05/15/2007 - Special - MinutesPRESENT: Kim E. Abel, Mayor City of Port Orchard City Council Deliberation Regarding the Downtown Overlay District May 15,2007 Council Members: Wyatt, Chang, Clauson, Geiger, Powers, Dilenno and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: Public Works Director Abed, Planning Director Long-Woods, City Clerk Merlino, and Assistant City Attorney Greg Jacoby. At 7:45 p.m. Mayor Abel opened the meeting and asked those present to bow their heads in a moment of silence for late Senator Bob Oke, whom we had just learned had passed away. Mayor Abel continued the meeting by acknowledging that Council Member Dilenno had reviewed the tape from the last meeting and asked to present her comments for the record. Council Member Dilenno presented her comments as follows: • Recommendation of a design review board rather than Conditional Use Permits • Permitted Uses -Concurred with CouncWs recommendations • Recommended allowing two additional parcel into the central DOD boundaries, located east on Kitsap Street, around the corner from Casey Law Firm on Prospect Street The Council reached a consensus to add the two parcels into the Central DOD boundaries located east on Kitsap Street, around the corner from the Casey and Casey Law Firm on Prospect Street. The Council started discussion on Section 18.96.120 -Central DOD -Design and Building Standards {1) Rooftop Mechanical Equipment-no change {2) Screening of Parking - Council Member Dilenno asked Assistant City Attorney Jacoby to develop wording, such as "eliminate" the view of parked cars. {3) Corner Lots-Council concurred to delete this section. May 15, 2007 Page 2 of 3 (4) Roof Design-no change (5) Building Facades (a) No change (b) The Council concurred on the following change to this section: "Any sidewalk level building fa<;ade that faces a downtown street shall have at least thirty five percent (35%) thirty percent (30°/o) of the first floor I ground floor of the fa<;ade area in transparent glass windows, ... " (c) Council asked Mr. Jacoby to insert language that every building on the north side of Bay Street shall have two frontages. Council also concurred to develop a Design Review Board with an appendix attached depicting the pictures that were submitted into the record of acceptable design. (6) Service and loading areas.-Council would like property owners that front the waterside to consolidate their garbage facilities. Council asked Mr. Jacoby to review this recommendation and see if this would be allowable. At 7:58 pm Mayor Abel called for a 5-minute recess, with meeting reconvening at 8:03 pm. (7) All development within the Central DOD fronting Bay Street shall meet the following additional standard: (a) Council concurred with the following change: Existing ~1arquee -City covered walkway Council asked Mr. Jacoby to clarify language as it relates to performance bonds as follows: " ... the existing marquee City covered walkway on either side is not damaged ... " Council concurred with the following revision: " ... improvements exceeds twenty-five percent (25%) of the assessed building value, shall either replace the prior structure or propose some alternative form of cover ... " Council concurred that the covered walkway is for those properties that front Bay Street and those property that front the waterside are not required to have a covered walkway. Council left undecided the idea of extending covered walkways northward from Bay Street on building fronts along Sidney. (b) No Change May 15, 2007 Page 3 of 3 {8) Structure Height Modulation (a) Council concurred to delete the following wording: "Above thirty nine (39) feet in height ... " and concurred with the following revision: Modulation is required on each story/floor and not more than 20 feet between each modulation. (b) Council asked Mr. Jacoby to prepare language to encourage view corridors or step backs. {9) No change {10) Building Design and materials. Council concurred to implement a Design Review Board early in the development process and add an Appendix to refer to the desired design standards. Council further concurred to eliminate subdued or earthen colors and not allow all concrete or concrete tilt-ups. Mr. Jacoby will prepare language to clarify this section. NEXT MEETINGS: June 4, 2007 at 7:00 pm and June 12, 2007 at 7:00 pm. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm L-{YLo~_Ju2P-10C~t_~ Michelle Merlino, City Clerk Kim E. Abel, Mayor