07/18/2005 - Special - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2005 Continued from July 11,. 2005 At 6:30 PM, Mayor Abel reconvened the continued City Council Meeting of July 11, 2005 into a work study session with the Port Orchard Planning Commission. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and review the South Kitsap Sub Area Urban Growth Planning Expansion work that was completed by the Citizens Advisory Group and to provide input to develop additional alternatives for the process. Those in attendance were as follows: Kim E Abel, Mayor Port Orchard Councilmembers: Todd Cramer Robert Geiger Rita Dilenno Carolyn Powers Ron Rider Port Orchard Planning Commission: Gil Michael Tadina Crouch Tim Drury Kim Ruona Fred Chang Annette Stewart ALSO PRESENT: Joanne Long -Woods, Planning Director; Glynis Casey, Associate Planner; Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk; James Weaver, Kitsap County Department of Community Development; Scott Diener, Kitsap County, Department of Community Development; Cindy Baker, Kitsap County Director of Department of Community Development and interested individuals. James Weaver and Joanne Long -Woods, presented a brief background on how the maps and worksheets regarding the Port Orchard/South Kitsap Sub -Area Plan were developed by the Citizens Advisory Group. See attached maps and worksheet. Mayor Abel asked each Councilmember and Planning Commission member to make a comment and/or recommendation on the maps. After receiving comments and recommendations from those present, the majority of members from the Council and Planning Commission requested the SW Berry Lake area be included in the alternative maps for further study. In conclusion, James Weaver and Joanne tong -Woods, discussed the final process time line. Mr. Weaver indicated the four alternatives need to be defined by July 27, 2005 before the Determination of Significance can be issued and the Scoping Open House can be advertised for its planned August 17t" date from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Port Orchard City Hall. At 7:40 p.m. Mayor Abel adjourned the meeting. Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk Kim E. Abel, Mayor Citizen Advisory Group Recommended Analysis Area Workelheet From .tune otOU5 Citizen Atdvisa i3rta�t Meetin pprox ma e [Area Proposed Approximate Population Zoning Approximate =Developable Dwelling Unit Capacity No Area Descri Lion Designation Total AcreageCapacity" (at 2.6 pph) Area 1 North of Old Clifton Road Industrial 43.64 18.03 n/a n/a Highway Sydney Commercial Tourist Area 2 Corridor Commercial 174.34 69.53 n/a n/a Highway South Sedgwick Tourist Area 3 Commercial Corridor Commercial 61.36 20.86 n/a n1a Glenwood Road Residential Area 4 Residential north Urban Low 143.39 74.83 374 935 Glenwood Road Residential Area 6 Residential south urban Low 101.63 51.75 251 627 South Sedgwlck / Geiger Residential Area 6 Road Residential urban Low 88.80 37.51 180 449 South Bethel Road / East Sedgwick Road. Highway Commercial Corridor Tourist Area 7 Extension Commercial 306.75 136.85 n/a ilia South Bethel Road I. Highway Highway 16 Commercial Tourist Area 8 Corridor Extension Commercial 48.62 13.62 n/a n/a Phillips / Bielmeler Road Residential Area 9 Residential Urban Low 1002.32 297.54 1330 3324 South of Blelmeler Road Residential Area 10I Resideritfal Urban Low 318.11 106.04 452 1131 Highway Mile Hill Drive Tourist Area 11 Commercial Corridor Commercial 98.59 42.19 nla nla Bay poll Road / Beach esidentia I.Area 12 Drive Residential Urban Low 754.81 239.63 j 1088 2720 TOTAL RECOMMENDED AREAS 3142.26 1109.38 36?5 9186 Total Recommended Residential Area 2409.06 807.30 3675.00 9186.00 Total Recommended Commercial Area 628.30 262.19 n/a n/a Total Recommended Industrial Area 43.54 19.03 n/a We Approximate values based on Preliminary GRAFT Urban Land Capacity Analysis dated 06-06-05 ""' Based upon Minimum zoning per applicable zoning designation This worksheet is an attempt to document and analyze areas of agreement and recommendation for expansion of the Port Orchard / South Kitsap Urban Growth Area. The worksheet is a result of analysis of the mapping exercises conducted by the Citizen Advisory Group on 04/27/2006, 0511812005, and 0610912005. Created 7-6-05 6yy Lang Range Planning fnr Port QrchardlSc�ath Kltsap Sub -Area Plan GADOD1t7ATA1LR GM \SUB AREA PLANSTO-SK SUBAREA PLAN 2004NOAG Recommended Area Aneysls-060006-pdf DRAFT -South Kitsap 1 Port Orchard Stab -Area Plan Populationmorksheet 200 Population wt ew Population Total in 2025 nnua ro Rate * Port Orchard City 7,693 3af00 11,293 1.55% * Port Orchard UGA 11,5703i'6 14,945 1.03% �* Port Orchard Expansion Study All''rhefaF 61�,33/�4�yp 6,334 j {�0 * S Kitsap UGA (ULID 6/McCormick) 1,241 8024 . 9,265 8.37% * Based on City and/or County Cornprehenslve or Sub -area planning ** Population allocation to be provided further analysis and incorporated into Sub -area planning process. The above table is from the RAT1F1ED Kitsap County's County -wide Planning Policies, Appendix B City of Port Orchard Part Orchard Existing UGA Port urchara Expansion Study Area South Kitsap UGA (ULID 6) Totals Proposed New Population* 3,600 3,375 6,334 ".'> NIA 8,Q24 ** 13,309 Average Household size for South Kitsap 2.5 2.5 2.5 NIA Proposed New Dwelling Units (Households)' 1,440 1,350 2,534 NIA** 5,324 * Per 2004 Kitsap County -wide Planning Policies and Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council allocations '*ULID#6 Total Population of 10,40Q and Total Households of 4,172 set per 20fl3 Sub -Area Plan Approval _ I — _F—.____.__.._.__T— _ -- -- - UPDATED LAND CAPACITY* y o a Orchard o rc arCombthe Existing UGA Both Totals Totals Vacant Net Acres 190.54 96.86 287.40 Net Beres Underutilized Net Acres 62.62 109.02 171.64 459.04 Vacant Dwelling Unit Capacity 1,161 450 1,611 DwA.11ing units' Underutilized Dwelling Unit Ca aCity 256 393 649 2,260 Vacant Population Capacity 2,636 1,106 3,742 Po "ulat+an "� Underutilized Population Capacity 635 983 1,618 5360 * Approved Methodology per 4-25-05 Board Of County Commissioners Decision Population I Capacity Summary Updated Land Capacity Totals Reasonable Measures Application Total Growth to Accommodate Growth NOT Accommodated by Existing City, UGA, or Reasonable Measures Total Net Available Acres 459 TBD** 1330.9 765.9 Ares to ,'. Accommodate* Total Dwelling Unit Capacity 2,260 TPD** 5,324 3,o64 1�YJe�lln�5't4 Accommodate Total Population Capacity 5,360 TBD** 13,309 n. 75949.: Population to Accornrxtoc4ate * Calculated at 4 units per acre, further utilization of higher density will be analyzed through Sub Area Plan. ** To Be Determined Reasonable Measures to be further anal zed and applied to calculations. Created by Kitsap County Long Range Planning for South Kitsap Citizen Adv'ssiory Group G:IDCD/DATA/LR GMAlSub Area Plans/SK-PO/Capacity AnaiaysWFinal/Population ULCA SK Worksheet May 18, 2005 s�c� w kwa¢�t Ari nal Typo ..TV +v t V d C 3 z g€ } B«:et3a !Cit�ap lrsi�xsfrin}vark $ r �� N - PORT ORCHARD ! W Ski. .. SOUTH KITSAP � z,�� ��, r SUB AREA PLAN;x STUDY AREALel BOUNDARY z PROPOSED SW aka H9 n wxf� a m, Sc La@e5�exa a � COMMERCIAL � °• :� caRRlaaRs � � ^' -.5 i � p g V PROPOSEi]rx., - can�nRc1AL Y _ SE to=taa atl cx.-3 CENTERS ! 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Part Or hardlSouth #Cheap Sub -Area Plan Citizen Advisory Group Recommended Land Use Alternative Map Area 5 rr J_... L._ i --F,77r7—.1.- J Urban Growth Area Joint Planning Area Area Boundary Tax Parcels yfns Proposad Pads Araa Area 1 lridustdal Area 2 Business ParkrHMRegional Area 3 Business ParkiHTClRegional Area 4 Residential Urban Low Area 5 Resitlantial Urban Low Area 6 Residential Urban Low Area 7 Highway TOW51 Commerda€ Area 9 Resitlantial Urban Low Area 10 Residential Urban Low Area 11 Neighbo hood Cammeroial Area 12 Residential Urban Low € j{ Residential Urban Resr6cmd ®� Pass�hie UGA Bonndary Feet 0 2300 4,800 9,20U _ ..� 13,800 18,4G . i.,v u � i k 14e, h dad k � 1 T.��- All v ID t v nu e Y 420n',,C,CJ q, y s � ! k Ili A a F r FAa31"uasa3v r l � I SI---� �1 E�: 3,€ $ _3 fix, xa r� t ri it N f . I35 T r✓i� qy P ^ 6 F AJ •~ � ' z... 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