03/02/2006 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting Study Session Minutes March 2, 2006 The Port Orchard City Council and the Port Orchard Planning Commission met to discuss current Planning/Building/Zoning requirements for downtown developments. Those in attendance were as follows: Port Orchard Council Fred Chang John Clauson Rita DiIenno Robert Geiger Tye Moore Carolyn Powers, Mayor Protem Rick Wyatt Port Orchard Planning Commission Gil Michael, Chairman Bek Ashby Annette Stewart Tim Drury Rob Putaansuu Staff: Planning Director Long-Woods, Public Works Director Abed, and Deputy City Clerk Merlino Mayor Protem Powers called the Study Session to order at 7:00 p.m. Planning Director Long-Woods introduced the first presentation relative to future development proposals on Bay Street from Richard Schwartz, Amajin Architectures, Ink. Mr. Schwartz presented a conceptual building design for the area located on the south side of bay in 800 block of Bay Street. The proposed building is known as a sustainable building or very high tech building, where water and sewage are treated on site. The seven-story building is proposed to be built into the hillside, with no obstruction to any view property. Mr. Schwartz encouraged the Council and Planning Commission to develop a theme, which will help in their planning strategies to develop the downtown development. Council Member Clauson presented a proposal from Kitsap Bank for a new building located in the parking lot adjacent to Bank Street and Bay Street. The Council Members and Planning Commission discussed the following issues, including: ™ The importance of an Overlay District ™ The View Protection Ordinance is hard to enforce and interpret ™ Boundaries for the Overlay District need to be identified ™ The plan should take into consideration current property owners views ™ Parking space requirements should be reviewed, i.e., minimum spaces vs. maximum spaces ™ Building plans could be site-specific to allow for change and mitigation Three of the main constraints that could affect downtown redevelopment: ™ Density allocations ™ View protection ™ Parking requirements Study Session of March 2, 2006 Page 2 of 2 Planning Director Long-Woods asked the Planning Commission Members and Council Members to email her their suggestions on boundaries for the downtown development, their vision, and any ideas for a downtown development theme by March 20, 2006. Mr. Schwartz also has made himself available to present a proposed model design of the downtown area. Next Meeting The Council Members and Planning Commission Members agreed to cancel the scheduled Study Session on March 16, 2006 and continue this discussion on March 30, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 p.m.