07/17/2018 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session Meeting of July t7,20tg CALI TO ORDER AND ROIL CALL Mayor Robert Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Councilmember Ashby Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Cucciardi Mayor Pro-Tem Diener Councilmember Lucarelli Councilmember Rosapepe Mayor Putaansuu Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff present: Police Chief Geoffrey Marti, Community Development Director Bond, Finance Director Crocker, City Attorney Cates, Judge Drury, Court Administrator Ells, City Clerk Rinearson, and Office Assistant Whisenant were also present. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. lntroduction of New Court Administrator, Sharon Ells Judge Tim Drury introduced new Court Administrator, Sharon Ells, and provided a brief history of her background with Kitsap County Courts. Court Administrator Ells thanked the City for the warm welcome and the County Judges that came to support her transition. 2. Presentation: Kitsap County Courthouse Mayor Putaansuu introduced the presentation topic and the presenters; Kitsap County Administrator Karen Goon, President Ron Thomas of Thomas Architecture Studios, and Commissioner Charlotte Garrido. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. Minutes of July L7,2OL8 Page 2 of 4 Kitsap County Administrator Goon informed of the process beginning last year, starting with the Request for Qualifications (RFa) of a consultant to do a phased build in the existing area. The RFQ led to partnership with Ron Thomas, who previously has worked on comparable projects with Pierce and Thurston Counties. Also, involved in the process is the technicalteam consisting of; District and Superior Court Administrators, lnformation Systems Department, Sheriff Department, Angie Silva with the Policy Staff, and representatives from the Public Defense and Clerk's Office. Feasibility study gave a general idea of what the building size and costs might be. Thanked Mayor Putaansuu and Community Development Director Nick Bond on walk through of possible project impacts with the draft zoning regulations. Mr. Thomas informed of additional consultant HOK Architecture, which is a large national Courthouse Architectural Firm, working on the project as well. Process started about five months ago documenting existing conditions; focusing on the multiple different renovations, a detailed staff analysis of requests, industry standards, and potential growth needs projected through 2030 and 2045 to prevent future funding requests. Stated that the Commissioners are united in their requirements of the project. Through the Courtroom Diagrams, a certain size of court room was shown and how they could be arranged with a secure area, a holding room, and designated areas for the judges and jury. The other areas are support spaces; the Jury Selection Room, Judge Chambers, Prosecutor and Clerk Offices. Explained the logistics of the location and options, with incorporating the comprehensive plan and keeping the surrounding area in mind. Various options of the proposed concepts were discussed and compared. These options discussed parking, project costs (i.e. impact fees, site development, utilities, taxes, furnishings, phasing expenses, property acquisition, internal expenses), and the advantages and disadvantages. Currently working on the study of funding options and action plan. Councilmembers discussed parking concerns Mayor Putaansuu brought forward the idea of sharing a location between the Kitsap County Sheriff's Department and Port Orchard Police Department. Mr. Thomas, Mayor, and councilmembers further discussed the potential parking options and option 5 completion. Kitsap Sun Reporter Chris Henry asked about building height specifics. Mr. Thomas explained the various court room uses. Counci! Direction: No direction was given to staff Minutes of July L7,2OL8 Page 3 of 4 3. Draft Sinclair lnlet Regulations Ordinance Mayor Putaansuu opened the topic of discussion by emphasizing the numerous amounts of issues related to derelict boats in the Sinclair lnlet. City Attorney Cates informed that the ordinance has been modeled after Oak Harbor and addresses issues the police department is currently facing. Police Chief Marti explained the reasons for the need of implementing the ordinance Mayor, councilmembers, and staff discussed suggested changes to the draft ordinance, the implementation of monitoring, clarifications on definitions, other state agency assistance or involvement, and liveaboards. Council Direction: Staff was directed to make suggested revisions and present to Council next month 4. Equipment Rental Revolving Fund (ER&R) & Policies Finance Director Crocker presented the draft ordinance for the ER&R Fund and explained the purposes of the policy and the policy. Mayor, councilmembers, and staff discussed purchasing used and surplus of vehicles. Finance Director Crocker presented the fleet standardization policy for Public Works, Police, and Administration. Mayor, councilmembers, and staff discussed the standardization policy. Lastly, Finance Director Crocker explained the management and account identification on small and attractive assets. Council Direction: Council directed Finance Director Crocker to bring the ordinance and policies to the next Finance Committee Meeting. 5. Zoning Code Update Community Development Director Bond informed of the current Zoning Code Updates being reviewed by the Planning Commission. Councilmembers and staff discussed clarifications and scrivener errors in various sections. Minutes of July L7,2OLB Page 4 of 4 Council Direction: Staff is to make corrections to the various sections, as discussed. 6. CENCOM [Kitsap 9111 Board of Directors Mayor Putaansuu explained the by-laws changes made at the previous CENCOM [Kitsap 911] meeting and presented the potential language change for determination of alternates. Counci! agreed with the language provided. Council Direction: Mayor is to inform CENCOM [Kitsap 911] of the adopted proposed alternative language revisions. OTHER DISCUSSION ITEMS a McCormick Village Park Project bringing budget amendment forward for the project cost shortfall. Also, contractor is suggesting cost alternatives between a boardwalk or bridge. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. Mayor Putaansuu would like to provide a letter of support of Kitsap Transit's grant proposal for the Southworth Dock Facility. MOTION: By Councilmember Diener, seconded by Councilmember, to provide support for the Southworth Dock Facility Grant. The motion carried. Councilmember Clauson abstained. Councilmembers continued discussed on the Kitsap County Courthouse Project. ADJOURNMENT The meeting urned at 9:01 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was su B PO B ndy Rinearson, M City Clerk Robe rt Putaansuu,Mayor o a