09/15/2015 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session Meeting of September 15, 2015 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Tim Matthes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Council member Cartwright Councilmember Chang Councilmember Childs Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Lucarelli Councilmember Putaansuu Mayor Pro-Tern Ashby Mayor Matthes Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff present: Public Works Director Dorsey, City Treasurer Martin, Development Director Bond, City Clerk Rinearson, Office Assistant Floyd, and City Attorney Morris, were also present. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Matthes led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. YMCA Feasibility Study Mayor Matthes introduced Annalee Todd, who attended a meeting with local stakeholders regarding the possibility of conducting a feasibility study for a YMCA in South Kitsap. Ms. Todd said it was an informal meeting which included people from the City, hospital, schools, YMCA, and local community members. A $25,000 feasibility study was discussed, which would gather the information needed for the location and facilities. Everyone in the meeting indicated their interest in the study. No site has yet been identified. Mayor Matthes said he and Commissioner Garrido have been meeting, and they have discussed community centers, which were not specific to a YMCA or a Boy and Girls Club. Commissioner Garrido indicated that the County could commit to $10,000, if the community center aspect could be incorporated into the study. Councilmember Clauson asked who is leading this. They are asking us for $5,000; who would we give that to? Minutes of September 15, 2015 Page 2 of 4 Ms. Todd said it is her understanding that this would be a collective agreement; grouped together, and the agreement would be with the Y, and their consultant. City Attorney Morris is concerned the $5,000 for the feasibility study would be a gift of public funds. Ms. Todd indicated the Council can take the time they need to make a decision. Council Direction: Council would like more details and scope of the feasibility study, and to better understand the County's conditional commitment. 2. Water-Sewer GAP Analysis Update Katy Isaksen with Katy Isaksen and Associates, stated they have been working on the GAP analysis, and were asked to come and present what adjustments they are recommending for the rate structures on water and sewer, and the types of adjustments. She provided the Council with Sewer Classes and Water Rates spreadsheets. She noted the City has 20 classes of customers, and each one of those classes has its definition, and there is also an assignment of ERU's (Equivalent Residential Units) to each of them. She explained the recommended water and sewer rate increases and grant, which would pay for the capital improvements that are outlined in the comp plan. She also mentioned 'pay as you go' billing. Council, staff, and Ms. Isaksen discussed water and sewer rates, capital projects, Well No. 10, and the City's contract with City of Bremerton. In addition, Public Works Director Dorsey stated the Utility Committee has been having discussions on how the Public Market is being billed for sewer. Draft language for an additional class of Bimonthly sewer rates for a Public Market was provided. Councilmember Putaansuu noted they were lumped in with grocery stores. Their research indicated this was not a fair comparison. Council Direction: Council directed staff to work on the ordinance and bring back to council; schedule 2 public hearings; and include a notice on the utility bills which would direct people to the city's website for more information. 3. Transportation Public Works Director Dorsey noted the Council has updated information on Tremont and maps, and introduced Victor Salemann, Transportation Solutions, Inc., (TSI) who provided a Transportation Impact Fee Update presentation which included: • Address City Council/stakeholder concerns • Further refine projects to be included • Utilized Travel Demand Model developed for the Comp Plan Update to calculate growth share • Revised Project List • Growth Share of Project Costs • 2015-2036 Traffic Increases • Revised TIF • McCormick Village TIF • Port Orchard TIF Comparison • Revised Tl F's for Typical Land Uses • Credits and Adjustments • ESB 5923 Minutes of September 15, 2015 Page 3 of 4 In addition, a revised Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study was discussed which included: • Impact Fee Rate Study Overview • Impact Fee Analysis • Additional Issues for Consideration • Impact Fee Rate Schedule • Future Impact Fee Updates • Transportation Impact Fee Comparison • Credits and Adjustments Council and staff continued the transportation discussion on trips, projects, rates and rate schedules, credits/adjustments, concurrency, and impact fees. Council also voiced their concerns with some of the projects. Council Direction: Council directed staff to advertise a public hearing for the second meeting in October. 4. Lodging Tax Committee Recommendation Update City Clerk Rinearson reported that the request for funding applications has been published, and are being accepted until September 28. The committee will have a week to review the applications, and in October, will meet with the applicants. They will then meet to deliberate their recommendations, which will be presented to Council at the October work study. Council Direction: No direction provided to staff. 5. McCormick Woods Park Phase 2 RFQ Development Director Bond reported the City was awarded a grant for Phase 2 of the McCormick Park project which will require an Architectural and Engineering professional services contract. The RCW requires specific selection criteria. There are two ways to comply with the advance publication requirements; to have an RFQ published in the Daily Journal of Commerce; or to go off of the MRSC Professional Services Roster and use our knowledge of the local firms, and chose one, or more to interview, based on the qualifications they provided. We would like to start the design work the beginning of the year, and have in next year's budget. One of the Councilmembers might want to volunteer to participate in reviewing the statements of qualifications using whichever method Council chooses, and then make a recommendation to the Council. This would be a staff committee with the one Councilmember. Councilmember Cartwright indicated he will participate in this process . Minutes of September 15, 2015 Page 4 of 4 Council Direction: Council directed staff to use the MSRC Professional Services Roster to select the most qualified firms to send RFQ's to. Also, staff was asked to reach out to Bainbridge Island, to find out which firm they used. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:27 p.m. ~~ ---Brandy Rinearson, CMC, City Clerk