02/08/2006 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting Study Session Minutes February 8, 2006 The Port Orchard City Council and the Port Orchard Planning Commission met to discuss current Planning/Building/Zoning requirements for downtown developments Those in attendance were as follows: Port Orchard Council and Mayor Kim Abel, Mayor Fred Chang Rita DiIenno John Clauson Robert Geiger Tye Moore Carolyn Powers Rick Wyatt Port Orchard Planning Commission Gil Michael, Chairman Bek Ashby Stephanie Bailey Tadina Crouch Tim Drury Rob Putaansuu Kim Ruona Annette Stewart Staff: Planning Director Long-Woods, Public Works Director Abed, and City Clerk Etgen. Mayor Abel called the Study Session to order at 7:30 p.m. Planning Director Long-Woods and Public Works Director Abed reviewed building and zoning requirements currently in place for the downtown corridor, and provided information about: • Existing utilities (including franchise) • Stormwater: Retention and treatment requirements Re-use possibilities • Water needs to meet Fire Codes • Roadway modifications • Pedestrian crossings • Parking requirements • Shoreline regulations • View Protection Ordinance • Landscaping/Frontage Improvements It was agreed the City Council and Planning Commission would continue to meet on a bi-weekly basis in order to adopt an overlay district by the end of the summer. Staff is to bring back drawings and photographs capturing the various options available for the downtown area to the next meeting. Next Meeting The next meeting was scheduled for March 2, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m.