04/06/2006 - Work Study - MinutesPRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: John Clauson Fred Chang Robert Geiger Tye Moore Rick Wyatt City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Study Session -GMPD April 6, 2006 ALSO PRESENT: City Attorney Combs, Public Works Director Abed, Planning Director Long- Woods and City Clerk Etgen. Council Member Clauson called the Study Session to order at 7:00 p.m. City Attorney Combs addressed an earlier Council question regarding four Council Members attending committee meetings. Mr. Combs concurred with a previous City Attorney's advice that because of the City's committee structure, four members would constitute a quorum at a committee meeting and therefore the meeting would fall under the requirem'ents of the open public meetings law to be noticed as a special meeting. City Attorney Combs presented information about the possibility of using Hearings Examiners, and noted that all other cities within Kitsap County utilize them. He proposed using the Government Overlay District as a test project to see if Council liked the process. A Hearings Examiner would take testimony, prepare findings of facts and apply the applicable legal citation to each finding. The findings would be presented to Council in a conclusion with conditions that Council could either accept or change. The Hearings Examiner would personally visit each site to be able to take the neighborhood into consideration when hearing the matter, and it would cut down on the time during Council's business meetings to take testimony. Hearings Examiners either charge by the hour or use a flat fee. The City Attorney's draft Government Use Master Plan Overlay District (GMPD) was reviewed. Specific items discussed: • Aerial photos will be provided by City for applications within the GMPD area • Staff shall not be authorized to add conditions after the application approval by Council • Applicant shall be notified as early as possible if fees are going to be more than estimated • Initial discussions regarding the application process are free • Planning Commission members may participate in application informational meetings individually, but the applicant will not be required to hold a meeting in front of the Planning Commission as a body • Walkways will be "all weather" but not necessarily have to be covered • Mayor and staff are authorized to review subsequent permit requests for areas smaller than 20,000 square feet • The County's proposed design standards will be reviewed and discussed at the Council's regular meeting of April 24, 2006 Minutes of April 6, 2006 Study Session Page 2 of 2 ADJOURNMENT At 9:46p.m. Council Member Clauson adjourned the meeting.