01/23/2006 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of January 23, 2006 PRESENT: KIM E. ABEL, MAYOR COUNCILMEMBERS: John Clauson Fred Chang Robert Geiger Rita Dilenno, excused Tye Moore Carolyn Powers, Mayor Protem Rick Wyatt ALSO PRESENT: Public Works Director Abed, City Clerk Etgen, Police Chief Townsend, City Treasurer Tompkins, Deputy Clerk Merlino and City Attorney Combs. 6:32 P.M. CAll TO ORDER Kathy Garcia, Port of Bremerton, led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Abel pulled the Bethel Corridor Plan from the agenda; it will be presented at a later date. Council Member Chang moved from the Consent Agenda to Business, Items "Sa - Approval of Claim Warrants;" Sb -"Minutes of the January 9, 2006 City Council Meeting;" and Sc "Minutes of the January 3, 2006 Council Study Session." PRESENTATION Holiday Good Neighbor Awards-Best Residence, Neighborhood & Business Mayor Abel presented the 2005 Holiday Good Neighbor Awards for outstanding holiday decorations. These awards recognize the dedication of individuals and businesses that have exhibited vibrant holiday spirit. The winners of the residential 2005 Holiday Good Neighbor Award were Stephen and Corinne Harris for their home and yard located at 945 Eaglecrest Place. Mr. and Mrs. Harris accepted the award from Mayor Abel. Mayor Abel awarded, for the second year in a row, the commercial category to Kitsap Bank located at 619 Bay Street and also the Port of Bremerton for their decorations at the Port Orchard boat launch as the winners of the 2005 Holiday Good Neighbor Award. Representatives from the Port of Bremerton accepted the award. Minutes of January 23, 2006 Page 2 of 6 Mayor Abel presented for the second year the 2005 Holiday Spirit Neighborhood Award to the six residents located at 1731-1741 Pottery Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Fielder and their son Joey accepted the award from Mayor Abel. This neighborhood will receive a decorative yard banner to add to their 2006 holiday decorations, the banner will remain a part of the neighborhood decorations for the month of December 2006. AUDIENCE COMMENTS FOR ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA Brenda Kruse, resident and business owner, advised a petition is being circulated through the downtown merchants requesting the City authorize the immediate repairs to the marquee as outlined in the Structural Report, dated October 2005. Ms. Kruse further requested that after the repairs have been done, the Council allocate funds to paint the marquee. Council Member Powers thanked the downtown merchants for the continual patience on the repairs to the marquee. She noted the repairs were put on hold to allow for further discussion due to the potential sale of some of the Bay Street properties. Council Member Powers reported the repairs to the marquee will be the first item of discussion for the Public Property Committee. William M. Palmer, land use consultant, attempted to distribute a letter regarding a potential short plat application that is currently being reviewed by City Staff. City Attorney Combs advised this project has been presented to Public Works Director Abed and a decision has been made on this application. Since a decision has been made, the project is now in the appeal process; therefore it is not appropriate for the City Council to discuss this application, as they are the appeal board. Mark Timmerman 534 Taylor Street, requested an extension on his abatement order as issued by Code Enforcement Office Woodside. Mayor Abel instructed Mr. Timmerman to contact the Code Enforcement Department and ask for an extension on his abatement order. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion approving the Consent Agenda as modified. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. A. Approval of Claim 'v'\'arrants-Moved to Business B. ~1inutes of the January 9, 2006 City Council ~1eeting-Moved to Business C. ~1inutes of the January 3, 2006 Council Study Session-Moved to Business D. First Reading or Ordinance No. 003-06 Amending the 2005 Budget for Special Investigative Unit (SIU) Fund BUSINESS ITEMS Approval for Claim Warrants Minutes of January 23, 2006 Page 3 of 6 Council Member Geiger moved and Council Member Clauson seconded a motion to approve the claim warrants #44843-44936 in the amount of $403,606.03. Council Member Chang asked for further clarification on the process for approving the claim warrants. Upon vote, motion passed with five affirmative votes and one dissenting vote. Council Member Chang cast the dissenting vote. Approval of Januarv 9, 2006 Minutes Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Geiger seconded a motion to approve the January 9, 2006 City Council Meeting. Council Member Chang asked for clarification on when it is appropriate for a Council Member to abstain from voting. Council Member Powers asked the City Clerks Office to provide several alternative amendments to the Municipal Code which would allow the Council members to abstain from voting and bring these alternatives to the next Council meeting. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Approval of January 3, 2006 minutes Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to approve the January 3, 2006 Study Session Minutes. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Review and Discussion of Draft Water Comprehensive Plan Public Works Director Abed introduced Susan Boyd and Marty Penhallegon from PACE Engineering, who discussed in detail the 2006 Comprehensive Water System Plan. Items of discussion were project goals, the Port Orchard water system and potential funding sources for a review of water rates. Acceptance of Bay Street Pedestrian Path Grant from the Department of Ecology Public Works Director Abed advised the City was approved to receive a grant in the amount of $19,950.00 from the Department of Ecology to pay for mitigation work for the installation of the Bay Street Pedestrian Path project, located just northeast of the central downtown area along the shoreline of Sinclair Inlet. Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to adopt Resolution No. 001-06 authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement with Department of Ecology for the Bay Street Pedestrian Path debris removal for the amount of $19,950. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Minutes of January 23, 2006 Page 4 of 6 Authorization for Mayor to Sign Change Order No. 14 for the Joint Wastewater Treatment Plant Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Moore seconded a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign Change Order No. 14 for a total amount of $55,528.67 plus sales tax. Council Member Powers asked if the project would be completed within the specified time and within budget. Public Works Director Abed advised they are hoping to finish the project ahead of schedule, in March of this year. He will provide the Council with an up-to-date report on the project as it relates to time frames and budget amounts. Upon vote/ motion passed unanimously. Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Northwest Wireless Public Works Director Abed advised he received another price quote on Nextel radios from a local representative. After reviewing both price quotes, it appears the local representative can provide the phones and services at only a little higher rate. The Nextel radios would provide communication for the Public Works crew, Engineering and Building staff and Code Enforcement staff. Council Member Moore moved and Council Member Chang seconded a motion to accept the contract with Talk's Cheap Wireless in the annual amount not to exceed $7,932.00 plus sales tax. Upon vote/ motion carried unanimously. Adoption of Resolution No. 002-06 -Appointment of Bek Ashby to the Planning Commission On motion by Council Member Powers, seconded by Council Member Clauson, Council adopted Resolution No. 002-06 appointing Bek Ashby to the Planning Commission, with her term expiring on December 31, 2010. Appointment of Members to Council Committees Pursuant to Ordinance No. 1934 Council Member Moore advised he would be willing to take on the Chair position of the Lights and Chimes Committee. Membership on the Lights and Chimes Committee is of the whole City Council. Council Member Wyatt accepted the position as Chair of the Hotel/Motel Tax Committee On motion by Council Member Clauson, seconded by Council Member Wyatt, Council approved the 2006 Council Committee Assignments as presented with the following modifications: • Council Member Moore, Chair of Lights and Chimes Committee, and the Committee shall be the membership of the whole City Council. Minutes of January 23, 2006 Page 5 of 6 • Council Member Wyatt, Chair of the Hotel/Motel Tax Committee. Upon vote/ motion passed unanimously. Council Member Clauson offered to chair the County/City Liaison Committee and Council Member Wyatt and Powers agreed to be Committee Members. Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to appoint Council Member Clauson as Chair of the County /City liaison Committee and Council Members Powers and Wyatt as committee members. Upon vote/ motion passed unanimously. Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to appoint Council Members Wyatt, Geiger and Clauson as the Land Use Appeal Board. Upon vote/ motion carried unanimously. Council Member Clauson suggested the Bremerton City-to-City Committee be combined with the County/City Liaison Committee. Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Clauson seconded a motion to combine the Bremerton City-to-City Committee with the County/City liaison Committee. Upon vote/ motion passed unanimously. Council Member Geiger moved and Council Member Moore seconded a motion to have City Staff prepare a resolution that would identify the City Council Committees and repeal Ordinance No. 1934 in its entirety. Upon vote/ motion passed unanimously. Discussion -Council Meeting Time Council Member Chang requested the Council consider amending Ordinance No. 1931 as it relates to Council meeting times. Due to Council Member Chang's commute time, it would be more convenient, to his schedule, if the time could be changed to 7:00 p.m. Council Member Wyatt moved and Council Member Clauson seconded a motion to discuss this issue at the City Council Retreat, which is scheduled February 11, 2006. Upon vote/ motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL/MAYOR & STAFF REPORT Council Member Chang moved and Council Member Powers seconded a motion to excuse Council Member Diienno from this Council meeting. The following committee meetings were set during the Council meeting: Sewer Advisory Committee-tentatively February 1, 2006, 6:30 p.m. -Karcher Creek Minutes of January 23, 2006 Page 6 of 6 Finance Committee-January 27 2006, 7:30am, J.A. Michaels Public Property Committee-February 1, 2006, 7:20am, J.A. Michaels. Mayor Abel requested the Council consider at the next meeting a date for a Council Study Session with the City Attorney regarding GUMPOD (Government Use Master Plan Overlay District) and a second Council Study Session regarding the South Kitsap Urban Growth Plan. ADJOURNMENT At 9:34pm Mayor Abel adjourned the meeting. 7 LJuPle Y10A-L, Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk Kim E. Abel, Mayor