04/19/2016 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session Meeting of April 19, 2016 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Rob Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Councilmember Cucciardi Present Councilmember Chang Present Councilmember Donlin Present Mayor Pro-Tern Clauson Present Councilmember Lucarelli Absent Councilmember Diener Present Councilmember Ashby Present Mayor Putaansuu Present Staff present: Community Development Director Bond, Public Works Director Dorsey, City Attorney Springer, City Clerk Rinearson, and Office Assistant II Honeycutt, were also present. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Discussion: Update on McCormick Village Park Community Development Director Bond introduced consultant Charlie Scott, from Jones & Jones Architects, to discuss Phase 2 improvements design option and issues of cost. Mr. Scott presented a PowerPoint proposing design options alongside the suggested RCO Grant and discussing the overall site plan details, touching point on: 1. Picnic Shelters 2. Play Area 3. General Site Structures (Entry Plaza) 4. Trail Bridge (over Anderson Creek) 5. Trails 6. Landscape Improvements 7. Signs/Kiosk 8. Site Furnishings 9. Viewpoint 10. Fencing/Barriers 11. HabitatEnhancement 12. Utilities 13. Site Preparation Minutes of April 19, 2016 Page 2 of 5 Councilmembers and staff periodically addressed concerns throughout presentation on maintenance cost, security, longevity of structures/furnishings, utility involvement, and parking. Ending with the comparison of the estimated costs for design options between the RCO Grants at $618,000 (excluding permitting) to the proposed design options by Jones & Jones at $685,000, with notating that roughly $55,000 designated for play area alone. Additionally Mr. Scott presented, with backed research on existing parks within the region, items not specifically addressed in the RCO Grant: 14. Water Feature -Option 1, Spray-Play/Option 2, Stream-Play 15. Meadow Area Development -Option 1, Off-leash Dog-Park/Option 2, Outdoor Environmental Learning Lab 16. Outdoor Exercise Equipment Community Development Director Bond made note of the current overage of budget being at $67,000, and offered suggestions on how to make adjustments in proposed plan to makeup cost difference. He also explained that the RCO Grant does allow minor adjustments or major amendments that can be made with the state, and gave options. Public Works Director Dorsey explained scheduling, budgeting and estimating work through alternatives with recommendation to begin design. Councilmember Ashby questioned the ability of funding from other resources to offset the cost difference on the RCO Grant and proposed design plan options. Community Development Director Bond did address additional concerns on parking and segmented development to be discussed at the next Land Use Committee. And he noted that three years of park impact fees will bring in the revenue to cover additional cost improvements. Minutes of April 19, 2016 Page 3 of 5 The continuance of alternative ideas was discussed amongst Council, Staff and Mayor for segmented development and parking options. Research was asked to review the overall cost and possibilities associated with these alternative ideas. Council Direction: Mayor Putaansuu directed for the discussion to be continued at the next Land Use Committee Meeting and then revisited on next month's Work Study agenda. 2. Transportation A. Transportation Benefit District (TBD) Treasurer Martin introduced the discussion through acknowledgment of the Finance Committees involvement with the TBD. He also requested that Ordinance No. 027-15, be reviewed because of legislative changes to the governing of the TBD that has taken place. Also asked to learn what legal steps need to be taken to authorize and begin collection on vehicle fees, license and tabs. City Attorney Springer explained that once the TBD has been defined, acknowledging that city has already done so, and then it can be assumed back into the city, which gives the rights and responsibilities to the City so restriction on funds stays the same. The process is a requirement to adopt a resolution as a council to establish a Public Hearing date, then to hold hearing and thereafter pass ordinance to assume the TBD back into the City. Councilmembers and Mayor discussed whether to include the interest of the license tabs expansion to include the UGA. Treasurer Martin provided a report on the amount of cars in the City and what the revenue would be from that. In addition, City Attorney Springer suggested looking at the number of cars in designated UGA area to determine amount if the boundaries need to be broadened. Councilmember Donlin asked for clarification on other increasing options regarding the TBD to collect. Treasurer Martin clarified that those other revenue items for voter approval are; excess property tax, sales and use tax, vehicle license fee tax if over $20 and tolls. Those items that do not require voter approval are; vehicle license fee if under $20 and other various vehicle impact fees. Council and staff discuss the amount of the car tab increase and whether it should be to the vote of the people. Council Direction: Staff to gather information on the number of vehicles in the UGA. Staff to provide Ballot measure deadlines at next Council meeting. B. Grant Application Update Minutes of April 19, 2016 Page 4 of 5 Public Works Director Dorsey gave an update on the submission of grant applications through PSRC Regional and County, FHWA funding, and TIB. Application for WSDOT pedestrian bicycle safety program was not submitted due to timeframe and amount of funding offered. Council Direction: Councilmember Ashby invited council to attend meetings to support recommendation of funding. 3. Stormwater Vesting Mayor Putaansuu invited Norm Olson to the table, as he has multiple projects impacted with this discussion. Community Development Director Bond explained that vesting rights have changed and also issues with use of previously constructed stormwater ponds. Public Works Director Dorsey elaborated more specifically that the regional ponds built for a large area or built but development has not yet occurred, because design standards have changed. City Attorney Springer provided general information on how to vest through subdivision application, building permit application, or development agreement. She also explained that the current properties that are impacted will be handled on a case-by-case basis, review with the understanding that the city's involvement will be necessary, along with the potential need for a development agreement. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 4. Council Packet Process Mayor Putaansuu provided a short term solution to reduce staff time in collating Council packets. He said that paper packets will still be printed for the members that want them, but they would collate their own packets. In response to Councilmember Clauson, Treasurer Martin stated that he just received information back from Seitel. One of the top priorities is to fix the Wi-Fi for Council to have consistence access to packets on-line while in the Chambers. Minutes of April 19, 2016 Page 5 of 5 Council Direction: Staff will only print packets, to include 3-hole punch, with no collating for all future Council meetings. 5. 2017 City Lodging Tax Application(s} Mayor Putaansuu stated that Lodging Tax funds couldn't be used for the garland or wreaths for downtown. City Clerk Rinearson, alongside Councilmembers Chang and Cucciardi, explained other lodging tax recipients and how monies are dispersed and educated on how other cities have delegated funding to benefit projects (i.e. conference or arts center). All funds have to be processed through the Lodging Tax Committee. City Clerk Rinearson stated that she does reach out to the hotels and bed & breakfast to get an idea of their recording efforts on the booked guest and when they attend for events specifically. Also, suggested that the Councilmembers reach out to hoteliers and express that they become more involved in the process. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 6. Biennial Budget Treasurer Martin asked whether the Council is interested in staff working towards a biennial budget . Discussions on how it would be beneficial for the City as a whole. Also, how it has impacted other cities for the greater good. Council Direction: Treasurer Martin is to proceed to implement a biennial budget by providing, at an upcoming council meeting, a resolution to approve a biennial budget for 2017 -2018 and each subsequent biennium. \\111 1111 11,,, ,,,'\>ORT ol.111,, ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m. ,,,("\. <t:_ 0 • o $ o • 'lC,x'', ' 'v • P 0A • ' ,,'.::,._ "o"' A • • :.,,;, ,;._. ,1.. • ,,,..-r..<\, ~·-...•v "~.r ·:. 22J:,2: 'o •O ~· I =-SE--<AI ~: :: -;: • Cf) ~-_J O • -·-O)•---:O if> ':.0 'b. •.:' ,;;. ,,.>,.·. /' " • (.). -;.,,-?;.• ~ ~lv!B E-?. \; • ·r:::-:._, Robert Putaansuu, Mayor ;,. <"•o • ~,.,, ,, ( 0 • 0 0 •• d . \,--:,,' 1111 ,, F WAS \\\''' I / Ir I 11 11 l \ \ \ \