05/23/2005 - Regular - MinutesPRESENT: KIM E. ABEL, MAYOR COUNCILMEMBERS: John Clauson Todd Cramer City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of May 23, 2005 Robert Geiger, Mayor Protem Rita Diienno Carolyn Powers Ron Rider Rick Wyatt ALSO PRESENT: Treasurer Tompkins, Public Works Director Abed, Planning Director Long-Woods, City Clerk Etgen, Police Chief Townsend, and City Attorney Combs. 6:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Ty Moore led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF AGENDA No changes were made to the agenda. AUDIENCE COMMENTS FOR ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA Patrick Lucas, citizen, stated he felt there had not been enough detail in previous minutes regarding his expression of safety violations about the legal width and turnaround on his street for emergency vehicles, and read his previous comments to Council. Mr. Lucas provided as written documentation: page 39 and 40 from the 2003 International Fire Code; a page beginning with Section 503.2.4 of the 2003 International Fire Code -City of Port Orchard Amendments; and page five of a Kitsap County Fire Prevention Bureau manual. Public Works Director Abed will discuss the issue with Mr. Lucas and bring the matter to the Street Committee if necessary. Fred Olin, citizen, thanked Council for their decision to correspond with the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife about the decision to remove the parrots from the cell tower. He updated Council on his efforts to allow the birds to live freely. PUBLIC HEARING -Sewer Rate Increase Mayor Abel opened the public hearing at 6:40 p.m. Public Works Director Abed reported the following assumptions were being used by staff in making the sewer rate increase proposal: • The figures are based on a $9.00 per month increase; Minutes of May 23, 2005 Page 2 of 11 • The Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) is one per single family residence; • There is a 100 ERU increase per year with 25 percent in McCormick Woods, outside the City limits; • If Council acts on the rate increase tonight, there will only be six months worth of revenue collected; • A three (3) percent growth rate factor is used for the following years' data. Mr. Abed reported on a projected three years' worth of data, stating he had seven years forecasting if anyone in the public wished to review it. The following table was presented as a graphic: Mr. Abed stated operating expenses or payments to the plant in 2005 for treatment of effluent were over $939,000. By 2007 operating expenses are expected to be over $996,000. All other expenditures other than the operations and maintenance such as the collection of effluent and lift stations along with some plant costs for labor and equipment are made by payment from the City's sewer operating fund. Currently in 2005 those expenditures are expected to be $752,986 and escalate to $878,348 in 2007. Mr. Abed noted that revenues generated by the existing rate structure will be $1.45 million dollars to $1.5 million dollars with a shortfall in 2005 of over $241,000. In 2007 the deficit would be up to $336,000. He stressed State law does not allow the City to run a deficit budget in any fund -each fund must have the revenues to cover expenditures. Mr. Abed stated the proposed increase of $9 per month for sewer rates would only raise $249,000, leaving less than $7,000 at the end of the year. 2006 would bring in a little over $510,000 over expenditures, and 2007 would bring in a little over $522,396 over expenditures. Mr. Abed reported there are always unforeseen emergency expenditures that cannot be predicted, and the assumption of adding 100 ERU's each year is conservative, but still may not pan out. It is important, Mr. Abed said, to be conservative and ensure there is money in the fund to deal with emergencies and unforeseen situations in case the predicted additional ERU's do not pan out. Mr. Abed reported the increase for City residents would mean a $9 per month, or $18 bimonthly change in sewer bills of $54 to $72. Residents outside the City limits who currently pay $81 would see an increase of $27 for two months (with a multiplier of 1.5) for a new rate of $108 for two months. Minutes of May 23, 2005 Page 3 of 11 Mr. Abed presented a graph showing the City's proposed rates compared to other jurisdictions based on an Association of Cities (AWC) rate study performed recently. He reported the low average is roughly $32 to $34 dollars per month inside the City, and roughly $45 outside the City. Mr. Abed noted that the City's new monthly rate would be approximately $36 in the City and $54 outside the City. Some cities, Mr. Abed reported, have high rates of $65 per month inside the City and $80 per month outside the City. He noted the City of Port Orchard is above the average in the rate increase, but below the high, and acceptable compared to other cities. Mr. Abed stated the sewer connection fee increase proposal was based on the City's total asset value in the plant of a calculated $13.5 million dollars. The total number of City ERU's is currently 4,350. If the assets are divided by the ERU's, each contribution for the system amounts to $3,103. The next component, Mr. Abed reported, is the plant itself -the total original plant costs plus upgrades. The second phase of the treatment plant expansion will provide advanced treatment allowing the City to be in compliance with the Department of Ecology's requirements for effluent. The actual original plant cost was $10.7 million dollars, and the upgrade is expected to be $19 million dollars for a total of $29.7 million dollars. Mr. Abed reported he has a breakdown available for public review if requested. Mr. Abed noted that the City and Karcher Creek Sewer District's total ERU's are 9,195. The total plant costs, including upgrades, divided by the 9,195 ERU's comes to $3,230. Added to the $3,103, the maximum connection fee that could be charged is $6,333. To offset costs, based on staff and committee evaluations, the recommendation is for a $6,000 General Facility Charge, or sewer connection fee. The connection fee comparison with other jurisdictions shows that the City of Bremerton charges $7,666 per ERU for a General Facilities Charge. Karcher Creek Sewer District charges roughly $5,222, and Kingston charges $6,500 per ERU, which is not far from the proposed fee. The General Facilities Charge would be collected at the same time the homeowner obtains the Building Permit for new construction. If an existing project were not already connected, it would be paid prior to the time it is connected to the sewer. Mr. Abed reported a public meeting regarding the proposed sewer rate increases had been held on May 11, 2005. If this public hearing results in the approval of the rate increases by Council, it is anticipated the new rates would take effect on July 1, 2005. In summary, Mr. Abed stated he understood this was a hefty increase and that some people have concerns about the increase, but the bottom line is the City has to balance the expenditures with the appropriate revenues, and not run a deficit budget. The Mayor invited public testimony at this time. Minutes of May 23, 2005 Page 4 of 11 Patrick Lucas, Port Orchard resident, stated he was interested in the fact that it appears McCormick Woods residents are part of the system because essentially each home had its own septic system and the community drain field failed, so the City took on the responsibility. He noted all septic tanks are pumped on a five-year rotation, which increased the City's personnel and utility service expenses. Mr. Lucas asked why City residents have to accept the responsibility. He stated if the individuals who bought the homes did not check out the situation ahead of time that City residents should not have to take it on. Mr. Lucas added that he felt Council was in the position of asking citizens to once again take on responsibilities from mistakes made in the past and wondered about the decisions Council made originally to "stick" residents with this increase in costs. He noted Council Member Clauson had talked of the increase in operation costs due to expansion and the sewer mains being "maxed out" and that this increase would help future funding for growth and asked why this was not considered and again asked how citizens are now stuck with the increase. Ron Rice asked why two figures for the original costs and the current value of the plant were added together to come to the $3000 connection fee. He stated he has lived in the Port Orchard area for 30 to 40 years and has commuted across the Sound and that the water today is clearer than in times when there was no treatment. Mr. Rice stated he is in favor of good treatment for sewage but that he has a problem with the way the fees are administered. He said he has a small business on Sedgewick and Sidney for an espresso and pizza stand and truck rental, and after hooking up to sewer noted the ways the bimonthly figures are computed. Mr. Rice reported he put a metering system on the water and all the water that comes through the meter goes into the sewer and after reviewing the figures he found the total water used, with some hoses on the ground but assuming it all went into the sewer that the business uses 2.5 ERU's. His bimonthly bill should be $130 to $135 a month, and he has been paying $284 for two months instead. The espresso stand is considered one ERU and Seabeck Pizza has eight chairs inside and four outside and is considered three ERU's like a total service restaurant. Because the restroom inside the barn is closed and they didn't want people walking through the storage, there is a separate restroom and sink in a building and is charged a total of over 5 ERU's. A third increase of 33% would be $370 every two months instead of $284 for two small businesses. Mr. Rice stated the trucking business is manned by family members who never use the public restroom and there is no water usage and he questioned how they could justify administering a $6000 hookup fee that would be $6,000 times 2.5 ERU's in the range of $15,000 or five times $6000 at $30,000. He stated he didn't think small businesses could afford that and asked for review of the administration of the sewer fees. He stated he was not opposed to the increase and wants to pay for what is needed, but has a problem with the way it is administered. Minutes of May 23, 2005 Page 5 of 11 Ron Underwood of McCormick Woods stated McCormick Woods residents pay a 50 percent surcharge and pay for the pump-out every five years. He noted they are not 20 percent of the households in the City of Port Orchard but pay 30 percent of the fees in the sewer district. He questioned how many residents use the sewer system outside the City of Port Orchard and asked who else outside the City pays the 50 percent surcharge they do. Ann Johnson, Port Orchard, stated her property on Tremont Street was assessed and charged around $2,000 because of the sewers and she is still on septic. She stated she was told at the time that this assessment would benefit her property and she questioned how it did so. Ms. Johnson stated she was not approached when the sewer went through to hook up and now she assumes it would be a tremendous amount of money to do so. She wondered why she was never asked to hook up to the system when so many people outside the City have been. Ms. Johnson asked if the assessment charge would be deducted from the hookup fee. Larry Westfall, McCormick Woods, questioned how many people in the City of Port Orchard could afford a 33.3 percent increase in their sewer rates, stating the McCormick Woods residents would not have a problem with it. He stated McCormick Woods residents pay for the privilege of being hooked up to the sewer system in Port Orchard and pay 1.5 times what City residents pay. Mr. Westfall stated he felt it was taxation without representation since he could not vote for any of the Council Members. Dick Davis, McCormick Woods, asked what had been done in terms of cost cutting measures and what is being done to streamline the organization to improve the performance of the organization to keep cost increases to a minimum. Bryan Petro, Port Orchard, stated he wanted the City to annex and that the City should annex Gorst to get the car dealers tax revenues for costs to go down and be spread out for everyone. He reported he remembers Mr. Huntington telling the Chamber of Commerce when the new sewer system was proposed that current rates would be held for 30 years. Mr. Petro asked why it is now running into a deficit. Larry Westfall, McCormick Woods, stated the other gentleman had talked about annexation of McCormick Woods, and he asked for a place on the Board. Patrick Lucas asked why it is important that McCormick Woods is involved in the City and wondered if this increase is a result of their intent to build more houses. Council directed three letters from citizens received prior to this hearing be included in the minutes. They are as follows: • Steve Cahill of Port Orchard sent correspondence received by City Hall on May 23, 2005 regarding the proposed sewer rate increase. Mr. Cahill noted that a rate increase in 2003 had been 17 percent, and this proposed increase Minutes of May 23, 2005 Page 6 of 11 would be 33 percent. He stated the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for 2002 through 2004 shows 4.5 percent growth, and that his conclusion from the disparity is that "either rate calculation is not well understood by the City or costs are totally out of control." He requested the City determine which is the case before going forward with a rate increase. Mr. Cahill stated two principles should be adhered to for consideration of a rate increase. "1) Operating cost increases of the existing system justify and should be supported by rate increases to the existing ratepayers. Such increases can be forecast with reasonable accuracy and should closely track the CPI. 2) Capital costs for expansion of the system should be paid for by new customers through connection fees and the new billing revenues. The existing base of ratepayers should not be required to pay for expansion of the system." Mr. Cahill went on to say when the treatment plant was first built an LID was formed and users were charged an assessment fee, which seemed to him a reasonable approach. He questioned why not the same now, instead of "demanding that existing ratepayers front the money to build a bigger plant for the benefit of future customers," and "let the future customers pay for it." • Charles E. Hall, Port Orchard, sent an e-mail received at City Hall on May 23, 2005 stating "The sewer rate increase of 33 1/3% that you propose is outrageous. Having just found out .... I'm vigorously opposed." • Robert R. Moffitt, Port Orchard, sent an e-mail received at City Hall on May 23, 2005 stating he is adamantly against the proposed 25% sewer rate increase that follows an already high 15% increase from 2003. He noted the CPI for the US was 2.3% in 2003, minus .1% in 2004 and about 3% this year, and that the proposed increase was not in line with inflation. Mr. Moffitt expressed his belief that future revenues for future growth should be borne by future customers with increased hookup fees, not existing customers. He stated current customers should be given increases in-line with currently the current 3% CPI. Mr. Moffitt stated he was disappointed with the City's public notice process, being made only two days before the public hearing. He added there was no room or building number given for attending the meeting on the notice. He states, "I expect a response to this e-mail and its formal inclusion in the decision process." The public hearing was closed to further public testimony at 7:16 p.m. Minutes of May 23, 2005 Page 7 of 11 CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Diienno moved and Councilmember Wyatt seconded a motion approving the Consent Agenda. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. A. Approval of Minutes of the May 9, 2005 City Council Meeting B. Approval of Claim Warrants Nos. 43378-43452 in the amount of $90,875.84 C. Approval of Public Event Applications D. Authorization for Mayor to Sign Assignment of Lease for Property Adjacent to Hi Joy Bowl E. Authorization for Mayor to Sign ILA with Kitsap County for Permitting Application Computing Services BUSINESS ITEMS Passage of Ordinance No. 010-05 -Water and Sewer Rates Council Member Geiger moved and Council Member Rider seconded a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 010-05 which will raise the City sewer rates by $9 monthly in the City and $13.50 monthly outside the City in addition to increasing the sewer General Facility Charge to $6,000 per ERU. Council Member Geiger stated this action had been referred to as taxation, and that he is opposed to taxation. He noted that the City has purchased a ultra-modern method of treating sewage and pure effluent, exceeding State standards and that it will keep the City above standard for years to come. Council Member Geiger stated Karcher Creek Sewer District made a substantial increase in their rates at the time the plant was developed in order to cover the improvements. He reported the District keeps a separate set of books and that because of law the City is the lead agency for the borrowing of funds. Previously the City was the lead agency in the formation of the LID, and that if it were allowed now, the addition could be paid for differently. Council Member Geiger noted that the previous LID was the biggest one to date in the State of Washington and was very successful resulting in rate savings in interest and capital funding. Council Member Geiger went on to state that the proposed fee increase is no different than when an energy or gas company raises fees to collect revenues to cover their expenses. He noted individual discrepancies could be visited and reviewed, and that it is imperative to have a clean-running sewer treatment facility in order to avoid environmental contamination and resultant fines. Council Member Geiger noted the City is legally barred from consideration of annexation of McCormick Woods at this time. Council Member Rider stated no one looks forward to increasing rates for residents, and gave the analogy that if a bus became too small for riders that the cost of getting a Minutes of May 23, 2005 Page 8 of 11 new bus would be shared by all, not just the new people getting on the bus. He stated Council is legally prohibited from charging similar ratepayers different rates. City Attorney Combs verified that ratepayers in the same "class" have to be charged the same rate. People inside the City limits have to be charged the same rate, as people outside the City limits have to be charged the same rate. Council Member Rider emphasized that the connection fee will only be for new connections, not existing ones. Council Member Clauson reported that McCormick Woods put in a collection system through a ULID and are paying for the system and impact to the treatment plant as well as for the extra duties the City performs, including a 50 percent surcharge for pumping of septic tanks. The increases are primarily due to the expansion and additional operating costs that allows for growth. Council Member Clauson advised that State law dictates expansion of sewer treatment plants before they reach their maximum capacity. Council Member Clauson reported that when the construction is finished on the plant there would be an improvement in the quality of sludge produced. Currently, he stated, the City and Karcher Creek pay to have it trucked away at a high cost. When finished, the effluent could be used locally for fertilizer, and hopefully it can be sold to cut operating costs. Council Member Clauson questioned why Ms. Johnson had been assessed and not hooked up to sewer. City Attorney Combs stated she would receive credit for the amount she already paid when connecting to the system. Council Member Diienno asked about the possibility of adding to the value of the $2000 because it had been collected so long ago and would be "worth" more in today's values, but City Attorney Combs stated it would appear in that case that the City had reserved a "space" at the treatment plant all this time for the customer and yet the customer had not paid for the operation or maintenance during that time period. Council Member Geiger expressed his understanding that there had been no statements made about reserving or holding spots for LID payers at the time the LID was formed. He added the Port Orchard Boulevard sewer main was planned before McCormick Woods was added to the system and had been a benefit to everyone. Council Member Geiger stated it was his understanding that individuals paying the original assessment fee would pay a connection fee at a later date in lieu of the LID. Treasurer Tompkins noted that the credit would be given for any payment of the ULID or LID. City Attorney Combs noted that the changes to the water assessments are bringing the rates up to date with a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), and that Council will probably have to look at the water connection fee in the future. Minutes of May 23, 2005 Page 9 of 11 Responding to a question by Council Member Cramer, Treasurer Tompkins reported she would have to check records, but she believed there are some other "outside City limit" ratepayers, Sidney Glen School being one. Council Member Cramer stated there are unknown cost factors associated with the plant expansion, and he would rather come back to ratepayers saying rates could be rolled back rather than having to make another increase in a year. There was some discussion on the efforts to keep costs down in operations and Phase II of the plant. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Approval of an All-Mail Primarv Election Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Diienno seconded a motion to approve an all-mail primary for the 2005 election. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Authorization for Mayor to Sign Change Order No. 5 with Pease & Sons for theJWWTF Public Works Director Abed reported this change order is the result of on-going work with the contractor. A credit of $297,000 will be reflected in the next change order. Council Member Rider moved and Council Member Diienno seconded a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign Change Order No. 5 with Pease & Sons for the Joint Waste Water Treatment Facility. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Establishing a Policy Regarding the Use of City Credit Cards to Transact Official City Business City Clerk Etgen reported on the request to establish a policy authorizing the use of credit cards by Department Heads. Initially only three cards will be established. Use limitations are spelled out in the policy. Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Clauson seconded a motion to establish Administrative Policy No. 100-019 regarding the use of City credit cards for the transaction of City business. Answering a question by Council Member Powers, Treasurer Tompkins reported that sales tax not charged directly by vendors is paid to the State on a monthly basis, and that the use of credit cards would not affect the continuation of that policy. Minutes of May 23, 2005 Page 10 of 11 Upon vote/ motion carried unanimously. Study Session -Joint Meeting with the City of Bremerton -Discussion Council discussed potential agenda items for a joint meeting with the Bremerton City Council, possibly to be held on June 30th. COUNCIL/MAYOR & STAFF REPORT Planning Director Long-Woods reported she has received notification that Karcher Creek Sewer District is considering annexing two large areas of land; Council has until June 3 to submit comments on the proposed annexations. Public Works Director Abed reported he will be taking guard duty leave from June 6th through the 20th. He is proceeding with negotiating a contract for the Tremont Street widening project, and has conducted interviews for the Building Inspector. He stated he has not been successful at finding an Interim Assistant City Engineer. Council Member Rider reported Berger/ABAM Engineers, Inc. appeared to be the best firm for the design phase work for the Tremont Street widening project. Council Member Rider moved and Council Member Diienno seconded a motion to approve Berger 1 ABAM Engineers, Inc. as the design engineers for the Tremont Street widening project. Upon vote/ motion carried unanimously. City Clerk Etgen updated Council on the negotiations with Brem-Air for the garbage contract. Mayor Abel reported she would like to set up a joint meeting with the Kitsap County Commissioners to discuss the County Campus Overlay District on July 6, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. Council Member Powers reported the Public Property Committee had met and she received Council consensus to proceed with talking to Mr. Whitney about bringing the display case with the ship model in it back to City Hall. Council Member Powers added the Committee is considering changes in the fee structure for use of the Active Club building, and storage facilities. Public Works Director Abed announced a draft agreement was sent to owners of land near KFC who have indicated they are interested in donating property to the City. There was brief discussion regarding the donation of a new backstop in a park, which will wait for further committee discussion. Minutes of May 23, 2005 Page 11 of 11 Council Member Powers reported the Public Property Committee had also talked about setting up a citizens committee to review recommendations for public art in the form of sculptures and murals. Council Member Geiger stated one of the residents of Bay Street had asked about a residential parking permit for Bay Street; Council Member Dilenno said she believed the recommendation to changes to the parking ordinance had been side-tracked because of earlier discussions about parking. Council Member Dilenno reported the Street Committee is meeting on May 26th with downtown building and business owners to discuss the marquee. Council Member Powers will fill in for Council Members Wyatt and Dilenno at the next Finance Committee meeting and Utility Committee meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council recessed at 8:40 p.m. and then went into Executive Session at 8:45 p.m. to discuss pending litigation. Council came out of Executive Session at 9:21 p.m. and took no action. The following committee meetings were set during the Council meeting: Finance, Insurance & Negotiations-June 2, 2005, 7:30a.m. -City Hall Utility Committee-June 3, 2005, 7:30 a.m. -City Hall Streets, Alleys & Storm Water Committee-May 26, 2005, 6:30 a.m. -City Hall Public Property Committee-June 15, 2005, 7:30 a.m. -JA Michaels Upcoming Workshops/Special Meetings: June 2, 2005-6:30 p.m. -Budget Workshop June 9, 2005-3:00 p.m.-Tour of Other Cities-Small Lot Developments June 11, 2005 -12:00 p.m. -Tour of Other Cities-Small Lot Developments June 30, 2005-6:30p.m.-Joint Meeting with City of Bremerton July 6, 2005-6:30 p.m.-Joint Meeting with County re CCOD-place to be determined ADJOURNMENT At 9:21 p.m. Mayor Abel adjourned the meeting. ···~ R;bertlger, MYQrProtem