07/06/2007 - Special - MinutesPRESENT: Kim E. Abel, Mayor City of Port Orchard City Council Deliberation Regarding the Downtown Overlay District July 6, 2007 Council Members: Chang, Clauson, Dilenno, Powers, and Wyatt. Council Member Putaansuu and Powers absent. ALSO PRESENT: Public Works Director Abed, Planning Director Long-Woods, City Clerk Merlino, and Assistant City Attorney Greg Jacoby. Assistant City Attorney Jacoby advised City staff is still researching the information as to what a building will cost. This information will be presented at the July 25th meeting. Assistant City Attorney Jacoby presented an outline for a possible 'Design Review Board'. After some discussion the Council concurred they do not want to hold up the draft Downtown Overlay District regulations, however want this item to move as quickly as possible. The Council established a subcommittee from the Council to review the development of the "Design Review Board". The Subcommittee members are Council Members Dilenno, Wyatt and Clauson. Planning Director Long-Woods and Assistant City Attorney Jacoby will also be members of the Subcommittee. Assistant City Attorney Jacoby further advised he will provide the Council with an updated version of the DOD regulations at the July 25th meeting. At this time the Council started their deliberations on Section 130 -Parking Requirements. Subsection (1) -Council concurred that for multifamily residential uses the parking standard shall be a minimum of 1.5 parking spaces for each dwelling unit, however when adding additional parking spaces the number will be rounded up to the next whole number. Subsection (2) -the Council concurred that except as otherwise provided in the zoning ordinance, the regulations shall specify one parking stall for every 100 sq. ft. of residential unit and 300 sq. ft. for dining and lounging areas. June 29, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Subsection (3) -Council discussed modifying the section as follows: "No new street level parking lot ... ". The Council concurred more discussion was needed. Subsection ( 4) -Council concurred to delete this section from the DOD and place within the parking ordinance. Subsection (5) -Council requested to review this section further. Subsection (6) (a) -Council concurred to change the boundaries of this section as follows: Bank Street to Seattle Avenue. Council further concurred to remove this exemption from the zoning ordinance. Subsection (6) (b)-Council made no changes to this subsection. Subsection (6) c-Council made no changes to this subsection. Subsection (7) -Assistant City Attorney advised he will contact other cities to determine what their experience is regarding "In Lieu of Payment" options. Mayor Abel asked for clarification regarding structure heights on the north side of Bay Street, when would a developer be required to step back 75% from the floor below. The Council concurred on the north side of Bay Street anything above 27 feet. At this time the Council started deliberations on Section .140 -Landscaping Requirements. Council concurred to change the boundaries for landscaping requirements as follows: Bank Street to Seattle Avenue and reflect the same change within the zoning ordinance. Next Meeting: July 25, 2007 rv 7:00 pm at City Hall Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. '~~ Michelle Merlino, City Clerk Kim E. Abel, Mayor