05/21/2019 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session Meeting of May 2L,z0tg CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALI Mayor Robert Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Ashby Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Cucciardi Councilmember Diener Councilmember Lucarelli Councilmember Rosapepe Mayor Putaansuu Present Present Present Present Present Prcsent Present Present Staff present: Community Development Director Bond, City Attorney Cates, and Office Assistant ll Whisenant. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance 1. Status of DCD Work Plan and Comprehensive Plan lmplementation Community Development Director Bond presented an update on the 20L9 departmental work plan among the Community Development and Public Works departments. Stating this is a way to make sure we are implementing our goals and policies and that they are in line with our Comprehensive Plan. He shared that in reviewing the list, most of the items have been addressed in some way or another. With that, staff has initiated the subarea planning for the Sidney-Sedgwick local center and is working with the County on the County-wide Buildable Lands Monitoring program. lt was mentioned that some goals need funding, and some need more clarification or removed as it is not clear as to what was intended when they were created. Councilmembers, Mayor and staff discussed goals identified in the historic waterfront overlay district, park and ride facilities, and cleanup of homeless camps. Minutes of May 2I,2OL9 Page 2 of 3 Community Development Director Bond spoke to the 2O2O-202L Work Plan, mentioning the annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Master Shoreline Program, and Parks Plan update are on the docket. Mayor Putaansuu stated he provided a letter to the Public Utilities District regarding the City's role and necessary steps for the potential community events center project. lf the community center happens, we will want it part of our parks plan. ln continuing with the2O2O-2021 Work Plan discussion, Community Development Director Bond said their continuing to work on Centers Plan, Bethel-Sedgwick Design, McCormick Woods projects and development, Downtown Redevelopment Plans, Traffic lmpact Fee Study, permitting software challenges, zoning ordinance updates, and working with the County on various projects including trying to get a joint planning agreement. The Public Works department is working on updating all their system plans. At PSRC, the Vision 2050 is taking shape and in the process of updating the Multi-family County-wide planning policies. At KRCC, we are doing the County-wide planning policies centers work and will be talking about growth allocations for allthe cities. Sounds like Bainbridge, Poulsbo, and Port Orchard will be splitting about 30,OOO people over the 2O-year planning period. lt was mentioned that Kitsap County wants more growth than allocated. Council Direction: Bring to a Land Use Committee to review and cleanup Comprehensive Plan goals 2. Plastic Bag Reduction Mayor Putaansuu went over the highlights of the State's bill regarding the plastic bag ban Councilmembers and Mayor discussed the State's proposal, allowing merchants to make decisions on the charge for the plastic bag use, partnering with Kitsap County for outreach, and the next steps to move this item forward within the city and timeframes to implement. Council Direction: Bring forward to the June Work Study and have staff invite County to participate and provide an update on their efforts. 3. Downtown Parking Mayor Putaansuu asked Council for their thoughts on downtown parking. Councilmembers and Mayor discussed individual experiences with parking downtown, expressed concerns with the amount of available paid parking stalls, discussed the different parking needs between business patrons, merchants, and commuters, the request from POBSA on the impact to Minutes of May 2L,2OI9 Page 3 of 3 their patrons, merchants parking habits, education to merchants and the public on other parking and commuter options, parking costs, surveying to see where commuter parking is needed, parking hours and locations, and carpooling incentives. Council Direction: Revisit topic after Kitsap Transit outreach and gauge impacts with new business locations. 4. Community Service Day Mayor Putaansuu presented on the Community Service Day and expressed his gratitude to over 250 volunteers that came out and helped. The cleanup sites were at VanZee Park, McCormick Village Dog Park, Cedar Heights Middle School, South Kitsap High School, Beach cleanup, Etta Turner Park, Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway, Marina Park grandstands, Boat Launch, and Bay Street flowers. The volunteers were from the Church of Latter-Day Saints, Rotary, Kitsap Bank, and other members of the community. Other participants were Port Orchard Bay Street Merchants, Port of Bremerton, City of Port Orchard staff and Council, and South Kitsap School District. Council Direction: No direction was given OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: Mayor Putaansuu gave an update on the near completion status of the Rockwell Park, and needing to schedule a ribbon cutting with the City's delegation. lnformed of presentations that will be at next week's council meeting. Finance Committee supportive of separating the Utilities/Facilities Operations Manager role into two positions and will bring forward at next week's council meeting. Councilmembers discussed a couple concerns of property appearances and the Public Works Spring Cleanup Week. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adj ou at 8:03 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful Bran dy ne hrM C, City Clerk Robe rt Putaansuu, Mayor 4