01/15/2019 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Counci Meeting Minutes Work Study Session Meeting of January L5,2OL9 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Robert Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Ashby Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Cou ncil member Cuccia rd i Councilmember Diener Councilmember Lucarelli Councilmember Rosapepe Mayor Putaansuu Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff present: Finance Director Crocker, Community Development Director Bond, City Attorney Cates, City Clerk Rinearson and Office Assistant Whisenant were also present. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Adoption of an Ordinance Adopting Revisions to Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 3.48 Multifamily Property Tax Exemption [Continued from December 18, 2OL8, Council meeting]- With Possible Action Mayor Putaansuu stated that the fire department will not be attending the meeting. However, the fire department does understand what the city is trying to accomplish and the potential impacts. Community Development Director Bond represented the motion sti!! on the floor considering the draft ordinance from the December L8th Council Meeting. Concerns have been expressed by the fire department and Councilmembers. During the recent Land Use Committee meeting, it was decided that the exemption needs to be looked at deeper and consider potential concerns. Asked how the council wishes to proceed; by either acting on the draft ordinance tonight or to take a more comprehensive look. Staff and Councilmembers discussed the basis of affordable housing as configured in tax abatement, and the difference between the data collected by Department of Housing and Urban Development I a Minutes of January 15, 2OL9 Page 2of5 (HUD) and the Census. The Census data shows that the immediate Port Orchard area has a lower median income than the county. A possible suggestion would be for the Council to look at shifting the percentage of median income to be more in Port Orchard's demographic. Councilmember Ashby discussed the data between HUD and the Census. Also, identified the other topics discussed at Land Use Committee was the original intent for the tax abatement and developing criteria. Mayor Putaansuu stated that the decision is to develop criteria it will have to take a back-seat, as code revisions are going for review to the Planning Commission later this month. Councilmembers expressed the prioritization of the code revisions, but also the importance on quickly moving forward with the tax abatement revisions. The original intent was identified to encourage development in certain areas. Mayor, Council and staff discussed the change in the length of time for the tax abatement, interest from potential future developer in another location within the Sedgwick area, development versus redevelopment, economic and other agency impacts. Community Development Director Bond expressed a possible land evaluation Increase per acre to be a requirement within the future revisions. MOTION: By Councilmember Cucciardi, seconded by Councilmember Rosap€p€, to approve an ordinance adopting revisions to Chapter 3.48 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code as presented at the December L8,2OL8 City Council Meeting. It was stated that no public testimony was set for this meeting, as it was previously given at the December 18, 20L8, City Council Meeting. Mayor Putaansuu stated that staff is to readdress this Spring and remove the L2-year timeline and adjust income percentages. Councilmember Chang expressed his concern with setting a precedent. Community Development Director Bond suggested that Council consider not to accept any additional requests until the topic has finished being reviewed. Councilmembers discussed moving forward with not accepting additional requests and reviewing again in the distant future to identify the impacts of this new Sedgwick project. The motion passed. Councilmembers Chang and Ashby voted no. Minutes of January 15, 2Ol9 Page 3 of5 (Ordinance No. 003-19) Mayor Putaansuu clarified that other locations are not being considered until a new process and procedure is adopted. Council Direction: Direction wasgiven to staff that no other locations will be considered until a new process and procedure is adopted. 2. Plastic Bag Reduction Mayor Putaansuu stated that he heard from Lobbyist Josh that the Plastic Bag Bill is going before legislation tomorrow. Councilmember Ashby expressed the efforts put forth through the Economic Development and Tourism Committee, Townhall, and outreach to other local jurisdictions. Didn't want to provide a recommendation this evening since the bill is being presented through the Legislature tomorrow, and if the State moves forward then would be compatible. Will bring to next work study to have the Ianguage for adoption, based off the State. Council Direction: Wil! be reviewed at next Economic Development and Tourism Committee and then bring forward at the February Work Study. OTHER DISCUSSION: Mayor Putaansuu inquired about the current status of small cells, since the Federal Government has taken under advisement. City Attorney Cates has discussed with the attorney hired to work on this topic. Stating some additional concerns, so they are making sure to address the concerns before finalizing the ordinance. 3. Utility Late Fees and Penalties Mayor Putaansuu informed of the request for waiving utility late fees and penalties. Research completed by Finance Director Crocker determined that the city's insurance company suggesting revising the code to address the request. Finance Director Crocker, Mayor, Councilmembers, and staff discussed the proposed conditional requirements identified on requesting a waiver, application of penalties, payment arrangements, and the authority for approval to be given to the Finance Director. Mayor Putaansuu explained process of shut off and timeframes. Minutes of January L5, 2OL9 Page 4 of 5 Council Direction: Staff is to bring the ordinance to the next Council Meeting for adoption. 4. Countywide Planning Policies Community Development Director Bond is seeking direction from the Counci! on the City's position and direction regarding the regional strategy in the Countywide Planning Policies that is currently under review with Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC), through the Land Use Technical Advisory Committee (LUTAC). Explanation of how prioritization for funding is determined through the specific criteria identified. Councilmembers, Mayor and staff discussed the different levels of criteria for the different areas in question with the proposed changes to define the requirements and terminology, so that it is uniformed for all involved. Mayor Putaansuu confirmed that all the Council was in agreeance with moving forward on the changes. Different funding outlets were discussed outside of Puget Sound Regional Counci! (PSRC), such as rural funding that is determined through Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization (Peninsula RPTO) and other sources as well. Other involved areas' positions were briefly discussed. Council Direction: Staff is to continue to advocate to prioritize investments in support of our centers and based on the hierarchy that exists, as we!l as identifying as many county-wide centers as possible. 5. Kitsap County McCormick Woods Traffic lmpact Fees Mayor Putaansuu informed the Council that Kitsap County has collected traffic impact fees for McCormick Woods which remains unspent, and that based on the agreement the money should be transferred to the City, which it has not. The City is wanting to move forward by proposing to send Kitsap County a bill, and if that is not met then a follow up letter will be sent by the City's Land Use Attorney. Council Direction: Staff is to move forward. 5. Police Chief Recruitment Process Mayor Putaansuu informed of the Police Chief's retirement in the next few months, stated that recruitment process costs were identified in budget and a contract had been signed that is within Minutes of January 15, 2OL9 Page 5 of 5 the budget allowance. The process for recruitment was explained and discussed. The salary range was suggested to be reviewed and stated that council action would need to be taken to make the adjustment. Discussion between Councilmembers and Mayor on salary ranges, with including benefits, were determined in the proposed adjustment. Council Direction: Staff was directed to move forward OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: Councilmembers and Mayor discussed the derelict boat ordinance. Mayor Putaansuu identified that it is a complicated process and the police department is trying to work on a simpler process, emphasizing to not discourage recreational use. Mayor Putaansuu stated that he will be out of town for the AWC Mayor's Exchange, so Councilmember Ashby wil! be Mayor Pro-Tem for the next council meeting. ldentified need for a quorum, as Councilmember Cucciardi wil! also be out. Mayor Putaansuu gave updates on; the Rockwell Pocket Park Bid and McCormick Woods Village Park Closure. It was determined to move Land Use Committee to the forth Monday of the month going forward. Councilmember Clauson extended invitation to tour tiny homes in West Seattle. Mayor Putaansuu updated on the overall tornado costs, and Sma!l Business Association on site with resources available. Also, updated on presentation given at the Chamber of Commerce and Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. No other act ion was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. ra v nea , MMC, City Clerk