12/10/2024 - Regular - MinutesDocusign Envelope ID: 8C7B93A8-6121-4933-A727-ADAD73BOF722
Meeting Location:
Council Chambers
216 Prospect Street
Port Orchard, WA 98366
City Council
Contact us:
Phone (360) 876-4407
Regular Meeting of Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk as follows:
Present: John Morrissey, Councilmember, Position At -Large
Heidi Fenton, Councilmember, Position No. 5
Robert Putaansuu, Mayor
Eric Worden, Councilmember, Position No. 4, present via Zoom
Fred Chang, Mayor Pro-Tempore, Position No. 6
Jay Rosapepe, Councilmember, Position No. 2
Mark Trenary, Councilmember, Position No. 1
Absent: Scott Diener, Councilmember, Position No. 3
Staff present: Public Works Director Ryan, Community Development Director Bond, Principal
Planner Fisk, Police Chief Brown, City Attorney Archer, City Clerk Wallace and Deputy City
Clerk Floyd.
Audio/Visual was successful.
A. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Moved by Fred Chang; seconded by Heidi Fenton to Remove Consent Agenda Items 4D [Approval
of a Contract with Serotonin for Communication Consultant] and 4G [Approval of a Contract with
Kitsap Economic Development Alliance (KEDA) for Economic Development Services] and move
them to Business Items.
Motion Carried: 6 — 0
Voting For: Fred Chang, Mark Trenary, Jay Rosapepe, Eric Worden, Heidi Fenton, John Morrissey
Voting Against: None
Moved by John Morrissey; seconded by Jay Rosapepe to Approve the agenda as amended.
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Minutes of the December 10, 2024, City Council Meeting
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Motion Carried: 6 - 0
Voting For: Fred Chang, Mark Trenary, Jay Rosapepe, Eric Worden, Heidi Fenton, John Morrissey
Voting Against: None
Kelly May voiced her concerns with the fluoridation of the City's water.
Georgia Sardella voiced her concerns with a large dead tree leaning over power lines on
Old Clifton/Our Place Road.
Moved by Jay Rosapepe; seconded by Mark Trenary to Approve the Consent Agenda as amended.
Motion Carried: 6 - 0
Voting For: Fred Chang, Mark Trenary, Jay Rosapepe, Eric Worden, Heidi Fenton, John Morrissey
Voting Against: None
A. Approval of Vouchers and Electronic Payments
Approval of Voucher Nos. 88463 through 88501 and 88508 through 88533 including
bank drafts in the amount of $393,783.48, and EFT's in the amount of $2,925,475.25,
totaling $3,319,258.73.
B. Approval of Payroll and Direct Deposits
Approval of Payroll Check Nos. 88502 through 88507 including bank drafts and EFT's in
the amount of $281,150.88, and Direct Deposits in the amount of $279,207.56, totaling
C. Approval of Contract Amendment No. 2 to Contract No.004-23 with Kitsap County
Prosecuting Attorney for Prosecution of Municipal Criminal Complaints and Civil
E. Approval of a Contract with Gordon Thomas Honeywell -Governmental Affairs (GTH-
GA) for Lobbying Services
G. Approval of a Contract with LaCross & Murphy, PLLC for Public Defense
Services Approval of a Contract with Kitsap Economic Development Alliance
(KEDA) for Economic Development Services
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I. Approval of the October 22, 2024, City Council Meeting Minutes
J. Excusal of Councilmember Diener for Business Obligation
There were no presentations.
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Minutes of the December 10, 2024, City Council Meeting
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There were no public hearings.
A. Adoption of an Ordinance Adopting the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Periodic
Moved by Mark Trenary; seconded by Jay Rosapepe to Adopt an ordinance adopting the City of
Port Orchard 2024 Comprehensive Plan, as presented.
Motion Carried: 6- 0
Voting For: Fred Chang, Mark Trenary, Jay Rosapepe, Eric Worden, Heidi Fenton, John Morrissey
Voting Against: None
B. Adoption of a Resolution Adopting the 2025 City Council Meeting Schedule
Moved by John Morrissey; seconded by Jay Rosapepe to Adopt a resolution, adopting the 2025
City Council meeting schedule, as presented.
Motion Carried: 6- 0
Voting For: Fred Chang, Mark Trenary, Jay Rosapepe, Eric Worden, Heidi Fenton, John Morrissey
Voting Against: None
C. Approval of Amendment No. 9 to Contract C054-18 with RH2 Engineering, Inc. for
the Marina Pump Station Rebuild Project
Moved by Jay Rosapepe; seconded by Heidi Fenton to Authorize the Mayor to execute
Amendment No. 9 to Contract No. C0054-18 with RH2 Engineering, Inc. for the Marina
Pump Station Rebuild Project.
Motion Carried: 6- 0
Voting For: Fred Chang, Mark Trenary, Jay Rosapepe, Eric Worden, Heidi Fenton, John Morrissey
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Minutes of the December 10, 2024, City Council Meeting
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Voting Against: None
D. Approval of the November 12, 2024, City Council Meeting Minutes
Moved by John Morrissey; seconded by Jay Rosapepe to Approve the November 12, 2024, City
Council Meeting Minutes.
Motion Carried: 5- 0
Voting For: Fred Chang, Jay Rosapepe, Eric Worden, Heidi Fenton, John Morrissey
Voting Against: None
Abstaining: Mark Trenary
E. Approval of a Contract with Serotonin for Communication Consultant
Moved by Mark Trenary; seconded by Jay Rosapepe to Approve a contract with Serotonin,
LLC for Public Relations, Marketing and Communications Consultant.
Motion Carried: 6- 0
Voting For: Fred Chang, Mark Trenary, Jay Rosapepe, Eric Worden, Heidi Fenton, John Morrissey
Voting Against: None
F. Approval of a Contract with Kitsap Economic Development Alliance (KEDA) for Economic
Development Services
Moved by Fred Chang; seconded by Heidi Fenton to Approve the contract and authorize the
Mayor to execute an agreement for economic development services with Kitsap Economic
Development Alliance (KEDA) for the period of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026, as
Motion Carried: 6- 0
Voting For: Fred Chang, Mark Trenary, Jay Rosapepe, Eric Worden, Heidi Fenton, John Morrissey
Voting Against: None
There were no discussion items.
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Minutes of the December 10, 2024, City Council Meeting
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A. Council Advisory Committees
Councilmember Morrissey reported on the December 9, 2024, Economic Development and
Tourism Committee meeting. He also reported on the Lodging Tax Committee's lodging tax
recommendations and noted they will be on the next Council meeting agenda.
The Mayor reported on the following:
• December 7, 2024, Holiday on the Bay event.
Councilmember Morrissey also spoke about the event, noting it was a great turnout for the
public and City staff.
Public Works Director Ryan reported on the 660 reservoir and Well No. 11.
Mayor Putaansuu gave an update on the City Hall Renovations Project.
Community Development Director Bond reported the Land Use Committee is scheduled to
meet January 15, 2025, and thanked Council and staff for their work on the comprehensive
City Attorney Archer explained she may be bringing policy input to Council in January
regarding potential changes to the Public Records Act.
Police Chief Brown thanked Council for their feedback regarding the Holiday on the Bay event
and briefly spoke to hiring and employment in the police department.
There were no citizen comments.
Councilmember Chang wondered if the City could ask POBSA [Port Orchard Bay Street
Association], to coordinate Christmas events with the other local municipalities.
Councilmember Fenton voiced her appreciation for the Holiday on the Bay event and also
spoke about trying to remove fluoridation from the City's water system.
There was no executive session.
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The meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
FSigned by: Signed by:
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Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor
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