06/18/2019 - Work Study - MinutesCAIL TO ORDER AND ROLL CATT Mayor Robert Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Ashby Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Cucciardi Cou ncilmemberDiener Councilmember Lucarelli Councilmember Rosapepe Mayor Putaansuu Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff present: Community Development Director Bond, Code Enforcement Officer Price, City Attorney Cates, City Clerk Rinearson and Office Assistant ll Whisenant. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance 1. Human Services Update Doug Washburn discussed the role of Kitsap County Human Services Department and the services provided. Mr. Washburn provided data on the assistance and outreach programs within the city and cou nty. Councilmembers, Mayor, and Mr. Washburn discussed accessing the information for the planning department and other potential city needs. Council Direction: No direction was provided 2. Plastic Bag Reduction Mayor Putaansuu gave the background of discussions previously held and introduced presenters and audience representatives; Chris Piercy, Zero Waste Washington and the Northwest Grocers Association. fiffi} itfuff"l*lll"J'",,.,", or rune 18, zoLs Minutes of J une 18, 2019 Page 2 of 4 Mr. Piercy provided background regarding the legislative session to where the bill dropped and the changes proposed, with the focus being on the bag cost. Explained the county's current stance and efforts to move forward with approving the plastic bag reduction in the upcoming months. Also, discussed City of Bremerton's recent adoption. Holly, with Northwest Grocers Association, explained the retail side of the reduction, impacts, and the reasoning to request cost standardization. Mr. Piercy, Holly, Mayor, and Councilmembers discussed outreach, moving forward with adoption for the city, conversion costs, goal being waste reduction, environmental impacts, Bremerton food bank exemption, local retailer impacts, adoption date, and presenting the ordinance at the July 23 cou ncil meeting. Council Direction: Staff is to present the ordinance at the luly 23 council meeting. 3. Code Enforcement Code Revisions a POMC 20.39 and 20.58.140 - Regulations for Yard and Garage Sales Code Enforcement Officer Doug Price expressed concern over not having regulations for yard and garage sales. Surveyed other jurisdictions and explained the various remedies used to mediate the concerns for an appropriate proposed ordinance that has been presented to Land Use Committee and the Planning Commission. Mayor Putaansuu stated there are a few locations currently where there are complaints regarding ongoing sales that have turned into a year-round event. Code Enforcement Officer Price explained the code being proposed, limitations on hours and number of events, approved items/goods, noncommercial and commercial estate sales. Councilmembers discussed definition clarifications on the len8th of days per event, charitable auctions, public right of way use, nonresidential zones and commercial use, and definition of a jumble sa le. b. POMC 20.55 - Vehicle Repair Accessory to Residential Uses Code Enforcement Officer Price explained the most recent revised adoption was in 2017 but needs additional revision definitions and to include private roads. Stated that the proposed revisions had been presented at the Land Use Committee and Planning Commission. Minutes of June 18, 2019 Page 3 of 4 Mayor, Councilmembers, and staff discussed not creating nuisance and public disturbance, reformatting suggestions, level of work, and number of vehicles in repair. c. POMC Title 20 - Enforcement Provisions and Penalties Council Direction: Staff is to present all items at the June 25 council meeting. 4. POMC 10.08 Speed Limits - Resolution Update Community Development Director Bond provided a revised resolution, and discussed the reasons, proposed changes, locations and timelines for speed limit changes. Staff, Mayor and Councilmembers discussed clarifications on locations with proposed speed limit changes, children present locations, additional parking for McCormick Village Park, collaborating with county changes, change of other signs to be consistent within the city, and notifications/preca utions suggested when speed limit changes occur. Council Direction: Staff is to move forwarded with proposed changes. 5. Vision 2050 Update Community Development Director Bond provided a revised update to the presentation included in the packet from PlanPOL [Planning Policy Committee] and discussed the city's previous comments to PSRC under the draft environmental impact statement, expressing support for the transit focused growth alternative. Since then, PSRC [Puget Sound Regional Council] has completed their county by county growth forecast and identified that Kitsap County has not been meeting their groMh targets and PSRC is proposing to reduce the county's growth allocations. All cities and counties got to8ether and agreed to write a letter that will be discussed at the next regional meeting. There are concerns over changing Urban crowth Areas and buildable lands throughout Kitsap County. Councilmembers, Mayor, and staff discussed the signed letter, other Kitsap County jurisdictions perspectives on allocations, proposed changes, annexations, patterns ofdevelopment, joint planning agreement with the county, and discussions with other agencies in the area. Code Enforcement Officer Doug Price explained the various enforcement provision and penalties that were referenced throughout the Port Orchard Municipal Code and pulled them into the enforcement section making them consistent for Title 20. Mayor Putaansuu gave the background on modifying various speed limit signs within the city due to annexations and explained that codifying speed limit signs still needs to involve Police Chief and Pu b lic Works Department. Minutes of June 18, 2019 Page 4 of 4 Council Direction: No direction was provided 5. Naming of Rockwell Park and Sign Mayor Putaansuu gave background on naming locations after former elected officials, and consideration of naming future city properties. Councilmembers, Mayor, and staff discussed alternative options as memorializing or commemorating former elected officials at properties and leaving the names of parks associated with the geographical location. Also, discussed honoring city hall building turning 20 years old and honoring former Mayor Jay Weatherill. Council Direction: Continue with park names as being geographical location and explore cost for plaques to honor or commemorate former elected officials at city properties. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: Mayor Putaansuu gave updates on additional items needed and reaching out to area service clubs for donations of benches at Rockwell Park, Tremont Street Widening Project paving underway and celebration of construction completion to be August 2 at 1:00pm, current employment positions open, and update on securing funds for Tremont at PSRC. Councilmember Ashby gave appreciation to various outside elected officials for their involvement and support in assisting the city with the funding discussion at PSRC. Mayor Putaansuu extended donation request for a shadow box for retiring Police Chief Marti. lnformed Council there will be a ceremonial swearing in of incoming Police Chief Matt Brown with cake and refreshments at the July 9 council meeting. ADIOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful Rob SEAL Brandy City Cler ".-4*^*,$s ert Putaansu u, Mayor I -.---L}:rt