04/18/2017 - Work Study - Minutesw I City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session Meeting of April 18, 2017 ali1 Imi CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Robert Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Cucciardi Councilmember Ashby Councilmember Lucarelli Councilmember Diener Councilmember Donlin Mayor Putaansuu Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Staff present: City Clerk Rinearson, Development Director Bond, City Attorney Cates, Code Enforcement Officer Price and Office Assistant II Whisenant were also present. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Update: Unfit/Dangerous Building Abatement Code Community Development Director Bond introduced staff presenter Code Enforcement Officer Price, but first explained the main need is for response on timing with consideration for adoption. Code Enforcement Officer Price discussed the issues of dangerous or unfit to occupy buildings in the City and the current abatement code, with considerations to updating the policy. Councilmember Diener asked if the valued amount is calculated under new construction estimates. Code Enforcement Officer Price cited that the criteria is based on the "Residential Cost Handbook," Marshall and Swift, latest available edition, or a cost estimating method or publication deemed comparable. Minutes of April 18, 2017 ___________Page 2 of 4 Discussion among Councilmembers, Mayor, and staff was had on staffs role, property owner's potential to correct building issues, appraisal details with the assessed property value, cost recovery, and timeframe for moving forward. Code Enforcement Officer Price explained the main difference of the proposed code would be optional enforcement measures, and asked if Council would want to review certain situations. Councilmembers, Mayor, and staff spoke on creation of a priority matrix, abatement delegation, and the abatement order. Council Direction: To move forward in June, by scheduling a Public Hearing at the first Council meeting and action to be taken at the last Council meeting. 2. Update: City Fire Codes 37:04 Deputy Fire Marshall Wiggins discussed the code changes presented to the Home Building Association and revisions were requested. The other key component discussed was the request for online reporting. Contractors and stakeholders were in favor of the online reporting, and it's efficiencies that it will bring. Mayor, Councilmembers, staff, and Deputy Fire Marshall Wiggins discussed a minor typo discrepancy and scheduling of a public hearing. Council Direction: Schedule a public hearing before the Unified Code, and then bring all together for Council action. 3. Discussion: Park Water Feature Concept Mayor presented the water feature options to the Park downtown. He reminded the Council of potential health concerns and necessary maintenance. Councilmembers expressed their thoughts on the cost, benefits, and possible sign options. Council Direction: Design to include a water feature and bring back to Council. 4. Discussion: Single Family and Duplex Residential and Fence Design Standards Development Director Bond presented the revised draft of director's edits, along with photos of potential design guidelines. Planning Commission hearing had two testimonies one in favor and one opposed. Addressed the specifications of remodel requirements versus new construction. Minutes of April 18, 2017 ___________Page 3 of 4 Councilmembers, Mayor, and staff spoke on multiple specifications of the guidelines and standards. Council Direction: To review and soften specifications, then staff to bring revised to May work study, and schedule a public hearing in June. 5. Discussion: Unified Development Code Community Development Director Bond presented changes to the permit process types, application procedures, and critical areas code. Explained the current status of applying revisions and the timeline for the remaining processes. Mayor and Councilmembers sought clarification on current revisions and made additional suggestions. Community Development Director Bond explained what has been documented in the matrix. Mayor, Councilmembers, and staff discussed the public hearing versus public meeting with the Planning Commission and engaging the public earlier to work throughout the process. Council Direction: Bring the revised final code to the last Council Meeting in June. 6. Discussion: Fathoms O' Fun Parade Mayor requested the Council brainstorm on what they'd like for their entry in the Fathoms O' Fun Grand Parade, being held on June 24th. Council requested a new Public Works vehicle to use, as they walk in the parade. Council Direction: Mayor is to get information on shirts, printed flags, and vehicle usage. 7. Discussion: Amending Special Event Ordinance City Clerk Rinearson presented potential amendments to the Special Event ordinance; defining City property, clarifying State Highway or City road closures, submitting application timeframes, property usage, and Council review requirements. Mayor, Councilmembers, and staff discussed the order in which applications are reviewed and State Highway closure requests. Council Direction: Staff is to amend the ordinance, create a resolution for the historically approved events, and then bring to the next Council Meeting for action. Minutes of April 18, 2017 ____________Page 4 of 4 8. Discussion: Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Code -R8-MWD Zone Community Development Director Bond presented the proposed revisions to the Zoning Code. Stated the difference, primarily relating to the building setbacks, and the intent to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Informed Council of discussions held at Planning Commission and public hearings that led to the framework of the proposed amendment. Council Direction: Staff is to move forward with proposed amendment and bring to next Council Meeting. 9. Discussion: Communications with the City's State Representatives Mayor expressed the need of showing appreciation on the successes in Olympia. Requested Council support to send letters to City's Representatives, to which Council agreed and a formal letter was provided for signatures. Councilmember Ashby gave credit to the lobbyist involvement and suggested more individual contact with Representatives. Councilmembers agreed with the need to express gratitude for all the hard work and support received from the Representatives of the City. Council Direction: Mayor to send letters. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. / -------—.. Brafidy Rinearson, CMC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor I • SEA T °: *m alj /