utilities by facilitating coordination between the City of Port Orchard, City of Bremerton, WSUD, WUTC, and utilities regulated by the WUTC during development of comprehensive utility plans. Policy UT-13 Coordinate collection, integration and maintenance of Geographic Information System (GIS) utility data among utility providers to ensure consistent and up-to-date information on facility locations and capacities. Policy UT-14 Enhance efficiency by coordinating the implementation of utility facility additions and improvements affecting multiple jurisdictions. Policy UT-15 Coordinate land use, transportation, and utility planning and development. Policy UT-16 Ensure that utility policies and regulations are consistent with, and complementary to, utility public service obligations. Policy UT-17 Ensure that utilities are provided consistent with applicable rules, regulations, and prudent utility practice. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan I December 2024 Policy UT-18 Ensure all chapters of the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan (and implementing development regulations) are consistent with, and do not otherwise impair the fulfillment of, public service obligations imposed upon the utility provider by federal and state law. Policy UT-19 Utilize software and technology that facilitates effective and efficient utility data collection and analysis. Policy UT-20 Encourage reductions in the per capita rate of water consumption through conservation, efficiency, reclamation, and reuse. Goal 2. Maintain and enhance utility service quality. Policy UT-19 Encourage utility providers to protect and enhance the performance, reliability and stability of their utility systems. Policy UT-20 Encourage utilities to incorporate new and improved technologies to enhance the quality and cost effectiveness of their services consistent with the provider's public service obligations. Policy UT-21 When stormwater BMPs are deemed ineffective due to site -specific conditions, explore and apply appropriate site -specific BMPs. Goal 3. Minimize environmental and aesthetic impacts of utility facilities. Policy UT-22 Place utility facilities along public rights- of -way and encourage underground distribution lines in accordance with state rules and regulations. Policy UT-23 Encourage siting of large, above ground utilities (e.g.; antennas, towers) in industrial or commercial areas or along appropriate transportation and utility corridors. Policy UT-24 Minimize the visual impact of utility facilities on view corridors, vistas, and adjacent properties by developing design guidelines for cellular towers, antennas, and other types of utility facilities. Policy UT-25 For new development, retrofitting and major remodels, including upgrades to site utilities, the City shall require the undergrounding of future or existing utility lines including gas, cable television, electric distribution lines, and telephone as appropriate during the design review process and in accordance with local, regional, and state rules, regulations, and tariffs. Policy UT-26 As new development occurs and creates additional demand for public services, assess the potential to conserve/upgrade existing utility facilities before developing new facilities. Goal 4. Support and promote energy conservation. Policy UT-27 Encourage and support development of renewable energy projects and technologies. Policy UT-28 Establish and support renewable energy incentives for businesses and residents. Policy UT-29 Encourage programs to educate utility users on the benefits and means of conservation. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan I December 2024 Goal S. Support the extension of fiber optic cable in the City of Port Orchard. Policy UT-30 Recognize broadband's influence and importance to economic diversification in Port Orchard. Policy UT-31 Encourage installation of broadband infrastructure in all new residential subdivisions, economic development projects, and arterial improvements. Policy UT-32 Partner with broadband and fiber optic service providers within the City to ensure coordination efforts for enhanced access to high-speed internet for new development proposals. Goal 6. Enhance community resilience to natural hazards through effective siting, design, construction, and operation of public services and infrastructure. Policy UT-33 Identify challenges resulting from natural hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, wildfires, and sea level rise as they relate to the siting and design of new public services and infrastructure. Policy UT-34 Recognize historical disproportionate impacts to vulnerable populations, who tend to have greater exposure to natural hazards and the resulting impacts on public services. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan I December 2024