11/30/2005 - Work Study - MinutesPRESENT: Kim Abel/ Mayor/ COUNCILMEMBERS: John Clauson Robert Geiger/ Mayor Protem Carolyn Powers Rick Wyatt City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Budget Study Session November 30, 2005 ALSO PRESENT: Treasurer Tompkins/ City Clerk Etgen 1 Police Chief Townsend/ Public Works Director Abed 1 and Planning Director Long-Woods. The Mayor called the Budget Study Session to order at 7:33 p.m. Council Member Clauson reported on the Finance Committee's budget recommendations as listed on a document prepared by the Treasurer and attached to these minutes. Changes in revenues were addressed/ along with proposed additional expenditure items. Total additional revenues for Current Expense and Streets are projected at $322 1 580.00. Proposed additional expenditures for Current Expense and Streets come to $95 1 000 1 with $227 1 580 in property tax banked capacity. An increase to the cash carryover was made in the amount of $5 1 000 to allow for janitorial services for the Active Club. Council also requested $2 1 500 be allocated out of hotel/motel funding for restroom maintenance in 2006. $2 1 500 had been budgeted and not used in 2005 for this purpose and the funds are therefore available for allocation in 2006. Staff will prepare an action item for the next Council meeting. After discussion about the merits of individual items on the list of ideas for use of the banked capacity in property tax of $227 1 580 1 three items were agreed upon. The underground placement of utilities downtown engineer study will be approximately $30 1 000. Public Works Director Abed will verify the amount needed for the draft budget. Remaining dollars will be placed into a Designated Fund Balance for Street Paving/LID Assistance Program. Requests for use of the LID Assistance Program funds must be made by the end of April of 20061 otherwise the remaining funding will go towards street paving projects. Council Member Clauson noted that the Finance Committee had authorized the Commander position for the Chief based on his ability to fund the position within his budget. ADJOURNMENT At 9:57p.m. Mayor Abel adjourned the meeting. Kim E. Abel 1 Mayor BUDGET ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AT COUNCIL STUDY SESSION November 30, 2005 EXPENDITURE CHANGES: CURRENT EXPENSE Upgrade Financial Suite Software City Clerk Temporary Help Salaries -Increase Parking Enforcement Benefits -Increase Parking Enforcement Police Range Design 225 HP Outboard Motor Transfer to 303 Detective Hybrid Vehicle 1/2 to buy in 2007 Transfer to 303 Patrol Vehicle (3rd) 1/3 to buy in 2008 Planning Map Cabinet Planning Rain gear & safety vests Planning Temporary Help Re-cable Council Podium Vault Shelves for Finance Proper venting in server room Bay Street Trash Cans City Hall Repair Reserve CE EXPENDITURES STREET Replace Bay St. Handrail Embedded Crosswalk Lights STREET EXPENDITURES CE & STREET EXPENDITURES FUND 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001/101 7,000.00 4,217.00 9,689.00 1,744.00 (32,000.00) 21,500.00 18,000.00 12,000.00 400.00 250.00 20,000.00 200.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 (1 0,000.00) 28,000.00 $77,000.00 $18,000.00 $95,000.00 REVENUE CHANGES: Property Tax 001 227,580.00 Leasehold Excise Taxes 001 4,000.00 Parking Fines (Increase from $10.00 to $20.00) 001 30,000.00 Adult Probation Svs Charge 001 8,000.00 Traffic Infraction Penalties 001 18,000.00 Operating Transfers In -Financial Software 001 7,000.00 Operating Transfers In -Police Range Design 001 (32,000.00) Beginning Cash Balance 001 60,000.00 CE & STREET REVENUE 001/101 $322,580.00 OVER/SHORT REVENUE 001/1 01 $227,580.00 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FOR MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Operating Transfers Out -Police Range Design 302 (32,000.00) Est Ending Fund Balance 302 32,000.00 $0.00 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FOR EQUIPMENT REPLACE Operating Transfers Out -Upgrade Finance Suite Software 303 7,000.00 Est Ending Fund Balance 303 (7,000.00) $0.00 WATER-SEWER UTILITIES Applied Digital Mapping System 401 12,600.00 Maintenance for Mapping System 401 1,760.00 Sewer Comp Plan Update 401 (1 00,000.00) Additional for pyament of operations for the WWTF 401 129,640.00 Ending Fund Balance 401 (44,000.00) TOTAL 401 $0.00 001.311.1 0 ~~ ~ 2006 Allocations to use: Property Tax-Banked Capacity IDEAS: Underground Utilities Downtown Street Paving Program Enhance Sidewalk Replacement Program Economic Development Community Center Local Improvement District Assistance Neighborhoods that are experiencing infill development Park Acquisition/upgrade after Comprehensive Parks Plan Update, that includes input from citizens Develop Mitchell Point Park after the road is changed & paved Half to Planning to increase by one FTE Half to contract grant writer to find new sources of capital revenue for parks & roads 1t!BtJ/o5 227,580