11/17/2015 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session Meeting of November 17, 2015 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Pro-Tern Bek Ashby called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Councilmember Cartwright Councilmember Chang Councilmember Childs Council member Clauson Councilmember Lucarelli Councilmember Putaansuu Mayor Pro-Tern Ashby Mayor Matthes Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Absent Staff present: Public Works Director Dorsey, City Treasurer Martin, Development Director Bond, City Clerk Rinearson, Office Assistant Floyd, and City Attorney Morris were also present. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Pro-Tern Ashby led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Pro-Tern Ashby invited Councilmember Elect Shawn Cucciardi to join them at the table. 1. 2016 Budget City Treasurer Martin thanked his colleagues for their due diligence over the last several months to get the 2016 Budget together. He gave a brief history of meetings that have culminated into this budget. He provided 2016 cost drivers, which are some of the annual increases and onetime expenses that come along over the course of writing the Budget that we may not have a choice in paying. These include the jail bills, Cen-Com, and laptops for police vehicles. In addition, he provided information on the Mayor's Budget which include the Operating and Capital Budgets; Water Sewer; and Equipment Replacement. He noted this is the first year the Operating and Capital Budgets have been separated. Mayor Pro-Tern Ashby briefly discussed administrative counsel allowance for the Council and additional training for Council. Councilmember Clauson said the Finance Committee recommended funds for the Bethel Intersection Project and Pavement Management System. In addition, he spoke about funding for DeKalb Pier work; additional staffing for Community Development; KRCC increased dues; police vehicle and equipment reserve fund; City Hall structure review; upgrading 12 workstations; server closet upgrades; and website Minutes of November 17, 2015 Page 2 of 4 upgrade and design. Lastly, he discussed the street fund; equipment replacement; storm drainage fund; adjustments to fund balance; and REET funding. Council member Childs joined the meeting at 7:27 p.m. City Treasurer Martin spoke about the upcoming dates and deadlines for the 2016 Budget. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 2. Draft Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan UGA Alternatives Development Director Bond reported Kitsap County Community Development released an EIS on Friday, November 6, concerning a Comprehensive Plan update for 2016. They have proposed three alternatives. One alternative would be no change, and the other two alternatives would shift UGA (Urban Growth Area) boundaries and land use at a Countywide scale. Specifically as it relates to Port Orchard, it has the effect of reducing the Port Orchard Urban Growth boundary in several areas. Mr. Bond briefly discussed the 2010-2036 population allocations for the City of Port Orchard, noting we have to ensure that the City and County, for their comprehensive plans, has sufficient land use area, infrastructure and general capacity, to accommodate the growth that is coming to the County. In order for the County to expand in one area of the County, and if they don't have enough area for growth allocation, they would need to subtract from another area in the County. They have proposed some expansions in Silverdale, Kingston, and other parts in the County so it is balanced. He asked the Council if they were interested in providing a letter to the County stating the City's recommendation. Mayor Pro-Tern Ashby stated the proposal as it came out of the County, was allowing until December 7, for public comment. She feels that is onerous, and when we decide what our letter will say to the County, we should ask for an extension of time. Staff and Council should have more time to review this in depth. This should have been brought to our attention earlier. She also suggests that if Council feels they need a meeting with the County, we should move forward with that request. Council and staff continued to discuss the three alternatives, zoning, land use, and time frames. · Council Direction: Council directed staff to prepare a letter to the County asking for additional time of 60 days, and if additional time is not granted, the City would like alternative number one. 3. Public Art "Victory" -Final Location Request Public Works Director Dorsey reported in 2013, the City received a donation from Karsten Boysen for a piece of art. Mr. Boysen has been storing it, and now that we have some locations available, he would like to install his art, titled 'Victory', aka 'Nike'. The three different locations are located on the new Bay Street Pedestrian Path Segment #4. Mayor Pro-Tern Ashby said it was vetted through Public Property, and they recommended the art be placed at location number one, which is behind the Bay Ford building. Minutes of November 17, 2015 Page 3 of 4 Councilmember Putaansuu noted if the art was placed in that location, it would block the view. Several Councilmembers noted they liked location number three, which is located near the West Bay Center Building and the Hi-Tide Tavern. Council Direction: Council directed staff to have the art piece placed in location number three. 4. Discussion: Special Meeting Regarding Subdivision and Permit Processing Ordinances Development Director Bond reported the Council was thinking of having a special meeting on December 1, to talk to the stakeholders. The way the Planning Commission schedule is working out, they will hold a Public Hearing on the 14th, and he felt it would be best to have that process happen first, to allow the Planning Commission to provided the Council their recommendations. Then the Council can discuss and determine if they approve of the planning commission recommendation or if they want to have further processes. Council member Putaansuu thanked City Attorney Morris for providing a red-line version of the ordinances. He said the thought process was now that the red-line version is available to developers, they could make their comments to staff ahead of the Planning Commission meeting, and then discussion could potentially go to the January Council Work Study. Mayor Pro-Tern Ashby also thanked City Attorney Morris for her time and effort into providing the red-line ordinances. Development Director Bond noted the red-line ordinances have been provided to various stakeholders and have asked the stakeholders provide their written comments well before the Planning Commission meeting, so they can be addressed or make minor changes to the documents. Council Direction: Council directed staff to cancel the December 1, special meeting; continue with holding a Public Hearing at the Planning Commission meeting; and bring back to Council in January to review the Planning Commissions recommendation. 5. Transportation Development Director Bond stated City Attorney Morris has provided the ordinance creating the Transportation Benefit District (TBD). We do need to schedule a Public Hearing, and it will not be able to get into the paper until next Friday, which means the earliest we could have a vote is December 8. He said if Council is ready to consider this proposed ordinance, it would create the district; it does not enact any fees or anything else. Mayor Pro-Tern Ashby clarified, once we adopt the TBD, we can amend our boundaries if we choose to work collaboratively with the County. Councilmember Putaansuu recommends creating an ad-hoc committee with County and City staff to figure out if we should add the County to this, and bring back a recommendation to a work study. Councilmembers Clauson, Putaansuu, and Ashby could potentially be committee members. Minutes of November 17, 2015 Page 4 of 4 Councilmember Clauson would like to do a little homework before meeting with the County. We should determine why the County would be interested and what would it benefit them. Then we could sit down as a committee and share our thoughts with the Council, before sharing with the County. Councilmember Putaansuu said it is important to get our Comprehensive Plan done; because we know a component of our long range planning funding options are federal funding. If we don't have a Comp Plan, we are not eligible for that funding . Councilmember Clauson urged the Council to think about a committee next year that would concentrate on transportation, streets and alleys . Also, he has had conversations with people at Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) about what options we have may have to improve the competiveness of the Tremont Project . He has tentatively arranged a meeting with some key players at PSRC. Then the TBD Committee members and Public Works Director Dorsey could meet with PSRC. They would sit down and specifically talk options about Tremont . Mayor Pro-Tern Ashby said the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council's (KRCC) representation at PSRC changes every two years. 2016 is when new representatives from KRCC will be appointment to various PSRC committees. You don't have to sit on KRCC to be a representative at PSRC. She has served as the alternate on the Transportation Policy Board Committee for the past several years, but she has moved into the Kitsap Other Cities representative, which leaves an alternate available . Councilmember Chang has served as the alternate on the Growth Management committee, but is having some difficulties attending the meetings. She urges Councilmembers to consider if they want to represent Kitsap Other Cities at PSRC. Development Director Bond said in regards to traffic impact fees, we don 't want to blindside anyone at the first of the year, so anyone who has submitted for a permit that is waiting to be picked up, or anyone who is coming in to the counter and dropping off, we are letting them know this takes effect January 1. He also briefly discussed the fees collected under the concurrency ordinance and traffic review . Council Direction: Council directed staff to move forward and notice the TBD Public Hearing in next Friday's paper. ADJOURNMENT --......