06/11/2007 - Regular - MinutesPRESENT: ABSENT: City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of June 11, 2007 Kim E. Abel/ Mayor Council Members: Mayor Pro-tem Wyatt/ Chang/ Clauson/ Dilenno/ Geiger/ and Powers Council Member Putaansuu (excused) ALSO PRESENT: Public Works Director Abed 1 Planning Director Long-Woods 1 Fire Prevention Manager Rogers/ City Clerk Merlino/ Deputy Clerk Kirkpatrick/ and Assistant City Attorney Forbes. 7:03 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Deputy Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. City Clerk Merlino welcomed Deputy Clerk Kirkpatrick and stated Ms. Kirkpatrick had lots of knowledge and experience with records management and was looking forward to addressing records management issues. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to excuse Council Member Putaansuu from this meeting. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. The following Consent Item was removed from the Consent Agenda and placed into Business: • Adoption of Ordinance No's. 012-07 1 013-07 1 014-07 1 & 015-07 State Building Codes effective July 11 2007 The following Business Item was removed from the Agenda: • Adoption of Resolution No. 016-07 Repealing Resolution No. 003-06 and Establishing Certain Benefits for Non-Representative Employees The following items were added to the Business Agenda: • Parking Structures Update (Council Member Chang) • Executive Session on property/ litigation/ and personnel matters (Mayor Abel) Minutes of June 11, 2007 2 of 5 AUDIENCE COMMENTS There were no audience comments. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Geiger moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. A. Approval of Claim Warrants #47800-47911 totaling $353,904.83 and May Payroll Warrants #140657-140721 and Direct Deposits in the amount of $360,885.35. B. Minutes of the April 18, 2007 Study Session RE: Development Regulations C. Minutes of the May 29, 2007 City Council Meeting D. Approval of 2007 Fourth of July Firework Display Permit E. Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Traffic Safety Interlocal Agreement F. Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Sale and Purchase Agreement for Property Located at 980 Mitchell Avenue G. Adoption of Ordinance No's. 011 07, 013 07, 011 07 & 015 07 State Building Codes effective July 1, 2007 Moved to Business BUSINESS ITEMS Adoption of Ordinance No's. 012-07, 013-07, 014-07 & 015-07 State Building codes effective July 1, 2007 (Abed) Public Works Director Abed reviewed the changes as discussed and approved by the Public Safety Committee and City Attorney. Fire Inspector Rogers reported that the Fire District's Public Safety Committee had reviewed the language modifications and favored adoption of the 2006 Building Codes. Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Geiger seconded a motion to approve Ordinances No. 012-07, 013-07, 014-07, and 015- 07 adopting the 2006 International Building Codes effective July 1, 2007. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Approval of Application for a Public Event-Cub Scout Day Camp City Clerk Merlino provided a staff report and advised this application was reviewed by the Public Property Committee who recommended approval of the application. Minutes of June 11, 2007 3 of 5 Council members agreed that allowing the Boy Scouts use of Van Zee Park for a two-week Day Camp would provide local children with summer activities as there are no other recreation programs in place within the City of Port Orchard. Mayor Abel clarified that this was a trial program for two weeks and did not require further commitments from the City. Council Member Geiger moved and Council Member Clauson seconded a motion to approve the Application for Public Event for the Cub Scout Day Camp. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Interlocal Agreement with Kitsap County for GIS Support Planning Director Long-Woods presented the staff report and noted that the agreement would allow the City use of the County's GIS database for services such as mapping and data analysis through 2007 year-end. The use and cost of the service would be shared by Planning, Engineering, and Public Works. The Council previously approved the cost of the service as identified in the 2007 budget. Council Member Dilenno moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement with Kitsap County to provide both technical support to staff and to provide GIS mapping and data analysis as needed by the City for the year 2007. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Adoption of Ordinances Relating to Moratorium on Home Occupancy: A) Ordinance No. 016-07 Imposing a Moratorium on Signage for Home Professions Mayor Abel presented the staff report and stated that the Ordinance would impose a moratorium on home professions signage within the residential zones of the City allowing the Council to develop and adopt new regulations related to home occupations and home professions within certain residential zones of the City. Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Dilenno seconded a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 016-07 to place a Moratorium on Sign Usage by Home Occupations. Upon vote, motion failed unanimously. Council members concurred that the existing code language provided adequate explanation of sign usage by home occupations. B) Ordinance No. 017-07 Rescinding a Moratorium on Home Professions as Accessory Uses in Residential Zones Minutes of June 11, 2007 4 of 5 Mayor Abel presented the staff report and stated that the Ordinance would remove the moratorium on home professions as accessory uses within all residential zones in the City. Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 017-07 to rescind the Moratorium adopted on March 26th as to Home Professions business licenses. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. In response to Council member concerns, the City Attorney stated that the City Clerk's office would be provided with copies of the draft minutes from the subcommittee formed to draft new language regarding Home Professions and Home Occupations. The Council was invited to email or phone in any changes or suggestions to the City Attorney. Update on Parking Structures. Council Member Chang requested an update on the parking structure study. Public Works Director Abed explained the Finance Committee was looking at five possible locations. The project was still in the vision stage and the next step would be to bring the issue before the community to discuss the findings. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:44 p.m. Council moved into executive session for 30 minutes for the purpose of discussing property, litigation, and personnel issues and extended the Executive Session an additional 15 minutes. Council/Mayor Staff Report Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Chang seconded a motion to excuse Council Member Clauson from the June 25, 2007, Council meeting. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Council Member Powers reported on the Ferry Transportation System meeting. A steering committee was being created to put together a Summit for all port communities to discuss and debate the regional ferry system. That meeting will be held at the Bremerton Conference Center sometime in September. Mayor Abel reminded the Council of the Downtown Overlay District meeting on Tuesday evening and the City Clerk provided draft documentation for their review. She briefly reported on the KRCC retreat and noted that the bottom line was to provide an avenue for regional cross over discussions and to work more efficiently and effectively with resources. The Council would not meet again until September and that she would be taking over as the Chair. If anyone had any input, they are invited to contact her or Council Member Powers. Minutes of June 11, 2007 5 of 5 Planning Director Long-Woods provided a brochure on the East Kitsap Nearshore Salmon Habitat Assessment, which had been awarded a grant to conduct a baseline inventory of the East Kitsap nearshore environment, including storm water outfalls and vegetation. Data would be collected along the shoreline using a GPS data collector and digital camera and the data collected would be available to the City for use in updating the Shoreline Master Plan. Public Works Director Abed announced the City of Port Orchard received three stars out of five from the Department of Health for proper disposal of hazardous materials waste, reported staff was moving forward with securing grant funding from the Department of Transportation for various projects, and advised the Engineering position would close on June 15, 2007, with the selection process to follow shortly thereafter. In response to Council Member Powers, Public Works Director Abed advised staff was working on obtaining cost estimates for the Bay Street sidewalk work. City Clerk Merlino announced that the HR Analysist position closes on June 15th with interviews being conducted on June 28th. ADJOURNMENT At 9:02 p.m. Mayor Abel adjourned the meeting. Kim E. Abel, Mayor