08/06/2007 - Special - MinutesCity of Port Orchard City Council Deliberation Regarding the Downtown Overlay District August 6, 2007 PRESENT: Rick Wyatt, Mayor Protem Council Members: Chang, Clauson, Diienno, Geiger, Powers, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: Cit y Clerk Merlino, Planning Director Long-Woods, Public Works Director Abed, and Assistant City Attorney Greg Jacoby. Council started their continued deliberations of the Downtown Overlay District as follows: Section 18.96.110-Design and Building Standards. Assistant City Attorney asked the Council for their recommendation as to when a developer would be required to apply the design and building standards. Council concurred to start the requirement at 20% of the building fac;ade and to exclude all normal maintenance and repairs to the building, except if the repairs would affect the exterior of the building. Assistant City Attorney Jacoby will revise this language in the draft document. Subsection 110(1) -No change Subsection 110(2)-No change Subsection 110(3)(a)-No change Subsection 110(3)(b) -Council concurred to recommend 30% of the building fac;ade would be measured from the street grade to top of floor. Council directed staff to review building codes to determine measurement for transparent glass. Subsection 110(3)c -Council concurred to delete the word "primary" from this section to allow for three street front sides. Subsection 110( 4) -Council concurred to have screening around dumpsters at least six feet in height. Subsection 110(5)(a)-Council concurred to delete the following language: "remodeling an existing building and the value of the improvements exceed t'Nenty five percent August 6, 2007 Page 2 of 3 (25%) of the assessed building value." Council further concurred to add language that the city-owned covered walkway shall be maintained for the life of the building in an attractive manner and well maintained. Council further concurred to not allow vinyl or soft plastic as a covered walkway. Subsection 110(5)(b) Council concurred to use the same language as modified in Subsection 110(5)(a). Subsection 110(6) (a-d) -No Changes made. Subsection 110(7) -No Change Subsection 110(8) -Assistant City Attorney distributed a handout with proposed revisions to subsection 8. Council concurred to add language in handout as well as to restore language regarding 19th and early 20th Century character, which was originally presented. Section 18.96.120 Parking Requirements Subsections 120 (1-5) -No Changes made. Subsection 120(6) -In lieu payment. Council concurred the amount of in lieu shall be at the discretion of the City. Section 18.96.130 Landscaping Requirements No changes made. Section 18.96.140 Pedestrian Walkway Requirements City Attorney will review language to determine if pedestrian walkways can be built over public right-of-ways. Council further added language "at the developers discretion." Section 18.96.150 Design Review Board Council concurred the Design Review Board needs to be adopted the same time as the Downtown Overlay District. Assistant City Attorney Jacoby will provide examples from other cities for discussion. Section 18.96.160 Appeals No changes made. This concluded the City Council's deliberations on the Downtown Overlay District. Assistant City Attorney Jacoby will provide the Council with a draft document seven to ten days prior to the August 27, 2007 Council meeting. August 6, 2007 Page 3 of 3 Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm ~~ Michelle Merlino, City Clerk Kim E. Abel, Mayor