02/13/2006 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of February 13, 2006 PRESENT: KIM E. ABEL, MAYOR COUNCILMEMBERS: John Clauson Fred Chang Robert Geiger Rita Diienno Tye Moore Carolyn Powers, Mayor Protem Rick Wyatt ALSO PRESENT: Public Works Director Abed, Planning Director Long-Woods, City Attorney Combs and Administrative Secretary Boltz. 6:32 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chief Wayne Senter, South Kitsap Fire and Rescue, led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Abel noted that she has appointed Jill Boltz as Acting Deputy Clerk for this City Council meeting. Council Member Wyatt moved the Executive Session after the Consent Agenda. Council Member Powers added "Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Professional Services Contract with CTS Engineers for Marquee Design, Remedies and Near-tern Repairs" to the first Business Item. AUDIENCE COMMENTS FOR ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA Dousithee Chamberlain, 2205 Sidney Avenue, referred to a construction project adjacent to his property. There are signs, which are blocking his driveway, and he is also concerned about the removal of a fence, trees and survey stakes from his property. Mr. Chamberlain submitted into record pictures of his property. Mr. Chamberlain also asked when the debris from a recent automobile accident would be cleaned from the street in front of his home. Mayor Abel advised she will review his questions and concerns and offered that Mr. Chamberlain should be sure to work with the Code Enforcement Officer. Jerry Arnett, 288 Goldenrod, addressed Ordinance 002-06, which abolished the 1984 Water-Sewer Revenue Bond Fund that funded the Utility Local Improvement District (ULID) #1. Mr. Arnett read and submitted questions relative to the formation and Minutes of February 13, 2006 Page 2 of 7 abolishment of ULID # 1. Mayor Abel advised the appropriate staff would respond to his questions. Patrick Lucas, 232 Goldenrod Street reported he submitted a letter in support of the Port Orchard Police Department and their outstanding contribution to the citizens of Port Orchard. Bryan Petro, representing Washington State Realtors distributed to Council a summary of several Senate and House Bills that are currently before the legislators, relating to affordable housing; housing tax incentives; allowing attached and detached housing; timely review of permits; and short plat averaging. Mr. Petro urged the Council to call their legislators and lobby their support for these Senate and House Bills. PUBLIC HEARING Shoreline Development Permit (SOP 66-05) Located at 1662 Bay Street Planning Director Long-Woods presented the staff report regarding an application for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit to allow for the remodel and expansion of an existing single-family residence located within 200 feet of Sinclair Inlet (1662 Bay Street). The applicant is requesting the removal of an existing 6' by 12' section of an existing house and adding a 22' by 24' shop with a partially covered roof deck, a 14' by 15' master bedroom addition with a 4' by 15' balcony deck and replace an existing 260' deck on the north side of the house. Planning Director Long-Woods advised that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Shoreline Permit subject to conditions. City Attorney Combs reminded Council that while they normally operate in a legislative capacity, during this Public Hearing the Council is acting as a quasi-judicial body. City Attorney Combs further advised it is required that the Council be fair and impartial with no conflict of interest or appearance of fairness violations. City Attorney Combs asked if any Council Member had any ex-parte contact with anyone regarding this application outside of this public hearing. Council Member Moore stated that during canvassing for his Council position he did speak with Mr. Schiele, but did not recall that it was directly related to the project. City Attorney Combs thanked Council Member Moore for disclosing the information; however this information would not preclude him from participating in this Public Hearing. No other Council Member responded in the affirmative to this question. City Attorney Combs further asked the Council if anyone had any interest in this property or entity working on this project, should this application be approved. No response was received from any Council Member. City Attorney Combs asked if there were any members of the public that had reason to believe that any Council Member had a conflict of interest. No response was received. Minutes of February 13, 2006 Page 3 of 7 At 7:00 p.m., Mayor Abel opened the Public Hearing for public testimony. Gerald Schiele, applicant at 1662 Bay Street, spoke in support of this application and requested Councils approval. Kathy Lipka, 2505 S. Flower Avenue, spoke in opposition to the project stating that the shortened shoreline setback distance will have an impact on the wildlife in Sinclair Inlet. Gil Michael, 228 Seattle Avenue, spoke in favor of the project and commended Mr. Schiele on this project and clarified that Bay Street runs between the project and the Inlet and any impact would be negligible. Patrick Lucas, 232 Goldenrod Street, spoke in opposition to the project and disagreed with Mr. Michael, reiterating the same concerns that this project could impact the wildlife within Sinclair Inlet. At 7:07 p.m. Mayor Abel closed the Public Hearing. Planning Director Long-Woods clarified Sinclair Inlet does not have a 200-foot buffer, however this property is within 200 feet of Sinclair Inlet, which triggers the Shoreline review process. Planning Director Long-Woods further reported this project is well within the Shoreline Management Act's minimum requirements. Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Diienno seconded a motion to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 01-06 as their own authorizing the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit (SOP 66-05) for 1662 Bay Street. Council Member Powers questioned Mr. Schiele's use of the shop. Mr. Schiele explained that the shop would be used for storage and woodworking. At 7:11 p.m. Mayor Abel reopened the Public Hearing for further public testimony. At 7:12 p.m. Mayor Abel closed the Public Hearing. Council Member Chang asked for clarification of the setback requirements. Planning Director Long-Woods reported the minimum set back requirements on a City right of way is 25 feet for a single-family residence, and this application according to the City's zoning code exceeds the requirements. Upon vote_, motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING Minutes of February 13, 2006 Page 4 of 7 The Pros and Cons of the Proposed South Kitsap Fire and Rescue Temporary Levy Lid Lift Ballot Measure Scheduled for Voter Decision in May 2006-An Opportunity for the Public to Comment. Fire Chief Wayne Senter, South Kitsap Fire and Rescue, discussed the temporary levy lid lift ballot measure, which is scheduled for a voter decision on May 16, 2006. Fire Chief Senter advised this temporary levy lid lift will help the district meet the increasing demands for service from the rapidly growing community. If approved, the measure will add nine Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technicians. Fire Chief Senter further advised passing this measure will allow the district to provide the dollars to match a federal grant, which would help, pay for the nine firefighters/EMT. The levy would authorize a temporary increase in the levy rate by increasing the amount the district levies in property taxes by $.14 per $1,000 valuation for six years. The levy would expire in 2013. Council Member Dilenno asked if the $.14 over the six years equal the $900,000 needed to hire the nine firefighters/EMT's or is the $.14 greater than the $900,000? Fire Chief Senter advised the $900,000 is a fixed amount. Fire Chief Senter further clarified the Commissioners have through their Resolution agreed to take only what is necessary to maintain the nine firefighters. Council Member Powers asked what impact this temporary lid levy lift would have on insurance purposes for the citizens of Port Orchard. Fire Chief Senter advised the City currently has a Fire Insurance Rating of a Class 4 and with this levy it could still be maintained. Patrick Lucas, 232 Goldenrod Street, spoke in support of the temporary levy lid lift. Sally Santana, 2250 Sidney Avenue, also spoke in support of the temporary levy lid lift and commended Fire Chief Wayne Senter on this plan. Kathy Lipka, 2505 South Flower Avenue, asked Council to support this temporary levy lid lift. Council Member Diienno moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to continue this Public Hearing to the next meeting that would allow for re-notification with the appropriate title and proposition number. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion approving the Consent Agenda. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. A. Approval of Claim Warrants #44936-45060 in the amount of $1,006,357.96 and January 2006 Payroll Warrants #139577 -139635 and Direct Deposits in the Amount of $329,161.93. Minutes of February 13, 2006 Page 5 of 7 B. Passage of Ordinance No. 003-06-2005 budget adjustment ordinance C. Adoption of Resolution No. 005-06 adopting the 2006 standard specifications for road, bridge and municipal construction. At 8:21 p.m. Mayor Abel called for a 5-minute recess. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:26 pm, Council went into Executive Session for 15 minutes to discuss potential litigation and personnel issues. At 8:41 p.m. Mayor Abel extended the Executive Session for an additional 15-minutes. At 9:00 p.m. Mayor Abel reconvened the Council meeting into regular session. BUSINESS ITEMS Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Professional Services Contract with CTS Engineers for Marquee Design, Remedies and Near-Term Repairs Public Works Director Abed advised at the end of last year, the consultant completed his report and presented his recommendation to the City Council. The Council at that time, decided to defer any action on repairs, due to interest from potential developers in purchasing downtown buildings. Since then, the Public Property Committee took on this issue and decided to recommend the implementation of both immediate remedies and the near-term repairs. The Public Property Committee recommends retaining the services of the engineering firm, CTS, to prepare the design and specifications for the work, for $24,930.00. The Public Property Committee further recommends that the marquee be repainted after the completion of the repairs. Public Works Director Abed commented the City budget allocated $50,000, which would cover the engineering and part of the construction. The remainder could be assigned from the City budget. Council Member Dilenno moved and Council Member Moore seconded a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the CTS Engineers Inc. Professional Services Contract to prepare the design drawings and specifications for immediate remedies and near-term repairs on the marquee for a total amount not to exceed $24,983.00 plus applicable sales tax. Council Member Chang voiced a concerned with spending 50°/o of the allocated funds for the design phase of the marquee. Council Member Chang further commented the remaining budgeted amount would not be sufficient for the final repairs to the marquee. Upon vote, motion passed with 6 affirmative votes and one dissenting vote. Council Member Chang cast the dissenting vote. Minutes of February 13, 2006 Page 6 of 7 Minutes of the January 23, 2006 Citv Council Meeting Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the January 23, 2006 City Council Meeting. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Designation of Spring Clean-up week Public Works Director presented staff report and requested Spring Clean-Up Week be designated the week of April 3-7, 2006. Council expressed a concern with the dates of April 3-7, 2006, as being too early in the year for Spring Clean-Up. Mayor Abel advised alternate dates will be studied to see if perhaps, Spring Clean-Up can be scheduled in May 2006 and incorporated after a holiday. Adoption of Resolution No. 003-06 Repealing Resolution No. 2095 and Establishing Certain Employee Benefits for Non-Union Represented Employees Classified as FLSA Not Exempt Council Member Geiger moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to adopt Resolution No. 003-06 repealing Resolution No. 2095 and establishing certain employee benefits for non-union represented employees classified as FLSA not exempt. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Adoption of Resolution No. 004-06 Repealing Resolution No. 2096 and Establishing Certain Employees Benefits for Non-Union Represented Employees Classified as FLSA Executive Exempt Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Dilenno seconded a motion to adopt Resolution No. 004-06 repealing Resolution No. 2096 and establishing certain employees benefits for non-union represented employees classified as FLSA Executive Exempt. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Authorization for Mayor to Sign Contract with Rovang Fong & Associates for Legal Representation of Indigent Persons Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the 2006-2008 contract with Rovang Fong and Associates for legal representation of indigent persons in Port Orchard's Municipal Court. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Discussion -Council Meeting Time Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Geiger seconded a motion to request that a draft of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1931 and reestablishing the meeting time of the City Council from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. If the meeting continues past 10:00 p.m. a majority of the City Council must concur. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Minutes of February 13, 2006 Page 7 of 7 Authorization for Mayor to Sign Settlement Agreement re Verhelst, et al. vs Citv of Port Orchard and Shin Council Member Chang moved and Council Member Clauson seconded a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the settlement agreement in the litigation known as Verhelst vs. City of Port Orchard. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL/MAYOR & STAFF REPORT Mayor Abel announced there is a Public Hearing scheduled March 6, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers regarding the Critical Areas Ordinance. The following committee meetings were set during the Council meeting: Utilities Committee-February 15, 2006, 6:30 p.m. -Council Conference Room Finance Committee-February 17, 2006, 7:30a.m., Myhre's Public Property Committee-March 3, 2006, 7:30a.m., J.A. Michaels. Street Committee -February 23, 2006, 7:00 p.m. Council Conference Room Council discussed the formation of the City/City/County Committee. Council Member Diienno moved and Council Member Moore seconded a motion to extend the Council Meeting to allow for further discussion. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Mayor Abel advised she will contact the City of Bremerton Council president and confirm the City of Port Orchard would like to discuss with them the sewer systems in the Gorst area and water systems in the Anderson Hill area. ADJOURNMENT At 9:40p.m. Mayor Abel adjourned the meeting. Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk Kim E. Abel, Mayor