05/28/2019 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of May 28,2OI9 1.. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Ashby Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Cucciardi Councilmember Diener Councilmember Lucarelli Present Present Present Present Present Present PresentCouncilmember Rosa e Mayor Putaansuu Present Staff present: Public Works Director Dorsey, Human Resource Coordinator Lund, City Attorney Cates, City Clerk Rinearson and Office Assistant ll Whisenant. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance 2. APPROVALOFAGENDA MOTION: By Councilmember Ashby, seconded by Councilmember Lucarelli, to accept the agenda as presented. The motion carried. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizen comments 4. CONSENTAGENDA A. Approval of Voucher Nos. 76766 through 76850 including bank drafts in the amount of 5862,897.09 and Electronic Payments in the amount of 5252.00 totaling 5862,545.09. B. Approval of Payroll Check Nos. 76757 through 75759, including bank drafts and EFT's in the amount of 5129,206.71,; and Direct Deposits in the amount of $183,717.20 totaling 53L2,923.9t. Minutes of May 28,20L9 Page 2 of 6 MOTION: By Councilmember Cucciardi, seconded by Councilmember Diener, to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion carried 5. PRESENTATION A. Kitsap County Block Grant Program Mayor Putaansuu introduced Kitsap County's Human Services Block Grant Manager, Bonnie Tufts Ms. Tufts explained the Block Grant Program, jurisdictions involved and the funding process Mayor Putaansuu explained the difference in a misunderstanding on filing fee dollars versus the Councilmembers discussed with Ms. Tufts; council involvement, Port Orchard apartments, and income levels. B. Lobbyist Legislative Post Session Briefing Mayor Putaansuu introduced Lobbyist Josh Weiss, with Gordon Thomas Honeywell Mr. Weiss gave an update on the Legislative Session turned out, and that Port Orchard did have a successful session. Detailed the three components; Operating, Capital, and Transportation budgets. The City's legislative priorities were: o McCormick Sewage Lift Station #2 o Sedgwick Roundabouts o Economic Development Tools o Condominium Liability Reform o Foster Pilot Program Mr. Weiss explained that Port Orchard was very engaged in the session. lnformed of the status of the different budgets, city's legislative priorities, bills not passed to be reviewed next biennium, and the continued lobbying efforts. Mayor Putaansuu discussed future needs for the City such as the community center, pedestrian path, a nd infrastructu re projects. Minutes of May 28,20L9 Page 3 of 6 Mr. Weiss and councilmembers also discussed the status of the plastic bag ban and accessory dwelling units Bill that were presented at session. 6. PUBTIC HEARING There were no public hearings. 7, BUSINESS ITEMS A. Adoption of an Ordinance Confirming the Appointment of Matthew Brown to Chief of Police MOTION: By Councilmember Diener, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, to adopt an Ordinance to confirm Mayor Putaansuu's appointment of Matthew Brown to the position of Chief of Police, effective July 8, 2OL9. The motion carried. (Ordinance No.016-19f B. Adoption of an Ordinance Approving an Employment Agreement with Matthew Brown as the City's Chief of Police MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Rosapepe, adopt an ordinance approving the Chief of Police Employment Agreement with Matthew Brown, effective May 28, 2OL9; with the first day of employment being July 8, 2019 and authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement. The motion carried (Ordinance No.017-191 C. Adoption of an Ordinance Authorizing a Utility Manager and a Public Works Operations Manager MOTION: By Councilmember Lucarelli, seconded by Councilmember Diener, to adopt an Ordinance which adds two positions and eliminates one in the Public Works Department. This restructuring will enable the Public Works Department to better manage its resources and help to fulfill the department's mission of providing quality public works and facilities. The motion carried. (Ordinance No.018-19) Minutes of May 28,z0tg Page 4 of 6 D. Adoption of a Resolution Sponsoring Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization (PRTPO) Membership into the Associations of Washington Cities (AWCI Risk Management Service Agency (RMSAI MOTION: By Councilmember Ashby, seconded by Councilmember Cucciardi, to adopt a resolution sponsoring from the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization's membership into the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Risk Management Service Agency (RMSA). The motion carried. (Resolution No. 014-19) E. Approval of the May 14, 2OL9, City Council Meeting Minutes MOTION: By Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Lucarelli, to accept the May L4, The motion passed. Councilmember Diener abstained. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action to be Taken) A. Marina Pump Station Update Public Works Director Dorsey gave an update on the Marina Pump Station and the alternative options with multiple variations. Taking some time to work through a few more details and hone in on a preferred alternative. 9. REPORTS OF COUNCIT COMMITTEES Councilmember Clauson reported on the May 2l't Finance Committee meeting Councilmember Ashby reported the Economic Development and Tourism Committee is scheduled to meet June 10th. Councilmember Lucarelli reported the Utilities Committee is scheduled to meet June 17th. She reported the Sewer Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet August 14th at City Hall. She reported next meeting for Chimes and Lights Committee is August 14th. Councilmember Diener reported the next Land Use Committee meeting is scheduled for July L't Councilmember Rosapepe reported the next Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting is to be determined Minutes of May 28,20L9 Page 5 of 6 Mayor Putaansuu reported on Housing Kitsap 10. REPORT OF MAYOR The Mayor reported on the following: o Federal Transportation Grants for lighting and sidewalks for downtown and Salmonberry roundabout, but need to have designs completed to apply for grants; o June 14th Ribbon Cutting for Rockwell Park at [2:30] p.m.; o Attending AWC Annual Conference; o Will not be attending last council meeting in June; o Affordable Housing Committee requesting to adopt an emergency declaration; o Planning Commissioner Marcus Lane notified out of compliance and the City's next steps; and . Request for memorialized benches and parks and potentially working with nonprofits. 11. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS Public Works Director Dorsey reported on the past weekend's use of the new McCormick Woods Water Park and the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Segment #3. Final paving for Tremont Street Project now to be completed in June, instead of July, and road closure traffic impacts. T2. CITIZEN COMMENTS Patty Lemley, President of Givens Senior Center, came to request involvement by the City Council. lnformed of the growth the center is experiencing. Expressed thatthe centerwould liketo be open every day but would need a part-time position to answer phones and manage website. Mayor Putaansuu informed that the City is working towards a community center project, which could potentially include a dedicated area for Seniors. Encouraged the organization be engaged in the process for the community center project. Gerry Harmon stated that there is a disconnect on what is low income and the available HUD housing facilities. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION At7:4O p.m., Mayor Putaansuu recessed the meeting for a 10-minute executive session to discuss a potential litigation matter pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) and a L0-minute executive session to discuss a real estate matter RCW 42.30.110(1Xb) City Attorney Cates was invited to attend. Minutes of May 28,2Ot9 Page 6 of 6 At 8:00 p.m. Mayor Putaansuu reconvened council back into regular session 14. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. illl T g"P o Bran Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor