12/27/2016 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of December 27, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Councilmember Ashby Absent Council member Chang Present Council member Cucciardi Present Councilmember Diener Present Councilmember Donlin Present Councilmember Lucarelli Present Mayor Pro-Tern Clauson Present Mayor Putaansuu Present Staff present: Public Works Director Dorsey, Police Commander Schuster, City Clerk Rinearson, and Deputy City Clerk Floyd were also present. A. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Councilmember Cucciardi, seconded by Councilmember Lucarelli, to excuse Councilmember Bek Ashby from tonight's meeting. The motion carried. MOTION: By Councilmember Diener, seconded by Councilmember Cucciardi, to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizen comments. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of December 27, 2016 Page 2 of 3 A. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 080-15 with Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office for the Bay Street Pedestrian Path-Mosquito Fleet Trail B. Excusal of Council member Ashby from Tonight's Meeting MOTION: By Councilmember Donlin, seconded by Councilmember Lucarelli, to approve the consent agenda as amended. The motion carried. 5. PRESENTATION There were no presentations. 6. PUBLIC HEARING There were no public hearings. 7. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Approval of Change Order No. 5 to Contract No. 010-16 with JMG Constructors, LLC for the Completion of the Regional Decant Facility Retrofit Project MOTION: By Councilmember Cucciardi, seconded by Councilmember Diener, to authorize the Mayor to Execute Change Order No. 5 with JMG Constructors, LLC in the amount of $35,213.95, with the required funding provided by the 2016 Storm Drainage Utility Fund. The motion carried. B. Approval of a Contract with Kitsap Community Resources for Community Service Worker Program MOTION: By Councilmember Lucarelli, seconded by Councilmember Diener, to authorize the Mayor to sign the professional services agreement with Kitsap Community Resources for a Community Service Worker program in an amount not to exceed $3,968.60 per month, commencing on January 1, 2017 and terminating December 31, 2018. The motion carried. (Contract No. 096-16} 8. REPORTS OF COUNC I L COMM ITTEES There were no reports of Council Committees. 9 . REPOR T OF MAYOR Mayor Putaansuu reported on the following: • Council retreat date is scheduled for March 24th; Minutes of December 27, 2016 Page 3 of 3 • Thanked Bobbie Stewart, past President of POBSA for her positive message for Port Orchard; • South Kitsap Rotary is selling bricks to help raise money for downtown projects; • Wife of John Powers passed away Christmas Eve and asked for Council support to send flowers from the City's Sunshine Fund; and • Read a couple letters he received from students after he attended a 4th grade class at Hidden Creek Elementary School. 10. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS There were no reports of Department heads. 11. CITIZENS COMMENTS T here were no citizen comments. 12. EXECUT IVE SESSION No Executive Session was held. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m. No other ac t ion was taken . Audio/Visual was successful. i ,'/ ~--. -. ~·~:~· _.J' Bran y ~yClerk