018-19 - Ordinance - Two New PW Management Positions and Eliminating Current PW Utilities/Facilities Oper. Manager ORDINANCE NO. 018-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING TWO NEW PUBLIC WORKS MANAGEMENT POSITIONS AND THE JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND SALARY SCALES THEREFORE; ELIMINATING THE CURRENT PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES/FACILITIES OPERATIONS MANAGER POSITION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PUBLICATION; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the recent departures of several public works employees has caused the City staff, including HR and the Public Works management team, to review the organizational structure for the Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, City staff has identified deficiencies and is bringing forward a new organizational structure to help address these deficiencies going forward; and WHEREAS, City staff has determined that two new management positions are needed, which include a Utility Manager position and an Operations Manager position; and WHEREAS, City staff will eliminate the current Public Works Utilities/Facilities Operations Manager position effective June 30, 2019; and WHEREAS, the job descriptions attached as Exhibit A and the salary step schedule attached as Exhibit B set forth the responsibilities and salaries of these newly created positions; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council hereby adopts an ordinance eliminating the Public Works Utilities/Facilities Operations Manager position, effective June 30, 2019; creating the new positions of Utility Manager and Operations Manager, and approving the job descriptions therefor, which are attached hereto as Exhibit A; and approving the salary ranges set forth in Exhibit B. SECTION 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be unconstitutional or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Publication. This Ordinance shall be published by an approved summary consisting of the title. Ordinance No.0L8-19 Page 2 of 2 effect five days after publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 28th day of May Robert aansuu, M ATTEST:SPONSOR: d v Ri arson,MMC, City Clerk n Clauson, Councilmember APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sh PU BLISH ED: EFFECTIVE DATE: n Cates, City Attorney June 7,20L9 June L2,20L9 SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and C, Job Title Utility Monoger FtSA Exempt Deporlmenl Public Works Deportment Civil Service Exempt Reporls To Public Works Director /Citv Engineer Union Non-union Revisions Moy 2019 Work hours Full-time Jos DrscRrPTroN This position plons, orgonizes, directs ond monoges the City's woter, sonitory sewer ond stormwoter utilities. The position odministers the deportment's environmentol reporting ond complionce through coordinotion with other public works, engineering ond utilities stoff. Porticipotes in reseorch ond long-ronge plonning octivities reloted to woter, woter rights, sonitory sewer, stormwoter ond infrostructure needs. Generol Funclion Work is performed with consideroble independence. Work is evoluoted for both quolity ond limeliness of completed projects through reports, observotions ond results obtoined. The position will olso porticipote/coordinote with the Moyor ond Council Committees os needed ond will work with the Public Work DirectorlCity Engineer on the monogement of long ronge ond immediote Public Works Utilities gools, scope, budget ond finol product. The position will supervise the Stormwoter Progrom Monoger. This job description reflects generol detoils os necessory to describe the principol functions of this job, the level of knowledge ond skill typicolly required, ond the scope of responsibility, but should not be considered on oll-inclusive listing of work requirements. lndividuols moy perform other duties os ossigned, including working in other function oreos to cover obsences or relief, to equolize peok work periods, or to otherwise bolonce the work lood. Specific duties ond responsibilities include, but ore not limited to:. Ensure the monogement of the doily operotion ond mointenonce of the City's woter, stormwoter, ond sonitory sewer systems. . Communicote ond coordinote with the Public Works Director, engineering, permit center, ond work crews to ensure timely completion of projects, work priorities, ond in-field octivities when needed. JOB DESCRIPTION: Utility Monoger - Moy 2019 PAGE I OT 3 . Coordinote ond oversee vorious woter system octivities, including but not limited to: o Generol woter system oversight (operotions ond mointenonce) o lnstollotion of woter pipe ond woter system oppurtenonces (volves, hydronts, etc.) o Woter system repoir projecls o Woter meter reoding ond woter meter mointenonce o Woter pumps . Prepore ond submit oll required Project Reports ond documentotion to the Deportment of Heolth, Deportment of Ecology ond oll other Agencies in which the City is requite to report.. Assist in the plonning ond implementotion of the City's Utility System(s) copitol projects. . Provide woter ond sonitory sewer system ovoilobility (through concurrency review) ond feosibility informotion to project proponents os needed.. Coordinote ond provide input to the Public Works DirectorlCity Engineer in Utility System Plon complionce, operotions, plonning ond budgeting.. Educote, support ond mentor oll public works employees on utility system(s) operotions.o Attend Utility Committee, City Council, ond community meetings os requested.. Provide engineered plon/specificotion review oversight for the construction of privote development improvements within the City.. Coordinote ond/or oversee inspections for both City ond Non-City (privote development) utility projects in progress.. Assist the Public Works DirectorlCity Engineer os needed in the coordinotion of octivities of the Public Works Deportment with other Deportments within the City.. Assist in preporing woter system gronts. Relioble ond regulor ottendonce is required.. Other duties os ossigned Demonstroted knowledge in the generol odministrotion, reporting, doily operotions, mointenonce/repoirs ond budgeting os required for Woter System Plon complionce, woter, sonitory sewer ond stormwoter monogement; ond of modern supervisory principles ond proctices. Ability to oversee the operotion of o public utility system in complionce with DOH ond DOE requirements, mointoin records ond prepore work reports, gouge project progress ond recommend odjustments to meet deodlines or odopt to chonging conditions in the field, comprehend technicol instructions, deol courteously ond toctfully with the public, ond estoblish ond mointoin effective working relotions with subordinotes, superiors, other deportment personnel ond the public. JOB DESCRIPIION: Utility Monoger - Moy 20t 9 PAGE 2 OT 3 Requirements in this position include contocl with ond directing the work octivities of other City personnel. The Utilities Monoger must be oble to oppropriolely respond to ond communicote with the generol public ond Stote Deportment of Heolth ond Ecology stoff for the effective coordinotion of work ond for resolving problems. Work is performed both indoors ond outdoors. Employee moy be required to work on lodders, inclines, ond in noisy work oreos. He/she moy be exposed to extremes in temperoture, chemicols, or noxious fumes. Employee moy be required to weor protective clothing or equipment in the performonce of duties. Will be required to ottend meetings, other thon during normol work hours ond moy be colled bock to work before or ofter regulorly scheduled work hours or on scheduled doys off os needed. Some out of town trovel moy be required. Must hove the overoll stomino ond obility to perform moderote physicol octivity, including the obility to stond or wolk for long periods of time, troversing rough terroin, ond working of heights or on scoffolding. Job requirements moy include the obility to climb up to20 feet off the ground; bend ond/orwork in tight or confined oreos. The incumbent must be oble to heor olorms ond hove the obility to oudibly identify the presence of o donger or hozord. High school groduotion (or GED) is required. 5 yeors' experience os o woter system operotor in o work environmenf similor to o municipol public works deportment,2 yeors of supervisory experience, educotion or troining environmentol science, woter resources ond project monogement is highly desired. Certificotion os o Woter Distribution Monoger ll is required upon hire. Woter Treotment Plont Operotor I ond Cross Connection Control Speciolist certificotions from the Woshington Stote Deportment of Heolth ore prefened or must be obtoined within one yeor of employment. Volid driver's license driver's license with o driving record occeptoble to lhe City. Any combinotion of experience ond troining thot provides the desired skills, knowledge ond obilities moy be considered. Requiremenfs outlined in this iob description moy be subiecf to modificofion to reosono bly occommodote individuols with disobilities who ore otherwise quolified for employment in fhis posifion. However, some requiremenfs maY exclude individuols who pose o direct threot or significonf risk fo the heolth ond sofety of themse/ves or ofher employees. Ihis iob descnption does nof consfifufe on employment ogreement befween fhe Employer ond employee ond is subje ct to chonge os the needs of the Employer ond requirements of the job chonge. JOB DESCRIPIION: UtiliV Monoger- Moy 2019 PAGE 3 OF 3 1T RCHA Job Title Operotions Monoger FtSA Exempt Deportmenl Public Works Deportment Civil Service Exempt Reporls To Public Works Director lCity Engineer Union Non-union Revisions Moy 2019 Work hours Full-time Jos DrscRrPTroN Position is responsible for plonning ond scheduling work for the City's mointenonce progroms ond supervising the Public Works Deportment personnel ond equipment utilized in public works. This position provides operotionol ond mointenonce support of City streets, woter, porks, focilities, sonitory sewer ond storm woter progroms, ond works closely with public sofety ond other City deportments whose progroms utilize the Public Works Deportment's resources. Genero! Function The Operotions Monoger ossigns work through the Foremon, leods ond/or directly to employees. He/she directs ond cooches the oll ossigned employees to develop competence, expertise, occountobility ond productivity, conducts performonce reviews, mokes effective decisions or recommendotions on hiring, tronsfers, promotions, grievonces ond discipline, is responsible for developing Public Works operotions service stondords, evoluoting customer services ond resolving internol ond externol disputes. The Operotions Monoger plons ond schedules work octivities thot moy impoct other City deportments, other ogencies, the business community or neighborhoods ond is responsible for effectively communicoting ond coordinoting work octivities to minimize impocts. He/she monoges regulotory permits ond professionol services ond construction controcts os ossigned by the Public Works Director. This position supervises the ongoing mointenonce ond oppeoronce of City properties ond infrostructure to ensure thot they ore ottroctive, cleon, sofe, ond suitoble for use by the public. Work is performed with consideroble independence. Work is evoluoted for both quolity ond timeliness of completed projects through reports, observotions ond results obtoined. The position will olso porticipote/coordinote with the Moyor ond Council Committees os needed ond will work with the Public Work DirectorlCity Engineer on the monogement of long ronge ond immediote Public Works operotionol gools, scope, budget ond finol product. JOB DESCRIPIION: Operolions Monoget - Moy 2019 PAGE I OT 4 This job description reflects generol detoils os necessory to describe the principol functions of this job, the level of knowledge ond skill typicolly required, ond the scope of responsibility, but should not be considered on oll-inclusive listing of work requirements. lndividuols moy perform other duties os ossigned, including working in other function oreos to cover obsences or relief, to equolize peok work periods, or to otherwise bolonce the work lood. Specific duties ond responsibilities include, but ore not limited to:. Plons, orgonizes, coordinotes ond oversees through subordinote stoff o voriety of focility ond field operotions, including streets, woter ond sonitory sewer system operotions, mointenonce, ond improvements.. Working with the foremon ond leod workers, superyises, orgonizes, ond ossigns the work ond insures production gools ore met.. Ensures the troining ond monitoring of stoff regording procedures of work, sofety, supply ond equipment requirements, operotionol policies ond priorities of work; ossists the Public Works DirectorlCity Engineer in estoblishing stoff troining needs ond objectives.. Develop, odminister ond implement on effective Public Works Deportment sofety progrom. . Prepores ond completes the onnuol personnel evoluotion process for eoch employee reporting to the position.. Ensures the responsible core ond use of ossigned equipment utilized by ossigned personnel; inspects work to ossure complionce with City stondords ond codes os well os opplicoble heolth, sofety ond environmentol regulotions.o Communicote ond coordinote with the Public Works Director, engineering, permit center, ond utility monogers to ensure timely completion of projects, work priorities, ond in-field octivities when needed.. Confer with consultonts, controct engineers ond other individuols regording focility plonning ond design, work force efficiency ond operotionol effectiveness, ond public informotion progroms.. Supervises the plonning ond coordinotion of the preventotive mointenonce progroms ond routine Public Works octivities, including generol mointenonce of sonitory sewers, storm sewers, streets ond woter distribution systems.o Develops budget proposols for stoff troining, operotions, mointenonce, field focilities ond infrostructure; recommends equipment qnd moteriol purchoses; reviews division finonciol octivity, determines couse of ony vorionces ond develops plon to oddress unonticipoted octivities ond expenses; keeps supervisor ond finonce informed of significont chonges from budget. JOB DESCRIPIION: Operolions Monoger -May 2019 PAGE 2OT 4 ilies The position supervises multiple positions. See orgonizotionol chort. . Ensures preporotion of cost estimotes ond specificotions for outside controct work; coordinotion of construction ond mointenonce work performed by outside controctors ond reviews their work; ossists supervisor to develop copitol improvement progroms. . Mointoins good relotions with the generol public, stote ond federol officiols, other cities ond controctors; functions os o Iioison between City residents ond other ogencies regording concerns of the residents ond octivities of those ogencies in deoling with City infrostructure issues.. Ensures investigotion of customer comploints ond tokes oppropriote octions to resolve their concerns.o Ensures sofety proctices ond procedures ore followed of oll sites.. ln emergency response incidents, provides oversight to the other personnel including on ossessment of options for corrective octions; ossures thot odequote resources ond moteriol ore mode ovoiloble to complete corrective octions.. Attend City Council, ond community meetings os requested.. Assist the Public Works DirectorlCity Engineer os needed in the coordinotion of octivities of the Public Works Deportment with other Deportments within the City.. Relioble ond regulor ottendonce is required.. Other duties os ossigned Extensive knowledge of methods ond mointenonce stondords ond operotionol octivities required in the construction, mointenonce ond repoir of focilities ond the City's infrostructure; of federol, stote, ond locol lows, rules, ond regulotions offecting operotions, of proctices pertoining to the sofe hondling ond storoge of hozordous ond toxic moteriols; of finonciol, budgetory, record keeping, humon resource, risk monogement, purchosing, controcting ond other proctices to comply with opplicoble gront conditions, odminister procurement octivities, lobor ogreements ond other opplicoble work rules. Skill in providing work direction, coordinotion ond supervision ond of others; in use of computers ond other electronic communicotion tools routinely used in Public Works; ond in oppropriote use of hond tools ond light ond heovy equipment utilized in Public Works deportments. Ability to mointoining "besl monogement" proctices to optimize operotionol efficiency ond useful life of focilities ond equipment; to prepore cleor, occurote ond complete written reports ond keep occurote records; ond estoblish ond mointoin cooperotive working relotionships, ond negotiote or solve problems. Requirements in this position include contoct with ond directing the work octivities of other City personnel. The Operotions Monoger must be oble to oppropriotely respond to ond communicote with the generol public for the effective coordinotion of work ond for resolving problems. JOB DESCRTPIION: Operolions Monoger - Moy 2019 PAGE 3 OF 4 Work is performed both indoors ond outdoors. Trovel within the City is required on o regulor bosis. This position moy be exposed to hozords, such os dust, pollen, mochinerylmoving ports, chemicols, pesticides, insecticides, insect stings, noisy work oreo, noxious odors, fumes or chemicols, ond working on lodders. This employee moy be exposed to electricol hozords such os high voltoge ond low voltoge, moy work in confined spoces thot require permitting for occess, ond moy be exposed to biohozords including sewoge ond potentiol risk of exposure to blood borne pothogens. Depending on the exposure, the employee is required to weor oppropriote sofety protection. Will be required to ottend meetings, other thon during normol work hours ond moy be colled bock to work before or ofter regulody scheduled work hours or on scheduled doys off os needed. Some out of town trovel moy be required. Must hove the overoll stomino ond obility to perform moderote physicol octivity, including the obility to stond or wolk for long periods of time, troversing rough tenoin, working in or over woter, working of heights or on scoffolding. Job requirements moy include the obility to climb up to 20 feet off the ground; bend ond/or work in tight or confined oreos. The incumbent must be oble to heor olorms ond hove the obility to oudibly identify the presence of o donger or hozord. High school groduotion (or GED) is required. Bochelors or Associote degree in Construction Monogement or reloted field is desired. A minimum of eight yeors of work experience in utility, roodwoy construction, ond focilities mointenonce is required including of leost five yeors of supervisory experience is required. Public sector work experience in public works ond utilities is preferred. Woter Distribution Monoger ll, Woter Treotment Plont Operotor I ond Cross Connection Control Speciolist certificotions from the Woshington Stote Deportmenl of Heolth ore preferred or must be obtoined within one yeor of employment. Volid driver's license driver's license with o driving record occeptoble to the Cily. A combinotion of experience ond troining thot provides the desired skills ond obilities moy be considered. Requiremenfs outlined in this iob descrption moy be subiecf fo modificotion fo reosonobly occommodofe individuols wifh disobilities who ore otherwise quolified f or employment in fhis posifion. However, some requiremenfs moy exc/ude individuols who pose o direct threot or significonf risk fo the heolth ond sofef of fhemse/ves or ofher employees. Ihis iob descrption does nof consfitute on employment ogreement between the Employer ond employee ond rs subie cf to chonge os the needs of the Employer ond requiremenfs of the job chonge. JOB DESCRIPIION: Operolions Monoger - Moy 20t9 PAGE 4 OT 4 Exhibit B Hourly Pay Rate Annual Pay Rate Utility Manager rations Manager After 5 Yrs 48.08 100,006.40 After 4 yrs 46.90 97,552.00 After 3 yrs 45.76 95,180.80 After 2 yrs 44.64 92,857.20 After I yr 43.56 90,604.80 After 6 mos 42.49 88,379.20 First 6 mos 41.46 86,236.80 100,006.40After 5 Yrs 48.08 97,552.00After 4 yrs 46.90 95,180.80After 3 yrs 45.76 44.64 92,85L.20After 2 yrs 43.56 90,604.80After I yr 42.49 88,379.20After 6 mos 41.46 96,236.80First 6 mos NOTICE OF CITY OF PORT ORCHARD ORDINANCE The following is a summary of an Ordinance approved by the Port Orchard City Council at their regular Council meeting held May 28, 2019. ORDINANCE NO. 018-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING TWO NEW PUBLIC WORKS MANAGEMENT POSITIONS AND THE JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND SALARY SCALES THEREFOR; ELIMINATING THE CURRENT PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES/FACILITIES OPERATIONS MANAGER POSITION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PUBLICATION; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of Ordinance No. 018-19 are available for review at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Port Orchard. Upon written request, a statement of the full text of the Ordinance will be mailed to any interested person without charge. Thirty days after publication, copies of Ordinance No. 018-19 will be provided at a nominal charge. City of Port Orchard Brandy Rinearson City Clerk Published: Friday, June 7, 2019