LTAC 2025 FIFA Proposal Funding Reqeust PacketORCHARD
2025 Lodging Tax Funding Application
International Federation of Association Football (FIFA)
World Cup 2026
Marketing/Activity Proposals
Organization Name:
Month/Timeframe of Event or Operations
Event/Activity (check/complete all that apply)
❑ Tourism Promotion - Specifically Related to FIFA 2026 EVENT
❑ Operations (Event/Festival Title) - Specifically Related to FIFA 2026 EVENT
❑ Operations (Facility, Staffing, Other) -Specifically Related to FIFA 2026 EVENT
Amount of Request $
Presenter & Title
2025 Lodging Tax Funding Application
International Federation of Association Football (FIFA)
World Cup 2026
Marketing/Activity Proposals
Applicant Acknowledgement
Applicants accept the following conditions:
Application Deadline — Monday, March 3, 2025 by 2PM
Applications will be accepted by a -mail at cityclerk[)
• Late applications will not be accepted
• Responses to be limited to 3 pages, plus required attachments
• Successful, eligible applicants may be contacted to schedule an interview with the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee — Please note date scheduled is to be determined.
If funded, the individual who has the authority to sign contracts and provide documents to the City of
Port Orchard is requested to sign below; and to also acknowledge your responsibility to notify (enter who
to notify and how) of any changes to your organization's contact information.
Point of Contact
2025 Lodging Tax Funding Application
International Federation of Association Football (FIFA)
World Cup 2026
Marketing/Activity Proposals
2025 Application and all related materials must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk's office at no later than Monday, March 3, 2025, by 2:OOpm.
1. Required Application Format:
a) The application must include the cover sheet and applicant acknowledgement; and be signed by
the individual who has the authority to sign documents such as contracts
b) The questions must be completed in order
c) The application must not exceed 3 pages, not including attachments
2. Application Requirements:
a) Marketing Plan - Specifically Related to FIFA 2026 EVENT
i. Explain your Marketing Plan to promote tourism in Port Orchard. Specify your audience.
ii. Discuss how your marketing plan generates "heads in beds" (overnight stays) in Port Orchard
and/or draws visitors from 50+ miles away.
iii. What percent of your budget is marketing? What percentage of your request is marketing?
Provide a summary of the types of marketing and include the total amount spent for each type
that your organization uses.
b) Financial Status
i. Has your organization applied for funding through other sources? Will your organization be
pursuing other funding in the future? And if no, why?
ii. If your organization collaborates with other organizations on tourism, how is this
accomplished? What do you collaborate about? And is this done without duplicating another
organizations efforts?
iii. If your organization does sole marketing, are you currently considering opportunities for
iv. What is your organization doing to become financially sustainable?
v. If you received part of your requested funding, would your program or event be possible?
c) Reporting Requirements (Please respond with estimates for 2025) -Specifically Related to FIFA 2026
i. How many visitors will your program or event bring to Port Orchard?
ii. How many visitors will travel to Port Orchard and stay overnight?
iii. How many visitors will travel 50 miles+ for the day or stay overnight? If from outside WA,
indicate how many and from what States and/or Countries when possible.
iv. What revenue is expected to be generated by your program or event?
v. Please explain your methodology for collecting and/or estimating tourist data.
3. Required Attachments
a) LTAC Budget - Specifically Related to FIFA 2026 EVENT:
• note your top 3 funding priorities
• designate line items for tourism -related expenses
• document all sources of revenue that support your tourism activities or events
(example: municipalities, grants, fundraising, ticket sales, etc)
b) Up to 5 examples of Marketing
c) 2024 Year -To -Date Income Statement (Revenue & Expense)
d) 2024 Year -To -Date Balance Sheet (Assets & Liabilities)
e) 2023 Income Statement (Revenue & Expense)
f) 2023 Balance Sheet (Assets & Liabilities)
g) Current Tax Return or Financial Statement from an independent source
** Please note: Attachments are not included in the 3 page limit for application**
Applicants are welcome to request an appointment for assistance or send questions directly to City Clerk
at or by calling Brandy Wallace at 360 876-7030, Monday through Friday 8AM to
2025 Lodging Tax Funding Application
International Federation of Association Football (FIFA)
World Cup 2026
Marketing/Activity Proposals
Submittal Checklist
Application Transmittal
❑ Checklist
❑ Applicant Acknowledgement
Submitted by Monday, March 3, 2025 by 2PM
❑Marketing Plan
❑Financial Status
❑Reporting Requirements
*Does not exceed 3 pages
❑ Total LTAC Budget
❑ Up to 5 Examples of Marketing
❑ 2024 Year -To -Date Income Statement
❑ 2024 Year -To -Date Balance Sheet
❑ 2023 Income Statement
❑ 2023 Balance Sheet
❑ Most Recent Tax Return or Financial Statement from an independent source
About the Program
Tourism is funded through a tax on lodging at hotels, motels, inns, bed and breakfasts, camps,
and other lodging facilities in which guests stay for a short time.
Applicants may consist of convention and visitors bureaus, destination marking organizations,
nonprofits, including main street organizations, lodging associates, or chambers of commerce,
and additionally the cities or towns themselves.
Activities which will be considered for funding include, but are not limited to, those that
increase tourism by RCW 67.28.1816:
(1) Lodging tax revenues under this chapter may be used, directly by
any municipality or indirectly through a convention and visitor's
bureau or destination marketing organization for:
a) Tourism marketing;
b) The marketing and operations of special events and festivals
designed to attract tourists;
c) Supporting the operations and capital expenditures of tourism -
related facilities owned or operated by a municipality or a public
facilities district created under chapters 35.57 and 36.100 RCW;
d) Supporting the operations of tourism -related facilities owned or
operated by nonprofit organizations described under 26 U.S.C.
Sec. 501 (c)(3) and 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(6) of the internal revenue
code of 1986, as amended.
The expected outcome of such tourism marketing would be to increase economic activity
during the funding year and subsequent years by increasing the number of guests lodged in
the area, additional meals, sales of souvenirs and gifts.
In addition, Applicants applying for use of revenues must provide the City of Port Orchard
estimates of how any moneys received will result in increases in the number of people
traveling for business or pleasure on a trip:
(a) Away from their place of residence or business and staying overnight in paid
(b) To a place fifty miles or more one way from their place of residence or business for the
day or staying overnight; or
(c) From another country or state outside of their place of residence or their business.
Required for All Applicants
• Current City of Port Orchard business license;
• All application questions must be completed;
• If you received lodging tax funds from the prior year, you must attach the previous
year's Exhibit C JLARC Municipality Reporting form; and
• The application must be signed by the person who has the authority to sign documents
such as contracts.
Reporting Requirements, if Awarded
If a recipient received lodging tax funds the previous year, the previous year's reporting MUST
be included with the application.
Lodging Tax Guidelines
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All recipients must submit a report to the City of Port Orchard by March of any given year,
describing the actual number of people traveling for business or pleasure on a trip:
(a) Away from their place of residence or business and staying overnight in paid
(b) To a place fifty miles or more one way from their place of residence or business for the
day or staying overnight; or
(c) From another country or state outside of their place of residence or their business. A
municipality receiving a report must: Make such report available to the local legislative body
and the public; and furnish copies of the report to the joint legislative audit and review
committee and members of the local lodging tax advisory committee.
Reimbursement Process, if Awarded
The following must be submitted with the Claim for Reimbursement form:
• Each item must include proof of purchase and payment, i.e. copy of the invoice stating
it has been paid or a copy of the check for payment.
• If requesting reimbursement for advertising (event or marketing), a copy of the ad
must be submitted or clearly indicated on reimbursement form or invoice what is being
advertised. Stating the ad is for Port Orchard tourism or marketing' is not sufficient.
• If requesting reimbursement for signage, a copy of the sign must be submitted.
• If requesting reimbursement for operations, and you are claiming a percentage of the
cost related to promoting Port Orchard, the percentage must be included with the
submittal. (For example, if your organization is requesting reimbursement of 50% of
the total invoice, 50% must be indicated on the invoice or Claim for Reimbursement
Ineligible Items for Reimbursements, if Awarded
• Items purchased and no sales tax was paid, even if there were no requirements to pay
at the time of purchase. (For example, marketing materials bought out of state, but if
were bought at Staples ... tax would apply.)
• Items spent on beautification of the City or a business. Only items that are for an
operation expense of an event designed to attract tourists will be accepted.
• Late fees.
• Finance charges.
• Items purchased for events that are not promoting Port Orchard.
Required Documentation, if Awarded
If the Port Orchard City Council approves your application through the budget process, the
following is required by applicant's:
• The organization must enter into a Professional Services Agreement for Tourism
Promotion (Lodging Tax) Services with the City of Port Orchard;
• The organization must submit a Certificate of Insurance, with endorsements, with the
signed Professional Services Agreement for Tourism Promotion (Lodging Tax) Services;
• Prior to receiving reimbursement, all supporting documentation must be submitted with
Claim for Reimbursement; and
• The organization must provide the City of Port Orchard a JLARC Municipality Report
(included with Professional Services Agreement for Tourism Promotion (Lodging Tax)
Services) no later than January 315t of the following year.