04/03/2007 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard City Council Study Session Regarding the Development Regulations Project April 3, 2007 PRESENT: KIM E. ABEL, MAYOR COUNCILMEMBERS: Fred Chang, Robert Geiger, Rob Putaansuu, and Rick Wyatt. ABSENT: Council Members John Clauson, Rita Dilenno and Carolyn Powers ALSO PRESENT: Public Works Director Abed, Planning Director Long-Woods, City Clerk Merlino and City Attorney Combs. City Attorney Combs opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and started discussion with confirming the revised meeting schedule, topics and the confirmation of the decisions that were made at the March 20, 2007 Study Session. Planning Director asked for further discussion and clarification on side-by-side short plats. Council concurred to look into this discussion further by making changes to the standards for short plat development. The following topics were discussed with recommendations by the City Council: Tremont Corridor Specific Plan See attached letter from City Attorney Combs, dated April 13, 2007, which summarized the action the Council agreed upon. Critical Areas Ordinance See attached letter from City Attorney Combs, dated April 13, 2007, which summarizes the action the City Council agreed upon regarding the Critical Areas Ordinance. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Next Meeting is scheduled for April 18, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. L-n~.,LAe_QQo f)L&O,_N ~(/W ?.A_;? Michelle Merlino, City Clerk Kim E. Abel, Mayor MCGAVICK GRA YES ATTORNEYS AT lAW A Professional Services Corporation www.mcgavickgraves.com Loren D. Combs ldc@mcgavick.com 1102 Broadway, Suite 500 . Tacoma, Washington 98402-3534 Telephone (253) 627-1181 Fax (253) 627-2247 Friday the 131h of April, 2007 Original Sent Electronically and U.S.P.S. Mail to Michelle Merlino for Copying and Distribution Mayor Kim Abel Council Members City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect St Port Orchard, WA 98366 RE: Our File No.: 27573 L. Paul Alvestad Gregory F. Amam1 Lori M. Bemis Loren D. Combs T. Gary Cmmett James W. Feltus Jennifer A. Forbes Brian L. Green Dennis P. Greenlee, Jr. Henry Haas Gregory A. Jacoby K. Michael Jennings Project: Development Regulations Project Subject: Agreed Changes from April 3, 2007 Meeting Dear Mayor and Council: Dave J. Luxenberg Chris D. Mnharry Timothy J. McLaughlin Barbara Jo Sylvester Christy A. Todd Joseph P. Zehnder Of Counsel Ray Graves Lawrence B. McNerthney William F. Bergsten Robe1t L. Beale Gregory H. Pratt Leo A. McOnvick (1904-1994) Thank you for another productive, on time meeting. I appreciate how everyone came prepared to discuss these important issues. It allows us to effectively get through a great many important issues in a short period of time. Set forth below is the summation of the items on which no less than 4 council members agreed. CONFIRMING APRIL 3 MEETING DECISIONS The Council confirmed that my letter presented for the April 3, 2007 meeting accurately reflected the decisions that were made at the March 20 meeting. Although the issue wasn't raised at the March 20 meeting discussion on the Subdivision Code, Joanne felt it important to bring up the issue as to whether or not the subdivision code should require that the "shortplat" process could not be used unless it included ALL contiguous property owned by the applicant. The Council consensus was that they appreciated the issue being raised, but felt the best way to deal with the concern was to make sure the development standards are improved to address the issue. As a side note, our next meeting has been moved from April 17, 2007 at 7 P.M. at City Hall to Wednesday, April 18, 2007. That date worked better for the Council and still works for scheduling purposes. MCGAVICK GRAVES ATTORNEYS AT LAW A Professional Services Corporation AGREED ISSUES Mayor and Council Friday the 13th of April, 2007 Page 2 TREMONT CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN Issue 1. The Plan should be a zoning code overlay district that applies to all properties within the district, just in the same sense that the DOD and the GUMPOD apply to all the properties with in those overlay districts. Issue 2. Joint use of parking by adjacent uses, regardless of whether they are on the same parcel, will be encouraged. Issue 3. We will add a definition section for words that are "specialty words" in this document. With regards to the 3 words mentioned under this issue, the decision was as follows: A. "Natural" wtll have a meaning throughout the document similar to that used on page 31. It is intended, from a color perspective to be "earth tones", or other "non garish" colors. B. All signage, including signage landscape requirements, will be in accordance with the sign code. C. The "village" concept is that the Council wants compatibility of design between structures in the District so that it doesn't look "hodgepodge", but integrated. The phrase that seemed to appeal to all present was "compatible and consistent with surrounding design". Issue 4. The Hearings Examiner will be the decision maker on all issues, with an appeal to the City Council. CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE It was agreed that this was an item where it should not be discussed unless and until there was notice of the intent to have a discussion provided to all of the people that had attended the public hearings that had been previously held on this topic. The consensus was this was not the time to consider this matter. Depending upon the outcome of other issues in other jurisdictions, it may be added during the public hearing process for consideration with the remainder of the development regulation issues, and the "interested parties" that have previously provided the City with an interest in this topic would receive a special notice as it relates to any hearings on Critical Areas Ordinance. MCGAVICK GRAVES ATTORNEYS AT LAW A Professionol Services Cotporation Mayor and Council Friday the 131h of April, 2007 Page 3 That concludes the April 3, 2007 meeting agenda items, and the resolution of the outstanding issues. APRIL 18 is the next meeting date, not the 1 yth as shown on the agreed meeting date list. LDC:I<mt l:\DOCS\P\27573\Mayor-Council Friday the 13th.doc