03/26/2019 - Regular - MinutesC ty of Port Orchard CounclMeetingMnutes Regular Meeting of March 26,2Ot9 1. CALI TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Ashby Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Cucciardi Councilmember Diener Councilmember Lucarelli Councilmember Rosapepe Mayor Putaansuu Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Staff present: Public Works Director Dorsey, Finance Director Crocker, Development Director Bond, City Attorney Cates, City Clerk Rinearson and Deputy City Clerk Floyd. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Councilmember Cucciardi, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to add the excusal of Councilmember Scott Diener from tonight's meeting due to personal reasons. The motion carried. MOT ON: By Councilmember Cucciardi, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizen comments. Minutes of March 26,2OL9 Page 2 of 6 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Voucher Nos. 76323 through 76343 and 75358 through 764LG in the amount of 5252,480.78 and Electronic Payments in the amount of 5278.53 totaling$252,759.31. B. Approval of Payroll Check Nos. 76344 through 76357, including Bank Drafts and EFT's in the amount of 52q3,194.65; and Direct Deposits in the amount of stsS,sto.To,totaling sggg,zo3.35. C. New ltem: Excusal of Councilmember Diener from Tonight's Meeting Due to Personal Reasons MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, to approve the consent agenda as modified. The motion carr ed. 5. PUBTIC HEAR NG There were no public hearings. 6. BUS NESS ITEMS A. Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Port Orchard Mun cipal Code Chapter 2.74 City Ha t Facilities MOTION: By Councilmember CIauson, seconded by Councilmember Lucarelli, to adopt an ordinance approving the amendments to Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 2.74 City Hall Facitities, as presented. The motion carr ed. (Ordinance No. 013-19) B. Adoption of a Resolution Amend ng Resolution No. 1880 Fees for Use of City Ha I Fac lities MOTION: By Councilmember Cucciardi, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to adopt an ordinance approving the amendments to Resolution No. 1880, adjusting the hourly rates of staff, as presented. Councilmember Chang voiced his concerns with the change in the hourly staff rate. Council and staff briefly discussed the volume of after-hours facility use and staff compensation. The motion moved. Councilmember Chang voted no. (Resolution No. 003-191 C. Adoption of a Resolution Authoriz ng Code Enforcement Officer and C ty Attorney to n tiate a Lawsu t for Warrant of Abatement at 1691 SE Crawford Road Minutes of March 26,20L9 Page 3 of 6 MOT ON: By Councilmember Cucciardi, seconded by Councilmember Ashby, to adopt a resolution authorizing the Port Orchard Code Enforcement Officer and City Attorney to undertake such actions as are necessary and appropriate to initiate and pursue a lawsuit for a Warrant of Abatement for the property located at 1591 SE Crawford Road on behalf of the City of Port Orchard as presented. The motion carried. (Resolut on No. 009-19) D. Approval of an Updated nterlocal Agreement w th K tsap County Pub! c Works Regarding Traffic S gna! Repa r and Maintenance MOT ON: By Councilmember Lucarelli, seconded by Councilmember Cucciardi, to approve a contract, thereby updating the lnterlocal Agreement (lLA) between Kitsap County and the City of Port Orchard, related to annual Traffic Signal/lntersection Street Light Repair and Maintenance for a term of 2-years with two (2) l-year renewal options upon prior consent from both parties. The motion carried. (Contract No. 030-09) E. Approval of the March L2,2OL9, Council Meeting Minutes MOT ON: By Councilmember Ashby, seconded by Councilmember Chang, to approve the Council meeting minutes from the regular meeting of March 12th as presented. The motion carried. Cucciardi abstained. 7. PRESENTATION A. Fathoms O' Fun Royalty Court Helene Jensen, Fathoms O' Fun Festival, lnc., introduced the 2019 Royalty Court. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action to be Taken) A. PSRC Vision 2050 Update Development Director Bond noted Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is currently updating its long-term regional growth strategy plan, VISION 2040, to the 2050 planning horizon. A draft Supplemental Environmental lmpact Statement (SEIS) for the VISION 2050 update has been released. He is asking if Council wishes to comment on the draft update. The draft includes 3 alternatives for Minutes of March 26,20t9 Page 4 of 6 how we are going to grow as a region; 1) stay the course - no change, 2) transit focused growth; and 3) reset urban growth. He gave a brief description of each of the alternatives and asked Council which alternative they prefer, or a hybrid of 2 of the alternatives. He noted the staff recommendation is for the transit focused groMh alternative. Council and staff discussed the alternatives and groMh and agreed they prefer transit focused growth along with stay the course. Development Director Bond said he will draft a letter to PSRC letting them know the Council's preference. He will let Council review the letter before he sends it out. ln addition to commenting on the draft SEIS, PSRC is working on Vision 2050 policy language that would apply to all 3 alternatives. Currently, the "Environment" and "Development Patterns" chapters are under review. Comments on these chapters are needed this month. Council was shown the proposed amendments in strikethrough and underline and provided a draft letter with comments on the proposed policies. He discussed the policies and voiced some concerns over some ofthe changes. After a brief discussion, Council had no concerns with him sending the letter to PSRC. 9. REPORTS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES ln response to Councilmember Clauson, Finance Director Crocker reported on the City's current budget. CouncilmemberAshby reported the Economic Development and Tourism Committee is scheduled to meet April 8th. Councilmember Lucarelli reported the Utilities committee is scheduled to meet April 1sth. The Sewer Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet April 24th. The Chimes and Lights Committee is scheduled to meet April 15th. Councilmember Rosapepe reported the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet in April [April 10th]. Mayor Putaansuu reported on Housing Kitsap and their current financial and software situations. ln response to Councilmember Rosapepe, Mayor Putaansuu briefly discussed the ferries. Councilmember Cucciardi reported on the March 25th Land Use Committee meeting. 10. REPORT OF MAYOR Minutes of March 26,2OL9 Page 5 of 6 The Mayor reported on the following: . Community Service Day projects; o Attended AWC (Association of Washington Cities) Lobby Days; o Senate Capital proposal of S2S0,000 for the lift station; o Street Cut Ordinance; o Facebook outreach updates; o Police Chief interviews; o Student questions received after a mock City Council meeting; o Electric car chargang stations; . Replacement of the clock tower chimes; o McCormick Village Park; o Attended the KRCC (Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council) Affordable Housing Task Force with Councilmembers Ashby and Clauson; and. . Feedback from local car dealerships regarding the ban of balloons. 11. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS Public Works Director Dorsey reported on the Sidney / Kitsap intersection; clock tower chimes; next phase of the Tremont Widening Project; and the Rockwell park. Finance Director Crocker reported on the finance software upgrade and upcoming Police Chief and HR interviews. Development Director Bond reported the new zoning code goes into effect tomorrow. L2. CITIZEN COMMENTS ln response to Gerry Harmon, Mayor Putaansuu explained candidates running for election cannot use their government facilities for their campaign. Gerry Harmon noted there is a sight issue at the Kitsap and Sidney intersection and spoke about growth on Bainbridge lsland. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:04 P.ffi., Mayor Putaansuu recessed the meeting for a 20-minute executive session to discuss a potential litigation matter pursuant to RCW 42.3O.110.(1Xi). City Attorney Cates, Development Director Bond and Finance Director Crocker were invited to attend. At 8:24 p.ffi., Mayor Putaansuu extended the executive session an additional 10 minutes. Minutes of March 26,2OL9 Page 6 of 5 At 8:34 p.ffi., Mayor Putaansuu extended the executive session an addition 5 minutes. At 8:39 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu reconvened Council back into regular session. L4. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. Brandy Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk Robe rt Putaan u, Mayor .$$if'-riw