For Website Example SFR Fees 25-03-01CITY OF PORT ORCHARD Permit Center Located at 720 Prospect Street Mailing Address 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 Phone: (36o) 874-5533 • permitcenter@portorchardwa.gov Single Family Residential (SFR) Building Permit Fee Estimate March 1, 2025 Subject to Change without Notice The following is intended to provide builders with an estimate of the total cost to build a single- family home (SFR) in the City of Port Orchard. The estimate assumes a 2-story 2,000 square foot house with an attached 400 square foot garage. The exact fees will vary depending on the house size, location within the city, lot characteristics, and number of fixtures. Building Permit: Building Permit Fee, Residential........................................................................................$3,043.00 Plan Review Fee, Residential...............................................................................................$1,977.95 PlumbingBase Fee.......................................................................................................................$23.50 PlumbingFixture Fee...................................................................................................................$93.00 MechanicalBase Fee....................................................................................................................$23.50 MechanicalFixture Fee............................................................................................................ $119.80 TechnologyFee........................................................................................................................... $10.00 StateSurcharge................................................................................................................................. $6.50 Estimated Building Permit Fees..................................................................$5,297.25 Impact fees and a Storm Drainage Capital Facility Charge (CFC) are charged on the building permit: ParkImpact Fee........................................................................................................................$6,482.92 TrafficImpact Fee...................................................................................................................$6,225.43 SchoolImpact Fee...................................................................................................................$1,370.83 Storm Drainage Capital Facility Fee..................................................................................$3,087.00 Impact Fees and Storm Drainage CFC.......................................................$17,166.18 A separate application is required If you are connecting to City of Port Orchard Utilities (water and/or sewer). The fees are charged on the Utility Connection Permit. Estimated Water Utility Connection Fee......................................................................... $14,396.49 Estimated Sewer Utility Connection Fee......................................................................... $15,399.57 Estimated Utility Connection Fees......................................................................... $29,796.06 Total Estimated Fees...................................................................................$52,259.491 1 The assumptions used in the calculations above may be found on page 2. Page 1 of 2 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD 216 Prospect Street r� Port Orchard WA 98366 PERMIT FEE ESTIMATE (360) 874-5533 Example for a Single Family Residence permticenter@portorchardwa.gov March 01, 2025 - SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Valuation Details Type Sq. ft. Valuation New residential floor 1000.00 $165,670.00 space, main (first) floor New residential floor 1000.00 $165,670.00 space, second floor New garage (attached 400.00 $25,676.00 or detached) Total Estimated Valuation: $357,016.00 Estimated Fees on Building Permit Building Permit Fee, Residential $3,043.00 Plan Review, Residential $1,977.95 Plumbing Base Fee $23.50 Plumbing Fixture Fee $93.00 Mechanical Base Fee $23.50 Mechanical Fixture Fee $119.80 Technology fee surcharge $10.00 State Surcharge $6.50 Impact Fees (school, traffic, park) $14,079.18 Storm Drainage CFC $3,087.00 Total Estimate on Building Permit: $22,463.43 Additional Considerations. This is not an exhaustive list of other fees that may apply as there are too many site - specific and/or project -specific variables. Concurrency, Fire Sprinkler, and Electrical are listed for your consideration. Fees due. The plan review fee and technology fee must be paid when the application is submitted. All other fees listed on the building permit and utility connection permit must be paid prior to issuing the building permit. Fixture fees. The estimate above calculates the mechanical and plumbing fixture fees using those frequently found in a home of this size: clothes washer, cook stove, fans, fireplace, gas furnace, gas pipe system, gas water heater, AC, clothes washer, dishwasher, hose bibs, tub/showers, and toilets. Fees will vary depending on fixtures in your project. Utility Connection fees. The estimates below are for connecting to City of Port Orchard Utilities. A separate permit is required and the utility connection fees are on it. Fees must be paid prior to issuing the building permit. If your service provider is West Sound Utility District or Bremerton Utilities, please contact them for information. Port Orchard Utility • Water Capital facilities fee - $13,832.07 Water Connection 0 3/4" meter, hardware, overhead and sales tax: $453.05 Fees (3/4" meter) 0 Inspection fee - $111.37 Total Estimate: $14,396.49 NOTE: If a front footage fee is required, it will be calculated at $140.46 per frontage lin. ft. Port Orchard Utility • Wastewater Treatment Facility Fee (WTFF) - $4,536.85 Sewer Connection 0 General Facility Fee (GFF) - $10,751.35 Fee (1 ERU) • Inspection fee - $111.37 Total Estimate: $15,399.57 NOTE: If a front footage fee is required, it will be calculated at $140.46 per frontage lin. ft. Concurrency. An unexpired City -issued Capacity Reservation Certificate (CRC) is required for water, sewer, and transportation (or an availability letter for water and/or sewer if connecting to a different utility district). If concurrency is needed, a separate CRC application is required and the associated fees are charged on it. If water, sewer and transportation are all required, the total fee is $460.00. ($150 each type + $10 technology fee) Fire Sprinklers. If a fire sprinkler system is required, a separate permit application and fees are required. Fees are calculated based on construction costs. Electrical permit. Port Orchard does not issue electrical permits. Contact State L&I for information. Other fees. Other permit processes and fees may be required. It depends on your project. You can find the Community Development and Public Works Fee Schedules on the City's Website, Permit Center webpa e. Page 2 of 2