10/03/2005 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 2005 The Port Orchard City Council and the Port Orchard Planning Commission met to discuss the “Critical Areas Ordinance.” Those in attendance were as follows: Port Orchard Council and Mayor Port Orchard Planning Commission Kim Abel, Mayor Gil Michael, Chair Rita DiIenno, Councilmember Fred Chang, Commissioner John Clauson, Councilmember Robert Putaansuu, Commissioner Robert Geiger, Councilmember Gil Michael, Chairman Carolyn Powers, Councilmember Timothy Drury, Commissioner Rick Wyatt, Councilmember City Staff Other Attendees Joanne Long-Woods, Planning Director Karl Duff Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk Mike Gustavson Richard A. Brown Art Castle Ron Rice Tim Mathes Planning Commission Chair, Gil Michael, led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Abel called the Study Session meeting to order and asked Planning Director Joanne Long-Woods to start the discussion regarding the Critical Areas Ordinance. Planning Director Long-Woods started the discussion with the draft of the proposed Critical Areas Ordinance and advised this draft includes proposed Kitsap County changes. Planning Director Long-Woods advised the three most crucial areas, which need to be addressed are: • Geological Hazard Areas • Updating the FEMA Flood Plain Maps • Aquifer Recharge Areas. Councilmember DiIenno and Councilmember Powers asked Planning Director Long-Woods what are the minimum changes needed to bring this ordinance into compliance. • Stream typing with buffers • Wetlands with buffers • Steep slopes • Flood plains • Aquifer Recharge areas Study Session of October 3, 2005 Page 2 of 2 Councilmember Wyatt asked Mayor Abel to let the audience express their opinions concerning the Critical Areas Ordinance. Mayor Abel cautioned the Council, advising them that, this Study Session was not advertised as a Public Hearing, and under normal circumstances audience comments would not be heard. However since Council has asked for their comments, she would abide by their request. Those in attendance were allowed to address the Council and Planning Commission and expressed their opinions and concerns. At this time, the Council and Planning Commission members asked Planning Director Long- Woods to prepare a draft ordinance, with only minimal changes, such as: • Clarification of definitions • Update Steep slopes • Update Habitat Management Plan • Update Aquifer Recharge areas • Make clerical typo corrections • Note that each land use issue will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The Council and Planning Commission also requested Joanne Long-Woods to prepare a time line for compliance and prepare the draft ordinance with blue highlights, to differentiate between the County’s draft ordinance and the City’s draft changes. At 8:05 pm, Mayor Abel excused the Planning Commission members and Planning Director Long-Woods from this meeting and called for a 5-minute recess. At 8:10 Mayor Abel called the City Council members back into Study Session to discuss legislative request to the Capital Budget. Mayor Abel presented a list of potential projects for legislative capital financing requests and asked each Councilmember to suggest additions and to present her with their top four choices. Attached are the proposed potential projects. After discussion the Mayor stated that the choices would be tabulated and presented as a discussion item at the October 10, 2005 Council meeting. Mayor Abel thanked the Council for their choices. Study Session adjourned at 8:50 pm