10/16/2018 - Work Study - MinutesC ty of Port Orchard Counci Meet ng M nutes Work Study Sess on Meeting of October 15, 2018 CAIL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Robert Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Councilmember Ashby Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Cucciardi Mayor Pro-Tem Diener Councilmember Lucarelli Cou ncilmember Rosapepe Mayor Putaansuu Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff present: Pubtic Works Director Dorsey, Finance Director Crocker, Community Development Director Bond, City Attorney Cates, and Office Assistant Whisenant were also present. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. !. Kitsap Economic Development Alliance Presentation Mayor putaansuu stated this item has been removed from the agenda and will be reschedule for a future council meeting by the end of the year. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 2. zOLg Legislative Agenda Briahna Murphy and Trevor Justin with Gordon Thomas Honeywell provided their expectations of the 20i,9 Legislative Session, discussed possible ideas for the City's 2OL9 Legislative agenda, outlined next steps for finalizing the legislative agenda to begin advocacy for the City. Expressed focus is on developing biennial Operating, Capital, and Transportation Budgets. Discussed policies and funding changes for mental health, increase housing options, and mandatory minimum densities where land use would have to readjust to accommodate transit stops. Minutes of October 16, 2018 Page 2 of 4 Potential Legislative priority agenda items were listed as: o McCormick Lift Station #2 o State lnvestments in State Routes (emphasis on Sedgwick and Route 16 Corridor Study) . Economic Development Tools . Condominium Liability o Foster Pilot Program Public Works Director Dorsey expressed the need for public effort by contacting Legislative Representatives to support the City to move forward on State lnvestments in State Routes. Discussed the McCleary impacts to property tax and funds going to local districts. Briahna suggested that once election is determined, meetings will be setup with each member of detegation. Extended invitation to the Counci! to attend AWC City Action Days in Febru ary 2OL9. Trevor provided an update on the August primary results. Briahna expressed a possible Democratic wave with voter turnout, as there are four other items on the November ballot; carbon tax, gun control, use of deadly force, and preemption of local control on imposing sales tax on local groceries. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 3. Preliminary Biennial Budget Presentation Finance Director Crocker explained the layout of the preliminary budget book is sectioned out as Department Operations, Debt Service, Capital Projects and Equipment Rental & Revolving Funds. And summarized the handouts key points that determined the budget as; highlights of the Mayor's budget, adjustments made, and list of identified mid-year review elements that were not funded in the budget. Mayor Putaansuu discussed his adjustments; recruitment needed for a new Police Chief, salary survey to be completed, Police Department requests an additional full-time employee (FTE) for evidence/counter staff, additional .5 employee for Public Works in park maintenance, and reorganization of front desk in Public Works which is creating a new position. Public Works Director Dorsey explained bridge management plan. Mayor explained some additional cost allocated to ADA sidewalk improvements, consultants, and stormwater repairs requiring purchase of equipment. Minutes of October 16, 2OL8 Page 3 of 4 Finance Director Crocker explained that with the new developments within the city there will be additional stafftime and training needed to properly operate and maintain. Also, went over the Fund Summary Table, which shows the impact of all funds and adjustments. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 4. Enterprise Fund Creation Presentation Finance Director Crocker gave the background on exploration of separating the water-sewer fund into multiple funds. Explained the objectives were to create transparency, financial sustainability, and capital planning. He said each enterprise fund would have its own operations, stabilization, capital constructions, and debt service funds. All funds will have the same structure throughout each summary. Next steps will be; adopt ordinance at next council meeting, adopt budget moving funds to new structure, and adopt budget with Enterprise Fund Expenditures in new fund structure. Counci! Direction: No direction was given to staff. 5. ER & R Transfer Presentation Finance Director Crocker explained the steps for the ER & R Transfer; adopted ordinance to create fund, adopted policies to manage the fund, and now proposing to bring forward a budget amendment to move the current cumulative Equipment Reserve to the ER & R Fund to manage fleet and replacement plan. Next steps will be; adopt budget amendments to move current cumulative Equipment Reserves to the ER & R Fund, adopt budget of rental payments, and adopt budget for capital purchases and vehicle replacements. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 6. Rockwell Pocket Park Final Design & Presentat on of VE Options Public Works Director Dorsey explained the abbreviated version of the Rockwell Pocket Park project with the conceptual, 9Oo/o and at the 100% design options with the value engineering effort. The request is to go to ad based on the goyo, although it would be beyond current budget, and then add site furnishings later. Council Direction: Staffwas directed to move forward with ad based on the 90% option. Minutes of October 16, 2OLB Page 4 of 4 OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: Mayor Putaansuu updated Council on the hindrance of rehanging the banner over Bay Street and said that once the sale of 640 Bay Street is completed there will no longer be an alternative location for display. Councilmember Diener asked to submit any outstanding questions regarding the proposed Plastic Bag Ban to either himself or Councilmember Ashby. Mayor stated the ban proposal will be brought to a Council meeting in December for discussion. Brief project updates were given on Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway and Tremont Street Widening. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjo at 7:58 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visua! was successful Bran v nearson, MMC, City CIerk Robert Puta nsuu, Mayor