03/21/2006 - Work Study - MinutesPRESENT: Kim Abel, Mayor COUNCILMEMBERS: John Clauson Fred Chang Rita Diienno Robert Geiger Tye Moore Carolyn Powers Rick Wyatt City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Study Session March 21, 2006 ALSO PRESENT: City Attorney Combs and Administrative Secretary Boltz The Mayor called the Study Session to order at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Government Use Master Plan Overlay District. City Attorney Combs gave a brief history stating that the Government Use Master Plan Overlay District (GMPD) was added during the 2003 Comprehensive Plan amendments. The GMPD encompasses the areas between Dwight Street, Cline Avenue, Kendall Street and Sidney Avenue with sub areas including properties lying north of Smith Street and the second lying south of Smith Street. The areas encourage pedestrian friendly areas and pedestrian flow areas. City Attorney Combs stated that the Master Plan document is intended to be a living document and should be reviewed and/or revised approximately every couple years. City Attorney Combs used the County building located on Taylor Street as an example of buildings to be built on the perimeter of the GMPD as to not conflict with the aesthetics of the residential uses on adjacent streets. Councilmember Powers questioned how the implementation of a single property would occur and still implement the elements of the GMPD. Council discussed the definition of "eating establishments" as described in 18.98.030(c). City Attorney Combs clarified that the establishments within the GMPD would be sized to support the uses within the GMPD. Staff would determine whether an economic analysis would be required based on the size of the project at application. City Attorney Combs stated that at such time that Kitsap County creates a Master Site Plan, temporary uses would be eliminated. Council discussed the timing for the County's submittal of a Master Site Plan Permit Application. Councilmember Clauson suggested negotiating a reasonable time line with the County and the possibility of implementing the Master Site Plan in phases. City Attorney Combs opened discussion with the Council in regards to the use of a Hearings Examiner during the Master Site Plan Permit review process. Minutes of March 21, 2006 Study Session Page 2 of 2 Council deferred making any decisions on the use of a Hearings Examiner until they had more information on their function during the process. Next Study Session to discuss Government Use Master Plan Overlay District scheduled for April 6, 2006 at 7:00p.m. ADJOURNMENT At 9:04p.m. Mayor Abel adjourned the meeting. ary Kim E. Abel, Mayor