10/31/2016 - Special - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Special Meeting of October 31, 2016 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Pro-Tern Clauson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m . Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Councilmember Ashby Councilmember Chang Councilmember Cucciardi Councilmember Diener Councilmember Donlin Councilmember Lucarelli Mayor Pro-Tern Clauson Mayor Putaansuu Staff present: None for discussions items. 1. BUSINESS ITEMS Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Summarization has been captured in Finance Meeting Minutes for October 31 5 \ 2016, where Directors presented their Department Budgets throughout the day. Council discussed the City's ability to make a contribution for utility assistance to South Kitsap Helpline, our local food bank. 2. DISCUSSION: LODGING TAX RECOMMENDATIONS This item was discussed in two separate conversations between Director Budget presentations and at the end of the meeting. Councilmember Chang asked for any revisions or adjustments to be addressed and returned to the Committee so changes could be made within the 45 day deadline . Councilmember Ashby brought to Council's attention that during recent LTAC meetings there was dialogue on Visit Kitsap and discrepancies on committee members fully awarding their request. Minutes of October 31, 2016 Special Meeting Page 2 of 2 Mayor Putaansuu and Councilmembers spoke to; the recent changes of LTAC funding approval, clarifying how funding is awarded, discussed appropriation of funds, and proof of tfie actual draw of tourism . Funds were reallocated to: 2017 Lodging Tax Visit Kitsap Peninsula-Marketing Port Orchard Bay Street Association -Marketing & Events Sidney Museum and Arts Association-Marketing Fathoms O' Fun Festivals-Events/Operations & Marketing Chamber of Commerce-Tourism Marketing Services City-Wayfinding Signs Request $12,000 $17,100 $7,080 $24,000 $24,515 $20,000 Recommendation Changes $8,000 + $4,000 = $12,000 $17,100 -$2,000 = $15,100 $7,080 -$2,000 = $5,080 $18,000 + $4,000 = $22,000 $13,500 + $2,500 = $16,000 $2,500 -$2,500 = $0 Councilmembers revisited the breakdown of allocations of funds with the requested applications and discussed using reserved funds for Fathoms O' Fun 50th Anniversary, increasing their awarded amount an additional $4,000. Council Direction: Councilmember Chang to present revised amounts to LTAC. 3. DISCUSSION: HOLIDAY GOOD NEIGHBOR AWARDS Discussion was had on coordinating the annual Christmas Light Tour. Councilmember Chang suggested that neighborly picture submissions be an option, in addition to the tour. Date was set for December 19th at 6:00pm, and RSVP for the public to be handled by the City Clerk. Staff Direction: The City Clerk's Office will follow through on RSVPs to Kitsap Transit for bus size. 3. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:08 p.m. No other action was taken. Brandy Rinearson, CMC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor